The Beginning of the End for The Canadian Kleptocracy

Canada is a small country awash in dirty politics, psyops, and corruption at the highest level. But the advantage is that we are small and connected to one another in a manner that folks in other nations can’t see.

As such we’re beginning to see more and more police officers speak out against our fraudulent doctatorship. A group of 15 active and retired members in Ontario are taking the government to court over their Covid orders.

This one has quit over immoral orders and is now speaking out. More will follow as the garbage that has transpired in Alberta over the past few days touches all law enforcement from one end of the country to the other.

There are good people everywhere. And they are beginning to speak out and step up.

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May 10, 2021 9:17 am

Lets hope that there are more every day within the police forces to not just use the excuse of ‘doing their jobs’ and actually refusing to ‘just do their job’.

Lets hope more people will tell businesses that they are exempt from wearing the face diaper and not wear the rags. Here in canukistan you do NOT have to show proof of an exemption and a company or agency cannot demand proof. Your ‘exemption’ is deemed private medical information which you do NOT have to divulge. Take a stand, push back.

May 10, 2021 9:28 am

I have little hope anything will change in Canada without something drastic from an outside influence. Within Canada, all levels of government and most institutions meant to protect us are corrupted, and the few who try to do the right thing are quickly cast out from positions of influence.

Older Canadians I speak to still cling to we just need to get the Trudeau Liberals out and everything will be fine. This despite our alleged Conservative parties standing for all the same policies the Liberals do. And provincially, it’s our alleged Conservative parties in Alberta and Ontario who are locking down the hardest and implementing the most draconian policies and crackdowns on those who resist. Just voting for the other guy isn’t going to fix the mess Canada’s in.

FM, I thank you for your advice last week to have fun with it.

Here’s a little bit of hope for an otherwise weary world:

May 10, 2021 5:09 pm

This. Canada is done. Most of the population is completely npc’d. People I thought were smart get glazed over eyes when you talk covid. They’re literally dancing when they get their vax.
Its over. I’ve got some preps (maybe 6 months worth). Hoping it crashes sooner rather than later as I do not want to do a winter when they decide to pull the plug.
Get ready.

May 10, 2021 9:57 am

I wouldn’t be surprised if the globalist are working toward a global police force. Defending police and making them angry enough to quit helps bring about a federal and/or global police force.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  Francis Marion
May 10, 2021 11:00 am

With gun control, they make nice colanders.
comment image

May 10, 2021 10:17 am

making them angry enough to quit helps bring about a federal and/or global police force.

Yeah… I’d disagree with that. Thats like saying the blue helmets coming in and taking over policing… not gonna happen.

May 10, 2021 10:09 am

Every day moar and moar people are less transfixed on the woman in the red dress in the matrix .

  Francis Marion
May 10, 2021 10:24 am

Methinks the undercurrent is building into a riptide. The arrest of Pastor Paslowski in Calgary the other day is a case in point. The way it was carried out was a good thing.

The ruling class only governs by consent. Here in Canada outside the Montreal- Toronto corridor, Hongcouver, Calgary, and Ottawa, there are lots of communities with few roads in and few roads out. The smart police in the hinterlands will soon need to stop the abuse or be forced to live in Fort Apache The Bronx.

That is the red pill I am waiting on.

May 10, 2021 10:23 am

The code is failing… glitching… people are seeing the woman in red for what she really is… turns out its a short, obese, purple haired. pierced to look like a zipper sammich stuff’n, one or more of 94 gender nonspecific vile spewing bill gates special. Something a normal person would react to in revulsion.

May 10, 2021 12:22 pm

It will be a fun day when Jordan Peterson announces his emigration from Canada.

May 10, 2021 1:21 pm

Whoever wants him can have him. It might be harsh to call him a grifter. Still, back in 2015, when he saw an opportunity to make a name for himself he did. He is now living the dream of many academics. Widely published and widely discussed.

Further his excuses for becoming a Benzo addict don’t square with his intelligence.

Peterson has been a clinical psychologist for decades and probably counseled Benzos to many patients in his practice. And yet, he feigns total shock when confronted with the side effects once he becomes a patient himself.

It doesn’t make sense to a pleb like me.

May 10, 2021 2:23 pm

As a psychologist, he cannot write prescriptions. You have mistaken psychology and psychiatry.

May 10, 2021 2:27 pm

I didn’t say he wrote the prescriptions. He did however deal with the aftermath.

He had to know better.

May 11, 2021 2:04 am

You state an incorrect fact: Peterson started in 2016 to oppose the ‘gender pronoun’ law C-16 (at that time still a proposal.)

It tells us a lot about you,
when you simply pull out of your ass that Peterson allegedly did it (only?) because “he saw an opportunity to make a name for himself”,
but at the same time say absolutely nothing about the validity (or not) of the law he was opposing.

And the really funny thing is you are requesting the same type of perfectist dream world as the post-modernists, just with slightly different goals – but you cannot even recognize that fact.

May 11, 2021 7:16 am

Oh for fuck sakes I missed it by one year. Give me a break I’m at work and didn’t have time to fact-check like you. You are the one that looks bad here…

And I wasn’t discussing bill C-16 and since when did I request anything! You are the one engaged in projection-but you cannot even recognize that fact.

And how do you know that he didn’t start hatching his plan in 2015..

I might as well construct at least one strawman seeing as you managed to put two in your three paragraphs


May 11, 2021 8:55 am

You weren’t discussing C-16!
(How could I ever assume that was the case, as that is what made JBP first known, not just in Canada but at least across North America, at the time. Shame on me for jumping to such far-fetched conclusions!)

So tell me, non-strawman-constructor, which incident exactly were you talking about where JBP “saw an opportunity to make a name for himself”?

Waiting for your concise explanation…
(And I’m fresh out of sarcasm tags again.)

May 10, 2021 5:11 pm

Sorry. I really don’t see any form of an uprising forming. Just about, just about everyone I know has succumbed to the rhetoric and lies and has taken the jab. I want to have some hope that a turning point in coming. For every cogent, rational thought I read on this platform, I encounter 15-20 people ‘out there’ that negate it.