by Ray Jason


Because our shrieking rulers are so fiercely demanding that all of us must be vaccinated, I suspect that they are concealing their true agenda. Previously, I assumed that it was just the age-old quest for money and power.

But now I believe that they intend to use these “vaccines” for much more sinister reasons. My fear is that their ultimate goal is the “cyborging” of humanity. Could it be that this mRNA technology actually re-programs the human operating system? Are they injecting us with compounds that will induce submissiveness, eliminate fertility, secretly track us and potentially even instantly terminate us through sound frequencies or light impulses?

Will those who have been vaxxed be altered – without their knowledge or permission – into a Humanity 2.0.? And will the anti-vaxxers be transformed from mere resistors against Tyranny, into the last remnants of the natural, biological and un-augmented Humanity 1.0?

Will the divide become so vicious that the vaxxed will be privileged and the unvaxxed will be pariahs? And will the Pure Bloods be hunted down, shipped to “quarantine” camps … and possibly eliminated?


Our Malignant Overlords, as I like to call them, have been claiming for over a century that the Earth is overpopulated. Many wise observers argue that the Jab is what will provide them the massive depopulation that they crave. Certainly, the first several months of the injections indicate how dangerous and deadly they are.


When the die-off increases beyond the point where the media and officials can hide it, they will blame the un-vaxxed. At that point, I believe that the only answer is to escape. Without a Vaxx Pass, we will be cut off from even the insect goo and the chemo-burgers that the Normies are forced to eat.

That will be when we must go “heroically primitive.” We must revert to The Old Ways because they will be The Only Ways. We must grow, catch, hunt or forage our food. We must provide our own shelter and “secure it” with extreme prejudice. We must birth, nurture and educate our children on our own. We must heal ourselves. This task will actually be easier since the modern world is an anti-health hell-pit.

Most importantly, we must band together with strong-willed kindred spirits to fight this seemingly unbeatable foe. We must stand against these evil forces that seek to destroy the magnificent carbon-based human being; and replace it with a soul-less silica-based android. Here is one way that we can triumph.


This is the latest version of a concept that I have been advancing for a decade on the internet. Originally, I called it The Sea Gypsy Tribe. My belief is that small groups of like-minded and highly-skilled sailors aboard ocean-going sailboats will have the best chance to survive and flourish after any type of major catastrophe.

My thinking had been that the crisis that would activate the sea gypsy tribes would be something like an EMP strike or an economic collapse or nuclear war. But now it appears that these pure blood sailors will be fleeing from medical martial law. And they will be battling against the forced transformation of humanity into a hybrid of man and machine … a future that none of us requested.

I greatly appreciate all of the land-based folks who have been prepping for such contingencies; and I hope that they triumph when the darkness descends. But the great advantage that The Sea Gypsy Pure Bloods have is that we are not stationary. Rather than standing our ground and fighting off the inevitable marauders, we can flee in our totally self-sufficient sailing boats.

The wind is our propulsion, so we do not rely on fuel. Solar panels and small wind generators have been a feature on most cruising boats for decades. They provide all the power needed for refrigeration, pumps, lighting and radios.

Water-makers that convert sea water into drinking water have long been a staple on boats and catching rainwater is another option. Many boats have HAM radios, which will allow each pure blood tribe to track the developments onshore. These are superb comm options since they do not rely on The Grid.

My boat always has at least 6 months of non-perishable food onboard. This includes the large cans of freeze-dried entrees that just require boiling water. I have lots of canned chicken, turkey, sardines, tuna and salmon. There are big tins filled with powdered milk, eggs and flour. Pasta, rice, oatmeal, soups and pancake mix are some of my onboard carbs.

Once these food stuffs are expended, I will rely on the bounty of the sea and the shore by utilizing my fishing gear and foraging guidebooks. And when the GPS goes down, I will revitalize my celestial navigation skills, which served me well for over 12,000 miles.

For entertainment, there are books in both physical and electronic form. I have a big stash of classic movies and a nice mixture of music. These are played on my laptop or head-phones, which are kept charged up by the solar panels and wind genny.

Essentially, the modern sailing boat provides all of the amenities of a home ashore, but with the bonus ability to Flee to the Sea. I also have significant weaponry to cover any rear-guard festivities.


I spend a lot of time trying to decipher the mostly secret game plan of our Rulers. As of November 2021, this is my best assessment.

They used the WuFlu plandemic as a means of expanding their totalitarian control of the masses. They wondered how much push-back they would get to their Draconian edicts, and were stunned by how easily so many surrendered to their fear propaganda.

This allowed them to further vaporize the Middle Class and transfer enormous wealth to the already obscenely rich at the top. It also destroyed millions of mom and pop businesses and expanded the power of the gargantuan chain stores. And it deepened the antagonisms between various segments of the population, which diverts attention away from the true villains.

The second phase of their grand strategy was to force “vaccines” upon the brainwashed masses. Some mockingly refer to this as an IQ test, but I sense that it is even more insidious. It allows our Masters to determine who are the weakest and most gullible among us, and also who are the strongest and most dangerous to their regime.

Their goal seems to be a major reduction in world population. Then those who survive will be so overwhelmed by deprivation that they will accept their new roles as serfs in exchange for the basic human necessities. “You will own nothing, and be happy” as the Archduke of Despair, Herr Scwab, describes it.

Eventually, through continual new inoculations, The Malignant Overlords, will create a humanoid worker bee that is totally docile and compliant. And so the entire planet can now become one gigantic Club Med for the all-powerful.


The primary goal is to SURVIVE as living examples of the magnificent Humanity 1.0 creatures that we are. Certainly we are flawed, but we are also capable of goodness and nobility and creativity and kindness and courage and majesty and transcendence.

And perhaps above all we are gloriously NATURAL. We are not the distorted and dystopian creation of a self-worshiping battalion of Dr. Frankensteins. We are of this earth … of this water … of this planet … and we are proud of it.

So, initially we must just sustain small Sea Gypsy Pure Blood outposts across the Wide Waters. We will live and love and laugh … and wait. Perhaps these monsters will succumb to their own internal perversions and destroy each other.

If not, we will prepare and plot and find a way. Guerrilla tactics, sabotage and ninja invisibility have worked for thousands of years.

For we will not go gently into their Dark Night.

For more of Ray’s work please visit: THE SEA GYPSY PHILOSOPHER

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November 19, 2021 1:24 pm

Boats are pretty hard to defend. Pretty easy to hole a fiberglass hull and then you have lost everything. What is the plan to protect yourself from government “defensive” forces that would seek to impound your boat or well armed pirates (e.g., a small gun boat with a 50 Cal.)?

  Ray Jason
November 19, 2021 9:43 pm

OK, but you have to have a plan B and C and D. TPTB whatever they are at the time are not going to eave you alone. and some long guns out a porthole are well and good, but the Mortimer took out the Merrimack just be killing its rudder.

It also occurs to me that in this more and more digital age, we need to be able to fabricate what we need. No digital controls – how do you build an analog governor? How do you build a motor/generator or an analog voltage regulator? These are skill sets largely lost to the modern engineer. A good reference library to old analog technology will be essential.

Stockpiling ammo is fine (and necessary), but it is a stopgap to being able to manufacture.

In short, if the SHTF for real there may be no coming back for years if not decades.

November 19, 2021 9:47 pm

don’t disagree with the maritime path you are taking. Just saying it needs to be backed up, Land Sea and Air. Have to hve a network.

Muscledawg (not to be known as Delusionaldawg)😉
Muscledawg (not to be known as Delusionaldawg)😉
  Ray Jason
November 20, 2021 8:56 am

Don’t waste your time trying to convince a landlubber the subtleties of cruising. You can’t explain color to a blind person. Sail a vi (Heading to A Course Intercept ).

Saxons Wrath
Saxons Wrath
November 19, 2021 4:59 pm

WaterWorld, anyone???

I think the movie was just as much about a foreshadowing of
what was to come, as it was supposed to be a source of entertainment.

A “box office bomb” when it came out, it has become a cult classic.

  Saxons Wrath
November 19, 2021 6:23 pm

One of the only movies ever to portray the quad .50.
Enough said.

November 19, 2021 5:18 pm

Or perhaps one well-placed hellfire missile.

Pirate Roberts
Pirate Roberts
November 20, 2021 1:08 am

Range and economy. The weakness you speak of only applies in close quarters in which case you are basically docked anyway and I assume you wouldn’t be doing that in an unfriendly harbor. Land life is frequently in environments where line of sight to surrounding is seldom greater than rifle range (unless you are Mongolian or Tuareg or such). Its very easy on the sea to be greater than rifle range from anything and not that hard to be be off radar from even the most advance modern destroyers. They still haven’t really solved the earth curvature radar problem. That comes to economy. You don’t send a destroyer to look for a rat boat. Happy sailing Pirate!

November 19, 2021 1:51 pm

Let’s take a look at who is doing the deed in Austria. The Chancellor exited stage left quickly, the health minister same. Next thing you know they have Chancellor Shalomb3rg and health minister Wallystein, both of whom are saying vaxxed or else. Lockdown again, huge fines or 2 years prison by these new tribal members who seemed to take over rather quickly.

India stopped vaxxing and cured folks with Ivermectin, media silent. Correct me if I am wrong but Japan switched to Ivermectin, both non-white and there is no or else edict for them. Why??

November 19, 2021 1:55 pm

Drop dead excellent questions. Maybe AP knows. Although, you seem to be tracking like a purebred also. 🙂

November 19, 2021 1:57 pm

I suspect Japan will come around. India is an open question.
As you know, it’s got nothing to do with health or a virus (or even a “vaccine” for that matter). I don’t think it’s about depopulation or transhumanism (at least, not yet).
It’s about control, and TPTB are realizing that if 20% to 30% of cattle remain outside the corral, that becomes a problem for the new system.

November 19, 2021 2:11 pm

Anon- Let’s throw in Africa. TPTB of the world health cabal simply say, we are still planning to vax the Africans (no timetable specified). Nigeria alone has 200 MILLION people NOT vaxxed…..uh whut??? Were they going to wait til after the plandemic for India, Japan and Africa?? Africa has had little or no covid deaths in relation to population figures.

Now take a look at majority white countries, this just does not add up, am I wrong? Speed was their thing… remember WARP SPEED. Warp Speed in white populations and slow as molasses in colored populations.

November 19, 2021 2:44 pm

You were not supposed to notice this! Until this country forgets the D and R crap and bands together to fight the real enemy, the politicians, we will eventually be eliminated.

November 19, 2021 2:15 pm

Depopulation and transhumanism is the endgame, and that would provide the ultimate control. Winner take all. Power and control are also their own rewards every step along the way from now until then. It’s a game to them, check out game theory. If I understand correctly, our current economic system is built on game theory instead of free market capitalism.

November 19, 2021 2:25 pm

Vigilant- So what your saying is it’s game theory and dead folks in majority white countries but there is NO game in Africa at this time and the refs called an extended time out/game over in India and Japan. Don’t look now Chester but that still leaves us white chickens in the boiling pot, game or no game. Or are you saying that white folks have way more assets to loot than the peeps of color in those countries? Is that the game, sure looks like it.

It’s all VERY suspicious and take notice who’s running the killing machine.

November 19, 2021 2:49 pm

Raiding and stealing in Africa will yield very little currently. Very few areas in Africa have much to steal. In my travels there I saw little but poverty.

November 19, 2021 2:57 pm

Balb- Here’s a heads up, there are going to be anti-vax protests in Austria this weekend. The police and soldiers will be marching WITH THE PROTESTERS. Might want to tune into see a little solidarity in action.

November 19, 2021 6:17 pm

Solidarity is a good thing. Hoping for the best.

November 19, 2021 6:29 pm

Under the grand solar minimum theory the Sahara will become a bread basket as it was during Roman times.

November 19, 2021 4:03 pm

BL – the NWO intends to cull the majority of the population in non-white countries eventually. I think the reason they are doing the (majority) white Western countries first is because they know that is where they would encounter the most effective resistance if the majority of the people understood what the true agenda was (especially in the U.S.). By keeping things fairly normal in non-Western countries for the time being, combined with extensive use of placebos (for now) in place of the kill shots in Western countries, it makes it harder for most people in the Western countries to see what the true agenda is. The Left won’t even consider the possibility that the “vaccines” are kill shots because of their intense TDS and hatred of everything associated with Trump, i.e., the entire Right, which the Left perceives to be anti-vax. That is one of the reasons the NWO selected Trump to win in 2016. The other primary reason was to neutralize the Right, which would have resisted the scamdemic tyranny if Hillary had been president when the scamdemic tyranny started early last year. And much of the Right also won’t consider the possibility that the vaccines are kill shots, partly because Trump himself promoted them, and still promotes them. After the NWO has extensively culled the population of the Western countries they will turn their attention to the rest of the word. The culling of those countries will be fairly easy compared to the culling of the West.

I have to admire the (nefarious) planning abilities of the NWO. They have certainly done a good job so far of orchestrating the scamdemic, and I expect they will be able to successfully accomplish their goal of reducing the world population to 500 million.

November 19, 2021 5:13 pm

pie- I have done the best I can to point out who intends to be last tribe standing. Who wants all the gold, assets and the remnant of humanity to serve them while traced by AI to assure they don’t escape their servitude. I am not inferring that they will keep the colored people of the world in great number. I’m pointing out who is getting looted first, offed first most likely due to asset and IQ levels. The last tribe standing is white, if their plan plays out. We know what happens to those best laid plans.

November 22, 2021 12:42 am

We’re all being gamed, whites, blacks, Indians, Asians, everyone. But I’m not familiar with their economic systems. I was studying game theory, and the report mentioned economic game theory being used in America specifically. I combined two trains of thought, not paying attention that it might cause some confusion. The endgame is still the same, though, depopulation and transhumanism for whoever is left, with total control over all humanity.

As to the depopulation, whites, who are considered to be primarily Christians, are perceived to be the only significant hindrance to bringing in the new world order. I believe that’s why tptb are so determined to kill off white people first.

Former FEMA employee Celeste Solum said that to flatten the curve actually means to do eliminate the middle class and make us all equally poor. Third worlders are already poor, so that’s another reason why western nations are getting hit harder with the rona tyranny.

November 19, 2021 2:41 pm

This old bull has zero intention of staying in the pen. Dead on a spit and I will serve one final purpose, bad tasting meat.

November 19, 2021 9:23 pm

I invited my cousin, who joined an ashram in Auroville, India to come live in my treehouse.

This is the third time I’ve asked. She has turned me down twice, telling me how enriching and fulfilling teaching orphans English and piano is for a woman in her 70s.

This time she acccepted.

Because, once upon a time, her mother taught me how to make finger paints in a sink.

comment image

That’s me in front.

I really hope Patricia comes to live in my treehouse. Maybe Stucky would like her. She was 6’1″ in high school.

She’s gorgeous. Just sayin’

November 20, 2021 8:45 am

How about a picture of your treehouse?

November 19, 2021 2:04 pm

The goal is cyborgs–I couldn’t agree more. But it won’t work out as planned, Daniel 2:43.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
November 19, 2021 2:05 pm

58,ooo+ dead from the jab in the UK so far according to their VAERS system,
which is much more accurate than ours. They have 1/4 of our population.
This means our death rate from the “vaccine” must be greater than 250,000.
Deaths from all causes this year are up 18% from years past. Those deaths are not
from CCP Bioweapon Virus, because those deaths are have been in decline since April.
This is a mass murder.
Ammo up. They can’t have 40% of the contrarian population left alive to oppose them.

November 19, 2021 2:12 pm

Hey Ray, If you come back up to these cold islands, we can go harvest a few deer. Awhile back, the kids went to another island for some kind of hippy cookout and had some racoon. One said it was good the other said it wasn’t. I didn’t get the recipe. You can have my share…
Warm regards, Steve

  Ray Jason
November 19, 2021 3:39 pm

Don’t worry about that cold weather gear. Global warming you know.

November 19, 2021 2:54 pm

Young coons only. Boil for 1-2 hours. Toss water and CLEAN pot. Do it again. Put in oven with your favorite spices for 1 hour. Good eating! Tends to have a sweet flavor.

November 19, 2021 3:34 pm

I find that predators make for poor eating. Bear is too greasy and needs the same double cooking treatment you wisely recommend. I’ve tried raccoon and possum and wouldn’t get in that line again. Those veg eating critters really do taste best and, as Ted Nugent reminds us, “the cuter the critter, the sweeter the meat”. I also don’t like bananas and know that billions do, so… just saying.
I do have to wonder what will happen when the SHTF and every desperate wannabe hunter is in the bush with a rifle. There won’t be a deer, rabbit, squirrel, or Canada goose left after a year. I also have to wonder how many of the hunting ‘accidents’ would be considered covid deaths.

Trapped and unvaxxed in Canada

November 19, 2021 6:20 pm

6 months of heavy hunting will decimate most populations.

November 19, 2021 6:36 pm

In the 1993 hyper meltdown in Czechoslovakia, the people were unable to afford food so they hunted every critter in the countryside. It took less than 3 weeks to hunt out all the game .

Muscledawg (not to be known as Delusionaldawg)😉
Muscledawg (not to be known as Delusionaldawg)😉
November 20, 2021 9:04 am

Yes. But most of the animals will still be here.

November 19, 2021 7:48 pm

sweet flavor-yum

November 19, 2021 2:45 pm

Let me guess. You will help others on the big water. You will build a small community at first and then expand. Answer me this?

Will you call it Wolf Squadron cause I read that book.

Muscledawg (not to be known as Delusionaldawg)😉
Muscledawg (not to be known as Delusionaldawg)😉
  Ray Jason
November 20, 2021 9:08 am

Would Nessy E. Smith tribe qualify?

November 19, 2021 4:51 pm

Never trying to piss on anyone’s parade here- but in an economic collapse or shtf scenario- how do you guys plan to deal with the 500 or so nuclear power plants which, on average, have a 3 day backup supply of diesel fuel to keep all those radioactive fuel rods from melting down?

It takes years to safely decommission a nuke power plant, so who will handle the planet-sterilizing radiation from just a couple dozen plants melting down?

The sea will be the first thing to die in an economic collapse. The sea is responsible for 2/3rds of total oxygen production on earth. So throw in the lack of O2 in the mix, likely famine, wars, and you have no sustainable backup plan short of moving to the moon…

Don’t even get me started on the idiots who talk about “bugging out” and getting out of dodge. Lmfao

Ray Jason,

Been reading your blog since 2012…

On a side note, the most underrated prepper on the web is a really confused metalhead leftist named C5 (short for category 5) on darkgreenmountainsurvival.
He’s sheltered, he’s Canadian, he’s a leftist. But he knows his preps and I respect his expertise there as much as Bison Prepper.

Have fun. I can solve all of these issues, RELATIVELY easily. But I doubt you’d listen…


  Ray Jason
November 20, 2021 4:37 pm

Ummm no…

Fukushima was merely a partial meltdown. In an economic collapse, or large war, who will man the controls of the power plants to keep them from melting down? It only takes a couple dozen to basically sterilize the earth…

(Emphasis on PLANET-STERILIZING ionized radiation.)

Long story short- an economic collapse equals complete and total death of the Earth.

But in any case Ray, I have always enjoyed your blog and the unique stories you tell. It’s really a breath of fresh air on the internet. Thank you for just existing big dawg. I read your stuff, but you stopped posting for a while with lengthy gaps in between posts. As a younger person, I can honestly say you’ve given me lots of inspiration over the years. Again, thank you.


November 19, 2021 6:44 pm

Your late to the game, we have known this for over a year and a half

November 19, 2021 8:47 pm

As a longtime sailor who lived aboard for a few years, I love the idea. However, I fear that sailboats are not stable environments. On the boat I lived aboard, I ended up replacing nearly every single component of every system (engine, mast, anchoring, rigging, sails, plumbing, electrical…), some of them multiple times. The saltwater environment is a harsh one. That’s why it’s said that cruising is nothing more than fixing your boat in exotic places.

November 19, 2021 9:05 pm

Just doesn’t seem a sailboat would last too long vs a patrol boat if said patrol boat wanted to track one down. It is thinking outside of the box though for sure.

November 19, 2021 9:50 pm

Good on ya Ray.
My boat is stocked and ready in San fran
Sicko Bay. Hope the weather is good when I gotta hightail it outa here 🙂 Man, I may have to beat into a 30 know westerly!!!
Thank God poor Kyle was let off. Now we will see How the green haired c-nts
will respond.
As a aspiring Buddhist (not a very good one) I am sickened by the transformation of this country in so short a time. Unbelievable.
But, we gotta deal with what’s happening. “you can ignore reality but you cannot ignore the concequences of ignoring reality” somebody said.
Ray, you get it, you are a treasure. Keep it up.
David Fiorito

Shotgun Trooper
Shotgun Trooper
November 20, 2021 3:41 am

I been sayin all along, “Vote Pirate Party”…. Been looking for an excuse to buy an eye patch, I hear the girls think it’s cool… Biker head-wrap, all good. BUT, the one thing stopping me is I can’t do without tartar sauce on my fish…

November 20, 2021 8:50 am

I think this is as good an idea as any, and better than some.

The community/tribe plans are good but I dread this phase. Has no one ever served on a board or been a business owner? Some sound pretty naive like Corbett. Some like HSF are more socially oriented and will handle it better. We only handle groups of people when we have to.

Old School Counselor
Old School Counselor
November 20, 2021 8:53 am

How would the malignant overlords have pushed the stuff you fear into the vaccines, getting past or complicit with hundreds if not thousands of workers at the vaccine companies?

November 20, 2021 10:23 am

Outfitted offshore sailboats for over 40 years . You’ll do fine for awhile and then a series of equipment failures , rogue waves and your sea gypsy fantasy will become a nightmare hoping for a palm covered island !

November 20, 2021 2:52 pm

While the instinct to survive is our primary primal instinct, there does come a time when the people who survive, do so only to exist in hell on earth. Some preparation to survive hard times is reasonable, while taking it to the extreme is simply a form of mental illness and the denial that no matter what we do, we all are going to die anyway… No one gets out of this one alive…