My ex mother-in-law, a woman raised in the Mennonite faith in rural Indiana, and who didn’t have a racist bone in her body — she even spent enormous amounts of time in a prison ministry (“Black folk need da Lawd!!) —  nearly knocked me of my chair the first time I heard her refer to Brazil Nuts this way; “Stucky (not my real name) would you like some Nigger Toes“? WTF??  OK, that might have been raycisss.

Last week I became aware that many foods are vewy vewy rayciss or, can cause racism. You thought it couldn’t get any worse, didn’t you? Culinary correctness now goes well beyond the ideals of sustainable, health-aware food that doesn’t “exploit oppressed growers”. In today’s Amerika racisss microaggressions lurk on every menu!

Image result for racist food funny

NY Post story    last week reported that food service employees at New York University who were fired after serving a meal consisting of stereotypical foods to honor Black History Month. Because they were white. A snowflake skank ho’ sophmore complained about the “racially insensitive” meal in a Farcebook post, then contacted NYU’s  president Andrew Hamilton about the “ignorant” and “stereotypical” meal served.  The dastardly offensive meal featured ribs, collard greens, cornbread, yams and macaroni and cheese.

The owner of a new Chinese Cafe in NYC tweeted that her restaurant would serve “clean” Chinese-American dishes with healthier ingredients than those in traditional lo mein, which makes some people feel “bloated and icky the next day.” The Twitter mob crucified her the next few days accusing her of “racism” and “cultural appropriation.”

A USA Today article condemned “soul food”  because it refers to a slave cuisine that’s lamentably been “gentrified.”

The New Yorker says barbecue is America’s most racist food because pigs were roasted by slaves pre-Civil War for the enjoyment of whites at patriotic celebrations.

Food Nazis tried to shut down an Asian restaurant in Harlem because the owner was raised in Sweden. Since he wasn’t from Harlem he therefore had no right to claim a connection to the neighborhood or to make money there by opening a restaurant.

Burger King apologized and then yanked one of their new commercials. It was a video meant to be silly and funny — it showed mostly Asian people clumsily trying to eat its Vietnamese sweet chili tendercrisp burger with chopsticks.

Two women in a new consisting mostly of brain-dead-retards (Portland, Oregon) were bullied  into closing their burrito truck because they weren’t Mexican and were “stealing Mexican culture”.

Trump served players from NCAA Football champion team Clemson University an array of fast food.  CuNNt and a gaggle of fuktards from ESPN quickly condemned it as RAYCISS!!!

If you want more edumacation on the nature of racist food I urge you to check out a website called Racist Sandwich —> here It’s authored by a Kneegrow. Naturally.  It states;

“The Racist Sandwich podcast serves up a perspective that you don’t hear often: that both food and the ways we consume, create, and interpret it can be political. From discussions about racism in food photography blah blah blah blah”

Image result for racist food funny

Folks, here is the real reason why I am writing this.  I have been triggered. When I was a teenager in high school some nasty bully cocksuckers called me a “Kraut” (really).   That’s fucken RACIST, man!!  I want my goddamned reparations … NOW!!!

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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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April 15, 2019 11:16 am

“Kraut” is hardly an insult. Sauerkraut is both very nutritional and good for the colon. No wonder the Germans (and Austrians, of course) are so damned efficient, they must all shit like clockwork.

Das Arschloch
Das Arschloch
April 15, 2019 12:38 pm

Stucky, that was very offensive. Don’t forget: while it is merely OK to be white, it is wonderful to be German!

April 15, 2019 11:20 am

You know, you got me thinking, Stuck. I’m Polish. Of Polish descent, at least . . . and you remember all the Polack jokes from the 70’s/80’s?

I made one up when I was about 7. It went like this: There were some farmer Polacks that were planting tobacco, and when they got done at one field, they piled up in the bed of the farm truck to cross the farm to start planting the back 40. On the way, the truck had a blowout, veered off the gravel road and crashed into a pond. Everybody but the driver drowned . . . because the tailgate got stuck.

In hindsight, I am rayciss, too. And stoopid, apparently. But I’m a Polack, so I can’t help it.

April 16, 2019 1:06 am

Really? Nazi propaganda? Jeez. Had no idea that there was such a thing as nazi humor. Or laughter, either.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
April 15, 2019 2:03 pm

yeah food may be rayciss. jokes too. But we still eat the food and we still tell the jokes and those jokes are still funny, whether they are true or not.

April 16, 2019 9:56 am

My grandma was one of the people who fled the nazis. I grew up hearing “polock” jokes moreso than any other ethnicity.

Steve C
Steve C
April 15, 2019 12:10 pm

And ALL the jokes centered around only ONE theme — that Polish people are stupid.

Not all of them Stucky. How about this one?

A Polish immigrant went to the motor vehicle department to apply for a driver’s license.

First, of course, he had to take an eye test.

The clerk handed him a card with the letters


“Can you read this?” the clerk asked.

“Read it?” the Polish guy replied, “I know the guy.”

Steve C
Steve C
April 15, 2019 12:04 pm

I lived in Buffalo, NY (pronounced ‘Buff-lo’ to the natives) for a dozen years before moving to Texas over thirty years ago. At the time, Polish was the largest ethnic group in the city.

As you might expect there were a lot of Polish jokes bantered about, often by those same people, many of which had enough self-confidence to enjoy the humor of it all.

When I moved to Texas I heard the same jokes, but they simply substituted ‘Aggies’ for Polish. Go figure.

I guess it all boils down to whether or not someone is looking to be offended.

April 15, 2019 3:40 pm

One of the better Polack jokes is asking someone if they can speak Polish. When they say “No,” then the response is – “How does it feel to be dumber than a Polack?” Of course it only works if they don’t actually speak Polish.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
April 15, 2019 9:54 pm

A friend of mine from long ago claimed to have made up this Polish joke:

“How did the Polish terrorist die?”

“Faxing a letter bomb!”

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
April 15, 2019 11:25 am

We really need to start ignoring this type of stuff. Just roll your eyes at it and walk away. It is getting down right asinine.

I’m with Drud. I like sauerkraut. Anything fermented is good for you. Well, you can overdo it..you have to hang near the bathroom for a while. Ask me how I know.

  Mary Christine
April 15, 2019 11:39 am

I agree, it is time to roll your eyes and walk away form all this useless mental masturbation.

April 15, 2019 11:31 am

The Final Solution to the “rayciss food ” question: STARVE.

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
April 15, 2019 11:34 am

I’m telling you, eventually, only victims will be able to get ahead.

  Donkey Balls
April 15, 2019 1:02 pm

I’m from the south and also German, so…..I like cornbread, watermelon, fried chicken, okra, pecan pie, biscuits ‘n gravy, chicken fried steak, collard greens.sauerkraut, bratwurst, brotchen, schwartzbrodt, and Dr. Pepper. I also have some issues with keeping my weight down, wonder why? Not sure what that has to do with racism but it is heading on lunch time.

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
April 15, 2019 1:50 pm


I thought we were talking about rayciss something or other. It appears some people got fired over serving rayciss food even.

So, what I’m attempting to say is that victims get what they want.

White people need to start bringing up all the rayciss shit from or world experiences so we don’t get left behind. Sounds crazy doesn’t it.

We have gone from victors receiving the spoils to victims receiving the spoils.

Texas Patriot
Texas Patriot
April 15, 2019 7:38 pm

Damn, I could have written that exactly if you had not beat me to it. LOL

Steve C
Steve C
April 15, 2019 11:48 am

My mother always used to say that a person that is looking to be offended by something will always find it…

April 15, 2019 12:07 pm

And yet they all sit back and complain because blacks have “no access” to good, healthy food in the “hood.” Meanwhile they steal from every store owner, attack every store owner that isn’t black, pull all the shit listed above and then some, steal from the trucks that come into the hood to deliver stuff, etc. They say its racist when the whites move out when they move in, but don’t give a shit that their kids are stealing from everyone, etc.

Sounds like this Nipsey Hussle idiot suffered from the misguided belief that he could be a gang-banger, then become a wealthy rapper, then try bringing “prosperity” back to the hood, and not suffer the inevitable consequences of having to deal with the very folks he was killing and killing with.

EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
April 15, 2019 1:02 pm

Das Boot
Yokes was happy. He had been happy for so long ever since President Simpson had deported or relocated non-whites. 20 glorious years of white neighbors, white music, white men playing sports. Of course, he made every effort to scowl in front of everybody. Smiling or expressing any emotion at all was verboten. God, even the use of certain German words was a thrill. He said a silent prayer to God; thank you President Adolph Simpson!
It was the lone holiday in the land, 20 April, which was called Glory Day or Aryan Day by the old-timers. To the younger men it was simply 20 April, a day of remembrance of things now memory holed so that nothing was celebrated but the date itself. Yokes had gotten distracted by something, he had been thinking of the Great Man again and in doing so he had forgotten his briefcase. It was now five minutes after curfew when two gestapo policemen stopped him. Papers, they demanded. It was no use protesting and in fact that would be a crime. I completely lost track of time, he explained. The policemen looked at each other. We would prefer to get the facts at the station, they said.
Yokes knew he could not attempt to avoid arrest. That would mean automatic guilt; lying or evading questioning was also considered proof of guilt.
An auditor was assigned to review his file. Yokes had many positive notes in his file. A member of the white brigades, an early promoter of the alt right. There were some troubling facts as well. The auditor squinted at the small print on the file.
He turned on the small tv set in the room, with any luck Yokes would be distracted enough to reveal some secret enjoyment, a pretty woman or maybe a game would do it. He put on a game of college basketball.
You had some interaction with Quinn, I see. The auditor let that sink in, expressing no emotion or opinion by word or gesture, he wanted Yokes to talk. Yes, said Yokes.
He’s a known anti-fascist, a libertarian, I’m told.
Yokes knew it was dangerous to lie, He let me post many alt right articles.
The auditor countered, I’m sure it was because you gave him so much money and even paid for billboard ads for his site.
Those were legal at the time, said Yokes.
You expressed some interest of a sexual nature for a T4C, did you know she had a mulatto child? You also expressed a desire to visit a non-white; a so-called EC, was that also of a sexual nature? Did you intend to hit the showers together and play drop the soap?
Yokes remained quiet.
Maybe we can cover that at another time, right now, I would like to add some notes for clarification, did you say you had relations of a sexual nature with an animal, a cat? Yokes winced and the auditor made an entry in his notes.
Several days later, he came back to the same questions.
Did you know EC was not white?
He sounded white, I did not believe a non-white could be that intelligent and well-read.
However, countered the auditor, he was 5 feet 2 and diabetic. That doesn’t sound like any white I know.
The auditor made more entries in his file.

Do you believe in freedom, Yokes Boston sector 2? The auditor now used his full name for the benefit of the recorder he had turned on.
I believe in the freedom of the government to act in any way necessary to ensure our survival and the survival of our race, said Yokes.
Then you would not be offended if the state were to put you in prison?
To be offended would be a crime of individualism, if the state deemed it necessary, I could only approve.
It would make you happy?
I would be satisfied with the justice of the state in carrying out its will.
The auditor could not get Yokes to commit any crime-speak after 4 days of questioning. A good auditor, his mentor had said, can make a chair confess. He would not be able to clear Yokes without a confession of any kind.
The auditor tried a different tactic. Suppose the president were Jewish?
On the tv, the white player switched the ball from one hand to the other, he put his shoulder into the guard and went for a three-pointer.
He’s not, said Yokes. It made his skin crawl to think of the possibility. He began to feel nausea. Carelessly, he added, he would have to die. He realized his mistake too late and tried to correct it, I mean if he was Jewish, he would have to die. This was seditious talk; crime speak.
You would kill God?
You don’t understand, said Yokes, God is white. If he was Jewish, he could not be God. He would be an impostor…
The auditor was delirious with joy, finally, a crime! He let out a victorious whoop.
Both men were hanged the next morning.
Yokes for Crime-speak, the auditor for expressing joy at Yokes’ blasphemy.

  EL Cibernetico
April 15, 2019 1:40 pm

well done, EC

EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
April 15, 2019 6:54 pm

And yet, nobody was shocked that the brave new world in the story is one of total control. I was more intent on illustrating the point that Franklin made:

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

  EL Cibernetico
April 16, 2019 12:55 am

Yeah yeah it’s poetry night and you just dropped the mic; the whole lib’ary is aflicker with snapping fingers; standing O, but, but, I . . . I . . . er . . . uhm . . . you mean . . . you ain’t white?

Madam Grooch
Madam Grooch
  EL Cibernetico
April 16, 2019 6:53 am

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Which one do you feed? You can feed them both, but not at the same time.

This is a photo of what we called, as young childen, the Floodway Ditch. It is where most of the people in my family who were baptised got washed in the Blood. That water is rancid with chemical runoff now.

There are so many of my mother’s siblings in this photo I feel like I’m looking at a family reunion in the ditch. Some people called it the Big Ditch.

Petticoat Junction was uptown to us. They had a hotel.

If you want the stories you need to pay the price and say ma’am yes ma’am.

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Oh. My father took this photo in the late 1940s, after returning from his “stint” as POW in Japan for 3 and a 1/2 years, give or take a few weeks here and there. I’ve been told my own mother is in the photo, though she ain’t the one getting dipped. She is also not the one previously dipped with her dress clinging to her hinder. To be honest, I don’t search their faces (or their hinders) because they all knew me as a child. Perhaps, somewhere across another really big ditch, they still do.

It was the late 1940s thongs were things women wore on their feet when they went to the outhouse, I’ve heard.

April 15, 2019 1:17 pm

I thought Kraut and Kielbasa were a Polish tradition or was that just an early Interracial marriage?

April 15, 2019 1:46 pm

We used to be able to cut up and have fun with other races of people. Even on tv .Now one wrong word can be a career killer. Sucks but it’s the world we live in.

April 16, 2019 1:16 am

. . . Yes.

And vodka

April 15, 2019 1:45 pm

So the Asian couple in Winter Park, Florida who run the best damn pizzeria in the area should be shut down because they offend Italians who invented the stuff? What about all the Mexicans who work support staff in all the restaurants across the nation? Don’t they compromise the authenticity of the whole dining experience? They don’t you say? Oh, I get it. It’s only when white folks try to do, say “black food” or whatever that it’s culturally insensitive, right? What bullshit. That’s why I left NYC, because in the South such concerns are considered foolish and laughable. And if ya wanna argue the point then speak to my lawyer, Mr Magnum. He’s 44 and watches my home for me. Get it? Or am I being obtuse?

April 15, 2019 1:51 pm

Both my dad and his mother referred to them as nigger toes. I think it was a generational thing myself i don’t like them so i don’t have any around and haven’t for years

April 15, 2019 2:10 pm

I still remember the first time I heard the phrase “nigger toes”; it was a gentile old lady who passed that bit of information on to me at a Sprouts store.

My wide eyes got even wider when I saw the price on those suckers; with a name like that: go figger.

April 15, 2019 2:09 pm

There is the ever popular (back in the day) JooJoobees candy. Joos love ’em…….

April 15, 2019 2:13 pm

Black-Bottom Pie has been changed to Diversity Torte. However, a White Russian cocktail still stands cuz commies don’t play this stupid shit.

April 15, 2019 2:18 pm

Don’t offend the dead either and order ghoulash. It will come back and haunt you.

EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
April 15, 2019 2:35 pm

I recall the time I first heard the term bolillo (boleeyo). My buddy Gamboa used that word to refer to white guys. It was later when I went to San Antonio that I found out a bolillo is what we used to call ‘pan blanco’ in Juarez and ‘francesito’ in El Paso; a french roll.

Gamboa also called black dudes ‘chuguillas’ (shoe gee yas). It was later when I saw the movie Jungle Fever and Anthony Quinn warns John Turturro not to bring any brown chugar into the house that I realized Gamboa was calling black dudes ‘sugars’.

  EL Cibernetico
April 15, 2019 7:31 pm

Excellent cultural insight and thanks for also using phonetic spellings for the uninitiated.

  EL Cibernetico
April 16, 2019 12:05 am

Your buddy Gamboa was a racist. Oh wait, only white people can be racist. Many of the people of latin persuasion do not like people of African persuasion. They dislike them more than they dislike bolillos. Want to talk racism? Let’s discuss beans. Beaners. What’s interesting here is frijoles are a staple for both Texans and Mexicans. I know I’m home when I go to someone’s house and they have a pot of beans cooking on the stove. There is an art to cooking a fine pot of pinto beans. A bowl of beans and either cornbread or corn tortillas and a side of chopped onions and a jalapeno or two and …..heaven. Best to stay away from company for a bit after such a fine repast, though.

EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
April 16, 2019 9:41 am

My buddy was a cool dude. To call him a racist is to misunderstand the essence of his being. I would liken him to Phineas T. Phreakears.

I have no idea where you got the impression that Mexicans dislike bolillos. I have never gotten that impression from the people I have met. Those who fit your description are usually crazy already. The war, the folks at odds, perennially black and white.

  EL Cibernetico
April 17, 2019 2:04 am

Let us speak in gross generalities here. I’ve know Mexicans who hated ‘bolillos’ and called them worse than that. Ditto for white folk who hated ‘beaners.’ That broad brush isn’t fair to the normal and decent folk who don’t engage in such behaviours and, having never met your buddy and going by what you wrote, it sounds like your buddy was racist.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
April 15, 2019 2:35 pm

Pizza may have been culturally appropriated, but I like it, and I don’t care what the guineas say.

  Iska Waran
April 15, 2019 2:59 pm

And where did the word guinea come from. Personally it doesn’t offend me, even from my Mc friends.

April 15, 2019 3:13 pm

That was the price to come here on the old cattle boats. They needed a return cargo and the poor needed cheap transport.
The Irish were the first to be called that but the Italians got stuck with it because they were the last group coming over before inflation sent the price up.

April 17, 2019 11:30 pm

Thx Fleabaggs. I did not know that. Still, the way I grew up, slinging cultural insults at each other was no cause for war.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
April 15, 2019 2:39 pm

“Hey – let’s go out and get Irish food!” – said no one, ever.

  Iska Waran
April 15, 2019 3:45 pm

Doesn’t Guinness and Smithwick’s count as food?

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  Iska Waran
April 15, 2019 9:57 pm

A good shephard’s pie an’ a pint of Guinness can be very nice on a cold day.

On a related note, I also recently had haggis.. very tasty.. would order again.

  Chubby Bubbles
April 16, 2019 12:02 am

not many things better than a shepherd’s pie or a chicken pot pie–
what the hell are haggis?

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
April 16, 2019 12:28 am

er… sheep’s stomach stuffed with ground mutton, offal, and oatmeal.

The version I had probably left out the offal, and was made in some other kind of casing.

  Chubby Bubbles
April 16, 2019 1:07 am

Ersatz haggis, I’ve now heard it all. Without the offal and sheep stomach you had oatmeal and mutton. The nastiest ‘food’ on the planet is lutefish. There’s also rotted shark meat that’s been buried for awhile and boiled herring. There’s some food that just to smell it cooking churns the stomach. KIdneys come to mind.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
April 16, 2019 1:34 am

Next time our friends slaughter a lamb, I’ll try to make it myself. I don’t have a problem with offal per se. One of my other half’s faves is lamb innards with artichokes (traditional Roman spring dish). Have made a paté from spleen (tastes like liver). Most interesting food I have had is suckling veal intestines. They are full of digested milk, so it’s like eating a chewy cheese sausage. Traditionally served in tomato sauce with a pasta like rigatoni, in a dish called “pajata” (pie-ah-tah).

In Italy, you can get all this stuff from the butcher. Here, you have to know someone who’s slaughtering on-farm.

April 16, 2019 7:02 pm

lutefish is my fav fish dinner tbh..

April 15, 2019 2:57 pm

Don’t forget the insurance company TV commercial 30 years ago, casted to convey the stereotype DP as the cab hack, who picks up a suit in the business district.

Where do ya work? he asks the fare…

(Life insurance company)

Cabby says: Oh, yeah? I got an uncle from dere. Or, is it Krakow?
…with a perplexed look on his mug.

I’m sure that got yanked after some objection by prominent Poles.

Hey, if all other ethnicities defend themselves with pride, the skis should be able to also.

Her whattaya say about a one armed Italian making no sense?
He has a speech impediment.

Know why the modern Italian Navy has glass bottom boats?
So they can see the old Italian Navy.

Try the pierogi. I’m here all weekend. Tip your waitresses.

April 15, 2019 3:00 pm

Stosh, how may pollocks does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

April 15, 2019 3:25 pm

None. They invite a Mick over, and have him grab the bulb, and drink until the room starts spinning.

April 15, 2019 5:28 pm

The fire started by accident. My white ass. Maybe they can cook some culturally inappropriate rayciss pork hot dogs in the fire. Then wheel out the guillotine. For muzzies and muzzie lovers like macron.

A symbol of the West is burning. How appropriate.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
April 15, 2019 8:33 pm

If it’s the muzzies, the Kaaba in Mecca should be bombed.

April 15, 2019 6:36 pm

One wonders if the Christchurch mosque shooter in New Zealand was the spark. Tit for tat and all that. Raising the stakes til the whole worlds shakes. They’ll say it was a priest with a grudge. Workplace violence. Or a propane tank explosion caused by the nuns cooking Easter dinner. Otherwise, they’ll have a crusade on their hands, no?

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
April 15, 2019 9:07 pm

Renovation work around 52 acres worth of 850 year old timbers. Accident waiting to happen. If there can be a cultural tragedy, this is one.

  Harrington Richardson
April 18, 2019 6:37 am

Not to mention that the trees that were used to make the timbers were some of the oldest in Europe at the time.

Madam Grooch
Madam Grooch
April 16, 2019 7:26 am

Das Boot (nice reference only someone come of age in 1980s could fully grasp.)

Nick came out to tell me yesterday when I was raking the goat pen. I considered coming into the house and thought better of it.

I’m playing hide and seek with you know who… I saw his little story and decided to give him a “freebie” editing job which NO ONE gets exclusively these days.

However, Sunday really is a comin’ and so is that Holy of Holies… the day I don’t have to SHUT UP and PLAY NICE any more unless I want to. Whatever giving up bitchy for Lent means, it looks like I did it. Well, if I can just make it six more days… April 22 is D-Day.

I’m listening to this in the background of my life.

Have a good day, dear Sir.

EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
  Madam Grooch
April 16, 2019 3:58 pm

Your supposed to give it up entirely, not just for a period of 40 days. Didn’t you see what happened to Noah when he gave up wine for a spell and then planted some grapes and got drunk?

April 15, 2019 3:43 pm

I was at least in my early-teens before I knew what the true name for brazil nuts was. All I had ever heard was ‘nigger-toes’. At that point of my life, I had met/encountered maybe 3 or 4 blacks in all.

April 15, 2019 4:10 pm

this isn’t racist is it?

Sorry for not calling you on New Years, but I just got out of jail. I was locked up for punching the hell out of this idiot at a party. In my defense, when you hear an Arab counting down from 10 your instincts kick in.

Tom Foolery
Tom Foolery
April 15, 2019 6:00 pm

Times have changed.

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  Tom Foolery
April 16, 2019 1:27 am

From an old advertisement for Carnation Milk (in response to the Borden)

I got me a can of Carnation milk in my hand,
And I guarantee it’s the best in the land,
no tits to pull, no hay to pitch,
just punch a hole in the son-of-a-bitch.

. . . no, it ain’t rayciss but it, er, “bitch”

April 15, 2019 6:05 pm

I don’t know which is worse…..the fools that are ‘offended’ by anything and everything……..or the fools who roll over at the first ‘complaint’

April 15, 2019 7:12 pm

My lawd, my mother used to tell my brother, “Now don’t you go and pick all of the nigger toes out of that can of mixed nuts.” I haven’t heard or read that name for years. It’s a hoot that Stuckey would mention that rayciss food name. When I was a kid I found that name to be funny. Even my Episcopalian grandma called them that.

April 15, 2019 7:13 pm

Why haven’t they banned Mrs. Butterworths syrup? The bottle is racist.

April 15, 2019 7:27 pm

And ol’ Betty Crocker is going to look fabulous in a burqa:

April 15, 2019 8:49 pm

Is it ok to like watermelon? And fried chicken? Because I do.

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
April 15, 2019 8:54 pm

Of course it is. Awesome food stuffs.

April 15, 2019 11:14 pm

How about some Cajun. Boudreaux and Thibodeaux are volunteer firemen in their small Louisiana town responding to a house fire. They arrive to find heavy smoke pouring out and the neighbors report that there are two people inside. They bravely rush in and rescue two individuals unconscious from smoke inhalation. CPR is started and after a few minutes Thibodeaux looks over and sees Boudreaux sucking this guys dick and yells” Boudreaux what the hell are you doing? You are supposed to be giving mouth to mouth!” Boudreaux replies ” Well thats how it all started”

April 16, 2019 12:09 am

thanks dennis,
i just sent this out as my own joke–what’s a little plagiary among friends?

April 15, 2019 11:24 pm

In Jersey, this a raccoon..


April 16, 2019 4:22 pm

“BLINK Muthafucka!” lmao the guy was scared shitless.

April 16, 2019 12:29 am

I’m opening up a Soul Food Mexican Restaurant. I’m calling it Nacho Momma’s .

Madam Grooch
Madam Grooch
April 16, 2019 5:33 am

The boxes are all in the mail for better or worse and I believe it’s for better.

In the box are some items which probably stand up well with your point. One box contains sealed cans of dried food canned at the Bishop’s Kitchen, OKC, during our frantic run to store some food for TEOTWAWKI before it was too late. As it turned out, the canneries across the country were forced to change their policy about letting people schedule the cannery and purchase the food as part of their community outreach.

Most of this food is not available now. I know. I made a recent trip to Oklahoma and wanted more of the dried apples for Apple Pie in a Jar. Well, guess what? Due to government regulations…. yada yada yada.

So, I’m learning to dehydrate and store my own.

And, am getting rid of some of these beans if any of you monkeys wants to buy some of them and pay it forward to Jim Quinn, Champion of Free Speech no matter how worthless it really is. I know how much it costs to send them now, because the farmer is getting some samples later this week. (Along with EC’s can of refried beans.)

Because, sometimes, even amongst the most worthless of thoughts sits a mustard seed. Perhaps, my big lumberjacklooking friend from New Jersey, instead of chopping the tree down, you and I could help nurture one back to life.

Or fucking die trying.

Did you know there is a difference in male eggs and female eggs, according to the old guy who rents the green house we can’t see from here?

Can you see it? I grew up gathering eggs from nests and nooks and crannies in barns but never had heard that the pointed eggs are the male/rooster eggs, while the round ones are the hens. I don’t know if it is true but he said his granny taught his momma who taught him to pull the boy eggs from the brooders and he could start his own business. I went up there when I heard his common law wife had a stroke and was home-bound. She was. Poor thing. He showed me how he’d turned the old barn into a great big chicken house. He had several hundred dozen organic eggs he sold at the market each week. Uh… the market behind the hardware open 6 a.m. Saturday until people sell all their stuff when they have stuff to sell. Cash and Carry, mostly. We are really country bumpkin hick around here.

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EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
  Madam Grooch
April 16, 2019 4:34 pm

Champion of Free Speech no matter how worthless it really is.

Somebody is cranky

April 16, 2019 6:43 am

True story:

A friend’s daughter was just starting to talk really well. Her favorite candy was a Snicker . Unfortunately she couldn’t say Snicker…she called it Nigger .

One day my friend was in line at the grocery store when her daughter looked at her and said I want a nigger…pointing to the Snickers . A black lady was right there and my friend apologized for her daughter’s use of words ( the girl was still saying I want a nigger the whole time ).

The black lady apparently wasn’t insulted and thought the whole thing was pretty funny .

That was 20 plus years ago. I doubt that the same situation would be a laughing matter to some of the Snowflakes today .

old white guy
old white guy
April 16, 2019 7:39 am

Three words for all those “triggered” by racist food, GET OVER IT!

Word to the Wise
Word to the Wise
April 16, 2019 3:24 pm

NEVER Did They Want You To See THIS:  The Video That EXPOSES Their Ultimate Hypocrisy!

Where the hatred comes from….must see video.

P.S. The advertising on these pages are waaaayyyy below TBP standards. Then again….

Word to the Wise
Word to the Wise
April 16, 2019 3:28 pm

Better video -= What “they” don’t want you to see – Where the hatred REALLY comes from –

April 16, 2019 4:03 pm

Amish surf nazis remind me Hassidic diamond merchants with buggies instead of Mercedes. Can we just now let the Chinese let the run things for awhile?

EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
April 16, 2019 4:18 pm

Chico, please apply to the Mama Grooch school of remedial English and free editing service.

  EL Cibernetico
April 16, 2019 9:46 pm

My bad……damn Chinese made computer ads kaput.

April 16, 2019 8:02 pm

Gets me thinking about fast food chains, jack in the box, do they really have a Mexican stock owner representing the taco’s being sold, or a person of Japanese decent on the board of directors bringing equality to Teriyaki bowls ? this info needs to be in the hands of lawyers and State funded investigators, and local media please lets get to the bottom of it all…. because all I’ve seen of the owner is a big headed white guy…..

April 16, 2019 8:44 pm

I think that pop-eyed nigger is culturally appropriating caucasians because he’s wearing a suit and tie instead of a leopard skin. Plus, his eyes are white. They need to be brownish.


April 17, 2019 1:46 am

When will the NAACP change its name to the NAAPOC?

April 17, 2019 2:20 am

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carolina peter
carolina peter
September 7, 2019 6:55 pm

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April 26, 2019 10:04 am

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