What the “F” is up with “Axe-Throwing?”

Boy oh boy – it appears that the axe-throwing trend (or hatchet throwing) is blowing up across the country.

And if you look into it just a little bit – you don’t see too much public resistance to this explosive phenomenon. Why is that?

Stumpy’s Hatchet House of Green Brook, NJ

What got us interested in forming an opinion about and writing about this subject was Stumpy’s Hatchet House over on Route 22 East in Green Brook, NJ. This particular franchise has 15 locations in the northeast – with dozens more coming. There are thousands of ax-throwing bars nationwide – and it won’t stop until the novelty wears out (IMHO, in less than a decade.)

Since the day we first started seeing these types of establishments popping up across America, we knew what was going on. The profound DUPING of ordinary people from coast to coast.

It’s our belief that this new “trend” is simply a brilliant and carefully-manufactured way to profit handsomely from countless individuals who have gotten caught up like lemmings jumping off a cliff.

A combination of expert marketing and nearly perfect use of social media and “groupthink.”

They created out of thin air – a “must do” kind of social activity that earns “approval credits” from followers, and so on. Anyone like us that speaks out with an alternative viewpoint is shunned by most. Easy to do when you weakly rely on mob-mentality and not your own individual thoughts, right?

(That’s not to say that we don’t admire the creation of such an “activity.” It’s a fascinating look at how humanity works – and will certainly be studied in the future.)

How things become a “thing?”

Before we go on – have you ever asked yourselves how anything becomes a thing or “trend?”

Do you think they’re organic? Or are they artificially manufactured?

A long time ago – most trends grew rather slowly. Mainly because the mechanisms behind “capitalizing” on those trends were immature. But all trends (think the Beatles or Lady Gaga or similar situations) eventually became literally DESIGNED – and what most marketing is these days. And certain demographics are key targets. Just look at the marketing photos. Notice any similarities?

Even worse, in fact, many of the things that exist today were created from the ground up for just profit. Not because someone had a passion for a craft or business. Just newly invented ways to extract money from others. Quite sick, if you ask us. And ironically, the tools to know what is happening around us exist (books, etc.) – but people are literally both blinded and crippled by our society to miss them. Who wants to read books and learn when they can play games, boost their egos, and have fun?

The key point most people miss – paying steeply for “fun”

They say that this new ax-throwing trend ranks up there with other bar or alcohol-related activities such as bowling or darts (although those two are vastly different).

Both activities have “sub-cultures” in them. Avid bowlers or dart players often get very into their sport. Joining leagues and becoming hardcore aficionados. This is true with almost any activity around the world. For instance, do you ever see how some Jeep hobbyists go to the Nth degree and “soup up” their rides? Some folks just become fanatics.

Bowling can be expensive if you like playing at peak time, but generally, leagues are fairly affordable considering the return.

Darts, on the other hand, is quite affordable compared to them all. We even became dart champions ourselves. It was a fun, inexpensive way to use up our limited time on earth.

But this dumb hatchet or axe throwing activity seems very expensive. $50 a night? Plus drinks?

And the dopes who literally fall in love with this activity probably have a ridiculously expensive new hobby to look forward to in the future. Any friend of mine that installs an axe-throwing setup in their house or apartment will quickly hear from me.

This “industry,” regardless of where it started (Canada, some say) was purely created to take advantage of people – AT A HIGH-PROFIT MARGIN. Most likely EACH AND EVERY ASPECT of this industry was planned from the get-go. You walked into their trap.

The same goes for those utterly insane PELOTRON bicycles.

Or any “group class” you take.

They’re all insanely HIGH-MARGIN as well as “SCALABLE,” which startup entrepreneurs ALL dream about. The elusive BILLION DOLLAR CLUB.

And some do better than others. All by preying on whatever weak human characteristics they can sink their greedy teeth into. Has to be soul-sucking to design something that psychologically misleads everyone. Maybe the seven, eight, or nine-figure paychecks and superficial success are good for most people. Selling your soul is nothing new, that’s for sure.

Why hardly anyone offers resistance to dumb shit like axe-throwing these days

Because this whole industry was craftily created with much thought and planning – they covered a lot of their bases. From “influencers” on the interwebs to hitting all the right psychological points – it’s hard to be a DISSENTER. Why? Because you’d be viewed as a nay-sayer or “buzz-kill.”

And it’s a shame when discussion cannot take place anymore, but instead, not-well-thought-out “knee-jerk” reactions based on popular opinion. Again, “groupthink.” Orwell and Huxley are likely turning in their graves.

Bottom line – watch businesses with “rental” models and high-profit-margins!

This is partly why we shy away from most franchise models and many “chain” businesses. While we do frequent places like Home Depot or Walmart, we do so because getting what we NEED is costlier elsewhere. And yes, we think carefully before we buy even what we say we need.

But activity-based chains or franchises – especially food or recreation – we try to avoid at all costs.

One, they market their businesses very deceptively. Using triggers and hooks to coerce their customers. Providing a shallow “feel good” moment. That is how they close the deals. By convincing their customers that they chose wisely or even made the decisions themselves (all while literally tricking them with subtle tactics!)

Two, many greedy companies will play nice in the beginning while they’re burning through venture capital in order to gain more market share and profit. Then, as profits decline and investors get antsy, things will change. Prices will go up. Services will decline. You can see it happen year after year.

Then many places dwindle, get bought, change direction, and very often just fail. Leaving bewildered customers stunned. And most of those customers don’t learn – and just fall into the next psychological trap. An endless cycle. But then again, there are some that learn from their mistakes and become folks like us – who are in tune with what the world is doing around them.

Some call us cynics. A few others call us insightful and wise.

Don’t take the bait. Don’t fall for the trap. Choose your time wisely and intelligently. Regret is worse than short-term pleasures!

Stumpy’s Hatchet House – Location / Map

(below is the link for the map – TBP doesn’t allow embedding)

Footnote: May be “fun,” but find other less costly hobbies

Just wanted to add a quick end note. There’s no doubt that we’d probably find some enjoyment in this activity of axe-throwing or hatchet throwing.

And we’d probably be very good at it. We’re not intimidated by this type of stuff. You should see us manage our property. We’re daredevils.

But the fact of the matter that is COSTS way too much for such a simple activity is the reason we want nothing to do with it.

We can shoot a few games of darts at a pub somewhere FREE OF CHARGE. We suppose the stigma of sharp axes or hatchets adds to the “thrill” since most people have NOT done such a thing is part of the draw. But that novelty wears off. It becomes a “been there, done that” moment. And most will eventually realize that it’s not that great. There are better ways to relieve stress or whatever it is they say is so great about throwing a heavy, sharp object at a piece of wood.

To pay $25 or $50 or more for this privilege is utterly moronic.

I can only imagine what the next trend will be after this one dies off. Grenade throwing? Russian roulette?

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November 24, 2019 6:55 am

I first encountered ax throwing a couple of decades back at the local
Highland Games festival when I went with my daughter.

She (of course) HAD to try it primarily because of the overall weirdness
and novelty.

I remember the cost was $1 per throw (minimum three) at a target
(with an instructor assist) and the money raised was going to charity,
which seemed like a perfectly fine thing.

But………..as a business model?

Seems a bit of a stretch………..

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
November 24, 2019 7:12 am

Sounds like someone didn’t get the hang of it the first time they went ax throwing.

November 24, 2019 7:14 am

Must be a slow news day… Chip

Sionnach Liath
Sionnach Liath
November 24, 2019 7:22 am

I did this frequently back in my black powder, colonial re-enactment days in the ’70s and ’80s, with tomahawks, great fun.

  Sionnach Liath
November 24, 2019 7:47 am

Exactly– My experience was a Renaissance Fair with the kids– the whole turkey leg, steak on a stake, and jousting shebang ( kids loved it).. I got my impressive dad points by throwing the double-sided battle axe type weapon ( you had to use 2-hands and throw it overhead) into a circle of tree slice about 15 feet away…done it once, enough for me.

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
November 24, 2019 7:33 am

WTF is up with axe throwing? Is this a serious question?
People in NJ are throwing axes because the socialist nannies here don’t allow them to own guns for recreational shooting purposes.
If the author is truly a resident of regulation-happy, business killing Fookin’ Joisey, like I am, that question is a no-brainer. Take one look at how this state is run and you’ll have one of the answers to this Millenial-era business model.
Let’s talk beer, because I like beer.
For some reason Founders brewery in Michigan distributes to NJ, yet I can find every expensive beer they make EXCEPT the ONE popular, less expensive lager beer I like that Founders brews YEAR-ROUND.
Why is that?
Maybe because the regional brewers like Yeungling and Anheuser-Busch are big local competitors even though, in my opinion, they have inferior competing lager brands. I blame the distributors, demand, and the state laws for that and it’s a big reason why Jersey has so few well-established beer businesses compared to other states.
I watched as a new brewhouse in Lakewood, NJ called Icarus Brewing was being built and documented from the ground up by the owner. The legal hassle and regulations for such a business here is unbelievable.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
  e.d. ott
November 24, 2019 7:49 am

Our Recon jeep had a full sized ax strapped to it when we went out into the field. If we were on a field exercise and there was time to kill, that thing came out every damn time and we’d pick a nice loblolly pine tree as a target and start chucking. Got pretty damned good at it after a couple of thousand tosses.

Human beings are hard wired to handle tools and to challenge themselves and each other. Never going to change. And once you’ve actually picked up a trick or two it feels great to extrapolate on what it means to have that skill set. You’re not practicing ax throwing to split kindling, are you?

And of course restrictions are a part of it. Where do you thin caber tossing came from? The more they squeeze, the more ways people will discover to get around the rules and often with one thing in mind when they practice their deadly arts.

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
  Hardscrabble Farmer
November 24, 2019 9:52 am

I learned to chop and split wood with an axe long before axe-throwing morphed into an expensive recreational trend. Wondering if the axe-throwers will have the reverse opportunity to turn those skills back into buying wood stoves, chainsaws, or splitters to keep themselves warm, if need be.
I’ll be watching.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
November 24, 2019 12:39 pm

As a child I had throwing knives purchased from the Johnson Smith catalogue. Got pretty good with them. Then I found out about wrist rockets and steel pachinko balls for ammo, or cracker balls which were paper wrapped gravel and gunpowder. Throwing a hand axe into trees was fun too. Still have axe, head forged in 1941.

  e.d. ott
November 24, 2019 8:48 am

…can appreciate Otter’s sentiments.
On the flip side, I can’t get Yuengling in Michigan.
Have to plead with Ohio friends to bring me cases at a time.
Eddie, you wanna swap me some Yuingies for some Founders?
Shipping costs are the minor obstacle. But, it’s doable.

November 24, 2019 10:03 am

I reside in the PRofNJ and send Yuenling to my buddy in CA about 4 times a year. DO NOT use the post office. UPS or FedEx ground, never had a problem. My sister was dumb and sent us wine thru the USPS. The bottle broke and she recd a threatening letter form the post master stating if she did it again she’d be fined. I guess its a tax thing, fucking .gov got their hand up everyone’s ass. Can’s only. No glass. Happy Thanksgiving.

Hans Fotzenlager
Hans Fotzenlager
November 24, 2019 8:07 am

Was channel surfing a few weeks ago and, oddly, ran across an axe throwing tournament. I thought it interesting…for maybe 10 minutes. The matches seemed to go on forever. Appeared to be more like a dart tournament with larger ‘darts’. I suppose like anything else, is more fun participating than watching.

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
  Hans Fotzenlager
November 24, 2019 10:06 am

One of my favorite shows on TV is “Forged in Fire.”
It’s a televised competition for metal smiths that concentrates on making edged blades for prize money and bragging rights among a sub-culture of martial artists. It’s fascinating – for me, anyway – to see skilled people making tools from ordinary items for various purposes. I can identify with that.
Coincidentally, one of the winners was a former NJ resident named Ryu Lim who threw together a handmade open-air coal forge at a residential house that attracted the attention of his local fire department. I laughed my ass off and was happy to see Ryu win the $10,000 prize money. Now THAT’s entertainment with a purpose.

Forged in Fire – Ryu Lin

November 24, 2019 8:11 am

The real question should be, ” how can I get a slice” no pun intended… marketing personal axes…custom grips with some individualized themes (favorite sports all team comes to mind) etc..

November 25, 2019 8:04 am

I went to the Washington (D.C.) Expo Center’s gun show this weekend – – held in Virginia, when you can still BUY a gun – – and they had several tables of makers & sellers of handmade knives and axes. Sadly, there’s not a lot of action at those tables. The products are beautiful, but have high price tags relative to the commercial sellers. Short-term thinking in this society – – the handmade one are works of art and will last for generations, but most consumers think short-term. I’d LOVE to buy more, but I don’t have a house to store them, which makes me sad. : (

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 24, 2019 9:14 am

In a land of lumbersexuals, axe-throwing bars are a thing.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
  Iska Waran
November 24, 2019 9:37 am

Good observation. The big beard/plaid shirt crowd would easily be drawn to ax throwing.

Clan of the Cave Monkey
Clan of the Cave Monkey
  Hardscrabble Farmer
November 24, 2019 1:27 pm

Wake me when we are living in caves and holding rock throwing matches.

Walter Johnson
Walter Johnson
  Iska Waran
November 24, 2019 8:20 pm

Ahh… the lumbersexual… I’d forgotten about him… coiffed beard, pressed plaid flannel, denims with a crease, boots, no grease. Yeah…

  Walter Johnson
November 25, 2019 3:06 am

…wood pole up ass.

November 24, 2019 10:13 am

an offer 4 an ax throwing session popped up on a groupon email a few days ago 4 here in this area–
i didn’t click so i have no idea what the price was but if it comes up again i’ll check it out–
as stupid as it is to pay all this $ to play at ax throwing i believe that it’s also a good thing–
there was a time when most boys had both a knife & a hatchet & didn’t most of us play around with them?
as farmer said above,having the ax there on the jeep made it natural that men would play around & compete–
is there a guy here under 50 who didn’t play mumbly peg w/his buddies?how many of us wanted to be like fess parker?
anything that helps peel away guys from effed up thinking is a good thing in my book–

November 24, 2019 11:07 am

just 4 the heck of it i went back to see if i could find the ax throwing offer & it was still in my email–
not only that biz,several others are also in this area–
no wonder people’s credit cards are tapped out–


November 24, 2019 11:24 am

“It’s our belief that this new “trend” is simply a brilliant and carefully-manufactured way to profit handsomely from countless individuals who have gotten caught up like lemmings jumping off a cliff.”

Yeah….that pretty much describes western civilization for the past 100+ years (economics, politics, food, clothing, etc.)

And if they aren’t throwing the axes/hatchets at YOU, why does it matter?

November 24, 2019 11:39 am

Entrepreneurial Capitalism in its rawest form; find a niche and fill it….Some people can’t wait to give their money away for a stupid activity they can do at home.

The other activities mentioned, bowling and darts, are more social facilitators than potential sociopathic party venues. Imagine some very pissed and pissed -off folks having it out at Stumpys after downing several pints and letting the axes fly over a mistaken case of girlfriend or wife being hit on by some ignorant lothario. Duck! (Actually might have potential as a fun location for anger management seminars or marital counseling session.)

Good people of New Jersey (and the rest of America!) Save your axes, other farm implements, plus your pent-up righteous anger, for the deserving politicians and civil servants who have bled your locality and this nation dry.

No charge.

November 24, 2019 12:44 pm

No doubt started by a finger reattachment surgeon.

November 24, 2019 4:30 pm

Always had my doubts about bungee-jumping.
But maybe I’m just a cheap chicken-shit….

November 24, 2019 4:32 pm

Well, that didn’t work. Link didn’t post right so just never mind me.

November 24, 2019 4:49 pm

Try again…

Boomerville Follies (EC)
Boomerville Follies (EC)
  M G
November 25, 2019 12:11 pm

Maggito, stop stalking noobs, no telling how many (besides Left A Comment) you have scared away.

  Boomerville Follies (EC)
November 25, 2019 12:20 pm

I did NOT scare Left A Comment away. Not intentionally.

Sorry, rayray… I’ll leave you alone.


Boomerville Follies (EC)
Boomerville Follies (EC)
  M G
November 25, 2019 12:29 pm

Remember when they would announce, ‘Elvis has left the building’ immediately after his last song? LAC never left the building.

  Boomerville Follies (EC)
November 25, 2019 12:50 pm

So…. LAC is rayray?

November 24, 2019 5:42 pm

I am never going to play fetch with a damn axe. And that is all axe throwing is, a game of fetch with no dog – throw axe, fetch axe. Fuck that.

I could get my dogs to go get the damn thing, I suppose, but the fuckers never bring anything back. Plus the bastards would chew an axe handle to bits in about 2 seconds. Hell, I am still looking for all the bits to the last intruder.

Vixen Vic – you need a couple of these:

comment image

November 26, 2019 6:45 am

Is like a Boxer (canine) who spent his life pumping iron. What a gorgeous animal.

Prof. Mandelbrot
Prof. Mandelbrot
November 24, 2019 7:19 pm

But it is good practice for the coming shtf purge…..

November 24, 2019 10:15 pm

I used to throw hatchets and knives with buddies of mine, but this was because one was a retired SF would-be mountain man, while the other one was just really into blades. It was a fun way to pass the time. None of us did it to show off our manly bonafides at a bar. It actually took some skill to get it right. If I want to throw hatchets, knives, shovels, or anything else, I can do that in my yard. No $50 cover. No bragging, either. Just like most of the stuff I do for my own enjoyment; no crowd is needed, nor wanted.

These metrosexuals ruin everything.

After the SF guys grew beards in Afghanistan 20 years ago, all the hipster douchebags grew beards to try and simulate masculinity. A few years ago, I read some of them were paying docs in NYC to move hair from their assholes to their chins so they could grow better beards! No shit! I read recently now beards are becoming passe, so they’re looking for a new gimmick to differentiate themselves. I heard mustaches were one “new” idea they’re discovering. I hope the cheap wannabe fedoras fade away soon. It takes a real man to sport a real fedora and those cheap trashy ones from 7-11 aren’t cutting it.

Next, they’ll be trying to do blacksmithing.

Worse, after their brief infatuation with banging iron, they’ll take up target shooting, just to show off in some ironic way how manly they are, while still hating guns and what they represent.

These douchers never stop their search for some “authentic” thing to prove themselves or turn into the next big fad. They’re why we got 500 different fruit flavors of vodka (even birthday cake. yuck.) and about 800 different brands of IPA so bitter, nobody can drink them. Thankfully, they haven’t found Scotch yet, but I’m sure that’s on the way. Seems like they’re working their magic on bourbon now. You can tell, because now every bottle in the store has some mystical, magical, amazing story about how their whiskey is made in an authentic civil war locomotive boiler they rescued from a dump and their recipe was passed down from great-great-great grandfathers who got the recipe from a pirate ship and the water is crystal-clear spring water from a secret hollow somewhere in the mountains and the grains are all blessed by a buddhist monk before they brew the stuff up and they dip a crystal shard from Krypton into the mash before they cook, just to make it extra-smooth and 10% of the profits will be donated to gay whales.

November 25, 2019 5:10 am

Gilbert – really enjoyed reading that. How about writing an article? I think you have some stories in you.

November 25, 2019 5:14 am

BTW – I could care less how they make it. If it meets the bourbon standards, I will give it a try. Anyone making bourbon cannot be all bad.

Right now I am drinking a single barrel Blanton’s. Yummmmmy. I loves me some bourbon. Four Roses single barrel is also on my guzzling list.

November 25, 2019 12:22 pm

I have a sealed Bottle in Sealed Box of Jim Beam 200th Anniversary Bourbon (1995)… supposedly is worth a nickel or two. Should I taste it and see?

Boomerville Follies (EC)
Boomerville Follies (EC)
November 25, 2019 12:14 pm

A few years ago, I read some of them were paying docs in NYC to move hair from their assholes to their chins so they could grow better beards! No shit!

Excellent writing technique of leaving a hidden joke!

LLPOH, Gilberts is an oldtimer and a good writer also. I loved the bourbon origins story. I didn’t know there were gay whales. I hope Willy wasn’t gay.

  Boomerville Follies (EC)
November 25, 2019 12:28 pm

Explain the joke… in Okie.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
  Boomerville Follies (EC)
November 25, 2019 12:33 pm

Well, he’s free now, so there’s that.

  Boomerville Follies (EC)
November 26, 2019 6:42 am

Waiting. Road guards out.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
November 25, 2019 12:32 pm

That was literary art. Thank you, sir.

November 24, 2019 10:28 pm

Oh, and it’s true, fads and movements are now manufactured. I read a while back about the whole industry devoted to monitoring people, especially kids, online in chatrooms and comment threads. They want to know what people think and like and collect information to figure out how to market to the target audience while also concocting sales plans. They also feed back to the same target crowd info about the hottest new “thing” they’re trying to sell, creating fake hype for it. The biggest culprit is probably Big Music. They have legions of spies online and even in public following kids around listening to their opinions. They create bands out of whole cloth, picking attractive people (no talent needed. we’ll auto-tune it later) who are handed music written for them by others. The music industry then hires teen models to send out in packs to malls and other places kids congregate to walk around talking about how cool their new fake band is in the hope other kids will join their group and follow them around and adopt their opinions. It’s crazy.

November 25, 2019 8:13 am

Meh, if I can get a decent night out around here – – cheaply, with a coupon/Groupon/LivingSocial discount/whatever – – to entertain my lady, I’m happy. We’ve done a bunch of fake activities – – archery and indoor skydiving (for f*ck sake!) to name two, but it beats going into the swamp (D.C.) on a weekend…the less of my money that flows into that sh*thole city, the better.

November 26, 2019 1:02 am

Leave that awful place. There’s nothing good about DC.

Go to Total Wine, get an $8 bottle of Mouton Cadet, grab lady friend, cook some nice dinner, and stay in.
Go up to Ashburn area, find one of the light industrial places on Beaumeade Circle off Loudon County Parkway (I used to park behind Intelligent Decisions), and go for a night hike on the W & OD railroad trail. It’s a scary cheap thrill and you’re generally unlikely to encounter another soul. It’s an infiltration, not a regular hike. Bonus points for using Nods.
Charcoal Chicken in Chantilly off Metrotech parkway. Best Pakistani/Indian food around. Alternatively, check out Lotus Vegetarian Cafe around the corner. Best and only place you’ll find crispy sesame burdock. You can find a lot more options if you look up Tyler Cowen’s ethnic dining guide online. He’s tried everything worth trying. I found some great Korean following his tips.
Take up hiking. C&O canal is picturesque. Great Falls is pretty. Shenandoah is gorgeous.

Avoid National Shithole. That’s a giant cash-vacuum. King Street, Alexandria is better. Some interesting little places. Lots of peculiar people doing peculiar things if you watch. Check out Gadsby’s Tavern and have a meal where Washington ate.

Go to Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. That’s kept safe, while the rest of the city looks like Escape from NY. Park close to the Bubba Gump restaurant at one of the parking garages. Get the water taxi all-day pass to move easily between the safe touristy areas. Tour the USS Constellation and the old Light Ship and the rest. Ignore the big chain shitholes on the dock. The aquarium is worth a visit. Fell’s Point is the place to go. Go about 2 blocks behind it and find Krakus Deli on Fleet Street where they still smoke real Kielbasa on-site and you can get real Kabinosa sausage. You can eat their product next door at the Eastern European Mean Bean cafe. Their pierogies are great. Go to the opposite side of the harbor to see the Museum of Industry, which is actually pretty cool. Consider visiting the S.S. John Brown, a Liberty Ship across the harbor.

Leave that awful place. There’s nothing good about DC.

November 26, 2019 6:40 am

Avoid National Shithole. That’s a giant cash-vacuum. King Street, Alexandria is better. Some interesting little places. Lots of peculiar people doing peculiar things if you watch. Check out Gadsby’s Tavern and have a meal where Washington ate.

(Worked for a company in Alexandria, so agree with your assessment completely. Am also copying the list for return trips (if). One of the brainiacs around TBP should make it a “Things to do NOT in DC” post.)

November 25, 2019 10:26 am

The axe is a stupid throwing implement. You can throw it, but you can also throw a toilet. Neither one is really designed for throwing. Lots of people like throwing knives, but going to all that trouble to put that tiny little hole in something doesn’t seem useful, not to mention you just unweaponed yourself. For my money, the machete is the premiere throwing weapon. When thrown well it will penetrate completely through a four inch pine. Try that with a throwing knife or axe, but prepare to be disappointed.

James the Deplorable Wanderer
James the Deplorable Wanderer
November 25, 2019 10:52 pm

True, but even getting hit with the flat side of a tomahawk gets one’s attention. I have one with a blade edge and a point opposite, that claims some kind of inspiration from Marines in Vietnam. Anyone care to say if that was a real thing or not?
And yes, rednecks have thrown anything with an edge or a point at trees from at least the days of my youth, if not earlier. FM, your namesake had one, right?