It Is Really Hard To Tell How Many Believers We Have Here

It might be interesting to see where this comes from.

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July 8, 2019 6:11 am
July 8, 2019 7:24 am

Thanks, this viddy repairs some of the brain damage encountered watching the previous post about the flat earth society. Succinct summation of those names I learned in physics classes. And a gruesome reminder of historical religiosity.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
July 8, 2019 7:58 am

The answer is not hard to understand if that’s really what you’re looking for. The people in positions of authority (academics, scientists and the FedGov that funds them all) have zero credibility. To believe what they say is foolish if not outright stupid. The other factor is that perception forms our worldview and perceptually, to a human being, the world is flat. It looks flat, we use levels to determine what is flat (not slightly arced), planes flying in opposite directions from the spin of the Earth arrive at their destinations in the same time, completely unaffected by the rotational velocity of a spinning globe, etc. More importantly, no one has the opportunity to actually look at the Earth from space to prove what their senses cannot perceive. Until that time and absent a massive and major change in the veracity of authoritative organizations who control the data we have no access to, people will believe what the evidence they are able to obtain leads them to conclude is true.

  Hollywood Rob
July 8, 2019 9:16 am


An irony is that one of HSF sayings is “you believe what you want to believe” …

The video was pretty good, short and straight forward, and I didn’t know that the circumference of the earth had already been measured to 1% accuracy so many hundreds (thousands?) of years ago.

July 8, 2019 2:07 pm

Don’t denigrate HSF, because you do not have the reading comprehension to understand that his entire comment was a long way to say: “People believe what they want to believe and are right to be skeptical of authority”.

  Hollywood Rob
July 8, 2019 9:49 am

the fact that you believe that ships disappear from view as they seemingly sail away over a curve only proves that you have no idea about perspective and our limited range of view.

  Hollywood Rob
July 8, 2019 11:57 am

i watched the vid. you’re wrong.
ships that “disappear” can be brought back into view utilizing zoom lenses and/or telescopes, hulls and all. that you’ve never investigated this does make it not true.
using an infrared lens to filter out some muck we are able to see objects at distances that would be impossible to see on a round earth, at least at the size we’re told the globe is.
maybe you’re not aware of the curvature calculation given to us by your scientism high priests: 8 in per mile squared.
their numbers don’t work. see below:

  Hollywood Rob
July 8, 2019 12:24 pm

you prove nothing in your response, claim the formula i posted is wrong, but you even get that wrong:

read for comprehension. in order to do that, sometimes you have read beyond the first sentence.

  Hollywood Rob
July 8, 2019 5:27 pm

your equation would be for one mile, or for one mile at a time, not for curvature over a distance >1 mile.
if you would’ve run some quick numbers using your calculation you would’ve quickly noticed that they don’t make sense, and that you are in fact wrong.

July 8, 2019 5:37 pm


best stay away from maff.
Ain’t your strong suit…

  Hollywood Rob
July 9, 2019 10:15 am

your tone-deafness and overall density are quite stunning.
you’ve been arguing with yourself.
i didn’t pull that formula from some flat earth math book. it’s a recognized equation that’s used in mainstream science. there are other, more complex, equations that are more accurate over long distances. you obviously haven’t taken the time to look those up, but i absolutely encourage you to do so.
what you will find, regardless of the equation, is that they don’t match reality. they work on paper based on a globe model.
you’re “honing your skills”? yes, you have some honing to do…

  Hollywood Rob
July 9, 2019 1:43 pm

That is fucken hilarious!
Yep I wuz right aboot czed..

Maff… Not his strong suit..

And the best part is he took great pains to flesh, or moar to the point, flush out his ignorance….


square of the mile!


Elastic Cranium (EC)
Elastic Cranium (EC)
July 8, 2019 6:27 pm

This video purports to prove a flat earth by comparing objects less than 200 miles apart. Then he tries to explain away the missing base of mountains with some horizon bullshit instead of admitting that a mountain is as good as a ship’s mast in the horizon. Statistically speaking, he has too small of a sample.

If objects really were on the same level plane, radar would be obstructed by ground clutter returns. Bouncing radio signals off the ionosphere would be unnecessary as a little more power would overcome the nonexistent curvature of the earth. If the imaginary circumference of the earth is ~25,000 miles, it would be a simple trick to install a telescope on a tall tower and we could peer into the darkness on the other side of the earth platter.

One flatlander explained that the ice shelf contains the oceans and another philosopher proposed that a dome contains the atmosphere, leaving gravity with nothing to do except keep objects on the ground. That kind of science is one giant step for mankind.

  Elastic Cranium (EC)
July 8, 2019 6:31 pm

and a compass can’t work either on a flat earth…

Elastic Cranium (EC)
Elastic Cranium (EC)
July 8, 2019 6:47 pm

And time can’t go slower along the equator.

Maybe Whamm-o was trying to tell us something about our own terrestrial frisbee flying around in an eternal loop in space.

  Hollywood Rob
July 8, 2019 9:54 am

Yes, I have flown it. Many, many, many times. And, the view from about 35,000 feet over the North Pole is quite similarly distorted by cloud cover and atmospheric conditions as it is from the mid-Atlantic, or, gasp, over un-mentionable regions in South America which we may or may not have had permission to surveil for purposes which may or may not have been related to anti-drug operations leading up to and including the Invasion of Panama, which involves a look at the equatorial route, which is interesting as well.

It is also a very crystal clear look down at the coastlines where all sorts of big fish can be seen.

I am/was also a 9-level (evaluator) radar troop and understand the idea and theory of Beyond the Horizon Radar Pulse versus the Pulsed Doppler signal mixed to establish speed and heading. So, I understand the “over the horizon” theory of the round earth and how the signal bounces back from over the horizon only through atmospheric conditions, and so on.

I also had a 50 foot communications cord as an onboard fire fighter and could access any and all windows on that airplane, including those in the belly of the airplane, where the big radar klystrons developed the enormous radar pulse that could literally reach halfway around the world, IF the world were indeed round.

I looked out all those windows and will agree with the farmer it looks rather flattish from 30K to 50K feet. But, you would have to be an engineer to do the math and figure out just how far a human eye can see on a clear day from the window of an E-3.

I never flew over the South Pole. Nor do I know anyone who claims to have done so. I know people who claim to have buzzed Air Force One with the President onboard and I know at least one idiot pilot who dropped an E-3 a thousand feet without warning just to let us “mission crewbies” know what it felt like to fly a fighter. (He was actually assigned TDY to the AWACS contingent in Panama when we invaded over the Noriega thing.)

What? You didn’t know there was an AWACS contingent in Panama? Well, that’s because it was a sneaky, sneaky thing. NATO AWACS supported that mission, with Alaska “assisting.”

So, yes… the world is round according to all the scientific data.

Yet, looking out the window of my Air Force Office long ago and far away (Iceland)… it all looks quite flat.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Hollywood Rob
July 8, 2019 11:17 am

“I can understand people who chose to take a biblical stance on a flat earth. If they are willing to entertain the lunatic conclusion that there is a god in heaven, then there is no limit on the lunacy that they can accept.”

I’m your huckleberry…

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Hollywood Rob
July 9, 2019 11:23 am

I watched the video, that’s funny!

“If your great great great great great grandfather was an amoeba, you might be a dumbfuk…”

Not bad, eh?

  Hollywood Rob
July 8, 2019 12:47 pm

Arguing with Flat Earthers? ……. WHAT’S THE FUCKEN POINT, ROB????

Would you spend so much time and effort arguing with someone who thought The Great Pumpkin in the Peanuts cartoons was actually a real character? I hope not — some “arguments” are just to goddamned stupid to get involved with.

Unless, of course, you’re just trying to stir some shit. In that case … carry on!!

Elastic Cranium (EC)
Elastic Cranium (EC)
July 8, 2019 1:44 pm

Arguing with Flat Earthers is like arguing with reparations folks or never-Trumpers or 9/11 conspiracists, oh wait, I’m a truther. Strike that.

  Elastic Cranium (EC)
July 8, 2019 2:47 pm

Do you know there were people in Oklahoma who believed the Murrah Building attack was from outer space?

And, did you know my neighbors claimed to have been abducted by aliens during a trip to Montana? It was a really hilarious story…

I had a new baby and the nice neighbor lady offered to babysit and give me a chance to shop for Christmas. Once inside, I noticed an odd assortment of images on one wall but she assured me she would explain later. I should go shop and return to feed the baby in a couple of hours.

So, a couple hours later I returned to check on my baby and she told me how the family had been abducted in Montana the previous year and those photos of the lights streaking across the desert were alien space ships.

And, then, I met her husband who believed he had been “examined” on a spaceship and that they had taken his sperm.

Seriously, they believed the aliens visited them there in Oklahoma, keeping an eye on their children. Like benevolent protectors.

It it any wonder I’m half crazy or half nuts?

  Hollywood Rob
July 9, 2019 11:35 am

“If you can’t convince people that the earth is spherical how can you ever hope to convince people that Hillary Clinton is a communist?”

It’s worse than that. I am firmly convinced that I can not convince 99.99% of anyone of anything. I write in hopes of convincing the .01% … of something, anything.

We live in a nearly perfectly polarized world. At least I do. In politics especially. I don’t give a goddamned flying fuck about ANYTHING a Demoncrap has to say. Ever.

For example, I record every Tucker Carlson episode. Whenever he has a guest Demoncrap — especially that fat fucker who worked for Hillcunt — I fast forward. If he has clips of Demons talking, I fast forward. My mind is made up …. they all suck Diseased Donkey Dick, and I hope they all choke to death on a bag of dicks.

Of course, almost all Demons feel that way about ME!

And that’s why the day is a comin’ when one of us is gonna hafta kill the other.

  Hollywood Rob
July 8, 2019 2:06 pm

Even your first sentence is a demonstrable lie. I know because I study neuroscience. I stopped reading your comment then.

Elastic Cranium (EC)
Elastic Cranium (EC)
July 8, 2019 2:42 pm

I read that mental patients who were unable to follow nonverbal miscues were able to tell when president Reagan was lying. Do you have a mental condition that allows you to tell when M G is lying?

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
  Hollywood Rob
July 9, 2019 1:50 pm

Not sure what’s going on with you Rob, you always seemed so level headed in the past but these days you’re so easily triggered and always seem very angry about responses from people who disagree with you.

Like I said, believe what you want but don’t expect me to find any of your examples particularly compelling. I cannot see what other people see, so telling me about the thousands of astronauts who have “seen” the globe Earth isn’t a proof for me- They are Government employees, their entire purpose in life is controlled by their employers. They say something that counters the narrative they can’t go get a job with some other astronaut company down the street, so they have what twain referred to as corn pone opinions, dictated by the people they feed off of. And they lie, all the time and never seem to be be repentant, nor explain the purpose behind their deceptions.

Not that I care what their motives are- I don’t, motives have never interested me, only actions. If you’re a liar, or a thief, or some other form of charlatan or faker who takes advantage of the trusting nature of others, who cares if it was done out of spitefulness or playful bullshitting, the result is the same.

I watched your video- two minutes of ham-fisted log-rolling for his patron hawking cheap razors followed by his first thirty seconds on the topic telling a lie.

“…a decent percent of the human population has known definitively thst the Earth was roughly spherical for over two thousand years.”

Does that sentence sound accurate? When someone says “knows”, the implication is that it has been proven by personal experience. I know that water boils at 212 degrees because I’ve boiled water and used thermometers to measure water temperatures since I was a child. I’d say that I know that fact definitively, so it wouldn’t be dishonest if I were to say it to someone. But he says something that A) he cannot possibly know (almost everyone who ever lived during that 2,000 year period is dead, and the ones alive today are far too numerous for the bald guy with crooked teeth and the wrinkled shirt to have ever contacted, much less surveyed. So why say it? Because he’s trying to set up the premise that to be in disagreement with him means you can’t be part of the in-crowd, the cool kids of the last 2,000 years who know definitively that the Earth is a sphere. And of course even if it were true that this decent percentage believed it, they simply could not know it unless they have seen it with their ow two eyes, which clearly not even a minute, infinitesimal number of human beings have ever had the opportunity to do. And because 2,000 years ago a single man devised a method whereby he deduced the size of the planet hardly means that the information spread beyond a very, very small circle of people for a very, very long time.

And so I stopped giving him the benefit of the doubt. He chose what point to launch into his argument and he decided what information he felt was his most effective tool in enlightening the hopelessly stubborn into accepting his world view and it was- for me at least- one of the most ineffective opening gambits I’ve ever seen in this debate. I don’t care about majority opinions, routinely dismiss appeals to authority and flatly reject rhetorical devices used in logical arguments. It doesn’t mean he’s wrong or that I’m right- and you’ll notice at no point have I made any effort to try and convince anyone of what I believe to be true or false, only to clarify what I see as the major reasons that anyone would no longer trust in the official narrative about the size/shape/dimensions of the planet I happen to live upon. Even liars tell the truth from time to time, but that doesn’t persuade me to accept what they say about anything. If you steal from me, you’ll no longer be trusted, if you lie to me, you will not be believed. That is my choice to make, but it isn’t my fault. Sabe?

I don’t personally care what size/shape or dimension the Earth is because experience has proven to me beyond any shadow of a doubt that my perception of it has no effect on it and it’s reality or falsehood has no impact upon my life. The Sun comes up, the seasons change and my life goes on no matter what set of physical laws govern those phenomenon. Where I live my life the world is flat- the horizon, the water, the levels and plumbs by which I construct my barns and sheds. On a human level there is no arc, no curve, no globe and it doesn’t change our lives one iota.

If you just want to feel superior, go ahead. You’re smarter than everyone else, you know more, and you’re superior in every way and you show it every time you insult their intelligence, sincerity, authenticity, and motives. Only you know the full scope of what’s going on in the world and that was the purpose of this exercise, a dominance display.

Consider yourself the winner.

  Hollywood Rob
July 9, 2019 2:46 pm

Why so angry?

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
  Hollywood Rob
July 9, 2019 3:31 pm

“In what way are you any different at all from the Antifa folks?”

And I thought that the response I got from the publisher was hurtful.

You sent me that lovely maple baton and it has been a prized possession of mine since it arrived, but this thing you are going through now makes me question the intent of your having sent it to me in the first place. That was a hell of a lot of intentional nastiness in that response, more than I am used to getting from someone who I consider somewhat of a friend, albeit virtual.

If you’d like I will return it to you. It seems like you may have been mistaken about the kind of person you think I am and I wouldn’t want to have you regret your act of kindness.

Entropic Chaos (EC)
Entropic Chaos (EC)
  Hollywood Rob
July 9, 2019 5:19 pm

Those guys did not turn tail and run. How can we trust your science if you are so delusional?

  Hardscrabble Farmer
July 9, 2019 3:09 pm

“the bald guy with crooked teeth and the wrinkled shirt”

I resemble that. I am hairing and hearing impaired. And had an incompetent orthodontist. And I wear what comes out of the clothes dryer. I have not ironed anything in over a decade. But you surmised that already I’m sure.

Any of your folks ever wear orthodontic appliances?

It is said being low on testosterone or being an alcoholic protects a person from balding.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
July 9, 2019 3:24 pm

He has what they used to call a perfect face for radio.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
July 10, 2019 11:04 am

Not only is my physiognomy a bit whacked but my bilateral maxillary constriction resulting from iatrogenic orthodontics creating a speech impediment made worse by my hearing impairment leading to loss of proper sibilant speech patterns, gives me a face and voice perfect for commenting on blogs. I offer my self deprecating humor as acknowledgement of my appreciation for your contributions. And hope you can crack a smile at my expense.

Entropic Chaos (EC)
Entropic Chaos (EC)
July 9, 2019 4:25 pm

I don’t drink. If my testosterone keeps dropping, I will be one long haired diva.

  Hollywood Rob
July 8, 2019 7:58 pm

Where’s all the satellites ?

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
  Hollywood Rob
July 9, 2019 1:59 pm

I took my kids to see a movie last night and I watched the Earth being destroyed. It seemed very real, but I was pretty sure that it wasn’t.

I agree that NASA does a kick ass job with the globe video/Yanni score, but it proves nothing because the source cannot be trusted. I wish that it were so, but my code does not allow for trust to be placed with those who violate it and show no signs of repentance.


Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
  Hollywood Rob
July 9, 2019 2:22 pm

You are a very, very bright guy, I know that, but you seem to get stuck on the difference between “know” and “believe”.

I do not know that there are people in space right now, I’m told that there are, but it could easily be green screens and dive pools and zero-G NASA planes creating the effects in order to deceive us for God knows what reason.

Asking me to provide you with the possible reasons behind their agenda is beyond retarded. Governments lie because that is their MO. They are thieving, violent, manipulative, irrational, criminal enterprises bent on enforcing their will against the mass of their populations by the use of threats and force. I don’t operate that way so I can’t fathom their motives, but that they are what I described is simply a Truth with a capital T.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Hardscrabble Farmer
July 8, 2019 11:14 am

Don’t forget to include scripture which supports “non-globe” and “non-heliocentric” universal models.

Entropic Chaos (EC)
Entropic Chaos (EC)
  Hollywood Rob
July 9, 2019 5:32 pm

Robbie, you are so close to the edge of genius or madness; you are so impressed with yourself that you say stupid things. Did you forget that Noah was the first seaman? Paul almost went down on a boat. Jonah was thrown overboard. Jesus recruited fishermen who knew about boats. At one time, the Mediterranean was the world’s only sea and it was located somewhere near every country that Alexander conquered, even Israel.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
July 8, 2019 2:57 pm

The earth doesnt look flat though. What I say to anyone who thinks the earth seems flat is imagine the earth was a giant cylinder, flat when you look north and south, but curved to the east and west. On such a planet, if you climbed to a high place and looked to the south you’d see literally forever, until you got to the mountains. If there was a city 500 miles to the south, and no big hills inbetween, you could look through a telescope and see buildings that are 500 miles away. And it would be real, not refractions like the chicago skyline across lake michigan. You’d be able to look through your scope every day and always see it. But turn your scope to the east or west and boom, you see basically nothing. Turn the scope north and again, you’d see for hundreds of miles to the mountains (or wherever the cylinder ends)

July 8, 2019 3:01 pm

So great a big enuf telescope and one will be able to see Valhalla!
Praise Odin soon the promised land will be in site.

Just need a GoFundme…

Jason Mull
Jason Mull
July 8, 2019 8:21 am

Count me as one of the many that no longer believe in spinning-ball-theory.

  Jason Mull
July 8, 2019 2:10 pm


Entropic Chaos (EC)
Entropic Chaos (EC)
  Hollywood Rob
July 9, 2019 2:09 pm

Could you give us the names of those people, for the record?

  Entropic Chaos (EC)
July 9, 2019 9:27 pm

Yes. We concur with the pleasant racist.

July 8, 2019 8:27 am

They need the endless space, and billions of years for the evolution theory. It’s the same trick, they even talk about the evolution of the universe! By the way, you always know the author of some FE related media is a shill or moron, if a disc in space is shown, there is no space in this believe system. I myself don’t have the answer, the earth is flat until the horizon, but what does a fish know about water. The explanations of science are not convincing, explosion from nothing, climate hysteria, what pictures do we even get from space?etc…
I recommend this channel, he draws the big picture, evolution, simulation theory, quantum physics, New Age, conscious field:

22winmag - Trump is a psyop and Q is lead actor
22winmag - Trump is a psyop and Q is lead actor
July 8, 2019 10:48 am

Without wading in the Flat Earth discussion cesspool, I’ll just say if “they” can totally fake a Ted Bundy, moon landings, and atomic weapons, and get the masses to believe in such nonsense, the natural progression is to step it up a notch with crazier stuff.

The crap “they” both promote and expect you to swallow will always grow bigger and smellier decade after decade.

In many cases, it matters not whether it is “true” or not, but whether it wastes tim resources, confuses you, and ties up your mental resources that could be better spent elsewhere.

Better spent elsewhere- like pondering faked serial killers, our utterly Israel-first CONgress, and the actions of a clowning Commander in Chief who salutes NK Generals.

Anyway… Ted’s first murder trial was a bench trial? He almost exclusively killed wealthy/connected young Jewish women? I can already see where this is going. Perhaps he is just another actor keeping the masses, especially the womenfolk, in a constant state of alarm.

The brick wall behind by curtain has been exposed!

July 8, 2019 12:15 pm

here is a question cz and for everyone else afflicted with this delusion.

Everyone should aggree the shortest distance between two points is a straight line….

So Lets’ do that….

If you look directly West to, say a Mountain of some repute..
For the purposes of this argument it is due West..
and ignoring the Village People..
comment image

Something high enough that you can see it from, say, 100 miles away.
Now using your compass and perspective
Walk Go West, as in the video, 50 miles ..

As yourself this question.
If that compass always points north…
Where does the compass point now?
Taking another bearing on that mountain..
On that flat earth it will not be Due West.
comment image

Unless the North Pole moves the 50 miles west in conjunction with trek..
Which it could happen if there was only compass in the world.

But we all know that there are many moar than on compass in world..

So for the flat earf to work, even for the super-savant, each and everyone would have to be born with a North Pole gifted to us..

The Flat earf well
It’s a great revelation
Now all sense making
Odin’s hand
It is a guiding.
Directly to North
People are walking
Never losing the feeling
Perspective not leaving
For a pole never moving.
One Further for reading
That Valhalla is…
The promised land.
comment image

Praise and Glory
is for Odin
And Valhalla!

Cuz even dumbfucks
That drive trucks
And idiot savants
While sorting thru
the bullshit of day
Have enuf
brainpower left
To find their way…
comment image

Yours with continuing Grace of Odin,



And no worries
for unbeliefers..
Odin and his followers
well they understand.
While folks may stray
It doesn’t matter
at the end of day.
Yeah one might to sent
to do a clean up
in aisle 7
of a beer
and a whore
or maybe two.
But to this
here and now
it won’t be long
For my Dear Brothas
and the Sistas too
This is my promise
I will take some time
To have one with all of you…

Echte Freund!


July 8, 2019 2:53 pm

You almost make sense.

And, sometimes, perhaps you do.

I am divesting myself of (some) animals. I am offering a free pygmy goat to the first four people wanting one rendered into stew meat and fat.

Okay, that is a macabre joke. I have found a family owned farm with a petting zoo where a Great Pyrenese male lounges around the petting pigs and little goats.

I am offering the pygmies and the female Pyrenese to the petting zoo. If they don’t want them all, I will give them away in pairs to good homes. Or for stew.

  M G
July 8, 2019 3:05 pm

Just think aboot it Mags…
The only true path to salvation
is directly North to Valhalla
or South to see Penguins.

And I don’t likes Penquins..
Too fishy for me..

So praise the Lawrd
I won’t get lost
And can’t deceive.
Cast Jebus aside
and follow me.

Odin’s your Man
Not that dude from

Yours by Odin,


July 9, 2019 6:28 am

I have a p0em w0rthy 0f 0din in the w0rks as y0u p0nder my missing 0hs 0n this c0mputer! N0 peri0ds either*

  M G
July 9, 2019 7:21 am

Ok great
Can’t wait..


July 8, 2019 3:06 pm

The would probably say the north pole isnt a pole, its a “side” or whatever lol.

July 8, 2019 3:25 pm

Come on 421
work with me..
help a fella out
in a time of need..
da earf is flat
it is plain
for all to see..

Just need a
big enuf
the promised
will be in sight
for you
and me

July 8, 2019 1:27 pm

We don’t currently live in the temporary kingdom of the father of lies. Google and Facebook are private companies. Israel is our greatest Ally. Injun Jew is an Australian.

Elastic Cranium (EC)
Elastic Cranium (EC)
July 8, 2019 1:38 pm

He moved to Australia but he never claimed to be an Aborigine. He has a CIB but has never submitted that he is one of the lost tribes of Israel. What are you getting at?

  Elastic Cranium (EC)
July 8, 2019 1:42 pm

El Coyote isn’t a masochist.

Elastic Cranium (EC)
Elastic Cranium (EC)
July 9, 2019 11:52 am

Your momma married a Pygmy, Anon. Now I ask, was he your real father?

July 8, 2019 2:28 pm

So .. do these links/images support or refute flat earth ….

These links are to Felix Baumgarter’s Red Bull Space Jump. The ‘view’ appears to be that of the globe…. or at least part of it. But that would be inaccurate. The entire area in the field of view is … New Mexico only. That’s it …. the entire land mass is New Mexico. It is only because the image is captured with a fish eye lense that the notion of a globe is conveyed.

Moreover, he ‘launched’ from New Mexico …. landing in New Mexico a well. It took his capsule 2 1/2 hours to achieve the desired altitude before he jumped. How is it that the earth did not ‘rotate away’ from him with his landing zone thousands of miles away? Is anyone suggesting some invisible force pulled him along at 10,000 – 18,000 miles an hour ? Does that make any sense?

wondering ……..

July 8, 2019 2:31 pm

The air rotates with earth except for the part that’s wind….
Sort of like the breeze that blows between your ears.

July 8, 2019 3:11 pm

That’s like asking if you jumped straight upwards while riding in the back of a pickup truck at 30mph, why didnt you fall out? At that speed the truck will have moved along the road more than 40 feet in a single second. So if you are airborne for 1 second then you should be 40 feet behind the vehicle when you land? Even the dumbest flat earther should be able to understand why reality doesnt work that way. ?‍♂️ In reality, if you jump in the back of a moving pickup, you just land right in the spot where you jumped. If you’re going really fast, you will get pushed back some by the wind.

  Hollywood Rob
July 8, 2019 9:08 pm

come on Rob the air still moves in conjunction with the earth.

Elastic Cranium (EC)
Elastic Cranium (EC)
July 8, 2019 2:39 pm

It all started when Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from her backyard in Nome.

Steve C
Steve C
  Elastic Cranium (EC)
July 8, 2019 3:07 pm

Sarah Palin never said that she could see Russia from her house.

That was Tina Fey in a Saturday Night Live skit.

Sarah Palin said that there is an island in Alaska that you can see Russia from. She was right.

It’s in the Bering Strait. The island of Little Diomede (in the US) is only 2 ½ miles from the island of Big Diomede (in Russia) which means that, on a clear day, you can definitely see one from the other.

I guess your comment is what happens when you get your news from Saturday Night Live…

Elastic Cranium (EC)
Elastic Cranium (EC)
  Steve C
July 9, 2019 11:57 am

Steve, your smart, you even write articles for TBP. Maybe you aren’t aware of a debate tactic called bluffing? I knew it was a joke and I used it as such. Do you really believe I would attribute the Flat Earth movement to Palin?

Steve C
Steve C
  Elastic Cranium (EC)
July 9, 2019 4:31 pm

You take jabs at everybody on this site EC. In that regard, I consider you to be an equal opportunity agitator.

So I took a jab at you.

Don’t go getting all thin-skinned on me now.

You have been far too helpful for me in learning my way around this very different TBP site and don’t think that I don’t appreciate it because I do.

Just remember the old adage, ‘a poke of mine saves thine’, or something like that.

PS: And the next time you korrect my spilling, I’m going to smak you…

Entropic Chaos (EC)
Entropic Chaos (EC)
  Steve C
July 9, 2019 4:58 pm

A sharp reply is always welcome. Nobody is getting thin-skinned, I was only making a joke saying your smart enough to write articles here, it’s the proof of the pudding, as they say.

Nobody has asked me to stop heckling the troops, it keeps morale up. HR is the flavor of the month.

“It appears people have forgotten about the courtesy of a reply.” – Old Joe

Steve C
Steve C
  Entropic Chaos (EC)
July 9, 2019 5:34 pm


I couldn’t resist…

  Elastic Cranium (EC)
July 9, 2019 6:36 am

She meant whi1e drinking tequi1a with her backyard Gn0me!

Guess what I just f0und? My standing in the back 0f a tw0-t0ned F0rd ph0t0 I f0rced my be10ved Gr00ch int0 p0sing f0r in his s0n’s wedding gift!

comment image

Nelson Muntz
Nelson Muntz
July 9, 2019 12:24 am

How does a flat earther explain the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. Does someone turn the sun off at night and then sneak it back to the east for it to come up again? If the earth was flat the light from the sun would strike the entire surface all at the same time even if not equal in intensity and we would have no need for time zones. Such a situation would have made pre-GPS ocean navigation a real bitch.

I apologize if the answer was in the video. I didn’t watch it.

  Nelson Muntz
July 9, 2019 2:09 am

Unless you’re willing to entertain the idea that you live in an exhibit, why bother even asking?

Otherwise, the same way 99% of video games which are perfectly flat environments miraculously still have sunrises and sunsets and weather. Miracle of miracles they can even have people in different areas experiencing different times of day.

But if you aren’t open to the idea that what you see is a rendering of signals, not solid objects, it’s a moot question for you to bother asking. Once you *can* consider that possibility, then we can walk back toward physical options but with the sun and moon as engineered props that are as magical to you as a TV is to a house cat.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Nelson Muntz
July 9, 2019 11:57 am

I assume that everyone purporting to be a flat-earther is running a bit. It’s all a bit, right? For a second, I thought the Platform had been invaded by lunatics and imbeciles.

Entropic Chaos (EC)
Entropic Chaos (EC)
  Iska Waran
July 9, 2019 12:25 pm

Take your clothes off and join the party, Isk, don’t be such a wet blanket.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
  Iska Waran
July 9, 2019 2:10 pm

The problem isn’t really that some people are die-hard flat-Earthers, rather that these days there is such a lack of Truth anywhere in the vicinity of The Narrative we’re fed day in and day out that anything is more believable than the litany of lies they produce. That and the fact that it’s really an academic question. Not one person’s life is in any way shape or form materially affected by the size/shape or dimension of the Earth other than those who transfer trillions of dollars from the working Americans to provide a living/benefits and retirement to those who deal with abstract ideological pursuits.

Entropic Chaos (EC)
Entropic Chaos (EC)
  Hardscrabble Farmer
July 9, 2019 2:13 pm

That sounds like a class argument, HR will soon be calling you a communist.

July 10, 2019 10:18 am

This place can have a shitfest over just about anything. I didn’t watch any videos, so don’t accuse me of not doing so, it’s a waste of virtual ink.

HSF – You are absolutely correct in casting a disbelieving eye toward those in power, but where are line drawn? Can anyone say they’ve never told a lie? Of course not. Can anyone even say that they have never, ever deliberately deceived someone? Is all credibility immediately and forever lost across all subjects for everyone?

I am an advocate and even occasional practitioner of logic, and I am aware of the “appeal to authority” fallacy. I try very hard to focus on the concept of a quote, for instance, rather than its attribution…but again, where are the lines drawn? I have done enough laboratory experimentation on my own to confirm much of Newton’s Laws. I understand them and I recognize that everything I see around me is built upon their foundation. This then directs me to see that a spherical earth is the only geometry that can support the effects that are clear all around. Is this me blindly following authority? As far as the round Earth goes, I rejected authority from the very beginning. My Dad told me it was round and about the ships disappearing over the horizon when I was a young child. At first, I couldn’t conceptualize it…I think one of my brothers showed me a basketball and had me imagine waling around its surface. Once I got the concept I have never had even the slightest reason to doubt it. Blind acceptance of authority or simply acceptance of observable reality?

Could it be that this is all an illusion? O course, but it is older than Newton and Vespucci, older than written history, I would say far older. In any case, it is not the argument brought forth by the Flat Earter’s and we should all be able to recognize that.

Rob – You use tactics that you claim to despise. You are harsh and then refuse to take responsibility for your harshness. You troll people and then claim to be a victim of trolling. In other words, of late you have become a bully. You claim to want people to act, but I have read nothing from you that could remotely qualify as inspiring people toward actions. Instead you attack some pretty revered people around here. I’ve had goes with HSF before, and I disagree with some of his positions fervently, but never have I thought that he was acting in less than good faith in his arguments or his tactics. i cannot say the same for you. Shit, you even got into with LLPOH a couple of threads back. As I read it, he finally found you unworthy of even a thorough asskicking. None of this are the actions of a leader inspiring people toward meaningful action. I like the way you think and I will happily engage with you on any subject, if you will only do so in good faith and with respect to the process of seeking truth. I agree with HSF that you seem to be going through something of late…if you want a nickels worth of free advice…seek it out internally and then air it. Walk through the damn fire.

Stucky – Watch some videos/podcast of the Weinstein Brothers (Bret and Eric). Progressives with insanely brilliant minds…of course, the mainstream liberals and their media sycophants bury them. But youtube them…listen to what genuine progressives should sound like. We do not need the SJW nonsense that has pervaded our politics, but we do NEED progressive thought. To go too far in any direction is a path to hell on earth and I am not exaggerating. Again, think of it this way…old things become new things and then become stone, ie the Founding Father’s were once the most progressive voices in world politics.

Entropic Chaos (EC)
Entropic Chaos (EC)
July 10, 2019 11:24 am

O course

Druddy weighs in with a reprise of something RiNsEY said before. To date, RiNsE, DRUD, HSF, LLPOH, Yokes, M G and a couple more have counseled Rob. If he will not accept that his approach to this blog is flawed, I would suggest he find another venue to impart his wisdom. I do like having him around to beat up on (like beating on a pillow) but the proles have spoken.

Shit, even when I was nipping at Yoke’s heels, nobody offered a rebuke to Yokes but SSS and LLPOH. Rob has definitely set a record. He out-Billy’s Billy for bullheadedness and matches Iravani for self-promotion. He flustered the unflappable farmer, that has got to be a TBP first. He definitely proved that Admin has the patience of Job.