Majority Of US Companies Will Require Workers To Provide Proof Of Vaccination

Via ZeroHedge

It looks like American colleges won’t be alone in making vaccination mandatory for any students who want to return to campus next semester. Despite the White House’s determination that vaccination shouldn’t be mandatory by law, more than 60% of American companies are reportedly leaning toward requiring proof of vaccination from their employees.

According to a new survey from the Rockefeller Foundation, 65% of businesses will offer some kind of incentive for employees to get vaccinated, while 63% said they will require proof of vaccination before workers can return to the office.

Another 35% said disciplinary actions are on the table, including the possibility of termination, for those who refuse vaccines.

The survey, released Thursday, represents the responses of 957 businesses across 24 industries. Most of the respondents were US businesses with 250 employees or more.

Even after employees have returned to the office, testing will remain a critical piece of the safety plan provided by most employers.

Looking ahead, roughly two-thirds of employers are planning to allow employees to work from home full-time through 2021, and 73% intend to offer flexible work arrangements when the pandemic is over. However, 73% of businesses want employees to work from the office at least 20 hours a week.

“This is not just a bubble that goes back to ‘normal’, there will be some positive flexibility after the pandemic ends and we go back to in-person work,” said Mara G. Aspinall, a professor at Arizona State University’s College of Health Solutions and one of the authors of the survey.

As far as employee concerns go, most workers said they’re mostly worried about their personal health, risk of infection and safety of the workplace. And when it comes to returning to the office, 38% of employees want to return eventually but not immediately and about one quarter said they are reluctant to return at all.

“The pandemic has changed the traditional office environment in many ways, possibly forever, yet a majority of employers are indicating they see real value in employees continuing to interact face-to-face,” Nathaniel L. Wade, a co-author of the study who is also affiliated with ASU’s College of Health Solutions. “We really wanted to make sure we’re giving public information to help people make good decisions.”

Most employees, about 51%, would prefer to wait until the government or health agencies allow them to return to work, and about 47% said they would return to in-person work when the entire workforce is vaccinated.

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Rusty Pipes
Rusty Pipes
May 1, 2021 7:37 am

We also need to drug test elected officials. It seems they need to dial back on their microdosing…

May 1, 2021 7:43 am

Resist wherever you are. Those in such workplaces are on the front tline.

Just Sayin'
Just Sayin'
May 1, 2021 7:47 am

The wife and I have made a pact. This is my “hill to die on”. I will not be forced into taking “the jab”, even if that means being terminated. This would, obviously, mean financial ruin for both my wife and I, but there you have it. BTW, I’m in my mid-50’s and just had a major heart attack last year, so I’m essentially unemployable in most sectors of the job market. I could possibly get something at McD’s or Wally World.

Just Sayin’

  Just Sayin'
May 1, 2021 9:36 am

“I could possibly get something at McD’s or Wally World.”

Um, … two of the first places that will require the injection.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  Just Sayin'
May 1, 2021 11:03 am

Such a shitty sacrifice but must be done. I’m unemployable now too as I will not allow this infringement on my medical freedom. As a teacher, I found families who will pay me to teach their kids that they don’t want in the indoctrination centers. Teachers need to stand their ground and find other ways to work. Join like-minded groups. There are lots of families who want to hire their own private teachers now.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  Abigail Adams
May 1, 2021 11:07 am

Also, people with trade skills are desperately needed. Where I live it’s hard to find someone to do work requiring these skills. There’s only a few available and they’re booked up for months.

  Abigail Adams
May 1, 2021 2:23 pm

I had my septic tank pumped yesterday. The guy joked with me that no one has forced him to wear a mask as he went about his work.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
May 1, 2021 3:08 pm

Thersites…I bet no one will care if he’s vaccinated or not either if they need him.

  Abigail Adams
May 2, 2021 2:10 am

My wife did the same during the original lockdown-no masks required and the kids did great! Good for you!

  Just Sayin'
May 1, 2021 12:47 pm

There is a reason for going Galt. When the government forces you to pay for illegals, takes from you and gives your money, that you worked for, over to people here illegally, well, you might want to rethink that working business. Look to the black market and gig economies for income.
When companies DEMAND a vaccine, then those companies can go piss up a rope. My attitude is that I will live in the van by the river rather than submit to wealth redistribution and forced drugs.

May 1, 2021 3:33 pm

Can I sleep under your van? (too poor to buy a van)

  Just Sayin'
May 1, 2021 3:38 pm

I’m with ya 100%. I personally know of three healthy folks that had strokes after taking the shot. Two died. These were not old toads like I am. Told Mrs Ragman that I’ll die alone in my little house in the mountains of NC before I allow anyone to put that shit in my arm.

  Just Sayin'
May 1, 2021 10:03 pm

God Bless buddy…

Will say a prayer for you and your wife…

We have less to risk at this time…for now…but feel the same.

May 1, 2021 7:49 am

If your employer tells you that vaccination is MANDATORY then the probable best
strategy….other than finding a new employer….is to tell them that the ONLY way
you will accept vaccination is if they…the employer…assume IN WRITING full
and complete responsibility for ANY and ALL side effects, costs and injuries that
occur subsequent to being vaccinated…and that ANY problems that occur SHALL
BE DEEMED TO AUTOMATICALLY be caused by the vaccine. If they refuse to
accept this liability and fire you for refusing the vaccine….which is NOT FDA
APPROVED….but merely given “emergency authorization for use” then you would
have a pretty good case for a wrongful termination lawsuit.

May 1, 2021 9:31 am

Thats a good strategy for many reasons…

May 1, 2021 7:53 am

Don’t do it. You have a legal right not to take the vaccine. Get a good (threatening letter) from your Jewish lawyer ready to drop on your personnel office.

May 1, 2021 8:29 am

Textbook. Fascism.

Fuck these people. I’m exhausted by it.

May 1, 2021 9:32 am

I’m exhausted by it.

Thats the purpose of the hammering 24/7 To wear you down into compliance.

May 1, 2021 9:46 am

It’s working.

The reason it’s working is that critical thinking is dead and 99% of ‘Muricans are compliant, docile, unreasoning sheep.

It’s one thing to be in a minority, it’s another to be in a miniscule minority surrounded by creatures (many of whom were once friends, family, etc) who so badly need your assimilation that they’d rather see you jobless, starving, or dead rather than accept your non-compliance.

It’s why Invasion of the BodySnatchers was a terrifying movie:

comment image

Resistance isn’t futile (at least with regard to your integrity, character, and soul), but it is damned exhausting.

May 1, 2021 10:08 pm

Sounds like my short lived ring career…wore him down from hitting me . (Just kidding – except its true).

May 1, 2021 7:12 pm

Communists. They’re communists.

May 1, 2021 10:09 pm

Reporting to Luciferians.

Communism is just a tactic.

Pat H. Bowman
Pat H. Bowman
May 1, 2021 8:46 am

We certainly didn’t know it at the time, but it feels like a pretty darn good decision now to have started our own company in 2018. Not only do we have flexible working arrangements (we all work from home), a very permissive firearms carry policy (carry whatever you want, wherever you want), we also have a hell-no vaccine policy.

Sadly, many of our vendors and reps are going the other route, which sucks as they start to shed employees who refuse to get the jab. Fewer people to do the work means we have a harder time getting product. Such is the price of freedom.

  Pat H. Bowman
May 2, 2021 2:13 am

Same here. Started a side business at the end of 19. Riding the corporate train while I build my business.

May 1, 2021 9:00 am

I had a young man in his 20s arrive to install a garage door opener (after a leader fall resulting in broken wrist and nerve damage I decided let someone climb up the ladder no matter the cost). I told him he didn’t have to wear his mask which he promptly removed. He did inform me he had the vax. Our state has all ages able to get the vax, even the young and fit. I wondered if it was a condition of employment for him.

May 1, 2021 9:49 am

probably not; but the masking (even after receiving injection) surely was. He’d probably have worn it anyway if it weren’t mandatory.

May 1, 2021 10:00 am

I’ve noticed that age group is the most compliant for masks and shit.

May 1, 2021 10:13 pm

Baaaaa…Baaaaa I don’t know wheather to shake their hand or pet them???

May 1, 2021 9:29 am

about 47% said they would return to in-person work when the entire workforce is vaccinated.

That 47% not wanting to return are most likely the deadwood that does nothing to begin with.

May 1, 2021 9:51 am

New goal: Keep this 47% unemployed and unemployable forever …

… it’s much less than what they want for you & me

May 1, 2021 5:20 pm

there are many productive people taking the jab & masking–
between fear, intimidation, and not wanting to rock the boat,it has amazed me how many people have taken the jab who should have known better–

May 1, 2021 9:52 am

The Bank is the Government, is the Corporatocracy which is funding ( i.e directing) the roll up of every industry in America into one global order. It’s not happening. It is here.

Here’s your proof.

May 1, 2021 7:25 pm

How much painting do you do? Sounds like a lot.

Libertarianism is the childishly naive idea that other people somehow won’t rob you blind, and worse, the minute the controls come off – due to their imagined “innate human goodness.” That people may be relied upon to act responsibly, rationally, and benevolently when left to their own devices.

It’s proven to be absolute bullshit in the real world.

It is an ideology which can only be taken seriously by people with no tangible connection to reality.

I really couldn’t grasp why ‘Sweden was right’ became a rallying cry of the Lolbertardians – until I realized that the situation in Sweden effectively disproved the foundational tenents of libertarianism. It’s not that Sweden was right – they clearly shot themselves in the foot – it’s that the Lolbertardians can’t cope with the abject failure of Lolbertardian principles when applied in the real world, as embodied in the catastrophic failure of Sweden’s Covid-19 policies.

It’s cognitive dissonance in action.

This is why they lose their shit when anyone points out what a fucking disaster Sweden is.

May 1, 2021 10:28 am

Free to be slaves (meaning actual selling of humans and parts of humans, etc)
Always go to the logical conclusion. Nothing personal.

Also it seems Frontline Doctors are preparing a class action lawsuit against medical discrimination and you can report/participate at their site.
At least the threat might work.

May 1, 2021 7:00 pm

If you haven’t read “The Iron Law of Oligarchy” by Robert Michels (1911), it’s worthwhile, and IMHO accurate.

To paraphrase Mr. Franklin, 100 people can indeed form an ideal libertarian society… if 99 of them are dead.

Rabbi Herschel Liebowitz-Bergblatstein
Rabbi Herschel Liebowitz-Bergblatstein
May 2, 2021 6:44 pm

Close. Libertarians are the victims of Libertarianism. Libertarianism is an evil Jewish scam to tie midwits up in something to uselessly occupy their time and energy, something that can never succeed, to ensure you can never even try working together to solve your problems. It’s essentially a QAnon type plan-trust operation, but aimed at crippling the midwits. The goal being to deny any challengers to Jewish power access to a functional mid-manager class – and it has been wildly successful until quite recently.

Solid take on Hitler, though. I’m always amazed at the effectiveness of the propaganda directed against the Nazis. Most of you idiots will believe anything you’re told about them, no matter how ridiculous it is.

May 1, 2021 10:06 am

Forcing people to engage in medical experimentation violates the first code in the Nuremberg code adopted by the world courts as a crime against humanity .
Those responsible should receive the same punishment those NAZI’s convicted in 1946 .
This is becoming take this shot or else !
So to those that agree to punish those exercising their individual freedom not to participate in this experimental crime against humanity you have the explaining to do not those who refuse !

May 1, 2021 10:33 am

Wife had the jab. She’s a nurse at the VA over the care of the old folks there. I was against it, but it was her choice.

My issue is that though my company may not make it mandatory, customer sites I visit may. one site is offering employees a couple of hundred bucks to take. I’ve made up my that it will be my hill to die on as well. If I could get my house paid off ASAP and property fenced, I would be close to going Galt.

Already experimenting with a garden. Chickens are in the plan as well along with a deep freeze. I live in cattle country and need to get to know a local rancher to see what it entails to having a cow butchered and processed.

John Doe
John Doe
May 1, 2021 11:48 am

I was recently told that one of our customers may require vaccinations to retain employment. I said they would have to fire me, what I didn’t say is that the company will have a class action law suit so far up its ass their lawyers will be spitting retraction clauses out of their mouths like turds.

May 1, 2021 12:56 pm

The Ukrainian farmers never went Galt because they were brutalized and deliberately starved by armed soldiers, they had no choice, nowhere to run to. Does the word genocide ring a bell here? You go Galt if you can, it is a conscious and deliberate choice, not a desperate struggle against a genocidal force. You need to rethink your definitions.

May 2, 2021 10:17 pm

Think about what you wrote, and then tell us why you are stupid.

May 1, 2021 5:31 pm

The “vaccines”(lol) were released under an EUA ( emerg use auth). Nobody can force anybody to take a “vax” so released. It wont be until late 22-23 the “vax” can be given FDA approval.
Even then, I expect legal arguments will drag on for years.
I’ve heard 40% of the military has so far refused this gene modification chemical cocktail.
Not taking a stand here and now will ensure a lifetime of God knows what injected into your and your kids deltoid muscles each year.
They won’t stop until we say NO MORE.


Zulu Foxtrot Golf
Zulu Foxtrot Golf
May 1, 2021 6:30 pm

Let me go for not taking an EUA vax and I will file the biggest fucken lawsuit those fuckers will ever see and I will win. Florida is a beautiful state to be in right now with Ronbo DeSantis putting fuckers on notice with the state legislature kicking out some pretty fucken cool laws lately.

And if’n I were to lose the case, well, I am coming and Hell’s coming with.

ZFG, out.

P.S. all vax pimps can suck a giant pulsating donkey cock as their bodies rot from the inside out with their devil juice lmao.

May 1, 2021 6:47 pm

“According to a new push poll by The Schlockenfeller Corporation, who also wants to kill all of you, 65% of unnamed companies will insist their employees get jabbed. The spokesperson stated plainly this is not an attempt to overcome widespread resistance to being murdered”.

May 1, 2021 7:09 pm

At this point, Covidism is all about intimidation and population control, and next-to-nothing about infectious disease.

“If you do as we suggest, then we won’t have apply the thumbscrews and the rack.”

May 1, 2021 7:10 pm

Download the pdf of the form
80 pound card stock

just google
covid vaccination card filetype:pdf
if the link doesn’t work.