Brexit was worth it – Boris battles to keep Britain Free – but the Casedemic is confusing the Stats as the EU descends into Fascist Dystopia – Letter from Great Britain [01-15-22]

BREAKING NEWS – WE are winning, at least in Britain: “Covid should be treated as an endemic virus similar to flu, and ministers should end mass-vaccination after the booster campaign, the former chairman of the UK’s vaccine taskforce has said.”  If the MSM are saying it – must be true!  I wonder if the BBC will pick this up? (Spoiler: they didn’t).  This will be a real test for their propaganda campaign – staying on watch

MORE HOWEVER – Britain is in crisis – Boris is on the ropes and ‘PartyGate’ rules supreme. But lest we forget that Boris ‘Got Brexit done’ and saved us from the totalitarian, fascist rulers in Europe (witness Macron ‘pissing on his people’).  But what, for me, is a beautiful outcome: Britain again shows the world that powerful elites lying and cheating will not prosper and perhaps Big Pharma and Klaus Schwab might take notice.

Covid is far from done, but we are winning, so much so that I trust our partners across the pond will take note and bury Old Joe in a similar manner in short order – with his son’s laptop among other incriminating evidence.

Even six months ago, Lew Rockwell knew what was going down but now Omicron is disinfecting the official narrative:

BUT WILL IT LAST?  How long before Brussels starts berating Britain for enabling the Brits to be the super-spreaders across Europe? It appears the latest round of draconian dragnets across the mainland just added to the list of confirmations for why Brexit was worthwhile after all.  Much as I condemn Boris, a bumbling liar covered with sleaze slime, he was our only hope for staying the course and defeating the predatory Globalists like Emmanuel Macron, Mario Draghi, Alexander Van der Bellen, Ursula von der Leyen, Pedro Sánchez, Mark Rutte, et al. They are students and graduates of the WEF Leaders’ Unit. Why is everything so coordinated? but can we vote them out?  Yet more heads from this festering hydra will appear if we do, I am sorry to say, and von der Leyen wasn’t even ‘voted’ in the first place.  What does this tell you!

AND – talking of Globalists, this article from Brandon Smith examines their personality traits. “It is very easy to hyper-focus on collectivist ideologies as the source of our problems and forget that these ideologies do not function in a vacuum; they cannot wreak havoc by themselves, they need psychopathic people directing them to do real damage. We are all affected by these barely human elites:

THE BBC is complicit:  “The story goes deeper. In 2019, the BBC established the Trusted News Initiative (TNI), a partnership that now includes organizations such as Facebook, Twitter, Reuters, and The Washington Post. We’re told that it was established to tackle “disinformation in real time.” TNI was ostensibly designed to wage a war on “fake news.”

Upon closer inspection, however, it appears to have been designed to promote very specific narratives and to silence any dissenting voices, such as Dr Malone’s. Instead of trusting the TNI, we should question the motives of its members.

When one thinks of TNI (and the mainstream media in general), various terms instantly spring to mind. “Objectivity” isn’t one of them. “Highly compromised” and “conflict of interest” do come to mind, however.

Speaking of objectivity, or the lack thereof, in August 2021, The Atlantic ran a much-cited hit piece on Dr Malone, which was high on accusations, but low on actual evidence. It attacked his character and credibility—repeatedly. Rather intriguingly, the article, like all The Atlantic’s COVID-19 articles, was funded by the ‘Chan Zuckerberg Initiative’ and the ‘Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’.

The former is an organization established and owned by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation owns stock in Johnson & Johnson, a company whose vaccine has been associated with the development of blood clots—the very thing Dr Malone has been warning us about for the better part of two years.

BUT WAIT, if science can’t be questioned, doesn’t this make it propaganda? Hush now. Don’t you love America? Don’t you want people to live, rather than die?   Then shut up and get the vaccine, then the booster shot, then the booster-booster shot. We, the arbiters of truth, know what’s best for you. Somewhat ironically, these self-appointed arbiters of truth spout no shortage of lies.

What we’re seeing is the convergence of Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Big Government. Let’s call it the unholy trinity, with Big Tech doing the bidding of Big Government, and Big Government doing the bidding of Big Pharma.

Interestingly, but not surprisingly, YouTube has removed the Joe Rogan episodes featuring Dr Robert Malone and Peter McCullough. Why? Because when it comes to viruses and vaccines, these are among the most notable and accomplished experts in the world.. They appear to know things that the government doesn’t want us to know. Additionally, Google, the owner of YouTube, appears to be closely involved with the U.S. government.

What we’re left with is the equivalent of a digital dictatorship, with even the most qualified people being silenced, ostracized, and, in some cases, defenestrated. Dr Robert Malone is a wise man, an honest man, and a highly credible man. The grief that has come his way—and continues to come his way to this day—is unwarranted and a travesty.

But as he knows only too well, this is the price one must pay for challenging the unholy trinity, like Julian Assange festering in a UK high security prison at the behest of the corrupt British Establishment – for what?  These people are telling the truth – as all faithful journalists are required to do – unless of course they take the 30 pieces of silver as the price of their silence and ask ‘Sue Gray’ to sanitise the issue.

HAD YOU THOUGHT OF THIS? – We begin the New Year carrying on from where we left off, with massive testing. As I discussed in my latest essay War, massive testing means collecting DNA and collecting DNA means they can create bioweapons targeting certain ethnic groups or those with certain weaknesses and illnesses.  Too bad we didn’t pay attention when we had a chance.

In 2008, our prophet Bill Gates predicted that a coming disease could kill 30 million people within 6 months. He advised us to prepare for it as we do for war.  Revealing this publicly was a psychological move. Whether we took it seriously or not, the result on our minds would the same. What could we, as ordinary people do? We couldn’t save ourselves. But Bill Gates and his band of experts could. We would leave the hard work to them while we amused ourselves on social media.” Here is the full article and following on, my snippets: [Spoiler: This is lengthy and sometimes drifts off topic]

“These virtual connections create literally billions of passive people who believe they are actually doing something if they make a comment and 500 people like it. But all of those 500 people are just sitting there, too, wishing and hoping they can say something that will create the same reaction or even bigger. And no one has moved from their chairs in the meantime.”

This does not mean the darkness will end. It does not mean some happily ever after, like a Disney movie. Far from it. We’ve been taught that success means a quick fix, like a new drug or a new car, or a new house.

But there is no quick fix for battles of the spirit. We have overcome, not tomorrow, not next year, but right now. In this moment we are conquerors. Not because our exterior circumstances have changed. But because our spirits have grown stronger. Because our eyes are open. We have seen through the lies and embraced the truth.

AND in UK?  “Gates pretty much owns the UK as far as health policies around Covid. In 2017, UK’s Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority (MHRA) [was] awarded over £980,000 for collaboration with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Health Organization.

Gates also funds Professor Andrew Pollard, the chair of JCVI and Director of the Oxford Vaccine Group in the Department of Paediatrics at the University of Oxford. It’s too much to explore here the shady goings-on of that cozy little cohort.”

SO here is a reflection on this long journey: “Imagine the day when everyone has technology implanted into their bodies at birth that monitors everything they do, sending that information to government agents.  I remember when traveling behind the Iron Curtain as a child. In all the hotels, on every floor, sat an old lady at the end of the corridor, a babushka, who watched and reported on all the comings and goings. We were warned of listening devices inside our rooms.

Imagine having someone like that inside your skin, reminding you to take your mediation, telling you if you’d eaten too much sugar that day, knowing where you had been and no doubt listening to all your conversations.  By the time we get to the pandemic that Gates warned us about in 2008, people will be begging for this level of control.

Gates has mentioned smallpox a number of times. Uncannily, the dreaded disease began cropping up in the news. “Vials labeled ‘smallpox’ found at vaccine research facility in Pennsylvania, CDC says,” read a November 2021, CNN Headline.

In my last essay, Wa’R, I talk about biowarfare and quote from Guo Jiwei (继卫), a professor with the Third Military Medical University, 2010’s War for Biological Dominance (制生权战争), where he emphasizes the impact of biology on future warfare. “biotech will be positioned in the battlefield of the human body itself, targeted at people, limited to people, where it can attack parts or fractions of the human body, accurate to specific biological characteristics …”

Further, “Biology is among seven “new domains of warfare” discussed in a 2017 book by Zhang Shibo (张仕波), a retired general and former president of the National Defense University, who concludes: “Modern biotechnology development is gradually showing strong signs characteristic of an offensive capability,” including the possibility that “specific ethnic genetic attacks” (特定种族基因攻) could be employed.”

And as I have shown in other essays, such as The Chinafication of the Western World, we in the West love to self-righteously lay the blame on China for their lack of moral integrity. However, the truth is that when it got too hot in the West, our “experts” simply sent their questionable research over to China and funded it there. Gain of function research and organ harvesting didn’t stop.”

            “That was perhaps the saddest moment when I knew America was lost. If people truly now believed that cowering in in our homes when we were healthy was the right thing to do and our only hope was fear, then we had no hope.  I lost many friends at that time, as I know so many of us did.

In the end, Trump jumped on the vaccine train, and he is there to this day. If you can’t beat them, join them. I like to believe that Trump tried, really tried. Fauci was a weed whose roots ran too deep. Everything Trump tried to get people to accept was destroyed by the media. Rather than admit Trump was right and preventive remedies such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin should be tried, no prevention was allowed. This crime must be paid for.”  And I ask the question, was China really at the heart of it all? This revelation raises the stakes:

BUT – will we eventually see these criminals eviscerated?  “We enter 2022 with the hope and optimism made possible only by the most clear-eyed assessment of reality. Garet Garett’s remarkable words, published in 1938, are right at home in the New Year. They are also liberating. There is no going back, no restoration, no “reform”—the America we thought we knew is gone.

Tens of millions of Americans now believe both the US federal government and the major institutions in this country—from media to big corporations to universities to Hollywood to Big Pharma and the medical establishment—are actively working against their interests. They have no self-interest in defending a world already lost.” An interesting short read from my favourite institute:  “So, We Will Win. But how long will it take, and at what price victory?  No one can know. But great things are happening, and we should take good cheer with us into 2022!”

AND here is a good question from Charles Hugh Smith: ” Maybe it’s time to eliminate the politicians, who soak up hundreds of millions of dollars in campaign contributions from corporations and the super-wealthy, and just elect Pfizer, Merck, Amazon, General Dynamics, etc. directly. Since corporate lobbyists write most of the legislation anyway, why not cut out the intermediaries in the process?

America is nothing but a vast moral cesspool that the public is told is a pristine pond of wonderfulness. The secular religion is self-interest cloaked as caring, profiteering sold as “value,” fraud packaged as “finance” and rapacious monopolies marketed as “enterprise.”

Many wonder why the nation is fracturing, but few bother to look at the collapse of moral legitimacy as a primary factor. Does anyone ask why trust in institutions and government has collapsed? The reason is these institutions have become little more than rackets enriching insiders and middleman-grifters; they have lost moral legitimacy which is the fundamental foundation of democracy and a market-based economy.”  Sadly I regret that this is so true and goes for UK too

BUT DON’T WORRY –  the economic and social world as we know it is coming to end soon and the elites know it too because they are closer to the Banksters than any of us and fear they are losing all the loot they have stolen over these many decades.

“Today the European and Japanese bond markets are in such shambles that only their central banks will purchase their government debt.  And as economists have been pointing out for years, governments cannot possibly pay for all the promises they have made to their voters for future benefits such as pensions, medical care, and other cradle-to-grave comforts.

The American federal government alone has, by some measures, a 200 Trillion gap between future expected revenues and future promised benefits.  Little wonder that today’s Western elites are giving up on traditional Western liberties because they know that once the hard times hit, the masses will use those liberties such as freedom of speech, freedom to assemble, freedom to protest, the courts, and elections as weapons to lash back at the “establishments” in power.

The establishments, of course, do not want to give up their wealth, status, and power, and so must find some way of depriving the masses of these dangerous liberties [by] exerting more authority over them and turn them from free citizens into subjects.”  Short but sharp analysis:

OMICRON MONITOR: Pfizer CEO says two Covid vaccine doses aren’t enough for Omicron. Why didn’t he say that before? In this article, I’ll tell you what he isn’t telling you that you absolutely need to know.

VACCINE REACTIONS:  “If people don’t get boosted as required, they will be MORE vulnerable to Delta and Omicron than if they weren’t vaccinated. That’s what NEGATIVE vaccine efficacy means. It doesn’t mean the protection wears off (like we were told). It means the OPPOSITE of what you were told: it means the vaccine helps the virus to infect you (by suppressing your immune system, probably permanently each time we are injected according to Dr. Ryan Cole). It means we were lied to.”

To be continued next week   “Don’t Stay Safe — Enjoy Life”


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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu - a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

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January 15, 2022 9:29 am

AP-Was Boris really your best bet? Boris is where he is at a particular time as a bloodline actor. He is jooish by the fact that his mother was jooish and actor bloodline (Lowe)and his father was active and worked in population control like Gate’s father and so many others. Never trust an actor puppet with four names is a good rule of thumb. Also, he is an American national born to his mother’s leftist family dream and his father was in lock step with his mother to the left.

These are the children of the “intellectual” planners who have given these children position and favor to accomplish the cull and planetary takeover. Boris was born to jooish privilege in NYC and spent a great deal of his life there and Connecticut if I can remember. In other words Peter, you have been had by the Rothschilds.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 15, 2022 2:11 pm

Geert Wilders has better hair.

  Austrian Peter
January 16, 2022 2:21 pm

Much as I detest, BoJo, if he goes, we will get someone MUCH, MUCH worse. A narcissist replaced by a truly globalist psychopath.

January 17, 2022 12:52 am

Peter- I am the community bloodline reporter here on TBP. Just as our “leaders” have graduated from the Klaus Schwab’s YOUNG GLOBAL LEADERS school of Rothschild excellence, we will find that anyone at the top in the limelight leaders/entertainers/business etc. are bloodline in one of two bloodlines. Your best bet fellow BoJo is a pedigree of great distinction. Never and I mean never trust that one of these actor puppets are in any way legit and on your side.

“Intellectual Planners” is code for those working to make the protocols become reality . Once you know these things, you will never be able look at life the same again AP. We are here to inspire research into the real lever pullers behind the curtain.

January 17, 2022 1:18 am

It is not always bloodline Peter , all but a couple of our presidents have been, so there’s that. Not all of Klaus’s graduates are bloodline, but they ARE all puppets.

January 15, 2022 10:32 am

The unholy Trinity has been in place for many generations waiting for this time in history. (((They))) want it all, all the wealth, all the land and kingdoms with titles complete with peons to serve. The remnant/slaves are our people and they will have nothing and be “happy” in their servitude. Only if we let this happen.

January 15, 2022 12:37 pm

It is just the flu and colds and mountains of lies.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 15, 2022 2:22 pm

Brexit was worth it just to retain a portion of your national dignity.

January 15, 2022 5:28 pm


If you have no clue who your enemy is, or what doctrine he follows, how can you have any hope of prevailing?

  Austrian Peter
January 16, 2022 5:51 pm

That’s why you’re being mocked for calling the Bolshies ‘fascists.’

  Austrian Peter
January 16, 2022 10:24 pm

I see no difference between the two

Right. Thus the mocking.

Lew Rockwell says

And now you have two problems.