Gun Control Groups Hide Behind Bogus “Police” Think Tank To Disarm Americans

Originally Posted at FMShooter and Nationalist Review

The myth that police support gun control legislation is one of the most frequent crutches used by gun control groups to support disarming Americans. At the forefront of this is the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF), a DC-based think tank with a long anti-gun history.

This is all done with your tax dollars, no less, as the Nationalist Review recently exposed the DOJ’s funding of PERF:

Between 2001 and 2017, PERF has received a combined $35.2 million in funding from federal, state, and local governments in the form of grants and contracts, according to 990 tax filings submitted by the DC based think tank. In addition to this funding, PERF receives millions more annually in the form of fees charged for training ($9,500 per officer for a three week course) and conference registrations ($3.3 million in 2018 alone)

Made up of police chiefs and executives from large cities, PERF policies have resulted in a “soft federalization” of policing, with “training courses” that yield almost zero flexibility for officers in the field, and this rigidity extends to the push to restrict civilian firearms ownership at every juncture.

Unsurprisingly, PERF was one of the major backstops for former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg‘s first foray into gun control.  The push to repeal the Tiahrt Amendment (legislation protecting the privacy of gunowners’ personal information) was spearheaded by Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns, and supported by none other than PERF’s very own Chuck Wexler:

Mayors Against Illegal Guns last Tuesday stood on Capitol Hill with law enforcement officials and members of Congress to urge the repeal of the Tiahrt Amendment.

Members of Congress at the event included… Chuck Wexler, Executive Director of the Police Executive Research Forum.

Lest we forget, Mayors Against Illegal Guns was disbanded in 2014 and rebranded as Everytown for Gun Safety after the group’s mayors either turned against Bloomberg, or turned up in possession of illegal firearms:

While Bloomberg was restructuring his gun control apparatus, Wexler remained as PERF’s Executive Director, where in 2017, he pushed back against one of the only noble causes championed by then-AG Jeff Sessions – a drive to have police departments enforce immigration laws:

In 2017, when then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions threatened to withhold federal funds from police departments that refused to enforce immigration laws, it was Chuck Wexler, the executive director of the Police Executive Research Forum, who pushed back against him. Wexler claimed that if police departments assisted in detaining illegal immigrants, they would inhibit their ability to gain information from the community about recent crimes.

PERF supports every gun control policy imaginable, including, but not limited to:

  • Restrictions on firearm magazine capacity
  • Implementation of Universal Background Checks
  • “Red Flag” Laws
  • Microstamping technology in all new firearms
  • Opposition to removal of suppressors from NFA restriction
  • A reinstatement of Senator Dianne Feinstein‘s 1994 Assault Weapons Ban, where she famously stated on 60 Minutes that she would support door-to-door gun confiscation:


As previously mentioned by the Nationalist Review, PERF relies on failed retreads and anti-gun fanatics to head their departments, and there is perhaps no bigger example than former NYPD commissioner James O’Neill.  O’Neill even took his gun control platform to the national stage, appearing on 60 Minutes to plead against National Concealed Carry Reciprocity:

Cyrus Vance: I think it would be a disaster for New York City. And I think for major cities around the country.

James O’Neill: I think it’s insanity.

Vance and O’Neill have established a formidable coalition of prosecutors and police chiefs from nearly every big city in America to lobby senators to keep the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act from becoming law.

Of course, O’Neill continues to support support lackluster firearms training for NYPD officers, and the NYPD continues to be the only police department in the country with a mandated 12lb firearm trigger, a major contributor to poor firearm accuracy:

Comparison of a professional marksman shooting an NYPD trigger vs a stock trigger

When you hear about the NYPD taking 16 shots to kill one bad guy and accidentally wounding nine civilian passers-by, or officers firing 84 shots at a murder suspect and missing 83 times (with the only hit registering in the suspect’s calf), don’t blame the officers—blame their poor training and equipment, mandated by O’Neill all throughout his tenure as commissioner.

And yet, PERF is cited by nearly every liberal organization that supports gun control.  Former Connecticut Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty, one of Bloomberg’s most endorsed candidates (via his Moms Demand and Everytown proxies), used PERF to proclaim that “every” major law enforcement organization opposed CCW Reciprocity.

This was her platform, right up until she was forced to abandon her re-election campaign in the wake of a sex scandal involving her chief of staff:

In early 2018, Esty faced public criticism after news reports revealed that her former chief of staff had been accused of sexual harassment and threats of violence against staff but that she kept him on the payroll for another three months and wrote him a positive letter of reference.

California Rep. Salud Carbajal recently used PERF to justify his push for “Red Flag” laws:

But it is hardly just politicians themselves who use PERF as a gun control crutch.  Parkland “victim” Cameron Kasky, another anti-gunner who exists solely on Bloomberg donations, used PERF police chief and noted gun-grabbing liar Chief Art Acevedo to promote his advocacy:

Rifles PERF wishes to ban frequently save lives:

Even the “conservative” Koch Brothers have donated hundreds of thousands to PERF:

Make no mistake about it, PERF anti-gun policies have infiltrated the Trump administration as well:

Remember Chuck Wexler? Here he is with none other than the architect of Fast and Furious: former Attorney General Eric Holder:

Ironically enough, Holder opposed Project Exile, a program which aimed to force federal prosecutions and guaranteed prison sentences for illegal firearms possession charges.  For a man who had no problem with the “soft federalization” of police throughout his career, it is rather amusing that he opposed the one tool that is lauded by both the NRA and police everywhere as a major contributor to a drastic drop in violent crime rates.

But perhaps no one more blatantly clings to PERF than Monsanto lobbyist and “stay-at-home mom” Shannon Troughton.  If you haven’t heard of her in the past, it’s because she changed her last name to Watts to try to duck her past as a lobbyist for big corporate interests when she joined Bloomberg’s newly rebranded Everytown:

Watts had the temerity to follow Hillary Clinton’s debunked suggestion that suppressors make firearms more deadly.  Sadly enough, PERF is all too willing to go along with both Hillary and Watts:

Ever wonder why former Speaker Paul Ryan never brought CCW Reciprocity or removal of Suppressor NFA restrictions to a vote?  Look no further than his connections to PERF:

Burlington’s police chief spent Martin Luther King Jr. Day meeting with other police leaders and U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan in Wisconsin to speak about law enforcement use of force.

The topic: A new policy created by the Police Executive Research Forum with the help of law enforcement partners across the country. Ryan’s hometown police department in Janesville recently adopted the policy, del Pozo said. The Burlington chief was one of five police leaders who helped forum members present the policy to Ryan.

Unfortunately, PERF does the exact opposite of what Ryan claimed to oppose – the soft federalization of local police:

“(Ryan) has never been interested in federalizing local functions, and he considers police a local function,” del Pozo said. “But he was interested in hearing what local police have done sort of on a voluntary basis to improve use-of-force outcomes in policing. We were just explaining the curriculum.”

Make no mistake about it, PERF has infiltrated every layer of our country’s policing and law enforcement apparatus, and draconian gun controls are all over their list of objectives. Whenever anyone states that there is “police support” for a gun control initiative you can bet your bottom dollar that PERF is one of the “police organizations” they’ll use to make that argument.

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old white guy
old white guy
December 4, 2019 8:54 am

Print the Second Amendment on a big stick and every time someone suggests violating it hit them with the stick.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
December 4, 2019 9:04 am

This is no longer an issue with any debate….either you believe the facts that obviously gun control is unconstitutional and guns in private hands save many more lives than they take or you are an authoritarian collectivist.

Sadly the so-called GOP lacks the spine to do anything to stop the left…..when was the last pro-2A legislation? Now despite Trump’s idiotic “grab the guns first and due process later” quote no Federal Red Flag laws have been passed, typical Trump move. The next Dem in the WH while however go crazy on the guns and that will be that…just look at what is happening in VA today. Then we will see you really believe in freedom and is willing to fight for it.

  Martel's Hammer
December 4, 2019 11:09 am

“The next Dem in the WH while however go crazy on the guns”

(shrug) ready. après trump le déluge.

  Martel's Hammer
December 4, 2019 11:35 am

Marty, This is not a partisan issue among the elected and appointed officials in this nation. Republicans and Democrats alike are authoritarian gun-grabbers, they just aren’t as honest about it.

Anyone who gets a license to buy or carry a gun of any sort can be sure that the list of names collected by the government will be the first set of places visited when confiscation becomes viable. Look for some other fun stuff (like insurance requirements) to come first. You can bet that Paul Ryan will support that one.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
December 4, 2019 12:51 pm

Sort of true…there are some Deep State RINO’s like Ryan (now gone) and Mittens in the Senate…but most of the GOP will pay lip service and not do much essentially neutral. That was my point on the Red Flags Laws…which didn’t happen and Trump has built a track record of dumb/soft statements to placate the left and then done nothing.

The Left though is exceptionally eager to take the guns now….watch VA.

Solutions Are Obvious
Solutions Are Obvious
December 4, 2019 9:08 am

The gov’t steals out money (taxes) and then gives it away to a propaganda organization designed to influence the attitudes of the public.

I need gov’t like I need a hole in the head.

  Solutions Are Obvious
December 4, 2019 11:09 am

“I need gov’t like I need a hole in the head.”

they’re bound and determined to give you one or the other. “the nation that will not serve you shall be destroyed.”

  Solutions Are Obvious
December 4, 2019 7:22 pm

They steal our money to give it away to people who then vote for more government criminals who support stealing more money to give away to more people……….ad infinitum.

Vote Harder
Vote Harder
December 4, 2019 9:25 am

This is why lobbyist of ALL types should be abolished from the American political system. They never lobby for anything good.

  Vote Harder
December 4, 2019 12:15 pm

Get rid of the power of the central government, and the lobbyists will have NOTHING to purchase, and so will go away on their own.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
  Vote Harder
December 4, 2019 12:52 pm

Err lobbying is free speech…we need more transparency as to who is doing what and for whom….the lobbyist write a lot of the legislation….we should know who wrote what….

  Martel's Hammer
December 4, 2019 4:09 pm

Lobbying as it is in D.C. isnt free speech per se, it is the active bribery or manipulation of votes through promises of funding. This funding can be through political pacs, non-profits, pork projects that are slide into bills. This is a give and take and the direct reason that there isnt anyone in congress that isnt a millionaire. There is so much more to the lobbying industry than simply talking with a congressional representative. Try to get a one-on-one with a rep and you will be turned down flat. A lobbyist on the other hand will get as much time as they need.

December 4, 2019 9:26 am

The Federal government is a criminal organization. Criminals do not want their victims armed. It’s that simple.

Big faced conversos are swamp creatures too.

comment image?width=780&height=520&rect=1560×1040&offset=0x0

December 4, 2019 9:40 am

If you committed vile crimes comparable to the thieves, crooks and gangsters trying to take your guns away, then you would also favor disarming the American people. In fact, I would argue that the greater the crime, the greater the effort by those trying to remove guns from the people. Put another way, this is a massive effort on the part of criminals who are trying, but will fail, to protect their rotten necks. Because when these crimes and criminals become more widely known to most Americans, there will be a fearful reckoning and heads will roll.

December 4, 2019 9:53 am

These ass clowns continue to make criminals out of law abiding citizens. Well then….as the saying goes….I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by six.

December 4, 2019 11:11 am

“I’d rather be judged by 12”

if jury acquittals become an issue then they’ll find some excuse to eliminate juries.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
December 5, 2019 2:27 pm

They already have for minor offenses in all states. Things like getting a traffic citation are part of the list. No JURY trials for those! Even thought the fines and court cost are much higher than the 20 dollar threshold required for a jury trial. So you lose your rights straight off as it regards to a traffic citations.

December 4, 2019 10:50 am

If the “think tank” isn’t promoting the EXPANSION of freedom, and the REDUCTION of government power, it is your enemy, and the enemy of civilization itself.

December 4, 2019 10:57 am

Kind of tired of there shit, door to door confiscation is just fine with me, let’s end the shit show one way or another.

December 4, 2019 11:04 am

“12lb firearm trigger”

gack! geez, while they’re at it why not just put a trigger lock on too?

December 4, 2019 11:18 am

“door to door confiscation”

you guys don’t have a clue. here is what will happen.

one day you will suddenly find that your bank account has been locked, that none of your debit cards operate, and that none of your credit cards function. you can’t pay your mortgage, you can’t buy gas, you can’t buy food, you can’t pay your water or electric bills. then you will get a form letter in the mail, saying “our records indicate you are in possession of certain illegal firearms. your finances have been locked until this situation is resolved. please turn in all illegal firearms and ammunition to your nearest sheriff/fire/county/post office. your finances may be restored after your case is reviewed and a determination made. have a nice day.”

what will you do?

December 4, 2019 11:51 am

As Gerald Celeste says “When people lose everything and have nothing left to lose, they lose it”.

December 4, 2019 12:25 pm

“they lose it”

so? how will you get water and groceries and gasoline?

December 4, 2019 12:16 pm

We all go down to the government offices and give them at least the lead portion of our ammunition.

December 4, 2019 12:24 pm

“we will all go down to the government offices and …”

so? they’re not the ones in control of your financials. they’re irrelevant. the ones in control don’t live anywhere near you, you don’t even know who they are, you can’t touch them. and those who would confiscate your weapons want you out of the way, nothing more and nothing less. by turning off your financials and leaving you unable to function in the modern world they achieve that aim. at that point, whether you turn in your weapons or not is completely irrelevant to them. you can shoot the bureaucrats or blow up the ATMs or rob grocery stores all day long for all they care, it will not touch them. in their eyes, and in modern world reality, you will be dead already and there will be nothing you can do about it. now of course if you prostrate yourself before them and offer up your weapons as penance these people will have an interest in retaining you as a serf working for their society – but only if and as and until you so prostrate yourself. but whether you do or don’t, you can’t touch them or their lives or their power.

December 4, 2019 1:13 pm

Start stealing everything you need. They’ve made you a criminal anyways so fuck them. Also, make a list and check it twice…
I’m getting sick and tired of reading about pussies saying there is nothing we can do. F that shit. Go get the fuckers and let the cards fall where they may.
The commies are winning you dumb shits and if it gets any worse who gives a flying shit as it’s all going to blow up anyways. They’re pushing the pedos, the commie shit, that lucifarian goat fucker shit, and every other degenerate socialist arrow they have in the quiver. The corruption is rampant to the tune of TRILLIONS.
The tree of liberty is drying out. I give it 5 more years before it’s too late to turn it around.
Prepare yourselves, because if God doesn’t return soon, we’re on our own.

December 4, 2019 9:54 pm

Yes, abbey said it best, “When guns are outlawed, only the Government will have guns. The Government – and a few outlaws. If that happens, you can count me among the outlaws.” If an organization is feeding you….

December 4, 2019 12:53 pm

from elsewhere, seems worth repeating …

Mr. Pea January 29, 2013 8:20 PM No. They are not going to come after your guns. Not directly anyways. They are not going to do a direct assault on your front door. MexiKaliForniKation already has an “Assault Weapons” ban, yet hardly anyone turned in their “assault weapons” or registered them. No, they are sitting in dark corners of closets and gun safes that don’t see the light of day except to be cleaned… if ever. The 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act did not compel millions to turn in the “assault weapons.”

No. They are cowering you. Law, after law, after law. Laws that your children will grow up in. Laws that your children will be accustomed to. Programmed to. Growing up into the new camp one generation at a time. You… yourself, have grown up in laws that your grandfather may have scoffed at. And they in turn grew up in laws that their grandfathers scoffed at. The wheels of tyranny maybe turning slowly, but the wheels are turning none the less.

We are NOT our grandfathers. Our grandfathers were not their grandfathers. See where this is going? Where do you think it will end?

Go buy a gun from the Sears and Roebucks catalog? Go buy a gun without a NICS? Take out your once legal, now illegal gun, to the gun range?

A little here, a little there… and here we are. Controlled.

Sure… probably most will not turn in their newly found “illegal” weapons. Most will probably not register their newly found “illegal” weapons. But is that the point? Or is control the point? You may never get caught with those newly found “illegal” weapons, but if you do, welcome to the felony club… and all your guns, legal and “illegal” confiscated. No, all those newly found “illegal” guns will sit in a dark closet or gun safe… regulated and dared to see the light of day.

What if they started a revolution and there was no one to fight? What if they decreed one citizen control law after another, and no one fought back? How many people are sitting in prison right now for something that our Founders would have scoffed at? And of those who are sitting in prison right now for breaking some government diktat that never should have seen the light of day… where are their champions of justice and liberty?

Government is instituted on the threat of violence. Trauma based predictive programming. Here we are.

They have you sitting in the corner saying to yourself… IF, the government comes through my door, I will fight back. There will not be another Ft. Sumter… of which they are counting on. We will not fight back unless our government perpetuates mass violence upon us… of which they won’t, at least not anytime in the foreseeable future. It is all scare tactics. And it is working. It has worked. And it will continue to work… as it has worked. What proof do you need? Here we are. You are not your grandfather. You grandfathers were not their grandfathers. Death by a thousand government diktats… and barely is a shot fired.

Do you get it now?

We’re just waiting for the impending doom!

The old fallback.

The wheel will keep on turning… A little here, a little there. And your grandchildren will not be their grandfathers… the generational camp. Here we are.

When an opponent declares, “I will not come over to your side,” I calmly say, “Your child belongs to us already. . . . What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.” – Adolf Hitler

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
December 4, 2019 5:27 pm

Bingo. Fabianism.

Vote Harder
Vote Harder
December 4, 2019 1:26 pm

It’s going to be fun watching them try to get this many guns away from the huge mass of population buying guns like there’s no tomorrow.

Just in from ATF:

New federal data shows that there are 422.9 million firearms in circulation, or about 1.2 guns for every person in the country.

And that is only the guns that are on paper! So I suspect it may be double that number.

December 5, 2019 5:39 am

Anti gunners are so criminally insane it is difficult to believe they are nothing less than evil incarnate. Who the fuck makes good people helpless against the wicked? Retarded.