James Rickards: The Next Financial Crash is Coming

Submitted by Phil B.

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Solutions Are Obvious
Solutions Are Obvious
November 6, 2019 8:04 am

Good interview.

What someone should take away from this video is that Economics is absolute BS. It has no value whatsoever as it has no basis in reality that underlies its precepts. It’s too fluid a discipline and is too subject to political machinations to accurately describe the world’s financial, labor and other other interconnects that it claims to understand and describe.

His take on crypto, particularly Bitcoin, is logical and cuts right through the malarkey the promoters push. Bitcoin is the modern Tulip bubble and will end the same way.

  Solutions Are Obvious
November 6, 2019 10:45 am

For all those entrepreneurs and investors mining Bitcoins in PG&E country? Sucks to be you!

November 6, 2019 8:29 am

The economy will never crash again. Ever.

November 6, 2019 8:41 am

Nowadays when it crashes, instead of crashing all at once like in 1929, it crashes incrementally. In other words, it’s already crashed. This is precisely why they have to fake economic statistics, so as to hide this fact.

November 6, 2019 8:32 am

TL / DNW …yet.
Like & respect Rickards knowledge and advice, but at 1 hr.+, this vid will have to wait.
That’s Too Long so, Did Not Watch.

By the title alone, I’ll state that yes, I know it’s coming.
The storm clouds have been gathering for a while now on the Lost Horizon.

Hopefully, in this vid, Jim gives us some semblance of WHEN, besides some suggestions on HOW to plan & prepare, with workable strategies, to avoid becoming a casualty, and hoping to survive.

Otherwise, it will be like the countless others selling wolf tickets out on the pasture where so many sheep are wandering, lost, without a shepherd, or at the very least, a smart border collie to direct the flock.

Nevertheless, gratitude for the post, of a clarion call.
Might learn a new tactic or two, while watching and waiting, with the howls of the wolfpack audible and in close proximity, under the cover of darkness.
Hear the bleating?

November 6, 2019 9:53 am

Never in my life have I ever seen such a propaganda campaign, pushing the idea that a recession or crash is on the horizon. Never. The usual progress of a recession is: first there is rising un-employment, which lead to lack of demand, which leads to a pull back on inventory, which leads to a decrease in manufacturing, this is when the fed steps in and tries to correct.

what do we have now? unemployment at record lows, energy at reasonable levels, no issues in supply, the only sector that is down is auto, and that is due to many factors, most of them due to the industry (and eric peters articles), and the fed is starting to step in.

it’s hog wash.

I submit to you that this is nothing more than another attempt by MSM to put fear into the electorate, about the current presidents trade war, and that there is no recession coming.

when gold and silver start rising to their 2010-11 levels, then we can return to this discussion.

November 6, 2019 10:56 am

By then you’ll have missed the boat, Captain Obvious.
Do you really think the government or Fed is going to telegraph a crash for the benefit of Mom and Pop Main Street investors? The game of musical chairs will continue until the first TBTF bank fails and seizes the credit system good and hard – and it’s already happening.
One morning you might wake up and switch on the morning news and wonder WTF happened overnight. I quit watching the news, listening to commercial radio, or bothering with printed news media as a source of substantive financial information It’s a waste of time.

November 6, 2019 11:41 am

Deutsch Bank.

Phil Barlett
Phil Barlett
November 6, 2019 9:47 pm

At about the 44:40 mark this interview is interrupted for a commercial. Stay Tuned! Mr. Rickards drops some nuggets afterward.