We’re on a road to nowhere

Want something to worry about?


September 25, 2020

Just as time is a one-way arrow, “the politicization of everything” is a one-way road to dissolution and collapse.

The essence of any Totalitarian society is the politicization of everything, as everything must be either supporting the status quo or it’s a threat to the status quo.

There is no middle ground in a Totalitarian society and so everything–literally everything– must be politicized to assess its true nature of being “for” or “against” the status quo.

In such a society, what cannot be politicized ceases to exist. It isn’t counted or recognized, and so it fades into a netherworld of shadows, a dangerous realm where the mere act of attempting to recognize a non-politicized experience is itself a threat to the status quo.

You will of course be thinking of the former Soviet Union (USSR) and other Totalitarian societies. Here’s an extreme example of how the politicization of everything works: a conventional worker in a conventional factory happens to mention to a co-worker that he dreamed Stalin had fallen ill, and this worried him. The co-worker reported this disturbing dream to the proper authorities, who instantly recognized the true nature of the dream and sentenced the worker to 10 years in the Gulag for having an anti-Soviet dream.

(A 10-year sentence in the Gulag was so common that it was nicknamed “a tenner.”)

In America circa 2020, “a tenner” for the wrong thought, opinion or dream takes other forms. Indeed, even the claim that a dream might not have a political angle is itself cause for being sentenced to “a tenner,” because the core of the Totalitarian society is the politicization of everything.

Every object, entity, image, document, historical “fact,” person, thought, emotion, reaction, narrative, opinion, everything tangible or intangible, has a barely concealed political subtext in a Totalitarian society.

There is nothing innocuous, innocent or whimsical in a Totalitarian society, at least in the public sphere. In an era permeated by the cruel marriage of surveillance capitalism and the bitterly divided state, even the once-private sphere is subject to public exposure and shaming / sentencing.

As in an Orwellian nightmare, your “smart” phone, vehicle, TV or Alexa-powered doorbell can eavesdrop and record your private conversations and behaviors, and somebody somewhere has access to this data and can share it with others.

The ostensible justification is “your safety” or “to catch wrongdoing,” but this is transparently false. The real reason is to discern your political crimes. You need not commit any crimes per se to be persecuted; all that’s needed is some tiny bit of evidence that reflects your true beliefs which by definition must be supportive of the status quo via endless virtual-signaling; if not, then they are necessarily a threat to the status quo.

To remain confidential, everyday life must be treated as wartime. Your hand-written journal is safe, as long as you don’t share it digitally. But since we’ve morphed into an engagement-based social order, your selfhood now depends on engaging others digitally via “likes,” shares, etc. and sharing your most “engaging” images and experiences.

A non-shared, non-digital private life is now a form of non-existence that most people find painful and isolating. Hence the obsessive addiction to social media and “sharing” one’s (carefully edited) life online.

Alas, even the most careful editing cannot conceal your true beliefs which will be revealed by the smallest detail: your location, the brand of items you’re wearing, etc.

In a bitterly divided society, your beliefs will be political crimes to one camp or another. Any attempt to “find common ground” will be dismissed as a self-serving ploy, or more dangerously, as a hidden agenda of the forces attempting to destroy the Party.

Those furiously virtue-signaling to maintain their political righteousness within their chosen camp find the sands shifting beneath their feet. The most extreme virtue-signaling is rewarded until it becomes a new threat, and then those who strayed unknowingly beyond the invisible lines will find themselves cast out for political crimes whose definition is constantly changing.

Science has long be politicized, of course, but now it is being hyper-politicized as the stakes keep rising. Claims of neutrality are necessarily viewed as nothing more than clever facades to mask the real motives of self-interest and collusion.

Just as time is a one-way arrow, the politicization of everything is a one-way road to dissolution and collapse. Wishing it wasn’t so doesn’t make it so.

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Author: Glock-N-Load

Simply a concerned, freedom loving American.

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September 27, 2020 8:17 am

Not to worry, Trump’s iron-fisted law & order approach will save us from totalitarianism (lol).

September 27, 2020 8:42 am

So iron-fisted that rioting, looting, arsons and murders have been going on non-stop for months and yet this “totalitarian” has acquiesced to state rights instead of forcibly ending this communist insurrection.
So totalitarian that he has ended over 20,000 government regulations on the public…..
So dictatorial that he eliminated the forced mandate by the prior administration that everyone must purchase a product/commodity ( healthcare) or face taxes, penalties and/or prison…..

I do not think the word means what you think it means.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
September 27, 2020 11:13 am
September 27, 2020 1:59 pm

Yeah, so I bet you’re ALL IN on Trump’s reparations “Platinum Plan”
to address “The Negro Problem,” eh?

September 27, 2020 8:30 am

Yeah, for some reason “the racist white establishment” is pushing all the buttons to push the country/world into a socialist/communist state of equality and tolerance and welcoming (with payment) the third world to join in.
Odd that, right?

September 27, 2020 8:51 am

Stock up on foods/fuels/tools/clothes ect. while reasonably cheap.

Oh,also popcorn and plenty of your favorite beverages!

September 27, 2020 4:27 pm

Yes. Those are important. But you are too late to the party for ammo to protect yourself and your supplies.

September 27, 2020 11:52 am

Charles Hugh Smith & Kunstler got together and had a red pill party. This is an accurate statement of where we’re headed.

Post-modernism is practically a base metal in higher education now, requiring you to assert the following to pass your classes, earn good grades and maybe not spend the rest of your life in debtor’s prison:

1. Reality is subjective to the person perceiving it. There is no objective truth outside of your subjective experience.

2. There is no God, which is a belief amounting to academic grooming for satanism. Once you are in rebellion from God, you’re easy pickings for the Luciferian cults:

Link: http://www.alt-market.com/articles/3651-luciferianism-a-secular-look-at-a-destructive-globalist-belief-system

3. Because of 1 & 2, any horror is “justified” to achieve your ends. This is the message of most post-war western philosophy, which is really just repackaged Machiavelli—morally wrong actions are sometimes necessary to achieve morally right outcomes; actions can only be considered morally right or wrong by virtue of the morality (or utility or desirability) of the outcome. Deontological ethics are an indulgence that cannot be observed when a society is “in the foxhole.”

4. The individual is not a priori to the state. The individual exists to serve the state, not vice versa. Communism, National Socialism, socialism, “democratic” socialism all depend on this premise to function and justify their existence. You are intended to feel hip and edgy walking around in a tee shirt with fucking Mao on it.

With all of the privileged, brainwashed culture warriors flooding the zone at present, we’re basically in a rear guard action with classical liberal opinions falling to 1/3 after the Gen X folks. Even if we get through the next two months without dissolution of the union and possible foreign attack at our moment of greatest weakness and division, once the balance of the Baby Boomers depart the field, the small Gen X numbers won’t be sufficient to prevent:

1. “Hate speech” laws reinterpreting the First Amendment to exclude language the is “harmful” to the message recipient. This alone is a big enough hole blasted in the barricades to round up your political enemies and start shooting.

2. Elimination of age of consent laws and gender-fluid sexualization of children as soon as public schooling begins.

3. Extractive race-based taxes imposed on European ancestry citizenry to impose collective punishment for past injustices. If they stick to their guns on the 14 Trillion Dollar (with a “T”) number, that should cover the six-figure salaries of a constellation of sjws and associated grifts, skims, shakedowns and scams for a generation. That’s so much fucking money up for grabs, there wont be a single caucasian scalp left by the time it’s done.

4. I could go on, but I’m tired of typing this on a touch screen. The bottom line is that the basic social contract is being unilaterally renegotiated by the left. If we cannot come to a peaceful resolution about what the rules of the road are moving forward, and especially what our future generation will be taught to believe and by whom, then I guess we’re going to have to discuss divorce, as another commentator of TBP recently argued.

September 27, 2020 12:40 pm

Excellent post.

Gen X Nomad
Gen X Nomad
September 27, 2020 1:49 pm

Thanks. Someone put a link to this article in another comment thread. It discusses these issues really well:

“The two classes have less in common culturally, dislike each other more, and embody ways of life more different from one another than did the 19th century’s Northerners and Southerners—nearly all of whom, as Lincoln reminded them, “prayed to the same God.” By contrast, while most Americans pray to the God “who hath created and doth sustain us,” our ruling class prays to itself as “saviors of the planet” and improvers of humanity.“

Link: https://americanmind.org/essays/revolution-2020/

September 27, 2020 11:58 am

He left out Pre-Thought Thought Crime, otherwise he did a good job.