Open Letter to a Face Diaperer

Guest Post by Eric Peters

It’s such a small ask – wear a mask! 

So say the bulletin boards along the road. So says every consolidated media outlet. So says the Hair Plugged Man. I figured it’s time to say something in reply, for the same reason that Jefferson ticked off all the reasons why the American colonies tired of being yoked to the British Empire and wanted to cut the cord. The reasons weren’t trivial or transitory – and a decent respect for the opinions of mankind required that they be laid out publicly.

Similarly, the following are the reasons why “wearing a mask” is not a “small ask” –

In the first place, it is a tell.

You are demanding we wear the thing. All over this country, people are being denied access to stores and restaurants and threatened with the loss of their jobs if they do not submit to your oilily tyrannical “ask,” which is of a piece with the government “asking” people to pay taxes.

The effrontery of the verbiage is itself sufficiently obnoxious all by itself to reject the “ask.”

In the second place, you are demanding we pretend to agree that everyone is sick or might be – or could get – sick. That we make it appear we share your fear-based assertions about a sickness so actually unthreatening to most people as to be comparable to childish assertions about the bogeyman.

You demand we wear your specified garment, as the visual sign of our coerced “agreement” with these assertions. You are demanding we surrender our own judgment in deference to yours.

This is intolerable.

We are not sick, first of all – and your overwrought fear that we might be imposes no obligation upon us to accommodate your fears.

It is also incredibly insulting to be treated as presumptively sick, with the implication that we’re not only disease-carriers but also disease-spreaders. That we are a threat – based on nothing more than your feelings.

It is not unlike being treated like a thief when we haven’t stolen anything. Or a mass-shooter when we haven’t shot anyone.

We do not share your fear of getting sick – based on the fact that the risk for us is objectively very slight and the risk of becoming seriously sick even more remote.

Why should we defer to your pathological fear to the contrary?

But just in case! Because it might save a life!

This is a recipe for the death of life. Your weaponized dread of risk makes living impossible.

And we want to live. 

Where does it end? How do you draw the line?

The answer is, you won’t. You even say so. You call it the “new normal” – a sick future of weaponized hysteria, of pathologized aversion to risk untempered by facts. Of mass submission to whatever the masses are told they must submit to.

A “mask” is also not a respirator.

It is a mask. Literally. In the manner of a Halloween mask, except genuinely horrible and not for fun.

Its function isn’t medical. It is ritual gear meant to hide the face of the wearer; to efface his individuality. To make him look like everyone else whose face no one can see. It is a muzzle. A visual representation of your voice, your will – yourself – being stifled. For this purpose, a dirty old bandana, neck scarf or a literal diaper qualifies as a “mask,” because they hide the wearer’s face and suppress any visual evidence of dissent.

Not because they filter viruses.

If these “masks” do serve a medically useful purpose then so long as you wear yours, you have nothing to worry about.

So why are you worried about whether other people wear one?

Could it be because you can’t stand the idea of anyone giving visual evidence of not agreeing with your faith?

Which you are welcome to.

We are merely asking that you leave us free to not partake of it. We are not asking you to alter your life in any way to accommodate us. You are free to “mask” – or not. Free to patronize stores and other establishments that have a “mask” policy – or not.

But we will not accept being forced to pretend we are sick by being compelled to act out a ritual based on your fears. And above all, we will not permit you to get away with pretending you are asking.

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October 28, 2020 3:05 pm

I went to the Publix grocery this past Sunday and I counted 3 of us not wearing the diaper, 3 of 200, not good odds at all. They stared at me, but I don’t care and one lady I ran into several times came up to me when I was at the checkout and pulled down her diaper to compliment me on a project I did for her family in Jan 2020. I thanked her back.

I have to wear the face shield at work or the diaper, I wear the shield, you can’t earn without either. Make no mistake, they’ll use the same logic with the vaccine. Most of the sheep will take it.

October 29, 2020 1:04 pm

Maybe not everyone, but if you work in the health care field they MANDATE that you get a flu shot every year. Those poor people are going to be the guinea pigs for the COVID vaccine.

October 28, 2020 3:06 pm

Beautiful, thank you!

Craven Warrior
Craven Warrior
October 28, 2020 3:13 pm

I call it the masque- short for masquerade for that’s what the crap really is. All those masque wearers are pretending to love the emperor’s new clothes. Of course, they don’t have to pretend to be subservient and obedient to authority and stupidity. Perhaps they want to volunteer to be a victim, but I refuse. So far, I have not worn the masque, the face diaper or anything to cover my face. God intended me to breath AIR, and I’m not playing into their Kabuki theater. A pox on them all!

October 28, 2020 4:09 pm

My kind of humor.
Thanks, JJ.
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October 28, 2020 4:17 pm

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h/t A. Barnhardt

October 28, 2020 4:19 pm

When all of this started I suffered an injury at my job and have been in physical therapy recovering. It has been a blessing in disguise. I live in Washington state across the Columbia from Portland Oregon. The majority of my work is in Portland and the difference between Vancouver and Portland is stark.
Fred Meyer (krogers) and walmart near my home have signs up but the enforcement is lax, participation is still high among the customers but I and my wife get by just fine not masking up.
The few times we have crossed into Oregon for something the mask enforcement by stores is insane. Even saying you have a medical condition generally results in a wait outside or at the door while whatever you are there for is delivered to the door.
I have had a few heated exchanges with store managers and am not sure I would have been able to keep my job if I were actually working during this shitshow. So like I said the injury has been a blessing. I mask up for about an hour a week for physical therapy as the medical center won’t let anyone past their door without a mask and I do need to recover. The employees there hate the requirements, they have to mask and use a face shield.
There is definitely a part of me that just wants the shit to really hit the fan just so all the theater comes to an end.

Bobo the Hobo
Bobo the Hobo
October 28, 2020 4:37 pm

I don’t wear masks and have been refused entry to stores. I smile and inform the person blocking my entrance (usually the owner) that it’s fine, I’ll just take my business elsewhere. If I wanted to shop with retarded people I’d shop Goodwill.

Them: “One small ask, please wear a mask”

Me: “Alack and a alas, you can kiss my ass”

anthony aaron
anthony aaron
  Bobo the Hobo
October 28, 2020 8:37 pm

Please, Bobo — do not demean the folks who work at Goodwill. Some of US work(ed) there because during hard times there was no other work — and GW pays about half of minimum wage because they’re considered to be ‘training’ their workers.

As I’ve told some yuppies when I worked at GW years ago, those ‘retarded’ folks are helping you (the yuppies) to make a killing on things like Levis and other items that end up in the bins … so a little respect for those folks is in order.

As I learned when I worked there, due to my own hard times, many of the workers were really terrific people — but genetics and DNA conspired to make them less than fully functioning.

Please, Bobo … less judgment — more gratefulness for your own situation — and a bit more humility … ‘but for the Grace of God go I’.

Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
  anthony aaron
October 28, 2020 9:08 pm

I’m sorry, but don’t mask, please.

October 28, 2020 4:59 pm

I live in California (not for long) and I wear a camo balaclava all the time now. I dont wear it to protect against the cooties. I wear it for anonymity’s sake. I love it, personally. I hate when the liberal goon squads here know what i look like. I’ve been run out of two towns here and forced to move, just in the past year, because of my political stance. I get dirty looks from conservatives all the time. I dont care, they probably think im antifa anyway in my black hoodie and glasses and baggy pants w cool shoes. What other people think of my mask-wearing is irrelevant. It’s for fucking survival from the ignorant liberal mob. Go ahead and judge. I could give a bats a$$

October 28, 2020 5:25 pm

where you goin?

October 28, 2020 6:16 pm

Idk yet. I’m homeless (live out of my car now) because white people are oppressed here and are the last ones hired. Especially straight white males. Forget about a finding a job in this economy. So as a hard-right conservative, i’ll be headed maybe to utah or something. I’m a literal genius, agrarian by trade, and I recently crippled my left arm, so I can’t do heavy lifting anymore… I’m in my 20’s, drug-free, and just hoping to find a place to park my car where I won’t freeze to death this winter. That’s all I expect at this point. Wish me luck!

October 28, 2020 8:50 pm

did u get shot in the arm?

October 28, 2020 10:55 pm

Is that a serious question? Or are you being a troll bitchboy. I did not get shot. I broke it on my skateboard, while evading snitches with no life (sound familiar?) while the gestapo police were looking for me for something trivial. Any more dumb questions faggit

October 28, 2020 6:52 pm

No benefits either… no unemployment, insurance, food stamps- the sjws at the welfare office denied me. I ate out of dumpsters all last winter as a result, and the socialized healthcare was a nightmare on my broken arm. It didnt heal right, so it’s f’ed for life. I’m crippled. I’d probably have received better care for my arm in uganda. The doctors in richmond looked at, and treated me like a piece of ikea furniture… No more dumpsters for me. I survive now by begging occasionally, and mostly by my wits identifying edible plants. Just yesterday I found two huge jujube trees and a pummelo tree, both loaded with fruit. Chinese bayberries abound as well. I will miss the wild edibles so widely available here in the golden state… There will be a wave of refugees like me. The ones with means already left and bought property elsewhere. We are america’s afrikaaners. Many of us are worth keeping…

October 28, 2020 6:59 pm

You sure sound like a survivor to me. If you can avoid feeling as the victim, you may have a future teaching survival skills to the newly inured.

October 28, 2020 5:10 pm

I walked into Sam’s Club the other day to shop without wearing a mask, and upon entering and showing my Sam’s card to the attendant she asked did I have a mask. I, of course, did not, so she tried to hand me one and I refused and kept walking; she stood there looking after me, flustered, but didn’t say anything else.

As I walked around the store I could feel the holocoughers’ eyes shooting daggers at me, but I just did my shopping and ignored them. I could have sworn I saw a few of them grab hold of their wristwatches and mumble, “I’ve got one — and he can see!” into them, but since I had no sunglasses on I couldn’t be sure.

It is amazing, though, the looks of hostility you get from some… and the admiration from others. I’m not trying to be the trout swimming upstream. I’ve just never fit in no matter the circumstance.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 28, 2020 9:17 pm

Holocoughers. That’s awesome. Can I trade you a COVvid for a Holocough?

  Mary Christine
October 29, 2020 5:03 pm

Sure — we can both be Holocough deniers.

At least until Elie Wie(wea)sel writes a book about it.

October 29, 2020 1:10 pm

Here in the only city in SD with a mask mandate, people are actually calling the cops to report people who aren’t wearing a mask.

Luckily the idiot City Manager and City Attorney wrote the ordinance so haphazardly that if people actually read it they would realize it’s not really a mandate. The list of exemptions is pages long. But they wouldn’t care anyway, because Fauci and Birx said masks work (after saying for months to not wear one, of course).

Col. Edward H. R. Green
Col. Edward H. R. Green
October 29, 2020 3:46 pm

I used to work at Walmart (electronics/entertainment department manager for 6 years), but I quit when CEO Doug McMillon declared that all Walmart and Sams Club associates would be required to wear a mask as of April 2020. Prior to that declaration, wearing a mask was at the discretion of the associate, which I saw as reflective of Walmart’s corporate value of “Respect for the Individual”.

I saw McMillon expressly violate that respect with his declaration; therefore, I resigned, with no regret.

I refuse to wear a mask on the basis of the fact that it does not protect one from COVID-19 or other pathogens (the particles are so small they pass through the mask’s pores like mosquitos through a chain-link fence, as do aerosolized particles from masked coughs and sneezes), and on the basis of my legitimate individual rights to self-ownership and personal liberty, and the corollary right to breathe freely, with no obstructions over one’s face, pandemic or not–rights that every human being possesses.

When someone asks me, “Do you have a mask ?”, I reply, “Why, yes I do ! It’s inside of me. It’s called an immune system. You have one, too. So does every other human being. It is far more powerful than any mask, and it has been keeping you alive and healthy since the day you were born.”

If a store owner insists that I wear a mask anyway, I tell him/her that since I am more capable of spending money than my mask is, I will take my money and my business to a competitor who welcomes customers whether they wear a mask or not.

If anyone aggressively demands that I wear a mask, I tell him/her to take a mask and shove it straight up his/her ass so that it can keep his/her brains company.

If anyone should lay hands on me to physically force me to wear a mask, I am prepared and willing to use deadly force, in accordance with my right to self-defense, against that imminent threat to my life (yes, imminent; someone can kill you with a single punch or choke-hold !). I will make that person wear a mask consisting of six feet of soil over his/her dead body.

October 28, 2020 5:16 pm

“Would you walk around all day with your umbrella up if there was .03% chance of rain?”

Yup, my local weathermen truly suck. They couldn’t find their ass with a spotlight at high noon.

Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
October 28, 2020 9:13 pm

But but but they can predict the end of mankind in 20 years cuz climate change. Science you know,

October 28, 2020 5:27 pm

Well, I guess informing others is now not allowed.

October 28, 2020 5:37 pm

So when do all these mathematical models come to fruition? RO 3 ycle every 5 days?

I’m thinking there was never a virus to begin with.

October 28, 2020 6:17 pm

If I could get the video to load, it would provide full disclosure of the whole scam. Apparently, I’m experiencing some kind of glitch when trying to copy and paste a Bit Chute video. I’ve tried to post it three times and it immediately disappears, but if I just post text, it stays up.
Best video I’ve seen yet explaining the whole scam. Maybe later, I’ll try it again.

October 28, 2020 9:09 pm

Just tell us who its by and the title. We can look it up.

October 28, 2020 10:27 pm

Steve – Here’s the info – The Covid 19 genocide of 2020 by Claire Edwards, on Bit Chute.
Well worth watching. She lays it all out.

October 29, 2020 1:14 pm

It’s been scrubbed there too. I get the 404 – Page Not Found message.

October 28, 2020 6:57 pm

In other news, apparently the Covid Police are NOT happy with The L.A. Dodger’s Justin Turner.
Must have a Kevin or a Karen running the compliance rules over at MLB headquarters.

That umpire who ratted out a MLB G.M. earlier in the year might’ve gotten a promotion…from Soros, Fauci, et. al.

F’kin tards. The whole lot of ’em.

October 28, 2020 7:16 pm

Watch The Healthy American to see how many laws are being broken with these so called mandates in public shopping even if owned by private people!! She’s collecting lawyers, huge groups across country with how to stand for our rights. Great help for business owners and employees as well!

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 28, 2020 9:18 pm

You beat me to it. Here is a twatter pic for people who don’t want to read the article.

Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
October 28, 2020 9:19 pm

Here ya go RINS:

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 28, 2020 9:26 pm

This is what will happen to your ears after wearing masks all the time. Maybe your brain, too.
Edit (always make sure you copy the right link)

Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
  Mary Christine
October 28, 2020 10:08 pm

Mr. Rippy. That’s funny MC!

October 29, 2020 7:45 am

I agree with the author 100%, however, I have noticed as time marches on and the propaganda from the MSM/Govt increases the fear with reported covid spikes and a 2nd wave etc etc, more people are becoming more maniacal about it. While I do not wear the symbol of fear and acquiescence outside-anywhere-I do wear it in the store. My reasoning is I have a CCP and I carry just about everywhere now. If some karen decides to make a self-righteous stink over me not wearing a mask, then I will have more issues to deal with if it is discovered that I have a gun. So, to me, it is more important to be armed than to wear a mask for 10 minutes or so (I do not waste a lot of time in stores). I see it as practicing the ‘grey man’ form of survival, for now at least. In spite of that, I do see a time coming, very soon, where I will no longer have that luxury. Either I am tagged with the mark of a ‘good government citizen’ or I am not. I choose the latter.

October 29, 2020 1:16 pm