What Can We Learn About Covid Tyranny From Australia And Afghanistan?

Submitted by CCRider

Guest Post By Brandon Smith

Despotic people tend to telegraph their future actions like inexperienced fighters tend to telegraph their punches; it’s not as if the intentions of totalitarians are obscured or hard to predict. In some cases they may even believe that they can be as obvious as they wish because they assume no one will ever try to stop them. They’ve been destroying lives for so long they adopt a sense of superiority, as if they are untouchable.

In my extensive study of psychopathy I find that, unfortunately, the primary catalyst for the exploitation and victimization of large populations of people is that many of them can’t wrap their heads around the idea of an organized conspiracy of human monsters. They refuse to acknowledge the existence of the evil right in front of them, so the evil is able to go unopposed for long stretches of time. There is ALWAYS a moment, though, when psychopaths push the wrong people too far. They just can’t help it, and this is when they find themselves on the business end of a noose or the barrel of a gun.

When it comes to organizations of psychopaths, the same moment also eventually arrives, it just takes longer for the public to comes to grips with the necessity of it.

In terms of the “Great Reset” agenda, medical tyranny using covid as a rationale is clearly a key ingredient to the future objectives of the power elite. At the beginning of the pandemic lockdowns last year I made several predictions and warnings. I said that the mandates and lockdowns for most people around the world would never go away, and I called this “Wave Theory”; the use of intermittent moments of limited freedom followed by increasingly more aggressive restrictions.

This cycle is meant to condition the public to the idea that governments are “allowed” to micromanage our daily lives, that this is “normal”, that it is for our own good and that we should enjoy the short moments of liberty or normalcy they so graciously let us to have.

I have warned consistently that all governments around the world would eventually try to adopt proof of vaccination requirements in order for people to participate in everyday activities such as going to public venues, going to school, shopping in stores or even getting a job. The mainstream media and governments consistently claimed last year that vaccine passports were “not going to happen”, and that the very notion was a conspiracy theory. Now, the vaccines passports are being implemented in numerous countries including some parts of the US and anyone who stands against them is called a “conspiracy theorist”.

You see how that works? If you expose the truth of an authoritarian plot the establishment lies and calls you a “conspiracy theorist”. Once the establishment admits to the plot and you refuse to comply with it those same liars call you a conspiracy theorist AGAIN, as well as a “terrorist.”

Yes, this was also predicted by myself and others at the beginning of the pandemic. We said that the people that fight against vaccine passport tyranny would be quickly labeled as traitors and terrorists “putting others at risk” because we are too “selfish” to bow down and take the experimental jab or submit to the lockdowns. This is exactly what has happened, with the DHS recently announcing that one of the warning signs of a potential terrorist includes opposition to covid mandates and vaccines.

I also predicted that the ultimate goal of the covid agenda will be to create domestic travel restrictions and state and city checkpoints, not to mention covid “camps” or prisons for the unvaccinated. In the US the DHS is admitting that they are entertaining the concept of interstate travel limits and a “papers please” system to prevent Americans from moving around freely. The state of New York hinted at covid camps many months ago, but the real plan is being revealed overseas in other Western nations like Australia and New Zealand.

And here is where we find the telegraphed punches…

I have specifically examined Australia and New Zealand’s fast track covid tyranny plans a year ago in my article ‘The Totalitarian Future Globalists Want For The Entire World Is Being Revealed’ and I noted that whatever happens in these countries along with certain countries in Europe is going to be tried in the US in the near term. The main difference being that these measures cannot be fast tracked in the same way in the US because Americans are heavily armed and have the ability to bury the establishment six feet under if we organized to do so.

This is why vaccine passports are still only incremental in the US and are not being pushed in the vast majority of the nation. This is why outside of major cities most Americans completely ignore the mandates and have been doing so for many months.

In my area I don’t think I have seen more than two people a day wearing a mask anywhere. The sight of it is so bizarre that it stands out almost immediately. I once even witnessed a woman in a mask (an obvious tourist) in line at the grocery store look around herself and realize NO ONE else was wearing one. She suddenly started making weird and very vocal excuses for her mask to all the people in line, claiming that she actually “hates the smell of detergents” and that was why she was wearing it.

The difference between free rural areas and the dystopian cities is stark.

Frankly, I don’t care if someone wears a mask or not. It’s a placebo that does nothing to stop the transmission of the virus, but if it makes them feel better then more power to them. The issue is when these scared and pathetic people try to project their delusions onto everyone else. Covid’s median death rate of 0.26% is so small it boggles my mind that so many people in blue states and counties are terrified of it. I don’t think they understand the basic statistics of the situation – 99.7% of the population has little to fear from covid.

This is the data according to the CDC and dozens of mainstream and independent medical studies, but you will never hear these numbers in the media. They will talk of infection numbers and deaths, but they refuse to put the deaths in perspective with the statistics. Why? Because then the public fear would go away, and the establishment needs to ramp up the fear so that they can continue to take away our freedoms in the name of “safety”.

I have been hearing a rather naive argument lately that countries like France are putting Americans to shame because they are in the streets protesting the lockdowns and passports. They are saying Americans will “never fight back.” What these people do not understand is that in most of the US there ARE NO LOCKDOWNS and there are no mandates. The government declares them, sure, and we just ignore them. There are only pockets of leftists in certain states and counties that actually follow and enforce these rules. The conservative population is fully ready and prepared to stop the agenda cold when the government actually tries to enforce it, and they will certainly try.

Here is where we need to understand the horrifying developments in Australia and New Zealand: The lockdowns are now normalized in these places and the governments need no real excuse for them. They simply announce there are a handful of covid cases and that lockdowns must return. Travel is strangled and basic rights and freedoms are nonexistent. The New Zealand Prime Minister’s latest speech on the restrictions says it all:

The main message here being that social interaction is forbidden. Just stay in your bubble and follow the mandates without question. And, even if you are vaccinated these rules still apply to you. The beauty of the covid restrictions is that they are a perfect excuse for a tyrannical government to block public assembly, which helps prevent the organization of resistance.

The globalists need the lockdowns to go on forever. In Australia and NZ the assertion is that anyone that breaks them will be targeted for punishment up to and including being locked up in a military run covid camp. These are the same measures that Biden and the globalists within the establishment would like for the US. It’s not conspiracy theory, it’s conspiracy reality.

This brings me to the Afghanistan situation, and some people might suggest that it has nothing to do with covid tyranny, but bear with me.  Again, it’s a matter again of predicting future events according to telegraphed punches as well as historic examples.

The question I’m hearing most when it comes to Afghanistan is “how is it possible for a group of tribal cave people to defeat the most advanced military in the world.” I think this conundrum needs to be explored when it comes to covid tyranny because if the epic might of the US military was not enough to hold back the Taliban, how do the globalists plan to enforce covid lockdowns in America?

Let’s be clear first that there are many people that argue that the US military was “not allowed to win” in Afghanistan. This is a misrepresentation of reality. The fact of the matter is, winning was ALWAYS IMPOSSIBLE in Afghanistan. The establishment knew this 20 years ago when they first sent American troops in. They did not need to sabotage the US mission in Afghanistan, because losing in Afghanistan was inevitable anyway.

The occupation of an entire nation in order to diminish a large insurgency and impose a cultural shift is an effort that must be accomplished swiftly or not at all. The monetary cost is crippling, the human cost is staggering and the amount of resources needed to maintain subjugation is exponential. The truth is, the longer an occupation goes on without the total elimination of the insurgency, the less likely it is to succeed. The problem is, in order to completely eliminate the insurgency, you would have to wipe out most of the population using tactics that are grotesque; tactics that only inspire MORE insurgency.

I’ll repeat the message here because I don’t think some people get it: The conspiracy to trap the US in failure was completed 20 years ago the moment we committed to the invasion of Afghanistan. It was all downhill from there and there was no way to win.

I have also heard it said that it’s impractical to compare an Afghan insurgency to an American rebellion against tyranny because the Taliban is made up of fighters that far superior in ability to any patriots in the US.  In other words, some people think the Taliban are some kind of super soldiers. This is an idiotic take. I think the following video makes my point for me:

These are not the brightest bulbs in the bunch nor are they unstoppable berserkers. Their training is sub-par and the majority of combat incidents with the Taliban note their habit of not even looking down the sights on their rifles when they shoot. This leads us to a logical query when it comes to the covid gulag the globalists want to transplant to the US – If the low rent fighters of the Taliban can fend off the modern military might of the US, then how in the hell do the globalists expect to control an American insurgency made up of trained combat veterans and experienced civilian shooters using guerrilla tactics?

Who are they going to get to do this? Who is stupid enough to take the job of demanding papers and enforcing checkpoints and arresting those that don’t comply in predominantly conservative regions with more guns than people and enough ammo to fight at least a couple world wars? I suspect that expensive contractors would be the only answer outside of foreign forces, and even then, I would not want to be in their shoes when the sleeping giant of American rebellion stirs.

I guess the lesson I am deriving from these examples is that the globalists are going to try to enforce the covid mandate agenda and passport tyranny no matter what. They cannot stop the process which they have set in motion. The events in Australia and NZ show that their addiction to totalitarianism is insatiable and it demands they pursue increasing control regardless of the cost. They are telling us exactly what they are about to do.

The events in Afghanistan show that such control is nearly impossible to maintain over a population that is armed and that, in the US at least, they will ultimately lose…badly. Even if they use unmitigated terror tactics, they will still lose as long as Americans continue to fight. The laws of attrition always prevail, and technological superiority means nothing. To summarize, the fight is already won, but the struggle has just begun.

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August 31, 2021 7:55 pm

But the Taliban hates the US government. At least 40% of the American public loves government and I have seen no evidence that a significant portion of the remainder will ever resist.

Georges S
Georges S
August 31, 2021 11:03 pm

Look a good look at the 40% in question.

August 31, 2021 7:56 pm

The central thesis of this piece is that it is impossible for an occupying force to defeat an armed citizenry, provided, of course, they engage with the same determination and vigor as the Afghans did.

Evil nab
Evil nab
August 31, 2021 8:07 pm

And provided the occupied actually grasp that they are occupied. Not seeing much of that.

  Evil nab
August 31, 2021 8:40 pm

They’ll catch on when the food runs out.

Evil nab
Evil nab
August 31, 2021 8:51 pm

I have my doubts. If they took the Jab, they will swallow whatever TPTB say. “White men took all the food”, “The flyover farmers are starving you on purpose”, “The Russians did it”……

Even if they are not truly stupid, most are so ignorant they are incapable of discerning fact from fiction. Besides, they get all their understanding of world and national events from the likes of Anderson Cooper and if really hip, Bill Maher.

Mista Shape Shifta
Mista Shape Shifta
  Evil nab
August 31, 2021 9:20 pm

Many of the Covidians will be pissed once they realize that the so called vaccines are neither safe nor effective and did more harm than good. I think some will switch sides, assuming they are still alive. This may be one reason for the big push to get everyone vaccinated. We unvaxed are the control group, and if we are healthy and the vaxed are not, some people are going to have some ‘splainen to do.

  Evil nab
August 31, 2021 11:23 pm

Their trust in authority and worship of celebrity are a deadly combination.

August 31, 2021 8:21 pm

Who are they going to get to do this? Who is stupid enough to take the job of demanding papers and enforcing checkpoints and arresting those that don’t comply in predominantly conservative regions with more guns than people and enough ammo to fight at least a couple world wars?

The lezbo in the previous video – along with her fellow lezbo and queer and left-wing woke soldier friends – would be more than happy to TRY to enforce it. But how long they could withstand the retaliation attacks is the question.

The difference between the Taliban /Afghans and people in the US is the Taliban /Afghans have been fighting one another for millenia. All they do is fight and kill one another, over and over, generation after generation.

They’re also essentially cavemen, used to living in prehistoric conditions without the modern amenities most Americans take for granted.

Throw into the mix radical Islam and the honor bestowed upon “martyrs,” which is quite effective in motivating people who have no stake in the material world to do ballsy things like blow themselves up in a crowd to kill their enemies, and you have a formidable enemy who can make your life difficult, even without the ability to shoot straight.

In comparison, very few Americans are this way, even in red “flyover” country. They will fight to defend their families and friends, but the vast majority are nowhere near as radical as the average Taliban/Afghan fighter. Americans value life – even the most ardent Christians, while radical Taliban Muslims value what comes after life, because their earthly lives suck and the afterlife paradise is what they are trained to value.

Americans are also used to peace in their homeland. Sure, millions are veterans of foreign wars, but the culture they grew up in was one of peace, not eternal mortal kombat (except in video games or urban hellscapes like Chicago). Americans are not used to total war in their homeland, in their own neighborhoods.

Also factor in that the US military can control US territory much easier than they could control territory in Afghanistan. The US territory is known, there are multiple ways for them to much more easily inject forces, and the terrain isn’t as inhospitable as Afghanistan.

Not trying to be a Debbie Downer here, but there are many differences between the Taliban rebels and potential US rebels.

anon I
anon I
August 31, 2021 8:42 pm

I’ll add that when it begins here there won’t be any cameras rolling to show the napalm or cyanide gas and hellfire missiles and drone attacks. It will be very different this time. I said 1 1/2 years ago we are crazy to let them continue using the grid to surround and trap us. We should have taken out the hubs.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
August 31, 2021 8:47 pm

I was with you until your last point. Have you ever sat down and thought about how many troops it would take to “occupy” the US? The numbers are staggering and many multiples of the members of the military who would participate.

I doubt the entire US army could occupy and control the state of Texas, much less the other 49 at the same time.

  TN Patriot
August 31, 2021 8:58 pm

They wouldn’t need to inject a ton of physical troops. They could inject a small amount and control a large area with satellite surveillance, targeted drone strikes, and propaganda to scare large portions of the population into being their secret police and ratting out the opposition.

Mista Shape Shifta
Mista Shape Shifta
August 31, 2021 9:28 pm

You mean like they did in Afghanistan?

August 31, 2021 10:13 pm

I’ve always had a belief that the ineptitude of gubmint will cause its own collapse. Gubmint workers have no incentive to be creative and come up with better solutions because it profits no one in gubmint. Call the IRS for an answer to a tax question…go to the DMV…talk to code enforcment. If pressure is applied, most will implode. Their incentive is to work 20 years, don’t get written up, then live on retirement for 40 years.

September 1, 2021 12:12 am

It certainly is easy to think Covid is a depop strategy as well as a first strike against those who will eventually fight.

September 1, 2021 1:19 am

The main difference being that [Australia and New Zealand’s fast track covid tyranny] cannot be fast tracked in the same way in the US because Americans are heavily armed and have the ability to bury the establishment six feet under if we organized to do so.

Admittedly, that’s a big “if”.

very old white guy
very old white guy
September 1, 2021 6:06 am

I will tell you one thing that hasn’t been learned, governments need to be taken under control by the people and fast before they kill us all.

September 1, 2021 7:20 am

A hypothetical question if you will? Since, as restrictions increase, communication will become monitored or strangled, what would you as a lone wolf mccade type be able to accomplish on an individual basis to gum up the works? Just a hypothetical thought experiment each person should ponder if the need arises. No answers please.

Zulu Foxtrot Golf
Zulu Foxtrot Golf
September 1, 2021 12:29 pm

Dealer’s choice dude. There are plenty of things a single person can fuck up. Just think of priority needs for the average person or supply chains and voila. Think outside the box. There are plenty of modern examples from all over the world that illustrate the power of individuals and well organized small units.

Evil nab
Evil nab
September 1, 2021 1:37 pm

Sorry, I feel like answering. Not a lone wolf but an avid watcher and researcher as to how societies collapse and the likely ways they will in the future.

BTW the Roman empire collapsed when the aqueducts were destroyed. They were the “can’t live without” technology of the day. Ours is;


Everything stops without electricity. Without power (for the most part), no water, no heat, no internet, no communications, no lighting, no gas pumps, no supermarket tills or automatic doors, no ‘pretty much anything that makes the modern world go round’.

A few years back several substation transformers developed 30 caliber leaks, lost all their cooling oil and fried. Transformers are not generally off the shelf items and take much time to remove, procure new and replace. It is the weakest point in a very fragile system.

Also, the tower insulators and wires on the 400k-1000k volt towers are susceptible to the same 30 caliber faults. Once the line hits the tower the plasma ball will take out a good portion of the tower itself. These lines run through the middle of nowhere and cannot be adequately protected.

To answer your hypothetical and not suggesting anyone do so, of course.


U.S. Electric Grid Vulnerable to Unprecedented Waves of Attack

  Evil nab
September 1, 2021 3:10 pm

Transformers are not generally off the shelf items and take much time to remove, procure new and replace. It is the weakest point in a very fragile system.

Good point. And there’s more. Many of these transformers are made in China and are suspected of having a “backdoor.”

The Weak Link: How China Built in a ‘Backdoor’ Threat that Could Take Down the US Electric Grid


Trump tried to close this door by issuing Executive Order 13920 (the “Bulk Power Order”), which prohibited certain transactions involving bulk-power system electric equipment manufactured or supplied by persons owned by, controlled by, or subject to the jurisdiction of a foreign adversary.

Biden suspended, then revoked it completely.


September 1, 2021 9:12 am

I commend the writer. I looked at his past predictions because I wanted to know who I was dealing with and my gosh they are so accurate they look like they were written a week ago.