“Americans today fear that linearism (alias the American Dream) has run its course. Many would welcome some enlightenment about history’s patterns and rhythms, but today’s intellectual elites offer little that’s useful. Caught between the entropy of the chaoticists and the hubris of the linearists, the American people have lost their moorings.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

This is not freedom': militarized US Capitol a sign of forever wars coming home | US Capitol breach | The Guardian

“The ancients believed that each cyclical extreme, mirroring the hopes and fears of the other, helps generate the other. The night longs for the day, the day for night. In war, people yearn for relief from strife, leading to peace. In peace, people yearn to champion what they love, leading to war.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

When I started thinking about my annual beginning of the year article in early January, I tried to formulate a catchy title. Knowing we have entered the thirteenth year of this Fourth Turning, with the intensity of the crisis reaching an unparalleled level since November 4, I decided upon Fourth Turning Detonation. I immediately thought that might be too dire and figured I would change it later. After the first few weeks of the new year, I now think it might be grossly inadequate to describe what is coming in 2021.

It is easy to get distracted by the daily gyrations, ceaseless media propaganda, political theater, false narratives, and delusional beliefs of both the left and right, as this military empire built on debt and deceit spirals towards its fiery cataclysmic climax. Opposing forces have gathered themselves into position focusing on defeating their domestic enemies, with the left seeming to have strategic advantage but led by hubristic dullards, while numerous foreign adversaries circle like hungry vultures ready to pounce on the dying beast of an empire.

Last January I wrote a two-part article called 2020 – Year of Living Dangerously which harkened back to another article I had written eight years before 2012 – Year of Living Dangerously. I lamented the fact I had not understood Fourth Turnings will take their own sweet time on the way to a climax, with twists and turns which will differentiate it from previous Crisis periods in U.S. history. My impatience for the great battle to resolve this struggle has not and will not impact the timeline, but the three elements driving this Crisis remain firmly in control, as they have since 2008: debt, civic decay, global disorder.

My belief regarding the subtext of what has happened and is happening in this country has not changed. I certainly underestimated the lengths these psychopaths in suits would go to in 2020 to further pillage the world’s wealth while using a pandemic as cover to further their agenda of hegemony and turning the world into a virtual prison camp under constant technological surveillance. Despite the timing, I still believe that which is unsustainable will not be sustained.

FXCM on Twitter: "Fed's balance sheet size to exceed $10 trillion by the end of 2021… "

“It seems I always underestimate the ability of sociopathic central bankers and their willingness to destroy the lives of hundreds of millions to benefit their oligarch masters. I always underestimate the rampant corruption that permeates Washington DC and the executive suites in mega-corporations across the land. And I always overestimate the intelligence, civic mindedness, and ability to understand math of the ignorant masses that pass for citizens in this country. It seems that issuing trillions of new debt to pay off trillions of bad debt, government sanctioned accounting fraud, mainstream media propaganda, government data manipulation and a populace blinded by mass delusion can stave off the inevitable consequences of an unsustainable economic system.”

I used to try and make specific predictions about the new year generally centered upon economic chaos, stock markets crashing, global conflict, and various other doom-like events. But those running this clown show somehow convince the masses all is well, the economy is healthy, inflation is non-existent, debt does not matter, college makes you smart, we’re energy self-sufficient, 100 million working age Americans not working – but unemployment was 3.5%, the stock market hitting all-time highs is good for you even though your real wages haven’t gone up in a decade, and America was great again.

It is amazing to me how effective propaganda is when multiple generations have been indoctrinated and socially engineered in the government school system and decades of boob tube fake news has been programmed into their pliably ignorant brains. Edward Bernays created the game plan and the techno-oligarch despots currently running the show are executing it to perfection.

File:Release flier for THE INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT, 1913 (Page 2).jpg - Wikimedia Commons

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” – Edward Bernays – Propaganda

This Fourth Turning likely has another 5 to 10 years before some sort of convulsive resolution, unless it is accelerated like the Civil War Fourth Turning, with similar tragic consequences and mass casualties. Predicting the actual events which will occur over a short-term time frame is a fool’s errand, so I prefer to try and discern the direction and amplitude of the ongoing Crisis to gauge how we should prepare for what is coming.

I do admire writers like Jim Kunstler who really go out on a limb and make extremely specific forecasts for the coming year, like he did on January 1 with his Forecast 2021 — Chinese Fire Drills with a side of French Fries (Jacobin-style) and Russian Dressing. If even 25% of his predictions had come to fruition, 2021 would have gone down as one of the most earth shattering in history. But here we are a few weeks later and all his predictions about Trump going to war with the Deep State and winning a glorious victory for the American people failed to materialize. Trump is golfing at Mar-a- Lago, while the Deep State remains firmly in control and in the midst of consolidating their power by crushing dissent through Domestic terrorism legislation and complete control of social media platforms.

Domestic terrorism bill does not target MAGA rallies | Fact Check

Even Kunstler acknowledges the Fourth Turning as a generational dynamic driving the events pushing the country and the world towards armed conflict. My high-level prognostications for 2020 certainly did not include a global pandemic used to introduce an Orwellian global dystopia and justification to steal a presidential election through mail-in ballot fraud and voting machine rigging.

Of course, Bill Gates predicted the pandemic in 2018 and his buddy Fauci, in 2017, said there was “no doubt” Donald J. Trump would be confronted with a surprise infectious disease outbreak during his presidency. I wonder why he had no doubt. Fauci, an unknown lifetime government bureaucrat, is now a media darling, despite being wrong about everything. And Gates’ wealth has soared during this plandemic. My big picture guesses last year were colored by the assassination of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani on January 3, expecting Middle East conflict to erupt. These were my main conjectures for 2020:

  • The Fed will continue to run their electronic printing presses at warp speed until the inevitable banquet of consequences is served to all.
  • We have entered the extreme greed phase of this debt-based Ponzi scheme. The stock market is in the blow-off stage, where earnings, valuations, and rational thinking are meaningless. Momentum and a delusional belief in the infallibility of the Fed are all that matter. Who knows how far it will go, but fear will eventually rear its ugly head, and a cascading collapse will make a lot of useful investing idiots very angry for the third time in the last two decades.
  • The Democrats and their Surveillance State co-conspirators have determined the best way to cover-up their treasonous acts are to stay on the offensive by impeaching Trump on bogus charges.
  • The social distress I noted last year continues unabated today as the glorification of abnormality reaches new heights. The flames of division and disarray are fanned unceasingly by the left-wing media to distract from the true desperate financial situation of the country.
  • Israel quietly foments discontent and turmoil across the region to keep the focus off itself. Russia and China support Iran economically and militarily to offset Americans dominance of the region. Confusion reigns.
  • Anyone with an ounce of critical thinking skills knows none of this is about freedom, democracy or doing the right thing. It’s about oil and it’s about the military industrial complex requiring enemies to keep the profits flowing.
  • The shale “miracle” is just another delusion built upon easy money pumped out by the Fed. No one can make profits on shale oil at $60 per barrel.
  • The months leading up to the election will be a circus. Propaganda, misinformation, and outright lies will be spread like manure. Of course, voting will not alleviate the issues which will continue to drive this Fourth Turning towards its climax – debt, civic decay, global disorder.
  • No matter the result of the upcoming election, neither side will accept the outcome.
  • There are no viable political solutions to our current dilemmas. It is just a matter of when and where the conflict goes hot and blood is spilled.
  • I do not know what events will dominate the coming year, but I do know the intensity of hate and vitriol will increase. I do know military conflict in the Middle East will expand. I do know the political machinations in this country will surge as the election approaches. I do know the Deep State will do everything in their immense power to undermine Trump. I do know the Fed will QE and Trump will cheer every new stock market record. I do know I will be lied to and propagandized by the mainstream corporate media.

Pine Ridge Indian Reservation on lockdown until Wednesday due to COVID-19

I knew 2020 had the potential to be a chaotic year, but didn’t anticipate a flu with a 99.7% survival rate being used by totalitarian minded politicians to destroy the global economy, usher in Orwellian police state lockdown measures across the globe; a stock market crash followed by Fed created bubbles still growing ever bubblier through $4 trillion of money printing; adding $4 trillion to the national debt (with another $3 trillion on the way in 2021); paying millions to sit at home eating Cheetos and watching Netflix; destroying a few hundred thousand small businesses while enriching mega-corporations; putting a nail in the coffin of the 1st Amendment through censorship of conservative speech; and blatantly stealing a presidential election.

The globalist elite want to keep the fear at a high level to institute their global reset, where you will own nothing and be happy, or you will be brought to heel by the truncheon. This was the year it became crystal clear, the world is filled with good people, governed, and manipulated by bad people.

By delaying this article until after January 20 I allowed the Qanon Psyop of Trump using the military to rescue the country to pass into history as another delusion of hope over reason. I truly do not know whether the Qanon phenomena (it was not widely known by Trump supporters or most people) was just a LARP being played by former Dungeons & Dragons keyboard warriors or an FBI/CIA counter-intelligence operation designed to keep a segment of the population distracted and ever hopeful their white knight would rescue them from the clutches of the evil Deep State. I am reminded of the quote about hope from President Snow in the Hunger Games.

Sultan: Families torn apart by QAnon may find a chance to heal | Aisha Sultan |

“Hope, it is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective, a lot of hope is dangerous. A spark is fine, as long as it’s contained.”

The elevation of Trump to president and the spark of hope he would truly drain the swamp, arrest the traitorous Deep State coup co-conspirators, lead his legions to victory over the forces of evil, and make America great again, kept half the people in the country hopeful for the last four years.

Meanwhile, the military industrial complex raked in hundreds of billions more from the American taxpayer; Wall Street bankers gorged on the trillions of free money, manufactured by their captured puppets at the Federal Reserve; the Silicon Valley despots consolidated their hold on commerce and communication; and the average American saw their standard of living continue its 50- year decline. The question is whether those constituting the “invisible government” allowed too much hope and needed the engineered pandemic to re-introduce fear as their primary control technique moving forward.

They believe they have contained the spark with their fraudulent election victory; installation of an empty senile vassal as their conduit for the great reset; having their media mouthpieces propagate the falsity of a right wing white supremacist insurrection at the Capital; crushing dissent by censoring the truth through totalitarian social media conglomerates; proceeding with an impeachment farce based on Trump telling his supporters to peacefully protest the fraudulent election outcome; and threatening to destroy the lives of all vocal Trump supporters.

I am highly doubtful they have contained the spark. I believe there are smoldering embers just waiting to be stirred into a conflagration which will engulf the entire world in a fiery purging of the existing social order, which has exhausted itself and needs to be cleansed. Jefferson understood the nature of Fourth Turnings two hundred years before Strauss & Howe put it to paper.

Black Blood of Tyrants T-Shirt - Gadsden and Culpeper

“Try to unlearn the obsessive fear of death (and the anxious quest for death avoidance) that pervades linear thinking in nearly every modern society. The ancients knew that, without periodic decay and death, nature cannot complete its full round of biological and social change. Without plant death, weeds would strangle the forest. Without human death, memories would never die, and unbroken habits and customs would strangle civilization. Social institutions require no less. Just as floods replenish soil and fires rejuvenate forests, a Fourth Turning clears out society’s exhausted elements and creates an opportunity.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

In Part Two of this article, I will examine the concept of the Grey Champion, their role in Fourth Turnings, and make some speculations as to the course of 2021 and the remainder of this Fourth Turning.

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January 25, 2021 4:09 pm

Good article. it’s odd that so many can’t see what’s going on.

Harrington Richardson: Make Quislings Suffer
Harrington Richardson: Make Quislings Suffer
January 25, 2021 5:35 pm

Not really. It is claimed most get their news from social media. I haven’t heard a single thing except for the day and date from an MSM news broadcast that isn’t a lie or narrative in so long I can’t remember.

g kaiser
g kaiser

We are what we read! Control what you let people read, and you have largely controlled their view on things. This has of course not gone unnoticed by MSM and social media. That is the reason for the lack of free speech we are now increasingly seeing.
It is like in Nazi Germany, make the lie big and repeat it continuously.

January 25, 2021 11:54 pm

Normalcy bias.

Both on the part of those who are comfortable (Boomers with hefty 401(k)s, those in the “knowledge economy”, and those on the adversary’s side), and those who are desperate (most of the remaining popultion).

Middleaged Mad Gnome
Middleaged Mad Gnome
January 26, 2021 7:56 am

See “The Invisible Gorilla” by Chabris and Simons. People can be blinded to something objectively obvious and vigorously defend that there is nothing to see. They are blind and blind to being blind is the way Kahneman says it. Our human-ness is being used against us in the application of a hard science by people who see us as inferiors, expendable inferiors.

  Middleaged Mad Gnome
January 26, 2021 8:11 am

Here’s another “newer” version in which there are other changes if you already know about the gorilla… Chip

January 31, 2021 11:01 pm

I was actually distracted by the female shapes.

January 25, 2021 4:10 pm

“Even Kunstler acknowledges the Fourth Turning as a generational dynamic driving the events pushing the country and the world towards armed conflict.”

— 200 combat troops and many armored vehicles went into Syria the day after Dementia Joe’s inauguration.

— The Joos launched missiles into Syria … no doubt with America’s urging, or approval

— Russia responds with warning to America to not let this escalate

— Carrier Group just sent to the South China Sea

All that in less than a week!! Where the hell will we be in 6 months under Joe and the Ho?? Yup, the world IS headed towards armed conflict. I’m 99.999% convinced about that.

Another mighty fine piece of analysis Herr Admin! And staying away from specific predictions is a brilliant strategy in these times of extremely high volatility and never-ending surprises.

January 26, 2021 8:38 am

Bombers sent to Norway.

U.S. To Deploy B1-B Lancer Strategic Bombers To Norway For Arctic Contention

January 26, 2021 8:57 pm

Sorry but the B1-B is sitting duck in defended airspace. Only to be used against little country with no air defense.

Just for local media show.

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 26, 2021 10:32 pm

So are B-52s etc; ex-USAF Officer says we avoid defended airspace and use various missiles to enter any defended airspace. I think Carriers are sitting Ducks too but if I was China (or Russia etc), I wouldn’t be blasting any Ducks..

January 26, 2021 12:10 pm

So Stuck…we’re in agreement that you should be buying ammo ? LOL

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 26, 2021 10:38 pm

My Lord man, how many tons of ammo does the average guy really need? I suggest that if you need ammo at this late date of the Counter-Revolution, you probably also need some farm land, fertilizer and seeds to complement your ammo purchases.

Daddy Joe
Daddy Joe
  rhs jr
January 27, 2021 2:25 pm

rhs jr. Great queston about ammo. Here are a couple of thoughts to help folks arrive at an answer.. At this point if you’ve got no ammo its time to get some. If your other preps (land, shelter, seeds and some ammo) are in order then more ammo just meets the definition of money–a store of value that may allow wealth to be carried into the future. Diminishing supply pretty well guarantees increase in value. I’ve never lost money on ammo. There’s not much out there to invest in; fiat has an unlimited supply and precious metals are controlled for now until the BIG collapse. Get some of all of it. Ecclesiastes 11:1-2. Right now ammo is the best diversification I can see..

Not Sure
Not Sure
January 25, 2021 4:31 pm

Rubbers been meeting the road for many years now. It seems the longer the wait continues the more painful the outcome will be.
With Trump out of the picture and anyone who supported his policies now labeled a domestic terrorist, things should move along pretty quickly now.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Not Sure
January 25, 2021 6:57 pm

The Joos launched missiles into Syria … no doubt with America’s urging, or approval

That happens no matter who is in office and nobody cares.

  Mary Christine
January 25, 2021 11:56 pm

The Syrians care.

January 25, 2021 4:57 pm

Trump’s NO Grey Champion!

January 25, 2021 6:04 pm

“the figure of an ANCIENT man” with “the eye, the face, the attitude of command.” His manner “combining the leader and the saint,”

THE FOURTH TURNING, The Protocols and The Gray Champion

Trump is more like a slick salesman than a grey champion.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
January 26, 2021 11:00 am

Could he would he sell a 100 grand Mercedes with $1000 monthly payments to a poor widow on SSI?

January 27, 2021 1:36 am

Describing President Trump as being a “slick salesman” during his first term is disingenuous to say the least!

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 25, 2021 6:57 pm

Plato! Where ya been?

If Trump wasn’t the Gray Champ, who is?

  Mary Christine
January 25, 2021 8:13 pm

Now he is nothing no more than an asterisk in the march toward authoritarian totalitarian rule by a small group of oligarchs. Trump is no grey champion…..he is yesterday’s news.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Mary Christine
January 26, 2021 11:05 am

There will be no grey champion. The White Champion will return to clean up the gigantic mess left behind.

  Eyes Wide Shut
January 26, 2021 1:00 pm

But when? That could be 1000 years from now.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
January 26, 2021 3:05 pm


Or, it could be just ten years…or less.

Date setting – the preacher’s nemesis

I’ve been following eschatological teaching for over twenty years, reading from/listening to men and such that far exceed my time invested.

It really started for me after a long wkend in OKC at a karate tournament, and a near catastrophic accident on the interstate at about 80 mph. Rain slick road sent me into a spin 3 times before leaving the road and careening down a long hill ending in a creek.

As we climbed back up to the highway, and started walking north, a family that was headed south had witnessed us spinning, and turned around at the first chance they had, to come back and check on us. We had disappeared out of site as we slid down the hill. We were a hundred miles from home, and the people that picked us up were from a town another 60 miles further north……but I knew their relation from our town.

While waiting for a large two truck, I started reading from a stack of papers that were on the counter by the register….some ‘end times religious’ stuff. It was Mark 13, and these verses that caught my attention (this was in the mid to late 70s:

“Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near:

So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors.

Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done.” Mark 13: 29-31

I developed a better understanding of this thanks to GCP, but still maintain that it contains within it a layered meaning…?

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—-====

I post links on here frequently from the best site I have found that deals with areas I find extremely interesting, and followed them as they released a series of books that accurately predicted the resignation of Pope Benedict to the exact month and year…

  ordo ab chao
January 26, 2021 8:08 pm
ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
January 27, 2021 4:25 am

I’ll check it out…thnx

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
January 26, 2021 3:27 pm

2000 years after the beginning of the Jewish diaspora that I believe began at their national rejection of Jesus at His crucifixion and the renting of their temple veil in 2032 or 2033.
I believe Hosea 6:1&2 is the key.

  Eyes Wide Shut
January 26, 2021 3:06 pm

Gandalf the Grey becomes Gandalf the white

  Mary Christine
January 26, 2021 3:13 pm


I’ve been here and there, had to take a break from the grind.

As far as who is the Grey champion, I’m sure Admin will stick to his guns that Trump fits the bill for the Grey champion,

I think Gandalf the Grey!

January 27, 2021 2:20 am

President Trump has put America first with a multitude of pro-American accomplishments. Amid unparalleled harassment from the fake news, Big tech, rinos, democrats, clowns, “rank and file,” China bio-weapon Wuhan flu, and 5 eyes, duly elected President Trump is as vigorous as ever!

January 27, 2021 7:57 am

Biden is the grey champion you dolts. And the future belongs to Millenials not you old geezers. How could you read Strauss/Howe and not know that?

January 25, 2021 5:05 pm

some people have been unfair to other people in the past. to make up for that, other people will be unfair to some people in the present and future.

Harrington Richardson: Make Quislings Suffer
Harrington Richardson: Make Quislings Suffer
January 25, 2021 5:31 pm

The revelation of the 2021’s known unknowns should be epic.


IMHO, more like “Biblical”.

January 25, 2021 5:37 pm

Thanks, Jim.
I’ve actually gotten more hopeful over the last weeks:
– Even after a large number of ‘mercenaries’ had been presented -on a silver platter- the option to shoot some people, only one psychopath took the opportunity to mortally wound one (if not even that was staged.) Together with the completely evaporating trust of all people into all parts of US government, this gives rise to the real possibility of quiet collapse/implosion, like East Germany in 1989.
– The news that the FBI vetted National Guard soldiers and only sorted out 12 or so, is in itself absolute hilarious. We all know they would need to sort out 1/4 to 1/2 of those men and women… so it was just a media smoke bomb.
– All together I feel even with a massive false flag TPTB would not be able to kick off a full-on Civil War II and win it, as it would likely quickly lead to refusal to obey orders, troops attacking other troops, fragging of officers, and so on.

I fully agree “another 5 to 10 years before some sort of convulsive resolution [of this Fourth Turning]” is a very reasonable expectation.

Finally for giggles, I made this forecast on 10/15/2019. Keep in mind, at the time that was over-the-top satire:

Twitter will ban Trump around June 2020.
Then Trump will release a Twitter competitor app he already has ready.
Then Apple will reject adding that “Trumper” app under some pretense.
Then a large of number of people will publicly smash their iPhones and put the recordings on youtube (where Goolag will quickly scrub them).
Then Huawei marches in and sells cheap good smartphones on which “Trumper” can be installed 🙂
(And then the Democraps will start a Chinesegate investigation.)

Not too far off…

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
January 25, 2021 6:56 pm

“Anything you ever wanted is on the other side of fear.”
– Frank T.

Greatest advice ever given to Auntie from a gentleman in the know.

  Auntie Kriest
January 25, 2021 7:03 pm

comment image

My namesake aunt was a writer and she also was a calligrapher.

January 25, 2021 9:58 pm

I absolutely love this.

January 26, 2021 7:02 am

She passed away at age 95 in elderly care in Prescott, AZ. Not of covid… of a fine, long life.

  Auntie Kriest
January 26, 2021 3:44 am

“Anything you ever wanted is on the other side of fear.”

You aware the psychopaths fully subscribe to that, i.e. only the fear of “imagined” moral consequences keeps you from becoming powerful or rich or famous?

January 26, 2021 8:42 am

Indeed, it is a double-edged sword. So in that regard, I believe Maggie’s quote is superior

January 26, 2021 8:41 am

” If there was perhaps one mistake our Founders made in drafting the Constitution, it was presuming that future members of the Legislative Branch would be sufficiently competent to actually read the document to which they all had sworn an oath. It is, however, increasingly clear that many – perhaps most — sitting United States senators cannot read the plain text of the Constitution.” Bob Barr

January 25, 2021 6:02 pm

Great article! Your 2020 conjectures were spot on. You should have said Fed will continue to run their electronic printing presses at warp factor 10! I think that is the maximum warp??!! Trekies?

January 25, 2021 6:22 pm

My God, man! WARP Factor 10 would overload the Dilithium Crystals resulting in a Warp Core breech!

Star Trek: Voyager once hit WARP 9.9 which is about 21,000 times faster than the speed of light. (Theory of Relativity is for pussies.)


January 25, 2021 6:57 pm

If you throw a baseball at 100 mph from atop a train also moving at 100 mph, the total velocity of the baseball is 200 mph.

Light from a flashlight from atop stationary train travels across space at 186,282 miles per second. Accelerate the train t0 186,000 miles per second, and the light STILL travels at 186,282 miles per second. Light is constant

Einstein said that in order for the speed of light to remain constant, a person traveling at faster speeds MUST experience time more slowly. While this seems crazy, it has been proven many times over.

Time moves slower and slower for you the closer you get to the speed of light ….. meanwhile, back on Earth time remains at the usual rate.

What this means.

Alpha Centauri is a mere 4.25 light years away. For the person on the ship, at the speed of light they would reach the star in a few days. But, from the observer on Earth it took you 4.25 years. You fly there, spend a day at the local bar, come back, and to you you were only gone about a week …. while all your friends on Earth aged 8 years!

And it gets totally weird when you exceed the speed of light. Past, present, and future … well, they mean nothing, at least not how we experience time now as mere mortals. —- You make a round trip to Alpha Centauri at WARP 2, and you’ll arrive back home before anyone you know has even been born!!

Sorry for the distraction. Just wanna say … STAR TREK IS FAKE SCIENCE!!! lol

January 25, 2021 7:01 pm

The Speed of Light (go to Youtube for the playlist)

January 25, 2021 9:59 pm

Stuck, you just gave me a headache.

January 25, 2021 10:20 pm

So if you’re at the rear of a ship going light speed, you can never walk toward the front. Also if you turned on your flashlight, light would not come out of it? It makes me laugh that idiot humans think they know what will happen under situations they have no experience with. Same ones who used to say you couldn’t break the sound barrier.

January 26, 2021 4:48 am

The key is V > C; that is the domain to be in.

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 26, 2021 10:51 pm

The Plausible Impossible?

January 26, 2021 10:06 am

Wow. Are you in grade school? Are you a human, or a monkey? How much is 2 + 2?

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
January 26, 2021 1:21 pm

New Maff:

Two an two be 22, honkey.

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 26, 2021 10:52 pm

What Base you be using?

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 26, 2021 10:53 pm

It be Relative: You using White Man Math?

January 27, 2021 9:15 am

Yes, you will be able to walk forward and the light will come out of the flashlight… BECAUSE time is relative. Also, your example assumes you can accelerate “a ship” to the speed of light.

January 25, 2021 10:53 pm

Wormholes could get you there in a blink without time distortion, in essence bending the two points in the flexible fabric of the universe together.

I just don’t see how we get over the crushing gravity that seems to be necessary to create such a theoretical wormhole that many scientists posit develop in black holes which are just gravity wells.

Yes, Star Trek is unrealistic in many ways, but hey man, they had hot green chicks before that was cool.


January 26, 2021 12:15 am

Let’s face facts: once you’ve had a green woman, you never go back.

January 26, 2021 11:39 am

Once you go green you stay where you bean

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 26, 2021 10:56 pm

A Black Hole will Fuck You Up (I’m talking disintegrate your mesons).

January 26, 2021 4:05 am

Alpha Centauri is a mere 4.25 light years away. For the person on the ship, at the speed of light they would reach the star in a few days.

That part I understand to be wrong.
A person on a ship moving close to light speed towards Alpha Centauri will still measure light speed inside his ship to be constant, but at the same time will find the light travel time to Alpha Centauri is still 4.25 years (or however far away he still is.) But because he is moving so fast, time runs slower for him (compared to much slower moving objects), so it still took at least 8.5 years (for him) to travel to Alpha Centauri and return to earth, but depending on his traveling speed when he arrives back at earth much more time will have passed there – and it could be much more than 8.5 years, it only depends on how fast he was traveling. In the extreme, the sun could have burnt out meanwhile.

But the whole exercise only shows there is no (known) way to travel to Alpha Centauri in less than 4.25 years, for a traveler.

But it gets even better:
Being (static) close to great mass also lets time move slower for that observer, compared to ones further away from great masses. That already has an effect on the orbit of Mercury around the Sun, and not because of the speed of Mercury, but because of the mass (and closeness) of the Sun. That was the first indication that Newton’s laws of gravity couldn’t explain everything.

January 26, 2021 4:50 am

Let’s ask Dirty Old Joe to explain it to us. After all, he knows the science.

January 26, 2021 10:04 am

“But the whole exercise only shows there is no (known) way to travel to Alpha Centauri in less than 4.25 years”

But the whole exercise only shows there is no (known) way to travel to Alpha Centauri in less than 4.25 years as viewed from Earth. FIFY


One must take into account that both time AND space dilate the closer one gets to the speed of light. As acceleration increases mass increases* and length decreases. Any object reaching the speed of light would have infinite mass and zero dimensions! So says the theory.

[* Mass doesn’t actually increase. In E = mc2, mass is a constant, and never changes … no matter how fast you go. What increases, to infinity if light speed is achieved is kinetic energy.]


Back to Alpha Centauri and time.

Yes, if traveling at 99.99% the speed of light, the journey time as viewed from Earth is 4.5 years. BUT, the journey time as viewed from the spaceship is .0636 years or, 23 days.

If we increase the speed to 99.999% the speed of light, the journey time as viewed from Earth is still 4.5 years. BUT, the journey time as viewed from the spaceship is now .0201 years or, 7 days.

Do NOT believe me!! Check it out for yourself! There’s a great web page that attempts to simplify for dummies Einsteins theories. The link below takes you directly to their Time Dilation Calculator. You just plug in the percentage of light speed and the distance, and voila’ you get your times.

Do I truly understand all this stuff? Nope!! As Ed II says above, this shit gives me a headache. But, it’s fun, nevertheless.

January 26, 2021 10:41 am

This is all using Special Relativity only. The Constancy of Speed of Light, Time Dilation for objects travelling at very high speed, Observed mass increases at very high speed, de-simultaneity of events, etc. are all aspects of Special Relativity which are derived primarily (and I may be wrong, I’m at the edge of my memory) from the Maxwell equations.

This is all about speed/velocity of your Frame of Reference.

General Relativity is about Gravity, and Einstein observed that (at least mathematically) there is no difference between a Gravitational Field and an accelerating Frame of Reference. After years of Genius Level Math, the results of this thinking were to knit space and time together at Spacetime and to describe gravitational attraction as more like the 3 dimensional version of water on a flat surface (fore simple Newtonian Gravity) , but with sufficient Gravitational Fields the surface can be bent (or Warped). This is the idea of the Warp Drive, not increasing the relative velocity of the Enterprise, but warping the spacetime around the ship so that the destination appears to be much closer than it would be in the simple Newtonian or Special Relativity views.

January 26, 2021 11:05 am

” … with sufficient Gravitational Fields the surface can be bent (or Warped). This is the idea of the Warp Drive, ”

I believe the idea behind Star Trek’s WARP drive is the fusion of matter and anti-matter (which has the same mass and properties as matter, but with a negative charge). The meeting of positive and negative atoms annihilates both, and produces the energy to propel the ship.

Now, it takes ENERGY to do all that … most scientists say LOTS of energy.

The problem isn’t with matter, … it’s finding enough anti-matter. And they can’t.

“It is highly unlikely that one can generate enough negative energy … to form a warp bubble. I guess in theory it’s possible but don’t hold your breath.” Link below …

January 26, 2021 11:27 am

That’s what is used to power the Warp Drive. What the Warp Drive does is create the necessary Gravitational Fields (using Gravitons) to warp spacetime.

Also, direct annihilation of matter/antimatter does directly propel the ship on Impulse power.

January 26, 2021 1:39 pm

Pretty sure that’s a wrong interpretation.

To an outside (non-moving) observer, time aboard your close-to-lightspeed spaceship runs slower, but to you inside that spaceship you feel no difference. That means it still takes 4.25 years in traveller’s time to arrive at Alpha Centauri, only on earth much more time has passed – but that doesn’t make travel for the passengers faster.

And actually mass does increase.
The two things I mentioned roll together, because to reach very close to light speed you have to add such crazy amounts of (kinetic) energy to your spaceship that it’s mass increases enormously because of that.

January 26, 2021 2:14 pm

“And actually mass does increase.”


You do not grasp the difference between regular mass and relativistic mass.

“Traveling at high speed does not affect your mass, even in Einstein’s theory of Special Relativity. For some reason, pre-college teachers, popular science books, and older physics textbooks claim that objects gain mass when they are traveling at higher speeds. This claim is wrong.

If you define something called “relativistic mass” that is completely different from regular mass, then this claim could be made to look true. But doing so is very confusing and misleading. Today’s physicists no longer treat the motion energy of an object as “relativistic mass” because doing so is misleading. When an object gains speeds, the entity that it gains is called “kinetic energy”, even in Special Relativity. The total energy of a moving object is therefore its rest energy plus its kinetic energy. The rest energy of an object is contained in its mass.”

In other words, someone back on Earth might see your spacecraft’s mass increase as you move near light speed. But, you won’t notice your spacecraft’s, or your own, mass change at all. Within your spacecraft, you would still be able to climb stairs, jump rope, whatever. The change perceived by an Earth observer is just relativistic mass.


I’m just trying to get true understanding of the matter. I get the feeling you are just trying to win a dispute. So, I’m done responding to you. What’s the point? Besides, I’ve hijacked this tread enough already. I’m putting this bitch to bed.

January 26, 2021 2:46 pm

Even if the spaceship’s (real) mass increases enormously (10 or 100 or 1000 times), it doesn’t turn into a star, mass-wise. So it won’t start having a serious self-created gravity field around itself.
So yeah, I think my “rolls together” comment was wrong.

But the first point stands!
Good night.

January 26, 2021 6:02 pm

I don’t know the term “relativistic mass” or necessarily understand the distinction. The equation for kinetic energy is simple E_k = 1/2 m v^2. So mass is already a factor. As velocity increases, yes, kinetic energy increases, but my understanding is that the true mass, as in an objects resistance to force (F=m*a) increases at relativistic speeds, and in fact would reach infinity at c.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
January 26, 2021 11:09 am

They’d reach the Alpha Centauri in 4.25 years at the speed of light.

  Joe Blow
January 26, 2021 11:24 am

It’s obvious you’re not the sharpest tool in the shed.

January 26, 2021 12:18 pm

Stuck,you don’t need to travel at the speed of light…you just need to be able to fold time .

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
January 26, 2021 11:09 am

Ludicrous speed Trump’s warp speed

January 26, 2021 12:17 pm

Stuck I had someone near me recently that was able to reach a 10.1 Warp Factor….it was the guy behind me who honked the horn at me when the light changed .

Daddy Joe
Daddy Joe
January 26, 2021 12:26 pm

That’s just ludicrous!

ursel doran
ursel doran
January 25, 2021 6:29 pm

The video of Dementia Joe signing executive orders included one where he mumbled into his mask a barely intelligible, “I don’t know what I am signing”. Hiring the Tranny from Pa. makes as much sense as joining the Paris Climate Accord, neither of those along with his others are things his handlers stuck in front of him.
The acceleration of the chaos is assured, IMHO.

  ursel doran
January 26, 2021 12:51 am

Nothing says public health like a transvestite jew in a dress.

  ursel doran
January 26, 2021 2:18 am

I say the 4th Turning singularity happens before June 2021.

January 25, 2021 6:32 pm

As to the Qanon question, I’ll lean to the phyop end of the spectrum.

January 25, 2021 7:35 pm

The FBI is not that smart, gotta be something more intelligent than Comey and his brigade

January 26, 2021 12:53 am

Nor is the See eye aye. Those morons couldn’t run a covert operations in a bit scout troop.

Dick Jones
Dick Jones
January 26, 2021 10:06 pm


QAnon was real. But being real, he also had a chance of losing.

There were great generals in history who won important victories, but still ultimately lost the war.

Hannibal; Napoleon; Robert E. Lee; Rommel

QAnon was no different. He won some victories; on the new battlefield – electronic media. But even he couldn’t play 46-dimensional chess and win all the time.

The election was Q’s Waterloo. Whether he failed to anticipate the left’s tactics; or whether he knew about them but failed to counterattack; or whether he got betrayed by judges and and the RINOs, it doesn’t matter.

He lost.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Dick Jones
January 26, 2021 11:12 pm

What I want to know is why God really let the Devil steal this country when 80 million Christians were praying for Trump to win (and voted for Trump to win)? Just saying the Christians deserved it is like saying abused wives deserve it. Nobody takes from God’s hand. Millions more abortion murders will occur. What’s really going on, Lord? Amen.

Daddy Joe
Daddy Joe
  rhs jr
January 27, 2021 4:20 pm

rhs jr This is a deep and valid question and because until we answer it satisfactorily our misplaced trust in the electoral process is undermined. But that undermining is insignificant compared to the the real undermining that takes place- the undermining of our trust and faith in God.
I still work 50 hours a week so I have trouble finding time to comment as I would like. I will try to get back to this question but in the meantime read Habakkuk–your questions are the same as his complaints. God’s answers are still the same; may he help us all to understand..

  Daddy Joe
January 27, 2021 4:24 pm

Yet, I will rejoice…

  rhs jr
January 27, 2021 9:17 pm

Generally speaking the church is antinomian. I was in such a denomination for 18 years.

I found out that there are [ at least ] six words translated into the word ‘law’ and those who rarely open their bibles during the week can never “rightly divide the Word” without more than you can get from the pulpits.

I have never heard a single sermon on 1 John 3:4. “Sin is the transgression of the law.” You always get something about “missing the mark”. What they don’t tell you is – what’s the mark? Each denomination makes up its own mark, and if you don’t toe their line you will be unwelcome or actually asked to leave.

Getting prayers answered doesn’t happen if you are not praying according to God’s Will. Hint: you have to know His Will, as well as HIS plan to do this. The current chasetisment is to bring churchianity to repentance [ change mind ].

“The Commandments are transformed into promises, because it is the Spirit of God who works within our hearts to bring Christ in you to full maturity so that he may be born and manifested in the world. Under the Old Covenant (agreement, or contract), man was commanded to be obedient; under the New Covenant, God has taken upon Himself the responsibility to change us into His image.”

Robin banks
Robin banks
  Dick Jones
January 28, 2021 8:35 am

I never followed Q. Too big an investment of my time. What specifically did Q win?

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 25, 2021 7:09 pm

Just tweak most of last years predictions a bit and add in the continued Scamdemic and you should be good. I think your predictions were spot on. Just because they didn’t all come to fruition by Dec 31 doesn’t mean they won’t.

I knew 2020 had the potential to be a chaotic year, but didn’t anticipate a flu with a 99.7% survival rate being used by totalitarian minded politicians to destroy the global economy, usher in Orwellian police state lockdown measures across the globe…

That was pure genius. No one could have expected that and only some demonic Luciferian backing could pull that off. Those entities are a thousand times smarter than we are because they have been managing human sinfulness for millennia. Practice makes perfect, or near perfect anyway.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  Mary Christine
January 25, 2021 9:01 pm

They gamed it out in October ’19 and brought it to life just a few months later.

Event 201 – The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.

Daddy Joe
Daddy Joe
  TN Patriot
January 26, 2021 1:17 pm

TN, Right on. We’ve all got to constantly hone our reading of doublespeak. So, “in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences” should have read : in order to maximize large-scale economic and societal consequences. When in doubt of their meaning it’s usually helpful to assume the opposite of what they say or write.

Ben Lurken
Ben Lurken
January 25, 2021 7:27 pm

I’m going to put this here, even though it might be more relevant on a different thread. Has anyone noticed the signficent pushback people like Glenn Greenwald get when posting perfectly reasonable and logical arguments or thoughts on Twitter. It’s like hundreds or thousnds of people are taking issue with him-in favor of the state. Are we to believe that all these people support Biden and the many gov policies which are stripping them of rightsMy initial reaction when reading Greewald and some others is who can disagree. But then supposedly educated people lash out with statements like-thats what happens when you try to overthrow the legitamate government or masks save lives, etc.
I can’t believe these are actual people. if so we are scrwed. But then again Jim’s article…

  Ben Lurken
January 25, 2021 7:59 pm

We’re screwed. I participated in a Mask Off rally in the middle of midtown Manhattan. It was an event to educate the public with facts and information regarding this fraud we’ve been living with for the past year. Nothing will penetrate the state of dissonance, density, disinterest and dementia these people are in. NOTHING. In fact, we were berated by a pudgy karen-type woman who said we were going to kill people by giving them information contrary to the bs they have been ingesting. She said she was a doctor and what we were doing was disgusting and unconscionable. Oh the sheer satisfaction I had when I replied back…”Mengele was a doctor too!”

January 26, 2021 9:48 am

Bee, did you see the UFO on Sunday’s walk with Charles?

January 26, 2021 10:55 am

I haven’t watched the entire video yet. But I will tell you the amount of helicopters that have been circling the city the past several months is unlike anything I’ve ever witnessed. It really feels like BLACKHAWK DOWN. No Kidding.

January 26, 2021 1:16 pm

Go to 46 minutes and watch from there, chat picks it up but Jason hasn’t responded yet which IMHO is weird. People left comments in video as well.

January 26, 2021 3:35 pm

Thanks Stack! I saw it. Slowed down the video as much as I could to review. Who knows…I’d believe almost anything at this point. Between the incessant Chemtrail spraying…the surveillance helicopters everywhere…why not a UFO!

January 26, 2021 3:50 pm

They are dropping live and inert bombs in my neck of the woods, live bombs WTF. They said it on the news and I heard them yesterday.

January 26, 2021 5:23 pm

tell us more. Are you in a testing area? Or a ground zero?

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
January 27, 2021 4:14 am

Hey, SeeBee…

Once every day or so, under my wife’s fb acc’t, I look at a local community thread. Yesterday, there were three different videos posted from people living in housing districts that lay a couple miles east of town (cheaper taxes, water, etc).

The exchange of comments made it clear that two were duplicates of the same group, and 8 choppers heading south in each group. Not terribly unusual around here. I had to run
my wife 60 miles n. the other day to an eye doctor, and saw two groups (well, one group of three, two different times) of three big Chinook’s over the city moving west. Never thought much about it with the air force base there….

You familiar with that neighborhood (?) shown in the video? I found that to pretty interesting, for sure. Hell, where my father in law is buried, it’s 6 miles to asphalt, another 6 to a town of 1500….lol

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—–====

  ordo ab chao
January 27, 2021 5:36 pm

Familiar with almost every foot of it…..concrete jungle. a tree grows in brooklyn. son of sam.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
January 27, 2021 3:58 am


I couldn’t figure out anything on that under ‘in fighting’. Not a clue.

But I did watch that walk with Charles. Had never heard of him, but his GE financials fame in 08?… now ex brother in law was a cpa with GE that was always flyin to NY and Sao Paulo. Was down in Brazil for 3 out of 4 weeks a month-brought a little Brazil girl back and is married to her now….

Anyway, the man spoke clearly, and I was able to increase playback speed, follow the conversation, and get a really interesting walk-about view of life in a concrete jungle.

Unbelievable. The manipulators behind this are pure evil. I looked again for that ‘ufo’, it comes in at 47:01 near the middle of the screen at the top and travels across at a fairly quick pace diagonally in a straight line. Pretty windy that day they said…. looked like a balloon…or a personnel landing capsule…lol

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—–=====

  ordo ab chao
January 27, 2021 8:53 am

It actually starts at 46:54 upper left hand corner, goes away and comes back at 47:01.

Check out her bio, looks the same as the one in the video you posted.

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 26, 2021 11:43 pm

Why not? All three things are very real. PS: TPTB stopped showing Doppler Radar here and substituted a computer generated “radar” image. I think it is because the actual Analog radar showed the Chem-trails so clearly, but the computer generated radar images don’t give a clue about the chem-trails. The new radar images are like “Pravda” radar (Pravda Stats, Pravda Climate, Pravda Health, Pravda Riots, Pravda Justice, Pravda Rightwing, etc).

January 26, 2021 4:51 pm

Looked like a balloon to me. You could even make out the trailing line.

January 26, 2021 5:22 pm

Satellite. Most certainly could be. I think the Dutch are taking inventory. They want their territory back.

Daddy Joe
Daddy Joe
January 26, 2021 1:31 pm

SeeBee, like mixing water with mud. Thus the equation: Science plus Politics = pure Politics. Reason and facts be dammed.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Daddy Joe
January 26, 2021 11:53 pm

Right, Science used to mean something defined by provable facts that anyone could replicate. The Communist Controlled government and MSM has perverted Science to now mean the approved State lie. Before the 1964 Civil Riots Act, Science and Politics did not mix, did not compute; they were like Church and State. Now all Science is Politics, and The Truth is a punishable Crime against the State.

  Ben Lurken
January 26, 2021 4:14 am

First question:
why would anyone still use twitter, including Greenwald?

Second question to Greenwald, and Hedges, and similar clowns now bemoaning the trajectory:
where were you guys 3+ months ago?

Ben Lurken
Ben Lurken
January 26, 2021 8:48 am

Apparently m, since you have not done so, you cannot see the value in creating a well-curated Twitter account. I come to TBP for the comments as much, if not more, for the articles. This audience is a bit skewed however. If you want to take the pulse of people of all persuasions, from around the world, you can do that on Twitter. Reading between lines is required. You will not like this observation of mine either:
Before it completely went to shit, simultaneously disabling commenting, The Guardian had perhaps the best comment section on the web. These were people from all over the world. Definitely not an echo chamber. That was before I found TBP.

  Ben Lurken
January 26, 2021 9:06 am

1. What needs to happen before you consider closing your Twitter account?
2. So if you can survive without a Guardian comment section, why can’t you without Twitter?

I can also bemoan that ZH turned to shit, or that Ambrose (AEP) -who wrote the only worthy main-stream-media economic articles for many years- went reverse-Galt and became a status-quo shill.
At some point it’s time to move on, and look for greener pastures.

Or in tech terms: fight the lock-in!

Ben Lurken
Ben Lurken
January 26, 2021 10:51 am

I could give a lot of examples of how Twitter is useful. Here’s 2. Since I have read articles and comments here on TBP by a Canadian fellow who likes to walk around higher elevations with guns I have a sense that I can trust whatever he is saying on Twitter regarding the situation in Canada.
Then there is the massive expose, done mainly on Twitter, of critical race theory training at Skandia Labs and elsewhere revealed by Christopher Rufo. Without that exposure on Twitter I doubt Trump would have signed the order to stop CRT training in FedGov. Yea, moot point now because Biden. But at least millions of people are now aware.

  Ben Lurken
January 26, 2021 12:37 pm

You lost me at “well-curated,” Ben. Humans don’t speak like that.

Ben Lurken
Ben Lurken
January 26, 2021 1:14 pm

Really? You want to be the one who tells Admin his selection of those he follows on Twitter is not a result of him using professional judgement and expertise.
The term is widely used in many communities online, especially among content creators and researchers. If you have bookmarks you are curating content. Feedly and other aggregators are there for the sole purpose of curating.

  Ben Lurken
January 26, 2021 1:41 pm

You also completely ignore the other side’s arguments in your twitter conversations?

Ben Lurken
Ben Lurken
January 26, 2021 2:19 pm

If you mean conversations on here about Twitter my position is that I’m using Twitter to gain insight and information about the world we live in. It is great for that if you know how. I no longer post on Twitter, other than to sometimes encourage people in my industry-a non political thing.
I will admit to giving myself away by liking tweets from @burningplat. I do that because I want to support Admin any way I can. Now that I’ve said that he could, if he wanted to, figure out who I am IRL. Not that he cares.

  Ben Lurken
January 26, 2021 6:02 am

Most of these people are fairly harmless, just stupid. These are the same people who go hiking in the middle of nowhere wearing a mask. They are lazy thinkers. Takes way too much time to find truth.

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 27, 2021 12:00 am

If they vote Democrat, they are your enemy; they vote to screw you and will act like a pack of dogs.

January 25, 2021 7:44 pm

We live in a debt based system. People want a debt based system. If they didn’t , we wouldn’t have one. Can’t have a seller without a buyer. But that is old news. The new news will be how will people be able to handle NOT living in a debt based system….and living with A LOT less. A lot lot lot less.

January 26, 2021 12:17 am

You’ll have a case of lentils, if you’re lucky.
And you’ll be happy.

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 27, 2021 12:07 am

They can’t pay 18 months back rent or mortgage; or utilities or car payments or student loans; or next months groceries if they are just sitting at home on their asses not scrambling to cut costs and make a buck. First, they won’t per se: they will rob and loot. Second, they will riot and rob and loot, rape and kill; Back to Africa per se in da hood from sea to shinning sea .

January 25, 2021 8:23 pm

Well ,Klaus Schwab predicts a cyber attack that will take down the power grid . So you might wanna add that on your list if it’s not there yet 🤔, considering the solar winds hack .

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
January 25, 2021 10:38 pm

There goes all those Bitcoin fortunes.

  Trapped in Portlandia
January 26, 2021 4:17 am

What do you mean “there goes”?
It will remain as safe as your money in an Argentinian bank account: 100% still there, you just cannot access/withdraw it anymore!

January 25, 2021 8:37 pm

Good read, Jim (pretty sure its you anyway, ha).

“A rolling loan gathers no loss”.

So far.

January 25, 2021 9:16 pm

It’s going to be interesting how this turning unfolds. Damn I hope I live long enough to see the end of it.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
January 26, 2021 6:55 am

Haha….I hear ya. These little clips will give us a pretty good idea:

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<—–==== when gods once again comingle with men

  ordo ab chao
January 26, 2021 10:14 am

I left you a question on the in fighting thread.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
January 27, 2021 5:46 pm


Was that green screen, or bad skype? I noticed on the bio you posted that the picture wasn’t included..and when I did a one minute search for a bio on Dr. Lee Merrit:

Same schools, same town, same office facility address…??????

I’ve been hearing ranchers talk about genetically modified grass for years, same with corn, so the level science is at with molecular biology is anybody’s guess, but my money says the info in that Merrit video is most likely applicable….

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——====

January 25, 2021 9:22 pm

Trump is golfing at Mar-a- Lago, while the Deep State remains firmly in control

And he is just as guilty of treason as they are.

No more “grace” periods. Time’s up. We are still stuck with obamacare, trillions of debt, propaganda media, and self-serving politicians who will, as we have seen repeatedly, SELL US OUT at every opportunity . . . that is, we are still stuck with the swamp, in all its godforsaken, death-loving glory, and they are clawing back every destructive globalist policy that all patriots everywhere reject. Here’s the new normal, “democracy”, like a brick in the face.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
January 26, 2021 6:45 am

A biological chimera was introduced to the body politic, and the Emperor was more concerned with touting his ‘Warp Speed’ reaction than invoking the Insurrection Act and getting some control way back when the BLMs were peacefully burning cities…

But now, after giving up the seat in Pergamon, the Emperor is ready to continue the fight

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—-===

January 26, 2021 12:10 am

A mere $3 trillion in money printing this year? I. beg to differ….

January 26, 2021 3:39 am

All in all it’s just another brick in the wall.
All in all you’re just another brick in the wall.

“If you don’t eat yer meat, you can’t have any pudding. How can you
have any pudding if you don’t eat yer meat?”

“You! Yes, you behind the bikesheds, stand still laddy!”

January 26, 2021 5:46 am
January 26, 2021 7:36 am

Great article, frightening, but great none the less. A lot of friends and family sense something, a foreboding maybe of things are not as they are told.
Then the die hard brain dead dem/marxist friends and family who will be the first to perish in the coming shit storm.

My role will be to do all I can to help my kids and grand kids get though whatever lies ahead.

Daddy Joe
Daddy Joe
January 26, 2021 6:51 pm

card802, Great role and great goal–Me too. I consider it my highest honor to help the young’uns. Yes, it looks foreboding but I take some solace in some words of Richard Mayberry ( of the Early Warning Report and the Uncle Eric books) Paraphrasing: “War is the Natural state of Man, but in spite of that most people survive their wars. Unless the war happens to roll over your neighborhood.”
So do like peasants past. Live low in some hopefully uncontested place. Plant your root crops (they hide well) and learn the local edibles. When trouble comes your way go somewhere else.

  Daddy Joe
January 27, 2021 5:05 pm

Hi Daddy. I use to be a subscriber to Richard. He’s one smart cookie. Is he still primarily in defence stocks?

January 26, 2021 8:08 am

When things get tough in a nation, history shows that those in power often conjure up a war to distract the people from their misery. It generally works but the conjures often end up hanging from street lights.

A significant number of people are awake at the moment and may not be easily mislead by bread, circuses and war. Generally, these wars require conscription. I think that would go down poorly. Whatever happens, I suspect we will see it shortly.

Daddy Joe
Daddy Joe
January 26, 2021 6:59 pm

Llpoh, You did well for 2020. Thank you. Re. 4th Turning “so I prefer to try and discern the direction and amplitude of the ongoing Crisis”. I think you’ve got the direction, but it’s the amplitude that worries me. Successive 4th Turnings are exponentially worse. Since a stated goal of the world elites is severe population reduction Methinks this turning will be a doozy. Human life is likely to get real cheap. I always look forward to your posts and the direction you give.

Horseless Headsman
Horseless Headsman
January 26, 2021 9:18 am

Yes, we will see soon enough.

“entropy of the chaoticists”. I’ve always considered myself an Apocalyptarian.

January 26, 2021 9:23 am

TJ’s quote was actually “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Everyone likes to talk about the tyrants but I’m afraid don’t want to confront the patriots part of the equation. Just putting this out there.

January 26, 2021 10:59 am

Needs to be said in order to move on….

January 26, 2021 11:01 am

In response to Stucky asking how much 2+2 is somewhere in this thread.

January 26, 2021 11:17 am

I’ve see that video before. IT IS FANTASTIC …. and as the title indicates, a “MUST SEE. Can’t recommend it highly enough.

2 +2 =5 is a phrase which can be attributed to George Orwell’s novel 1984. This Iranian short film describes perfectly what is happening in America today.


“The film shows a teacher who is trying to impose this new idea to the minds of the children. The children were forced to repeat the phrase after him and treat it as gospel truth. The student who opposed this falsehoof was ultimately reprimanded (killed) which instilled fear into the minds of the remaining students who then wrote the same in their notebooks.

The films is loaded with symbolism which can be attributed to any autocratic style of governance. The announcement in the beginning by a loud speaker signifies the voice of the Big Brother or the Head of the State. The teacher represents the administrators who ensures that the rules made by the Head is properly followed. The students represents the public which has no option but to abide by the rules. Ones who are in good books of the administrators becomes one of the ‘rule enforcers’ – like the ones who ‘shot’ the rebel student, and the rest of them are general public who are left with no other option but to follow the new idea.


At the end of the film, the camera zooms in on a student who writes the phrase 2+2=5 in his notebook,waits for a while,strikes it off and writes the correct one , 2+2=4. This scene signifies that despite harsh attempts by the authority , minds of people cannot be changed. That there still is hope that one day the truth shall prevail.”

January 26, 2021 1:31 pm

Also lone wolfs get slaughtered, because most people are cowards.

January 27, 2021 4:36 pm

Somebody ought to post that video here and ask people a QOTD about how they would suggest their child face that dilemma at school?

January 29, 2021 12:36 am

Diversity is Strength.
But not for you.

January 26, 2021 12:12 pm

I purchased gold in 2007, topped off the lead shortly after that. When politics is discussed, I call myself a non practicing anarchist, which pretty much stops the rants from both sides and gets me a lot of side-eye. I’m always on the hunt for canning lids and am currently upgrading my still and attempting to perfect my beer making skills. I associate with people I trust, which means I associate with very few people. I pride myself on my awareness, am a fair to good tracker and like to think of it as reading the signs. My computer is used to read the signs, not to draw conclusions, but to watch the tracks and direction of travel. My apocalypse cupboard has been around so long that it seems like a normal thing. My life is my own and my Honey and I live a simple and full life. If you want to argue with me, you will find that I have opinions like you have opinions. I value my opinion with an equal amount of salt that I value your opinion. Then I throw the salt over my shoulder and see it disappear. I’ve been here a long time and attempted to add clarity to this unsettled wash but gave up years ago. I even told Jim to move to middle America. He respectfully declined. He seems to need the turmoil to grease his creativity. I have less to say than he so my need for friction is less, no, gone. I once thought that I was born sarcastic, if so, I have used it up. Live hard and prosper.

January 26, 2021 12:36 pm

Hopefully the Poop won’t hit the fan until late summer . I’m starting hyperbaric chamber sessions next week to heal my jaw deterioration from radiation treatments. This is all be done so that I can have a snap in denture on my lower jaw. Radiation/Chemo…the gifts that keep on giving. After that then I’m OK will the fall of things .

Jim…..I started preparing in earnest back in 2009 . I had read your stuff for a while and was certain that the end was near. I’ve been certain that the end was near in the last few months . Now I realize that the end will happen…when I least expect it . Growing up with a bunch of brothers our household motto was, ” When You Least Expect It…Expect It ” . The other was, “In this House You Must Be Fast To Last ” . Hopefully I’ll be fast to last . Now if my vision holds out ( it 20/20 now ) then my aim will be true when the time comes .

I kept saying for the last few months that the hopes of the Trumper folks on his draining the swamp, arresting folks and sending them to Guantanamo Bay ,overturning the election fraud and the other laundry list of BS was a NAFT event . The rulers will always be part of the Not A Fucking Thing protection racket .

January 26, 2021 1:31 pm

It could be decades.

Be Prepared
Be Prepared
January 26, 2021 1:06 pm

Balanced on the Precipice

This nation has eroded almost all of its underpinnings. When all this started can be argued, the path apparently seems set now, though, towards the culmination of the tenets of this nation being a mere husk, a remnant of what it once was or could have been. It is great to understand the course that has led us to this point, but frivolous and dangerous to dwell because it can become a siren song of immobility. Too many of us not only are asleep, but seem to be embracing this increasing level of totalitarianism. It has become it’s own cult. We have seen this before during many other cycles of history and we have seemingly learned nothing. I use the word “we” figuratively because those that fawningly eschew freedom and continue to be blind to the prison encroaching around them are, indeed, weights around the necks of those of us who long for the real aspects of this experiment known as our Republic to continue, to live our own lives as we see fit. To have our successes be our own to enjoy and our failures be our lessons. The tide has changed where the insanity of equity means I must bow down or never be given the opportunity because that would be less for the person beside me who cares to do nothing. That is called slavery and to call it anything else is to allow the blinders to continue to rule the truth.

We are balanced on the precipice of losing it all, but the sound of the fall could be with a bang or with a great trumpet. It just feels like there are too few willing to risk it all and say “enough!” I look for a rallying point and the horizon seems bear where no perch to gather seems to exist. This mill wheel of change may last longer than the those of us who remember the truth are around to call it a spade. The tumble into oblivion for this Republic may never be recorded because it will have been completed so thoroughly using the tools of the modern age with incremental shifts of indoctrination. The line moving steadily in such a way to keep the masses from rebelling but moving none the less. We may be able to retain a false sense of freedom as the doors close with our own farms, pieces of land far from the immediate arms of big brother, but taxes, inflation, deflation and corruption will supplant that concept beneath any who dares to protest. Haven’t we just seen just that. If that doesn’t show where the future is heading, then I can’t imagine a better example. The wielding of the term “domestic” terrorism will crush any and all dissent into silence when those in charge can define anything that goes against their dictates as subversive.

It is not all gloom and doom, but sometimes the truth is gritty and not pleasant. There may be no silver lining where everything works out for the rest of this generation or for those to come. We are truly witnessing the evolution or revolution of horrific change being foisted against all those would dare to utter the words “Constitution”…. “Liberty”…. and “Freedom”.

January 26, 2021 1:16 pm

This is both why the Great Reset leading to New World Order leading to Universal Social Credit Tracking leading to Digital Slavery will not work. It is also how the Borg can be defeated:

Everyone has seen the exponential growth in the digital world for the past seven decades since the advent of the transistor. The Tech Giants now hold unprecedented power. Extrapolation leads everyone to think that the world will only ever proceed in this direction. But everyone seems to forget how much infrastructure (not just physical, but cultural and psychological) undergirds the whole damn tech world. Uncountable legions of P-N Junctions must work in concert across the world for me to simply post this message. We take them all every bit as much for granted as the air we breathe, but they can be far more easily destroyed. One dude with a backhoe can take out a huge node of the internet for a few hours or days. What could a thousand do? How about 10,000 coordinated attacks on critical internet nodes and power stations?

Will anyone do this? Not as long as the benefits of this structure outweigh its costs. When does that balance tip?

January 26, 2021 1:52 pm

Regarding the “turnings” “The ancients believed that each cyclical extreme, mirroring the hopes and fears of the other, helps generate the other.

But wait there is another way of viewing the “turnings”.
Have you seen one of those spinning platforms children play on where they kick the ground with their feet
to keep it spinning, slow it down, or stop and get off.

Yes there are conditions and cycles in societies that lead to predictable ends.
But I would submit history like that spinning platform at the playground can (and has been) manipulated by unseen forces be they “of men” or “of a spiritual nature”.

The evil now engulfing nations has not arrive by accident it is of a spiritual nature.
The Prince of this world and “it’s” followers are ascending as we enter the end of day
as we have been warned.

I have in the past written many post on different news sites….by the end of this week I will no longer
be writing post….you might say we have crossed a inter-denominational cosmic line in the space time continuum and it’s now a spiritual battle which will bring unimaginable suffering until the coming of Messiah.

Best to all and your loved ones.
Your money has no value here:

January 26, 2021 2:57 pm

“Have you seen one of those spinning platforms children play on where they kick the ground with their feet
to keep it spinning, slow it down, or stop and get off.”

In America that would be called a merry-go-round.

You’re Welcome.

January 26, 2021 5:11 pm

And in Austria they are known as a frohegehenrundenspassegeraet.

January 26, 2021 7:57 pm


That’s pretty damned clever. And, funny …. if you’re Austrian, I guess.

Reminds me of a word my dad made up for ‘brassiere’; schtoppenzeefloppen.

January 27, 2021 5:12 pm

The German word for brassiere is actually Titsling.

January 26, 2021 2:31 pm

This is a good description of what is actually going on right now!

January 26, 2021 5:35 pm

The Devilcraps will destroy this country in less than 6 months. You have a usurper up there and NOT a “President”. Constitutional presidents do NO such thing.

That will be your sign. ;(

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
January 26, 2021 6:09 pm

Bring on the fiery purging.

January 26, 2021 6:11 pm

They have you so brainwashed even the military does not know they are committing treason protecting the administration up there.

You think staying in a parking garage was a big clue. But nope, like sheep they don’t know why that’s the way they treat you when you are going to be slaughtered anyway.

Even going to the point and bother of calling Moe “President” is committing treason. But that won’t satisfy you unless you obey him. And you have and will.

As I said, you have been thoroughly brainwashed. Their education camps (think DOE) have WOIKED after all.

January 27, 2021 6:35 am

Ask any of God’s prophets what is coming, and you will get the same answer. God is coming. This is the devil’s last stand. Believe. Pray. Love.

January 27, 2021 7:36 am

Trump sure railed against the Deep State when he pardoned Assange and Snowden. Oh wait he didn’t. He did pardon build the wall embezzler Bannon though.

January 27, 2021 7:52 am

So you guys still haven’t figured out that you are on the wrong side of history. Like the Confederates.


January 27, 2021 3:49 pm

” the world is filled with good people, governed, and manipulated by bad people.” If they just sit on their asses, they’re no good.

Robert Walter
Robert Walter
January 27, 2021 4:26 pm

I think it is very funny to see how people decry the “deep state” as if it is an organization. Mainly just bureaucrats doing their job and waiting for a pension. Deep State connotes some shadowy figures that control and do the bidding for the elites. But in reality, it is the lobbyists that time and time again get rewarded. And laws to limit lobbyists and money have been shot down by the GOP every time. So blaming one party or another in this whole mess if fraught with problems.

Trump was unconventional to say the least and his idiosyncrasies and lack of leadership allowed the GOP to run roughshod over anything they wanted. Trump’s accomplishments that people state are more of just a signature rather than true leadership. This is backed by all that have worked with him. They all come out saying the same thing that should be obvious to anyone that has watched him, he is truly a buffoon.

A third party is required that is socially more liberal than the GOP but with fiscal steadfastness. Right now both parties are dysfunctional and bad for America.

There…. Did I piss off everyone??

  Robert Walter
January 27, 2021 5:54 pm

What I’d like to see is a society which is not controlled by “bankers”.

Ha, ha, ha (cynical laughter).

ron james
ron james
  Robert Walter
January 29, 2021 12:55 am

Absolutely NOT here……I think maybe , just maybe , he would have been relected if he wouldnt have blown off Covid-19.

January 27, 2021 7:39 pm

Support Texit!

The Universe is Pushing People to Wake Up and Will Mock and Impoverish Them If They Don’t

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 27, 2021 10:35 pm

Florida and Tennessee too.

January 28, 2021 11:41 am

EXCLUSIVE: Independent Journalist Tayler Hansen: A Riot that Turned Deadly, What I Witnessed at the US Capitol Riot

January 31, 2021 9:52 pm

The inmates are in kontrol of the asylum and is quite Hillaryous. But not hanging them you are in the same league. I don’t know if this is a competition between you two parties who could be more lawless?