by Ray Jason

As a longtime ocean sailor, I abide by this simple but wise maxim: “Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst!” When the sky darkens and the sea swells, I ready my ship and myself for the possibility of “heavy weather.” By initiating basic precautions, I can greatly increase my chances of surviving even the most vicious tempest.

Besides sailing The Seven Seas, I have also spent much of the last decade voyaging on the Information Ocean. And all of that research has led me to conclude that a Category Six hurricane is rapidly bearing down on Humanity.

But this catastrophic storm is not being generated by Mother Ocean. It is being created by a tiny, ruthless, sliver of Humanity. I call these creatures The Malignant Overlords. They desire to re-shape Earth into a NEO-TECHNO-PLANTATION.

Most people cannot see the clear signs of this monstrous New Normal typhoon as it approaches, but to me they are obvious. And thus it is my unsought duty to alert as many people as possible to the impending societal destruction.

So, let’s look at the WuFlu psyop as if it is a Tyranny Typhoon. I have personally ridden out eight hurricanes aboard my beloved AVENTURA, so I know of what I speak. I did this each time alone – but with a bottle of anticipatory champagne to celebrate my survival.

Here is a typical hurricane pattern. During the last few hours before it hits, there is always the hope that it might veer away. Remember at the start of the Scamdemic, how Pelosi was urging people to go to Chinatown. Yet, shortly after that, the whole world was suddenly and simultaneously shut down.

Next the outer bands of the hurricane arrive, but our innate human optimism convinces us that the winds won’t actually rise too much. That was the “two weeks to flatten the curve” phase. But the M.O.s deceived us again, because the two weeks became more than a year.

However, delusional optimism can only sustain people for so long, and soon we realized that this was a full-on hurricane. That was the phase when we were forced to mask up and lock down. But the clear-thinking people found it odd that the most restrictive states also had the highest death tolls.

Soon, the insanely hyped “disease-of-the-century” narrative began to evaporate. In a genuine pandemic almost every family has loved ones who die. In a real plague people of all age groups are affected. In fact, the death count is usually so extreme, that the undertakers cannot dispose of the bodies fast enough. This leads to bonfires of corpses and mass graves.

Yet, none of this happened. The vast majority of the victims were around 80 years old and they had other contributing illnesses. The survival rate was over 98%. Therefore, many people began questioning why such tyrannical restrictions had been imposed on billions of people. The natives were getting restless.

Soon there were hundreds of thousands of people marching through the streets protesting the brutal shutdowns. Plus, an army of courageous doctors from all around the world started disputing the W.H.O. lies and the ever-changing proclamations of Lord Emperor Fauci.

So, the Malignant Overlords throttled back on their totalitarian strategy. They eased off on the mask wearing and the social distancing. Some businesses re-opened and some travel was allowed to resume again.

In hurricane terms, that marked the entrance into the eye of the storm, where everything is suddenly calmer and brighter. But that is short-lived and it is an exceedingly dangerous illusion.For the winds that one encounters AFTER the eye passes are often the most deadly.

But the relative calm that we are experiencing as the restrictions have been loosened will not last for long. That’s because our phony elites feel pressured to act decisively and viciously for two contradictory reasons.

On the one hand our masters observe that the vast majority of people bent over and submitted to their lunatic demands sheepishly. But on the other hand, the voices of refusal are rising with frightening intensity. Both of these developments have encouraged them to quicken their pace of world domination.

Which means that we must refuse to comply with their ever more malicious restrictions, or we will become 21st century serfs. But if we resolutely rise up, using our massive advantage in numbers, and forcefully resist their mandates, we can defeat them. Allow me to provide some historical context to illustrate how absolutely enormous this cultural moment is.

For most of our history as Homo Sapiens, we were hunter-gatherers. We lived in Tribes and we knew and trusted those around us. There were no formal hierarchies, and most people with slightly higher status, gained it via merit. Life was mostly egalitarian.

The arrival of Agriculture changed this profoundly. Society became stratified with a few rulers and enormous numbers of people who were the lowly subjects of these masters. This stretched all the way from the pyramid building slaves of Egypt to the King’s serfs in Europe. Domination of the many by the few was the temper of those times.

However, the belief that human life must be one long, grim ordeal of subservience, changed radically in 1776 with the American Revolution and the drawing up of the U.S. Constitution. This document guaranteed normal people a significant role in shaping their own destiny. This marked the beginning of the Representative Government era.

During the intervening 245 years, tyrants have risen and fallen. Their range of domination was limited to regions. But now our Malignant Overlords are seeking planetary rule. And because of technological advancements in communication and surveillance they believe that this is their moment.

If we do not resist them firmly and courageously, right now and right here, all of the advances of the last two centuries in personal freedom, standards of living and increased lifespan, will be lost.

Here is what we can expect as they turbo-charge their control strategy:

  • Masks will return. These serve many purposes for their agenda. They imply obedience and subservience. And they destroy individuality by hiding one’s unique facial features.

  • Lock-downs will be forever. They intend to impose them and remove them randomly like an evil prison warden decreasing food rations. These are totally symbolic and have nothing to do with health. They are all about CONTROL.

  • They will vaxx to the max. They realize that many people already know how dangerous and deadly these inoculations are. In a few more months they will shift from voluntary to mandatory injections.

  • Travel will be mostly halted. Most airlines and countries will require vaxx passports. And even with them, the lock-downs will decrease global travel drastically.

  • Miscellaneous enslavement tactics. Besides these above-mentioned Medical Martial Law plans, the almighty ones have lots of other

    tools in their slave box. Here are some to look for: the death of cash, Universal Basic Income, food shortages, race riots and grid failures due to cyber-attacks.

In conclusion, because I did manage to ride out all of those hurricanes safely, I tend towards optimism. Despite the unprecedented efforts of the Malignant Overlords to silence dissenters, millions of people are waking up. They are recognizing how dire the situation is for humanity. Now, what is required is ACTION. Here are some guerrilla street theater ideas to get you started.

Get a few dozen friends to go to a medical center and hand out anti-vaxx leaflets. There are many hilarious anti-jab cartoon memes that you should include on your fliers. If you can find some rubber Fauci masks, wear them. Video it and spread it on the Web.

Stage Resist-O-Rama Parties where you defy the authorities. Invite lots of friends with lots of coolers. Include a mask burning bonfire in your festivities. If they try to arrest you, have a bunch of plastic wire ties ready. Use them to handcuff your whole gang together. The cops will have to bring a paddy bus instead of a paddy wagon.

And finally, GO BIG with a National Drain the Big Banks Day. Everyone move their money from the Too Big to Jail banksters, and shift it into community credit unions. How about August 13th. That’s a Friday the 13th for good luck.

We are in the eye of the storm now, but let’s come blasting out of it … and blacken the eye of The Malignant Overlords!

For more of Ray’s work please visit THE SEA GYPSY PHILOSOPHER.

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July 19, 2021 6:13 pm

I think I’ll just post my extreme Patriot whining at TBP. ;0

July 19, 2021 10:39 pm

I was being honesty, maybe it’ll turn out differently, but I AM being honest, as opposed to so many. As angry as I am, I am always weighing my costs (Family) for doing otherwise.

July 21, 2021 11:20 am

We have enough honest stupidity in the world today, let’s not keep adding to it.

Doctor de Vaca
Doctor de Vaca
July 19, 2021 6:28 pm

Irish Democracy…if we all refuse to play by their rules what are they going to do? Just walk away and tell them to go get stuffed.

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
  Doctor de Vaca
July 19, 2021 9:29 pm

Having some brave lads who can mix it up real good helps immeasurably when having a pre-Irish Free State situation.

Auntie loves the story of Michael Collins but hates that the Globohomo Geffen made the film.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
  Doctor de Vaca
July 20, 2021 2:43 am

This is sound advice Doc. I have been banging on about ‘do not comply’ for many moons. They can do nothing about it as we take back our power. We have many historical examples of passive resistance. The last thing we should do is violently react – that is exactly what the rulers want which gives them an excuse to finally clamp down in extremis.

COVID World – Resist!

  Austrian Peter
July 20, 2021 1:24 pm


Jan 6 Patriot Faces 20-Years In Prison For Standing In Capitol For 10 Minutes – Wife Launches GiveSendGo


I’m not suggesting anyone cave. But the idea that “they can’t do anything” is a foolish one.

If you won’t comply, pick your battles carefully because there WILL be consequences … either now or later. Just as there are consequences to compliance … either now or later, in the camps.

very old white guy
very old white guy
  Austrian Peter
July 21, 2021 8:15 am

Ditto, but when push comes to shove violence may erupt.

  Doctor de Vaca
July 20, 2021 4:00 am

You mean the Irish who have caved completely to the China Flu and who let’s the EU read their budgets even before their own politicians do? As an Anglo, I’m very pleased they kicked us out, but those Irish were very different from the ones today.

July 20, 2021 6:38 pm

Their number 2 guy is half indian, I think. Everyone seems to be on the same page.

Norman Franklin
Norman Franklin
July 19, 2021 7:02 pm

Nice guerrilla street theater ideas.

I watched the sea gypsy movie a couple nights ago and thought of you. That is a nice vessel they have 100 plus feet I think. One of my boat buddies used to have a McGreggor 26 foot retractable keel sail boat. Was fun for lake Mead and Mohave, They said it was unsinkable. Seemed pretty stable even in rough water. Believe it or not Lake Mead can get ten plus foot swales.

Anyway I lost track of him when he moved back to California. He always said he was going on a long cruise one day. Interesting life you got there, continued smooth sailing to you.

July 19, 2021 7:28 pm

Oh, Jesus FUCKING Christ, stop dancing around the issue: we all KNOW who the “malignant narcissists” are: the same bankster Tribe who’ve managed to insert their filthy money manipulations into the world since WWI. And you moron “patriotic heroes” keep dying for them, decade after decade.

July 19, 2021 10:41 pm

Only joooos are narcissists? So everyone else walks in the foot steps of Jesus, The Christ?

July 20, 2021 4:01 am

Thanks for proving that anti-semitism is a mental illness.

AL Tru
AL Tru
July 20, 2021 7:47 am

spoken like a busy HASBARA.

July 20, 2021 6:44 pm

How do you know he didn’t mean some other tribe of bankers? Well, I guess only the ignorant would think he didn’t mean jews. But if we all know it’s the jews, how mentally ill is it to call him an anti-semite for pointing out the obvious?

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
July 19, 2021 7:45 pm

As I am sure most of you have seen, there have been devastating floods in large parts of Germany with entire villages destroyed. The Steinbach Dam showed large cracks and the worst was feared for a number of villages downstream if it had disintegrated. A 67 year old owner of a local excavation company went in on his own with large equipment and worked for 6 hours at the bottom of the dam to free an overflow pipe, 50 feet below the water level. He said that he was fully aware that he would certainly die if the dam were to break. He blessed himself twice, prayed for his safety and then he went in, convinced that he was put right there, at that moment in time at that place, to do this job. He knew that he had to do it himself and would never send any of his 57 employees into that sort of a dangerous situation. I don´t often use the word “hero”, but I think it applies here.

What does that have to do with this post? That we are all here, wherever we are, in different places and situations, but all we can do and all we really have to do is what is right at any given moment. It is that easy and yet often so hard, that little and yet so much.

bob in apopka
bob in apopka
  Svarga Loka
July 20, 2021 3:26 am

thank you

  Svarga Loka
July 20, 2021 10:22 am

Agree — keep your powder dry, so to speak, until you know what you have to do

July 20, 2021 12:40 pm

Please, no vain gestures.

Do what you think is right… and try very hard not to get caught.

July 20, 2021 4:55 pm

I wasn’t necessarily talking about violence. The guy in the story was living his life when this situation appeared, and he suddenly realized that he alone was able to / had to clear the pipe. If he failed before the dam burst, would it have be a gesture in vain?

July 19, 2021 8:12 pm

Another Zinger, Ray. The MO’s are surely malignant but they aren’t overlords yet. In their maggoty minds maybe.

Todd Packer's Mentor
Todd Packer's Mentor
July 19, 2021 8:13 pm

I liked the analogy to the different phases of a hurricane. I think that comparison would help many people see this whole mess in a more proper light.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 19, 2021 8:15 pm

That’s a pretty fair assessment.

I have far less confidence in their plans coming to fruition than most people, but that’s because I am fairly well convinced most of their supposed advantages both technologically and in terms of capability are wildly overblown and fraudulent. They haven’t really been investing in the things they are alleged to possess, but have strip mined those financial resources for their own personal benefit and rely on their propaganda. e.g. Edward Snowden coming out of the woodwork today to try and sell the notion that they are able to spy on everyone. Snowden is one of their assets made to look like a whistleblower playing the part, but he’s no more than another Anderson Cooper type shill for their Man Behind the Curtain kabuki.

Like all other worldwide domination plans there will be massive amounts of inhumane behavior until the collective exhausts itself and then it’ll peter out as it always does. Then it’s on to the next season; 1st Turning 2.0 Electric Bugaloo.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Ray Jason
July 19, 2021 8:54 pm

Why am I not surprised?

I really admire your path, it takes stones to not only do the walkaway, but to do it on the sea. I really hope we get a chance to talk about it someday it sounds fascinating the very heart of self-reliance.

Major props.

  Ray Jason
July 20, 2021 3:46 am

Found this little gem after listening to podcast #94 at 3:30 in the morning.

  Ray Jason
July 20, 2021 8:56 am

Podcast was interesting, thanks for sharing it.

bob in apopka
bob in apopka
  hardscrabble farmer
July 20, 2021 3:43 am

I have been working the same job for 47 years, in and out of about 500 homes a year, meeting and interacting with a couple of thousand people, NEVER in those 47 years have I ever seen people, dying and dead like I am seeing these days. They get a look to them that’s hard to explain. Injuries too. Back of the napkin math looks like 4% of the vaced, dead, maimed, sick. Not sure I want to be around that 4% anymore. Staying home for the flu season this year.

  bob in apopka
July 20, 2021 8:30 am

Can you go into more detail? What about mental, emotional state?

July 19, 2021 8:17 pm

Jan 6 Patriot Faces 20-Years In Prison For Standing In Capitol For 10 Minutes – Wife Launches GiveSendGo

July 19, 2021 10:51 pm

one of those guys who walked into the senate chambers 4 a few minutes pleaded out today & got 8 months–

July 20, 2021 8:30 am

Trump will help out………………

July 20, 2021 1:31 pm

That’s either the worst comment or the best. Assuming sarc, it’s the best.

July 19, 2021 8:21 pm

I like your thinking Ray. A great place to organize these events would be local conservative Radio stations; they’re always looking for ways to get free tv news time and generate revenue. Then invite the vac supporters to duke it out on-air with our side. Doesn’t that sound like fun?

July 19, 2021 8:29 pm

The powers that be are desperate and very afraid. Their goal is to eliminate as many people as they can, which so far is failing as half have refused their Intravenous Death Sentence. Soon their trusting fools who took it will start dying in great piles, and it’s only a matter of time before the good people realize what has happened. What is left alive will be those they are all in great fear of. People who resist everything they demand and refuse to bow to them will eventually win.

The question is this: are you ready to kill anyone who demands of you what you know is wrong? If you’re going to kill, don’t kill one, but take out as many as you can. If your choice is to die by forced vaccination, or die after you’ve liquidated the first ones who come to you to demand your obeyance, then what do you have to lose? If a few people in every community had this attitude, their whole system would come apart at the seams in a very short time.

I’ve survived a major health problem and consider every day now a bonus to life, that could come to an end any time. I’m ready to end my time on Earth fighting on the way out. Are you ready?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 19, 2021 9:00 pm

Let us prepare our minds as if we’d come to the very end of life. Let us postpone nothing. Let us balance life’s books each day… The one who puts the finishing touches on their life each day is never short of time.—Marcus Aurelius

July 20, 2021 11:42 am

When we die we will not be remembered for the good that we did but for the evil that we destroyed.

Marneus Calgar

July 19, 2021 10:52 pm

Ray, I just want to say that I truly enjoy, and look forward to, your offerings here. I always think of a gorgeous orange globe sinking into the horizon over a calm sea when I read your words. May your travels be as calm, pleasant and peaceful as possible. Thanks, traveler.

ursel doran
ursel doran
July 19, 2021 10:56 pm
Repeating again and again this truism of human nature.

  ursel doran
July 19, 2021 11:01 pm
  ursel doran
July 20, 2021 4:04 am

Mackay knew the truth all those years ago. Most humans want security, comfort and leisure, not freedom.

AL Tru
AL Tru
July 20, 2021 7:48 am

“ There is no possible benign interpretation of the fact that we’re all being lied to, for between 15-18months. None whatsoever. All that has been accomplished is destruction of the economies of many G20 countries, wrecking of civil societies, substantial, avoidable loss of life (often through deprivation of healthcare) and a pervading sense of fear, everywhere.
Additionally, large & growing fractions of populations have been injected with new technology, experimental gene based vaccines, which have been associated with rates of death shortly afterwards of 1-2 orders of magnitude greater than any previous public health prophylactic vaccine. Everywhere they are steamrollering appropriate objections to vaccination in people who cannot benefit from this intervention, yet certainly can be harmed or even killed by them.
We hear the imminent arrival of ‘vaccine passports’, which don’t enhance public safety yet grant to the state totalitarian tyranny over them.
There is no other interpretation that fits all the major facts, than that the goal is control through what will be the world’s first digital identity database.
What will be done with that power, we cannot be sure. My views or rather reasoned deductions are well known & I continue to stand by them.
There being immunologically no need or justification for 3rd & subsequent vaccines (booster, top-up, variant) the fact that they’re imminently to be administered to people en masse should send alarm bells ringing loudly.
Biotechnology has awesome power but it can very easily be misused. I am of the view that 3rd & subsequent vaccines may be used to initiate depopulation. The first generation vaccines I don’t think were deliberately made to be dangerous so they’re no guide at all to what might be next.
Bottom line, my intentions are best served by me continuing to give as many interviews as I can, alone or in groups, to those with the largest audiences.
This note is in no way intended to be critical. It’s just great that people are stepping forward. But I do believe in this world war, there are no Allies. No one is coming to save us. Time is marching on.”

– Dr Michael Yeadon
– Phizer VP 1995-2011

  AL Tru
July 20, 2021 1:04 pm

the vaxxed will be taught that boosters are a bonus exclusively for them. “don’t let those first 2 shots go to waste!”
Canada gas ordered 35 million vaxxes per year for next 2 years (pop 38 million)

July 20, 2021 8:05 am

The population is being reduced to around 2 billion, but they were planning on half a billion, the survivors will move to agricultrual areas due to the breakdown in transportation of fuels; then the 13 Families will establish a world wide feudal system of serfs, earls, dukes and Kings.

July 20, 2021 8:55 am

Yes, the truth is we are in a war. Our side mostly continues to talk about the communists like the old days (or worse rep/dem, right/left). None announce we’re at war and act accordingly, by which I mean (right now) to resist in day to day life and talk about it.
There is talk of resistance but not in context. For those who know about the plandemic most know already but there is no call to real action by our most known factions. As Yeadon says if you know they put on AFAKE GLOBAL PANDEMIC what is not possible?

However I’m not doing all either. We have migrant workers and the food company has a station where they also have ‘vaccines’ for those who want them. They are supposedly not mandatory, but who knows. I should visit to see if they are if they are telling people they are experimental (proper informed consent) and call them out if they are not. In the long run it’s to my advantage as the next step is mandatory for all concerned and I would then have to quit anyway, plus the little matter of them harming people in the meantime.
Their next step could be to say our food is unacceptable, assign us an ‘inspection’….
We’ll see.

July 20, 2021 9:04 am

Think about it. If he ‘committed suicide or had a heart attack’. What would happen? Lots of internet chatter is all. The other nerds would never speak out.

Harrington Richardson: Maglulas Are Swell
Harrington Richardson: Maglulas Are Swell
July 21, 2021 1:13 pm

Stuff happens much slower than we would like but now the positions taken by voices like Bannon’s Warroom and many here from a year ago are being discussed and in many cases are now considered to be and to have been correct. The Scientists and professors and doctors on these forums are not silenced, have suffered but are now vindicated. Rand Paul’s treatment of Fauci yesterday received ZERO pushback from the MSM.. The jig is up and WE have the momentum.!
In a couple of weeks there will be recounts everywhere proving that Biden is illegitimate and even now an anonymous Joe Biden email account has been revealed where the liar is sending government info to Hunter to do business and scam and grift for the benefit of the Biden’s.
The MSM and the Uniparty will undoubtedly rage and flail yet they will burn before our eyes. They are part of this group which brought us the Plandemic, financed the weaponization of the virus, war gamed a pandemic, war gamed stealing the election etc etc etc.
Get your “Minuteman” on! It is looming and imminent.

July 20, 2021 11:37 am

I am wondering if they are going to include high speed lead poisoning deaths when they try to inject me……..

red line/ line in sand/fuckno

Harrington Richardson: Maglulas Are Swell
Harrington Richardson: Maglulas Are Swell
July 21, 2021 12:46 pm

If the fuqueres you inject have Covid discovered in autopsy, yes they will be recorded as Covid deaths. The only exceptions will be minorities shot by police during the commission of felonies.

Evil Harry Dread
Evil Harry Dread
July 20, 2021 3:52 pm

If their plans truly are mass depopulation and the internment of dissident, non-vaccinated people, then it is everyones duty to arm themselves and resist in every way possible.
I cannot imagine the decent men in the UK or US miltary bending over for this, no matter what the socialists in the Pentagon and Whitehall are telling them to do.
The police here in the UK have already joined forces with the devil, as they have in Australia, while in the US it seems to vary from city to city.
I am hoping that a group of past or present SF operators, are keeping a very close eye on those evil men behind this.

  Evil Harry Dread
July 20, 2021 6:52 pm

You might as well hope for Antarctican UFO Nazis to save the days then think someone from the military will do anything. And our cops in america aren’t far behind yours.

July 20, 2021 8:16 pm

Really good link. The first part is some womann, second part is a guy talking about a fight with a hospital over his moms life (very good. I believe him) third is with – don’t have time to look it up but you’ll know him. All very good.