VOLUMES OF EVIDENCE! The 10/7 ‘Terrorist Attack’ was clearly an Israeli False Flag Operation

Via State of the Nation

Editor’s Note: There is now no question about 10/7 being a [SHOCKING] Israeli-choreographed false flag mass casualty event purposefully staged against its own civilians.  However, what’s really odd is that virtually the entire Alt Media still goes along with the absurd official narrative.  Nearly every relevant article now begins with a statement about a ‘Hamas attack’ on Israeli civilians when the entire series of black ops was obviously a MOSSAD-directed and IDF-executed operation.

KEY POINT: Were there real members of the anti-apartheid Hamas organization enlisted to do some of the dirty work on October 7th?  Quite possibly.  However, because of the crucial role of the “hostage crisis” throughout this Zionist psyop, it’s now evident that Netanyahu’s camarilla has total control of this situation and, therefore, they can end it at anytime.  However, their now transparent objective is to use the utterly fake and never-ending hostage negotiations to string this melodrama out as long as they have to in order to complete their Gaza land grab.

So, this means that the entire Israeli pretext to carry out the ongoing Gaza genocide was based on a well planned and highly calculated false flag terror attack designed to evoke immediate and intense sympathy from the world community of nations.  It was also intended to provide further false justification for the apartheid state of Israel to continue their Palestinian Holocaust that goes back to 1948.

The critical piece of this psyop puzzle is that Netanyahu’s Nazi regime has relentlessly tried to convince the world that this is a war between two well-armed warring parties.  It’s not a war; it is a deliberate mass murder of innocent Palestinian women and children, elderly and infirm.  This fastidiously coordinated genocide is also being carried out via the cunningly planned and slow-motion starvation of every Palestinian in Gaza.  The same helpless victims are also methodically being denied life-saving medical care and desperately-needed housing.

In other words, there is no real war taking place here.  It’s an outright slaughter of the most defenseless and powerless group of Muslims and Christians in the Middle East. And, this horrific genocide is being systematically perpetrated to steal yet more of the ancestral lands of the Palestinian people.  After the Zionist State of Israel is finished with this Gaza land theft, it’s onto the West Bank for the IDF’s killing machine.  Just watch them first take a breather to completely escape from any ICJ-delivered charges of crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity. and war crimes.

State of the Nation
April 28, 2024

N.B. The following exposé only presents a fraction of the hard evidence that conclusively proves that 10/7 was an Israeli-orchestrated false flag terror attack on its own citizenry.

The October 7, 2023 “Hamas” Attack was an Israeli False Flag Attack

Here is some of the evidence

Globalists Versus Humanity

False Flag

  1. an attack or other hostile action that obscures the identity of the participants carrying out the action while implicating another group or nation as the perpetrator (often used attributively).Evidence suggests that the covert operation was a false flag. The false flag terrorist attack lured the military into a hasty response.

    First off, let’s be very clear about something: Israel has a long and extremely ugly history of orchestrating false flag attacks (see here) to achieve geopolitical goals. This is undeniable. Israel was founded by and has been led by several men who belonged to terrorist groups. For example, the man who would become the sixth Prime Minster of Israel, Menachem Begin, led the Jewish terrorist group Irgun, which carried out the infamous King David Hotel Bombing. This attack killed 91 innocent people and injured 45, and was set up to implicate Muslims. Much later, in 1974, journalist Russell Warren Howe interviewed Menachem Begin and asked him how it felt to be known as the father of terrorism in the Middle East. Begin abruptly replied, “In the Middle East? In all the world!

    The 1954 Lavon Affair bombings in Egypt were executed by Israel and were also disguised as Muslim terrorist attacks. Here is a description of this bombing campaign, which fortunately was quickly derailed:

    In their 1979 book, The Untold History of Israel, Israeli journalists Jacques Derogy and Hesi Carmel relate that in 1954 Israel’s army intelligence section conceived a plan to attack British personnel seconded to King Hussein’s government in Jordan. The purpose was to sour relations between Britain and Jordan as well as between both Jordan and Britain on the one hand and Egypt, which would be blamed for such attacks.

    Shortly afterward, the same Israeli army intelligence organization activated two networks of Egyptian Jews first established in 1948. These young people had been recruited in Egypt, secretly trained in Israel, and then sent back to their homes in Cairo and Alexandria to await orders to carry out acts of sabotage in case of war between Egypt and Israel.

    Now the networks were to explode small incendiary bombs in American installations in Egypt, presumably to set off a chain of mutual recriminations to spoil the budding Eisenhower-Nasser courtship. After completing their sabotage of American installations, the same networks next were to bomb public places in Cairo and Alexandria, actions that Nasser would attribute to the Muslim Brotherhood, which supported the deposed General Naguib, and thus create a climate of Egyptian instability during the British-Egyptian Canal Zone negotiations.

    In 1967 Israel attacked the USS Liberty with three torpedo boats and several unmarked planes, apparently in an attempt to trick the United States into waging war on Israel’s Arab enemies during the Six Day War. Israel confirmed the ship was American before launching its assault. Israel killed 34 American Sailors and injured 174, but this deliberate attack by our “ally” was swept under the rug by the U.S. government for some reason. Perhaps the American government’s muted response to the Israeli attack had something to do with this: There is evidence that a few years earlier Israel assassinated JFK.

Let’s go back a little further into history. Rich, powerful Jews were involved in starting both world wars and one of their main goals in this was to create an independent Jewish state. They achieved this goal, after a great deal of suffering and death. An estimated 80 million people died in WWII. In 1948 the state of Israel was born. Was it worth it?

Since its birth from the ashes of WWII, Israel has committed serious human rights abuses and horrific war crimes in public view. And Israel is committing heinous war crimes now in Gaza, live, in front of the whole world. So in addition to its rarely-discussed history of false flag attacks, Israel has a lengthy, abhorrent record of criminal violence that is much more widely known.

On September 11th, 2001 Israel once again hit the United States with a false flag attack, and this time it succeeded in tricking the United States into waging war on Israel’s enemies in the Middle East. It is likely that well over a million people have been maimed and killed in the ensuing “Global War on Terror,” which was predicated on the lie that Muslim terrorists carried out 9/11. But of course Israel and parts of the U.S. government were the real culprits.

It is important to understand that these attacks represent only a small sampling of the Israeli false flag attacks that we know about. I am seeing a great deal of evidence now that most or all major terrorist attacks are the work of Western or Israeli intelligence services. These attacks are designed to create fear and anger, to control and manipulate the masses, and to create wars.

That brings us to the October 7 “Hamas” attack on Israel. First of all, where did Hamas really come from? Did you know that Israel helped create Hamas and funds Hamas?:

”Anyone who wants to avoid the creation of the Palestinian state, has to support Hamas and has to transfer money to Hamas. This is what we are doing. This is part of our strategy: to finance Hamas so that there will never be a Palestinian state.”

~Benjamin Netanyahu, March 2019, the Knesset.

Former Shin Bet Deputy Chief Gideon Ezra said about the Son of Hamas, an Israeli spy within Hamas: “there are hundreds of collaborators like him. He is not unusual. He just decided to write a book about it.” The Son of Hamas, an Israeli spy within Hamas, who was also the son of a co-founder of Hamas.

Why Israel Created Hamas

Netanyahu: Money to Hamas part of strategy to keep Palestinians divided

Ron Paul: Hamas was created by Israel and the US to counteract Yasser Arafat…

Did You Know That The United States And Israel Created And Funded Hamas?

How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas

The Secret History of Hamas

Related: Evidence that ISIS is a creation of Mossad and the C.I.A.

What do we know so far? We know that powerful Jewish groups helped ignite WWI and WWII. One of their main goals was the creation of Israel. We have seen that Israel has a long, sordid history of creating false flag attacks, including the USS Liberty attack and 9/11, and probably the JFK assassination too. We know that Israel is guilty of committing horrific human rights abuses and war crimes against Palestinians, in plain sight. And now we understand that Israel helped create and funds Hamas, which is described as a Palestinian terrorist group. With all of this in mind, let’s examine the official narrative of the October 7, 2023 “Hamas” terrorist attack on Israel.

According to the official story, during a massive rocket barrage by Hamas, thousands of Hamas terrorists penetrated the most secure, most well-guarded, most technologically-advanced border wall in the world, without any real Israeli military response. Then these terrorists rampaged through Israel for the next 7-8 hours before Israel’s military finally got around to fighting back (there are reports that Netanyahu ordered the military to stand down for seven hours). We are told that this attack took Israel’s world-renown intelligence agencies completely by surprise. Does that really seem plausible?

This story makes no sense. What also makes no sense is that when the Israeli military did finally show up, the troops indiscriminately rocketed and shelled Israeli cars and homes, killing scores of Israelis. There are some estimates that most of the civilian deaths in the attack were caused by the Israeli military. It seems as though the corrupt, criminal, murderous Israeli government had to boost the death toll to create the necessary emotion and outrage for a war on innocent civilians in Gaza—just as the Israelis had to create the necessary emotion and outrage on 9/11 to convince Americans to wage war on Israel’s enemies in the Middle East.

Related: Hamas Rape Claims Debunked. Israeli Media Admits Atrocity Propaganda Was Fabricated

The October 7 Hamas Attack Was an Inside Job – Watch the Documentary and Decide for Yourself

The October 7th Attacks on Israel Were Allowed to Happen. Here’s Why

The Bloodletting of Gaza

What Really Happened on 7th October?

Proof the IDF Was Given Orders to Stand Down on Oct 7

Was the October 7 Attack on Israel a False Flag?

False Flag: Documents Expose Israeli Conspiracy to Facilitate Hamas 7 Oct Attack

A “False Flag” Operation to Justify The Israel-U.S. Genocide against the People of Palestine

Israeli commander says he deliberately tried to kill captured Israelis because “it’s better to stop the kidnapping” than leave his compatriots alive in the hands of Hamas

Israel admits apache helicopters fired on their own civilians running from the Supernova music festival

Another Israeli soldier admits to implementing the ‘Hannibal Directive’ on October 7

Hannibal Directive: As Oct. 7 plot unfolds, it’s clear Zionists killed their own

The Myth of The Moral Army™: October 7 Testimonies Reveal Israel’s Military Killed Many of Its Own Citizens With Tanks, Missiles

Here’s why Netanyahu staged the false flag invasion by MOSSAD-controlled Hamas exactly when he did

Gaza is a huge distraction from the fact that Netanyahu has been managing TWO genocides


Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu@SholaMos1

“My God, I didn’t know Israel funded, aided, abetted & by its actions and inactions the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust. Watch this Israeli Minister confirm Netanyahu approved Hamas funding 3wks before Oct 7; Israel had Hamas Oct 7 plans for a whole year & did nothing; IDF didn’t rescue victims (1200) on Oct 7 for 10+hrs & Israel is killing Palestinian civilians knowing they did nothing wrong. It means EVERYTHING Israel has done to Palestinians since Oct 7 – genocide (35000+), famine & ethnic cleansing (1.5m+) is intentional & premeditated. I didn’t think I could be more disgusted by Israel but consider me completely, thoroughly & overwhelmingly disgusted. This is Nazi level evil. The US, UK & EU must have known this & STILL supported this evil. My God.”

Some people might ask the following question: “If the October 7 attack was really a false flag attack by Israel, why haven’t the Media investigated this and told us this?” If you were not aware, the Media are owned and controlled by people belonging to a certain ethno-religious group that is sympathetic to Israel. This is the same reason why the Media never investigated Israel’s involvement in 9/11: These people are all on the same team and they all work together. History is repeating.

Related: The Jewish Supremacist Way of War

Below is some pertinent commentary on the October 7 attack. I assume the people in the videos are legitimate and are being genuine. If so, they provide more evidence that the October 7 “Hamas” attack was a false flag attack, an attack designed to create a pretext for Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Gaza.

An Israeli veteran questions the official explanation of the Hamas attack:

Another Israeli veteran casts doubt on the government’s October 7 story:

An Israeli Army veteran questions the official narrative about the October 7th attack:

Another commentator provides his opinion about the Israeli government’s October 7 false flag attack:

Follow-up regarding the problem of the apparently non-existent Israeli hostages:

Former IDF Commander: ISRAELI GOVERNMENT Has Gone Rogue and is Killing It’s Own People


A review of history shows that powerful Jewish interests have been behind the major wars of the last century. Of course Israel’s founding came as a result of the two world wars, and the sympathy generated by the Holocaust story played a large role in Israel’s creation. Since its founding, Israel has committed many blatant and horrific war crimes in full view of the public, and has also engineered many false flag attacks to further its goals, maiming and killing countless innocent people in the process. Israel even managed to create a major, multi-country war from its 9/11 false flag attack, resulting in nearly a million Gentile deaths. “The Jews’ Harvest!” Rabbi Reichorn would surely crow, while sporting a big shit-eating grin.

The October 7 attack fits into this long pattern of Israeli false flag attacks. It clearly provided a pretext to push the Palestinians out of Gaza, which Israel has long wanted to do. The fact that Israel helped create Hamas and funds it is widely-known and is, well, a bit of a red flag. The stand-down of the Israeli military and its devastating attacks on Israeli civilians when it finally responded are inexplicable unless they were part of a purposeful effort to rack up the death count and top off Israel’s victim card. The official narrative of the October 7 Hamas rampage is not accurate or believable. It is clear that this was yet another Israeli false flag attack, set up to make Israel a victim and create a pretext to wage war on Gaza.

Where have we seen this before?

A review of the evidence for the Holocaust indicates that the Jewish narrative about it is not accurate either. The Holocaust story can be described as a false flag narrative. It is obvious that the Jewish story about the Holocaust has been used to shield Israel from blow-back for its crimes, which is similar to how the October 7 narrative is being used to protect Israel from the consequences for its war on innocents in Gaza. There are reasons to believe that Israel may have finally over-played its victim card, though. Let’s hope so.

The bigger picture is the Jewish supremacist war on the entire world. Exposing Israel’s crimes and waking people up to the Jewish control of our countries is a big part of fighting back, because no one wants to live in-or see their children live in- the tyrannical, nightmarish dystopia that these people are trying to create. Joe and Jane Sixpack will fight back if they understand what is at stake. So if you think that the material on this substack is legitimate and important, then please share it widely with others.


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April 28, 2024 8:36 am


April 28, 2024 2:43 pm

That’s their medias mission, to create the narrative where those two things are both accepted by the public.

April 28, 2024 9:27 am

But surely this purposefully allowed attack has nothing to do with the huge gas reserves found off the Gaza coast……,right?!

April 28, 2024 9:56 am

Either that or they have figured out that they have to act now, because soon their 97% Civic 19 jabbed population will be too sick to engage in fighting a conventional war. And if they don’t act now the window to do so is going to close. Probably a bit of both.

April 28, 2024 9:52 am

I kind of figured it was a false flag operation when I saw that it took them five or six hours to respond to an attack that came within ten miles of an IDF Air Force base.

April 28, 2024 10:08 am

The earliest articles featured here had several observations in the comments sections on how unbelievable the claims of a Palestinian attack on Israel were. The whole story was third grade grammar school level stupid, just as the 911 story was.

The “intelligence” services which advance the cover stories for this kind of thing are very lacking in any kind of intelligence. They are dimbulb stupid when it comes to inventing official storylines.

April 28, 2024 10:34 am

It was pretty obvious almost from the moment it happened that it was a false flag attack. But, like many false flag attacks, that doesn’t mean all of the attackers were aware of that fact. Many, or even most, of the attackers were useful idiots who undoubtedly thought they were actually going to accomplish something that benefitted the Palestinians, although I don’t know what they thought that benefit might be. It should have been obvious to everyone involved that the only group that would benefit was the Israeli government. In fact, that is one of the key pieces of evidence that it was a false flag attack. Cui bono? The attack obviously didn’t have any benefit for the Palestinians. They are being systematically exterminated. Of course, most of the Israeli citizens didn’t benefit either, especially the ones who were killed or kidnapped during the attack. The Israeli government was perfectly willing to sacrifice them in order to achieve its goals.

April 28, 2024 6:44 pm

Just like the USSA is perfectly willing to sacrifice its citizens in or to achieve its goals… Chip

April 28, 2024 2:42 pm

Duh….no shit huh?? The truth is always 180 degrees opposite of the media narrative.

April 28, 2024 3:02 pm

The bastards killed thousands of Americans over the years from the U.S.S. Liberty to the 9/11 false flag…the Zionist cabal is comprised of pure Machiavellian demons.

April 29, 2024 10:23 pm

There will only be peace on earth, when every Zionists achieves room temperature.