I See Dead People

Posting this because my sister told my mom that ONLY NINE PEOPLE died from the Shit Shot. In the whole country. And the shot is so very very safe. Little more than a pin prick and no side effects. And she wishes all the unvaxxd die.  I’m fairly sure she reads TBP from time to time.  So, here ya go, sis!  Can you count past nine? Probably a dumb idea doing this.  She already knows everything there is to know about Covid,  dontchya know! She can’t handle the Truth … that it is the vaxxed who are also dying, in even greater numbers than us Pure Bloods.  Best to just write it off as “Right Wing Bullshit!“.

Also, people here have made comments that they don’t personally know anyone who died from the Shit Shot, or even suffered serious side effects. And that includes me.  Almost implying that all the horror stories being told are, well, right wing bullshit. Listen up, from one moran to another moran  …  what happens in your (mine) eentsy weentsy teensy tiny little circle you live in doesn’t mean fucken Jack or Shit in the Big Scheme of things!  I’ve included a video of 68 minutes of death, disease and mayhem for your entertainment and education so, watch the whole thing … or shut your damned mouth.


Bonus Video: Shit Shot Side Effects (funny)



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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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December 29, 2021 8:45 am

This won’t end well for Covid cultists.

Dr. David Martin Exposes the Names and Faces of the People Who Are Killing Humanity

“And how ’bout $28 billion of that coming from DARPA for their bioweapons initiative? Anybody heard of $28 billion that went through Anthony Fauci at NIAID? Anyone hear about the $20 billion that went directly to UNC Chapel Hill, that weaponized spike protein?
“You haven’t heard about that, you haven’t heard about that because we’ve been talking about $3.7 million going to Wuhan.

Dr. David Martin: Who “They” Are, “The Names and Faces”

December 29, 2021 9:09 am

You think this is real? Never trust anyone who wears a bow tie (Tucker fans). I don’t really know but these days they have to stand the test of time.

Ncomment image

December 29, 2021 2:02 pm

So he’s proudly showing off his Eye of Horus and the lightning bolt underneath, I see. Ahura Mazda and Albert Pike are very happy right now.

Here’s a quote about the All-Seeing Eye:

“this symbol represents the global elite and all of its agenda: The debasing of the human psyche, the promotion of satanism, the normalization of mind control, the normalization of trans-humanism, the blurring of genders and more. The ultimate goal: Straying the masses as far away as possible from Truth, health, and balance.”

Which proves to me that David Martin is just another shill who’s in on the game, like Joe Rogan and Alex Jones (who are also Freemasons, by the way). How else do these people get national exposure and say the things they say with impunity, while others get slammed, de-platformed and discredited?

Might they be controlled opposition?

December 29, 2021 8:22 pm

How do you know that’s not photoshopped? Don’t be so simple.

December 29, 2021 8:48 pm
Mista Ed - Shape Shifta
Mista Ed - Shape Shifta
December 29, 2021 11:12 pm

The floating hearts are a clue.

December 29, 2021 12:41 pm

From the video:
“You’re still being told, ‘Oh, it’s the Rothschilds and it’s the Rockefellers!’ No, it’s not! It’s the guy who put his name on the facility!”

Clever redirection.

December 29, 2021 2:00 pm

Pretty much all I’m good for these days, but hey it keeps me busy.

Johhny S.
Johhny S.
January 2, 2022 9:04 am

Of course Stucky finds some interesting links. He’s unemployed and lives in his mother’s basement. At age 68!!!

  Johhny S.
January 2, 2022 9:51 am

So you know Stucky well do you?!? Or are you just another douche troll that speaks much ado about nothing they know about??

You speak like its a shameful thing to be 68 and retired, and more shameful, taking personal care of an elderly parental unit. Perhaps ol Stuck should be like you, working ( likely not) and sticking your elderly parents into some sort of ‘care’ unit. Maybe in NY, right??

The shame is all on you…

Johhny S.
Johhny S.
January 3, 2022 9:54 am

Keyboard tough guy. You’re probably a Biden supporter. Let’s Go Brandon!

  Johhny S.
January 3, 2022 10:02 am

Truth is painful some times isn’t it…

Johhny S.
Johhny S.
January 3, 2022 10:25 am

It sure is…

  Johhny S.
January 3, 2022 10:33 am

use less soy, it’ll help you recover better…

December 29, 2021 12:07 pm

This UNC Chapel Hill?


I know, I know, same article I keep posting.

December 29, 2021 12:28 pm

Yes, I’ve heard about all of this, much of it early on, but it seems that not much is actually being done about it. The accomplices to genocide are not going to arrest themselves. We need to know the truth about what’s been happening, but we also need to figure out what we can DO about it. The clock is ticking.

December 29, 2021 2:24 pm

If the injections are going to be causing a major die off, I’m not sure what we could do. The clock is running out The same if they cause debilitating disabilities.

Unfortunately for the current illegitimate Regime Omni corn variant seems to be turning covid into Just the Flu Bro

However I doubt that the folks in charge , the two fellows named Obama and the rest will be giving away their nascent police state so easily.

If humanity dodges a bullet and the injuries we see are the end of the injections dangers and not the beginning, then not much of anything will be done.

Big pharma will get its payday, minus 10% for the big guy.

Government officials will remain in office and retain large amounts of their newly seized authority and control and we continue on the long march into the Soviet style brave new world /1984 utopia our blue state relatives gladly traded for to rid the world of the mean tweets that made some people sad😥.

If, on the other hand the injections cause a major culling of the population, then it’s going to be worse, because if a significant number of people in critical positions are killed off or put on disability all of a sudden, the the socio economic fabric will tear apart and then you will see what a supply chain collapse really looks like, as well.as a collapse in every other piece of infrastructure that permits for what we consider modern civilization.

another Doug
another Doug
December 29, 2021 9:06 pm

Excellent analysis

December 30, 2021 10:01 pm

Your comment makes sense. I guess that it’s just wishful thinking that we could convince people to quit taking the shot, but I sure wish that we could put a stop to this before they vaccinate all the children. *Stopping the kill shots is the actual emergency.* The 2nd Nuremberg trial is too late to stop what has already been done. I guess that can try to convince people to not take boosters, and beyond that we’ll just have to wait and see.

John Prokovich
John Prokovich
December 29, 2021 8:46 am

Stucky is right on.

Heywood Jablomi
Heywood Jablomi
December 29, 2021 8:47 am

Kudos; I really like the contrast provided by the 2 videos. The control group will live on.

80% Fraud
80% Fraud
December 29, 2021 8:51 am

All the liberal relatives over at xmas were boosted, I know they hate us but dont say anything, arent they just a special group, so righteous , all atheist of course, they believed every lie told, your sister is the devil, take that sis

  80% Fraud
December 29, 2021 9:50 am

My sister could give his sister a run for his money. Ditto for my brother. They are leftist to the core, they believe all the BS, triple vaxxed, government is their friend and Fauci hung the moon, Trump is a bastard, Biden is great and democrats rule. They are so hate filled that the mind boggles. They have been bullying my father, wanting him vaxxed and in a nursing home despite the fact that he’s capable of taking care of himself, with a little bit of help.
Yesterday my brother informed me that Dad was an imposition and took too much of his time and should’ve been placed in a nursing home a long time ago. Neither my brother or sister have helped me with him, they want his money and badger him for a POA every chance they get. Dad is prescient enough to refuse the vaxx, calls it a government control device and wants nothing to do with a nursing home.
I reiterate that I know no one who has suffered from the vaxx, I am not a ‘moran’ and my circle of acquaintances, while it isn’t global in scope, is still rather large compared to many other people’s.

I used to not want to see people harmed in any way, especially not medically, but, for my siblings, I’d make an exception.

December 29, 2021 9:57 am

You should tell your brother and sister to go fuck themselves. Just like that: GO FUCK YOURSELVES! Time to take the gloves off.

December 29, 2021 10:10 am

Oh, trust me, those words and similar have been less-than-gently stated in a rather loud voice on many occasions. I’m not exactly a shrinking violet. The hate that they have for me and my father is off the charts, I’m the one standing between him and them.

Were I not in the picture they’d have declared him non-compos mentis and slammed him into a nursing home long ago.

They are loathsome filth and anyone who tells me to ‘love’ them or tolerate them because Christian values and family can go fuck themselves….hard. There is a time to fight and stand for what is right and against evil and I reached that point with those serpents quite a while back.

Red River D
Red River D
December 29, 2021 10:23 am

Have pops draw up a will and name you as executor.

That’ll give the lefties the red ass. And the cold shoulder.

  Red River D
December 29, 2021 11:48 am

They will contest the will in probate and claim that My Girl exerted “undue influence” on their father.

While it’s very hard to successfully contest a validly executed will, the point is often to tie up the probate in litigation long enough to force a settlement.

Best bet is to hire an estate planner now and have the father’s assets put into trusts and other protectionary instruments, in order to protect them not only from the brother and sister, but also from the thieves at the nursing homes, should the father require that type of care in the future. They want to spend down the elderly person’s assets to zero, after which they’ll get paid by Medicaid. Best to have him on Medicaid when he gets there.

But better get on it quickly because they do a 5 year lookback.

Also, MyGirl should be placed as the 100% named POD (Payable On Death) beneficiary of these trust assets, which will circumvent the need to probate any will. (POD accounts pass outside of probate; all you do is show the bank the death certificate and proof of your identity and the assets are yours.)

December 29, 2021 11:56 am

sage advice…

December 29, 2021 1:13 pm

Bonus points for KJ.
Excellent advice.

St Francis Aint No Sissy
St Francis Aint No Sissy
December 29, 2021 1:40 pm

This will trump that with a lot less hassle. Have a Ladybird Deed drawn up for all his assets. They remain his until the moment he passes. At that moment, it ALL goes to the beneficiary in that moment. No probate, no trust to admin. She gets it all. The leeches can spend THEIR assets on lawyers trying to claw it back, it won’t come out of an executor’s estate admin.

Do it. I did. Easy as pie.

  St Francis Aint No Sissy
December 29, 2021 1:53 pm

A Ladybird Deed won’t protect the assets from the elder care / nursing home predators, though. The assets must be out of the elderly person’s name for at least five years prior to them going into any type of facility, or else the thieves at homes will force a spend-down at very high prices until he or she is broke and qualifies for Medicaid.

December 29, 2021 2:46 pm

If it is set up as a straight Joint Tenancy with a right to survivorship, I think that they can only get half, at most, but it also probably has to be done beyond the five years.

December 29, 2021 3:02 pm

Unless she lives in the house for at least two years before he goes into a nursing home, and can show that by being there she delayed him from going into a facility.
In that case the state can’t recover costs from the estate or put a lien on the house.

  St Francis Aint No Sissy
December 29, 2021 2:43 pm

Also she can set up a safety deposit box.With her and her father’s name on the box Put any valuables in it, anything that is in tue box when one party passes is generally ruled to belong to the survivor,

December 29, 2021 11:08 pm

I am the executor of his will and that chaps their lips no end. He drew up a second will with an estate planner and the will is pretty ironclad.
There are already POD’s in place. What they want is his money NOW and they want control which isn’t going to happen. There is also a little tidbit in the will that states anyone contesting the will gets one dollar and a fare-thee-well.

  Red River D
December 29, 2021 2:39 pm

Also could set up a living trust and have him appoint you trustee

Didius Julianus
Didius Julianus
December 29, 2021 11:56 am

Are you able to get your Father the F away from them?

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
December 29, 2021 12:41 pm

That must hurt terribly. I’m sorry to hear it. Take good care of your dad.


December 29, 2021 3:36 pm

She should tell them that they can’t come around until they show that they have had booster number two, and to bring their death watch card over to prove it, and maybe even make them get injected with a booster every month or so.
The problem will resolve itself

December 29, 2021 10:12 am

That’s fucking terrible.

Stay strong for your dad.

I’ve visited too many friends and family that ended up being warehoused in a “nursing home” I would rather be dead than sitting in a wheel chair stoned out of my mind on some bullshit drug staring off into space.

December 29, 2021 10:21 am

My father lives in town on a very large piece of land filled with trees and wildlife. All manner of critters surround him, the birds are everywhere, it is a lovely place. The house is old and not to the sibling’s ‘taste’, the brother drives the most expensive BMW and the sister spends much of her time badgering Dad to give her money.
They have a nursing home in town they’re working with, a cold, sterile treeless three story complex that resembles a hospital/prison in ambiance and charm. That’s where they want to stuff him, into a tiny apartment with no trees, wildlife or anything of beauty near him. His life would be destroyed as would anyone who is forced to live as a prisoner in a soulless hive that is hermetically sealed and institutional.

December 29, 2021 12:52 pm

As difficult as it may be, keep up the fight. You know that doing whats right rather than whats convenient will most always be a hard fought battle. Odd that those that chose to fight generally do so not to their benefit but to others. Almost sounds biblical…

80% Fraud
80% Fraud
December 29, 2021 2:08 pm

let me guess they have money but never produced a thing in their lives, but get paid well, all the liberals I know make bank, but never did anything of value.

  80% Fraud
December 29, 2021 11:11 pm

You got it. My brother worked for the government and my sister worked for awhile for the state. Good little drones.

Muscledawg (not to be known as Delusionaldawg)😉
Muscledawg (not to be known as Delusionaldawg)😉
December 30, 2021 7:11 am

Sorta like now…sitting in my chair, stoned out of my mind, staring off into internet space…

atilla da hun
atilla da hun
December 29, 2021 10:34 am

I’ve used that term “GFY” for many years Works all the time and makes ya feel better
just like shove the “Covid vaccine up your Arse”

John Pietrusiewicz
John Pietrusiewicz
December 29, 2021 1:28 pm

I am a firm believer in forgiveness to family and friends. But your siblings are psychos. Them believing Dad is only there to give them his money shows a greed and spiritual bankruptcy that is truly deplorable. Thank you for your truth as many of us go through similar things with our families.

  John Pietrusiewicz
December 29, 2021 11:40 pm

Thank you to everyone who has offered advice, it was appreciated. As I reach out to more people I am appalled and saddened at the tales they tell of their own family experiences. Lots of situations where one sibling managed to cheat the others out of their inheritances, lots of chicanery and dreadful abuse of elders.

I will prevail here, my foremost care is that my father live out his days in an environment that is peaceful and pleasant and beautiful. He’s 94, a WWII veteran and an incredible repository of history. If he gets to the point where he needs 24 hr care then a nurse(s) will be hired. Nursing homes, generally speaking, are places where old people are tossed so the kids can avoid responsibility. There are exceptions, of course, many loving people have to put their loved ones in care because they can no longer care for them.
I shared my tale because I KNOW there are many people out there who have it as bad or worse than I do. Since this business started many friends and acquaintances have come forward with personal tales that made my hair curl. Sad and depressing, especialy when you realize how old people are abused, mistreated and cast away. I keep the faith and do a LOT of praying for guidance and wisdom.

John Pietrusiewicz
John Pietrusiewicz
December 30, 2021 8:18 pm

Thanks for the beautiful reply. Many blessings to you and your Dad.

December 29, 2021 2:00 pm

My sister’s the same, hated the bad 🍊🙇, because cnn told her, my other sister hated him because Joe and Mika told her, then complained she had to fire her house cleaner because the price of her insulin shot up in February, I’m like you know why it went up, she’s dunno, because Biden reversed Trump’s executive order on price fixing for insulin and epipens, but hey no mean tweets.

The other one is triple vaccinated won’t leave her cabin in the Virginia woods, but was bitching to my mom on her Christmas call about not getting the jabs, was people like us who are the reason she is in her 22nd month of personal lockdown. No the reason is she’s insane.

Meanwhile in Florida me and my unmasked face, and un jabbed arm goes out and about as I did pre covid,

Muscledawg (not to be known as Delusionaldawg)😉
Muscledawg (not to be known as Delusionaldawg)😉
December 30, 2021 7:08 am

See # 9….

  80% Fraud
December 30, 2021 12:13 am

LOLS. you okay bruh? 😉
“your sister is the devil, take that sis…”

December 29, 2021 9:04 am

Can you provide the URLs for these videos so I can send them to people I know?

December 29, 2021 9:25 am

Thanks Stucky

December 29, 2021 10:13 am


December 29, 2021 9:55 am

1. Hover your cursor over the play button for the vid.
2. Right click.
3. Scroll down, choose ‘this frame’.
4. Scroll down, choose ‘view frame source’. Left click on that.
5. You’ll recognize the link (four or five lines down). Highlight, copy and paste into your browser, email whatever.

Here they are anyway: ((DOT) is a full stop, obviously)

1.) https://www.bitchute(DOT)com/video/yJMsonQJQfY8/

2.) https://www.bitchute(DOT)com/video/2MFRThLH0xui/

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 29, 2021 9:10 am

A couple of observations.

1) The people who are still masking up are- by and large- the vaxxed. I do not understand this and their explanations make no sense.

2) The majority of people wishing other people die are the ones most into the whole epidemic. If it saves one life was their motto, but they seem to take a great pleasure in having others die. Again, weird as hell.

3) The complete absence of any critical thought when it comes to this protocol. Just acceptance. No curiosity about what’s in it and why it is working in a way no other vaccine ever has.

Best question to ask a vaxxer is always- what’s your favorite ingredient in the vaccine? That gets way more raised eyebrows than anything else. Like it never occurred to them.

80% Fraud
80% Fraud
  hardscrabble farmer
December 29, 2021 9:17 am

A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards.

We are just waiting for the data over a five year period, so far the data says its all lies.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 29, 2021 9:35 am

Most would probably answer, Electrolytes.

December 29, 2021 1:15 pm

It’s what plants crave.

December 29, 2021 3:52 pm

brought to you by Carl’s Jr…

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
December 29, 2021 6:10 pm

Turns out it was documentary!

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  Colorado Artist
December 29, 2021 6:11 pm

comment image

  hardscrabble farmer
December 29, 2021 10:09 am


RE: Best question to ask a vaxxer is always- what’s your favorite ingredient in the vaccine? That gets way more raised eyebrows than anything else. Like it never occurred to them.

I thought they respond by saying things like, I don’t know what’s in the vaccines for polio or diptheria, either. I don’t know what’s in hot dogs, but I like them, too.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 29, 2021 10:18 am

Lack of curiosity killed the cat.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 29, 2021 1:16 pm

Not so sure.
Check with YourAverageJoe…

Mr. Guest
Mr. Guest
  hardscrabble farmer
December 29, 2021 10:18 am

“The majority of people wishing other people die are the ones most into the whole epidemic. If it saves one life was their motto, but they seem to take a great pleasure in having others die.”

It makes me wonder if these people used to celebrate when people died from the seasonal flu.

St Francis Aint No Sissy
St Francis Aint No Sissy
  hardscrabble farmer
December 29, 2021 1:47 pm

My single question to separate the wheat from the “just chaps my ass” is: What does the “m” in mRNA stand for and in what way does that affect how the shot works?

Clueless. Will let the most corrupt governments and industry on earth casually tell them a fairy tale that could kill them and not bother to even want to learn. Darwin Awards will need to have a society-wide classification. Super Size Me!

  St Francis Aint No Sissy
December 31, 2021 10:24 pm

m stands for messenger. The shot has synthetic mRNA. mRNA uses reverse transcriptase to write DNA. The synthetic mRNA is supposed to cause the body to make the spike proteins and then antibodies to spike proteins. The antibodies are supposed to fight covid. It’s screwed up logic, because this is gene therapy that leads to autoimmuny, because the body has been reprogrammed to keep making spike proteins.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 29, 2021 4:33 pm

I’m curious. What is the overall mood in New Hampshire? Do you sense the state moving back to the red, especially now they made it more difficult for Masshole day voters to drive up to swing the elections?

December 29, 2021 9:12 am

Read the obits. Go ahead. Any city paper has them online for free. Go back a month. Two, three.

Then go find a real nurse who’s been around for a while. Take him or her aside and say, “listen, who’s in the ER? Who’s dying?” See what they say off the record. See if they tell you the unions are threatening them with all the muscle they have to make sure they stay quiet. Go look at the faces of the ER docs as they leave from their shifts. These are not just tired men and women. These are BEATEN men and women. Scared men and women.

There is a definite shift in who’s dying.
Sure there are all the elderly we would expect to be in there…75, 80, 90, hell even a few 100+ in there.
But then we have the 20 and under crowd “unexpectedly dying” in their sleep. Some of these are opioid overdoses for sure, but when you start seeing 15, 17, 19 year old cheerleaders, class presidents, and football players dropping it should be a huge cause for concern.
And then there is the 45-65 crowd having “sudden heart attacks” and dropping dead.

Just over this past week my very dear friend who is like a sister to me lost her 1st cousin. 50 years old. Jabbed and boosted. Massive heart attack in front of his 5 children Christmas Eve.

What will it take? Will it be when the babies, the 2 year olds are found cold in their cribs after their “vax” that the parents will rise up?

How many more I wonder before we are done giving our children to the Moloch-like god of Big Pharma and Greed?

December 29, 2021 9:51 am

What will it take? Will it be when the babies, the 2 year olds are found cold in their cribs after their “vax” that the parents will rise up?

I’m afraid that won’t even be enough. These people have been brainwashed by the media that the “vaccine” and boosters ad infinitum are “safe and effective,” and that all these sudden deaths after being injected of people who shouldn’t be dying are just “coincidences.”

December 29, 2021 10:02 am

The common answer to the potential vaxx dangers is that the vaxx keeps the disease from becoming ‘serious’ and sans vaxx you will die if you get it. The media has done it’s job well, the fear is to the moon and I know people who believe the latest ‘variant’ is far deadlier than the last and run like little rabbits to get boosted.
You can’t reach or reason with these people and attempting to do so is a waste of time and energy.

January 3, 2022 1:12 pm

just got off the Mon AM teleconference for work. Was informed that a co-worker had a heart attack last week. I know that he had the jab previously and I’m betting that he had just got the latest ‘one for the road’ or in this case – the ditch

December 29, 2021 3:22 pm

They will probably blame their un injected relatives four or five states away.

Just Thinking
Just Thinking
December 29, 2021 10:13 am

In my little corner of the world, out of 100+ cremations this month, we have had 9 300lbs+ and another 8 250lbs+.

We used to only do 1-2 300/mth.

The unhealthy are being wiped out.

  Just Thinking
December 29, 2021 1:18 pm

You say that like it’s a bad thing…

Harrington Richardson:
Harrington Richardson:
December 29, 2021 12:33 pm

Like others, I have noticed this huge increase of “died unexpectedly” in the obits.

John Pietrusiewicz
John Pietrusiewicz
December 29, 2021 1:34 pm

Keep it rolling. My sister passed out at the wheel a month after the second jab. Of course, nothing to do with the jab. The masses just do not see cause and effect. Truly sad.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
December 29, 2021 6:19 pm

It won’t be recognized by most of the sheep.
It will be “heart attacks” and cancers a few years from now,
disease from broken immune systems and most will
believe it normal as they have everything else Covid.
Until dozens and dozens of people they know who have died from the jab
will finally start to dawn on them, and then it won’t matter.
Full societal collapse.
Ammo up, it really is going to get ugly.
Got 2 more guns for the fam this Christmas.
A .410 sxs and another 12 ga sxs for food gathering.
And plenty more ammo.

December 29, 2021 11:01 pm

Just read about 3 year old girl died shortly after vaccination in Argentina. 3 year old!!!

Georges S
Georges S
December 29, 2021 9:25 am

As mentioned before, I don’t know many people around. But I know of one death covid wax related: A second cousin who came from Poland in 1970 to escape communism died on the 21th of December. He was recovering from a bladder cancer at the beginning of the plandemic in 2020. Then came the shots. He got two of them and within 2 weeks, he developed a very rare form of spinal cord cancer. He was depleted of red cell and surviving only through blood transfusions.
However in town I often see Fire department ambulances going through with their lights on. (The town is 90% waxed). I’m rare pure blood.

80% Fraud
80% Fraud
  Georges S
December 29, 2021 9:48 am

when your dying you need medical care the most, but they cant do a thing, except steal the last of your savings

incredulous Observer
incredulous Observer
  Georges S
December 29, 2021 1:37 pm

I want to know: how can our society continue to function when 50% to 90% of capable people are dead. To be more specific, that’s 50% to 90% of the people who know how to make things, operate systems, and repair things.

  incredulous Observer
December 29, 2021 3:44 pm

you’re right on, and it doesn’t have to be 50% or more deaths.
Take out 10% of the truckers, reduce the number of qualified people who can operate a nuclear power plant, or maintain the power grid or maintain a refinery by 10-15% and the wheels will start to fall of pretty quickly.

And they don’t have to die, if they become too disabled to work it’s the same result. And the quicker people who are essential employees drop out of the workforce the lower the number that is needed to run the whole of our modern society off the rails.

  incredulous Observer
December 29, 2021 11:16 pm

We live in a small town of about 5000. Need a brick layer, block layer, roofer or any of those types of jobs? Don’t send the Hispanics back home as there would be no one left to do the work. Want to go to the restaurant? Same scenario. I spoke to our county councilman and he said if you qualify for everything the county offers it amounts to $30 an hour. White people in our area have watched the others long enough they decided to get on the gravy train. Defund welfare instead of the police and get Americans off their blessed ASSurances.

Incredulous Observer
Incredulous Observer
December 30, 2021 8:57 pm

What part of the country do you live in? I am looking to sell my house and relocate. The little village I live in is too small and the people are too inbred. I am not interested in a no-work job with the county. Like to start a small business serving some need not currently met. A population of 5,000 is a little big for me, prefer 2500 to 3500, but 5000 is still within my comfort range.

  Georges S
December 29, 2021 3:26 pm

If it does create a massive die off, over the next few years, and anything over 10% of the injected would fall into that category, I suspect more than not they will be largely cancer deaths.

December 29, 2021 9:27 am

I guess memes have taught us to be jokers when cold righteous anger is more appropriate. However then you are ‘unstable’.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
December 29, 2021 9:47 am

“…cold righteous anger is more appropriate.”

You hear that, stoics?

You nailed it, Guest.

  Abigail Adams
December 29, 2021 9:57 am

I have moved from anger into loathing. I LOATHE these people with every fiber of my being.

feel intense dislike or disgust for.
“she loathed him on sight”
hate · detest · abhor · despise · abominate · dislike greatly · execrate · have a strong aversion to · feel repugnance toward · not be able to bear · not be able to stand · shrink from · recoil from · be repelled by · be unable to stomach · [more]

December 29, 2021 12:42 pm

cold righteous anger is more appropriate.

I’m inclined to believe this is so… Time to fashion a whip I’m thinking…

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
December 29, 2021 9:27 am

Veterinarian friend who came over for Christmas dinner was the same guy that sent us a Christmas card with a photo of his 15 year old son with bandaid on deltoid, as if vaccinating a healthy teenager was the best thing that happened in 2021.

Even he said at the dinner table: “I thought that I could hide from Covid, but now I realize that we will all get it eventually. Hopefully it will be a mild variant and then it will be over.”

There appears to be a shift in mentality in at least in some of the vaccinated people, a realization that it was not what was promised and does not prevent infections. What they don’t realize though is that it was not just like a saline injection in that it did not do anything, but rather put them in a much worse state for fighting illnesses in the future (infections, cancer etc.), so the net benefit is negative.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
December 29, 2021 9:44 am

I know 1 person (one of my customers) who died from the shot. I’ve lost track of how many people I know who have been injured by it, including one of the daughter’s 17 year old girlfriends. It’s a travesty.

  Francis Marion
December 29, 2021 10:44 am

I know of so many injuries from this shot. Unbelievable. Old health conditions cropping up along with new conditions.

December 29, 2021 10:34 am

The fact that I don’t know anyone who has died from Covicaust and it’s remedies is all the more reason to be concerned about taking a vaccine or series of vaccines the Government, Media and Commerce are all trying to force on me.
They are trying to force it on us even to the point of getting us fired and soon enough taking custody of our kids. They have torn families apart over it as testified to right here and even prevented us from seeing relatives in rest homes.
How much more evidence do I have to wait for to see that the vaxx’s are a sordid, evil, nefarious and insidious plot against me?

December 29, 2021 10:52 am

Covidians are fools. But those who seek to change their minds are even bigger fools. Nothing can stop those creatures from jumping off the cliff. The only thing we can do now is not let them drag us along.

Harrington Richardson:
Harrington Richardson:
December 29, 2021 12:44 pm

Reminds me of a local realtor lady who had her boobs removed and her uterus to prevent cancer. I will lay odds she’s on the list for every new booster the first day they get it in.

December 29, 2021 11:20 am

The scamdemic with its associated shit shot has been numbingly prevalent in our lives like many here. We’ve never played the covid game, never wore a mask and will never wear one, spoke out and demonstrated on the streets and were outspoken, backed up with url’s to info, against the scam and the vax.

Thru this all we have lost a long time close friend to the hospital killing him with a ventilator. Because he trusted the doctors. My BIL has two employees off work because of vaccine injury and knows other contractors he deals with also having employees off because of injury.

Wifes parents, both 98, have been in a near continual lockdown in the Independant Living apartment they’ve been at since the beginning. My wife is not ‘allowed’ to visit unless vax’d so that ain’t gonna happen. They’re tired of it so we’re modifying their home so they can return. So we are now living in a 200 sq ft basement area in their home so we can tend to their needs and they can have their freedom back.

Theres much more I could list but then this would become a whine article. I am hugely conflicted and confused, and very piss’ed off, at WHY so many people simply cannot see the destruction going on around them. Is it just the propaganda machines running overtime, or something else?? Are these people truly blinded by the god of this world or willfully blind???

What I do know is that its fruitless to try and convince most that there is a problem. Like my son stated before I plugged in my earphones… “you won’t convince me.” They don’t want to know, they hate facts.

Its a war…

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
December 29, 2021 11:44 am

There’s a fine line between sounding whiny and expressing your righteous anger. I don’t hear any whine in your comment. I hear your anger…and can relate. We’re all going to be touched in some way or another over this BS. Those who’ve experienced minimal impact because they sat on their hands and did nothing will regret that soon.

It’s a war…yes, it certainly is. So many just don’t understand that though.

GDP, usually gruntled
GDP, usually gruntled
  Abigail Adams
December 29, 2021 12:20 pm

It’s a war in the same sense that Satan’s greatest success is in convincing so many that he doesn’t exist.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
December 29, 2021 1:00 pm

“Are these people truly blinded by the god of this world or willfully blind???”


December 29, 2021 12:41 pm

My daughter’s work told the employees they may be required to take the jab. almost all the employees signed a letter saying they will all walk off if this is required. They sent this to corporate. The store already has big problems with having enough staff.
It’s still sad seeing so many wearing a mask like they do something. Apparently fear does work when you want to control people. I saw this when I went to another city, everyone was wearing a mask and people squirmed and almost cried when I was unmasked at a business.

St Francis Aint No Sissy
St Francis Aint No Sissy
December 29, 2021 1:33 pm

I am not a violent person. I do not like to argue. When I see things like this, I am fairly sure, if I had the people who ordained it in front of me, I could slowly choke the life out of them with my bare hands. One after another.

No mercy. Ever.

  St Francis Aint No Sissy
December 29, 2021 3:49 pm

Seriously, there are literally millions of Americans who if they walked into an elevator with Dr..Fauchi in it alone would make sure that that he didn’t walk out.

incredulous Observer
incredulous Observer
December 29, 2021 1:43 pm

My cousin says he can smell the walking dead. He says they all have the same weird odor, but he can’t describe it to me. He says they all look the same too: kinda pale and sick looking. My sense of smell isn’t too good anymore, but I am interested too know if others notice the odor or maybe the same sickly look.

  incredulous Observer
December 30, 2021 12:44 am

yes, I have smelled this… medical metallic like odor…

Incredulous Observer
Incredulous Observer
December 30, 2021 9:05 pm

Yeah, I asked him about your response. He agreed that it is a metallic odor, but he said “sweet” metallic odor. The people he mentioned are people in fast decline. Maybe it is the odor of death or the odor of someone rotting on the inside.

I plan to stay away from everybody for the next 2 or 3 months if I can. I am wondering if the ones that are close to death may shed more than others. I dread going to the grocery store to get fresh vegetables.

December 29, 2021 1:44 pm

Everyone pays a price.
I have no family, a small circle of acquaintances, and a smaller circle of real friends.
I know of no one that has died from ‘rona or the vax.
But I’ve got small circles (smaller perimeter).
Based on the numbers, I was unconcerned by this engineered virus.
True to form, I didn’t even know I had it until about day 8 when I lost my sense of smell.
Nothing more than feeling a little rundown.
So there is something out there for those that say it doesn’t exist.
I’ve read lots of stories on here, it allows me to live vicariously through you.
For all the gnashing of teeth, from my perspective, every situation will leave the individual in that situation stronger and better for it.
They will only see this in retrospect.
The excision of family members who maintain fundamental differences of opinion is only for the better.
The removal of parents from nursing homes and their return to family (or keeping them with family) is only for the better.
The loss of loved ones is a fact of life. Celebrate their life.
Mourning their death is you feeling sorry for your loss.
The anger many express here is a response to feeling a lack of control.
Many of the posters here explicitly speak of not knowing what to do.
This is merely an extension of life. Just with the volume turned up. A little.
Make a plan. Take control.
Look forward, and imagine the worst possible coming scenarios.
Plan for that life and prepare for it.
Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
You’ll never be disappointed.

daddy Joe
daddy Joe
December 29, 2021 6:12 pm

Fujigm, Good words for all us posters out here with all our situations, insights and emotions over what’s happening. Like Brian said above “It’s a war”. Everyone gets a part and will pay a price in this war because it is existential. But unlike most wars which kill indiscriminately this war will choose its victims with several biases that will ultimately make it “for the better”. Sounds harsh but here goes.
Primarily, I see a lot of laziness that will be culled out of the human genepool–physical, intellectual, and spiritual. The disease itself has a bias toward the old, unhealthy, and obese. Like it or not it loves to kill those that cannot or will not physically move; it kills many who are obese, not caring if said obesity is due to metabolism, deliberate gluttony, or simple chronic overeating of fakefood (inability to delay gratification). No fatshamng here; it simply takes no excuses or prisoners.
The vax will do the culling of the mentally and spiritually lazy. Those addicted to media–gullible sheep wanting to be spoonfed 30 second action items to a better life. Those that never nurtured their critical thinking as it tried to develop in a lifestyle devoid of challenge. Those that never tried anything in their life because it was always easier to rely on society’s many safety nets. Those that have never taken personal responsibility for their own health, but preferred to get it pre-packaged from a health professional or even better from a pill. So easy.
The spiritually lazy will be culled as well. Those who won’t expend energy to search for Truth and wisdom. Those who don’t trust that we are marvelously and wonderfully made, but instead trust the shifting pronouncements of a fallen gnome regarding our very genetic makeup. They prefer to trust the little god-tinkers that even besmirch the name of Frankenstein in their labs and in their experiments on human populations.
Unfortunately there are many innocent victims too, but such is war. From this point on it’s mainly the vaxxed that will leave the genepool for the above reasons. I used to think that time was against patriots and liberty lovers, but the vax may have changed that. Society and civilization may collapse for a long time, but like a terminally rotten tree it was destined to fall anyway…
“For the better”; yes, for the better. Sad but true. Purebloods win!

December 29, 2021 3:21 pm

The vaxed have gone all in, crossed the Rubicon, gone over to the dark side, been assimilated by the Borg etc. etc. They cannot look back or question their decision. It is pointless to debate or argue with them. They have to stick to their belief they were right the alternative is incomprehensible to them. It would destroy their paradigm of how they see the world and themselves.

December 29, 2021 6:28 pm

Go to Page 38. The British love keeping records and this is the last National Health report for 2021 due to the Holidays.
4 out of 5 deaths are Fully “Vaccinated” ….tell me it’s not so !

December 29, 2021 9:41 pm

My wife most certainly has covid, did an obnoxious fart and she cant smell it, think I got it too, feel like shit, Whatever. Blessed, natural immunity.

December 30, 2021 12:47 am

take dandelion or pine tea tree..it dissolves the graphene oxide and hypoxide…

Archeaopteryx Phoenix
Archeaopteryx Phoenix
December 29, 2021 11:27 pm

My mother is in excellent health at 80.

She and my father got the double vaxx when his health was very poor. After the 2nd vaxx, his health went straight down and he died several months after (due to multiple cancers, yes, but the vaxx sped it up).

I told her not to get the booster, because it was not safe.

She was worried about covid, so she got the booster. Ugh.

What was I supposed to do, tell her directly that I demand she not get the booster? She’s an adult.

This is turning out to be a tragedy of massive proportions. Almost my entire extended family is vaxxed.

What a disaster. People in authority, in media, and in medicine need to pay the ultimate price for this when there is a reckoning.

  Archeaopteryx Phoenix
January 3, 2022 2:12 pm

my sincere condolences

December 30, 2021 12:50 am

nanoscale graphene hypoxide slices tissue

German dr murdered for exposing

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
December 30, 2021 3:11 am

We know at least three, maybe four people that have suffered their spouses dying likely of the shot in the last 3 months – that’s good enough for me.