By 2030 You’ll Own Nothing And You’ll Be Happy

Authored by Bruce Wilds via Advancing Time blog,

The title of this article projects an ominous future where the masses are controlled by a few. Over the years I have written several articles covering the elite gathering in Davos. The global elites see the World Economic Forum (WEF) as an opportunity to promote their views and various causes.

These people often fail to see that many of us have come to view Davos, as a notorious rendezvous for the world’s elite that grant us the honor of paying for their schemes in some way or form.

Such gatherings are not for our sake but more for the benefit of plutocrats like Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos. The Global Reset they are pushing often reeks of their desire to “break the world” with their ruthless corporate agendas that continue to move political power into the hands of the globalist elite. To counter this attitude reassuring words are cast out over the airwaves to us, the minions of the world, to encourage faith in their wisdom. Oh, what a tangled web those in charge of our fate have woven for us as they rush to sell and bargain away our freedom for power and wealth.

When the WEF revealed its Davos 2021 Agenda, it confirmed the event this year would be digital and herald the public unveiling of its Great Reset Initiative. Angel Gurría and Klaus Schwab have outlined how governments and businesses can shape a new labor market that supports workers to thrive in the future. This underlines how the covid-19 pandemic has accelerated systemic changes that were apparent before its inception.

The Covid-19 pandemic has been used as confirmation that no institution or individual alone can address the economic, environmental, social, and technological challenges of our complex, interdependent world. It is also being touted as a reason to support the “The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” One hundred and ninety-three UN member states adopted this 15-year global framework and its ambitious set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in September 2015.

With 169 targets and over 230 indicators, the 2030 Agenda envisions a secure world free of poverty and hunger, with full and productive employment, access to quality education, and universal health coverage. Thrown into the mix is the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls, and an end to environmental degradation.

The 2030 Agenda is a global framework of action for people, the planet, prosperity, peace, and partnership. It integrates social, economic, and environmental dimensions of sustainable development, as well as peace, governance, and justice elements. It makes clear that developing and developed countries alike will implement the Agenda. This is important in ensuring that no one is left behind in the achievement of the SDGs.

A great deal of attention has been given to some of the ideas and vision the WEF has floated. A powerful one became visible when WEF public relations released a video entitled: “8 Predictions for the World in 2030. Its 2030 agenda offers a telling glimpse into what the technocratic elite has in store for the rest of us. It promotes the idea that  by 2030 “You will own nothing. And you’ll be happy. The UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a comprehensive plan that outlines how we can abolish poverty and transform the world into a peacefulsustainable environment for all.

When persuasive speakers cloak an agenda in flowery rhetoric, it is often difficult to determine what is noble or separate something altruistic from a sinister plot. Nor, can we be certain that events will unfold more favorably if simply left to develop on their own rather than being manipulated. Still, the ideas flowing out of the World Economic Forum and those seeking a reset and a New One World Order reek of self-serving bias.

Not all of what the world economic forum predicts will happen but events are being shaped to unfold in that way. Examining what is being called for, sheds a bit of light on how we might expect our future to look. The ideas and predictions of the WEF do not seem so farfetched when you consider,

  • Many people are already comfortable and busy renting things like cars, tools, apartments, so this has become a normal way to live. It is easy to argue that shared commodities save resources.  
  • Many people think the US will be unable to keep its position as the world leader. In fact, in many ways, the US has already abdicated this role.
  • When it comes to things such as organ printing we tend to jump the gun in predicting it is just around the corner but research is continuing and huge progress is being made.
  • The argument you simply can’t feed 10 billion people with meat and move these people into heavy consumer-based lifestyles has merit. At some point, the population must stop expanding or we will create a nightmare of food shortages and cause more damage to the planet. 
  • Down the road, billions of people will be displaced, especially at the shore, because of rising sea levels. Others because of droughts. This means we will have to learn how to deal better with migration or we will have huge cultural wars.   
  • Western values are already being tested because of globalization and migration. The fact that change and the future might scare us does not mean we can simply deny reality and call everything we don’t like or understand a conspiracy. Life is impermanent and nothing stays the way it is. We all die eventually and history shows even big civilizations vanish. 

The agenda to change the world includes things such as controlling people through things such as social credit scores. Expect these to be linked to those you associate with including family members you seldom agree with. Sadly, the people that drew up this plan forgot that what they are proposing is the abolition of private property or communism a theory that has failed to ever bring prosperity to any country.

Another key part of this plan focuses on controlling the masses, this is also problematic and reeks of totalitarianism. While many people view big tech as the great enabler, a very dark side of it exists, surrendering to its allure gives big tech and those in charge of it the power to enslave the human race. When mankind turns its future over to technology and no longer takes responsibility for learning the most basic lessons that have brought us so far it gives up its soul. The idea we will move in the direction of creating a benevolent form of artificial intelligence that will protect and watch over us is far-fetched. It is frightening to entrust that in the future machines will value the contributions humans make to the overall scheme of things.

Intertwined and masked within the WEF plan are a lot of factors that will negatively impact people. These include a total lack of privacy, the loss of control to move about freely, or the ability to purchase anything you want with your money and controlling how that property is used. Of course, this is all for the greater good, but is it?  History shows that in a society where private ownership is banned or not encouraged people lack skin in the game. This tends to result in people failing to shoulder responsibilitfor much of what happens.

In the past, each year as the highfalutin Davos extravaganza unfolded I seem to get a pain in my stomach that some might consider envy, but having attended my share of events I consider it more of a sickening feeling related to the over the top self-importance of many attending. Much of my angst is directed at the politicians and such that have their travel expenses picked up by governments.

How ironic that we pay the same clowns that create so many of our problems to gather in luxury to discuss how they might further their deeds. I find it so interesting that someone flying across the globe on a private aircraft can sit down and discuss their environmental concerns and how each of us must do more to save the planet. In some ways, a person might even go so far as to describe such a gathering as downright evil.

In his writings, George Orwell pointed out that when society has a problem rather than rely on education, the natural impulse of totalitarians is to limit the choices or speech of others.  The instinct to compel rather than to persuade is evident in many politicians across the world. As big businesses and big tech have grown to where the rival or control governments, it is not surprising to see their leaders adopt this attitude. While growing inequality makes the prediction you will own nothing more likely, it does little to guarantee we will be happy.

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Joey Biden
Joey Biden
June 30, 2021 8:17 am

Good place to start.
They might have lots of protection, but none of them are bulletproof.

Brees fan
Brees fan
June 30, 2021 8:29 am

These ‘few’ had better have a deep underground lair and sharks with laser beams mounted on their heads. These ‘few’ are going to be worm food.

  Brees fan
June 30, 2021 7:36 pm

Problem is the elite have control over bio weapons and they seem to be controlling the E.U., Israel and other middle eastern countries with lockdowns and some travel bans esp. the UK, no freedom of speech in all these places either. Australia is another, N.Z. and Canada, Asian countries incl. False flags will do us in, we lack patriots of fighting age today. 90% of adults don’t care what type gov. they have in the U.S. and will do nothing while family is separated or their house and cars are taken. 5-10% folks may or may not stand up int he end except to protect their family or neighbors. It is really too late for this country at this point, because patriots didn’t org. in their states and communities. Apathy prevails:

What Are You Going To Do When America Goes to Hell?

June 30, 2021 8:42 am

while many of the middle-level morons on the totem pole believe in the AI sales pitch, it’s just another deus-ex-machina to cover for the ruling class. used to be the king could say ‘well god told me so so you have to do it’ , now they say ‘follow the science(TM)’ and they will go further down that line of thinking saying ‘its not us its the ai the decided it, you must do as it says because it’s always right’
but of course the ‘ai’ might as well be an empty box. it says whatever the boss wants it to say.

June 30, 2021 9:45 am


June 30, 2021 11:38 am

Spot on. Like Facebook’s and Twitter’s algorithm. It does it’s thing without human direction … but conveniently, only seems to censor the people that disagree with the owners of those platforms.

What a stroke of luck that their algorithm just happens to agree with their corporate (government?) policy.

Two if by sea. Three if from within.
Two if by sea. Three if from within.
June 30, 2021 9:06 am

The offering up of a quality education makes no sense as happy people don’t need that.
Only the accomplished do but there’ll be no point.

  Two if by sea. Three if from within.
June 30, 2021 11:42 am

The people who demand education, instead of just acting on it independently, actually don’t want to learn anything. What they really want is a diploma so they can earn more money than their friends, family, and neighbors.

Turns out it’s just another way to accrue advantage while dressing it up as something else.

July 29, 2021 9:53 am

And what will am education be worth if we will own nothing? It’s a horse shit plan by a criminal minded scumbag. I’m never giving up my rights or my country

laura ann
laura ann

Agree on higher education for the msot part, however people in the trades will fare better overall from what I’ve seen w/ friends and relatives. Many are retiring now in these fields and need younger workers to pick up the slack. They can go anywhere and find work if they are good techs.


A.I. will be taking over jobs, many will live whole lives on welfare more folks than do now.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 30, 2021 9:11 am

They hate everything we’ve always valued: personal property, detached housing, meat-eating (if you care to), freedom of thought, freedom of movement, personal autonomy, individual privacy, Christianity, the traditional family – even natural, unlicensed, unregulated human reproduction.

I recently told a lib friend that I thought Dems stole the election in key states and the FBI had a substantial presence instigating those aspects of the January 6th DC riot that made the best photo ops to push the leftist agenda (and ensure that the Bad Man can never come back). To me, that’s obvious. Like saying Chinese restaurants cheat on their taxes. He asked why the FBI would do that, and the only response I had at the time was “to get our guns”. Obviously they want a disarmed populace, but they want so so much more. Garden-variety liberals – especially those over a certain age – would say that’s paranoid. It’s not even remotely paranoid. It’s obvious unless you’re willfully dense. They’ll push for as much as they can get, and they’ll never stop pushing.

  Iska Waran
July 6, 2021 8:08 am

As long as men don’t stand up and fight back they’ll make us slaves and kill off most of the population to save the planet. Women will back the men if there are any who will stand up which is unlikely today, people self centered and self indulgent, apathy and hopelessness prevail.

June 30, 2021 9:28 am

By 2030 those that are alive might wish they were dead.
Take a historical documentary that goes from 1900 to present day and watch it backwards, that’s the future.
Beneficial technology peaked a long time ago, we are going to start going backwards very soon.

July 4, 2021 2:04 pm

Smart people in retirement ages can see now we are going backwards already. We make nothing in this country now that people buy worth having.

June 30, 2021 9:39 am

Let’s just be honest. The Global Agenda is the absolute realization of Orwell’s 1984. Read the book. Know the truth, then feel that endless shame that comes with knowing you did nothing to stop it.

June 30, 2021 10:44 am

To them the world of the Hunger Games isn’t some sort of dystopian hell, it’s a long term goal that they’re trying to achieve

July 4, 2021 2:09 pm

My parent’s generation in the ’60’s who then were middle age tried to wake others up., they had small groups informing and writing congressmen. But now we all know that politicians are scum, liars, crooks and are bought and bribed, incl congress. Once people know that the globalists control the poltiicians they will give up on voting as a farce. Prepare your family, and org. a bartering group in your community. The Marxist coup has taken over the country now. It will only go down hill now.

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
June 30, 2021 10:28 am

WEF = Wicked Evil Fuckers.

Somehow they are blackmailing* the entire globe, even nations and faiths historically against the Christian West i.e. N. Korea, Iran, Islam.

All it really takes is a real counterforce-effort to let the B3RG* know that they themselves will be immolated with the very hellfire they intend to use against the Earthlings they want to enslave.

*Blackmail is one of those colourful words Auntie suspects will be on the next edition of the Democrat Index verborum et prohibitus.

  Auntie Kriest
June 30, 2021 10:51 am


June 30, 2021 10:45 am

It’s all about controlling people. The people pushing this will have to stay indoors under heavy security if they want to stay alive. (even that won’t stop a determined person)I see a future where all the power-hungry nut jobs with bad ideas pushing nonsense start to die off from lead poisoning. We live in a country of rebels who like to give the middle finger and only take so much crap from anyone. How many federal and state officials pushing BS are there?
I read articles about the MS-13 gangs and wonder about the people who live in these places and why they don’t get rid of these dumfuks. How about you? How much will you take?

June 30, 2021 11:11 am

I’m guessing that most people can’t be 100% sure of 2 things…1) is the target 100% deserving of being a target (not many people are willing to take a chance on hurting an innocent person) and 2) will the price I will have to pay be too high for me and my family.

Old people don’t have near as much to lose imo. It’s a BIG ask.

June 30, 2021 1:03 pm

You have no idea what you are up against by thinking the average person or neighborhood group can take on these sub humans. They aren’t dumfuks, especially the upper ruling class of these monsters. Their cruelty, brutality and psychopathic operating tactics would put the worst monsters in history to shame. Just look at pictures of what they have done in Mexico and read the stories to understand the fear and debasement they use to rule with an iron fist. People who even give the side eye or flip of the finger have come home to find their families slaughtered in horrific ways. The next day it will be them. Don’t think for one second the governments of the countries they infest aren’t in bed with in order to get a cut of the profits. Does this answer your question?

June 30, 2021 6:24 pm

So you would take it or move away? I live in the sticks and men in blue helmets are more likely. or dumbass redneck tweakers.
Thousands of hunters here, many ex-military with deer rifles. It wouldn’t end well.

June 30, 2021 6:57 pm

Seeing you are giving two choices I would move away and pray I have the money to accomplish that or work two jobs or more until I do. There is NO going up against these cretins. Their numbers are too large and too barbaric for anyone to go against. I am under the impression….no, I do realize that although living in the sticks is by far safer then cities , people living there seem to be a little too comfortable in thinking their safety is far more assured then the actual reality. It doesn’t matter how many ex military or hunters you have. Leviathan owns the grid as well as the force and means of destruction. They have the GPS (yes they know exactly where you live), force, optics and time in order to wipe you out. You have no idea when they will show up until too late. You cannot win a defensive war. Yeah, yeah I hear about all the exceptions to the rule but the reality is at the end of the day you are just as screwed as anyone else. It just takes a little longer to wipe you out. Nope, not just blue helmets and tweakers. Chinese may or may not be in blue helmets but definitely will be a driving force in making the final push if needed, and before having a love fest about Putin don’t think he wouldn’t team up with China in a second if it meant the grand prize which is us.

joe tentpeg
joe tentpeg
June 30, 2021 10:47 am

“You’ll own nothing…and like it.” Klaus Schwab


We’ll own what Klaus owns…or else.

  joe tentpeg
June 30, 2021 1:04 pm

Yeah, right. Dream on….

July 4, 2021 2:13 pm

Problem there are slim to no patriots today of fighting age who even give a crap about protecting their communities, family or friends when the stasi UN guys start invading. Most all will give up guns and march into enternment/execution camps and will not resist. Churches (501c3s) are gatekeepers for the WEF agenda/ 2030 push and run churches like social clubs for sometime now.

June 30, 2021 3:36 pm

I guess I’m about 30 years ahead of schedule curve. I’m about as happy as an Ol’ White Fat Guy can be and I haven’t owned anything of any real value since 2000 … HAhaHahahaha ….. Maybe by 2030 I’ll be on the upswing again, since I never have given sway in the face of others wicked machinations and self-serving goals; I just live the best life I can, regardless of what the federal govt is doing, or what the global powers are doing.

If I die a pauper or a rich man doesn’t really matter, since you can’t take it with you. My accumulated wealth to date will be left to my children. Fortunately I have two great kids that are a whole lot more intelligent than me and doing well, despite these trying economic times.

June 30, 2021 3:39 pm

What’s this Al Gore Rhythm everyone is talking about. Is that Al “Dumb As A Two By Four ” Gore teaching dancing ?

June 30, 2021 6:30 pm

I’ve seen maps of exclusion zones coupled with the abolition of property rights. These people have some really far-fetched plans for the sheeple. It’s this Agenda 21 or whatever stuff as part of the reset.

July 29, 2021 9:51 am

Abolish poverty now! If we own nothing and we’re going to bed happy, how will corporations be able to produce anything? They will own nothing so how can they “make” things? Who’s resources will they be using to produce goods? See the agenda is the WE own nothing and the wealthy owns everything. They think we’re stupid because we buy their things and they are mega wealthy. The truth is that the American people are armed and we’ll never give up our rights as a whole. The rest of the so called civilized world needs to grow some huge balls and get guns and be prepared to stop these megalomaniacs from taking over all of our GOD given rights, before we’re completely controlled by????? Not ourselves.