The Spin Cycle: Race Hate, Rinse, Repeat

Hat tip Mary Christine

Via American Digest

I try to avoid the summer news because I dislike being spun up by it on a daily/ hourly/ minute-by-minute basis. I don’t need to have my darker emotions fondled by the Left and their ceaseless propaganda organs. Case in point this August, Race Hate.

From CNN and MSNBC to The New York Times and the Washington Post and all their fellow travelers this summer’s fetid blather all has to do with a very simple notion: “Let’s just threaten to kill whitey every chance we get and see if we can’t get some real city slaughterfests going.”

Injecting race-hate into the everyday palaver of a nation has, as Obama knew, the very real revolutionary benefit of slowly spinning up the races into a kind of constant quiet riot; a low background hum of hate. A kind of quiet riot that can get noisy and spicy from the merest spark and drain the nation’s peace into the septic tank of race war.

This is what the Left wants as it believes  “The worse, the better.” It’s a cynical notion that any incident that increases national paranoia and hate is good for those who hope to swoop in after the revolution, kill off all their useful idiots (Zucker at CNN has to be high on the list), and then settle in for a nice long ride in the Stalin Limo down the center lane of the Interstate. This, as all are fond of saying these days, this will not end well.

When you see the cliche “This will not end well” what you are really seeing is the dawning awareness that, unless somebody or something yanks HARD on the choke chain around the throat of the Left, there will have to be guns and blood and killing before the issue is resolved. Not a pretty thought but a less pretty truth. Targeted assassinations, death squads, and urban/rural kill zones are what is coming to America if the Left continues to spin the country up. Depend upon it.

As we learn in the Holy Book of Frank Zappa: “Ain’t no way to delay that trouble coming every day.”

In the lyrics to the song at the time it was written Zappa is faithful to the overwhelming guilt-sodden sentiment of the day:
“Hey you know something people
I’m not black
But there’s a whole lot a times
I wish I could say I’m not white”

That bland wish of the hippies of the sixties, however, will be “non-operative” when the everyday trouble arrives in the 21st century. On that day your skin will be your uniform. Depend upon it.

Elsewhere in the song, Zappa alludes to the grimmer reality of race war with:
And all the other crap they hand me
In the papers and TV
‘N all that mass stupidity
That seems to grow more every day
Each time you hear some nitwit say
He wants to go and do you in
Because the color of your skin
Just don’t appeal to him
(No matter if it’s black or white)
Because he’s out for blood tonight…

“Trouble Every Day” enshrines the Watts Riots. There were other riots later. And other riots etcetera and so forth up until today. In fact, in the abandoned ghettos of the Left Behind in the Democrat infested cities, the riot never stops. Hence the bars on homes doors and windows, the thick bullet-proof shields in the stores that survive, and the absence of any of the larger retail chains with a wisp of sanity in upper management.

Our Democrat infested zones are now permanent riot zones. There may not be a riot going on in any of these left-behind ghettos on any given day, but tomorrow is not promised. And given the tireless effort of the Left to spin up Left Behind blacks to actually take action outside of their “designated riot zones,” it may only be a question of time before the Neverending Riot seeks to extend itself outside the designated areas of permissible riot Disneyland.

Once that happens and people begin to understand that their skin has become their uniform the realities of the situation start to become clear. One person describes one possible race war reality in the soothing: If A Race War Popped Off Tomorrow

I’m not about to get all Gen. George Patton on you, but I did serve 13 years in the military once upon a time.  So I know a lil something something about warfare — just a lil.  But I will try to break this idea of a race war down in the simplest terms I can conjure up in my brain to help you understand why Black people will lose.  Truth be told it’s really only a few reasons.
1. You don’t own any weapons-manufacturing facilities.  White folks got that shit on lock.  Do you honestly think white folk are about to sell you weapons to be used against them in a race war?
2. White folks stand in line for guns like Black folks stand in line for Jordans or Beyoncé tickets.
3. White folks take this 2nd Amendment shit to heart.  White people will sacrifice a child before they sacrifice giving up a gun.
4. It’s at least 200 million white people in America versus about maybe 45 million Black people.  That’s about 4 white people for every 1 Black person.  Do the math.  Their “army” is 4 times bigger than ours.
5. Most blacks don’t even like dealing with other blacks as evidenced by our unwillingness to practice Black economic empowerment on a massive scale (but I digress).
6. White folks dress for war damn near 24/7 (at least where I live).  Every time I step out of the house I see a bunch of white people wearing camo pattern outfits, mostly hunting attire, but still — that can easily be converted to warfare attire.

Easily converted but, I pray, never to be converted from a rural fashion statement into something worn in urban combat.  The Left does not share this prayer. It wants to rumble especially since the instigators of the rumble believe they can be far away when our coast-to-coast Constitutional Convention begins in earnest. Perhaps they can but their names are already on lists and those with their names on lists when race war strikes usually end up as compost regardless of who “wins.”

Alexander Kitchenko, a Russian national, commented on social media this week, “Looking back at the history of Russia I can tell you that Soviet totalitarian communism also started ‘lightly,’ with people who were against ‘patriarchy.’ They were all about free love, abortions, redefinition of language and often were quarreling inside their ranks. But then there was one most militant group, which slowly dominated all the hippie-style freaks and later executed most of them in the name of ‘revolution.’ History repeats itself, but now it is happening on your soil and I can only pray that it will be stopped somehow before it is too late.

But, tossed about in the endless spin cycle of mixed colors in our one continental dryer, it is unlikely it will be stopped in time. This will not end well.

But it will end.

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Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
August 15, 2019 11:13 am This fool went to Harvard Law (and apparently graduated). He has also suggested torches and pitchforks outside the homes of GOP Congress Critters. Words precede actions and signal intentions.

Now porkchop here is not going to personally kill Whitey (he is far too fat and cowardly) but he is doing his level best to inspire others.

Now at what point is it self-defense to actively oppose lethal threats with force?

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  Martel's Hammer
August 15, 2019 11:32 am

He looks like a cartoon character. I bet Keenan Thompson could do an impersonation of him on SNL that would humiliate him permanently.
As an aside, we always hear of the horrible people on FOX, yet there are never enraged drooling, foaming psychos on except for the rare leftist guest who often get booted. Lunatic rage is a staple or feature on MSNBC and CNN.

22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southern by choice
22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southern by choice
  Martel's Hammer
August 15, 2019 2:24 pm

Speaking of Harvard, Greater Boston is the IYI capital of the world.

Boston area white folks will line up to help this clown with his plans.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
August 15, 2019 11:27 am

I see the queen bee of Bolshevism, AOC doing a video yesterday about what a horrible fascist country we have. I saw Blacks in Filthadelphia hassling and taunting cops, many of the cops Black, during the drug house shoot ’em up yesterday. I see the communist city state of Portland and its eunuch mayor Wheeler prepping the narrative for how horrible Deplorables shouldn’t fuque with their commie heroes who are nothing but masked hoodlums.
Definitely a mess. There is no question in my mind that every one of these fucked up groups of America hating malcontents is communist and now entering a revolutionary phase. As the article states, so many of them are fools, dupes and plain old useful idiots. Prepare accordingly and please remember, add a case of 12 gauge OO buck for your clueless neighbors to feed grandpa’s 12 gauge gathering dust in the back of their closets. Make sure you have enough to feed yours too. Less than $100 a case at all your finest internet ammo dealers.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
August 15, 2019 11:39 am

TPTB want to kill two birds with one stone with a race war: First to liquidate the Black race in America and a lot of Rednecks. Second in the Chaos, murder all their enemies and establish their NWO. It’s been a tried and proven method in Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia and South America; looks like the high paid MSM is gonna pull it off in the USA too. Red Flag Laws are double entente. They won’t be a rope to hang us but they would be a card blanche for TPTB to create their US KGB that will have guns, that will ironically shoot us.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  robert h siddell jr
August 15, 2019 2:47 pm

We must frame it carefully. Avoid any racial connotations. It is overwhelmingly apparent that those Black police officers fighting the drug dealer career felon are much closer to me than the scum on the street and sidewalks taunting them and interfering, throwing things at them. I will ally with anyone who believes in the promise of America and wants to live in peace under the Constitution. Progs of all colors are behaving like enemies of freedom and certainly of common sense.

The U.S. is a Donkey Show
The U.S. is a Donkey Show
August 15, 2019 11:44 am

“Wake up white people.”.

–Daniel Carver

August 15, 2019 12:01 pm

Jewish supremacy is behind the “troubles”. Jewish supremacists FEAR us whites, especially heterosexual white males who are aware of what is going on in today’s societies and are PREPARED.

August 15, 2019 1:11 pm

Most blacks know the jews are behind this so we will see how far this goes. Those blacks on TV are protected so they can run their damn mouths . It’s the white people sitting there beside them agreeing with these blacks that I hate the most.

Hamilton, Joe Frank and Lee Harvey Oswald
Hamilton, Joe Frank and Lee Harvey Oswald
August 15, 2019 4:17 pm

I can clearly remember the day in the 1980s I had heard so much about Louis Farrakhan’s hatred of whites that I decided to buy one of his papers from a young man on the street corner who looked more well-dressed than most people in office towers. He was surprised a white guy was interested and friendly, and he was very polite.

Imagine my surprise when almost the entire newsletter concerned itself, not with white racism, but the central banking scam run by Jews. It was filled with economic analysis, exhortations to support black businesses, examples of how African-Americans play into the hands of those who are masters of debt, deceit and depravity in our community.

That was the day I began to doubt what I saw and heard from “America’s News Sources” and really take a look myself, especially when someone was being character assassinated. They KNOW we aren’t going to bother to research things ourselves, so they can make any claim they want knowing full well it will not be caught by 95% of people.

Well, that may be down to around the 50% mark now because the whole game is beginning to come unraveled and people are learning not to be afraid to speak the truth and get in the face of the race baiters and Chosenites. Will this avoid armed conflict? It MIGHT. If it doesn’t, and soon, armed conflict is going to be the only way to settle it…and it is not going to be pretty.


Amazing the lies they tell about him. His website has volumes of info exposing the Banksters etc.

August 15, 2019 1:39 pm

I’m not so sure how far this goes.

I think it’s likely that people in rural California will say No to paying local property taxes .

August 16, 2019 6:06 am

Good luck with saying “no.”

22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southern by choice
22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southern by choice
August 15, 2019 2:23 pm

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Smoke em if you got em
Smoke em if you got em
August 15, 2019 5:28 pm

Too many in the MSM are inciters of hatred and disgusting bigots

John Galt
John Galt
August 16, 2019 1:43 am

The left wants to spark another Charlottesville but on a grander scale where its a small race skirmish and gets really really nasty so they can then try and neuter the second amendment and confiscate guns. What they severely mistake is once that tarp is unfolded it aint going back in the bag until the end. They will beg for it to stop and so will the other side before it actually stops. As history is replete with many conflicts that end in plain ole tiredness of killing until everyone has had their fill and they realize it is best to “tolerate”. The left is not tolerant at all and will need a severe ass whooping To remind them tolerance is so much easier than a major ass whoopin. Yes, many on both sides are surely on peoples “lists” and surely they wont come out the other side and they are fooling themselves if they think they can. They will be some of the first casualties as in any historical conflict. Some people are just stupid.

August 16, 2019 1:38 pm

Every day I see more reasons for why the second amendment is so important. Slaves don’t own guns. victims don’t own guns also.