The Art of Survival, Taoism and the Warring States

Posting this great article per recommendation of our illustrious member “TWO IF BY SEA”



[This essay from June 2008 continues to receive reader comments, so I’m republishing it here in 2021 as an offering to new readers.]

I’m not trying to be difficult, but I can’t help cutting against the grain on topics like surviving the coming bad times when my experience runs counter to the standard received wisdom.

A common thread within most discussions of surviving bad times–especially really bad times–runs more or less like this: stockpile a bunch of canned/dried food and other valuable accoutrements of civilized life (generators, tools, canned goods, firearms, etc.) in a remote area far from urban centers, and then wait out the bad times, all the while protecting your stash with an array of weaponry and technology (night vision binocs, etc.)

Now while I respect and admire the goal, I must respectfully disagree with just about every assumption behind this strategy.

Once again, this isn’t because I enjoy being ornery (please don’t check on that with my wife) but because everything in this strategy runs counter to my own experience in rural, remote settings.

You see, when I was a young teen my family lived in the mountains. To the urban sophisticates who came up as tourists, we were “hicks” (or worse), and to us they were “flatlanders” (derisive snort).

Now the first thing you have to realize is that we know the flatlanders, but they don’t know us. They come up to their cabin, and since we live here year round, we soon recognize their vehicles and know about how often they come up, what they look like, if they own a boat, how many in their family, and just about everything else which can be learned by simple observation.

The second thing you have to consider is that after school and chores (remember there are lots of kids who are too young to have a legal job, and many older teens with no jobs, which are scarce), boys and girls have a lot of time on their hands. We’re not taking piano lessons and all that urban busywork. And while there are plenty of pudgy kids spending all afternoon or summer in front of the TV or videogame console, not every kid is like that.

So we’re out riding around. On a scooter or motorcycle if we have one, (and if there’s gasoline, of course), but if not then on bicycles, or we’re hoofing it. Since we have time, and we’re wandering all over this valley or mountain or plain, one way or another, then somebody will spot that trail of dust rising behind your pickup when you go to your remote hideaway. Or we’ll run across the new road or driveway you cut, and wander up to see what’s going on. Not when you’re around, of course, but after you’ve gone back down to wherever you live. There’s plenty of time; since you picked a remote spot, nobody’s around.

Your hideaway isn’t remote to us; this is our valley, mountain, desert, etc., all 20 miles of it, or what have you. We’ve hiked around all the peaks, because there’s no reason not to and we have a lot of energy. Fences and gates are no big deal, (if you triple-padlock your gate, then we’ll just climb over it) and any dirt road, no matter how rough, is just an open invitation to see what’s up there. Remember, if you can drive to your hideaway, so can we. Even a small pickup truck can easily drive right through most gates (don’t ask how, but I can assure you this is true). If nobody’s around, we have all the time in the world to lift up or snip your barbed wire and sneak into your haven. Its remoteness makes it easy for us to poke around and explore without fear of being seen.

What flatlanders think of as remote, we think of as home. If you packed in everything on your back, and there was no road, then you’d have a very small hideaway–more a tent than a cabin. You’d think it was safely hidden, but we’d eventually find it anyway, because we wander all over this area, maybe hunting rabbits, or climbing rocks, or doing a little fishing if there are any creeks or lakes in the area. Or we’d spot the wisp of smoke rising from your fire one crisp morning, or hear your generator, and wonder who’s up there. We don’t need much of a reason to walk miles over rough country, or ride miles on our bikes.

When we were 13, my buddy J.E. and I tied sleeping bags and a few provisions on our bikes–mine was a crappy old 3-speed, his a Schwinn 10-speed–and rode off into the next valley over bone-jarring dirt roads. We didn’t have fancy bikes with shocks, and we certainly didn’t have camp chairs, radios, big ice chests and all the other stuff people think is necessary to go camping; we had some matches, cans of beans and apple sauce and some smashed bread. (It didn’t start out smashed, but the roads were rough. Note: if you ever suffer from constipation, I recommend beans and apple sauce.)

We camped where others had camped before us, not in a campground but just off the road in a pretty little meadow with a ring of fire-blackened rocks and a flat spot among the pine needles. We didn’t have a tent, or air mattress, or any of those luxuries; but we had the smashed bread and the beans, and we made a little fire and ate and then went to sleep under the stars glittering in the dark sky.

There were a few bears in the area, but we weren’t afraid; we didn’t need a gun to feel safe. We weren’t dumb enough to sleep with our food; if some bear wandered by and wanted the smashed bread, he could take it without bothering us. The only animal which could bother us was the human kind, and since few people walk 10 or more miles over rough ground in the heat and dust, then we’d hear their truck or motorbike approaching long before they ever spotted us.

We explored old mines and anything else we spotted, and then we rode home, a long loop over rutted, dusty roads. In summer, we took countless hikes over the mountainous wilderness behind his family cabin.

All of which is to say that the locals will know where your hideaway is because they have lots of time to poke around. Any road, no matter how rough, might as well be lit with neon lights which read, “Come on up and check this out!” If a teen doesn’t spot your road, then somebody will: a county or utility employee out doing his/her job, a hunter, somebody. As I said, the only slim chance you have of being undetected is if you hump every item in your stash on your pack through trailess, roadless wilderness. But if you ever start a fire, or make much noise, then you’re sending a beacon somebody will eventually notice.

The Taoists developed their philosophy during an extended era of turmoil known as the Warring States period of Chinese history. One of their main principles runs something like this: if you’re tall and stout and strong, then you’ll call attention to yourself. And because you’re rigid–that is, what looks like strength at first glance–then when the wind rises, it snaps you right in half.

If you’re thin and ordinary and flexible, like a willow reed, then you’ll bend in the wind, and nobody will notice you. You’ll survive while the “strong” will be broken, either by unwanted attention or by being brittle.
Another thing to ponder is that the human animal is a much better predator than it is an elusive prey. Goats and wild turkeys and other animals have very keen senses of smell and hearing, and it’s tough to get close without them smelling you or hearing you. They’re well camoulflaged, and since human sight is selected to detect movement and color, if they stay quite still we have a hard time spotting them.

In comparison, the human is a clumsy prey. It can’t smell or hear very well, and it’s large and not well camouflaged. Plus it’s usually distracted and unaware of its surroundings. It doesn’t take much to kill a human, either; a single-shot rifle and a single round of .22-long is plenty enough.

If the chips are down, and push comes to shove, then what we’re discussing is a sort of war, isn’t it? And if we’re talking about war, then we should think about the principles laid down in The Art Of War by Sun Tzu quite some time ago.

The flatlander protecting his valuable depot is on the defensive, and anyone seeking to take it away (by negotiation, threat or force) is on the offensive. The defense can select the site for proximity to water, clear fields of fire, or what have you, but one or two defenders have numerous disadvantages. Perhaps most importantly, they need to sleep. Secondly, just about anyone who’s plinked cans with a rifle and who’s done a little hunting can sneak up and put away an unwary human. Unless you remain in an underground bunker 24/7, at some point you’ll be vulnerable. And that’s really not much of a life–especially when your food supplies finally run out, which they eventually will. Or you run out of water, or your sewage system overflows, or some other situation requires you to emerge.

So let’s line it all up.

Isn’t a flatlander who piles up a high-value stash in a remote area with no neighbors within earshort or line of sight kind of like a big, tall brittle tree? All those chains and locks and barbed-wire fencing and bolted doors just shout out that the flatlander has something valuable inside that cabin/bunker/RV etc.

Now if he doesn’t know any better, then the flatlander reckons his stash is safe. But what he’s not realizing if that we know about his stash and his vehicle and whatever else can be observed. If some locals want that stash, then they’ll wait for the flatlander to leave and then they’ll tow the RV off or break into the cabin, or if it’s small enough, disassemble it and haul it clean off. There’s plenty of time, and nobody’s around. That’s pretty much the ideal setting for leisurely thieving: a high-value stash of goodies in a remote area accessible by road is just about perfect.

Let’s say things have gotten bad, and the flatlander is burrowed into his cabin. Eventually some locals will come up to visit; in a truck if there’s gas, on foot if there isn’t. We won’t be armed; we’re not interested in taking the flatlander’s life or goodies. We just want to know what kind of person he is. So maybe we’ll ask to borrow his generator for a town dance, or tell him about the church food drive, or maybe ask if he’s seen so-and-so around.

Now what’s the flatlander going to do when several unarmed men approach? Gun them down? Once he’s faced with regular unarmed guys, he can’t very well conclude they’re a threat and warn them off. But if he does, then we’ll know he’s just another selfish flatlander. He won’t get any help later when he needs it; or it will be minimal and grudging. He just counted himself out.

Suppose some bad guys hear about the flatlander’s hideway and stash. All it takes to stalk any prey is patience and observation; and no matter how heavily armed the flatlander is, he’ll become vulnerable at some point to a long-range shot. (Even body armor can’t stop a headshot or a hit to the femoral artery in the thigh.) Maybe he stays indoors for 6 days, or even 60. But at some point the windmill breaks or the dog needs walking or what have you, and he emerges–and then he’s vulnerable. The more visible and stringent the security, the more he’s advertising the high value of his depot.
And of course guarding a high-value stash alone is problematic for the simple reason that humans need to sleep.

So creating a high-value horde in a remote setting is looking like just about the worst possible strategy in the sense that the flatlander has provided a huge incentive to theft/robbery and also provided a setting advantageous to the thief or hunter.

If someone were to ask this “hick” for a less risky survival strategy, I would suggest moving into town and start showing a little generosity rather than a lot of hoarding. If not in town, then on the edge of town, where you can be seen and heard.

I’d suggest ….

….. attending church, if you’ve a mind to, even if your faith isn’t as strong as others. Or join the Lions Club, Kiwanis or Rotary International, if you can get an invitation. I’d volunteer to help with the pancake breakfast fundraiser, and buy a couple tickets to other fundraisers in town. I’d mow the old lady’s lawn next door for free, and pony up a dollar if the elderly gentleman in line ahead of me at the grocery store finds himself a dollar light on his purchase.

If I had a parcel outside town that was suitable for an orchard or other crop, I’d plant it, and spend plenty of time in the local hardware store and farm supply, asking questions and spreading a little money around the local merchants.

I’d invite my neighbors into my little plain house so they could see I don’t own diddly-squat except some second-hand furniture and a crappy old TV. And I’d leave my door open so anyone could see for themselves I’ve got very little worth taking.

I’d have my tools, of course; but they’re scattered around and old and battered by use; they’re not shiny and new and expensive-looking, and they’re not stored all nice and clean in a box some thief could lift. They’re hung on old nails, or in the closet, and in the shed; a thief would have to spend a lot of time searching the entire place, and with my neighbors looking out for me, the thief is short of the most important advantage he has, which is time.

If somebody’s desperate enough or dumb enough to steal my old handsaw, I’ll buy another old one at a local swap meet. (Since I own three anyway, it’s unlikely anyone would steal all three because they’re not kept together.)

My valuable things, like the water filter, are kept hidden amidst all the low-value junk I keep around to send the message there’s nothing worth looking at. The safest things to own are those which are visibly low-value, surrounded by lots of other mostly worthless stuff.

I’d claim a spot in the community garden, or hire a neighbor to till up my back yard, and I’d plant chard and beans and whatever else my neighbors suggested grew well locally. I’d give away most of what I grew, or barter it, or maybe sell some at the farmer’s market. It wouldn’t matter how little I had to sell, or how much I sold; what mattered was meeting other like-minded souls and swapping tips and edibles.

If I didn’t have a practical skill, I’d devote myself to learning one. If anyone asked me, I’d suggest saw sharpening and beer-making. You’re legally entitled to make quite a bit of beer for yourself, and a decent homebrew is always welcome by those who drink beer. It’s tricky, and your first batches may blow up or go flat, but when you finally get a good batch you’ll be very popular and well-appreciated if you’re of the mind to share.

Saw-sharpening just takes patience and a simple jig; you don’t need to learn a lot, like a craftsman, but you’ll have a skill you can swap with craftsmen/women. As a carpenter, I need sharp saws, and while I can do it myself, I find it tedious and would rather rebuild your front porch handrail or a chicken coop in exchange for the saw-sharpening.

Pickles are always welcome in winter, or when rations get boring; the Germans and Japanese of old lived on black bread or brown rice and pickled vegetables, with an occasional piece of dried meat or fish. Learning how to pickle is a useful and easy-to-learn craft. There are many others. If you’re a techie, then volunteer to keep the network up at the local school; do it for free, and do a good job. Show you care.

Because the best protection isn’t owning 30 guns; it’s having 30 people who care about you. Since those 30 have other people who care about them, you actually have 300 people who are looking out for each other, including you.

The second best protection isn’t a big stash of stuff others want to steal; it’s sharing what you have and owning little of value. That’s being flexible, and common, the very opposite of creating a big fat highly visible, high-value target and trying to defend it yourself in a remote setting.

I know this runs counter to just about everything that’s being recommended by others, but if you’re a “hick” like me, then you know it rings true.

The flatlanders are scared because they’re alone and isolated; we’re not scared. We’ve endured bad times before, and we don’t need much to get by. We’re not saints, but we will reciprocate to those who extend their good spirit and generosity to the community in which they live and in which they produce something of value.


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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
March 16, 2021 7:18 am

“Another thing to ponder is that the human animal is a much better predator than it is an elusive prey.”

  Hardscrabble Farmer
March 16, 2021 10:03 pm

So, doesn’t that work to the government’s advantage? To the marauder’s advantage? To the controller’s advantage?

Just Thinking
Just Thinking
March 16, 2021 7:30 am

Great, thought provoking article.

I was talking with a friend about this last week after reading the “they won’t come for your guns, they will just de-tech you” article.

His family has the cabin on the high ground. Grab the “go bags” and motor.

I told him I would hunker down at home as long as possible. Outside town, like minded neighbor, goods, etc. Then plan B.

Now if I just wasn’t so ocd about my tools…

March 16, 2021 7:32 am

Great article!

March 16, 2021 7:56 am

A while back someone posted an article about surviving in town during the turmoil in Yugoslavia. He wrote that the key was having a well fortified house and enough people to stand watch 24/7, with weapons. I think he said there were eight friends and relatives in his place. Having like minded neighbors was a bonus.

Freddy Uranus
Freddy Uranus
March 17, 2021 7:44 am


Doctor de Vaca
Doctor de Vaca
March 16, 2021 8:01 am

Yep…sounds like where I was a week ago. Walden, CO.

Georges S
Georges S
  Doctor de Vaca
March 16, 2021 8:31 am

Several years back (97 or 8) cruising through with some Frenchies who wanted to visit, I stopped at a garage sale some guy was having and found a signed copy of “For Whom the Bell Toll” by Hemingway. Hemingway seldom signed books so it was a rare find.

March 16, 2021 8:03 am

well now, nobody seriously thought that just planting a cabin out in the boonies and then having nothing to do with the area was ever a good idea.. but if you actually move there, get to know those kids (and handle delicately the tension when their antics piss you off, til you get to know their parents) , get to know the people, become a useful part of society there , and not just some asshole from elsewhere with money and a big list of demands.. well then maybe youll end up working your way into the community instead of being an outsider, and if someone else shows up elsewhere on the mountain youll be right up there with the rest trying to figure out what hes up to and what he’s all about… to keep undesired elements out of your community.

thats something that even in a good case takes years to accomplish and a humble, respectful principled character of integrity. all others need not apply.

Georges S
Georges S
March 16, 2021 8:36 am

Since the borders of EU are now closed (unless you get the wax) and therefore killing my plans to move to Poland or Czechia I was thinking of moving to the South in an area pretty much abandoned since the Albigensian Crusades. There are even plenty of old abandoned “Mas” Provencal term meaning farm that one can purchase for less than 1 000 euros. The difficult part would be to become friendly with locals but brewing beer was and is still a good way to make friends.

March 16, 2021 9:07 am

No man is an island.
Establishing a small community is mandatory. Excell at 1, 2 or 3 tasks and you’ll fit in.

March 16, 2021 9:40 am

This might be a good place to post this. I highly suggest you read it.
By passing it around (even though not reported on by mainstream) I’m doing their job of ‘scaring’ people into lying low, not joining up, etc. Job accomplished either way, right?

March 16, 2021 10:50 am

Shades of Bill Barr batman…

March 16, 2021 11:14 am

Glad I don’t have an ex in North Carolina.

Freddy Uranus
Freddy Uranus
March 17, 2021 7:47 am

All my exes live in Texas (and are freezing their asses off. )

March 16, 2021 9:40 am

Some good info in the article for sure but I get the feeling it was written with a memory of days gone by. As a kid growing up in Alberta/Sask we had the same, miles of territory to explore and people few and far between. Telephone was party line and neighbours within a 20 mile radius all helped each other out.

Moved to BC when I was 10 and the same thing applied but now we had mountains. Small town with a lot of unfriendly neighbours. Took years before being ‘accepted’ within the community but when locals know you aren’t just breezing thru and are a community minded person you get pulled in.

Today is much different, imo. That rural area still operates much the same. A stranger or group of strangers drives thru the area and cell phones buzz. Like the article states they wouldn’t be going anywhere someone wouldn’t notice. Any shenanigan’s and the locals would be there in a heartbeat to see whats going on. Invaders would be expelled real quick.

So in a SHTF moment its not about hunkering down, alone. We all know a person is not an island to themselves, we just prepare as if this may be the eventuality. I think the emphasis was small town, not city. Even in a small town you have to pay your dues before you are trusted. Good article, a starting place of thought for those looking to get out of a city.

March 16, 2021 10:02 am

Raised that way, living it now. By choice, because I certainly could’ve had a far different life and lifestyle, pretty much anywhere I wanted.
To my mind, if you are planning on ducking out and tucking down, then that shows what you were wherever you came from – uninvolved in community or neighborhood. That kind will never succeed, wherever they may go.
I’ve mentioned before, only in different words – if you’re running from something instead of toward something then the fear-monkey is on your back, and you’re a slave to it.

March 16, 2021 10:50 am

Embrace community and all it provides. Learn the local ways, you are the outsider.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
March 16, 2021 10:09 am

I grew carrots and beets last summer. Just a small crop. I made spicy pickled carrots (with jalapenos) and pickled beets. I hope to get more carrots and beets this summer. It was not the first time I ever canned anything but it had been many, many years and it was my first try at pickling.

  Mary Christine
March 16, 2021 10:41 am

I’ve expanded my own garden, and decided I needed to start canning this year. My sister has been doing it for many years. My mom did, but she handed her jars over to me this spring. I’m exploring an area behind the barn for planting a few fruit trees. I also went into the chicken business for the first time in 50 yrs. I now have 20 chicks. I’ll end up with 4 or 6 layers and raise the rest for meat. Lots of neighbors and town friends are starting to do what they can; we’ll have a big share-fest of whatever goodies we all come up with.
It’s a good thing, a good life with good people.

March 16, 2021 10:53 am

This is not just survive mentality… its thrive mentality. And a good life…

  Mary Christine
March 16, 2021 5:04 pm

Try okra.

March 16, 2021 11:53 am

This article called to mind the Ann Barnhardt maxim: We are the gold.

March 16, 2021 12:26 pm

“The way to protect yourself from the predations of desperate people is to surround yourself with more desperate people!”

Listen, I get that fixed fortifications are monuments to man’s stupidity, but so is relying upon the sheep to protect you from the wolves. The lesson here, if any, is that your only option is to become the apex predator. That means focusing on mobility and lethality. I’ll remind you it was the barbarians who survived the fall of Rome.

Georges S
Georges S
March 16, 2021 12:32 pm

And when the barbarians become sedentary they died also (Merovingian dynasty, Ostrogoth and Visigoth dynasties.. gone).
BTW the word “barbarian” come from the Greek bárbaros which means people who do not speak Greek and didn’t have the nasty connotation we give it today.

  Georges S
March 16, 2021 12:52 pm

The dynasties fell but the people survived. Not so much with the Romans. And no, Italian is not the same thing as Roman. See: the Social Wars.

March 16, 2021 1:20 pm

Finally, finally, FINALLY!! someone wrote an accurate survival guide for tough times. Excellent!

Zulu Foxtrot Golf
Zulu Foxtrot Golf
March 16, 2021 1:53 pm

Or the honey hole cabin is a trap. Hope they case the target well for there are many a trap house strategies out there.

March 16, 2021 3:12 pm

I’m from a place five miles from a crossroad ten miles from a small town in Alabama.
I agree with just about all that’s said above.
I live in the city now and think every day about how difficult it would be to defend my little hovel.
Surrounded by hundreds of neighbors I wouldn’t trust to walk the dog.

March 16, 2021 11:17 pm

I am a Flatlander. There, I said it. I’m not ashamed but I am trying to fit in. I know my neighbors. Helped out on the ranch of one of my closest neighbors when he got hurt. I give eggs from my chickens to the older lady at the end of the road. Joined the local volunteer fire department as auxiliary help. I know all my close neighbors that have property up here as their “get away place”. I eat at the closest cafe so that I know the locals and keep up with what’s happening. I hire local guys when I need help and they’re always friendly and happy to help.

Still, I am a Flatlander. I am not a local. I wasn’t born here. My family is not from here. I hope that when the world goes sideways that the locals remember that I’ve worked to fit in and can be a help when times are tough. I still feel safer here than I did in the big city I moved here from. I know I made the right decision. I just hope I have enough time for the “Flatlander” in me to wear off some before the world becomes “Us versus Them”.

I just want to be one of “Us”.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
March 18, 2021 2:53 am

That was a great article. Thanks for suggesting it, Two if by Sea.