A Wip Wondering

I wonder: Does the president of The United States have any control over whether or not he gets media air time? If not, how the hell could any president hope to go against the media?

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Author: Glock-N-Load

Simply a concerned, freedom loving American.

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November 8, 2020 7:19 am

The American media could not tell the truth from a lie if their very lives depended on it and does not have the ethics or integrity to report the truth if they did. WE are supposed to have the where with all to be able to tell fact from fiction and act on it. The media are the “funny papers” of this century.

If you cannot take one look at Stacy Abrams and realize that she is walking, talking, living and breathing clown show then you need to be in Biden’s basement…….

Now take appropriate action and fix this mess……

November 8, 2020 11:55 am

Glock….thru the back channel where we all get our news. The ONLY alternative is Lou Dobbs and Liz MacDonald on Faux Business news…..or at least until the Murdoch brothers are told by their wives to whack them.

November 8, 2020 9:09 am

It’s 2020 and there’s lots of things a President could do to get his/her message out: live stream press conferences, post messages on the White House web site, send mass emails to subscribers, host their own web discussion forum, etc. That said, modern social media platforms which have over a certain % of the population are effectively the public square operating as a public utility and should not be able to censor any speech that is legal, no matter if the ADL, SPLC, etc. gets butt hurt over it.

November 8, 2020 9:35 am

That’s tough to do. Above is the link to the TelCom act of 1996. It allows all companies to compete against, and occupy multiple markets and mediums. That had been heavily regulated since the 30’s.

November 8, 2020 10:49 am

The first part of my note has all the things a President could do today, if he chose to do it, and nobody could do a damn thing to stop him. Why didn’t Trump get his message out instead of being cuckolded by Twitter? There’s even alternative platforms like Gab, Telegram and Parlor he could have switched to. Why he didn’t is up to the reader to compute.

The 2nd part is the approach the pantywaists in the GOP should take, but free speech is something that is abhorrent to their masters, so they hide behind “muh, private company” excuses.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
November 8, 2020 3:54 pm

TC – He reached his base and some open minded people, but was unable to reach the masses, as they rely on major media and social media exclusively for their news.

Common Cents
Common Cents
November 9, 2020 1:23 pm

There is a theory that he wanted this to happen and it is a gigantic set up to ensnare as many traitors as possible. Voter fraud will be exposed and he will be declared the winner of the election. Then he will come down like a hammer on those who committed that fraud and also on those who betrayed him.

So far we know Mitt Romney (OK we already knew about him), Lindsey Graham, Fox News, Benjamin Netanyahu, the President of Ukraine and I’m sure many others. Maybe he can prove that the MSM networks were in on it too and pull their licenses.

November 8, 2020 9:31 am

Not anymore. Thank obama and slick willie for these 2 gifts that keep giving…. :



Now, admittedly, the fairness doctrine had it’s teeth pulled under Regan, but the kill shot was under obama.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
November 8, 2020 10:41 am

The short answer is NO, he cannot get on TV any time he wants. He does have a bit of control through the FCC, but it is a bi-partisan agency that may or may not stand with him. As a general rule, the media will grant deference to POTUS, but as we saw last week, once he broaches a taboo subject, they will leave him in mid-sentence and it is up to them to determine what is taboo.

What we have seen is nothing short of a coup d’etat against DJT, including most of the government bureaucracy, media, social media and establishment politicians. He upset their apple cart 4 years ago and they are out to rid themselves of him in any way possible.

  TN Patriot
November 8, 2020 3:09 pm

i am still shocked that even one network cut away,much less most of them–
if trump pulls this out he needs to go after big media w/every tool he has–
we need a rep lois lerner–

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
November 8, 2020 3:51 pm

Red – I’m sure the only reason they let him start was they were expecting a concession. Had they known the subject of his speech, he would not have gotten on many outlets.

Yes, we do,but the bureaucracy is full of progressives and they purge any conservative before they can rise to any sort of power. Low level management is as far as they can go while diversity hires have no ceiling.

  TN Patriot
November 8, 2020 5:26 pm

here’s one of the things trump is trying to do,lessen the power of the senior bureaucracy–
if biden is eventually inaugurated will he let this stand?
i know,i must be drunk to even ask the question–


TN Patriot
TN Patriot
November 8, 2020 8:47 pm

I just hope someone on the right gets busy filing federal lawsuits over every E O that Biden issues. Find a friendly court and fire away, just like they have been doing in the 9th Circus for the last 4 years.

November 9, 2020 4:01 am

The 4th estate has become the 5th column.