The Power of Ones

Your first duty is to think for yourself.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

Humanity’s greatest scourge is groupthink. Millions have marched off to war, convinced of their side’s goodness and the enemy’s evil, and didn’t come back or came back in coffins. Billions have embraced politics and political philosophies with warning labels for anyone who cared to look: destruction and death sure to follow. Against the death toll from groupthink, the Black Plague, Spanish Flu, cancer, heart disease, and every other human malady shrink to insignificance.

If you could somehow open the brains of those who followed leaders and malignant idiocies to their deaths, the one thing you would find is the thought, actually the stale remnant of a thought, a trite rationalization—because everyone is doing it. Fortunately, it’s never everyone doing it, there are always those who oppose; it’s how the human race has survived. When word and deed become too dangerous, they oppose in thought.

Those times when it has been too dangerous to overtly express opposition to groupthink have been humanity’s darkest ages, lived under its most corrupt and barbaric regimes. We are entering such a time now. These descents are always presaged by a deterioration in thought—mob think and mob rule that become increasingly deranged and dangerous. The specifics of the various manifestations are trivial details, the important commonality is their reflexive hostility to independent thought and the truth.

“Probably. But not quite. I’m not afraid any more. But I know that the terror exists. I know the kind of terror it is. You can’t conceive of that kind. Listen, what’s the most horrible experience you can imagine? To me—it’s being left, unarmed, in a sealed cell with a drooling beast of prey or a maniac who’s had some disease that’s eaten his brain out. You’d have nothing then but your voice—your voice and your thought. You’d scream to that creature why it should not touch you, you’d have the most eloquent words, the unanswerable words, you’d become the vessel of the absolute truth. And you’d see living eyes watching you and you’d know that the thing can’t hear you, that it can’t be reached, not reached, not in any way, yet it’s breathing and moving there before you with a purpose its own. That’s horror. Well, that’s what’s hanging over the world, prowling somewhere through mankind, that same thing, something closed, mindless, utterly wanton, but something with an aim and a cunning of its own. I don’t think I’m a coward, but I’m afraid of it. And that’s all I know—only that it exists. I don’t know its purpose, I don’t its nature.”

Stephen Mallory to Howard Roark, Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead, 1943

Having lived through the Russian Revolution, Ayn Rand knew well the nature of the mob—a drooling beast of prey or a maniac who’s had some disease that’s eaten his brain out…closed, mindless, utterly wanton, but something with an aim and a cunning of its own.

The drooling beast is on the prowl against any independent thought or truth regarding the coronavirus outbreak, the George Floyd riots, and, for that matter, anything else. Hype and hoax, readily recognizable to the intellectually honest, fuel the mob think.

The death toll from Covid-19 will be a small fraction of what was initially projected, depending on which outlandish projection (they ranged from 2.2 million to 100 million in the US) is used as the denominator. The beast, of course, never acknowledges its own fallibility or incompetence.

“Systemic racism” has become the endlessly repeated epithet, but nobody can point to a single institutional system in the US that practices it. The statistics don’t even bear out that police forces are systemically racist, although some police, white and black, individually are. In the US, the last systemically racist institution to fold up that tent was the Democratic party, and it routinely wins 90 plus percent of the black vote. The beast, of course, never acknowledges its own hypocritical inconsistency.

The beast must be watched as a matter of self-defense. It is arbitrary, capricious, and violent, therefore unpredictably dangerous, but it does have an aim and a cunning of its own—the complete destruction of independent thought and the truth. This self-evidently serves its ultimate aim: absolute power through total subjugation and enslavement.

An American archetype of independent thought, action, and the search for truth is the self-made entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs are the heart of a capitalist economy. They build the businesses that produce the goods and services that provide the jobs and the wherewithal necessary for human survival. Successful entrepreneurs have to be independent thinkers and doers; merely imitating what others do yields little or no profit. They live with a simple but difficult truth—products and services not grounded in market reality don’t sell.

While American Revolutionary political figures and the War Between the States laid the ideological and legal groundwork for the American Industrial Revolution, it was the entrepreneurs of that period who transformed the US into the world’s preeminent industrial powerhouse, a land of unprecedented freedom, opportunity and wealth that attracted millions of immigrants. “Self-interested” and “self-made” are beast whistles; nothing stirs its reflexive hatred quite like those terms. At the heart of all collectivist ideologies is savage hostility to entrepreneurs and explicit provision for their elimination or subjugation, which amounts to the same thing.

So Covid-19 commissars, collectivist rioters, and their collectivist political and media supporters have unapologetically destroyed smaller businesses and jobs, the entrepreneurial heart of the economy. Even businesses that have been allowed to reopen have been beset by myriad, constantly changing rules that make planning and full operation impossible. The crony corporate socialists receiving government succor lost their entrepreneurial spark long ago. While such life support may keep the economy alive for a few months, it is the life of a patient whose heart has failed and lives only by virtue of an artificial heart pumping blood into what is essentially already a corpse. Sooner rather than later the patient dies.

While Covid-19 and systemic racism have been hyped and hoaxed, the same mob has consistently ignored or downplayed Covid-19 totalitarianism’s and the riots’ destruction of the economy. A disease that will kill less than one tenth of one percent (< .001) of the US population is worse than the Black Plague (which wiped out 1/3 to 1/2 of Europe’s population), but a catastrophe already worse, by the unemployment numbers, than the Great Depression is merely a temporary economic squall.

If you have either not contracted or survived the coronavirus and thought you were out of the woods, think again. We are entering a forest so dark and deep many of us won’t make it to the other side.

America and most of the developed world were in a debt crisis before Covid-19. Decades of fiat government debt and central bank monetization, plus suppressed interest rates that promoted individual, corporate, and government debt have created a pile so high that it can never be repaid, and the mounting interest and principle payable is greater than underlying global economic growth. Debt service has grown faster than the means to pay it, and that’s in a global regime featuring the lowest (in some cases negative) interest rates in history and economies that were still supposedly growing. What happens when interest rates go up and economies shrink?

Coronavirus debt follies, relief measures, and bailouts are adding massive sums to the governmental debt load. The official tallies of that debt never add in unfunded pension and medical care promises, which in many cases are multiples of the official numbers. Nor do reckonings of total debt from all sources include financial derivatives, the sum of which ($1 to $2 quadrillion) are multiples of total debt plus unfunded liabilities. The lesson the world still hasn’t learned from the 2008 Lehman disaster is that everything is inextricably interlinked. It will only take one large debtor or a significant counterparty in the derivatives market to fail for the whole financial house of cards to collapse.

So while people lockdown, work or not work from home, social distance, face mask, and compulsively sanitize, cowering before the small risk of a germ (how do they even get up in the morning?), they’re blissfully unaware that the world is bankrupt. A tsunami the likes of which none of us have ever seen has already made landfall and will permanently deprive millions, perhaps billions, of their livelihoods and millions, perhaps billions, of their lives. The coronavirus cowards are running from an ant into the arms, claws, and fangs of a very hungry beast.

Those who don’t want to be beast chow will have to think and act for themselves. Those who don’t will get what they deserve. Although they’ll clamor for it, there will be no savior “order” emerging from chaos, only more chaos. Starving, impoverished billions watching their loved ones die will render moot those Agendas, New Deals, Old Deals, World Orders and the other depraved nonsense that bankrupt powers will try to foist on them, but won’t have the means to enforce. The impoverished billions’ only agenda will be sustenance, and bankrupt powers and a global economy in ruins won’t provide that.

This is The Last Gasp of the philosophy of power, coercion, and violence that has ruled most of the planet through most of human history. Those who embrace that philosophy and its destruction and death, which they believe will consolidate and perpetuate their rule, will instead achieve what they’ve secretly always wanted: their own destruction and death.

The order that will emerge in some places—if humanity survives—will be the order that flows from freedom: the order of free thought, free expression, free production, and free exchange. The order of people who respect individual rights—they’re own and everyone else’s—and will fight to the death to defend them. The order of those who seek neither to rule nor to be ruled. The order of those independent thinkers who hold reason, truth and reality paramount. The time for humanity to reach its shining potential was many millennia ago, but it’s never too late. Never underestimate the power of one, and never underestimate the power of ones—those who envision humanity’s glory and work together to achieve and defend it.

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July 21, 2020 12:33 pm

The one interest rate that wasn’t suppressed was the interest on Credit Cards . With zero percent interest rates from the Fed, the Credit Card companies were still charging 11% if you had great credit and upwards of 20% if your credit sucked.

I look at the precious metals I’ve bought over the years and realize now more than ever it is “Real Money ” . Yes you’ll get the argument that you can’t eat it but you’ll be able to use it as a medium of exchange for a long time after the fiat dollar has died.

Buckle up…the next lock down will be worse in terms of resources . Buy now while you can and think outside the box….like a world made by hand . Use your time wisely now…you’ll be rewarded down the road…if you survive .

July 22, 2020 6:57 pm

I think it’s too late to be buying PM’s. I bought ten ounces of gold, my last PM purchase, at $1284. Up about $6000 now. Nothing to brag about. I tell you like I told my wife this evening, we really don’t want to live in a world where gold is $10,000 per ounce. That will mean that the shit has indeed hit the fan… Chip

Old Geezer
Old Geezer
July 22, 2020 11:56 pm

I thought the same thing about the 10 year treasury note, nothing good will be the result below 4%. My how time flies.

July 23, 2020 12:58 pm

Indeed, all the increases in value simply mean a decrease in enjoyment of all the rest as the shit hits the fan that much harder.

July 22, 2020 10:26 pm

DGP has been good for me and soon looking at Puts on TSLA but they are damn expensive. Musk should be in jail but instead is 8th richest in world and latest Wall St darling.

Lee Harvey Griswald
Lee Harvey Griswald
July 23, 2020 6:17 pm

…& his worth is worth the paper it’s printed on. Castles made of sand & all that.

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
July 21, 2020 12:44 pm

” The coronavirus cowards are running from an ant into the arms, claws, and fangs of a very hungry beast.”
R. Gore

Running full speed, arms flailing, unable to see or think – except as Mr. Gore elucidates- as lemmings, into the gaping maw of The Beast System.

Stop running; pause, breathe deeply without a face diaper, cogitate, and just say no to Tyranny. That is the power of one.

  Auntie Kriest
July 21, 2020 1:15 pm

I agree Auntie Kriest. Stop running, sit down, take your pulse, count to ten and take a couple of deep breaths. This will generally cure the hypoxic state caused from wearing that face diaper. After that learn to take care of yourself independent from all the bull crap out there. Learn to use common sense, critical thing and scientific method of solving a problem. After all that make sure you have prepped properly. A storm is brewing and is looking mighty dark out there.

July 21, 2020 3:40 pm

oldtimer505, yes, decisions made under duress rarely turn out as well as those made in a clear state of mind. There is an emotional shit-storm out there that could easily take a person down.

  Auntie Kriest
July 21, 2020 2:56 pm

A few of us are not and have no plans to run. We live away from the clogged realms of madness, and have no desire to participate. We have our own claws and fangs, and we do not play these games – we are instead busily getting ready for the many-headed beast should it shuffle our way.

A very few of us have been watching for our entire lives, knowing that there will be a storm thrust upon us by our treacherous own, be they ignorant, evil or merely entranced. Many books have already been written of the possibles, but they are never wholly prophetic – just cautionary. Caution will be the watchword as we see this all unfold. Masks are the first indicator of who can think and who is embracing madness – there will be others.

But the root of the power, the abilities that outstrip us lowly commoners, is fiat money. We are going to witness the death of that, albeit likely for just s brief time. The beast will reconstitute itself unless it is put down with a vengeance

July 21, 2020 3:36 pm

Thumbs up to your post and plans Oilman2. Hope to see or hear from you on the other side of this storm.

July 22, 2020 4:40 pm

You are, of course, completely correct about fiat money, but I fear too few folks can create a viable alternative simply due to ignorance and its now long use as currency, a use that seems unavoidable thanks to the arcane workings of finance. Ridding the world of it would require not just a political revolution but a revolution in knowledge and a restoration of honor, ethics, morals and the flip side of unbridled individualism in which compassion and common decency are far from common.

Caution, calm, quiet collaboration will be the watchwords for those with the temperament to employ them. Remember, the rulers work from the shadows because they know it works. Christianity may be the religion of many decent folk, but subsidiarity should become the political/economic philosophy and methodology of those who wish for a restoration of the older, less intrusive social order.

I fully agree that the masks are a stigma that mark the fearful and unthinking, or perhaps more accurately those who cannot think critically. That’s how I’ve come to evaluate my co-villagers. I can’t say I’m entirely encouraged, but from what I read here about what’s going on up there, I’m far from discouraged with respect to the local sanity quotient based on comparison.

When I came to my village, I was planning on becoming a contemplative far from worldly affairs, but now I have three small grandchildren whom I want to see enjoy the kind of childhood I and their father did, ergo I find myself re-engaging and “preaching” to my neighbors about what we may have to do if urban ugliness begins making its way up here. “Something wicked this way comes”. And when it finally arrives…

July 21, 2020 1:06 pm

Freedom’s Wasteland

Harper Eliot

A dispatch from Freedom’s Wasteland
Where once Lady Liberty stood tall
Filled with the music of summer Gazebo bands
Before the leaves of Autumn did fall.
Twas a time so fine, that few remember
While the little children scampered to and fro
As we welcomed the onset of fair September
Before the chill winds of winter did blow.

And then time stood still
As a phantom virus swept the land
Spreading fear beyond every windowsill
While the ‘Masking Crowd’ made their self-righteous stand.
At the market down on the corner
My neighbors run quickly away
As freedom’s once proud sojourners
Share sad tales of our lost yesterday.

Liberty’s foundry is no more
Where once were thrown overboard freedom’s castings
As masked ghosts wander among shuttered stores
Dooming democracy everlasting.
Our world a shadow of its former self
Where now madness rules with impunity
And heaven doffs its hat to hell
With those hovering needles of immunity.

The twilight of the gods is upon us
As the world continues to turn
Battered by a phantom microbial Anschluss
As the city streets wretch and burn.
Good and evil locked in mortal duel
As a fugue of despair fills the air
And life turns cold and cruel
Infected with a divisiveness beyond compare.

Neighbor against neighbor
Sister against brother, son against son
Without each other’s company to savor
Our day is finally done.
And as we celebrate civilization’s benediction
In a world that is no mor
The captains of restriction
Grovel before the altar of Babylon’s whore.

Why cry for what is no more
What is done is done
And what once was mankind’s majestic lore
Now follows the setting sun.
Goodbye my friends
I enjoyed getting to know you
As we did our precious Freedom defend
Before this world turned blue.

Rip off those masks of obedience
And be free at last
Whatever the consequences
Let us conjure the ghosts of our noble past.
Carpe diem!
A great future lies before us
Oh tortured human being
Ashes to Ashes, dust to dust.

July 21, 2020 3:49 pm

Excellent, Reluctant Warrior!

July 21, 2020 1:27 pm

Ayn Rand had nothing to fear in Bolshevik Russia because she was a jew. They were the perpetrators.

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
July 21, 2020 1:39 pm

Communists were, and are, equal opportunity murderers.

July 21, 2020 9:29 pm

Keep seeing so many blame other groups while those who blame are just as lost as most others. Blaming others is the act of ignoring your own failures.

Out of 10s of thousands people I have ever gotten to know, had any level of depth in conversations with I have only found four other people who truly comprehend the exact mechanics of the failure. I see people blame others who never discuss and don’t even know the root cause of the failure and have no clue about the actual solution. All of the blamers when confronted with the actual root cause and solution either scoff, ridicule etc.

Blamers are just another flavor of the Karen’s.

All the words written and NO ONE here is discussing the root cause or solution all while the root cause of failure and the actual mechanics of the solution is already known and has been known and disclosed for at least over 15 years but actually more like 2000 years.

Blamers are dumb people.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
July 22, 2020 12:23 pm

The root cause is me. The solution is Christ.

The beast has a name.

  grace country pastor
July 22, 2020 12:26 pm

That’s the start of it but there are exact details of both that are already known.

July 22, 2020 12:32 pm

It figures that the majority would downvote. Just an indication that people refuse to see that the real problem is staring back at them when they look in the mirror.

Keep on blaming others while YOU keep on failing. The solution down to every single step is already known. The fact you blamers don’t know these steps all the way to the solution is the root cause. Blaming others strokes your ego while you continue your fall.

Long way down from here…

July 22, 2020 1:47 pm

Nobody, you could be more specific and less cryptic.

July 23, 2020 12:31 pm

Nobody just wants to harangue. If he were sincere he’d have stated where he thought blame was deserved. I daresay his blame arrow is aimed at sinners. Repent sinners…then everything will be just fine and dandy. Guess the Old Testament escaped notice, especially the parts where the innocents were killed despite being innocent.

July 23, 2020 4:19 pm

Look in the mirror and you will see who’s to blame.

I looked in the mirror and saw who’s to blame. That’s the first step toward the solution.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
July 22, 2020 7:12 am

Tell that to Trotsky!

Old Geezer
Old Geezer
July 22, 2020 11:59 pm

Re: Ken
Just like Trotsky ?

July 23, 2020 12:28 pm

Don’t be stupid. The Bolsheviks weren’t religious, they were power hungry and jealous of the Tsar’s lifestyle and power. Being jewish wasn’t a guarantee of avoiding persecution, belonging to the party granted that. Sometimes.

July 21, 2020 2:54 pm
July 21, 2020 2:59 pm

Thank you Robert, I am not alone.

July 21, 2020 3:04 pm

This is a turning point:
the point where the Oligarchs call in the note, and turn the Pols into there personal bitches.

sorry for the thread jack, but, RIP Ol Remus:

July 21, 2020 3:35 pm

I’m somewhat bewildered by the thought process of TPTB. Is their arrogance and intellectual dishonesty so great that they think if they prevail in their agenda(s) that they will actually ‘win’ anything?
There will not be anything left to enjoy, regardless of position or wealth.

July 21, 2020 8:08 pm

Who knows what goes on in the minds of psychopaths.

July 21, 2020 9:40 pm

You losing is them winning. They like it. Their gleefulness has a divine source. They are teachers endowed by God – the instruments of God’s wrath upon those who consent to slavery. The mechanics of divine law and the solution is already known but almost no one will implement the solution. To consent to slavery is to make men your god and to ignore God’s law.

The entire situation is already known down to every exact detail.

July 22, 2020 1:51 pm

Nobody, If you believe your interpretation of the Bible versus other’s interpretation… I say that a lot of people are going to be disappointed when things don’t go down exactly like they thought or have been taught it would.

July 23, 2020 12:37 am

There will be lots of disappointed people for sure but it will be no one’s fault but their own. All information necessary to reveal the truth is available but instead of observing the dynamics of the reality we are immersed in and performing the necessary work to unravel the confusion to reveal the truth, people will seek others to tell them what is ‘truth’ only to be manipulated by the wicked or confused.

The wicked intentionally change the definition of words to confuse others. One must go back to meaning used by those who wrote the words when they were written to obtain what it means. This dynamic word manipulation away from the original intended meaning and the fact that law never violates law is enough of a starting point for honest, passionate truth seeker to find the root cause and the solution but most lack the passion for the deep journey required. Most choose the daily useless noise (like this main article here) instead.

Mastering and upholding the law is THE solution. It is the only solution, has always been the solution and will forever be the solution. Mastering and upholding the law IS Christ conciousness. Christ is not some other being, Christ is the destination, the solution, because achieving Christ conciousness is when one becomes one with God (the Law). When that destination is reached then you can never be manipulated or deceived again. When you can never be deceived, you can no longer be a slave because you can never be confused into consenting to being a slave and you can no longer fear anything.

There are many details as to how the law actually functions but that all comes from the process of gaining mastery of the law.

There is no other problem, goal, solution or destination and those who have not pursued this fact only need to blame themselves. They chose mindless noise, the blaming of others, to allow themselves to be deceived or confused and in all that consented to slavery thereby enabling the tyrants to carry out God’s wrath upon themselves for ignoring God’s law that “Thou shalt have no other gods before me”. To consent to slavery is to make men your gods = you bring wrath upon yourself. God=Law so the act of subjecting yourself to men’s laws is to have other gods before God.

There are mechanics that are derived from all of this to systematically dismantle the tyranny step by step in EXACT accordance to law. This is the mechanics of the solution that almost everyone is lacking and is totally obvious to those of us who are aware of these steps because it is the ONLY thing that law abiding people are discussing and acting upon.

Most of you are TOTALLY LOST and you are so lost that you have no clue that you are even lost so you resort to blaming others and abiding time with less than useless noise. We who know bear witness to your works.

Not looking good for you guys.

July 23, 2020 12:36 pm

Not looking good for you guys.

Pride goeth before a fall….and soap boxes are a dime a dozen. Here’s another platitude…talk’s cheap, actions speak louder than words.

July 23, 2020 1:48 pm

No pride here. Should be obvious because I am Nobody.

The actions I have taken have already been disclosed.

Shall you deny that mastering and upholding the law is THE solution? If so, there is nothing to discuss.

July 23, 2020 1:03 pm

In your opening paragraph:

“There will be lots of disappointed people for sure but it will be no one’s fault but their own. All information necessary to reveal the truth is available but instead of observing the dynamics of the reality we are immersed in and performing the necessary work to unravel the confusion to reveal the truth, people will seek others to tell them what is ‘truth’ only to be manipulated by the wicked or confused”.

I would add the word ‘deceived’ in the first sentence.

And as far as the confusion…This is a page turner, and exposes the massive deception that infests the ‘foundations’ of the deceived/perceived world.

Your posts may not intend it but have a slightly smug whiff, not haughty…just a little smug in attitude.

July 21, 2020 7:39 pm

The decay, the mindlessness…. the groupthink. America today really is like an Ayn Rand novel.

Rand also defined “integrity” as the ability to stand by an idea – and that this ability “presupposes thought”.

This especially applies for those adhering to timeless principles over fads, hysteria, or tyranny.

For me, it’s not even a choice. Even if they kill me.

Integrity is not a conditional word. It doesn’t blow in the wind or change with the weather. It is your inner image of yourself, and if you look in there and see a man who won’t cheat, then you know he never will. Integrity is not a search for the rewards of integrity. Maybe all you ever get for it is the largest kick in the ass the world can provide. It is not supposed to be a productive asset. Crime pays a lot better. I can bend my own rules way, way over, but there is a place where I finally stop bending them. I can recognize the feeling. I’ve been there a lot of times.

—John D. MacDonald, (via Travis McGee) The Turquoise Lament (1973)

July 21, 2020 8:16 pm

Excellent quote Unc…that’s a keeper.

Cow Doctor
Cow Doctor
July 22, 2020 9:42 am


July 23, 2020 12:42 pm

Aha, a John D. MacDonald fan. I sorely miss his writing and one of my favorites is; The Girl, The Gold Watch and Everything. I put him there in many respects along with Heinlein.

As to Rand, seems the Looters are in the ascendancy and Galt’s Gulch is but a dream. We are on our own and anyone who follows groupthink is going to be wiped out should the unthinkable happen and the Looters and their ilk gain supremacy.

July 23, 2020 5:19 pm

In JDM’s “Travis McGee” mystery series, all of the titles had a color in the name and McGee embraced life with sort of a sad realism. The protagonist would work for several months as a “salvage consultant” (i.e private detective) and then retire afterward on his boat, The Busted Flush, until the money was gone. Then he’d pick up another gig.

Some quotes:

“I am wary of the whole dreary deadening structured mess that we have built into such a glittering top-heavy structure that there is nothing left to see but the glitter, and the brute routines of maintaining it.”

“A man with a credit card is in hock to his own image of himself.”

― The Deep Blue Good-By


“We were about to give up and call it a night when somebody threw the girl off the bridge.”

– Darker Than Amber

July 21, 2020 8:10 pm

The power of one can’t even get me in a store without cowering to the mask. I’m afraid the power of mass moron has one checked. And the fact that the maskholes are caught in one lie after another seems to make no difference to the mass of fools . They were told to be afraid and that’s what they’ll be right up until they’re hung on the meat hook.

White Americans have no power sans their tribe and the majority really doesn’t get the urgency of the hour. Its tribe up or die.

In the current year, even the power of lie trumps one. The entire nation has went mad with the Fake News Flu.

SCAMDEMIC: Floridians Report Receiving Positive COVID-19 Diagnosis Despite Never Being Tested

Florida residents are reporting that they have received a positive COVID-19 diagnosis despite never being tested for the virus.

July 23, 2020 1:57 pm

This has been reported across TX as well for weeks. I know a couple examples so it is not just hearsay or a hoax. There was a White House correspondent that said she was getting DM’ed from multiple states including TX and FL with this same info. Issue is the info is out there but it seems to take way to long for anyone that has the “power” to do anything about it do something. Glad to see the FL info on front page of FOX but why not TX and any other states yet? And in the end what really happens. My guess is nothing, it will just go away after the findings are revealed and the next “scam” will proceed. It’s money man, lots of money. FL just found out the counts were being reported wrong and turns out TX (San Antonio specifically had some false reporting) and there is a state saying the tests are giving false positives and these tests are used across the country. TPTB blow it all off and continue to say the sky is falling……

Horseless Headsman
Horseless Headsman
July 21, 2020 8:25 pm

I don’t believe humans can operate a society more complex or larger than the county level, and even that is a challenge. The freedom-based capitalist society is self-organizing at a local level. Somehow we will need to stop the sociopaths and psychopaths from amassing power through any of the available routes- religion, politics, economics, military, and probably others. Until we can do that, any society greater than the local level will have a limited lifespan.

  Horseless Headsman
July 24, 2020 2:41 pm

I suggest you study subsidiarity in depth; it’s what you’re advocating. I’m a long-time advocate. I’ve already begun to organize a local group to advocate it publicly in our valley (outside the USA). We here survived a collapse in ’01-’02 and I expect we will do so again.

old white guy
old white guy
July 22, 2020 7:28 am

I wish I could imprint that article on everyone’s subconscious mind.

Thing in Room 101
Thing in Room 101
July 22, 2020 10:48 am

I read a recent article from the dailycaller which I think will fit in very nicely with this one. I have included a link:

But I will also include some of what the writer was pointing out to show how I feel the two are connected.

“”Aspects of whiteness and white culture include an “emphasis on the scientific method,” which involves “objective, rational linear thinking,” “cause and effect relationships,” and “quantitative emphasis,” according to a graphic created by the museum.
Other aspects of whiteness include planning for the future, delayed gratification, valuation of time as a commodity, decision-making, self-reliance and politeness …””

I do not know others, but I am kind of proud to know someone has noticed my finer attributes.

  Thing in Room 101
July 23, 2020 12:10 pm

Daily Caller is like a mirror image of the Huffington Post. Totally opposite yet exactly the same.

Cow Doctor
Cow Doctor
July 22, 2020 10:49 am
July 22, 2020 11:43 am

my heart wants to agree. but my brain fundamentally disagrees. this is exactly why libertarianism(?) is a failed ‘ideology’ filled with all manner of degenerates who deign they should be able to do whatever they want, usually as an excuse for their degeneracy. If the child consents…

In reality there has always been ebb and flow of between individualism and collectivism. And there always will be. In my opinion individualism is the exact wrong prescription right now. Although individualism doesn’t preclude cooperation, the hebrews want you isolated from your family and race. it wasn’t individuals who stopped the internationalists in Spain. It wasn’t individuals who stopped the bolsheviks in Germany. And it won’t be individuals who save our people the world over this time.

Our enemies are organized. Failure to do so on our part will lead to slaughter on level exceeding the communists and muslims.

Yoji is better at explaining methinks.

Old Geezer
Old Geezer
July 23, 2020 12:22 am

Re: Daniel

As well, I read countless essays by extremely gifted writers who proclaim similar excellent observations and …. nothing.

Until and unless we become organized instead of writing clever script as righteous rugged individuals … we will certainly hang separately.

The last time I saw competent organization was at the 2nd Amendment protest in Richmond. And then … nothing. But the black face governor signed Virginians over to methods of commiefornia control.

Prior to that was the tea party. Where did that go ? Lost with Lois Lerner’s disk drive ?

What do we rally about , instead of rallying against the way it was done against my half brother islamobozo ?

I’ll join up. But it won’t be with the repubican party. My side bet is it will implode after DJT.

Where are the grass roots ? Where is the “ ground game “ ? It better turn up soon or … Homage to commiefornia ?

  Old Geezer
July 23, 2020 12:52 pm

There is a time to make your presence known and a time to keep quiet. I have to wear a mask where I live, however, I don’t have to cover my face with it, much less my nose.

The word sabotage comes from the root word of sabot, the wood shoes that the working class wore. During the occupation when the workers were forced to work for the occupiers, often times machinery would be destroyed and the cause of the break down would be found in the shape of a sabot.

During times when inferior men flourish, superior men are pushed away and denigrated. At the present time we are surrounded by inferior men, if we withdraw they cannot survive because the inferior cannot support itself. So long as we continue to work and support the system they will thrive. If we remove consent and labor they will collapse. The situation at present must collapse, until it does any actions taken by superior men will be deliberately misconstrued and used against them.

July 24, 2020 3:32 pm

A very interesting analysis and from a distinctly feminine point of view of significant value. I agree that a mass withdrawal from the current system will likely collapse it, but as I’m sure you know, it’ll be an uphill struggle with the caliber of men and women needed rated presently as .22 at best.

Best of luck in finding folks up there ready to take more than passive action, paradoxically speaking and joking a bit. Ignoring the masks is a start, but…

July 22, 2020 6:54 pm

AMEN! Chip

July 22, 2020 10:23 pm

Very good. We wont know what hits us when all those quadrabazillions in monopoly money causes hyperinflation, resulting in regression to norm interest rates and the end of stocks, real estate, 401Ks and big Govt. Wont be pretty.

Saami Jim
Saami Jim
July 23, 2020 2:03 pm

Very nice article Robert, thank you. I do not know if I am strong enough or young enough to make it to “the other side”, but am trying. Looks like I will produce twice the calories I did last year, and put up most of them in storage.
One can only keep focused and do their best.

July 24, 2020 6:35 am

At this point it is the corporate media’s job to foster groupthink.

Fr. John
Fr. John
July 24, 2020 10:46 am

Muzzled by J-Tube, Faceberg, etc. Listen to this, pass it on.

One word is still left to us – SECESSION.

July 24, 2020 8:59 pm

as usual,a good article but i want you to add to it–
give us a definition of derivatives plus an example that one of my tenants w/an 8th grade education could understand but one that a wall street executive would agree with & not mock a person 4 using it–

  Robert Gore
July 24, 2020 10:41 pm


July 24, 2020 9:49 pm

Looks like Julian Assange’s entire Wikileaks file was dumped online!

Everything from Hillary Clinton’s emails, McCain’s being guilty, Vegas shooting done by an FBI sniper, Steve Jobs HIV letter, PedoPodes…

July 24, 2020 10:46 pm

i’m glad you posted this–i read this earlier at tom woods site–
he goes into detail about what happened that day–i knew the kids were innocent but hadn’t realized just how bad the fake injun had lied–he should have gone to jail–