No Mask? No Problem. We Have A Mind Control Drug For You.

Guest post from John Wilder at Wilder Wealthy Wise.

“John Spartan, you are fined one credit for a violation of the Verbal Morality Statute.” – Demolition Man


2020 has me so confused.  Do I need a mask or a brick to enter a store?

The Chinese Flu has been devastating for our culture in many ways.  The biggest impact is certainly economic.  But it has also brought out divisions in our society that (primarily) people on the Left are set to exploit.  The riots have been awful, and in fact so bad that the early positive sentiments that Marxist Black Lives Matter® are eroding.  Thankfully, the cops have now found out the easiest way to break up a BLM©/PantiFa™ riot – pass out job applications.

One controversy that thankfully hasn’t come to Modern Mayberry is mask wearing.  I’ve decided firmly to not decide on wearing masks.  Do I wear one?  No, because it’s silly in a county where nobody has Shanghai Lung Rot.  Besides, masks make me sweat like an NFL® player asked to solve a quadratic equation.  Heck, one night during the pandemic I woke up with the sweats.  I worried until I changed out to jeans.

In Wal-Mart®, about one out of ten people wear a mask.  In the restaurants?  Zero.  I’ve seen fast food employees wearing them, but most of the time their noses aren’t covered, so the masks serve as, um, I guess spit deflectors and an excuse to not shave?


The most Progressive thing about Joe Biden is his dementia.

I’ve seen horrible arguments on each side, and good arguments on each side, but pretty close to zero science on either side along with data corrupted enough to be Obama’s attorney general, so I say:

Whatever.  I don’t care.  Please don’t try to convince me in the comments.  I love you all, but the mask battle is just a distraction as our government prints more money than Joe Biden has active brain cells every week.

Sometimes, though, the Leftists tell you what they really want.  The biggest traitors in the Current Year have been our so-called intellectual elite.  On August 10, Johns Hopkins™ tweeted® the amazingly horrific tweet© shown below:


But Joseph Stalin and the KGB both gave it two thumbs up.

At some point an adult at Johns Hopkins© became aware of the tweet™, and wisely deleted it.  The article it’s based on is here (LINK).  It’s actually more frightening than anything that AuntyKarenFa™ has done, since I think the average group of their “warriors” could be taken down by the toddler soccer club here in Modern Mayberry.  I mean, those kids can hit hard if they don’t like their juice box flavor at half time.

The article is horrific.  Parker Crutchfield, Associate Professor Butthead of Medical Ethics(?), Humanities and Law at Western Michigan University suggested that the best way of stopping WuhanFluhan is to secretly drug the population so they become willing sheep that will do anything authorities suggest.

I’m not making this up.  Not even a little.

Here’s the direct quote:

Another challenge is that the defectors who need moral enhancement are also the least likely to sign up for it. As some have argued, a solution would be to make moral enhancement compulsory or administer it secretly, perhaps via the water supply.” (emphasis added)


This guy advocates drugging the population – next he’ll want to give mermaids seaweed.

His final paragraph is the most chilling:

“The scenario in which the government forces an immunity booster upon everyone is plausible. And the military has been forcing enhancements like vaccines or “uppers” upon soldiers for a long time. The scenario in which the government forces a morality booster upon everyone is far-fetched. But a strategy like this one could be a way out of this pandemic, a future outbreak or the suffering associated with climate change. That’s why we should be thinking of it now.”  (emphasis added)

Again, this is a “professor” who is supposed to teach ethics.  I’m just wondering what ethical system allows drugging the population to make them do what you want?  I think Stalin would have nodded approvingly, especially since this is exactly what Huxley described in Brave New World.

The fact that an idiot born from a crazed mother in an insane asylum (I made that part up, but it fits) named Parker Crutchfield, who is being paid for by Michigan tax dollars to argue for the chemical mental enslavement of people he doesn’t agree with secretly via the water supply exists?  If anyone told me that, I’d call it a crazy conspiracy theory.  But I read the article.  It’s there.  You know, the article that Johns Hopkins© Tweeted™?


Umm, anyone notice she’s not wearing a facemask?  Heck, I’d buy her a whole paper bag so we didn’t have to see her face.

I was listening to Scott Adams’ podcast the other day, and he mentioned that it’s a psychological trait of people to use language that shows what they’re really thinking – when Obama talked about Biden’s selection of Kamala Harris, Obama said, “Joe nailed it.”

Adams made the point that “nail” in this case reminded him of a “coffin nail” which indicated that Joe would only serve for a short time before Kamala took over.  Parker Crutchfield’s imbecilic writing is far less subtle.  He is openly arguing for the government to secretly drug Americans by force to make them compliant.  Beyond that, the drug must meet Parker Crutchfield’s ideological specifications – he’d love to dose you with oxytocin.

Sadly for Parker Crutchfield, he notes that oxytocin increases compliance but it also increases ethnocentrism.  Ethnocentrism is a love of your own people.  I guess that’s a drawback for Parker Crutchfield, since an ethnocentristic United States would be cohesive and centered around our culture, rather than pretending that every culture that drifts in produces equal results.

How can you be a Leftist if you don’t think that murderous cannibal tribes are exactly the same as your local optometrist who belongs to the Chamber of Commerce®?

All it takes for Parker Crutchfield is a chemical that produces your submission and doesn’t make you love your country and other people like you.  He’d then not only be fine with injecting it into the water supply, he’d probably pour it in himself.


Parker Crutchfield did not approve of this image.

Corona-Chan has been bad, but not in deaths.  The death rate appears to be trending towards less than 1%, perhaps far less than 1% since millions may have had it that have never been tested.  But the median age of someone dying from COVID-19 seems to be nearly 80.  That means that catching the Chinese Virus increases your life expectancy by two years, since the average age of death in the United States is 78.

Reality?  Coronavirus is mainly killing old folks.  If you’re 80, stay home if you want to.  Take precautions.  Don’t drink the toilet water no matter how cool and refreshing it looks.

I rarely hope that bad things happen to people.  Really.  It’s not my job.  I’m a happy guy.  But I’d love to see Parker Crutchfield’s only employment opportunity being sanitizing carts with his tongue at your local Wal-Mart™ after taking the massive doses of oxytocin to make him ethnocentric.  At least he won’t poison any young minds that way.

And Michigan, seriously?  What are you guys thinking?

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August 17, 2020 3:50 pm

We need herd immunity!

Mushroom Cloud
Mushroom Cloud
August 17, 2020 4:11 pm

Right now all we have is herd mentality…

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
August 17, 2020 5:00 pm

My guess is that that creepy prof has read Walker Percy’s “The Thanatos Syndrome” and stolen its plot line.

Coronald McDonald
Coronald McDonald
August 17, 2020 5:11 pm

That’s just the way the Parker House rolls, dude

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
  Coronald McDonald
August 17, 2020 7:35 pm

Less than 10% of the American public gets your pun…sadly. They were a staple at Nick’s In The Sticks way back when…$4.95 bacon wrapped 4 oz. filet w/ baked tater & salad, complete w/ French, 1000 Island & Russian dressing in a server. With a Pat O’Brien’s Zombie.

August 17, 2020 6:57 pm

Fluoridation of public water supplies was the first attempt at control…

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
August 17, 2020 7:48 pm

“The most Progressive thing about Joe Biden is his dementia.”
– Wilder

Comedy gold right there.

August 17, 2020 11:06 pm

“2020 has me so confused. Do I need a mask or a brick to enter a store?”

Darn that was funny.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
August 18, 2020 12:10 am

Instead of waiting for the “revolution” to take out all of the academics, I think it should be done right away. The revolution (or civil war) could perhaps then be avoided.

August 18, 2020 4:00 am

In England we recently had a suggestion to spike our drinking water with lithium. Brave New World!