Diaper Report

Guest Post by Eric Peters

This Diaper Report is personal – and anecdotal – but from what I have been able to gather and based on what I and people close to me seem to be experiencing – there may well be something going around.

But it’s not the ‘Rona, moronicon or otherwise.

I’ve not been sick – in terms of coughs, sniffles or worse – throughout this sickness. Neither has my girlfriend. Neither have friends of ours, all of us never having “practiced” any of the aberrant rituals associated with the Cult of Sickness Abiding. We don’t wear the Face Diaper. We haven’t locked ourselves away in the basement, to hide from the putative plague.

But over the past six or so months – interestingly coincident with the “spread” of the “vaccines” – all of us have experienced an unusual feeling intermittently “off.”

A kind of vague,low-grade vertigo, a sense of “lag,” if that makes any sense. Nothing incapacitating or remotely close to being so.

Just  . . . not quite right. It comes – and it goes.

And it came just recently – over the past several months. Never before, at the height of the cases! the cases! back in the summer of 2020 (it seems like much longer ago than that because it feels as though this weaponization of hypochondria has been going on forever) did any of us feel “off.”

Now we do.


Initially, I thought it was just me – and maybe due to my own strange practices, which include rising in the middle of the night to work while drinking at least a pot of coffee before I eat anything. But then others in my circle began to report feeling similarly, intermittently. And these feelings seemed to come – and go – according to how close and how long one stayed within proximity of “vaccinated” people.

It may all be in my head. But all of our heads? The same off feeling of “offness,” intermittently? Evidence accumulates it may not be in our heads. Certainly, it is possible I and others in my circle are collectively feeling fatigued – the result of having to deal with the Cult of Sickness Abiding. It wears on one, the constant – the daily – having to see the Face Diapered zombies, an external world gone insane. It tends to drive one insane. How long can one live in an insane asylum without becoming an inmate in more than just the bodily sense?

And yet, it’s very strange.

Never before in my life have I felt intermittently “off” like this.

Some believe these feelings are caused by what is styled shedding by the “vaccinated” – of some toxic thing, which gets picked up by the not-“vaccinated,” via inhalation or touch. Supposedly, work has been done on developing “vaccines” that can be transmitted – without being “vaccinated,” in the traditional way. Apparently, this shedding has been admitted to – by the drug makers (and pushers) themselves.

Physical proximity seems to be the key.

The crazy thing, in these crazy times, is that if this is true then we – the not-“vaccinated” – have good reason to lock ourselves down, to anti-socially distance ourselves from those who have been “vaccinated.”

The very thing the people terrified of getting sick accused the healthy of being the source waters of could now be the thing the sick are spreading to the healthy.

The wearying thing is, we’re all on our own as there is no sound way to know – or rather, to know whom to trust – because practically everything emanating from what were in former times more-or-less reliable sources of reasonably accurate information is now outright disinformation. Going to see the doctor-who-does-not-practice medicine to get medical advice is like going to Lehman Brothers for financial advice.

You’re a sucker if you do – but where does that leave you?

The entire medical apparat has been corrupted by money, politics and corporatization – all of them etiolations of the same basic thing.

Once upon a time, doctors practiced medicine and the money they earned was an incidental part of their practice. My allergist grandfather and general practitioner father were under no pressure from a centralized “health” apparat as far as how they ministered to their patients. What occurred within the exam room – which was a room in their homes, where their practices were located – was between patient and doctor. There were no government-health-maintenance-organization-corporation middle men.

Drugs were not sold on TV. Most people – not counting Elvis – weren’t taking prescription drugs. There were no “drug reps” peddling drugs to doctors to peddle to their patients.

Doctors could afford to practice without bending knee to the companies that made these drugs and who today send reps to buy doctors with lunches and drinks at fancy restaurants.

They had a nurse-receptionist, perhaps. Not a whole office full of DMV-clone health insurance paper-pushers. There was a semblance, at least, of public-interest oversight at the federal level, if only by dint of the fact that, pre HMO (thanks, Tricky Dick) the federal government was a remote presence in the examination room. Medicine was in those days practiced mostly by doctors rather than politicians and “health care” bureaucrats such as the doctor-who-has-never-practiced medicine.

The medicinal hard-sell was all-but-unknown, in part because it was a more humane era and also, perhaps, because there was no power to  vivify it, as now abounds. You could, accordingly, more or less trust what you were told – as opposed to being told what you’ll do.

Now, we’re very much on our own – in terms of more than just our health. We are obliged to ferret out the truth, ourselves – and act accordingly. Trust what you know and do not trust just because someone says so. Particularly someone who has a vested interest that runs contrary to your own.

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January 18, 2022 4:59 pm

I miss the practice of medicine. I’m not fond of “health care delivery systems” at all.

very old white guy
very old white guy
January 19, 2022 7:53 am

Yes, I too have talked about medical care and not “health care”. They are two different and distinct things.

January 18, 2022 5:10 pm

Do antigen tests pick up antigens to other coronaviruses? Do you test positive if you have any coronavirus, or just sars-cov-2?

very old white guy
very old white guy
January 19, 2022 7:54 am

They will pick up the common cold.

Tree Mike
Tree Mike
January 18, 2022 6:07 pm

Folks I know are feeling “off”. I see covid brain everywhere. The jabbed are contaminating us with their shedding.

January 18, 2022 7:17 pm

The terrain theory as opposed to the germ theory is that we get loaded up with toxins. Sickness is our way of expelling toxins.

We know the spike protein is toxic. Therefore, sheding is possible low dose toxin.

January 18, 2022 8:00 pm

That feeling you describe as “feeling off” could very easily be from depression. It’s rampant and the suicide deaths are way up. If you feel that way a substantial portion of the time, maybe consider seeking therapy?

January 18, 2022 8:24 pm

Stress on the hippocampus causes depression. Too much fun via adrenaline activities can lead to depression or burnout as well.

January 18, 2022 8:29 pm

I’m making a concerted effort to get on my crosstrainer every single day. I do not want the stress of what we are living through get to me.

January 18, 2022 8:04 pm

That a ‘virus’ isn’t a thing is a reality you can be pretty certain of. As evidence, the lack of a proof of the existence of just one among the many ‘known’ is about all that’s required.
Logically, given the mindbogglingly complex technologies we have at our disposal, the only reason a ‘virus’ hasn’t been isolated is because it can’t be, because such a thing doesn’t exist in reality. The only place it does is as an ‘in silico’ computer model which has been constructed for the purpose of engendering a narrative.
The ‘vaccines’, on the other hand, are a different matter entirely. Being very much a real thing, they have been engineered to behave like a ‘virus’ is imagined to. Containing mRNA material which is engineered to program human cells it infects to replicate itself, it was always going to be a concern for those who wished to remain ‘unvaxxed’.
As Eric points out, ‘shedding’ of the mRNA ‘vaccine’ was recognised as a reality by the manufacturers themselves. It’s a mechanism that has been understood for a long time.
‘Covid’ was the cover story to introduce the ‘vaccines’ which themselves will create a slow rolling, permanent pandemic of illnesses as varied and numerous as can be imagined.
The crime of all time carried out in broad daylight, the weapon hidden in plain sight.

Brought to you by Pfizer.

January 18, 2022 8:49 pm

I’ve known so many people who have told me their Covid symptoms were like nothing they’ve ever experienced before.

We know the PCR test is bogus and many claim the virus has never been isolated, but there does seem to be something going on that transcends even the hype.

Just my two cents which ain’t much.

But, allow me tell you my own experience over this last week:

It seemed the chickens finally came home to roost for me. My wife was exposed to someone with a fever who later was said to be “covid-positive”.

Then, about a week ago, she had a bad night of sleep due to night sweats. Then she got chills. Temp around 100.5. and headache and bad sore throat.

This lasted for days but she is reluctant to take ivermectin. That’s OK because she is a healthy woman in her 50s, so… not much to fear.

She still suffers today, though, and just tested negative for strep this afternoon.

With my supplements regimen and healthy eating, I fared very well. Until I didn’t. I went down after a full day of moving snow and hand shoveling a fair amount of it. I just overdid things, I think.

And it hit me hard the next afternoon. Very sore throat, headache, and chills. You wouldn’t think a 100.9 fever would cause the chills so bad but my legs were shaking to the point my knees ached. I also had pains in my chest and back. Now, I’ve been sick many times in my 50+ years and this one just seemed odd. Hard to explain.

So, that night, I broke out the ivermectin. For early treatment (after the onset of symptoms), the FLCCC regimen called for 2-3 doses single intake and Dr Landrito’s Protocol called for 2, 3, or 4 doses. They measured according to a 15 mg pill and since I’m a solid 200ish pounds, two pills would be one dose for me.

50 to 75 kgs (110 to 165 pounds) = 1 capsule (15 mgs)
75 to 120 kgs (165 to 264 pounds) = 2 capsules (30 mgs)
120 kgs & up (264+ pounds) = 3 capsules (45 mgs)

So I opted to take 6 x 12mg pills (close to three doses) at 9 PM two nights ago. I also took some melatonin, vitamin D-3, b-12 complex and planned to maintain my morning supplements. (Note: I took at night because I read it’s best to alternate ivermectin and quercetin instead of taking both at the same time)

Per the instructions, I took on an empty stomach and with a full glass of water , at 9 PM.

I was sicker than a dog when I rolled into bed. Woke up at 11 PM having to urinate and I was shivering so bad I could barely make it to the bathroom. My head was killing me, my throat was screaming in pain, and my chest and back hurt pretty darn bad.

Back to bed and under the covers. Misery.

My eyes opened again at 12:30 AM. No headache. No sore throat. No chills. No chest pain. No back pain. No shit. I felt downright peaceful. My only ache was a slight pain in my right side under my armpit and it wasn’t too bad at all.

I had nowhere to be for MLK day so I slept in until 10 AM. Honestly, it would have really hard to wake up before then but I was still feeling good overall. I did have some light sensitivity and felt a little weak. My eggs tasted strange but my coffee was normal tasting.

Felt pretty good ever since. Per the recommended protocols, I took only two doses last night (since I had improvement) and felt normal enough to get up at 6 AM this morning to go about my day.

I do have some slight congestion today and a little bit of a cough, but that’s manageable. Will do the 2 doses (4 x 12mg pills) again tonight.

For what it’s worth.

January 19, 2022 12:07 am

Heard a lot of folks claiming there is no virus.
But there’s something out there.
I generally never get sick; if I do it lasts 2 days max.
In the beginning of December, I felt like I was coming down with something.
For 3 days. Felt a little tired, but not out of the norm.
Only other thing I noticed was a headache right behind my eyes, but only when I moved my eyeballs.
And my smoker’s hack was worse in the morning, enough for me to quit my daily cigar.
7 days later I lost my sense of smell. Not taste (could still taste sweet, salt, bitter).
Only one thing going around where you loose your sense of smell.
And then the realization that the symptoms described by another TBPer were exactly what I had, only mine were greatly muted.
Nothing severe enough to put me to bed.
No fever, or other flu like activity.
I did start ivermectin, but late in the game after I realized what was up.
I had the apple flavored stuff that horses rave about.
(Most of my preps of off-label).
Anyhow, as I told one lass on here, dose it correctly, mix it into your simple syrup for your appletini, and Bob’s your uncle.
Was none the worse for wear.
I am curious to read more theory about this vax “shedding” though…

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
January 20, 2022 2:33 am

I have smoked cigars for many years and always claimed that they are ‘healthy’ because it’s the paper in cigarettes that kills (wood smoke stuff) – tobacco leaves are natural! Just my joke.

I gave up smoking a long time ago but came across soem evidence that it offers some protection from Covid. “starting in March 2020, studies began to show that smokers were under-represented among COVID-19 patients, suggesting that something in tobacco may offer protection against SARS-COV-2 infection. The evidence remains inconclusive,”

January 19, 2022 2:58 am

Just my two cents:
I really don’t get why people are at first so reluctant to take Ivermectin, and then almost overdose on it.

Ivermectin is so safe, I personally would have zero problem taking some once a week, just as prophylaxis, or for the fun of it. (Unfortunately where I live it is close to impossible to buy some [as the customs office confiscates parcels too], so I need to keep my limited stack in reserve for hard times.)

The FLCCC.net protocols aren’t so hard to parse, on Ivermectin:
General dosage is 6mg [per day] per 30kg body weight. So if you’re a 200lbs (=90kg) person, one dose is 18mg.
a) Prophylaxis: 1 dose 2x per week
b) Light sickness symptoms or contact with definitive Covid-19 carriers: 2 doses today, another 2 doses the day after tomorrow
c) Serious illness symptoms: 3 doses each day, for 5 days or -if still sick- until recovered.

January 19, 2022 10:35 am

I experienced something similar in early 2020. Maybe it wasn’t covid but it was different than any flu I’ve had. Sounds similar to you. I had a mild fever for only one day but stubborn headache and backache that lasted weeks along with the chills. For a couple of weeks I was always turning up the heat. I never lost taste or smell so who knows.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
January 20, 2022 2:18 am

Many thanks Undiagnosed, this is very valuable for me; I’ve copied for future reference when the next corona hits, which it will IMHO.

My wife and I had Covid in Jan 2020 before it was known. My wife was very sick, hospitalised ER outpatient and it lasted a month with symptoms like yours.

Me, not so bad, just a severe chest infection that lasted a month also. I have been left with COPD and asthma which is fine with an inhaler – never had breathing and lung problems before this even as an ex-smoker.

Since then we have been taking our vitamins, zinc and green tea and haven’t had a sniffle since. We haven’t had any problems being with the Vaxxed – there is a lot of info about this on the web but I’m not sure of its authenticity.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
January 20, 2022 1:55 am

I am sorry to disabuse you, but a virus does exist. This is what a scientist says.

“Viruses DO EXIST. I have seen many patients suffering the classic consequences of Chicken Pox, Shingles, Mumps, Measles, Respiratory Syncytial Virus . An explanation on “Isolation” and Koch’s Postulates: Virology Plus Molecular Biology VERSUS Physical Chemistry

The labs don’t discover the SARS CoV2 virus over and over again, de novo each time it is identified. This is what happens:

“The “Isolation”
Koch’s postulates don’t apply to viruses. https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/news/2020/11/16/kochs-postulates-covid-and-misinformation-rabbit-holes.html

This idea that the virus doesn’t exist is a dead end: https://www.mja.com.au/journal/2020/212/10/isolation-and-rapid-sharing-2019-novel-coronavirus-sars-cov-2-first-patient

It has been cultured, seen under electron microscopy and identified as a Coronaviridae family viral particle and then gene sequenced numerous times. The gene sequence identifies it as being the same as the original gene sequence described by Hong Kong University in January/February 2020. The mutations are all registered at Nextstrain.org That is where all mutations of common pathogenic viruses are registered. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coronaviridae and https://nextstrain.org/ncovl

It has been mutating since Wuhan — while the politicians said early on — “It is not mutating. That is a conspiracy theory”

Some physical chemists want to see it “isolated” from everything else (like a Sodium Chloride crystal molecule) so that they can measure it’s radius or diameter and then describe its physical characteristics using standard physical chemistry methods.

Viruses cannot be rendered crystalline — free of aqueous solution. That methodology does not apply to viruses because they are rapidly denatured in such a process.

Physical Chemists have no business in molecular biology. It is like comparing a mini minor to a jumbo jet, saying that they are both vehicles and therefore can be compared and identified measuring their performance characteristics using the exact same methodologies.

Nobody “isolates” a virus. They are identified on electron microscopy to viral family then in detail by gene sequencing. The key word is “identified”…. not “isolated”.

Viruses are protein coats containing (usually) RNA (their genetic code of nucleotides). They denature immediately when they are dried out. Once they denature, they (clearly) cannot be identified — they are just dead biological material. A tree is denatured back to carbon when it is burnt (just a black remnant). It is not called a “plant” anymore.

The argument that “the virus doesn’t exist” and “it hasn’t been isolated”. is a huge distraction. The virus did NOT come from a bat soup in a market …… start there.

Watch the full length “Revealing Covid” video — especially the bit about what happened in mid 2019 in the USA.

However I do agree that it is a bioweapon, as is the vaxx – I believe it was released with evil intent.

January 18, 2022 11:49 pm

Any links to discussion or studies of “shedding”?

  Austrian Peter
January 20, 2022 3:21 am

That link is just the usual side-stepping of the real issue [for Covid-19 “vaccines”].

Nobody is seriously saying Covid-19 “vaxx” causes virus shedding,
on the question if it however causes spike protein shedding I’d say the jury is still out.

Personal note:
I am very reluctant to draw conclusions from circumstantial evidence, but I had such weird repeated occurrences of certain symptoms always 24 hours after extensively using public transport (and I have many “control” days, without such), that I have gotten to the point where I suspect spike protein shedding is real. And I am still a pure blood, and never had Covid to the best of my knowledge.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
January 20, 2022 4:18 am

Thanks ‘m’ appreciate your share. I too am unconvinced at the moment as there is not enough definitive evidence either way. I am sure my wife and I had it in Jan 2019, her symptoms were nothing I had ever experienced – horrendous, me not so much.

It’s true that a normal vax can shed a virus but the spike protein might not get to the alveoli and out into the air, and even if it did, without the lipid shell that protects the RNA it is unlikely to survive. That’s only my view.

  Austrian Peter
January 20, 2022 7:48 am

I wouldn’t limit thinking to the alveoli, there is lots of airway surface as well.
And micro-droplets would be the obvious transport mechanism.

And the question of durability is less relevant [in closed spaces], when you get a single freshly “vaxxed” person to emit billions of spike proteins per hour.

Finally some people theorize the Furin Cleavage site allows the spike protein to easily disconnect from the surface of the infected cell, which has previously produced (and exposed as a receptor) that spike protein.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
January 20, 2022 9:37 am

Yes I agree with you and the Furin Cleavage site is of particlular interest. We will have to see how it pans out, but I think you have a good hypothesis ‘m’

Miss Precious
Miss Precious
January 19, 2022 12:36 am

Back in late April 2021, after the teachers at my school had all raced out and gotten poked, I started to feel like I was dragging around a 2000 pound wrecking ball. I can’t remember ever feeling that tired in my life before. I was forgetful and mentally fuzzy; I secretly feared I had early-onset dementia. Took HCQ for a week and felt better almost immediately. Soon thereafter, we went on summer break, and all was well for a time.

Returned to campus in August 2021 and started feeling that bone-crushing, soul-destroying fatigue again. Took Ivermectin this time, and, again recovered very quickly.

Happily, my “off” feelings disappeared entirely in the Fall when my employer placed me on administrative leave for refusing to jam a swab up my nose every week. That’s my silver lining….

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
  Miss Precious
January 20, 2022 2:42 am

I believe the PCRs are collecting DNA for the global DNA bank.

DNA harvesting, genomic surveillane and the COVID testing program

Paul from downunder
Paul from downunder
January 19, 2022 1:47 am

“Feeling Off” while being near (plus the longer you are) with these particular vaxed people sounds like the experience of an Emotional Empath. I have lived as one for most of my life before shutting this ability down. (long and personal story about it that i’d rather keep private)

Empaths are like an antennae, and may either feel as the other person feels, or feel the energy of the other person. I say “other person”, but it comes down to where you place your attention.

Does the feeling eventually fade/ continue reducing after leaving the presence of these vaxed people? If it does fade, i dont think it is Shedding. I dont know if Shedding is at the same level of threat at a normal cold, but i have been focusing on proper nutrition, supplements, fresh air, and exercise.

Best to you all..

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
  Paul from downunder
January 20, 2022 2:47 am

I understand what you are saying without the need to explain – as a counsellor we were warned about ‘transference’ when dealing with clients who for example, the client can begin to respond to you as a father figure which clouds and invalidates the process of healing.

January 19, 2022 2:47 am

I haven’t experienced this, but then, we’re a small family group and don’t spend extended time with outsiders or vaxxed people (we aren’t vaxxed and won’t be). None of us has had the ‘rona, and we all take the recommended supplements. Other than the old folks (90+) having a few UTIs since the beginning of this insanity, no one’s been sick at all.

Every day, I spend a few hours on the screen porch with a cup of coffee and TBP, getting some sunshine.

January 19, 2022 6:05 am

The buzzword in the mid-70s was “managed care”, the way to finally get cost effective medical care. One of the biggest lies ever dumped on Americans. That time period marked the beginning of the end of meaningful healthcare. Bummercare then instituted a policy of “pay more/get less”.

very old white guy
very old white guy
January 19, 2022 7:52 am

It is a psychological malaise. They been fucking with our brains so long now it has to have some minor intermittent effect.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
  very old white guy
January 20, 2022 2:56 am

Agreed – I feel the same but it is only an intuition, lacking evidence at present.

“Compared to the flu, the researchers found their subjects were 44 percent more likely to develop neurological or psychiatric complications. Most of these patients had mental health conditions like depression or anxiety, while those with severe illness experienced a greater share of dementia and stroke.”


Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
January 20, 2022 1:35 am

“…….rising in the middle of the night to work while drinking at least a pot of coffee before I eat”

It’s better than rising early to drink a bottle of gin, Eric. When I was counselling in AA in the 1990s I had a chap who did just this for some considerable time. He died in a rather dreadful way which shocked me to the core. They say in AA that if you don’t stop, there will be only two outcomes: insanity or death.

It occurs to me that the cause of our insane world now might be due to John Barleycorn and not the rona? We all have our drug of choice, for some it’s power, for others it’s constant attention (‘look at me’ celebrities and Utubers) and like you, for me it’s coffee! I’m on my second cup this very minute.

“According to the Mayo Clinic, the recommended amount of caffeine is up to 400 milligrams per day for healthy adults. Caffeine overdose may occur if you ingest more than this amount.”