Libertarianism and Race

I am submitting a comment that was left here…

In my opinion, this comment describes VERY well why diversity is bad. It is being used to demonize us. I hope it is alright to do this.

“Good God, not another fuckwit Libertarian.

Has there been a psyop more devastating for White nations than Libertarianism? It’s worse than the Qanon psyop, because it has taken the highest IQ Whites on a “Trust the Plan” style rabbit-hole where if they just focus on their circles like Archimedes, the Roman soldier won’t run them through with a sword because Muh Individualism beats a unified enemy every time, right?

I picture Libertarians outside screaming at the birds to stop flocking together, because if only they would stop flocking, they could maximize their personal liberty (meanwhile the one bird that listens to the crazed Libertarian gets picked off by a hawk).

Image the single Libertarian Ukranian farmer in 1931 exhorting his fellow farmers – wait! Just go Galt! Stop giving grain to the State! My strategy will work if we all just act as individuals and do not coordinate racially!

How’d that work out? I forget.

Going Galt is like a child’s dream that if only he runs away as far as possible, his problems will magically disappear. What horseshit.

Libertarians are more mentally intransigent than the Qanon believers, because no matter how much evidence piles up around them they completely ignore it and act as though non-White Identity Groups are not attacking us, that non-White Ethnic Solidarity Organizations are not gaining ground, and that Whites are being demonized in preparation for the eventual removal of all our political power, ability to bank, pride, “equity” and heritage.

Imagine how many high IQ Whites have been taken out of the game by this stupid psyop that is CONTRARY TO NATURAL LAW. Imagine how many high IQ Whites could have been working to save our nation over the decades since this stupid theory came out – high IQ Whites that could have been organizing LIKE ALL THE OTHER ETHNIC AND RACIAL GROUPS HAVE ORGANIZED OR HAVEN’T YOU BEEN PAYING ATTENTION?

Libertarianism is the best political philosophy WITHIN A WHITE NATION CONTROLLED BY WHITES. But, at the same time, Libertarianism is the political philosophy that PRECLUDES that eventuality.

This is called irony, or perhaps tragedy. I don’t know – ask your children or grandchildren when they grow up as a despised race within the former US.

Ron Paul was a great statesman and a great ideologue, and I’m not saying that he didn’t have a positive effect on some people – like the creation of this blog, yada yada yada. But how long have we wasted talking about Muh Constitutional Conservatism, Muh Libertarianism, and Muh Unsustainable Debt when it was REALLY ALL ABOUT RACE.

Wake the fuck up. We are in a race war, and if you think that you can just hide your head and they won’t come for your ability to bank, ability to purchase a firearm, ability to pass on your wealth to your children, your ability to even just tell your own stories of your people on the media, you’re delusional.

Now I get why Robert Gore is a Libertarian. He has a stratospheric IQ, and has a mathematician’s mind. All his essays are essentially math proofs. But math is divorced from the truth of Nature, when taken at an abstract level. Preach Libertarianism all you want, it doesn’t stop the reality of the demonization of our race.

Preach Libertarianism AFTER we secure the safety of our civilization and our people. Just put a fucking sock in it so more high IQ Whites are not deluded by this nonsense. It’s like wishing for unicorns to shit gold, meanwhile your daughter has been raped by some imported diversity.

Yes, there will be White enclaves that have “left the system” and I hope they survive, but don’t think for one fucking second that the “system” will not do their damndest to take whatever you have, destroy your family, and make sure Whites are replaced in every nation they formerly were majorities.

They hate us. They want us dead. They want us gone. It’s not just statues they’re going after.

Stop. Just stop with this Libertarian bullshit until we have secured a place for our people to be free and thrive.

Put down your roots in Texas, Florida, or Idaho. Live somewhere where the government that affects your life the most, the state and local government, respects your right to be free.

And how long until Texas and these states go BLUE because of immigration? How long until their governments are replaced by non-Whites or their representatives are bought out by the Banks?

We are in a race war, ladies and gentlemen, so let’s drop this psyop once and for all until we’ve a SINGLE NATION WHERE WE HAVE CONTROL OF OUR DESTINY.

Libertarianism is an IDEOLOGY. It was constructed to oppose Communism which was another IDEOLOGY. Get it?

They said – gee, Communism seems to be convincing people with its ideas. Looks like we need a similar Utopian ideology to oppose it. Let’s call it Libertarianism.

IDEOLOGIES are all ivory-tower bullshit. The only political philosophy we need is the one the Founding Fathers elucidated – “and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.” I.e. don’t fuck with our people and don’t fuck with our stuff.

Whites can make ANY political philosophy work if the nation is primarily White. Capitalism? Whites can make it work. Socialism? Whites can make it work. National Socialism? Whites can make it work. Feudalism? Whites can make it work. Anarchy in the British Colonies? Whites can make it work. So stop being so goddamn fixated on this stupid Libertarian philosophy that is distracting us from the work that needs to be done.

What we need is racial solidarity – support Whites, buy from Whites, help other Whites, and make White babies.

Have you seen how other races vote? You will never get ENOUGH of them to support Conservative policies, Libertarian policies, or pro-Western Civilization policies. They simply do. not. care. about the principles of White societies – they only want to live in them to secure the benefits for their own families, and they vote against us.

But, hey. Just some thoughts.

Carry on.

Let me just put on my flak jacket.”

If you need a flack jacket because of this comment, it TRULY is over.

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Author: Glock-N-Load

Simply a concerned, freedom loving American.

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March 11, 2021 2:38 pm

I thought that comment deserved its own post, too.

March 11, 2021 2:51 pm

Well my main disagreement of big L Libertarianism is that it’s utopian. Follow it to the end and you get ‘free to be a slave’.
When people become commodities for any reason, even by choice (poor Indian women WANT to rent out their wombs for instance), you have big problems.

Otherwise don’t join any collectives but have a decentralized plan.

March 11, 2021 9:03 pm

Why Libertarianism Is So Dangerous in less then 14 minutes

After watching this video, I’ll never go back to that fucked up kind of thinking.

March 11, 2021 2:52 pm

Go back and replace “White” with “Canadian” and see just how much sense this makes.

March 11, 2021 3:58 pm

Maybe I am slow, but could you be more explicit? Doing as you suggests changes the meaning from a nationalist one to a civic-nationalist one. Civic-nationalism is nonsense, as you just demonstrated.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
March 11, 2021 4:12 pm


A request and two questions.

But math is divorced from the truth of Nature, when taken at an abstract level.

Please explain that statement. Even with the benefit of my straight line logic, “stratospheric IQ ,” and “mathematician’s mind,” I can’t figure it out.

Socialism? Whites can make it work. National Socialism? Whites can make it work. Feudalism? Whites can make it work.

How come socialism, National Socialism, and Feudalism failed in the USSR, Nazi Germany, and Medieval Europe, respectively, all three of which were heavily white?

Is the success or failure of a political philosophy and the political system that flows from it more dependent on the skin color of those who must live under them than the tenets of the philosophy and the operation of the system?

  Robert Gore
March 11, 2021 5:18 pm


I posted this comment from another article but I will respond to you later. Right now I just wanted you to know I see you and I hear you.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
March 11, 2021 6:32 pm


I thought the article was by someone else, given it’s tone and substance, until I got to the end, where it said Author: Glock-N-Load. I’ll await your response.

March 11, 2021 11:10 pm

That was one of the most profound lessons my first Biochem professor taught me – that nature is not logical. You really have to get into the nuts and bolts to start finding some very illogical processes, but they are there. I remember when someone said out loud what many of us were thinking “wow that process is way more inefficient than I expected to find at the common metabolic level.” and he just kind of half-exasperated blurted “there is nothing that says any of it has to be logical or be efficient. It is often not!”

  Robert Gore
March 11, 2021 5:20 pm

Robert, that kind of statement in a rant like this isn’t meant to be understood. It’s just filler. The guy was ranting because he disagrees with the author of the piece and doesn’t know how to articulate his disagreement other than to make some ridiculous claims about libertarianism, which he doesn’t know anything about except that GenZconservative pissed him off and he thinks GenZ is a libertarian.

How’s that for a run-on sentence? I’m getting pretty good at those.

  Robert Gore
March 11, 2021 5:23 pm

Feudalism failed in Russia and Medieval Europe? After how many centuries?

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
March 11, 2021 7:13 pm

You’ve got a point, and I think that one of the reasons feudalism lasted as long as it did was because there was weak or nonexistent central authority compared to what we have today, which I believe is doomed. Feudalism was eventually supplanted, but you certainly cannot say that it failed in the sense that socialism did in the USSR or National Socialism did in Germany. Feudalism lasted much longer than those political philosophies did. I stand corrected.

  Robert Gore
March 20, 2021 12:25 pm

Feudalism in Europe existed from the 9th to the 15th centuries (a good run). A division between the religious and secular was posited by Dante Alighieri in the 14th century, which noted the rise of political power separate from Papal
authority. Feudalism per se was supplanted by the city-state, and in turn, by nationalism. Of course, they exiled him, and he was lucky not to have been killed (sound familiar?)
The failure of Russian, German, etc. socialism is well documented, however, it has proven more successful in the more “homogeneous societies.” Personally, I go with Glock-n-Load.

March 11, 2021 5:13 pm

If you do not like libertarianism, you either do not really understand it, or you are a believer in authoritarianism and slavery.
It is about that simple.
The United States was founded on libertarianism. And it is the only moral political position.
The first and foremost tenant of libertarinanism is that a person owns themself, and thus they are sovereign.
The second tenant is that being sovereign, every individual has the right to live their life any way they choose so long as they do not impose on the rights of others to do likewise. That is part of the NAP, non aggression principal.
Being sovereign, they have the right to own property, and to enter into contracts with other sovereigns.
Being sovereign, they retain all their unalienable rights (Incapable of being alienated, surrendered, or transferred to another)
Libertarianism is at the far right of the political spectrum with Statism in its many forms being at the far left.

It amazes me that in the 21st century, so many people still have the desire to be ruled over by a authoritarian entity.

March 11, 2021 5:46 pm

Left-Right is a false construct, as both are capable of monstrous tyranny. Libertarianism is on the opposite pole from L-R.

March 11, 2021 8:46 pm

If you are suggesting the Republicans are the right, you are mistaken. Republicans are liberals, and support State domination over the Citizens ignoring their sovereignty. They are slightly less liberal than Democrats, but they are still liberals all the same. Republicans fully support the illegal usurping of powers by the Federal Government not granted it by the Constitution, including the draft, the creation of the Federal Reserve, the income tax, and FBI, CIA, FDA, ATF, IRS.

March 11, 2021 5:54 pm

Yes. They’re so free they can sell themselves into slavery if they want, right?
Really. What do you think?

March 11, 2021 8:25 pm

What part of unalienable rights are you having a problem understanding?

March 11, 2021 5:57 pm

As a long time libertarian of similar type, it all falls apart as soon as you realize that there are people who want you dead for being white, and the NAP ain’t gonna stop them . Watch jewish tv and look at all the gratuitous racemixing and self-sterilization ads and programming.

Race is real. You cannot ensure the survival of your descendants or people with libertarianism.

March 11, 2021 8:33 pm

You do not understand NAP, because if you did, you would know that the NAP supports self defense.
The unalienable right to life contains within it the unalienable right to protect that life.
Libertarianism is the only political system in which your rights and sovereignty are protected.
Liberals are Statists, and Republicans are still liberals, only slightly more conservative, and who do not fully recognize the sovereignty of the citizen.

March 11, 2021 5:16 pm

The problem with fascism is that the government has no interest in your stupid race war. No matter how much power you give to government, it will only eat you, because that is what government does.

I’m sick of imbeciles whining about how their policies continually fail them, and then complaining that other people aren’t being worshipful enough, and if we all had enough faith, the magical hand of the government would suddenly, and through no causative effect but that of faith, shift, to do the exact opposite of what it has been doing for its entire existence.

Wake up idiots. The government is not your friend. It doesn’t like whites. It doesn’t like humans. It’s merely temporarily trapped in a position where some degree of sentience is necessary to its own continued survival. It’s farming us for thought cycles.

Government is phasing whites out of existence, in favour of lower cost, safer, sources of thought energy. This is simply the right move, and every government everywhere will support it, for the exact same reasons humans eat chicken instead of parrot.

I’m sick of platforms that rely on divine intervention to work, lecturing tiny minorities that aren’t responsible for any of the events unfolding on the larger stage, and whose platforms have succeeded entirely to the exact degree implemented, wherever and whenever such is so, about how they’re consuming all the faith energy and the magic voodoo would work if only they would stop worrying about troublesome details like cause and effect.

There are things Amish are good at. There are things homeopaths are good at. You can use these systems to create results. I don’t see fascism succeed at anything, anywhere, and they dare whine about how underfunded they are, and how the liberals would instantly break and cave if only you had the chance to, do what? Do you seriously think, that with a third of the population, you can drive out the liberal elite? That they won’t simply be re-imported in a few decades or centuries? That removing them from your borders will solve anything at all? That once they’re gone, you’ll be able to take back control over the instruments used to drive them out originally? Give me a break. Once this race war gets rolling, your head is on the block too, because that’s what happens when you create hyper violent governments with massive gestapos and giant gulags and all the other trappings necessary to create an environment where government can oppress the majority of the population. In the end, the people who come out on top of this structure are not ideologues but power brokers, and they think and act, not for humanity, but merely for the state. And, the state hates agitators and malcontents, who are, inevitably, the people who gave birth to the state to begin with.

March 11, 2021 5:33 pm


March 11, 2021 5:43 pm

Then we 0nly have ourselves to blame. Willingly awaiting the cattle cars.

March 11, 2021 6:27 pm

As an individual, you can’t win against an organized collective.

Libertarianism is literally suicide.

March 12, 2021 10:42 am

You either believe in the principals of libertarinism, or you are a stinking liberal communist phuck.

March 11, 2021 6:38 pm

Libertarianism: Do what you say you will do, and don’t harm anyone except in self-defense.

Tragedy of the Commons: Occurs when individuals exploit a shared resource to the extent that demand overwhelms supply and the resource becomes unavailable to some or all.

Covenants: Agreed upon activities will or will not be carried out.

Keep it simple, stupid.

March 11, 2021 7:33 pm

We are not in a race war – people are being LED into a race war by the psychopaths in charge. You are just falling for it. It’s the same way they get people to hate Iran, Russia, etc. It’s the lowest IQ people who will buy in first – which is a LOT of Americans – and then these useful idiots will take us to a point where it becomes inevitable.
We might need to separate within the US to different regions along ideological lines, but that has nothing to do with race in and of itself. If you set up a state/region of people who wanted to be left alone by DC and had the guts to force them out, it would be populated by productive responsible people of every race getting alone fine. Grouping people by race is lazy and for the simple-minded.

March 13, 2021 6:26 pm

It’s the lowest IQ people who will buy in first

This is exactly the opposite of what we actually see. The smartest people noticed the issue first, and it’s spreading downward – then there are the people still denying reality . . .

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
March 11, 2021 8:52 pm

The “libertarian” Senate candidates assured a runoff in both GA Senate races. They’re closet demo operatives, IMO.

They sure ain’t related to Harry Browne. And I have serious doiubts about Carl Rove, who gave advice to both Reps that they followed.

Oh, F*** Lin Wood. He’s bought (or represented buyers) of around $20MM of “plantations” in Beaufort & Colleton Counties (SC) recently. Forget Charleston, Nashville & Charlotte. The hottest big $$$ market is these two counties. Rural, quite isolated & breathtakingly beautiful.

  lamont cranston
March 13, 2021 8:02 pm

You are an idiot and an asshole….

March 11, 2021 10:03 pm

Libertarianism isn’t an accident. Follow the money.
I would also note that libertarianism is a uniquely American idiocy.

March 11, 2021 10:57 pm

Look at (((who))) the heralds of libertarianism are. Nobody with an IQ above room temperature should need a greater explanation.

It’s nothing but a trap.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
March 11, 2021 11:12 pm

If humans can’t handle freedom, what makes you think they can handle coercion, and which humans do you trust to exercise said coercion on you?

March 12, 2021 2:02 am

You cannot even make a logical argument, and want to question the IQ of others?
You are just another liberal willing to sacrifice your liberty to the ruling class.

March 12, 2021 2:02 am

You appear to be an expert in idiocy….

March 11, 2021 11:50 pm

Camp of the Saints.

March 12, 2021 2:06 am

I am not sure why, but any discussion on libertarianism seems to bring out the lowest IQ people who know nothing about it…..

March 12, 2021 6:24 pm

You’re talking about yourself, you know that right?

March 13, 2021 8:03 pm

Anonymous? Both an idiot and a coward…..

March 13, 2021 10:19 pm

We’d already tagged you as both.

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 12, 2021 9:15 am

I hung out with Libertarians for several years after the Republicans rejected Reagan and championed the NWO; they make great friends but are more like for an ideal “commune” world: to liberal, not practical enough for the dog eat dog real world; and social liberalism carries the seeds of it’s own destruction, like Ancient Rome per se. I don’t have the answer so I’m a Protestant Patriot with a dash of General Patton with a great respect for humble and kind folks.

March 12, 2021 12:16 pm

“Simply a concerned freedom loving American.”

Fuck off.

Old School Counselor
Old School Counselor
March 13, 2021 8:25 am

Brilliant. I had just written a comment on the other referenced post before I read this piece. The paradigm will shift when whiteness strikes back AS whiteness. This is a comment I made on another site to justify a white defense professional organization.

Whites are demonstrably a victim group that needs to stand up for itself proudly. Educated whites must lead the way. When a group is targeted it needs to defend itself.
Whites need to break down the barrier that says they cannot organize as an interest group. The only way to do that is to do it. The anti-whites have been quite successful in tying our hands behind our backs.
Whites need to stop hiding behind “enlightened” blacks or gays, former feminists, etc., saying “See, even that black guy agrees with us”. We need to fight our own battle.
This is a battle against colonization by anti-social forces. It is not a battle for freedom of expression.
The group is open to allies just as the identitarian woke groups are.
The wokesters are correct. This is an identitarian struggle for culture.
I would rather it be a group specifically for white people but I do not believe we can get away with that legally. I have taught many classes with all white/hetero and mixed race/homo students. The white heteros are more honest when they do not have to posture or be nice. My contention is that much bad policy has been enacted because white people were trying to not offend anybody,
This initiative is embedded in the larger battle for truth to save western civilization.