A welcome diversion from Covid – Financial collapse in sight [Letter from Great Britain – 05-01-21]

“The Financial Jigsaw” has been serialised here and is replaced by this weekly “Letter from Great Britain.”  NOTEIf anyone would like an electronic copy of the complete book, I should be pleased to email a free PDF on request to: [email protected].

It’s uncanny that Admin often second-guesses the subject of my current Letter.  His brilliant article last Sunday was stunningly prescient and I reproduce it here for those that missed it; it is a must-read: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2021/04/25/signs-signs-everywhere-signs/ I started writing my book in April 2013 following the mega-bank robbery in Cyprus which infuriated me to the point that I wanted everyone to know just how our crazy is our global financial system  and how it might eventually collapse into economic chaos described in my Chapter 13.

So – this week, I continued to monitor our dysfunctional financial markets, compliments of Sven Henrich on the death of Bernie Madoff.  “Fraudsters and shysters like Bernie Madoff live off prices going up as they successfully sell narratives people want to believe in. Why? Because it works, people want to get rich, and they want to get rich easy. And that’s what the Fed has accomplished; it makes people believe they can get rich easy.

And people want to believe. They want to believe in the impossible and unlikely, for it would benefit them. It all comes down to this: We want something for free. Nothing is more appealing than the belief in easy money and easy riches. And we want to believe that underlying output is not needed.  All is needed is an expanding Fed balance sheet and it justifies any future valuation [money from nothing]

In my opinion, when the final chapter of this era is written the conclusion will be that the notion that all these interventions, distortions, valuation explosions and runaway debt obligations can somehow build a long term healthy economy that can sustain itself on its own will have turned out to be a fantasy”. https://northmantrader.com/2021/04/15/belief/

And ZeroHedge has a good article on the terminal collapse of the global financial system, for those who may be interested.  I began posting on TBP when Jim graciously allowed me to serialise my book which I completed over the next 24 months.  I then continued to report on events in Britain for the enlightenment, primarily, of my readers across the pond.  However I do continue to monitor the global financial system as it happily craters into a final abyss and ZH seems to agree:

“For the first time in its history, JPM had 100% more deposits than loans, or inversely, the ratio of loans to deposits dropped below 50% for the third quarter in a row after plunging in the aftermath of the Covid pandemic.  An even more stunning divergence between total deposits and loans, emerges at Bank of America where deposits similarly hit a new all-time high of $1.88 trillion, even as the bank’s loans have continued to shrink at an alarming, deleveraging (and deflationary) pace and are now at $911 billion, below their level during the great financial crisis: in other words, there has been 12 years with zero loan growth at Bank of America!

            There are two major implications one should draw from the collapsing loan-to-deposit ratio. The first, more superficial one is that this ratio is a closely watched metric that measures how much lending banks are doing when compared to its capacity to lend.  The second, and far more profound implication, is arguably the most fundamental question in modern fractional reserve banking: what comes first, loans or deposits, in other words do private, commercial banks create the money in circulation (by first lending it out) or is the central bank responsible for money creation?”  Learn more about our failing banking system and how it works: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/stunning-divergence-latest-bank-data-reveals-something-terminally-broken  Warning: Use an Ad-blocker on ZH

The scandal that is enveloping our corrupt government continues to roll on as more revelations emerge – this is not going away anytime soon – and is likely to descend further into the swamp that is Whitehall.  “A second Cabinet Office adviser was hired by Greensill Capital while working for the civil service, raising further questions over revolving doors between the government and the scandal-hit firm.  Former Morgan Stanley banker David Brierwood was brought into the heart of government during David Cameron’s administration in 2014, the same year Greensill’s founder Lex Greensill apparently took on a similar role. Two months later, Brierwood was recruited to join Greensill Capital’s board as a director.

Brierwood remained a Greensill director throughout the rest of his Whitehall appointment, which lasted more than three and a half years, according to his LinkedIn profile, which also showed that he resigned from the supply chain finance firm in February this year.

Last Tuesday it emerged that the government’s chief commercial officer, Bill Crothers, had joined Greensill while remaining a civil servant – in a move sanctioned by the Cabinet Office. The revelation prompted alarm within No 10 over the growing scandal.”

https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/apr/15/second-cabinet-office-adviser-hired-by-greensill  AND here is a list: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/apr/15/greensill-lobbying-scandal-the-full-list

            It’s worth following this as, in the best traditions of Britain; we witness how our sleazy politicians cover up the saga with various ‘inquiry committees’ which never see the light of day aided admirably by our captured MSM.

 MORE – ‘Sleaze, sleaze, sleaze’ – Boris Johnson is regularly texted by business leaders and politicians, sources have admitted, though a loophole means only meetings and not text messages need to be disclosed. The PM was revealed to have texted the pro-Brexit billionaire Sir James Dyson promising his staff would not have to pay extra tax if they came to the UK to make ventilators: “I will fix it tomo! We need you”.

It looks fantastic,” Johnson wrote.  At PMQs he said he would publish his texts and made “absolutely no apology” for the exchanges, which were revealed by the BBC.  The Labour leader, Keir Starmer, said the Dyson exchanges amounted to “sleaze, sleaze, sleaze” and raised serious concerns about preferential treatment for those with the PM’s personal number.  A worried Tory source said: “He is constantly lobbied by phone.”  Separately, the just-resigned veterans’ minister Johnny Mercer has launched an extraordinary attack on Johnson’s government, describing it as a “cesspit” and “the most distrustful, awful environment I’ve ever worked in”.

Carrying on the theme of our corrupt state in Britain last week, this is tantamount to infanticide.  “Here’s some of the things the authorities demand you avoid when pregnant – smoked fish, soft cheese, wet paint, coffee, herbal tea, vitamin supplements, processed junk foods… the list is endless. But the UK authorities have announced that it is now perfectly acceptable for every single pregnant woman in the United Kingdom to have one of the experimental Covid-19 “vaccines”. This is an absolute outrage.”

This is the first line from a statement issued by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) on the UK Government website –  “There have been no specific safety concerns identified with any brand of coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines in relation to pregnancy.” They’re lying.

Within one of the very first reports we were given a shock when we discovered there had been reports made to the MHRA of women losing their baby after being given one of the Covid-19 vaccines. Why were we so shocked? Because this was the UK Governments advice:


BUT, not only are the government lying, they are using psychological warfare tactics to frighten the Brits into having experimental gene therapy without their informed consent which clearly violates the Nuremberg Code and medical ethics.  Boris has declared war on his own people and this official government document proves it: The document was produced by a UK council’s ‘Behaviour Change Unit’ and was published on ‘The Behavioural Science and Public Health Network’. It is titled – ‘COVID-19 Vaccination: Reducing vaccine hesitancy – Review & Recommendations’. https://dailyexpose.co.uk/2021/04/19/uk-gov-document-reveals-disgusting-tactics-used-to-coerce-brits-into-having-experimental-covid-vaccine/

I just had to re-post this tremendous article from Brandon Smith on TBP last week.  I love his final remarks:  “The bottom line is this: America is the primary target of the globalists because we are one of the only countries with the means and the numbers to stop them and the Reset. Until they are removed from the equation they will continue to throw crisis after crisis at us in order to wear us down and force us to accept totalitarianism. Do not get too comfortable in the fact that the pandemic agenda is failing here; stay alert and continue to organize your communities.” https://www.theburningplatform.com/2021/04/17/globalists-will-need-another-crisis-in-america-as-their-reset-agenda-fails/

The extreme problems we are all facing are mostly down to corrupted science which has now descended into the depths of ‘scientism‘ (pseudo-science). So now we have another concept emerging from this evil abyss:  “The mouthpieces of the scientific establishment have identified the latest global security threat: anti-science. So what does that mean, exactly?  Whatever they want it to mean, of course!  This week on The Corbett Report podcast, James explores the game of ‘Science Says’ that the self-appointed experts are playing with the public and outlines how that game is about to get a whole lot darker.” https://off-guardian.org/2021/04/15/watch-science-says/

Bill Maher has been a voice for sanity from the beginning of the lockdowns, raising plenty of questions along the way. His latest material is gold, however. He rightly decries the politicization of medicine and the manner in which the media has been a handmaiden of panic throughout. Let us hope that his monologue, transcript below, is a foreshadowing of what will soon emerge as the conventional wisdom.”

He says: I know it’s irresponsible of me to say them [the facts]. Look, here’s what I’m saying, I don’t want politics mixed in with my medical decisions. And now that everything is politics… That’s all we do. If their side says COVID is nothing, our side has to say it’s everything. Trump said it would go away like a miracle. And we said it was World War Z. Trump said we should ingest household disinfectants and we laughed as we should of course. And then it turned out 19% of America was literally drenching their fruit in Clorox. And now of course, we find out that all that paranoia about surfaces was bullshit anyway even though we spent hours and hours wiping our knobs with Lysol. And if you’ve ever wiped your knob with Lysol, I think you know.” https://www.aier.org/article/bill-mahers-insightful-and-funny-covid-monologue/


An excellent article by ‘Mish’ demonstrates the fragility of the whole EU system. “Let’s explore another question “What if the UK had moved to the Euro?”  Undoubtedly the UK, like Germany, would have been a huge creditor country.  It would have then been stuck, like Germany is now, with bailing out the EU debtor states.  There would have been eventual pressure on the UK to pony up for bailouts even if the UK stayed in the EU but remained on the British pound.”  This is yet another excellent reason the UK was wise to Brexit and offers me some relief as an advocate: https://mishtalk.com/economics/who-benefitted-from-the-euro-and-who-pays-the-piper-now


Tens of thousands of people have died with underlying conditions within 28 days of a positive test for SARS-CoV-2, yet their death has been labelled as “Definitely Covid” and has been added to the Covid death statistics (Don’t believe us? See our in depth analysis of ONS and NHS data here). But of course we’re only allowed to use this method of counting deaths when it comes to Covid. Because when it comes to the vaccine we are being told that they probably died from their “Underlying Conditions” and should take any reports of death with a “pinch of salt”.

The problem with this being the method for calculating the former has resulted in the British people living under dictatorial tyranny for almost a year.  These are just the immediate side effects of the Covid vaccines, and only the ones that have been reported. We dread to think what adverse effects we might see in the long term.  Will you be having the “jab”?  I don’t think I will:  https://dailyexpose.co.uk/2021/04/23/are-the-covid-vaccines-safe-the-uk-gov-s-12th-report-on-adverse-reactions-to-the-covid-vaccines-says-no/

AND – Here is the American VAERS: Of the 3,186 deaths reported as of April 16, 26% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 17% occurred within 24 hours and 41% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

In the U.S., 202.3 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of April 16. This includes 89 million doses of Moderna’s vaccine, 105 million doses of Pfizer and 8 million doses of the Johnson &Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine. Here the full report includes details which should shock you. :https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/cdc-investiging-johnson-johnson-vaers-data

To be continued next week.

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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu - a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

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May 1, 2021 8:22 am

A Prayer for Humanity

LORD, I saw you
In love’s first smile,
And in the stars
That winked at me
From above,
Bathing me
In the healing tears of
Your forever light,
And I began to wonder
About this life
Where our draught of love
Turns bittersweet,
Let me offer this day
A prayer for humanity
And for our dear
Mother, whose
Fecund womb
Bore the burden
Of all creation,
Who Intoxicates me
With her glorious spark
Of mystical wonder,
Who nourishes us
With the fragrance of
Sweet blossoms
In the wind,
Who shares with us
Her chrysalis dreams
Inspiring my soul
With butterfly wings
And dewy rose petals,
For as the darkness
Is dispelled by the sun
I know at long last
That you are both one,
And in your dreams
I have discovered
The passion
Of My being
Kissing the
Poetry of the moment,
Let us share
Your infinite creative love
With others,
For we are your joyful
Of this carbon phantasm
Tomb of our passions,
Tho we may be
Crucified on the cross
Where time meets space
We can see your love
Reflected in each
Other’s face,
Let us learn
To bring peace
To broken hearts,
To heal
Our mortal incision,
Sealing it
With the blood
Of Eternal love
Suffering in time,
To cleanse our vision,
To follow freedom’s road
To feel the joy of the journey
In each sweet breath
To see a life
Beyond our torment
To feel
With our heart’s delight
Eternity in a moment
As the world turns dark
Let the human race
Join souls
To advance
The cause of mankind
To lift us above
This whirlpool of fleshy brine,
Where we aspire to
A much greater destiny,
For beyond
This beautiful horizon
Etched with Ridges Blue
Lie the seven veils
Of nothingness
That separate me and you,
So let us sing our songs of love
And together
Our hearts mend
And as there is nothing new
under the sun,
Tho touched by
Your terrible beauty,
At long last, we realize
That we are one!

May 1, 2021 8:45 am

This makes me long for spam comments about making $375 per hour working from home. What does this poem contribute to Austrian Peter’s article?

May 1, 2021 9:23 am

Considering where we are headed I think it means a lot and is a contribution….you are not a particularly deep person…and that is OK. Back to your spam in a can! Enjoy.

May 1, 2021 9:30 am

You’re new here and have a very thin skin. Keep commenting, we’ll toughen you up.

May 1, 2021 9:42 am

Oh, I am by no means new….I have been commenting here for longer than you have probably been alive….and my skin is actually pretty damn thick my subwo friend as you will no doubt find out.

May 1, 2021 11:20 am

Let me also note that a little poetry can be a welcome diversion too from all this madness and fear.

“A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.”
― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

  Austrian Peter
May 1, 2021 3:21 pm

I am principled.
You are obstinate.
He is a pig-headed fool.

An irregular conjugation, fer sure.

May 1, 2021 3:18 pm

Like editors everywhere, I find unsolicited poetry contributions problematic, and seldom read them. Still, they’re far better than the ‘I made $6,975 last week’ variety.

We read to know we’re not alone.

May 1, 2021 3:30 pm

Hmmmm problematic in this day and age? Really? Well perhaps they are just problamatic for you. But I have rarely heard that anywhere that I have posted my poetry. You realize that poetry can be an inspiration in dark times. Yet if does not inspire you that is ok….it need not inspire every person who reads or doesn’t read it. My recommendation to you is if you see a poem up ahead posted somewhere and you are not in the mood then don’t read it.

Jim in Va.
Jim in Va.
May 1, 2021 8:39 am

Time to pay the piper…

May 1, 2021 9:48 am

I’m not sick of flu news. Here’s an extreme example od redefining words.

Quote: This is extraordinary news which raises a number of questions, whichever way you look at it. A Public Health Authorization has surfaced online, naming the COVID-19 vaccine a poison, as well as referring to it as gene technology using GMOS, among other revelations.

Quiet Mike
Quiet Mike
  Austrian Peter
May 1, 2021 2:48 pm

Took some money I can afford to lose (which isn’t much) and bought into FNGD on Monday. It’s a 3x leveraged bet against Big Tech ie: Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google. I figure the market is getting close to rolling over so I’m just going to let it ride. If I’m wrong well, it won’t be the first time.

  Quiet Mike
May 1, 2021 3:25 pm

With an inverse 3x leveraged bet, you may make big bucks. Or you may indeed meet your end face down in the mud, your back covered with tire marks….

Good luck!

Rusty Pipes
Rusty Pipes
  Austrian Peter
May 1, 2021 5:44 pm

Why don’t you useless parasite “investors” start a company, hire some people and do something useful. You worthless cocksucker speculators and gamblers have brought us to this point. Fuck you, drop dead.

  Austrian Peter
May 1, 2021 7:26 pm

“Oh dear, live and let live eh?”

That there, folks, is Austrian Peter’s idea of a retaliatory SMACKDOWN!

Too funny.


I think we should all give this a go.

Instead, of “fuck off, asshole!”, we should just say, “Oh, dear me!”

Would bring a whole ‘nother level of class to this fucken joint.

May 1, 2021 7:52 pm

I say Stucky….RATHAH! Cheery bye mate. 🙂

That will never work here Stucky old chum.

Quiet Mike
Quiet Mike
  Rusty Pipes
May 1, 2021 6:21 pm

No need to sugarcoat it. Say what you need to say.

  Quiet Mike
May 1, 2021 6:48 pm

My son talked me into NRGU as oil was sure to go up. I bailed when it did an inverse 20:1 split. I should have stayed as the Texas freeze made everything profitable. We shall see how SPSX does as I stayed in after their inverse 20:1 split. The market has to fall say the touts. I do think it will fall but if it is the big reset and property grab who can say.

Quiet Mike
Quiet Mike
May 1, 2021 7:27 pm

Good luck with SPSX. I gave it a look myself. I have no illusions about these inverse funds. They’re basically there to hedge the institutions and financially rape the little guy. But if you can time a major downturn just right you can make some decent returns.

May 1, 2021 4:07 pm

So, no herbal tea or smoked fish for pregnant women, but the “Vaccine” is perfectly harmless to you, and your fetus. Ok. I suppose that enough fools will abide by that such as to expedite the population reduction desired, but as you mentioned, America must be destroyed and crushed, (especially the white people), for them to set up their global communist utopia.

Great work as always, Peter. Thanks.

Norman Franklin
Norman Franklin
May 1, 2021 4:50 pm

AP, I’m sure the demands of your Government on pregnant wahmin don’t apply to Muslems. When ever I think of Brittania and what a horrible place it is I feel sorry for you and Holy O. Good luck to you and yours, seems you might be in for a worse ride than those of us in North America.

  Austrian Peter
May 1, 2021 6:03 pm

Wow, Cape Town. Which is more dangerous; the cities or countryside?

Norman Franklin
Norman Franklin
  Austrian Peter
May 1, 2021 11:03 pm

You might just be better off in South Africa. I have a Granddaughter that is half Africkaner. It sounds like it used to be nice away from the feral zones.