The Real Threat To Civilization Is Our Liberal Elites

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

The Real Threat To Civilization Is Our Liberal Elites

You look at the Democratic debaters and you despair. It’s a hackneyed collection of motley mediocrities that includes, among other things, an unrepentant crusty commie, an ersatz squaw, a golddigging narc, a handsy grandpa, a furry, and a New Age weirdo who unironically channels Oddball from Kelly’s Heroes.

To quote the gender fluidity pioneers of Twisted Sister, America, if that’s your best, your best won’t do.

Now, we’re supposed to ignore their undeniable lousiness because we’re in a crisis. The crisis appears to be that our elite has been denied total power via the defeat of Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit, but that’s not how they sell it. It’s a crisis of rampant bigotry. It’s a crisis of foreigners not being subsidized by Americans. It’s a crisis of the weather maybe being different in a century. But these crises share one thing in common: only the liberal elite can save us.

Well, there is a crisis, but not the one they are pushing. The looming existential challenge we face is not the failure to appease some angry climate goddess but, rather, the frivolous priorities of these bored beneficiaries of the bounty of Western civilization. They got handed a world of peace and prosperity unparalleled in human history and instead of appreciating and protecting it they want to toss it all away. Why? Precisely because they got handed it. The dummies who make up our elite don’t value the society they inherited because think this is the natural state of man – that all this just sort of happened and that it will go on just sort of happening forever no matter how much they undermine its foundations.

But it won’t.

Let’s start with the most basic problem, which is that the undistinguished members of our ruling caste hate the people they presume to rule over. It’s not a matter of simply regarding the proles as uncouth and vulgar and not our sort of people. It’s hate. Bitter, clingy hate. And our elite feels no obligation to the people who make their cushy lives possible. A functioning ruling class at least tries to rule; ours finds that too much work and instead focuses on Chardonnay and condescension.

You look back in history and the upper class at least showed up for the hard stuff. The Roman elite was out there on the battlefield with the peasants (that was after they allowed the mob into the army – for a long time only the patricians were allowed to fight). The British upper class was out there on the battlefield too. The elite used to acknowledge obligations to their lessers, and when they stopped doing that, things went sideways. When Flavius and the gang decided to let the barbarians handle the strenuous work of defending the Empire and chilled in the local vomitorium instead of hoofing it to battle the Parthians, Rome started falling. The British upper class doesn’t do anything harder today than ring up the local bobbies to demand the arrest of Twitter yobs who say mean things.

The American ruling class is garbage too. Did any of those 671 Democrats up on that stage ever seem to side with their own society? Nope. Donald Trump utters the phrase “America First” and that whooshing noise you hear is the sound of millions of our betters collectively wetting themselves.

They don’t value what they didn’t earn, and they didn’t earn their exalted position within the society. It was here already, a Ferrari parked in the driveway. Mom and Dad retiree, tossed them the keys, and surprise, they wrapped it around a tree.

Our elite is made up of Kennedy kids, in-breed mediocrities of more accomplished sires, easing their pain with the dope of politically correct ideology and often overdosing.

That’s what all this PC nonsense is, an analgesic to dull the throbbing ache of their own manifest unworthiness. When they detect and call out alleged racism or sexism or transphobia or fatphobia or whatever, they become the heroes of their own story. They aren’t fighting off the Germanic hordes on the Rhine, or contending with Zulus at Roarke’s Drift. But, darn it, they are still brave warriors slaying those dragons. Except instead of swords, they wield whining.

We should give them a parade. They vanquished manspreading! They defeated all those people telling little girls they can’t do math. They are heroes! They may not be doing sweaty, dangerous stuff like exploring the origins of the Nile, but if they were, it would be “Dr. Livingstone, I presume, but I want to be clear that what I am presuming is not your gender. What are your pronouns?

They can’t be real victors because they’re not fighting a real battle. They can’t achieve anything because all they do is try to tear our society down. So they manufacture crises so they can pretend to conquer something and feel the giddy thrill of pretend heroism.

But, of course the strenuous avoidance of strenuous challenges in favor of imaginary struggles does not dispel those actual challenges. It just compounds them, letting them grow and grow. Someday, when our society is forced to abandon its fixation upon embarrassing mock conflicts because the real ones have shown up on our doorstep, we may find we can’t resist, that our muscles have atrophied from decades of boxing shadows.

China is on the rise, and its kids are learning calculus and building carriers while ours are being read to by drag queens. The Islamic militants are still out there, despite the heroic efforts of our non-elite citizens to winnow down their numbers over the last two decades of wars our bumbling betters refuse to win. Our enemies have two things our elite lacks – seriousness of purpose and confidence in their own dogma. And, of course, someday the bill is going to come due for all the free stuff that we only recently discovered was a human right. Little did we know that some dudette from Oaxaca is owed a tummy tuck paid for by a West Virginia auto mechanic.

The Democrat candidates are an unserious bunch, avatars of an unserious elite spewing unserious nonsense. The problem is that the world is a deadly serious place.

I used to write speculative thrillers but now they seem like nonfiction. Check out my action-packed yet highly amusing novels about the United States’ split into red and blue countries, People’s Republic, Indian Country and Wildfire. These liberal-infuriating thrillers have been called “Appalling” by the hapless geebos who sank the Weekly Standard, which is awesome.

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August 5, 2019 8:11 am

Expunging Western Civilization is their goal. The shit hole US coasts are perfect examples.

August 5, 2019 8:18 am

The “elephant in the room” is those who own and control the financial and banking systems, mass media, entertainment, and political entities in this country. Their aim is to not only poison and debase the popular culture, but to destroy civil society.
Hint: It ain’t heterosexual white males…it’s the inventors and promoters of communism…
I used to chuckle when I would hear people talk about ZOG, but no more…

August 5, 2019 11:23 am

anarchyst- There is nothing funny about ZOG……..nothing.

August 5, 2019 12:19 pm

I agree…ZOG is “the elephant in the room”…Regards,

Vote Harder
Vote Harder
August 5, 2019 8:24 am

The real threat to civilization is not just liberals, it’s conservatives also. A conservative POTUS is fixin to send “Hither swarms of officers” to take your guns. Think about that until your identity politics, left vs. right brain hurts.

  Vote Harder
August 5, 2019 11:36 am

Jung Ling- FSMB is spot on in his comment, you must be or are related to a pirate class billionaire. WOULD YOU have any remorse? Do they have the right to trash the little guy to keep themselves filthy rich? Well do they?

August 5, 2019 8:30 am

in the absence of virtue they offer us virtue signaling. in place of charity, they give us the government-dependent dole. instead of governance, they offer us manipulation and control. in place of faith, they feed us religions run by psychopaths. and as an alternative to peace, they continually give us war.

August 5, 2019 11:40 am

That’s well put @credit, so did you vote for the current Billionaire in Chief that rules over the District of Criminals? Why do people keep voting the pirate class into office?

August 5, 2019 8:41 am

Neither major party in the US represents conservative values, let alone white conservatives, and that’s quite a thing to be the majority of the population and have absolutely zero representation in your own government.

Vote Harder
Vote Harder
August 5, 2019 8:48 am

It’s called an ‘AGENDA’.

Vote Harder
Vote Harder
August 5, 2019 10:10 am

Don’t worry conservative’s, it’s just ‘liberal elites’ that want to destroy your civilization.

comment image

August 5, 2019 10:24 am

If they get in charge, they better have something better than this up their sleeve, because if not, we’ll be entering the phase where people get a rope and start looking for a tree.

August 5, 2019 12:14 pm

When you consider that Jacob Schiff and other Jewish Wall Street bankers supported the Bolsheviks, who murdered millions of white Russians, and the same group, along with the Rockefellers, supported Mao and his mass murderers, it’s not surprising….

August 5, 2019 12:20 pm

…and the present Schiff in congress is the grandson of the original communist Schiff

August 5, 2019 6:27 pm

That’s not possible, the bug eyed goon would have been born 30 years after his father’s death. Same tribe, different branch.

Jacob Schiff’s son Mortimer died 1931

Adam Schiff (D) Shitholifornia, born 1960

August 5, 2019 6:29 pm

Thank you for the clarification. Is it possible that Schiff is Jacob Schiff’s “great-grandson”?

August 5, 2019 7:32 pm

Possibly, i do genealogy so noticed the birth/death parts.

I’d say doubtful because bug eye is from Mass. and the others are from NY. There’s a book/text called the Schiff’s of America that may have more.

August 5, 2019 8:06 pm

Confederate Memorial Desecrated, Removed from Cemetery

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
August 5, 2019 11:33 pm

Destruction of Monuments should be a Felony punished above the saying words that liberals don’t like.

  robert h siddell jr
August 6, 2019 1:18 am

How about when kikes tip over their own Stars of Satan headstones and try to pin it on whites?

August 6, 2019 5:53 am

I object to the term “elites” as applied to people who occupy Washington, D.C., NYC and other coastal geographic areas. They’re not my betters. This isn’t England or Rome. This is the U.S.A., which, if it enshrines nothing else, enshrines the notion of merit, not hereditary or other qualifications for power. This use of the term “elites” as applied to elected persons or those at the top of corporate or other institutional hierarchies is a relatively recent development, and I suspect the development originated with the doofus class itself. Can they change oil in their car? Can they boil water? Knit? Sew? How about change the tire on a bicycle or an automobile? Paint? Frame up an addition or a home? Do masonry? Electrical work? Plumbing? Do they comprehend the difference between a Phillips head and flathead screwdriver (or the kind with OJ and vodka – or make the vodka or OJ)?

What you call “elites” are actually the dead weight – the completely worthless and useless members of this society. I believe that is why hate themselves. They actually understand just how useless they are! Problem is too many Americans don’t understand that yet. Maybe they never will? They could not feed themselves if it came to it, and so we ought to starve them. They don’t grow anything, process that wheat, corn, or rice grown by others. They can’t raise or butcher a cow, pig or sheep. They do not know how to bring home the bacon or fry it in a pan. They do not have the most basic skills that anyone with the curiosity (and sobriety) of an average Eighth Grader with accompanying reading skills and two hands possesses. And then, there are those who can barely read or think.

Please STOP insulting us by using that label to apply to people who, if this were France circa 1790, would be marching up a temporary scaffold awaiting the guillotine.