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Ham Roid
Ham Roid
June 29, 2019 9:28 am

It is already too late for any action to prevent Google’s effective manipulation of the upcoming election. It should have been addressed by the likes of Paul Ryan or even Trump long before now. If Google succeeds in planting the candidates that suit their bias, there will be no legislative path back.

Throw the names Clinton and Bush in with the names already mentioned and compare them to Jefferson and Washington. I call it a comparison of “Founders and Losers.”

June 29, 2019 10:58 am

Here’s what I do not/cannot understand in regards to the temper-tantrums for the left: Why? Other than talk against immigration (which OBVIOUSLY has not slowed even one iota), he has been rendered pretty much powerless by activist judges to DO anything thus far . . . so nothing has changed since the last guy; other than talk about troop draw-downs in the middle east that have materialized to what, a few thousand people getting shuffled somewhere else; other than, so far, keep us off of yet another “front” in Iran; other than avoid war with North Korea, war with Russia, and, so far, kinetic war with China (all of which are good, right?) . . . what has Trump actually done that affects the daily lives of any of these crybabies? Cut their taxes on the front end? Reduce some regulations so that some of the actual, productive companies have an easier time staying in business? Nix a really crappy trade deal that would allow these corporations to truly rule over us like the godlets they want to be? Keep us out of a war for which “they” will have to reinstate the draft and ship these cucks off to die?

I keep trying and trying, and I just can’t understand the disconnects. They are so triggered, so offended, so confrontational . . . why? (Would Hillary be their participation trophy? Look at her in the WH and be all feely cuz they “won”?) Just. Don’t. Get. It.

And, i don’t know that the anonymous whistleblower will ever be revealed . . . but I think it’s a woman, not a man. Something about the diction, breathing, pattern of speech. Have listened to it three times since PV went public with it, and my initial reaction is unchanged: it’s a woman.

June 29, 2019 11:24 am

Go to google and type in ‘congenital idiot pics’ and up comes rows of photos of Donald Trump. Google is a joke, a very unfunny joke. They have now scrubbed most natural health/ alternative medicine sites.
Project Veritas reveals: Google surreptitiously manipulates its search results and auto-suggestions to conform to a very specific set of sociopolitical and economic agendas intended to manipulate elections and promote private interests

Not only do they steal all personal info, they push an agenda, a progressive agenda of socialism and totalitarianism. Go find and sign up with other search engines….

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
June 29, 2019 5:18 pm

If Obama could just air-lift thousands of Somalis directly into MN and ME… Why can’t Trump use his executive powers to seal the border? He could, and he has even threatened to do so.. but he won’t.

June 29, 2019 2:10 pm

It does seem the heat has been turned up in the kitchen. But, at the same time, what Tucker so competently described presents like a cinematic plot unfolding. And like he so aptly pointed out: Where’s the resistance to this Orwellian bullshit?

I have a theory and I may write about it soon. It centers around what I have perceived as “implied consent”.

June 29, 2019 7:38 pm
Henry Ford
Henry Ford
June 29, 2019 7:47 pm

It is great to see Google exposed. At least now we know who they are and their goals.
We can fight back against the Google censorship by simply refusing to use their product. It’s called a boycott. Eliminate Google as a search engine option in your browser (any browser), on your computer or phone. It literally takes just a few minutes. You will then be amazed at the variety of hits your search returns from a fair and open search, rather than just what Google wants you to see. Here are instructions to take action for some of the more popular browsers.
Internet Explorer
1. Click on the tools icon (gear)
2. Click on “Manage Add-ons”
3. Click on “Search Providers”
4. Click on “Google”, then on “remove”.
1. Click on the “…” icon (settings and more), or use alt-x
2. Click on “settings”
3. Scroll down and click on “View Advanced Settings”
4. Scroll down and click on “Change Search Engine”
5. Click on “Bing”, the default for Edge, or your choice of search engine and then set as default.
1. Click on the icon that looks like three horizontal bars to open menu
2. Click on options (gear)
3. Click on “Search”
4. Under the “default search engine” drop down, make your non-Google choice
5. Under the “One Click” search engines, highlight “Google” and click on “Remove”
1. Click on the icon that looks like three horizontal bars (customize and control Brave)
2. Click on “Settings”
3. Click on “Search Engine”
4. Under “Search Engines used in the address bar” drop down menu, select your non-Google choice.
For your phone, here is a site that provides good instructions:

How to Change the Default Search Engine on Your Android or iOS Device