CIA Behind Guccifer & Russiagate – A Plausible Scenario

Via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

William Binney is the former technical director of the U.S. National Security Agency who worked at the agency for 30 years. He is a respected independent critic of how American intelligence services abuse their powers to illegally spy on private communications of U.S. citizens and around the globe.

Given his expert inside knowledge, it is worth paying attention to what Binney says.

In a media interview this week, he dismissed the so-called Russiagate scandal as a “fabrication” orchestrated by the American Central Intelligence Agency. Many other observers have come to the same conclusion about allegations that Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S. elections with the objective of helping Donald Trump get elected.

But what is particularly valuable about Binney’s judgment is that he cites technical analysis disproving the Russiagate narrative. That narrative remains dominant among U.S. intelligence officials, politicians and pundits, especially those affiliated with the Democrat party, as well as large sections of Western media. The premise of the narrative is the allegation that a Russian state-backed cyber operation hacked into the database and emails of the Democrat party back in 2016. The information perceived as damaging to presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was subsequently disseminated to the Wikileaks whistleblower site and other U.S. media outlets.

A mysterious cyber persona known as “Guccifer 2.0” claimed to be the alleged hacker. U.S. intelligence and news media have attributed Guccifer as a front for Russian cyber operations.

Notably, however, the Russian government has always categorically denied any involvement in alleged hacking or other interference in the 2016 U.S. election, or elections thereafter.

William Binney and other independent former U.S. intelligence experts say they can prove the Russiagate narrative is bogus. The proof relies on their forensic analysis of the data released by Guccifer. The analysis of timestamps demonstrates that the download of voluminous data could not have been physically possible based on known standard internet speeds. These independent experts conclude that the data from the Democrat party could not have been hacked, as Guccifer and Russiagaters claim. It could only have been obtained by a leak from inside the party, perhaps by a disgruntled staffer who downloaded the information on to a disc. That is the only feasible way such a huge amount of data could have been released. That means the “Russian hacker” claims are baseless.

Wikileaks, whose founder Julian Assange is currently imprisoned in Britain pending an extradition trial to the U.S. to face espionage charges, has consistently maintained that their source of files was not a hacker, nor did they collude with Russian intelligence. As a matter of principle, Wikileaks does not disclose the identity of its sources, but the organization has indicated it was an insider leak which provided the information on senior Democrat party corruption.

William Binney says forensic analysis of the files released by Guccifer shows that the mystery hacker deliberately inserted digital “fingerprints” in order to give the impression that the files came from Russian sources. It is known from information later disclosed by former NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden that the CIA has a secretive program – Vault 7 – which is dedicated to false incrimination of cyber attacks to other actors. It seems that the purpose of Guccifer was to create the perception of a connection between Wikileaks and Russian intelligence in order to beef up the Russiagate narrative.

“So that suggested [to] us all the evidence was pointing back to CIA as the originator [of] Guccifer 2.0. And that Guccifer 2.0 was inside CIA… I’m pointing to that group as the group that was probably the originator of Guccifer 2.0 and also this fabrication of the entire story of Russiagate,” concludes Binney in his interview with Sputnik news outlet.

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Just Thinking
Just Thinking
August 16, 2020 4:23 pm

The proof of Seth Rich personally removing data from the the DNC servers is supported/confirmed by this video doc by Millie Weaver of InfoWars fame.

She was arrested at her home the day this was to drop.

It was released the following day.

If link didn’t work, go to InfoWars site.

Long video but well worth watching.

22winmag - TBP's Latter Day Shit-poster
22winmag - TBP's Latter Day Shit-poster
  Just Thinking
August 16, 2020 6:57 pm

The Seth Rich hoax keeps on going and going.

August 16, 2020 5:07 pm

Happy to see the Millie / Tore video popping up everywhere.

Bill Binney? Didn’t he spend a lifetime building THE BLACKMAIL STATE? And then, in his secure big.gang.guv funded retirement, warn us – like Eisenhower and the military industrial complex – about the Total Police Surveillance Terror State? Does anyone else see anything inconsistent – or wrong – with that?

22winmag - TBP's Latter Day Shit-poster
22winmag - TBP's Latter Day Shit-poster
August 16, 2020 6:55 pm

The real election meddling was done by Trump’s 6 pointed star brethren.
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comment image

August 16, 2020 10:55 pm

What is it saying?

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
August 17, 2020 11:58 am

It is quite unfortunate that many TBP’ers do not understand the CIA, how it is structured, what it really does, and how many of the things it is accused of are either false or really being done by somebody or something else. That said, I have my own theory about the CIA’s role in the Russiahoax.

Two things. First, the CIA Director is one of the most powerful persons in the U.S. government. I remember having to suppress a giggle when a U.S. ambassador to Panama, some greasy New Jersey Puerto Rican used car salesman appointed by Clinton, ran his mouth about how the CIA was nothing compared to real “insiders” like him. The truth is that the CIA Director has almost unlimited funds at his disposal which (uniquely in the Federal government) he does not have to account for, a world-wide network of professional operations officers, intelligence on everything under the sun, and, perhaps most importantly, direct access and more or less cooperative relationships with virtually every government on earth. There are many people in Washington who think they are very important. There are four or five who know they are important.

Second, John Brennan, the former CIA director who almost certainly thought up and put the Russiahoax into operation, is probably a Russian agent. In addition, there is no question in my mind that Bill Clinton and Obama seeded the Agency with traitors, actual Marxist “Progressives” of the Bill Ayers and Bernie Sanders variety. As for that witless moron George W. Bush, it will suffice to say that he is so incredibly stupid that he kept on his predecessor’s CIA chief as his own. The mind reels at the thought of a man in the White House so utterly lost at sea as to not understand that the chief of your intelligence services must be one of your own most loyal followers.

Most of the CIA is engaged in activity which would be understandable to most Americans, even if they disagreed with the specific policy driving it. I think few Americans have any strong moral objections to spying on or working with significant foreign countries (Russia, China, India, NATO countries, and many others). Quite a few CIA “officers” are really just employees, including the analysts (who love to pretend they are real CIA officers) and support personnel. You would be shocked at how few actual CIA operations officers (case officers) and paramilitary officers there are and the bang for the buck the U.S. government gets out of them (operations officers are the people who are the true tip of the spear in the CIA; paramilitary officers do what their name suggests, and many are also qualified, experienced case officers as well). Forget all the Hollywood nonsense put out in recent years, with heroic female analysts saving the world or women case officers in acts of daring-do. Most Agency women hide out at Langley or take cushy assignments in Europe or elsewhere. You will not find many in African shitholes.

There is a small circle around the director, however, that is involved in almost purely political activities. Many of these are somewhat legitimate, like fighting for more than the Agency’s fair share of the Federal pie, keeping up vital links with the British and other close allies, working with Congress (a pain in the ass, as you can imagine), planning for the future or dealing with the latest foreign policy disaster. Needless to say, the guys around the director have total access to all of the Agency’s resources, which are, frankly, mind-boggling.

John Brennan was brought into the Agency in the early 1980’s, at the same time I went on board. He was hired as an analyst and remained one during almost all of his career (he was made the head of one major CIA station in the Middle East late in his career. He destroyed the office; he was a total incompetent at field work.

The really odd part of Brennan’s career is the very beginning. In 1976 he voted for Gus Hall, the head of the Communist Party USA, supposedly as a “protest” against the “system”; Jimmy Carter was not enough of a protest, apparently. He admitted this on his Agency entry polygraph. He was hired anyway, this during one of the worst phases of the Cold War. Brennan has stated how pleased he was that the Agency valued “freedom of speech”. I bet.

This is the bottom line. Having stupid lefty ideas has never been a bar to Agency employment, unfortunately. That is why the Agency has always had more than its share of Miss Frump’s from Wellesley and arrogant liberal punks from the Ivy League, few of whom are worth a damn. Admitting to voting for the CPUSA is a whole different ball game and should have ended Brennan’s career right then and there.

That it did not shows beyond a doubt that there was a sinister hidden hand behind Brennan’s hiring. This does not surprise me one bit. I knew from the day I joined that the Agency was penetrated by the Soviets and Cubans, with the Chinese and possibly others not far behind. Time has proven me right, of course. The vaunted polygraph is little more than a gizmo, useful into frightening little old ladies from West Virginia into revealing their sins but pretty useless against a trained adversary. Aldrich Ames “passed” it many times; the Cubans and Israelis are said to be experts in “beating the box”. When I was in, the polygraph seemed to be just about our only line of defense. Counterintelligence and counterespionage, which should be at the very heart of any serious intelligence service, were career dead-ends, tarnished with the legacy of James Angleton, the Israeli agent who tore the Agency apart with his famous “mole hunts”. CI had been virtually dismantled after Angleton, in itself a sign of a dark hand in the Agency.

When the Agency finally allowed homosexuals to be hired, a whole swarm of them came out of the woodwork, including one of the most well-known and senior officers in the entire outfit. Every last one of these queers passed the polygraph on multiple occasions, or were helped along by parties unknown. That is a fact, not a conspiracy theory.

There is nothing astonishing about the director of the CIA being a foreign agent. John Deutch, former director, a Belgium-born Jew with strong links to Israel on several levels, was obviously serving that country first. As an aside, it was Deutch who issued the infamous orders restricting the recruiting of “dirty” assets, effectively castrating the Agency’s efforts against Islamic extremists in the lead up to 9/11. Other than information from dubious foreign liaison services, like the Saudis, there were at most a handful of unilateral foreign agents with any access at all to this threat. Curious.

I believe that Brennan was just one of a number of Soviet agents successfully infiltrated into the Agency; others were recruited after they were hired. He probably passed on classified information to the Soviets from the day he was hired and they used their network in the Agency and outside of it to ensure that he rose steadily up the ladder, in the same way the British spy Kim Philby almost rose to be the head of his service.

When the possibility of Trump actually being elected became real, the Globalists had to go into high gear. Of course, by this time the Soviet Union was a thing of the past but you are a fool if you think they did not keep a tight grip on the Americans they had recruited in the Cold War. The Globalists are Trump’s real enemy but the Russians probably analyzed the situation this way.

“Hillary Clinton is the head of the totally corrupt cabal that, with Obama and his Marxist friends, runs the USA. We know her and the rest of them and have our agents in place up and down their organization. Trump? Hmmm. Really an unknown. Not many contacts with reality TV stars or real estate moguls. Talks a good game about friendship with us, but we are far too clever to fall for that. We don’t want friendship. We want control, and we have it with the Clintons, Obama, and their people. The blackmail material we have on them is enormous. Pedophilia, corrupt dealings with foreign governments, payoffs to their slush funds, i.e. “foundations”, treasonous dealings with states such as Iran, arming terrorists. Oh, and the Epstein material our friends in Israel provided to us. So much to work with!”

It is highly unlikely that the Russians originated the Russiahoax. They learned of Obama’s criminal coup plot and, being Russians, decided to do their little part to spit in the soup of the U.S. election. Like everybody else except real Americans, they assumed Hillary would win.

This where Brennan comes in. He was probably up to his ears in the coup planning before he received any instructions or suggestions from Moscow. Brennan was carrying out Obama’s plan, not the Kremlin’s (though I would hardly bet my life savings on the issue of prior Soviet or Cuban control of Obama). Brennan went first to the British, a logical move. The British Establishment absolutely hates Trumps for all sorts of reasons, one of which is the threat his nationalist program poses to their control (with New York) of the world financial system. The British SIS protects the Crown first, not the British people. By the Crown I do not necessarily mean the person of HM Queen Elizabeth II; she is a Christian patriot who knows all too well what powers really run the world. The Crown is the Establishment centered on the City of London, with Wall Street the center of world power.

Christopher Steele, former SIS, is a typical leftist English snob, hard-wired to despise Trump. He was eager to accept whatever filth the Russian FSB or SVR handed to him. Obama and Company were only to eager to use it. Brennan assured that his acolytes in the Agency carried out the plot with secrecy. The British and others, but mainly the British, were the source of “foreign intelligence” smearing Trump. All of it had been cleared beforehand by Brennan’s people.

The weak link in all of this was the CIA/FBI connection, as has recently been confirmed with the arrest of the pudgy lawyer Clinesmith, a typical semi-educated, leftist, wannabe elitist product of our university system. You can bet he is singing like Liberace right now. The brothers in the Federal pen will love that soft, white, mushy booty.

The FBI is not at its best overseas; that is the CIA’s turf. The Bureau made serious mistakes in handling various cases, such as that of Carter Page. It is all going to come out.

Obama was the architect of the coup plot, of course, but Brennan was his go-to boy. The FBI came in later.

Time will tell if “Bull”Durham is really a bull or just a gelded ox.