Caption This: Crocodile Tears

Donald Trump … (do you miss him yet?) … said this; — This is what weakness looks like.“.  

That’s gonna be hard to beat …. but, give it a try.  (Winner gets a “Get Out Of Jail Free” card for next month’s Insurrection.)


======================== =

Me?   “Oh, man, do I ever have to take a shit.  Dear God, please don’t let me shit my pants! Please!!

Everything about that picture is FAKE.  He, or his staff, have been reading the press, how even CuNNt is turning against him, and the overwhelming number of OpEds across the country opining that Dementia* has no heart, no compassion, no true feelings for the suffering of others.  Must. Do. Something!! As such, the picture above is nothing but a GRAND OLD PHOTO OP … a chance to show that “Joe cares, he really cares.“.  Maybe Cuomo The Homo can give his Emmy to Dementia*.  I hope not even one Burning Platform reader is fooled by this megalomaniac, sociopath, narcissistic evil piece of shit.


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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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Harrington Richardson: Have Lamp Posts-Will Travel
Harrington Richardson: Have Lamp Posts-Will Travel
August 27, 2021 12:40 pm

It was a disgusting, pathetic performance that they probably should not have attempted. Does anyone recall Trump or any other President always having a gaggle of acolytes behind him every time he spoke like this clown does?

DOTR Scheduler
DOTR Scheduler

I remember Trump’s MANY impromptu presser events while on his way to Marine I on the White House grounds where he took THE MOST PENETRATING/HARD questions (as it SHOULD be), and I remember one of his White House press conference that lasted TWO HOURS, in which he took 65 questions– not the 20-minute long Obama press conferences where he answered only 4 questions and droned on and anon so as to obviate any MOAR questions. And I remember a early 20o9 Obama similar press conference where he took 4-5 questions, and afterwards entertained the fanboy media in the hallway off to the side of the press room. The liberal reporters were asking him laughable softball questions, and he was joking with them because, of course, he KNEW they WOULDN’T ask ONE . And they were giggling after every thing he said. At one point, he started to respond and tripped over his words– didn’t say ANYTHING intelligible– and the press corps obediently, excitedly giggled, even though he said NOTHING. That should tell you everything you need to know about the sycophantic MSM’s reflexive negro worship. Somewhere, that clip has been saved. Watch it, and revel in the obscene liberal negro worship. It’s beyond outrageous.

  DOTR Scheduler
August 27, 2021 5:59 pm

Did everyone notice before the first presser question he stated clear as day, ” my sheet here says to call on the reporter from NBC first”

The entire Q/A was scripted and yet the questions were still too hard and pointed for him. Our speech therapist at work said “if he were my patient I would list him as cognitively impaired and in need of constant supervision”– and she could be classified as center/left in her political leanings. Even the never-trumpers are admitting that Joe is an embarrassment

  DOTR Scheduler
August 27, 2021 9:25 pm

Yes, and it stands out with me too.
Trump was an Alpha Male.
Biden is less than a fart in the wind.

I lost Friends because of Joe and his acolytes.

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
August 27, 2021 10:10 pm

Biden is a Gamma trying to be an Alphs- the worst of all worlds.

  DOTR Scheduler
August 27, 2021 10:48 pm

Trump is a vaxxer, fuck him.


The only thing different is Trump said his words clearer (but didn’t make much more sense) and he didn’t fake cry. He had just as many flunkies. He literally went around doing Kim Jong Gook type stunts.

They’re just front men. They don’t matter except for propaganda.

anon I
anon I
August 27, 2021 12:41 pm

They won’t be fooled by his fake posing but they keep falling for the BS ruse that presidents are in charge of anything. Missing Trump yet?? Only a nut job would pine for another 4 years of Mr Tweets and his buffoonery.

  anon I
August 27, 2021 3:51 pm

So you approve of Turnip Joe as a suitable alternative?

If so, kindly GFY. 🙂

GDP, usually gruntled
GDP, usually gruntled
August 27, 2021 4:20 pm

….with a rusty pipe.

anon I
anon I
  GDP, usually gruntled
August 27, 2021 5:22 pm

You too buttwiper. You’re dumb enough to think Trump was a real president? Yesterday you were bitching about your wife buying the bs. Are you sure it was her?

anon I
anon I
August 27, 2021 5:18 pm

Who said that, Me or you asshole. If you’re too fffing dense to get that simple statement how the heck do you get dressed. Does mommy do it for you?
They’re all figureheads you dolt. Call mommy over and ask her what a dolt is.

  anon I
August 27, 2021 6:42 pm

Little ol anon I….Of course you can’t help but toss Trump out there, can you? Your TDS is beyond pathetic and it seems as though you are deliberately attempting to remove attention from Biden…then again, you do seem like a great disinfo troll. Now go downvote me and call me names, you know you want to, you little fraud, you.

anon I
anon I
August 27, 2021 7:08 pm

No need to call you anything. You’re behavior betrays you.

comment image

  anon I
August 27, 2021 7:13 pm

Yawn….now go bash jooos some more and Trump supporters and anyone else who is focusing on your hero Biden and your love interest Obama with a jaundiced eye. Psst, it was BIDEN who got thirteen US soldiers killed yesterday….not Trump. Now carry on, I understand you have a quota to fulfil…

August 27, 2021 12:49 pm

Decisions, decisions. Pudding, or ice cream?… Pudding, or ice cream? Pudding…or…what was that other thing?

Tom MacGyver
Tom MacGyver
August 27, 2021 1:22 pm


Mista Shape Shifta
Mista Shape Shifta
August 27, 2021 12:56 pm

“Jill said to bite my finger until I start to cry”.

August 27, 2021 1:25 pm

Forget the picture, recognize the actions.
Tom Luongo is correct.
This is the paradigm shift.
Dementia Joe is being discarded by the deep state.
The 180 shift on Joe even by the MSM shows this.
There will be no recovery from this for him.
He is now the object of the “2 minute hate”.
Whatever his fate, the Ho will not replace him.
She does not even have the competence for theater to play the role.
She is the ultimate incompetent ‘diversity hire’.

From the Notebook – Who Does Davos Turn To After Biden?

GDP, usually gruntled
GDP, usually gruntled
August 27, 2021 4:25 pm

Not so sure. As I read elsewhere if Harris gains the presidency she is no longer the tie breaker in the Senate. Only the veep can do that and apparently there’s no provision for replacing the veep. Tied Senate would throw a major monkey wrench in Dims plans for continued ruinous legislation.

anon I
anon I
  GDP, usually gruntled
August 27, 2021 5:41 pm

After all the tricks we’ve seen in the last two years and you still think there are any rules for them? Quit watching Fox and reading the epoch times.

  GDP, usually gruntled
August 27, 2021 5:43 pm

Is there a mechanism by which someone else altogether can be installed without the process of an election (outside of a military coup)? It would seem to me that the stage is being set for something (someone) unexpected.

  GDP, usually gruntled
August 27, 2021 6:48 pm

On October 10, 1973, Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned and then pleaded no contest to criminal charges of tax evasion and money laundering, part of a negotiated resolution to a scheme wherein he accepted $29,500 in bribes while governor of Maryland. According to The New York Times, “Nixon sought advice from senior Congressional leaders about a replacement. The advice was unanimous. ‘We gave Nixon no choice but Ford,’ House Speaker Carl Albert recalled later”.

Ford was nominated to take Agnew’s position on October 12, the first time the vice-presidential vacancy provision of the 25th Amendment had been implemented. The United States Senate voted 92 to 3 to confirm Ford on November 27. Only three Senators, all Democrats, had voted against Ford’s confirmation: Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, Thomas Eagleton of Missouri and William Hathaway of Maine. On December 6, the House confirmed Ford by a vote of 387 to 35. One hour after the confirmation vote in the House, Ford took the oath of office as Vice President of the United States.

After Ford became president he nominated the next VP Nelson Rockefeller. There is always a solution.

  GDP, usually gruntled
August 27, 2021 7:28 pm

From my reading of section 4 of the 25th Amendment, I think that she would have both the power of the President, and those of the VP, so as Acting President she could still vote the tie breaker.
I haven’t looked at the legislative history, however because section 4 doesn’t specifically preclude it, and as she wouldn’t actually be the President. The argument could be made she could still preside over the Senate.

The Senate may have to decide, and because they are equally divided Kamala would break the tie in her favor, which she could do, because as it was being voted on before she was declared ineligible to vote on ties, she would be able to vote on this issue.

I suspect that it would quickly go to the Supreme Court, as a case of original jurisdiction, however they could decline it as a political issue., And probably will. The Roberts Court isn’t exactly made up of a group of a profile in courage award winners. That:s how we ended up in this mess in the first place.

bulky jones
bulky jones
August 27, 2021 1:27 pm

Preparation H is NOT a substitute for super polygrip!

Tom MacGyver
Tom MacGyver
August 27, 2021 1:29 pm

Trump tried to fulfill his promises but was stymied by the Democrats. Now Biden’s overreaching his ass off, and the GOP is sleeping through it.

Come back and comment after the MILLIONS of illegal aliens that Trump kept out and that Biden let in settle in your neighborhood and turn it into the Third World shit hole they made of mine!

Chime in again when the highway robbery of the American taxpayer that Pelosi is ramming through starts hitting you in the wallet.

Pipe up after your right to bear arms is completely gone, and you are at the mercy of the gangs with tattoos and the ones who wear suits.

Wake up, man…

anon I
anon I
  Tom MacGyver
August 27, 2021 1:53 pm

Baloney. You were played big time by a NYC carney barker. Time for you to wake up not AP. We have some seriously stoooopidd people on here who loves them some Koolade.

  anon I
August 27, 2021 3:55 pm

So now that we’re in the fast lane to socialist hell with no “speed bump” to worry about, things are so much better.

Kindly go GFY. 🙂

anon I
anon I
August 27, 2021 5:37 pm

Piss off B_. You’ve been in socialist hell for 100 years and you haven’t even caught on yet.
What do you think 1913, the Federal Reserve act and the 16th through 19th amendments were about.
First thing tomorrow you should start learning how to read in context and as you study look up the correlation between virtue signaling and being gay.

anon I
anon I
August 27, 2021 6:21 pm

Looks like a Jewish Foreskin beanie they’re wearing. That’s where your beloved gets orders from.
comment image
Like father like daughtercomment image

Oops!! Is that another foreskin beaniecomment image

OOps againcomment imagecomment image

Get the picture yet.
But wait there’s more.

Understanding the Cabalist Left vs Right Charade
November 24, 2019

lya_otto_h_kahn.jpg(left, Otto Kahn, 1867-1934)

“We Control Both Left & Right” — Kuhn Loeb Banker

In a candid dinner conversation after WW1, Kuhn Loeb partner Otto Kahn
was asked why the Capitalist bankers supported Communism.

He replied they both have “an identical purpose, the remaking
of the world from above by the control of riches, [Right]
and from below by revolution [Left.]” They are all Freemasons (Cabalists.)
Their final goal is the deification of the Rothschild banking cartel posing as
representatives of the Jewish people.

Hence we have the Communist faction on the Left (globalist, homosexual, migration, US Demonrats, Canada, EU, Sweden, Russia, Iran, and China) and the Zionist faction on the Right (nationalist, heterosexual, US, UK, Brazil, Bolivia, Hungary.) Israel is at the fulcrum. No nationalist is ever critical of Israel.

“We shall purify the idea [of God] by identifying it with the nation of Israel, which has become its own Messiah. The advent of it will be facilitated by the final triumph of Israel… ”

An excerpt from

The above link is the back story of what’s really happening. The truth is available to anyone who wants it But few here really want it because it exposes them in their comfy little Hidey Holes of Jewholm Syndrome.

  anon I
August 28, 2021 12:14 am

anonI, Sweetie you are so full of shit…here, read this and then go politely fornicate yourself…

“And from Larry Corriea on Facebook, during one of the short periods when he’s actually allowed to post:

For the first few days of the Afghanistan clusterfuck, most lefties were keeping their heads down. It was remarkably quiet. Well apparently they got their new download because I’ve seen the same ridiculous narrative suddenly show up a ton over the last 24 hours. Drive bys in nearly every post, all saying the same thing.

“This was all Trump’s plan/fault/date and there was nothing Biden could do.”

Okay, let’s destroy this bullshit narrative, because it’s fucking pernicious. Did Trump plan on removing the military before the civilians? Did Trump plan on abandoning our secure air base in the middle of the night without even telling our allies? Did Trump’s plan include giving a list of all our friends, allies, and countrymen to the Taliban? Did Trump intend to give the Taliban biometric scanners and records so our friends could be identified? Did Trump plan on leaving our allies hanging so badly that he’d get censored by fucking Parliament? Did Trump’s plan include leaving billions of dollars of weapons and equipment behind for the Taliban? Did Trump plan on a chaotic clusterfuck of an evacuation from an unsecure airport with people falling off of airplanes? Would Trump command our soldiers to stay at the airport while the French, English, Poles, and Hungarians ran rescue missions into the city to get their people? Did Trump plan on trusting airport security to the motherfucking goat raping Taliban so that our people could get killed by suicide bombers?

And if so, if that was Trump’s plan all along… WHY THE FUCK DID BIDEN NOT COME UP WITH A BETTER PLAN?

Even if these lying ass bastards were right (they aren’t) and the worst foreign policy fuck up in our lifetimes was exactly what Trump wanted to do, the fact that the Biden administration didn’t come up with something better would still all be on their heads.

And I’m not saying Trump is blameless, oh no. The blame for this whole thing goes back two decades, Republican and Democrat, senior military leadership, the state department, and the intelligence community, lots of highly paid experts and PhDs in international relations all covering their asses together.

However, the blame for this clusterfuck, this one operation, this infuriating, embarrassing, goat rope of a withdrawal, is all on Joe Biden, his puppeteers, and the people who were gullible/selfish enough to install him into office.

You voted for this shit. We warned you he was corrupt and incompetent, and all the evidence showed he was corrupt and incompetent, but you kicked us off the internet, looked the other way, and now you fucking own this. Quit making excuses. Quit lying. Own it. Help fix it. Or shut the fuck up.

The President of the United States. the Joints Chiefs of Staff, and the entire State Department can go fuck themselves right now.

Anyone who voted to put that muppet in the Oval Office can go fuck themselves right now.

I’m headed for the bourbon, and I’m going to hope like fuck I don’t have nightmares. – Lawdog”


anon I
anon I
August 28, 2021 12:31 am

All you do with that nonsense is confirm your stupidity. It goes back 7 millenium but who’s counting. This will take you back to 2400BC but to answer your question of who runs the world today, here it is by one of the truly great historians of our day who forgot more about who runs the world than most people ever learn and he and his family paid dearly for it.

Because of their Kabbalistic origins, the number 13 is of great
significance in Masonic rites. A Council of Five, which is composed of
the family leaders of the Rothschilds and their closest associates,
governs the World Order of Canaanitic Freemasonry. Below it is the
Council of 13, which also has great authority; after them comes the
Council of 500. The council of 500 is made up of the leading
politicians and business leaders of the world; if also includes the
most prominent men from education and religion. The members of this
Council are often present at the policy meetings of the Bilderberger
Organization, with which it basically corresponds. Key elements in the
world program of Freemasonry are frequently enacted on their special
date, the thirteenth. Thus, the Federal Reserve Act, a key point in
the control of the world’s economic systems by the Canaanites, was
enacted onto law on the 23rd of December, 1913. The 16th Amendment to
the Constitution of the United States, the income lux: amendment,
which was also a key element in the program, was adopted on May 31,
1913. This amendment gave the Canaanites control over every economic
aspect of the captive population of the United States. From that day
on, they had to report every penny of both income and assets, as had
been laid down by Lenin in his program, “The Threatening Catastrophe,”
which he had published in 1917. This program called for the
confiscation of assets as punishment for “concealing income”; it was
adopted by the Internal Revenue Service. The Lenin program now is the
official operating doctrine of the IRS. The 17th amendment to the
Constitution of the people of Shem, the amendment changing the
requirements for electing Senators to the Congress, was adopted on May
21, 1913. These three amendments effectively sabotaged the
Constitution, removing its historic protections of the people against
a tyrannical government. Because income is actually property, the 16th
amendment stripped citizens of the United States of all property
rights, as did the later provisions for confiscation of all money and
property. The Senate election amendment stripped the state
legislatures of their historic right to elect Senators; it had been
required to maintain the balance between the less populous and the
more populous states; it now costs ten million dollars to elect a
Senator. This amendment left the inhabitants of the several states
bare to the most vicious intrigues of the barbaric and
devil-worshipping Canaanites. In effect, the people of Shem lost a
racial and religious war, because of these three acts of 1913. The
emphasis on the number 13 also restates the resolve of the Freemasons
to destroy their historic enemy, Christ, and His Twelve Disciples.

  anon I
August 28, 2021 12:52 am

You are a religious fanatic and a serious nutcase filled with hate and self righteousness. At least cite the reference when you cut and paste you lunatic.

anon I
anon I
August 28, 2021 1:06 am

Good lord you’re sick. I left it off by design. Don’t want you quoting them later to someone else claiming you know something about who really runs things.
Citing a facebook fantasy writer who thinks voting matters and you pretend to want to know the author of something factual. Cute. Keep voting.

  anon I
August 28, 2021 1:27 am

Voting? I never mentioned voting. Nice attempt at deflecting from the gist of the article which you don’t want to address. You also don’t want to address how Biden just committed treason and instead deflect with diatribes against Trump and Bible bleating.

It’s apparent you have no clue about current events and aren’t intelligent enough to comprehend the enormity of what is now happening in Afghanistan.

Being self righteous is nothing to brag about…and deflecting from the subject of Afghanistan and Biden only reveals how little you understand and how loathe you are to reveal that fact. Go blather away about the Bible, regurgitate your uncited resources and don’t ever bother to enlarge your limited knowledge base, small minds have a hard time growing bigger .

Harrington Richardson: Have Lamp Posts-Will Travel
Harrington Richardson: Have Lamp Posts-Will Travel
  Tom MacGyver
August 27, 2021 2:24 pm

The Jew obsessed here have their own unique agenda.

anon I
anon I

Stop outing us squealed the Shekel Shill from the top of the heap of dead whites.

  anon I
August 27, 2021 6:52 pm

anon I has done his job well. Now the entire conversation is about Trump and all eyes have left Biden. Do they pay you to protect Biden or do you do it for free?

  anon I
August 28, 2021 12:59 am

So, when you have your special meetings do you salute the flag of the Third Reich and sing the Horst Wessel?
comment image

  Tom MacGyver
August 27, 2021 8:57 pm

Numerous (non-leftist) writers conveyed how Trump was attempting to establish his own Deep State.

The USMCA handed various powers of the people of the States to multi-national corporations. Within the USMCA, specific migration laws can be made by multinational corporations.

The cartels and their allies rode roughshod during Trump’s Administration.

Trump had considered a health social credit system during his Administration’s early years.

Why he chose not to abolish the Federal Reserve was not addressed.

Due Process!

Trump was one President who had the passion of MAGA folks most incredibly while in office.

Can MAGA folks make America Great without Trump? Absolutely!

Trump the in-fighting Champ!

Das Arschloch
Das Arschloch
August 27, 2021 2:00 pm

What could be the real motive for the Afghan theater (as in theatrics)?
1. US troops needed at home for “other purposes”
2. deep state running out of volunteers (does anybody have numbers on patriots leaving the military)
3. deep state trying to goad China to make a move on Taiwan and rile up American public to prep them for the big war.
My personal guess is no. 3. 2021 is to China what 1914 was to Germany. Of course the Chinese leadership is smarter than the naive fool Willy II.

anon I
anon I
  Das Arschloch
August 27, 2021 2:09 pm

Willy wasn’t the fool you were told he was. We are the 1914 Germany not China. They are thick as thieves
with Israel and the Rothschild Cabal.

anon I
anon I
  Das Arschloch
August 27, 2021 2:42 pm

It’s unlikey any of the resident Bolshevik stooges will read this but I’ll put it up for the handful of truth seekers still here.

Masonic Bankers Started WWI to Exterminate Germany
June 9, 2017

In August 1914, Kaiser Wilhelm realized he had been fooled:
“England, Russia and France have agreed among themselves …
to take the Austro-Serbian conflict as an excuse
for waging a war of extermination against us…”

War is used to eliminate any nationalist resistance to
Masonic Jewish banker world hegemony. It expresses
their Talmudic hatred of humanity. (Also, they need to
constantly degrade and destabilize society to protect their
fraudulent credit monopoly.) Consider the needless
suffering they caused in both world wars. “Terror” is just
an extension of this ongoing war on humanity.

(Updated from June 9, 20
When we left off, we were exploring the proposition that the New World Order is the British Empire repackaged, and this empire was literally a marriage of effete British aristocracy and virile (or virulent) Jewish finance under the umbrella of Freemasonry.

Excerpt from

anon I
anon I
  anon I
August 27, 2021 2:59 pm

The truth is made available and knowable by God if one wants the truth. The cost is that you must be willing to try to share it. I will soon stand in front of God almighty possibly guilty of many things but cowardice is not one of them.

  anon I
August 27, 2021 6:57 pm

The truth? Trashing the thread to drag out the same lame and tired tale. It’s the joooos and only the jooos. How many jooos you gonna toss down the well this go round??

August 27, 2021 8:40 pm

You stated up-thread: This country is a captured nation, ruled by a cabal of globalists working very hard to strip it clean and leave the corpse for the carrion eaters.

So who would you say comprises this cabal you speak of?

August 27, 2021 11:02 pm

The Rockefellers weren’t jewish were they? They were Baptist but so what, right? Is Pelosi jewish? How about the pope? Were the Kennedy’s jewish? How about Bill Gates? How’s about the WASP (white, anglo saxon protestant) uppercrust families like Astor, Fish, Harriman, Rockefeller, Crocker, Webb, Rhinelander, Cutting, Vanderbilt, Bacon and other well-known families. Is Warren Buffet jewish? Why no, he isn’t but let that not take away from the narrative spewed constantly here that the jews and only the jews are the purveyors of the evil cabal that runs the world.
This simple minded, narrow minded belief is tiresome to the extreme and the usual idiots who constantly and incessantly bang that drum never ever accept the possibility that gentiles, pagans, atheists, et. al. are all capable of evil and dominance and can and do belong to that cabal.
The families of the jewish bankers are all in on the deal but they aren’t and don’t act alone. The Vatican isn’t jewish either although the cadre of jew haters will twist themselves into knots in an effort to find the jew in the Catholic Church. Ashkenazi vs. Kazarian vs. whatever….enough!

anon I
anon I
August 28, 2021 12:03 am

You’re the one whose narrow uninformed view is tiring. It’s obvious you are a crypto Shekel. You never really looked into those names you threw out so loosely. You’re aparrently too inept to defend your position so you fall back on your uncle Saul’s playbook or accuse, slander, obfuscate, and lie.
Rocky was a Methodist. You know nothing of Bacon much less the Unholy chain of command with roots all the way back through Babylon and on to Cain and from there to the pre adamic flood and destruction of the first earth age and the war in Heaven, but you don’t mind trashing those who do.

No surprise there, you can do no other than your father the devil can do. Your world consists entirely of you and defending your kin in the name of protecting the misinformed from doing their own research. Your Kenite kinfolk are proud of you but they will soon sell you down the river.

  anon I
August 28, 2021 12:37 am

Dear Lord, now you’re a religious fanatic and Biblical scholar and an expert on all of that? The war in Heaven? Please, climb off your soapbox and quit spouting truisms that you haven’t a clue as to their veracity. If we are to synopsize your antipathy for jews, from what you just wrote, you call them Christ killers and therefor they deserve you approbation. Who appointed you God? Hubris and hatred are your hallmarks and no true Christian would ever spew the venom that you just spit.

anon I
anon I
August 28, 2021 12:51 am

So your go to authority is a fiction fantasy writer from FARCEBOOK who thinks voting matters??? But the Holy Bible is no good. Prophets like Jeremiah, Isiah, Job, Moses, Peter, Paul, and Christ himself are no good. I mentioned nothing that isn’t in there but you wouldn’t know that although you should because your daddy Satan knows it back and forward.

You’re the reason so many lament the passing of the 19th amendment.

  anon I
August 28, 2021 1:06 am

The only thing you are is a pathetic, self righteous, narrow minded little person who thumps the Bible and uses it as an excuse to spew hatred. That is all you are…weak and small and full of hate.

anon I
anon I
August 28, 2021 12:32 pm

Once again you go to your fallback position of smear, slime, and slander when you have no argument.

August 28, 2021 12:10 am


That made a lot of sense. My problem with the JQ is 1) why can they not be criticized and 2) why does America defend them to the death?

Remember who loved you first.

August 28, 2021 12:44 am

Sweetie, I loved you back.

As to the bullshit spewed incessantly by the usual crowd, they need a convenient scapegoat and they aren’t intelligent enough to understand that it’s far more than just the jews. You can criticise the jews to your heart’s content and in America Evangelical Christians have this strange notion of Israel and the Bible so they’re big on supporting Israel.
The Jewish lobby is big and powerful and lots of powerful jews in Hollywood and the media push for supporting Israel but that is more about you scratch my back stuff. The media is in the tank for the government, wonder why?
Ol anon I just revealed his true colors as a zealot and fanatic, a self-righteous prig who exalts himself as a righteous being for hating a group of people. Fanaticism is a form of mental illness and anyone who exalts himself and believes himself the alpha and omega of all things Biblical is delusional.

Quiet Mike
Quiet Mike
August 27, 2021 2:53 pm

With partial attribution to William Banzai……… Joe’s wearing a Full Mental Jacket.

August 27, 2021 2:56 pm

(Man in Joe’s ear piece) ” Sorry Joe, we have run out of your favorite ice cream.”

DOTR Scheduler
DOTR Scheduler
August 27, 2021 3:21 pm

Of course. When will you EVER see a presidential candidate NOT make the obligatory trip to the Jews’ Wailing Wall and extend a prayerful hand out (minus the humping) or NOT make an appearance at the yearly American-Israel Political Action Committee (AIPAC) convention? Trump blew off the “required” National Association for the Advancement of COLORED People convention, but, of course, HE KNOWS that NO PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE would ever DARE NOT pay the ritual obeisance to the Jewish state/lobby. As Disraeli (a Jew, he would know) said, “If you want to know who controls you, look to ((Who)) you can’t criticize.” QED

Doctor de Vaca
Doctor de Vaca
August 27, 2021 3:23 pm

The “Im-bi-cile” has served his purpose. He won’t make the end of September before “The Ho” and TPTB 25th amendment him. Aren’t you looking forward to what fun we’ll have with the incompetent hyena in the Oval Office. Spicy Time is almost upon us.

  Doctor de Vaca
August 27, 2021 3:25 pm

They really are floating the idea of appointing Obama as vice to circumvent the “elected” to more than two terms phraseology.

August 27, 2021 3:46 pm

They would need at least one republican vote in the senate for this to happen. Once Kamala is president she can no longer be the tie breaking vote.

Evil nab
Evil nab
August 27, 2021 3:52 pm

They have plenty of RINOs to call on.

anon I
anon I
  Evil nab
August 27, 2021 5:43 pm

Right. 49 plus 7 more in the Supreme court. Assuming they have rules to follow anyway. GNL still thinks they go by the rules.

August 27, 2021 3:54 pm

” I picked the wrong day to stop using Great Looking Hair Formula #9.”

August 27, 2021 4:21 pm

“My name is Joe, and I am an incompetent president”

August 27, 2021 4:34 pm

“Please, please, God, don’t let them find out I’m faking it!”

john prokovich
john prokovich
August 27, 2021 5:07 pm

I hope that he took a crap in his pants.

  john prokovich
August 27, 2021 5:44 pm


Muscledawg (not to be known as Delusionaldawg)😉
Muscledawg (not to be known as Delusionaldawg)😉
August 27, 2021 5:08 pm

“Forgive me Jesus, for I know not what I do”.

August 27, 2021 5:32 pm

Kamala? Is that you down there? Please, please don’t get it caught in the zipper…(gulp)again.

August 27, 2021 5:57 pm

“utoh, my think-good shot (aderol) is wearing off already”

August 27, 2021 6:50 pm

Oh quit with the puerile Orange man bad again. Whites being deceived by Trump? So sorry, the ENTIRE Federal Government is corrupt from top to bottom and to single out one man while ignoring the reality of what you live in is sad. Trump revealed the reality good and hard and to fret about him while ignoring the true state of affairs is to wear blinders.
This country is a captured nation, ruled by a cabal of globalists working very hard to strip it clean and leave the corpse for the carrion eaters.

August 27, 2021 7:50 pm


Xiden is Conehead!

August 27, 2021 9:19 pm

I hope he has a very public death.
Like flopping on the ground and shitting his britches, right there on prime time teevee.

August 27, 2021 11:57 pm

Dang, I might have to go buy a TV!

August 27, 2021 9:22 pm

Biden’s Appeal to the Weaponized Mass Media: Easy to Feign Sorrow for the Masses.

August 28, 2021 12:35 am

“You gotta be kidding me. I hope they don’t notice my depends malfunction.”

August 28, 2021 6:59 am

Oh look. A potato in a blue suit.

Zulu Foxtrot Golf
Zulu Foxtrot Golf
August 28, 2021 8:54 pm

He always cries when he shits himself.

B rad
B rad
August 29, 2021 2:15 am

Damn! Damn! Damn it! What the fuck is my name?

August 29, 2021 2:23 am

Fuck that shit, Stucky. He isn’t even crying. He bowed his head in anger because the question was too hard for him to rationally answer.