I haven’t been inside a movie theater in at least 3 years.  Will be there to see this movie.  What did regular German people really know, or not know?? I will either love it, or hate it … but I won’t leave indifferent.


‘Final Account’ is a powerful and prescient warning for our identity politics obsessed age

Luke Holland’s film, which chronicles the complicity of ordinary Germans in the crimes of the Third Reich, is a reminder that it’s easy to label our enemies as Nazis…but the true search for evil should begin in the mirror.

Final Account’ is a collection of interviews with elderly, ordinary Germans recounting their experiences of life under the collective madness of the Nazi regime and their connection to, or complicity with, the Holocaust.

The film opens with a quote from Primo Levi. “Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous. More dangerous are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions.”

Holland began production in 2008, and ultimately interviewed 300 people for this fascinating project. His bare-bones, oral history approach works exquisitely well in revealing the banality of evil.

Holland’s subjects were indoctrinated into the Nazi system early in life. The women went through the League of German Girls, the men the Hitler Youth. The males then graduated to the Waffen SS, some becoming concentration camp guards and one a member of Hitler’s elite bodyguards, the Leibstandarte.

Their recollections regarding the Holocaust run the gamut. Some claim to have known nothing, while others say they heard whispers and gossip, but were too afraid to speak up or act. Others give grudging admissions of complicity, while some admit the egregiousness of the crime, but doubt its scale. And one, the former member of the Leibstandarde, is unbowed by the weight of history.

He says the Fuhrer was a great leader with a good plan, except that the Jews should have been deported and not exterminated. He’s so unabashedly defiant he refuses to accept the Nuremberg ruling that the Waffen SS, of which he was a member, was a criminal organization because “then I would dirty myself.” His reasoning is wrapped in patriotism as he explains that the Nuremberg court wasn’t a German court, and therefore lacks authority in his eyes.

Other stories reveal how Jew hatred and the Holocaust were normalized. Stories of children being taught anti-Semitic songs in school, reading books with derogatory Jewish depictions and being indoctrinated by teachers into Nazi ideology are common.

Tales of visiting camps in order to get a cavity filled from a dentist who was a prisoner, or of routinely seeing prisoners escorted to and from camps, some being worked or starved to death slowly before their eyes, are mundanely recounted.

None of these revelations is met with tears or even overt remorse, just a stern, steely-eyed matter-of-factness.

The most compelling subject in the film is Hans Werk, a former member of the Waffen SS. Werk is at times elusive and at times defensive, but he evolves over a series of interviews.

The most electrifying moment in the entire film is when Werk goes to the site of the Wannsee Conference, where Nazi leadership made official the Final Solution policy, to speak to a group of college students about his guilt.

After saying he is ashamed of what he did as a member of the SS, these students push back. At first it seems they’re resistant because they think he’s lying about his contrition, then it becomes clear they’re actually angry with him for his shame. They call him a traitor for being ashamed of being German, and having fought for Germany.

This scene is compelling because it’s the only time the veneer of control recedes and the beast comes to the surface baring its teeth. Werk is shaken by the young men confronting him, and his horror at the realization that the disease of Nazism has passed to a new generation is readily apparent on his face as he pleads with them to “don’t let yourself be blinded.”

Werk’s warning fell on deaf ears in that room, and across the globe as well. The Nazi disease, or as my Jungian therapist friend describes it – the “not-see” disease – is back in our collective psyche with a vengeance. “Not seeing” the humanity of the other has reached epidemic proportions.

The dehumanizing sentiment of Nazism is readily apparent in recent videos of Jews rampaging on the streets of Israel attacking Arabs, Palestinians roaming the streets of New York targeting Jews, blacks viciously assaulting Asians and whites, militarized police brutalizing minorities and rioters wreaking racially motivated havoc, as well as in stories of Uighurs being held in Chinese concentration camps.

This ugly sentiment is also found in the establishment-approved Critical Race Theory, a shamelessly anti-white and anti-Asian ideology that demands people be judged by racial and ethnic categories instead of by the content of their character, which is now being used to indoctrinate students in schools and becoming the default setting in corporate America.

This industrialized effort at dehumanization is horrifyingly reminiscent of the process which created the legions of “functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions” which populate the Nazi nightmare of ‘Final Account’.

‘Final Account’ is not a great film. It is somewhat derivative in style, as evidenced by its repeated use of a melancholy cello played over shots of hollowed out concentration camps. But it is most certainly a powerful and prescient one.

It is cold comfort that the collaborators and perpetrators of Nazi evil in ‘Final Account’ will soon be dead of old age, for the spirit of Nazism is obviously alive and well in our world, living in all of our hearts, whether we have the courage to admit it or not.

SOURCE: Russia Today


Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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May 26, 2021 7:50 am

The smell of burnt flesh still remains after all these years at aushwitz.

May 26, 2021 1:56 pm

Like most things in the “Century of Lies,” the hoax of any sort of “burnt offering” is rapidly unraveling. In spite of active attempts to silence anyone attempting to question the lies (as an example, watch “Sorry mom, I was wrong about the holocaust” to see what happens when an earnest, sincere woman realizes she made a mistake).

The only “holocaust” was perpetrated at Dresden. By the “Father of All-Lies.”

Or, to put it succinctly:

From multiple sources, world Jewish population in 1938: approximately 15 million. World Jewish population in 1947: 15.5 million. Basic math. Which I suppose is difficult.

And no, 12.5 million Jewish babies were not miraculously born between 1938 and 1945. The world Jewish population today is approximately 14 million, so not a particularly fecund demographic.

The Red Cross estimated that the high estimate for number of deaths in the German labor camps from all causes was around 450,000. Jewish internees were approximately 30% of the population of the labor camps.

Nobody is minimizing the horrors that occurred at these labor and transit camps. What is being questioned is the complete, illogical, farcical, and -wrong- story that has endured for nearly 80 years.

Basic maths again:

Wartime Germany was in a bad position. Most of its labor force was fighting in the military. Workers were desperately needed to ensure material and munitions were manufactured. The labor camps were a source of (yes, slave) labor.

The Germans were and are not stupid. Killing off your only source of labor over a “racial purity issue” would have been beyond stupid. It would have ended any hopes of winning the war.

The whole notion of “racial purity” was bollux, there were German Jews serving in the military, Hitler was half Jewish, and there are commemorative medalions showing that the Jerusalem re-settlement was a joint SS/Zionist endeavor. Israel today is a haven for “Nazis,” including the descendants of many top “Nazis.”

The second issue of basic maths is fuel. If 6 million bodies were in need of cremation, you have two options: wood, or hydrocarbons (coal or oil).

Considering that 90% of the German military still used horse-drawn transport due to massive fuel shortages, and that lack of hydrocarbon fuels was a primary military weakness, to divert such resources to burn the bodies of your desperately-needed labor force (which you killed for ideaological reasons) makes no form of sense.

The other option would have been using wood. Since timber was also a hugely important wartime resource, this also would have made no sense. Several major deciduous forests would have been required to cremate 6 million (or even 1 million) bodies. Math. Again.

Finally, the Germans were meticulous record-keepers. One should be able to find, and easily too, the requisitions for cremation fuel, the building plans and details of the “ovens” and “gas chambers,” and all of the associated mammoth logistical footprints detailing this alleged “final solution.” Instead, we have a hastily (and laughably badly) “re-constructed” oven and gas chamber at Auschwitz. Oh, which was connected to the “gas chamber.” You know. The one that was supposedly filled with very flammable (explosive) gas? With the wooden door without a lock? That opened inward? That had a single pane glass window?

Instead: nothing. Not a single page. And insisting that it was “hidden” or “destroyed” out of fear of being discovered is ludicrous. The Germans did not enter the war expecting to lose. There are records of literally everything else, down to the amount of dog food purchased for their guard dogs.

Lying about something of this magnitude dishonors the memories of those who did die, and as this fable unravels, it will only lead to negative results. If the “holocaust” was the primary justification for this supposedly “just war…” then it bears a long hard look.

As we have seen in the past year, those that have fancied themselves our “leaders” lie about everything, even when they don’t have to. And when caught out in a lie, they lie harder, as if that will make people go back to sleep.

Sleep on, or face reality.

May 26, 2021 10:32 pm

Hitler was not half-jewish.

Archeaopteryx Phoenix
Archeaopteryx Phoenix
May 26, 2021 3:09 pm

I’m calling bullshit on that.

There’s no way that smell still lingers after 75 years.

Saxons Wrath
Saxons Wrath
May 26, 2021 5:19 pm

Coming from the ovens with wooden doors….

olde reb
olde reb
May 27, 2021 11:21 am

..Hitler capitalized on the public displeasure of jews. The jew bankers had savaged the nation using the treaty from WW I. Hitler had attempted to deport jews to Poland. Poland denied entry. They had also acquired control over admission to all controlled lucrative occupations, including doctors, lawyers, dentists, government employment, union jobs, all store-front occupational licenses. Over 90% of retail merchants were jews. [The 10% were grandfathered in.] The Germans resented being second-rate citizens in their own nation.

The Institute for Historical Review [Noontide Press] has considerable info on the accuracy of the holocaust. The six categories of prisoners included gays, unemployed [gypsies], mental cases, criminals, and political prisoners [communists] each with a different colored mark on their lapel.

[Crematories do not emit smells. The Zyklon was used to combat typhus. The locations of the ‘gas chambers’ always moves as each is debunked. ]

Benjamin Ginsberg writes in FATAL EMBRACE; JEWS AND THE STATE, that his elite clan has been responsible for the chaos and destruction of numerous eastern European nations by their banking exploitation since 1215. Current banking practice is analyzed at FEDERAL RESERVE FOR DUMMIES


May 26, 2021 8:39 am

Oh good. A submission intended to bring tranquility to TBP. Blessed are the peacemakers.

May 26, 2021 2:10 pm

It’s the classic misdirection of “when did you stop beating your wife.”

Your two choices both posit the occurrence of a non-event. It is a third option, as is usually the case, that is likely true.

Average Germans did not, and could not have known about something that did not occur.

Here’s a must watch by Canadian Monika Shaefer (who was later jailed by actual Nazis for daring to dispute the revealed truth of the Church of Hoax):

Rusty Pipes
Rusty Pipes
May 26, 2021 2:56 pm

What occurred during the Civil War prisoner camps…twinkies and tea? People with “causes” suck ass and deserve to be eradicated.

May 26, 2021 3:47 pm


You are “Stuck” on the indoctrination that you have received. That all of us received. 15 million minus 6 million is not 15.5 million. I don’t care where you went to school, or if you were subjected to the “new math.” You can’t argue with hard numbers.

Let me clarify:

There was no plan to exterminate “The Jews” in World War 2. That, as it has been promulgated, simply did not happen.

There were dozens of camps. They fell into one of two categories, generally, transit, and labor.

Transit camps were temporary, designed to house prisoners (of all types) that were either being sent East, or who were being sent to labor camps.

Labor camps were just what they sound like: generally built next to large industrial cities to facilitate in-situ utilization of the forced labor provided by the prisoners.

As I have already shown, “extermination” camps did not exist. Not only “couldn’t” but “wouldn’t.” Emotion clouds logic. It is important, for everyone’s sake, to hew to reality, not marketing.

The large numbers of starved corpses discovered by the Western forces entering the camps were the result of typhoid. Ironically, their deaths can be placed on the heads of the Generals that facilitated the large-scale bombings of German transportation hubs. The Zyklon-B required for delousing was not able to make it through. Large numbers of prisoners, without food, close together, is a recipe for mass typhoid deaths.

It must be clarified that this in no way justifies, minimizes, or legitimizes what was done to all these prisoners (many, but far from all, Jewish). The horrors of forced relocation and labor, starvation and death from many causes, cannot be overlooked, or forgiven. Nor can similar deaths and experiences suffered by the internees in contemporary U.S. and Soviet prison camps (the former whose crime was to have Japanese ancestry, nothing more).

The fabrication of the “Holocaust” is pretty much the sole pillar of the “Just War” theorem and justification for American entering the war on the side of Communism. If that is shown to be the worm-eaten, whole-cloth fabrication that it was, the uncomfortable truth remains: the best and bravest of our “Greatest Generation” gave their lives to make the world safe for Communism.

Remove the Holocaust, and anything that Germany did was equalled or surpassed by the “All-Lies.”

And with the recent revelations of Suvarov’s information regarding Stalin’s intent to invade Western Europe, the truth begins to tear through the facade: Americans fought an unjust war, acting as cannot fodder for their natural enemies, facilitating their own eventual destruction (look around).

A. Phoenix is making a very solid, determined effort at trying to show the disproportionate focus on “The Holocaust.” In light of the other mass murders of last century (the Communists take top billing in all but the Rwandan Genocide), even if the “Holocaust” was to be believed, and the full “6 million” number was not a laughable fabrication (which it is), it would be a tiny drop in the bucket compared to the -One Hundred Million- deaths caused directly or indirectly by Communism.

Again, you are free to believe whatever you wish. But it is the hard truths that must be faced, now, if we are not to be swept away by the barbarian hordes that seek our destruction.

May 26, 2021 8:22 pm


Excellent points. Also, many of the “victims” of the Hoax were actually dead German soldiers, stripped and thrown in piles for the photographers.

Saxons Wrath
Saxons Wrath
May 26, 2021 5:35 pm

Why are you such a cucky??
(Now stand back and watch the fur fly…LOL…sometimes you have to poke the bear to really get the show going!!)

May 26, 2021 9:06 am

It looks like a good lesson on the evil that is government-all government.

May 26, 2021 9:28 am

the spirit of Nazism is obviously alive and well in our world, living in all of our hearts, whether we have the courage to admit it or not.

Says you…

May 26, 2021 12:42 pm

Millions of babies would say so if they could.

May 26, 2021 9:36 am

Other stories reveal how Jew hatred and the Holocaust were normalized. Stories of children being taught anti-Semitic songs in school, reading books with derogatory Jewish depictions and being indoctrinated by teachers into Nazi ideology are common.

Him. Anything like Critical Race Theory, 1619 Project, BLM, Mainstream News, or countless other projects now up and running blessed with government funding?

May 26, 2021 10:05 am

jooo lover. (((They))) are responsible for the misery of mankind since the beginning of time. )))They((( understand your deception. ;0 Good Morning!

May 26, 2021 1:30 pm

the power of a few Jews (nominal at that JINO) is incredible. Not the millions of Christians who built, operated, and defended that tyranny for decades.

May 26, 2021 2:12 pm

I was being facetious. I’m not sure if I can agree with the correlation-causation assertion. Jews were the least powerful in most societies, especially in the West (Christendom), for most of history, but were still held responsible for everything from poisoned wells to economic straits, etc.

May 26, 2021 5:32 pm

You all ate up. I guess I understand, look at GermArabia. ;0

May 26, 2021 8:32 pm

Indeed, the power of the jew comes from his wealth. It was the Church that granted him a monopoly on usurious lending. The church was and remains the jew’s greatest psyop.

May 26, 2021 10:41 pm

No. It is because they are physically weak,morally disgusting, and their power is underhanded that we hate them. Others (jews, chinks) respect them for that.

Just as we historically respected the strong of our own type. The powerful strong kings and nobles of history, who ruled through their strength, not through propaganda and lies and blackmail, etc.

May 26, 2021 1:25 pm

The Jews invented Hollywood, and controlled it from day one. Back then, and for many decades, the product was wholesome and channeled traditional values.

May 26, 2021 1:27 pm

Blacks, Jews, Irish and others had their turn. Why whites now? Obviously we get the level of tyranny that we’ll accept. Ask the Holy Vicar of Christ why, because he’s channeling the same poison. No?

May 26, 2021 8:34 pm

It’s yet more anti-german and anti-white Propaganda. It is not “knowledge” you pathetic Boomer.

May 26, 2021 1:37 pm

Ghengis Khan, dig it. I once knocked a senior Fed manager back on his heels as he (Black) was sharing his views about European colonialism/oppression. I non-confrontationally informed him that the most imperialistic, conquering, blood-letting, colonizing figure in human history was an Asian named…you already did AP.

Saxons Wrath
Saxons Wrath
May 26, 2021 5:43 pm

Why would anyone think a propaganda piece will be espousing “truth”???
And (((who’s))) truth???
Yup, just what you’d think….

May 26, 2021 8:39 pm

This is faulty reasoning. Here one must first assume Fauci is a liar. If you don’t accept that premise can you still get at the truth by listening to him?

May 26, 2021 8:27 pm

“A seeker of truth?” In a movie? Come on, man!

I swear, Stucky, you get stranger by the day.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
May 26, 2021 10:35 am

2 Thes. 2:9-12 is a clear End Times example of this.

The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

Please understand that God doesn’t want any of us to perish but for all to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). As long as there’s any chance that we’ll come to our senses and accept His offer of pardon, the door to salvation will remain open for us until we’ve breathed our last. But once a person has firmly rejected Him, He will actually help that person make his or her rejection complete.

This s why Hebrews 4:7 says, “Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts.” You could be making an irreversible decision.

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Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
May 26, 2021 11:26 am

Thank you very much

i forget
i forget
May 26, 2021 12:30 pm

The Levi quote. It’s in the jeans.

Weus…Goo goo ga job!

Sing it, Barbara (“luckiest” rhymes “suckiest” when me/you boundary eraserheads are 96 out of every 100…):

May 26, 2021 12:33 pm

I keep coming to certain conclusions. Like that people don’t learn from history and that you can lead dumb people around by the nose and that there are a lot of dumb people. Totalitarian regimes are a reoccurring problem.

i forget
i forget
May 26, 2021 2:24 pm

Followers precede leaders – which are also followers, sometimes at the front, more often at the back. Drovers, vaqueros are emergent property-grabbers of followers…who, evidently, will not be happy until they own nothing (so the Germanic fook seems only to be plagiarizing costco quantity paperback human nature).

Cultural appropriation – “cuz I was born into it, somehow, what some other individuals did” – is followers following followers in “pride” parades. Such pride, self-esteem, divorced from any actual connection to what’s lauded, is more like narcissism…vicariousness visiting Munchausen on proxies in mirrors.

If culture warriors would/could stay in their own petri dish all the ‘demics wouldn’t be global-cartel endemic & the spendemic might not have needed to board up the gold window to build back better the monopoly money window.

Ernest Becker wrote about the impossibility of petri sumps not cross-contaminating. Or, “I drink your mulctshake.” ~ There Will Be Blood …oh yes, when has it been otherwise in the most specious species?

Round & round the board they go, only occasionally being postponed from passing go gas & collecting $200 gaseous money. Is why art imitates, cuz nobody could ever make it up – at least not to enough others to commercialize it.

May 26, 2021 12:33 pm

Of all the books written by Solzhenitsyn, there is only one without an English translation commonly available — “Two Hundred Years Together” — guess what it is about.

May 26, 2021 1:52 pm

One of Yad Vashem’s principal duties is to convey the gratitude of the State of Israel and the Jewish people to Righteous Among the Nations who took great risks to save Jews during the Holocaust.

Avenue of the Righteous Among the Nations

“In those times there was darkness everywhere. In heaven and on earth, all the gates of compassion seemed to have been closed. The killer killed and the Jews died and the outside world adopted an attitude either of complicity or of indifference. Only a few had the courage to care. These few men and women were vulnerable, afraid, helpless – what made them different from their fellow citizens?… Why were there so few?… Let us remember: What hurts the victim most is not the cruelty of the oppressor but the silence of the bystander…. Let us not forget, after all, there is always a moment when moral choice is made…. And so we must know these good people who helped Jews during the Holocaust. We must learn from them, and in gratitude and hope, we must remember them.”

Elie Wiesel, in Carol Rittner, Sandra Meyers, Courage To Care – Rescuers of Jews during the Holocaust, NYU Press, 1986. P. 2

Milestones in the History of the Righteous Program >>>

Yad Vashem was established to perpetuate the memory of the six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust. One of Yad Vashem’s principal duties is to convey the gratitude of the State of Israel and the Jewish people to non-Jews who risked their lives to save Jews during the Holocaust. This mission was defined by the law establishing Yad Vashem, and in 1963 the Remembrance Authority embarked upon a worldwide project to grant the title of Righteous Among the Nations to the few who helped Jews in the darkest time in their history. To this end, Yad Vashem set up a public Commission, headed by a Supreme Court Justice, which examines each case and is responsible for granting the title. Those recognized receive a medal and a certificate of honor and their names are commemorated on the Mount of Remembrance in Jerusalem.

This project is a unique and unprecedented attempt by victims to pay tribute to people who stood by their side at a time of persecution and great tragedy. Based on the principle that each individual is responsible for his or her deeds, the program is aimed at singling out within the nations of perpetrators, collaborators and bystanders, persons who bucked the general trend and helped the persecuted Jews. Thus, when Yad Vashem was established in 1953, a mere eight years after the Shoah, paying tribute to the Righteous Among the Nations was included in the Remembrance Authority’s mission. Struggling with the enormity of the loss and grappling with the impact of the total abandonment and betrayal Europe’s Jews, the State of Israel remembered the rescuers. The program therefore is a testament to the resilience of the victims, who despite their having come face to face with the most extreme manifestation of evil, did not sink into bitterness and revenge and affirmed human values. In a world where violence more often than not only breeds more violence, this is a unique and remarkable phenomenon. It probably stems from the notion that if one was to build a future in a world where Auschwitz had become a real possibility, it was essential to emphasize that Man was also capable of defending and maintaining human values.

Names and Numbers of Righteous Among the Nations – per Country & Ethnic Origin, as of January 1, 2020

The numbers of Righteous are not necessarily an indication of the actual number of rescuers in each country, but reflect the cases that were made available to Yad Vashem.

Albania 75 Japan 1
Armenia 24 Latvia 138
Austria 112 Lithuania 916
Belarus 669 Luxembourg 1
Belgium 1,767 Macedonia 10
Bosnia 49 Moldova 79
Brazil 2 Montenegro 1
Bulgaria 20 Netherlands 5,851
Chile 2 Norway 67
China 2 Peru 2
Croatia 120 Poland 7,112
Cuba 1 Portugal 3
Czech Republic 119 Romania 69
Denmark* 22 Russia 215
Ecuador 1 Serbia 139
Egypt 1 Slovakia 615
El Salvador 1 Slovenia 15
Estonia 3 Spain 9
France 4,130 Sweden 10
Georgia 1 Switzerland 49
Germany 638 Turkey 1
Greece 357 Ukraine 2,659
Hungary 869 United Kingdom 22
Indonesia 2 USA 5
Ireland 1 Vietnam 1
Italy 734

Total: 27,712

* The title of Righteous is awarded to individuals, not to groups. The members of the Danish resistance viewed the rescue operation as a collective act and therefore asked Yad Vashem not to recognize resistance members individually. Yad Vashem respected their request and consequently the number of Danish Righteous is relatively small. A tree was planted on the Mount of Remembrance to commemorate the Danish resistance.

About Statistics

The question is often asked what can be learned from the numbers of Righteous and from the proportions between different nations about attitudes and the scope of rescue in the respective countries.

It needs to be noted that the numbers of Righteous recognized do not reflect the full extent of help given by non-Jews to Jews during the Holocaust; they are rather based on the material and documentation that was made available to Yad Vashem. Most Righteous were recognized following requests made by the rescued Jews. Sometimes survivors could not overcome the difficulty of grappling with the painful past and didn’t come forward; others weren’t aware of the program or couldn’t apply, especially people who lived behind the Iron Curtain during the years of Communist regime in Eastern Europe; other survivors died before they could make the request. An additional factor is that most cases that are recognized represent successful attempts; the Jews survived and came forward to tell Yad Vashem about them.

For example: Researchers estimate that 5000-7,000 Jews went underground in Berlin. They are the so-called U-Boote (submarines), who made the difficult choice to enter an illegal existence rather than be deported. Only a quarter of them – around 1200-1500 Jews – survived. It is unknown how many were killed in the bombing of Berlin, but all the others were caught and deported. For lack of information and evidence, not all the Germans who risked their lives to help these Jews were honored.

Before drawing any statistical conclusions about the proportions between different countries, one should bear in mind that although the Holocaust was a global and total attempt to annihilate the Jews all over occupied Europe, there were important differences between countries – differences in the number of Jews, the implementation of the Final Solution, the type of German or other administration, the historical backdrop, the makeup of the Jewish community, Germany’s attitude to the local population and the extent of danger to those who helped Jews, and a multitude of other factors that influenced the disposition and attitudes of local populations and the feasibility of rescue.

May 26, 2021 4:41 pm

Dude, you failed to respond on topic to my response to you. I’ll be fine with erecting memorials to the Armenian genocide by the Turkish Muslims. That won’t happen because why?

May 26, 2021 5:43 pm

You made a pointed declaration about the lack of Jews gratitude to those whom saved them. I provided an empirical rebuttal and still you won’t topically respond. Get it now?

May 26, 2021 10:51 pm

Lol, I was looking at an author once and he was a ‘righteous goy’. For his propaganda. It had jack shit to with being some sort of schindler swindler

“the Holocaust was a global and total attempt to annihilate the Jews”

i forget
i forget
May 26, 2021 2:32 pm

Mr. Jones.

But movies ain’t metric. Mirrors? Of whose eyes? Not mine.

Is it “unfair” that flicks aren’t affirmative action equalitarian by percentage, yet?

Didius Julianus
Didius Julianus
May 26, 2021 2:58 pm

Hi Stucky,

Will be interesting to hear about your take although it seems obvious the movie is anti-German propaganda. You may find thes two books interesting as they are based on archives and lots of other info suppressed or not even available to researchers until after East Germany and the USSR fell.

Germany’s War by John Weir. Loaded with footnotes directly to primary sources. This book is or was available for free on

The Chief Culprit by Viktor Suvorov.

Essentially 98% of what we were taught about WWII (and WWI) was lies.

Archeaopteryx Phoenix
Archeaopteryx Phoenix
May 26, 2021 3:08 pm

International jewry loves to remind Whites about the Nazis. It furthers their interests, and harms our interests.
comment image

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 26, 2021 3:38 pm

This is like a couple of dozen trees talking about Tunguska.

Human beings are inherently dangerous and violent. The constraints on that behavior are either external (mores, laws, faith or customs) or are kept in check by the individual (conscience, fear of punishment).

Nothing causes more human deaths than a Collective expression of violence because that is when the external constraints are removed and the internal checks are incapable of overriding the force exerted by far greater numbers.

So what have we learned? Unless we become another species, these drives are unlikely to be restrained the next time a mass movement emerges. The outcomes of these movements are identical- mass murder, but the motivations behind them are irrelevant to the victims- race, religion, ideology, mass delusion, etc. only mean something to the survivors desperately searching for an answer to a question they do not fully comprehend. Unfortunately Collectives are incapable of learning from the past, that is something that can only happen at the level of the individual.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 26, 2021 4:42 pm

A truism that cannot be overstated for all time.

anon I
anon I
May 26, 2021 4:47 pm

Once again Stucky deliberately post an inflammatory article knowing full well it will arouse passions on both sides then denies his intent. Only to rant about all the Joo hating trailer trash on TBP and about 6 PM he’ll tell Admin he sure didn’t intend to stir up so much Joo hate. If the heat gets too much or he is forced to show real proof he cries to Admin about being picked on or disappears but never ever presents solid evidence against the truth tellers or the few that remain. Same with his fellow Jew Llpoh. Crypto’s gonna Crypto.

  anon I
May 26, 2021 8:46 pm

He’s not a crypto, just an asshole.

May 26, 2021 5:26 pm

The problem for certain Jewish interests lays mainly in the fact that they have poisoned their own well: The state of education in this country has declined to the point where very few people can spell holocaust let alone grasp the significance or care, either.

The Han Chinese are not infused with western European guilt about nor altruism towards Jews or their question. The Han believe in their own supremacy.