All of This Is Antifa Directed Action

Robert Bronsdon (Hollywood Rob) August 2019

I am sure that I can not do justice to Carl Benjamin’s carefully thought out video, and I really don’t think that he has the correct reasoning, but let’s take a look at what is happening here in merika today.  I will append Carl’s video at the end so you can see how he rationalizes the current rash of shootings.

Of course, as has been pointed out in other posts, these shooting pale in comparison to the massacre which is occurring on every weekend in Chicago and Baltimore, but these are the ones that the communists in the msm are concentrating on so let’s go with that.  I would like to start with the Antifa lunatic in Tacoma.  He knew that he was going to die.  He embraced his death in glory, and he clearly wasn’t even slightly aware of how to use his weapons.  He had a perfectly good rifle and some firebombs and he managed to shoot not one single person and only managed to burn up one car.  He clearly stated that he supported Antifa and was an avowed communist seeking to bring about the revolution that Karl Marx expected to happen and he followed the tenants of both Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and Mark Bray’s Antifa handbook.  You have seen them both.

Then we have the Garlic festival shooter.  His was originally from Gilroy, and then Nevada.  Why he chose to return to Gilroy to shoot people will never be known, and we certainly will never know his actual beliefs because his digital presence was scrubbed as soon as his actions became known.  The fact that they were scrubbed, and not celebrated, is a clear indication that he was in fact a communist antifa extremist.  One thing that is clear from his photograph is that he was never going to get laid.  He was clearly an INCEL – an involuntary celibate.  With nothing to look forward to and nothing to lose, he chose to go out in a blaze of glory, and the only glory in his actions would come from his antifa comrades.  Just like his hero the antifa lunatic in Tacoma.  Unfortunately, he managed to be a bit more familiar with his weapon of choice and managed to kill three people.  That number would be considered a great weekends body count in Chicago, but in Gilroy it was headline news.

And then we come to this weekends kerfuffle.  One of the shooters drove 600 miles to a boarder town to shoot up a store which was almost surely filled with poor white people just like the ones that he left behind.  He shot whites.  He shot beaners.  He shot kids and he shot old people.  He shot anybody that happened to get in his way.  And before he started shooting he took the time to write up his reasons.  In that write up, of dubious provenance, he attempts to ascribe his motives to immigration, but the only thing that he really managed to do was to show how little knowledge he had of the weapon that he chose to use.  He was unaware that shooting bullets through a gun would heat up the barrel.  In the end, the only thing that we know for sure is that he didn’t know anything about guns and that his online presence was literally changed from Democratic and support for antifa to republican.  You have seen the proof yourself and to the extent that anything can be considered as true on the internet, this is damning evidence that his real motive was to usher in the communist utopia through violent direct action.  Exactly as described in the above mentioned texts.  Was he antifa?  Somebody knows, but you never will.

And finally, our dear friend in Dayton.  So blithely unaware of the consequences of his actions that he managed to shoot his own sister.  OK, maybe he intended to shoot his own sister.  We can never know the nature of their relationship – it certainly is possible that he was just incensed that she would go bar hoping without him.  But what is clear is that he was antifa.  He too was an INCEL and he too would have looked perfectly natural in a black mask with a bike lock.

The point is that all of these acts have been perpetrated by weeds.  Young men with no future.  No prospects for ever getting laid.  No visible life before them.  So they turn to revolution.  They offer up their meaningless lives as grist for the mill of the glorious future that Marxism holds out before them.  The excuses that they offer may vary, but their true nature is revealed in their demeanor and their actions.  And in this Carl is correct.  At the end of his video he suggests that the only remedy for this malady is to offer these disaffected youths a future.  A family of their own.  Their own children to ground them in society with a purpose.

We may not have proof of it yet but all of these shootings have some common threads running through them.  They are perpetrated by the same types of young men with the same types of histories.  The same faces stare out at you with sadness in their eyes.  The same bland, soy boy, pussy faces in essentially the same glasses and in the same cloths.  Their identity is provided to them by the revolution.  Their death is lauded by their comrades.  I don’t even think that there is some central antifa command issuing instructions.  To my way of thinking, this all started when one complete nutter in Tacoma decided to take up arms to advance the revolution and that started this wave of antifa/fascist/communist revolutionary zeal that spread through the INCEL community like wildfire.  It didn’t need 4chan or 8chan.  It was promoted by the main stream media and lauded by celebrities and pundits.  They made their own choice.  They offered up their blood on the alter of the great revolution.  As Carl points out, if they hadn’t been inspired to commit suicide in a mass shooting, they most likely would have simply put a gun to their head and ended their bloodline right there in their bedrooms.  But they were inspired by antifa directed action so they took up arms and stood for what they believed in.  Apparently they believed in killing women and children in a Walmart.

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August 5, 2019 4:26 pm

“No prospects for ever getting laid.”

That’s why the government should fund “Masturbation Is Better Than Pussy!!” classes in every town in America. Five bucks per person.

We could literally put an end to these mass shootings if young faggoty men just jerked-off more. How cool is that?

August 5, 2019 4:42 pm

Dude. LMAO

August 5, 2019 9:20 pm

Slick Willie, he of the bent penis, endorses Stuck’s proposal.

August 5, 2019 4:34 pm

See JHK’s “Hold the teddy…” for more on this. Nice job HR, but how in hell can these losers ever start a family, unless it’s a Manson family. Or maybe an Addams family that’s totally humorless.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
August 5, 2019 9:45 pm

Kunstler’s article from today was quoted on Tucker Carlson’s show this evening. He had an FBI profiler on who said two-thirds of these shooters are mentally ill and most are incels. He said they have gone back and studied old cases discovering this incel thing has been a feature of these shooters and mad bombers going back decades including the Unabomber.
I personally believe it has to do with the fuqued up families or non-families we are plagued with these days. They don’t go to church, missing out on the kind of community activities and people you can find there. No Dad so you don’t do stuff that Dad did or does and in many cases never even learn how to use tools and stuff like that. I think if you father a child and don’t take care of him and teach him how to be a man you should have your nuts cut off with a rusty knife.

August 5, 2019 4:42 pm

Don’t forget Paddocks pink hat, aka “pussy hat”.

August 5, 2019 4:48 pm

I think Stucky has a good idea but only in Madison, WI could you get a School district considering teaching masturbation to even 1st and 2nd graders. To address this question more seriously (and I have been pushing this for several years now with no responce) we need to return “Parenting” to parents. When the “Legal System” made the move to take children away from their parents by telling them to call the LEOs in the area if they were struck or disciplined by their parents, they removed the children from the home and left them without anyone that gave a damn to discipline them and give them direction. Until we take our “Children” back (we were not beating them to death, by and large, but giving them “limits”), we will see these things happen and more of them.

August 5, 2019 4:49 pm

These are professional narrative “C-change” operations, last week was very bad for the elite, the little people were talking amongst themselves (if you don’t think the .gov has AI to listen to all digital feeds to surmise the current mood of the population, you need to go back to watching TV, you are lost forever)

The people were starting to think that a thread had come loose, and that the elite pedo network would be revealed, but now, we are all talking about loosers with guns shooting up the place, or worse yet, talking about gun control.

Sorry, it is too predictable at this point, these are all psysops, sure, some folks may have been gunned down, but this whole “lone looser” did it, is a con job.

The antifa guy who failed, he was the real deal, the Texas thing, bullshit, they had 30 different agencies on scene within minutes, indicating a setup, (search for 4 men dressed in black at el paso)

and the ohio thing,:

pure coincidence? (bullshit or not, you be the judge)

Human Domain Solutions (HDS), LLC is now hiring Casualty Role Players (CRP) / Actors to participate in VIGILANT GUARD OHIO Aug. 5-8, 2019, at more than 10 locations throughout the state.

(ohs nos the date is off by 1, so let’s just discount this as pure fiction…., wrong, wrong wrong, it is as clear as day if you can see straight)

Do not believe anything you see on TV, it is all theater, remember these folks create the news, the do not report it.

Here is a test, when was the last time you saw something for $19.99 on TV and said “what a great idea, why don’t then sell that at the store” because, if it don’t sell on TV, it won’t sell anywhere.

TV is the testing ground for what they can get away with, remember this, and you are one step beyond the reach of these bastards.

August 5, 2019 5:03 pm

In every one of these “mass shootings” there seems to be a “law enforcement exercise” going on nearby. False flag, anyone?

August 5, 2019 5:15 pm

Psychologically analyzing the patsies in FF events is pretty silly…they’re dupes, or actors, so it doesn’t matter…but the intent of the stagers of these events is quite clear–more government control, especially gun control.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
August 5, 2019 9:52 pm

I thought the only answers Dhimmicrats have for any and every situation is more abortion, more taxes, more gun control. If you can remember just those three things you can be a success as a Dhimmicrat. So of course that is what we hear every time. Fook them all.

  Hollywood Rob
August 5, 2019 7:10 pm

HR, shouldn’t it be “Let those poor guys bone you instead of tossing”?

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
August 5, 2019 9:31 pm

Instead of putting the onus on women to put out for a bunch of losers, maybe we should consider another perspective. The latest three young fools have obviously displayed a lack of normal adult socialization skills and we know substantially more about them than we do about their potentially dysfunctional families. Their personalities didn’t evolve in a vacuum and I’m assuming part of their problem was a lack of being able to do honest self-introspection that might’ve curbed their asocial behavior – but that assumes they were given a value system they could use to compare and self-correct.
Given the Buckeye idiot was a self-professed admirer of Satan one has to wonder how that evolved and how the family dealt with it. As a Hoosier I’ve never much liked Buckeyes, but then again, I’ve never much liked anyone.
That sure as hell isn’t a reason to kill ’em … not where I come from, anyway.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  e.d. ott
August 5, 2019 10:04 pm

Waiting for some MSW rainbow flagger from the YWCA to tell you “You can’t judge them!” I have been a big believer in judging. The Lord said I will be judged for my judging but I imagine I will get no demerits for the ones I got/get right. Perhaps GCP has some thoughts on that subject.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
August 5, 2019 10:00 pm

Maybe we could hear from some of the ladies since we are all grown ups here? What ever happened to the so-called “mercy fuck.?” Have any of you been so kind and did you feel good about it or otherwise?

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  Hollywood Rob
August 5, 2019 9:58 pm

Remember the old John Wayne line about how a woman could spend her time making a lot of men happy instead of making one man miserable? It just gets weirder by the day does it not?

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  Hollywood Rob
August 5, 2019 10:20 pm

Seems there might be a huge market for these new AI sex dolls, but I’m not sure these incels would know what to do with one. Maybe if it came with an instructional video, they could figure it out.

Walter Johnson
Walter Johnson
August 5, 2019 11:05 pm

I don’t get the incel thing. There are women who make their living providing this kind of service. Find a good one and she might even teach a guy some moves so he doesn’t have to stay in the rental market. But, what do I know?

Certainly the finest way to civilize young men is family formation. Young men raised without fathers haven’t the slightest idea about any of that.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
August 6, 2019 12:34 am

Militia’s of both left and right will soon be active….for those unfamiliar here is a good primer.

So, What Role Will Militias Play In The ‘Upcoming Unpleasantness’, Anyway?

Not Sure
Not Sure
August 6, 2019 2:45 am

Bizzaro world.

We live in an age where there is so much information out there, that we can see clearly the cause of societies ills and the practical solutions that can be implemented to fix the problem. Yet we all will probably never see any actions taken and we will go down the same toilet with the rest of the world, seeing those in power who could have made things better, blindly stumbling forward by doubling down on stupid.

August 7, 2019 1:54 pm

HR, this article supports your INCEL theory and elaborates on it. Good work, HR. Thought that you might enjoy reading it.