The 2020 Elections & the Coming Violence

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Democracy is dying and it just looks like we have to go into the crash and burn. The President won more votes than any incumbent ever in history. The Democrats have adopted such a left-wing agenda that it is truly scaring the “silent majority” who most often are never represented in the polls. In the Democratic camp, Bernie supporters realize that the game is rigged. There are fears emerging among Bernie supporters that his nomination will be stolen like the last time. They fear that party-bosses claim that they have rewritten the nomination rules after the nasty 2016 primary race to quell a backlash from Sanders’ supporters, that will not matter, Last time, the influence of the “superdelegates” backed Hillary which was not represented by any democratic vote. They are absolutely correct – they will never allow Bernie to represent the party in November.

Even Bloomberg is acting very left-wing and many see him with resentment. The common complaint is that he made all his money and now wants to oppress the small business owners with his insane environmental regulations. He thinks he can just buy the presidency and vows to outspend Trump. Hillary outspent Trump by 10:1 so 2016 showed that money was not the deciding factor. Bloomberg is a very dangerous guy for his decision on the stop-and-frisk illustrates that his claim that crime was just too high and he had to do something demonstrates he has no respect for constitutional rights. This is not a dictatorship and many see his Napoleon Complex a very dangerous. Bloomberg News will, of course, pitch him to the world just like CNN will oppose Trump regardless of who the Democratic candidate will be. My bet is on Hillary still – (OPINION).

The real problem to emerge is interesting. When Obama was elected, we did not hear Republicans claiming “he’s not my president!” Something has seriously changed. Historically, everyone who voted for the losing candidate simply moved on and that was the end of the contest. This time, the left is hell-bent on oppressing the right and this is not what civilization is supposed to be about. No matter who wins in 2020, they will just not accept a loss.

This is just not going to end well and it is part of the collapse in confidence in the bond market and governments. CNN and the rest of the biased media are fueling this divide. They just do not care what they are doing to the nation. We are no longer a democracy or a viable civilization that benefits LIBERTY. It is all about suppressing the opponent.

This is why the backlash is becoming evidence from both sides. If the winner is not respected as the president, then what is the purpose of even having a unified country? The United States becomes the Free-For-All of States. We have New York declaring it is a “sanctuary” state issuing IDs to illegal aliens who then do not pay taxes or are ineligible to vote legally? So they defend people who cannot even vote or pay taxes? Very strange thinking indeed!

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February 14, 2020 2:20 pm

Coming violence?Jeez,already stated in long term corona beer attack article would buy more cases of food and cases of food for tools of freedom,sigh…….

I guess will be getting even more cases.

February 14, 2020 2:35 pm

We’re not a democracy, we’re a republic. Got that wrong first sentence.

February 14, 2020 3:00 pm

Goes to show everyone how good the propaganda really is. Even I fall pray to the crap.

February 14, 2020 3:08 pm

You know we see all kinds of finger pointing here and there blaming this thing and that thing, but one of the best books I have ever come across that chronicles the moral decline in traditional American values was the 1991 book “The Rise of Selfishness in America” by James Lincoln Collier.

This guy is a music historian who set about to write a book that chronicled the history of ragtime and jazz music, but the more he researched music, the more he began to correlate the rise in popularity of jazz with the decline in traditional moral values. Halfway through his book on music history, he started over and instead wrote a book about the history of the decline in traditional American values and its correlation with the rise in mass media. What is also interesting is he dedicates the first parts of his book to chronicling the creation of what came to be known as traditional American values – I haven’t seen that in any other book as all other works takes traditional American values as prima facie.

This book was total serendipity as it came in a book order that I paid for by the pound. Good read if you are into primary causes.

February 14, 2020 3:51 pm

Primary causes?
Read “The Crisis of Modernity” by Augusto Del Noce.

February 14, 2020 3:53 pm

Haven’t read that one. Will look into it.

February 14, 2020 4:32 pm

Started picking up steam about the time of “Official” currency debasement.
The truth is debased before the currency.

February 14, 2020 6:39 pm

Coincided with silent movie era 1894 – 1927, followed by commercial radio in 1920s. The book explains this technology timeline well.

February 14, 2020 7:15 pm

Truth debasement began in earnest in the Guilded age. Currency debasement in earnest 1913 to 28. I’m agreeing with you, just using different yardstick. Rich times=poor morals.

February 14, 2020 7:29 pm

Lot’s of things coming together as a confluence. Thucydides explains well the corruption of Sparta by wealth. Its almost as if strength is derived from need, and once that need is fulfilled then weakness and instability set in.

February 15, 2020 5:51 am

Genghis Khan said good land makes poor soilders.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
February 14, 2020 2:21 pm

Many dems never accepted W in ’00, so not accepting The Donald in ’16 is nothing new for them.

The Bern’s supporters are likely to go apeshit when he has the nomination stolen from him. Milwaukee ’20 will look like Chiraq ’68.

  TN Patriot
February 14, 2020 5:19 pm

One can hope.

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
February 14, 2020 6:07 pm

I am betting Comrade Bernie will be taking a slim popular majority in every Democratic state primary up into Super Tuesday. At that point his supporters will be literally “wired for sound”, looking for any opportunity to push his candidacy to the forefront of the Dem caucus.
The rigging in Iowa will be even more visible on Super Tuesday and it will be a mess, I know it. The Establishment Dems will be battling the populists for everyone to see and the Dem Party will lose even more public support.
Grim days for everyone and Bully Trump will be in his element. I will be watching, drinking beer and eating popcorn while ready to tell everyone “I told you so.”

  e.d. ott
February 14, 2020 6:58 pm

But they want a popular vote remember!?! They want to do away with electoral college. Now their candidate is not winning the delegates. So what are they to do now. rotflmao

February 14, 2020 11:05 pm

These are literally the dumbest muthas on the planet.

  TN Patriot
February 14, 2020 6:56 pm

When the left stole all the “w” from the white house keyboards i knew we were in a decline. Now look at the left beating the shit out of 85 year old ladies leaving a trump rally…..

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
February 14, 2020 7:51 pm

The Left is asking for an attitude adjustment.

  TN Patriot
February 14, 2020 10:33 pm

My popcorn’s ready for the show.

February 14, 2020 2:31 pm

“Something has seriously changed”

the left is close to total power now and is trying to cut a path forward.

February 14, 2020 4:35 pm

When the government is paralyzed the Bolsheviks will strike.

February 14, 2020 5:01 pm

“When the government is paralyzed the Bolsheviks will strike”

they’ll have to disarm us first. don’t think they can do that without destroying the whole place.

which would suit them just fine.

February 14, 2020 5:56 pm

To them that’s winning.

February 14, 2020 7:00 pm

I meet with wealthy people often. Professionals. Business owners etc. and most are willing to give it all up when the time comes. When you hear people of these means discussing how they will shift their assets to become hidden or untouchable then pick up their rifle you know there is a serious problem.

February 14, 2020 7:20 pm

“then pick up their rifle”

? wealthy people don’t risk themselves.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
February 14, 2020 7:59 pm

They damned sure did in 1936 when the Spanish Antifa Commuist suddenly attacked the Church, Landlords, Businesses, Loyalist, and Military! The Right fought with brains, valor and Gave No Quarter.

May 13, 2020 3:52 pm

The GOP has been trying to paralyze the Government since Reagan, so that their corporate paymasters can have their way with us. It always works so well when we give the banksters everything they want. (yes that was intended as sarcasm)

Just Sayin'
Just Sayin'
February 14, 2020 3:01 pm

Violence from the Far Left is common, it has been since the 60’s. What will be the icing on the cake is if there is a mobilization of the “normals” and they push back. Then it’ll be a bloodbath.

Common Cents
Common Cents
  Just Sayin'
February 14, 2020 6:22 pm

That will NEVER happen.

February 14, 2020 3:49 pm

In recent decades it has been infrequent that I actually vote FOR a candidate. Colorado voters decided to abandon the caucus system in favor of a direct vote on presidential races, starting this year. It is designated an open primary in which crossover voting is allowed, and this new primary will be a part of the Super Tuesday voting “event”.

On the surface then one might think that their individual vote actually counts. No so, apparently-at least in Colorado. In checking on-line sources about the new procedures it was divulged that the voters should not expect a quick result-that it may take a day or two before the results are known. Huh??? All of which sounds a lot more like a smoke filled back room charade (Iowa???) than a straight forward count the votes and announce the winner type of exercise.

In a now blue state-thanks to lots of in-migration from liberal states-the crossover voter has an interesting proposition in considering which socialist/communist to briefly support in the primary in order to inject a little mayhem into the shitshow created by The Resistance.

The linked author seems to think a vote for Bernie is best, though DJT claims he would rather run against Little Mike.

Interesting times.

February 14, 2020 7:04 pm

Iowa was a set up for november when they pull a hillary hide the ballot box and input mexican votes mailed in from mexico.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
February 14, 2020 7:46 pm

TN does not have party affiliation on your registration, so I will be voting for a democrat, probably Buttgig, as I do not think normal America would support a homosexual president.

February 14, 2020 4:10 pm

comment image

May 13, 2020 4:05 pm

Eric Trump said “we get plenty of money from the Russians”. Between Russia and Ukraine, which one looks to be the greater threat to our values. Just sayin’. Also, Trump has committed impeachable offenses since day 1. I’m surprised that it took so long.

February 14, 2020 4:34 pm

death race 2020!

February 14, 2020 5:26 pm

Slow down ya’all need to take some deep breaths.

February 14, 2020 6:04 pm

we’ll breathe when we’re dead. which judging by the panic will be soon ….

22winmag - TBP's top-secret Yankee Mormon
22winmag - TBP's top-secret Yankee Mormon
February 14, 2020 5:54 pm

So my phone was damn near hijacked with pro-Trump “get out and vote” texts.

I know elections are fake and electoral votes end up in the river, but this 4th of July, the 100th anniversary of women voting (8-18-2020) and the election are going to be epic this year.

12 more years of Trump when you count Don Jr.?

He slayed the Hydra on the Political View.
comment image

February 14, 2020 7:50 pm

MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW COMING. You heard it here first.

Common Cents
Common Cents
February 14, 2020 8:26 pm

Say “Hello President Bloomberg!” TPTB have had it with idiotic Democratic candidates like Hillary, Biden and Warren. Hillary couldn’t even beat Donald Trump for God’s sake! Biden is senile and he wasn’t too bright even before that. Finally, after Warren stupidly started attacking billionaires like Leon Cooperman, they decided that they’d had enough and convinced Mini Mike to get involved. They could see that none of the existing candidates have any chance at all and they are NOT going to tolerate Donald Trump for 4 more years. Enough is enough.

Bloomberg will spend $2 billion of his own money in advertising and be sold to the sheeple like a Ford F-150. He will choose a black VP (Corey Booker, Kamala, Val Demings, Stacy Abrams, Julian Castro) in order to win the moron vote. Barack Obama will enthusiastically endorse him. He will have to jettison the Bernie Bros, but he will DEFINITELY pick up the Mitt Romney-Paul Ryan RINO wing of the Republican party and Trump will lose them.

Trump will continue to be mercilessly and relentlessly attacked by the MSM, Hollywood, all Democrats and, most importantly, by “bi-partisan” Republicans. You see it already with Bolton, Romney, John Kelly and now Bill Barr. While Trump is being trashed, Bloomberg will be relentlessly deified. It worked with Obama, who was an empty suit. Imagine how well it will go with a self-made guy worth $60 BILLION. Bloomberg will turn the tables on Trump and deride him as a mini-billionaire as opposed to a REAL billionaire like Mini Mike. He will call Trump “Little Donald” in terms of wealth. By the time they’re done, you’re going to think Bloomberg is Washington, Lincoln, Gandhi, FDR, JFK and MLK all rolled into one.

Think about it. Mini Mike is perfect. Everybody LOVES him. Wall Street, Silicon Valley, the MIC, K Street, the CIA, the FBI, the NSC, ALL of the Deep State, ALL of the ZOG. He is Politically Correct on EVERY issue. Pro Big Government, Pro Big Business, Pro Gun Control, Pro Abortion, Pro Military Intervention, Anti-Racist (Ha-Ha), Pro Feminist and all the rest. And he is so articulate, sophisticated, media savvy and well spoken, unlike that thug, Trump. Judge Judy LOVES him. Peggy Noonan LOVES him. The View LOVES him. The only ones that don’t like him are the Deplorables and the Bernie Bros and fuck them.

Just to make sure this is a slam dunk, TPTB will crash the stock market right on cue in September with the MSM going completely berserk and portraying it as the end of humanity!!!! And it’s ALL TRUMP’S FAULT!!! Luckily though, we will have the financial genius, Mini Mike to step in and save us all. After his election, we will likely embark on WWIII with Russia, China, the Muslim world and who knows who else. That should sort things out internationally and end with a “central authority” emerging to insure stability and that will be controlled by you know who. Mike is just the man to take care of that.

THIS is the Fourth Turning and Mini Mike will be portrayed as The Grey Champion to bring order out of the chaos. Donald Trump will be the new Herbert Hoover and will likely die in prison. Remember what George Carlin said-“They OWN you.” Mike Bloomberg is the personification of “THEY” and THEY are planning to finish this thing up and take full control. NOW.

Bent Nickel
Bent Nickel
  Common Cents
February 14, 2020 8:46 pm

I really don’t think Little Mike wants it.

  Bent Nickel
May 13, 2020 4:07 pm

they’re putting up Bloomberg to get rid of Bernie

  Common Cents
February 14, 2020 10:32 pm

Sounds god-awfully logical and horrifying.

Pagan Truth Seeker
Pagan Truth Seeker
February 15, 2020 1:03 am

Shit. I have to agree with you.

old white guy
old white guy
February 15, 2020 7:12 am

Bernie should be the nominee. Then we will truly see just how many Americans are truly terminally stupid.

  old white guy
May 13, 2020 4:09 pm

we’ll see on Nov.4 how many retards would still vote for Trump

May 13, 2020 3:33 pm

When Obama was elected you claim that no republicans said “he’s not my president”.
You are either ignorant or a blatant liar. Either way, I stopped reading about there.
The Election is going to be a shit show because Trump wants it that way. He is doing everything he can to insure that it is. Then he can claim to be the victim of some nefarious conspiracy when he loses.
The violence that follows is going to be coming from the right, not the left. He has been stoking it pretty much non-stop since taking the job.
Google Stochastic Terrorism.

May 13, 2020 4:17 pm

When Obama was elected you claim that no republicans said “he’s not my president”.
You are either ignorant or a blatant liar. Either way, I stopped reading about there.
The Election is going to be a shit show because Trump wants it that way. He is doing everything he can to insure that it is. Then he can claim to be the victim of some nefarious conspiracy when he loses.
The violence that follows is going to be coming from the right, not the left. He has been stoking it pretty much non-stop since taking the job.
Google Stochastic Terrorism.