Diaper Report

Guest Post by Eric Peters

No, it’s not over. At least, not within the boundaries of Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles, CA.

A reader and his son who went there recently to attend an event for newly admitted students encountered a sign very reminiscent of the ones we used to see at airports when “terrorism” was the bogeyman du jour.

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Diaper Report

Guest Post by Eric Peters

The New York Times – America’s version of Pravda, just as Biden is America’s version of Brezhnev – published an article recently bemoaning the general and increasing lack of interest in taking the drugs masquerading as vaccines.  It’s titled: “My Patients Used to Be Enthusiastic About the COVID Vaccine. What Changed?”


The piece was written by a drug pusher named Dr. Danielle Ofri. Doctors push drugs because that’s what’s they’re paid to do. Including in-kind, by drug reps – as they accurately style themselves – who treat doctors to all-expenses-paid lunches out and “seminars” – where they discuss the latest drugs they’re pushing. The ones the doctor will later push on patients. Who have been trained by TeeVee ads for drugs to ask their doctor about . . .

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Diaper Report

Guest Post by Eric Peters

It’s interesting that hospitals (in italics for a reason; bear with) are pushing Face Diapers – again. Most recently the Johns Hopkins Hospital and Health Systems, which is a corporate chain of hospitals and “health” systems. Corporations are now – channeling Rudolf Hess – the government, just as government is corporations. They are for all practical purposes the same entity because they are largely controlled by the same interests – who are very interested in controlling things.

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Diaper Report

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Seinfeld used to say, who are these people? How about what’s wrong with these people?

People such as Mandy Cohen – chosen by the Biden Thing to replace Rochelle Walensky as what Hermann Goring styled Der Reichsspritzenmeister (he was referring to Hitler’s chief quack, Theo Morrell, who was notorious for injecting the Fuhrer with a variety of drugs that were neither safe nor effective).

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Diaper Report

Guest Post by Eric Peters

One good side effect of the “pandemic” is that skepticism is spreading. And it just may prove fatal . . . to authority.

“Most people have not gotten the latest vaccine and half say they are not taking precautions this holiday season,” wails the headline accompanying something called the KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor (see here).

As the public heads into the fourth holiday season with the virus, about half of adults say they do not plan to get the latest vaccine which became publicly available nearly two months ago. This includes three in ten of those who were previously vaccinated.”

Italics added.

Even the “vaccinated” are becoming . . . hesitant.

And at least half the population are more than that. They no longer trust “the science,” which (per The Princess Bride) does not mean what many used to think it meant; i.e., objective, tested and affirmed conclusions based upon facts.

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Diaper Report

Guest Post by Eric Peters

CNN – brought to you by Pfizer!reports that there is a “mental health crisis in America.” One that could “undermine our democracy.”

Truer words were never TelePrompter’d.

Except the words were not meant in the proper sense. The CNN story was mostly about the mental health problems of soldiers – specifically, post traumatic stress disorder or PTSD, the malady of the mind once referred to as shell shock or combat fatigue. Whatever it is called, it is essentially the same thing: The sufferer’s peace-of-mind has been shattered by exposure to horrible (often violent) things. He is left on edge, all the time – and is often unable to function normally.

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Diaper Report

Guest Post by Eric Peters

This isn’t so much a report about Face Diapers as it is a report about the effects they’ve had. Chief among them, of course, is the effectiveness they had in terms of getting an estimated two-thirds of the population to roll up their sleeves and accede to being injected with drugs that seem to do just about everything except prevent those who took them from getting (or spreading) the sickness they were misinformationed into believing they’d be immunized against getting – and therefore couldn’t spread.

Most people hated wearing a “mask” – as the disgusting (and silly) apparatus is style. It made them feel and look  . . . sheepish, that’s the word. It was hardest on those who weren’t afraid and knew there was little reason to be afraid – of the “virus,” that is. But they were made to look as if they were afraid – and that they agreed. The “mask” served as compelled speech – affirmation of the narrative that danger was in the air (literally) while at the same time symbolically shutting their mouths and the mouths of practically everyone else they could see. This made it appear that practically everyone agreed. It also made it socially much harder to show disagreement. People who didn’t wear the “mask” were shown the door. Were shunned by those who did wear it – including their closets friends and family.

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Diaper Report

Guest Post by Eric Peters

It is probably safe to assume that the people still wearing the “mask” are doing so for political and religious rather than health reasons.

As for example the woman in the picture accompanying this report. She recently appeared at a county board meeting in – of course – Portland, wearing more than just a “mask.” She was wearing a helmet. Like the one worn by astronauts, except she wasn’t going to the Moon.

She was making a statement. About her beliefs.

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Diaper Report

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Will Face Diapers ever make a comeback? That’s not the right question, which is: Will Face Diapers ever go away?

The answer is – probably not.

At least, not all the way. To where they were, before three years ago – when (aside from doctors working over people in operating rooms) the only people one saw wearing these things over their faces were obviously mentally ill people. Usually seen pushing an old supermarket grocery cart full of junk.

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Diaper Report

Guest Post by Eric Peters

This is an update – about my friend the nurse, who got sick coincident to being pressured to take the Jab, else lose his job.

The sick irony of his working in what is styled the “health care” industry (this latter is more apt) being he was healthy prior to being injected as the condition of his further employment. For going on three years of the “pandemic” – as this operation is generally styled – he was sound as the pound (back when the pound was sounder than a dollar). Though he worked with the sick he himself managed not to become sick. It cut no ice with his employer that, not being sick, he couldn’t transmit sickness and therefore did not need the “vaccine” being urged upon him.

No, that’s not the right word. If only it were. People like my friend and millions of others have been told they will take the “vaccine” – else lose their job. For many, the choice – though obvious – was extremely difficult. To risk one’s health – and lose one’s dignity? Or find another job?

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Diaper Report

Guest Post by Eric Peters

This Diaper Report is personal – and anecdotal – but from what I have been able to gather and based on what I and people close to me seem to be experiencing – there may well be something going around.

But it’s not the ‘Rona, moronicon or otherwise.

I’ve not been sick – in terms of coughs, sniffles or worse – throughout this sickness. Neither has my girlfriend. Neither have friends of ours, all of us never having “practiced” any of the aberrant rituals associated with the Cult of Sickness Abiding. We don’t wear the Face Diaper. We haven’t locked ourselves away in the basement, to hide from the putative plague.

But over the past six or so months – interestingly coincident with the “spread” of the “vaccines” – all of us have experienced an unusual feeling intermittently “off.”

A kind of vague,low-grade vertigo, a sense of “lag,” if that makes any sense. Nothing incapacitating or remotely close to being so.

Just  . . . not quite right. It comes – and it goes.

And it came just recently – over the past several months. Never before, at the height of the cases! the cases! back in the summer of 2020 (it seems like much longer ago than that because it feels as though this weaponization of hypochondria has been going on forever) did any of us feel “off.”

Now we do.


Initially, I thought it was just me – and maybe due to my own strange practices, which include rising in the middle of the night to work while drinking at least a pot of coffee before I eat anything. But then others in my circle began to report feeling similarly, intermittently. And these feelings seemed to come – and go – according to how close and how long one stayed within proximity of “vaccinated” people.

It may all be in my head. But all of our heads? The same off feeling of “offness,” intermittently? Evidence accumulates it may not be in our heads. Certainly, it is possible I and others in my circle are collectively feeling fatigued – the result of having to deal with the Cult of Sickness Abiding. It wears on one, the constant – the daily – having to see the Face Diapered zombies, an external world gone insane. It tends to drive one insane. How long can one live in an insane asylum without becoming an inmate in more than just the bodily sense?

And yet, it’s very strange.

Never before in my life have I felt intermittently “off” like this.

Some believe these feelings are caused by what is styled shedding by the “vaccinated” – of some toxic thing, which gets picked up by the not-“vaccinated,” via inhalation or touch. Supposedly, work has been done on developing “vaccines” that can be transmitted – without being “vaccinated,” in the traditional way. Apparently, this shedding has been admitted to – by the drug makers (and pushers) themselves.

Physical proximity seems to be the key.

The crazy thing, in these crazy times, is that if this is true then we – the not-“vaccinated” – have good reason to lock ourselves down, to anti-socially distance ourselves from those who have been “vaccinated.”

The very thing the people terrified of getting sick accused the healthy of being the source waters of could now be the thing the sick are spreading to the healthy.

The wearying thing is, we’re all on our own as there is no sound way to know – or rather, to know whom to trust – because practically everything emanating from what were in former times more-or-less reliable sources of reasonably accurate information is now outright disinformation. Going to see the doctor-who-does-not-practice medicine to get medical advice is like going to Lehman Brothers for financial advice.

You’re a sucker if you do – but where does that leave you?

The entire medical apparat has been corrupted by money, politics and corporatization – all of them etiolations of the same basic thing.

Once upon a time, doctors practiced medicine and the money they earned was an incidental part of their practice. My allergist grandfather and general practitioner father were under no pressure from a centralized “health” apparat as far as how they ministered to their patients. What occurred within the exam room – which was a room in their homes, where their practices were located – was between patient and doctor. There were no government-health-maintenance-organization-corporation middle men.

Drugs were not sold on TV. Most people – not counting Elvis – weren’t taking prescription drugs. There were no “drug reps” peddling drugs to doctors to peddle to their patients.

Doctors could afford to practice without bending knee to the companies that made these drugs and who today send reps to buy doctors with lunches and drinks at fancy restaurants.

They had a nurse-receptionist, perhaps. Not a whole office full of DMV-clone health insurance paper-pushers. There was a semblance, at least, of public-interest oversight at the federal level, if only by dint of the fact that, pre HMO (thanks, Tricky Dick) the federal government was a remote presence in the examination room. Medicine was in those days practiced mostly by doctors rather than politicians and “health care” bureaucrats such as the doctor-who-has-never-practiced medicine.

The medicinal hard-sell was all-but-unknown, in part because it was a more humane era and also, perhaps, because there was no power to  vivify it, as now abounds. You could, accordingly, more or less trust what you were told – as opposed to being told what you’ll do.

Now, we’re very much on our own – in terms of more than just our health. We are obliged to ferret out the truth, ourselves – and act accordingly. Trust what you know and do not trust just because someone says so. Particularly someone who has a vested interest that runs contrary to your own.

Diaper Report

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Here we go – again.


Another “variant” of the ‘Rona has arrived, just in time to replace the Moronicon people aren’t getting sick from. Well, not seriously sick from. But the common cold has become the basis for panic, after two years of panic over sickness.

It’s the new abnormal, since it’s normal for people to get sick and sometimes, for some of them, to die. But now, no one can get sick without their being a panic and if anyone dies – even if they’re 99 years old – it’s an avoidable tragedy rather than a normal part of life.

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Diaper Report

Guest Post by Eric Peters

A final report for this year – on the cusp of the new.

And the news isn’t good.

A visit to Kroger yesterday confirms what I saw a few days prior at Earth Fare, subject of my last Diaper Report.

Diapering is on the rise, again.

Because the cases! the cases! are on the rise, again. Just like the last time, these “cases” are nothing more than a positive result – on the same dodgy tests conceded to be dodgy by those who used them, last time, to create the perception of a “pandemic” by making it seem as though practically everyone was getting sick and (unsubtle hint) likely soon to be dead.

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Diaper Report

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Something like normalcy appears to have settled in – in the sense that abnormacy has been normalized. The wearing of Chin Speedos (also known as Face Diapers) is now a routine sight, which is something many of us would have never imagined we’d be seeing, routinely.

Of course, many of us never imagined we’d be routinely seeing derelicts dropping deuces on public sidewalks, either.

But this is America, after all.

Or was.

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Diaper Report

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Second chances shouldn’t be missed.

The first chance was, unfortunately.

Our chance – about a year ago – to put stop strips under the runaway tires of the “pandemic” hysteria via mass refusal to perform the sick kabuki of “masking.”

Even in (especially in) the face of “mandates” that we do.

If only   . . . the saddest phrase in the English language  . . . enough of us had done that, then, we wouldn’t be where we are, now.

It would have become unavoidably obvious – people would have literally seen it – that wearing “masks” made of paper or bandana or used granny panties made no difference as regards the prevention of physical sickness. Especially as regards one so benign it doesn’t kill 99.8-something percent of those who acquire it.

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Diaper Report

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Nazi Propaganda Minister Josef Goebbels was a dark-haired, brown-eyed near-dwarf with a club foot who harangued crowds about the dangers of the subhuman “untermenchschen” who threatened the Germanic superman.

My friend Jeff is a healthy 40s-something guy who I lift weights with. He got harangued the other day by a morbidly obese emotional untermenschen about not wearing a Face Diaper at his kid’s swim meet.

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