How the internet kills your creativity

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Georges S
Georges S
August 14, 2021 12:30 am

I remember in my 30’s and 40’s being able to cite a phrase or a chapter in one particular book, even remembering the page. With the advent of internet, I started making notes on a computer instead of remembering. Kind of a “Fahrenheit 451” on a personal level.

  Georges S
August 14, 2021 5:01 am

im glad i never let that laziness take over.. been using compters since the early 80s, but deliberately refused to let them become a crutch , especially for remembering anything. i took a harder hit to information retrieval when over the past decade i moved several times, had all my books in storage for 4 years of that, and even now when i finally got a place sorted out a couple years ago and built new shelves , they’re still not in any decent order. i used to know exactly _where_ each book was, now it still takes a lot of searching.. but even as i made a living with computers i never lost sight of them being one of the most evil inventions of all time, trying to count down the time when i’d have saved enough to buy a farm. lost almost everything in a divorce some years back, made a half-accomplished attempt to get out of the city and the rat race since, but the demands of the ‘system’ keep me still selling my time to the Man locking me up in front of a screen. when i was out of work for most of last year i might have only even turned this thing on once in a week to check email, and i could tell how much better i was for it. i really wish this collapse would finally get going already, the slow motion has been grinding everyone down. even as unprepared as i am , just bring it on already.

very old white guy
very old white guy
  Georges S
August 14, 2021 8:44 am

I used to make copious notes on paper, sort of journal like, now I do it on the computer and do what I used to do, review them to see if the thoughts were valid and still applied or that the things surrounding the reason for my note taking were no longer valid. It is much quicker on the computer to review those things I once thought of as important. Of course most everything has a limited shelf life.