Truth Irrelevancy Project Update

When traffickers in intellectual gobbledegook have free reign, the Truth Irrelevancy Project’s work is done.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

Truth is always the enemy of power. Exposure of power’s motivations, depredations, and corruption never serves power’s ends. Truth is often suppressed and those who disclose it persecuted. Any illegitimate government (currently, all of them) that fails to do so risks its own termination.

What if, instead of suppressing the truth, a regime could render it irrelevant and not have to worry about it? That prospect is the Holy Grail for those who rule or seek to rule.

Robert Gore, “Make the Truth Irrelevant,”  Straight Line Logic, October 16, 2019

By now most people recognize war is being waged. “Make the Truth Irrelevant” was published before Covid-19 or the George Floyd protests and riots, but it offers the perspective necessary to understand who is waging war against whom, and what’s at stake.

Science is one way humanity searches for truth. The Covid-19 panic and response are a direct assault on what remains of science. All of the hysteria and the political reaction to it are driven by models and projections, which are nothing more than hypotheses.

It is said that models are only as good as the underlying data and assumptions they incorporate, but that’s misleading. They may use the best available data and assumptions and still be wildly off the mark. For any model of a complex phenomenon—the weather, the climate, financial markets, or the progression of a disease—substitute “our best guess” for the word “model” and you have a better understanding of what the model actually is.

“Our best guess” also depends on who’s doing the guessing. The Covid-19 models that have been accepted and heavily publicized are the ones with the most dire projections for cases and deaths. The projections have generated the fear and panic necessary to support unprecedented restrictions on freedom and individual rights—lockdowns, business closures, involuntary unemployment, social distancing, and face masks—and a concomitant expansion of governments’ power, essentially rule by decree.

The truth and logic were made irrelevant in many ways. Any opposition to the substitution of “our best guess” for actual science was roundly denounced as anti-science! The effectiveness of the totalitarian measures had never been established and still has not. There are in fact ample indications that they have made the outbreak worse. The use of hydroxychloriquine with antibiotics and zinc compounds, and other alternatives, as a treatment for Covid-19, based on doctors and other researchers’ observations, hypotheses, and experimentation—the scientific method—that too was anti-scientific. When non-science (sounds a lot like nonsense, doesn’t it?) becomes science and real science is scorned and discarded, the Holy Grail is within grasp.

Even after the models upon which the totalitarian measures were based proved dramatically wrong, questions and dissent were suppressed and the measures kept in place. Nobody was to question the motives or the political philosophies of the officially approved best-guessers or their sponsors, even after the best guesses were wildly errant. Nobody was to question the good faith of the government officials who imposed the totalitarian measures even as the dire consequences mounted. When the official story cannot be questioned and alternative stories are suppressed, what does it say about the official story?

Social media companies openly proclaim their fealty to the party line and remove anyone who has the temerity to challenge it. After a slow start most of the alternative media has woken up. Only a remnant cling to the official narrative, hoping any new uptick in cases anywhere heralds the kind of pandemic they predicted but never came, or at least a second wave of the one that did. Disappointingly for them, death rates keep going down and increases in cases are mostly driven by the increases in testing the coronavirus commissars have mandated.

Corrupting science is the penultimate step to making the truth irrelevant. The last step is obliterating thought. The chaos in the streets that erupted after George Floyd’s death is a flyspeck compared to the mental chaos it reflects, which finds the ostensibly opposing sides on the same side, waging full-on war against reason and logic. A small and lonely brigade does battle against huge armies marching under banners of intellectual gobbledegook.

Violence or its threat precludes discussion, which means you don’t have to rhetorically disarm and win a debate with someone who’s pointing a gun at you before you physically disarm, injure, or kill him in self-defense. Anyone who inflicts violence on people or property must be confronted by law enforcement with whatever force is necessary to stop the violence and subdue the perpetrator. Peaceful, law abiding citizens have the right to call upon what is, in a rational society, their agent the government to do it’s duty and arrest, try, and, once the violent criminal is convicted, incarcerate, regardless of the criminal’s beliefs and purported justifications.

George Floyd’s death raises a variety of disturbing questions and issues. The facts surrounding his death are not altogether clear, but will presumably be clearer after further investigation and the trials of the four police. Some have taken his death as an indictment of, among other things, police tactics, police in general, public laws, government, and the status of racial groups within the US. They have the right to peaceably protest. However, their questions, accusations, and condemnations, well-founded or not, afford no justification for violence and the destruction of property.

A society in which violence is initiated against people and property and is excused in the name of a cause is a society well down the road to its own destruction. People’s safety and freedom cannot be subject to the random and arbitrary terrors of political and ideological zealotry. To claim otherwise is to excuse the inexcusable.

The rioters are using the alleged murder of George Floyd and the alleged violation of his rights as a suspected criminal to justify the wholesale violation of rights of people who had nothing to do with the situation. You cannot protest a violation of yours or someone else’s rights while claiming the right to violate other people’s rights. It’s a double standard, which is the same thing as no standard—more gobbledegook.

If a white person is racist by virtue of being born white, but those using that pejorative and rationale are not racist for doing so, the words racist and racism have lost all meaning. Definitions of those words contingent on who’s using them and to whom it’s being applied render them meaningless. The guilt and apologies from some whites for racism and acceptance of their accusers’ claim that it is congenital is akin to guilt and apologies for attributes they actually are born with—blue eyes, curly hair, etc. An accusation that has no meaning or force is an accusation that must be ignored.

Similarly, “medical science” that warns of the dangers of anti-lockdown and Trump rallies but blesses George Floyd protests destroys the meaning of that term. A double standard is no standard and consideration of either the warning or the blessing is precluded by their self-contradictory idiocy. It is yet another indication of the corruption of medical science, already glaringly evident since the onset of the coronavirus outbreak.

The premise essential to the argument against racism is that individuals as a matter of logic must be judged as individuals, on their individual merits and flaws, not on their race. The concepts of racial guilt and racial pride are equally fatuous, a cover for people who want to either artificially inflate or deflate their own or someone else’s worth based on the accomplishments or transgressions of people to which they have no connection other than race and who often lived before they were even born. While the motivations of such people vary, it’s a plausible speculation that they stem from feelings of personal inadequacy.

Any racial generalization—commendatory, pejorative, or benign—is disproven by at least one individual member of the race who does not conform to it. Other than the characteristics which define a race, it is virtually impossible to make any true and universal generalizations (including generalizations about privilege or its lack) about any particular race. That’s on the questionable assumption that race can be even a definable concept in societies where races intermarry. What race is a child with a white and black parent? What is the race of the grandchildren if that child procreates with an Asian or Hispanic?

To paraphrase Ayn Rand, don’t bother analyzing nonsense, instead ask what it accomplishes. The premise of individuality and the impossibility of generalization cannot be acknowledged because this “war” is actually just another skirmish in the endless battle between the individual and collectivism, which at root is violence against the mind.

The rioters, looters, and vandals, and their political and rhetorical enablers have been forthright about their desire to destroy, stop, or cancel any form of individual expression that does not conform to their ever-shifting whims and dictates. They are more honest than the Covid-19 totalitarians, who want the same things but are hiding behind the spurious rationale of protecting public health. Both groups claim the collective good as they define it transcends individual rights, meaning it transcends the individual mind.

Undoubtedly there are people behind the scenes who are pulling the strings of the coronavirus commissars, peaceful protestors, and rioters. Many believe the string-pullers’ long-term goal is to install their version of order from the chaos they are fomenting. However, order out of chaos is a historical and intellectual canard, still more gobbledegook.

What will come out of chaos is what has always come when that crowd gains control: suppression, submission, stagnation, decay, tyranny, totalitarianism, and mass murder. Coronavirus totalitarianism and the open embrace of Marxism by many of the rioters tell you all need to know. One question undercuts Marxism: why will the people of ability continue to produce for the people of need? It’s a question whose only correct answer is that they won’t, not for long, and it should have relegated Marxism and its collectivist fellow travelers to intellectual dustbins from the moment they were promulgated. Instead, those ideologies drove the murder of at least 100 million people in the twentieth century.

Misery and death will always be Marxism and its collectivist way stations’ end product. Collectivism, whether the product of an uprising from below or some grand plan from above, inevitably degenerates to the “order” of the prison, the concentration camp, the Antebellum plantation, the gas chamber, or the graveyard. It’s also the order of the pressure cooker, as such measures always generate intense counter-pressure from the irrepressible human mind and spirit.

“Order” imposed and enforced by arbitrary violence is not order, it’s violence, destruction and death, a different and often more pernicious version of the same chaos it ostensibly replaces. To say that the communists replaced the chaos of Tsar Nicholas II’s regime with order is to equate the infliction of incalculable misery and despair and the death of tens of millions at the hands of their violent dictatorship with a scientific laboratory, a factory, a library, or any other endeavor dedicated to the peaceful pursuit of knowledge, production, and human advancement. That equalization stretches the definition of “order” beyond the breaking point.

Order is a human value, produced by rational human minds, not intellectual gobbledegook and chaotic violence. Order is a consequence of freedom and the protection of individual rights. There is nothing spontaneous about such order, it doesn’t happen by chance. It happens because people have discovered its necessary conditions and requirements, instituted corresponding social, political, legal, and economic arrangements, and find it in their self-interest to support and defend such arrangements (it’s not easy). The order that emerges results from voluntary choices, not violent control, which ultimately leads to chaos.

Sense and nonsense cannot peacefully coexist, either intellectually or in real life. Sense will be the first to realize that. Nonsense cannot recognize it—sense provides its sustenance. The desirability of separation is seeping into the alternative media. Terms like “secession” and “divorce” are used more frequently, especially among people who espouse freedom and liberty as their ultimate goal. They understand the totalitarian designs of the globalists, coronavirus commissars, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and the politicians, celebrities, and businesspeople kowtowing to them, and know full well who has the ability and who has the need.

The first requirement of collectivism is victims. Its proponents can’t let their victims (sustenance) walk away, so there won’t be an amicable divorce. It will come down to history’s perpetual victims—the capable, competent, and honorable who ask of government only that it protect their rights—confidently asserting their own value, refusing to be victims, establishing one or more enclaves, defending their right to their own lives and free and peaceful order, and ignoring the collectivists’ screams as they consume themselves.

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July 1, 2020 1:20 pm

I think this lines up with my declaration that the truth does not exist, although my declaration should have…”in the empire of lies” or “…when TPTB ignore it”(?) added on.

July 1, 2020 2:02 pm

No, the truth still exists, it’s just you won’t know what will happen when truth and non-truth collide (i.e. truth will win out, but you may or may not like the results). Like the captain of a ship at full steam heading straight on for an iceberg can say, “We’re not going to hit that iceberg” and he broadcasts the news on the ship’s radio and it gets recirculated all around the world, “The ship will not hit the iceberg”and doesn’t matter who believes it or who ignores it — ship hits the iceberg. What happens after depends on who knows how to make the best of the situation. But that ship’s going down.

July 1, 2020 5:27 pm

Reality doesn’t care what you believe.

Delta Gee
Delta Gee
July 2, 2020 12:52 am

I don’t claim this quote and it is paraphrased by me. You can fool most of the people most of the time, but you can never fool Reality.

July 1, 2020 2:02 pm

Smearing truth tellers with suffixes is a favorite tactic of the enemy.
Gore is a Fascist “accusist” for accusing the left of non lovism. Little wonder though, look at the hatist groups he associates with whose leader is a Quinnologist of the most sordid kind.
How can the average hater defend against such logic.

July 1, 2020 2:36 pm

Denver Airport Murals….created in the 90’s
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July 1, 2020 8:11 pm

My,was just not me a bit freaked over the DIA murals and horse with red eyes,feel a bit better about life!

Bob P
Bob P
July 1, 2020 3:02 pm

The Holocaust, JFK, MLK, RFK, 9/11, Covid-19 . . . If you can’t even ask questions about the official account without being muzzled, attacked, or jailed, count on this; they are lying to you.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  Bob P
July 2, 2020 12:57 pm

No one should mind questioning of anything. Some “denials” reek of lies and evil bullshit. Some represent truth. Caveat Emptor.

July 1, 2020 3:42 pm

‘Any racial generalization—commendatory, pejorative, or benign—is disproven by at least one individual member of the race who does not conform to it. Other than the characteristics which define a race, it is virtually impossible to make any true and universal generalizations (including generalizations about privilege or its lack) about any particular race. ‘


  Robert Gore
July 1, 2020 4:29 pm

Wow. BLM better give your front lawn a wide berth. Hope you know I was making an attempt at humor when I called you an ist.

  Robert Gore
July 2, 2020 10:34 am

BTW, Robert, you rock.
You are cordial and cogent,
I love that.

  Robert Gore
July 1, 2020 5:42 pm

A well reasoned argument might include the fact that blacks are 13% of the population yet they are responsible for 42% of the murders. Another might include the fact that black children are born to unwed mothers at well above 70%. There are many others if you’re willing to look. Doctor Ben Carson is a fine man. At one point I thought that General Colin Powell was. The later lied to us about WMD’s and was at one point in with GWB the NWO point man President. Yes there are exceptions to the “generalizations” or however else you want to characterize them. There is no denying the history of blacks throughout the planet. You cannot name one country led by blacks that is successful today. Nor can you show me one city in the USA that is predominately black that is not a hellhole of corruption and misery. These are facts Robert… Chip

  Robert Gore
July 1, 2020 7:29 pm

Your writings are wallpaper of the obvious. Nothing profound. Nothing intellectually enlightening or stimulating. Just a circular walk around to nowhere. Nothing to argue, nothing to agree with or oppose, just what is.

MN Steel
MN Steel
July 1, 2020 4:56 pm

Why just answer fail?

At least answer “NAXALT, Thomas Sowell, Steven Miller, and Liberia has a Constitution too!”

That was just lazy.

July 1, 2020 7:07 pm

Reading the title, and the content by the way and not just jumping down to the comments, made me think of this bit of Scripture. John 18: 37-38

“Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice. Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all.”

What is Truth?

Misery and death is all this world has to offer in the long run.

July 1, 2020 8:31 pm

This comment is for ‘law’ enforcement, ‘judges’, ‘prosecutors’, authoritarian bureaucrats and their supporters:

Your day of reckoning is now arriving. We, the sovereign people who remember the foundations of the common law have told you over and over, your entities statutes have no application to us. We told you that levying drug war against us is treason and unlawful interference with obligation of private contracts. We told you that your ‘citations’ and forcing us into your personhood identification legalities is extortion and slavery. We told you that you cforcing us through your ‘legal proceedings’ posing as a court of law is fraud. We told you that civil forfeiture and taxes is theft. We told you that your schemes to use ‘law’s enforcement and courts to levy penalties against those who never had an accuser is a conspiracy, fraud, theft and extortion racket. We told you that enforcing crony crapitalism is violent crimes against free enterprise. We told you that property taxes is slavery. We told you that using a private banks debt note as tender was a violation of your oath and a death penalty offence. We told you that you have the duty of servitude upon the principal sovereigns whom invoke your agency. We told you that you do not have any authority. We told you that forced blood draws and body cavity searched is rape. We told you that ‘arresting’ people without any accuser is kidnapping. We told you exactly who conspired to commit the terror attacks of 9/11 BEFORE and AFTER it happened and you did nothing. We told you that searching us without a warrant is a violation of the 4th amendment portion of oath. We told you that if you are truly law abiding then you would perform your duty and arrest your fellow workers so that we could present our criminal case against them before a jury so that they may be lawfully tried for their crimes and you ignored our accusations. We told you that your violent criminality would one day reach our limit of tolerance. We told you and showed you the case law that shows beyond all doubt we, the people, are each sovereign, with supreme authority over your titled duty, and you conspired to levy war of terror against us claiming we are “domestic terrorists”.

We have given you every last warning and reasoning to reverse course on your institutionalized criminal reign of terror upon us and at every turn you answered every repeated request for redress with repeated injury. Prepare, for your day of judgement is near. Not only are we going to defund your job and entire workplace, we are going to write history books of detailing your reign of terror. We are going to have full free markets with every form mind altering substance, every form of free will contract amongst voluntary parties that you previously deemed “illegal” within your racket of organized crime. We are going to end you, dismantle your crime rackets of your justus system and render you totally impotent. By the grace of God we will totally exterminate your existence from this world and do so with pain equal to the sum of every act of theft, extortion, fraud, murder, rape, kidnapping and all out terror you have inflicted upon so many on your conveyor belt of crime.

May you be defunded, thrown onto the street, robbed of everything you have, arrested, tortured and slowly terminated equal to the manner of the misery you have brought upon this world by your own hand and finally condemned to eternal damnation. For such a fate upon you could never equal what you have given.

July 2, 2020 7:16 am

“May you be defunded, thrown onto the street, robbed of everything you have, arrested, tortured and slowly terminated equal to the manner of the misery you have brought upon this world by your own hand and finally condemned to eternal damnation. For such a fate upon you could never equal what you have given”

Holee Phuch…..! LOL…You must be one miserable blm – antifa fluffer .Go back to chop or chaz, sit in your snowflake circle and sing Kumbaya. See how far that gets you, asshole.

July 2, 2020 1:32 pm

Nope. I am happy, extremely intelligent, community orientated and a completely honest human being with the highest level of integrity. Any one with integrity should be outraged at the institutionalized crime operating under the fraudulent claim of ‘law’ enforcement or ‘justice’ within this rotten corrupted system.

Early Anericans flipped out and started a revolution over taxes on certain items being increased from 2% to 6%. Now, the actual tax rate is over 100% along with all the other institutionalized crime I mentioned.

Where is the outrage?
Where are the intelligent Americans with the highest integrity? I am showing you that there is at least one.

I am the one laughing at you dummies.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
July 2, 2020 2:56 pm

Just clear it up for us dummies. Are you for living by the letter and spirit of the Constitution or for the Antifuques?

  Harrington Richardson
July 2, 2020 4:11 pm

Constitution applies to those persons working under the capacity of their oath to the Constitution.

The natural common law applies in the interaction of people.

I am one of the people.

If you understand how law works you would understand the outrage of law abiding people with the highest integrity at the absolute destruction of the Constitutional bounds by the criminals whom obligated their duty to that law yet violated every single aspect of it. ‘Law’ enforcement, ‘prosecutors’ and ‘judges’ are not only committing perjury to their oath but they are using “legal procedings” as a weapon of war in their war against the law they obliged themselves to (Constitution)-actual treason, a death penalty offense by their own voluntary acts.

Long Time Lurker
Long Time Lurker
July 3, 2020 1:23 pm

Nobody – Funny how some had to question where you sat on the spectrum. This “We told you that using a private banks debt note as tender was a violation of your oath and a death penalty offence” should of made it very clear. That whole rant was about as libertarian and Constitutional one could be. You live near WA state? I want you on my side lol

  Long Time Lurker
July 3, 2020 3:59 pm

“You live near WA state?”
No. But I am on your side.

July 2, 2020 10:36 am

Revenge fantasy

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
July 2, 2020 1:11 pm

I can’t tell if he is attacking the US system in general or just the Bush/Obama corrupted parts like the DOJ, FBI etc. or what. Make that speech without clarification and everybody might shoot at you. LOL!

  Harrington Richardson
July 2, 2020 4:48 pm

You have never seen a law abiding ‘government’ employee in your lifetime whether you realize this fact or not.

The mass of the people would cheer at that speech. Nearly everyone in the US has been a victim of their crime on some level. Those who are not outraged are lawless, obedient slaves to those criminals which is exactly why added the criminals’ supporters to the target audience.

Long Time Lurker
Long Time Lurker
July 3, 2020 1:28 pm

Yep. If all taxes were basically eliminated, if the fed just issued debt free currency and together with today’s technology advances, You could live comfortably on a part time occupation. Or be wealthy as wanted if you worked your ass off 6-7 days a week for 20 years. Debt based currency and the .govs at all level siphon off 60-70% of all income and savings. Capital gains tax from a house sale is just a fucking double whammy inflation tax.

  Long Time Lurker
July 3, 2020 3:54 pm

All that tax and there is still debt owed. If every FRN in circulation was played to the banks there would still be ‘money’s owed. The real tax rate is over 100%. Absolutely outrageous and total righteous justification for total revolution to permanently end them.

July 3, 2020 10:07 am


ursel doran
ursel doran
July 1, 2020 9:10 pm

Seattle as poster boy for lefty loons stupid delusional Insanity. 2 minutes, AND, Should mention murder rates in N.Y.C. have leaped. Surprise!!

July 1, 2020 9:37 pm

Truer words were never written, or spoken: “If a white person is racist by virtue of being born white, but those using that pejorative and rationale are not racist for doing so, the words racist and racism have lost all meaning. Definitions of those words contingent on who’s using them and to whom it’s being applied render them meaningless.”

Nail, meet head.

ursel doran
ursel doran
July 1, 2020 10:12 pm

BIG HAT TIP to Mr. Gore for these articles. THANKS Sir.  
Public submission to the pronouncement of a corrupt politician with a narrative.  “Must take off your shoes to get on a Plane, after getting groped by 50,000 morons.”  

July 2, 2020 8:57 am

We have lived our entire lives under one HUGE PSYOP . When you have identified that, then you’ll know and seek truth or at least understand when you are being duped. The Beast lives off our ignorance and fear. Forget this system. Focus on the world you create going forward.

July 2, 2020 9:27 am
July 2, 2020 10:57 am

funny and harrowing at the same time.

July 2, 2020 9:57 am

Thanks for the article. It triggered me into buying your Godfather book through this site’s link.

  Robert Gore
July 2, 2020 10:44 am

Robert Gore,

We love your books; amidst this chaos and strife, you may
be too preoccupied for writing any book. Yet, please consider
creating an analysis some time in the future.
The Godfather book is great. Forgot the title, but the “looking
younger” for the elites, was so great and funny= a favorite.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
July 2, 2020 12:43 pm

Top notch sir. A classic treatise that should stand the test of time. I do not believe it leaves anything unsaid.

mark branham
mark branham
July 2, 2020 2:37 pm

What’s true and What Is Truth. How do you know what’s true. How do you know you’ve found Truth? Who asked the only entity capable of answering Truthfully, “What is Truth”? Who would have Truthfully answered the question if the questioner was sincere. What’s true is hard to come by, Truth depends as much on the seeker as Truth itself. Truth is elusive except for the One Truth.

  mark branham
July 2, 2020 4:25 pm

I think Pilate was sincere as Jesus could read thoughts. His answers were not flippant. And Pilate was a hard man.
What is interesting is that this part of Scripture is the longest conversation that Jesus Christ had with a non-Jew, or really any one on one conversation, that is recorded of course. Another Gospel has Pilate’s wife telling him that Jesus was innocent.
Josephus in his history mentioned Pilate later committed suicide.

July 3, 2020 1:31 am

….know full well who has the ability and who has the need.

I see what you did there.

What was interesting about this article is how it steered clear of nationalism while still identifying the common denominator underlying Covid® and Black Lives Matter®.

Because ideology Trumps jingoistic campaign slogans; and elections today are so Hegelian.

July 4, 2020 1:08 am

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