Separation Or Purge? Sharing A Society With The Political Left Is Impossible

By Brandon Smith of Alt-Market

Of all the social drivers in history the concept of freedom is the most powerful and fascinating. There are many observable objective truths in the world and it’s always important to recognize them, but the idea of freedom is more rare because it is a universal SUBJECTIVE truth. Meaning, it exists inherently in the majority of individuals; we don’t learn it, we just know it instinctively. Most of us share the experience but there is no microscope or telescope in existence that can observe that experience. We just have to trust it, or perhaps, have faith.

Freedom is not taught to us, we are born with the idea already hardwired. If anything, it has to be conditioned out of us.

We can see the aftereffects of the human experience of freedom in the great upheavals that occur when our societies become too rigid, too controlled and too authoritarian. Some will argue that tyrants have no concept of freedom and this debunks the notion that it’s an inherent psychological quality, but this is a misconception. Many tyrants love freedom, but only for themselves. Like an obsessive compulsive, when the average authoritarian sees free movement within the rest of society all he sees is chaos that needs to be micro-managed. He is so mentally unhinged by the existence of independent activity that he is compelled to crush it and impose his brand of “order.”

If you want to understand the thinking process of the political left today, this is where you need to start. They believe only certain special people deserve to have freedom (or deserve to live), and they are of course part of that group. The rest of us can’t be trusted with freedom because we “think the wrong way,” and so we need to be corralled and fenced in.

This is not to say that some structure within society is wrong, it can be a good thing, but not when it is imposed by an elitist minority of psychopathic people. There will never be any justice within such a system, no fairness and no true progress. Authoritarianism is the opposite of progress; it is the antithesis, and yet these people call themselves “progressives.”

Freedom requires boldness and courage because it demands personal responsibility. When you are free to make your own decisions you are also free to fail, and only you can be blamed for your own failures. This is a terrifying notion for most leftists and collectivists because they believe that they are owed a positive outcome regardless of their actions or merit. They believe it is their “right” to be taken care of by others if they are incapable of taking care of themselves, but this is not equality, this is “equity.” This is stealing wealth and opportunity from more worthy people in order to artificially inflate others that put in little or no effort.

Meritocracy is the most equal system in existence because it is freedom based; equality of opportunity is the epitome of fairness; equity of outcome is the epitome of injustice.

Leftists hyperfocus on race, skin color and sexual identity for this very reason. They are desperately searching for a way to circumvent the obstacles of freedom, merit and individualism. If everything in society can be reduced down to race, then personal accomplishment and responsibility are no longer relevant. In the mind of the leftist, if certain people are inherently oppressed and others are inherently oppressive, then equality of opportunity is not enough and equity of outcome must be enforced.

Making everything about victim group status thereby erases freedom and meritocracy cannot function. All a person needs to do is say “I am oppressed, therefore I am entitled,” and if they meet the broad leftist criteria then they are handed a livelihood or success simply because they exist.

I saw a commercial on YouTube a week ago for yet another social justice documentary titled ‘Everything’s Going To Be All White,’ once again attempting to pontificate on our supposed reign of dominance across every facet of the globe and I could not help but think this entire narrative is nothing more than a cowardly attempt to deflect responsibility. Yes, it’s also an attempt to divide and conquer western nations but how many people are actually watching these race hyped documentaries and TV shows un-ironically? According to the stats and reviews there aren’t very many.

Nearly every claim made in these productions is based on previously debunked social justice misrepresentations of history from books like ‘White Fragility’ and movements like the 1619 Project. If you really want to get an accurate representation of US history in particular and the limited role slavery played in terms of modern social outcomes, then I suggest reading the works of Thomas Sowell, a brilliant black American economist and historian with no bias in his analysis.

Slavery is a mere footnote in our past, not an all encompassing determinant of our present and future as leftists like to argue. There is no legal slavery in America, and there is no one alive today in America who has experience race based slavery or that has been affected by it. Slavery and racism were far more pervasive in nations of brown and black people in history. In fact, some of these countries still engage in various forms of slavery today. If you want to experience actual racism as a black or brown person then travel to a country like China and see how long it takes before you are kicked out of an establishment for your skin color.

White people are not the problem, people who disrespect the benefits of freedom are the problem regardless of their skin.

What we need to understand is that race and oppression propaganda is not really rooted in race and oppression. It appeals to a certain subset of our population because it offers them a way to rationalize their lack of merit and their fears of freedom and consequence. If you can blame white people for all your problems and have this be believed, then the temptation to fail is increased because there are no consequences. Why work hard to make something of yourself if you can do nothing and be rewarded anyway?

By extension, the racism blame game is alluring to many in society because it can be used as a weapon to harm political enemies. When leftists complain about the evils of “white people” what they are really talking about are the “evils” of conservatives and others that do not conform to the leftist ideology. They rarely come right out and say it, but one day the documentaries will switch from “Dear White People” to “Dear Conservatives.” The fight has never been about race, it’s always been about ideals and principles and eliminating the ideals that contradict the leftist mission. This is why they are consistently hostile to anyone conservative, even more so if that person is black.

The leftist agenda is all about diminishing freedom and societal respect for freedom by whatever means necessary. Everything is about management, everything is about centralization, everything is about control. Conservatives and many moderates stand in direct opposition to this.

The most common mistake among newbies in the liberty movement is when they try to explain away leftist actions by bringing up the “false left/right paradigm.” These people don’t understand what this actually means. The left/right paradigm exists at the TOP of the social and political pyramid; top political and corporate leaders pretend to be in one party or the other while in reality they are all working together and implementing the same policies. At the bottom of the pyramid among regular people there is no false left/right paradigm – There is a very real left/right division.

This is undeniable now in the face of the covid and vaccine mandates. For the longest time I have heard people claim that when the push for authoritarianism in the US arrived many conservatives would simple go along with it. Yet, today numerous conservative red states are fighting the mandates tooth and nail while leftist blue states have been suffocated by them. In fact, red states have acted as beacons of rebellion for the world – Without them it is unlikely that the Supreme Court would have dropped Biden’s federal vax mandates. The threat of war is tangible if such mandates are ever instituted, and the Supreme Court knows this.

I have had people ask me in the past why there haven’t been any major actions on the part of conservatives in the US against the mandates and I have to break it to them that there ARE NO MANDATES in conservative places and there haven’t been for at least 18 months. None. Zero. Zip. We don’t need to protest because we stopped the mandates before they could take hold.

As I have said from the very beginning of the pandemic response, if even a handful of states or countries can remain free from covid controls they will inspire people around the world and act as proof that the mandates are pointless. Today, as America continues to beat back the covid agenda there are mass protests in Canada and the UK has cut most of their covid restrictions. Freedom spreads like wildfire once the flames are sparked.

Leftists hate this. Covid, like the fantasy of “institutional racism,” is a tempting vehicle to forward their ideology. If you can convince the public that they are a constant threat to themselves and each other, then it is a small matter to convince them that government needs to step in and protect society from itself and from notions of freedom that might put society at risk. Without covid as a foil the political left has nothing, and so they continue to perpetuate the lie that the virus is an imminent threat to the majority of people when the average Infection Fatality Rate is a tiny 0.27%.

The real question here is, when a group of people hate freedom this much how is it possible to coexist with them? The answer is we can’t.

Anyone who defends merit and liberty will always be a target of those that despise merit and liberty. They will never stop. They will forever be looking for ways to undermine both. If covid mandates and race based propaganda don’t work then they will search for another tool to do the job. If one can say anything “good” about leftists, it’s that they do not give up even when they are clearly outmatched and beaten. The problem is that this dedication to their cause is not based in love or truth, but in zealotry and cultism. They are jihadists, and nothing, not logic, not facts, not reason nor moral principle will convince them of the error of their ways.

So what is the solution? One could suggest that we make it easy for them to leave. After all, if they hate America as much as they say they do then why are they still living here? Probably because most other places in the world are abysmal in comparison. But if we keep them around they will drag the country down to the same terrible level. It’s a conundrum. Beyond that, what country would want them? Social justice is seen as a cancer in many countries and an injection of leftist migrants would be a disaster for them economically and socially, even in nations that claim to support leftist models.

Most leftists would also refuse to leave anyway because they believe they should decide the path of America’s future. As much as they hate this country they see themselves as its saviors.

Then there is the option of internal separation, which I see as preferable. This is already happening in many forms as conservatives and moderates from blue states relocate by the millions to red states. In my home state of Montana there has been an influx of migrants from blue states and every single new person I have talked to is a conservative/prepper whose family lived in a blue state for generations and they finally got fed up. The vast majority of people moving are conservative minded and they are now congregating.

Why not carry this process forward to its natural conclusion? Red states break from blue states and red counties break from blue state control and we live our lives the way we see fit. Let the leftists continue with their draconian economic and political models and see how well that goes for them. I guarantee they will be in financial ruins within a decade (the list of most indebted places in the country is dominated by blue states) and they will be begging to return to a union with red states (except for the zealots, which would lose influence as they continue to fail).

But this will not happen peacefully because, again, leftists cannot tolerate free activity. Their OCD will not allow them to be content with living in a collectivist state of their own; ALL states must be collectivist before they are satisfied. People are property to them; property of the collective, and people who are property cannot be allowed to make decisions without oversight.

There are people who will naively argue that the establishment wants America divided and separation plays into their hands. Guess what? There is no reconciliation with tyrants and trying to maintain a union with them is the pinnacle of idiocy. There is no union, it is a figment of your imagination. I think the establishment prefers that we stay within the box; that we continue wasting all our time and attention on on trying to hold a system together that is corrupt beyond repair. We will never be allowed to peacefully repair what has been broken.

Unfortunately, the only path this leaves is one of violence. Leftists will have to be forced out of positions of power and influence and removed from our culture like a cancerous tumor is cut from the body to save the body. I don’t think this should be the obvious choice. I don’t want it to be. What I am saying is, leftists and their partners in government and the corporate world will force the issue because they cannot help it; like the story of the scorpion and the frog, it’s in their nature to destroy.

They will continue to push and steal and threaten and abuse until they get the inevitable response of a punch in the teeth. Then, they will play the victim like they always do. This crying and gaslighting will have to be ignored. In the end, these people cannot be tolerated in a free culture and their power to harm and enslave others must be removed, one way or another.

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February 13, 2022 10:31 am

Freedom requires responsibility. Most sheeple like to be told what do and how. No interest in learning on their own. They never understand why someone else it worth a higher salary in the same position. Give em food and entertainment and they be satisfied. It only becomes as problem when there are not enough sheepdogs to protect the herd. That has been the result of every civilization in the history of the world as we know it.
Prove me wrong……

The Duke of New York
The Duke of New York
February 13, 2022 10:52 am

Some are sheep and some are sheep dogs. Some are wolves, and some are wolf hounds.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  The Duke of New York
February 13, 2022 1:10 pm

Some of the sheep are Rams.
Honk! Honk! or Bah Bah with a deep voice.
This and the Ukraine BS are drowning out the latest from JOHN DURHAM. Hitlary and her people committed treason…….to be continued.

February 13, 2022 11:07 am

Sheepdogs being tax payers or other wealthy people. I’m enjoying the agnst on people here in Jackson that have not secured permanent housing as real estate has over doubled since this whole thing started. Younger work remotely people from New York, Chicago and San Fran have moved in to push rents up to $2,500 for a single room apartment.

The writing is on the wall. Many of them brought this on themselves.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
February 13, 2022 1:15 pm

It’s almost that much for the same in Cedar Rapids Iowa. Free state . Major tech and business hubs along with federal courthouse. Unlicensed concealed carry.

The Duke of New York
The Duke of New York
February 13, 2022 10:50 am

Our founding fathers knew this experiment in freedom (because that’s what the US was) would be precarious at best.

“A republic, if you can keep it”, said Franklin.

They knew their Constitution was a living document, that needed to grow and change as the country did. And that a ‘do-over’ was not out of the question.

They knew that there would be challenges, which there were almost immediately. Truly the US was not even what it was envisioned to be by the first quarter of the nineteenth century, but they would not even recognize it now.

Maybe they were right. Maybe we need to tear it down and start over.

  The Duke of New York
February 13, 2022 10:58 am

Sorry Duke but the founders were diehard free mason Satanists who hated freedom.

Hat tip Ordo.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 13, 2022 11:40 am

Yeah, well, they sucked at it.

  hardscrabble farmer
February 13, 2022 12:01 pm

Doesn’t change their spots.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 13, 2022 12:11 pm

If it takes diehard satanic freemasons to ignite the spark of liberty in the hearts of hundreds of millions of men, then good on them.

  hardscrabble farmer
February 13, 2022 12:46 pm

Fine, I have no problem with that. I only care to find truth no matter who has it. Right now I don’t see those hundreds of millions of men. If it explodes into that many, great.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 13, 2022 12:52 pm

I was referring to the numbers over the course of 250 years all across the world.

February 13, 2022 10:19 pm

So we have 15 mythology defenders. Your DV’s prove nothing They are a clever form of PC of Sitcom canned ooh’s of disapproval. You guys would be SOL on a discus site where your name shows up under your up or down votes.

February 13, 2022 10:54 am

“Freedom is not taught to us, we are born with the idea already hardwired. If anything, it has to be conditioned out of us.”

Where is the proof of your argument Brandon? People do not seek freedom innately. They seek survival and tribe up to help ensure that survival. That means the greater good for the tribe takes priority over freedom.

February 13, 2022 11:20 am

Your assuming man’s primary motivation is survival. Victor Frankl thinks it’s will to meaning. Others think it’s a variety of spiritual. One thing we do know is man who has everything is not happy.

Your retort is that he is not happy because his primary motivation is born of evolution to survive.

So everyone is in the same quandary of not knowing.

February 13, 2022 12:06 pm

I said no such thing anon. You are assuming people are unhappy in the safety of the Tribe or village. History and Archeology would beg to differ.

February 13, 2022 12:45 pm

Within a healthy (non-authoritarian) village, individual freedom can thrive, including the freedom to leave.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 13, 2022 12:09 pm

Survival is the primary motivation of all life.

Known Associate
Known Associate
  hardscrabble farmer
February 13, 2022 9:36 pm

Agreed, though occasionally survival of one’s legacy requires the ultimate sacrifice, and the ability to fulfill that obligation is what gives meaning to survival and notice to those who would deny it.

  Known Associate
February 13, 2022 10:12 pm

Yes indeed. It gives meaning to being alive.

Norman Franklin
Norman Franklin
February 13, 2022 11:45 am

I have no doubt you are correct Flea. The Cabalist control of the country has always been deeply entrenched.

I’d say the proof of Brandons argument lies in the fact that freedom can’t be snuffed out. Through all the lifetimes of man, From caves to skyscrapers, from spears to space shuttles, the idea does not disappear. As always 10% or so of the population marches to the beat of their own drum. Its always been so. Maybe we are wired differently, maybe its our environment, maybe its just some sort of cosmic womb goof that makes us this way.

Whatever it is, this pilot light in the souls of (some) men can never be extinguished.

  Norman Franklin
February 13, 2022 12:13 pm

Norman, where in my comment did I mention Cabalist control in this thread. My view on that has little to do with my view on the desire and need to tribe up or die.

The idea of freedom you claim is in the pilot light of their souls and 10% always march to the beat of their own drum.

I would argue that history and archeology show these to be outliers who had to keep it inside the foul lines or face expulsion from the tribe/village which until recently would mean death or slavery.

BTW. I would have been a cast out. I was born a contrarian. Born an Aquarian on Feb. 3 and a red headed left handed blue eyed Irishman I’m the rarest of birds and always a flake. To survive in the bad old days I would have had to join the pirates to avoid the Kings henchmen.

Norman Franklin
Norman Franklin
February 13, 2022 12:41 pm

You’re right, you did not mention Cabalists. My bad. I just associate all world improvers as being cut from the same control freak cloth. Its just a thing in my little pea brain.

I think your point of ‘tribe up or die’ is a point the author is making. We outcasts can form our own tribe and watch the 90% struggle and suffer. Problem is, red states and counties like mine are attracting the same shit-bags who crapped where they ate. They now seek refuge from their consequences, not realizing the tyranny they fled is of their own making.

‘A red headed, left handed, blue eyed Irishman.’ You are a rare breed Flea. I’m glad you survived to finish the race.

I’m sure in a past life I was a pirate. I’m actually surprised I’ve made it this far and done this well in this life. Of course I learned early on to keep my head down and watch my own six.

  Norman Franklin
February 13, 2022 4:07 pm

My State and my little town of 30,000 is filling up with left coasties and black criminals from the pre release prison work force from Kamp Kunta. In the bad old days a girl deemed “match challenged” could be made more eligible by sweetening the pot with a dowry. Now days dowry is code for a housing voucher and food stamp card. The good news is we never see them anymore except on stamp day at Walters wonder world featured here on saturday.
They ruined every other part of the state and have now converged like vultures on a sick prarie dog,raising prices beyond reach of any remaining middle class.

Known Associate
Known Associate
  Norman Franklin
February 13, 2022 9:38 pm

Beautiful turn of phrase NF, the pilot light of the soul. Ready to ignite the fire of survival with the flick of a switch, or a safety lever.

February 13, 2022 12:30 pm

Certain people are more predisposed to freedom than others….eg. Asians seem to be naturally oriented towards the collective….white northern Europeans not so much, makes a big difference who you have in your country.

February 13, 2022 10:44 pm

You should do more research into archetypes: They are inherent psychological properties that give us universal morals and concepts like freedom. If freedom was not inherent then why are there so many rebellions in history? Who taught those people to rebel? And who taught the teachers? You’re not thinking things through, educate yourself.

February 14, 2022 12:15 am

Whoever you are you are just babbling opinions devoid of any real backing. You are discounting the power of Satan to suggest or insinuate his spirit of rebellion in our imaginations. Just for starters. Come back when you get something with substance to throw at me.
Pretty bold of you to proclaim i’m not thinking things through. Did you learn that from the liberal camp. To attack by accusing the opponent of what you are doing.

February 14, 2022 12:34 am

No, I’m citing scientific fact as proven by numerous psychological studies over the course of the past century. Again, look up “Archetypes” and “Archetypes of freedom”, try learning something. Also, I’m a conservative.

February 13, 2022 11:22 am

I disagree (to an extent).

From the micro to the macro ‘the left’ are parasites (from the ‘diversity hire’ to the ‘communist countries’ and ‘global initiatives’). They exist ‘only’ by leeching off the productive, remove that spigot of ‘freebies’ and reality will ensure either their demise, or a return to normality.

The ‘grand’ experiment (begun at the insistence of feminism) of high tax, State supplied ‘assistance’ and welfare is what has allowed, supported and promoted the massive growth of ‘the left’. The right of those with no actual skin in the game to vote (again first exemplified by feminists) on not only where the money goes, but how much of ‘other peoples’ hard earned wealth is confiscated to do so, is what began this decent into madness.

The old joke of asking why there are so few ‘right wing’, conservative protests, answered by pointing out that they’re too busy working for a living rings all too true. The left is made up, almost exclusively, of rich (the actual money having normally been earned by others, or ‘acquired’ using ‘doubtful’ leftist institutions) trust-fund types, the unemployed and unemployable (but also usually ‘highly credentialed’ but only in useless areas of ‘expertise’), women/children living off their husbands/fathers, and those with questionable mental health states who would (in the past) have been institutionalized (and today generally wander free and are even ‘elected’, by others just like them, into positions of power).

A non sequitur, I grow weary (I used to be amused) by the repeated ‘advice’ of some men claiming the best move (re. Western women’s blatant misandry) is to date/marry a ‘third-world’ wife. Forgetting that as soon as that ‘normal’ woman arrives in The West, sees what she is not only allowed, but rewarded for doing, she’ll become just like western women. It’s not the women, it’s the institutions allowing/supporting/rewarding belligerent/destructive behaviors that is the problem.

Much like the protesters (currently Canadian truckers foremost amongst them) no longer care when accused of being every stripe of ist, ‘we’ need to man-up and stop simply giving in when accused of not caring about the destitute (but in reality mostly feckless and lazy), the single mothers (who chose to get into that state expecting others to pay her way), etc. (always, but always, using some black-swan, straw-man examples to include masses of their favorite grifters) and get rid of the ‘welfare state’.

‘They’ are only as powerful as ‘we’ allow them to be. They are only so prolific because we pay so much to allow them to survive and prosper. Stop.

Consider it in the analogy of a dysfunctional family relationship. You’re proposing (separation) giving her the house/car/kids (you built, paid for) and paying to support her in her wild behavior indefinitely, or (purge) slapping her upside her head. I’m suggesting, maybe, ‘not giving her a damn thing’ until she realizes she’ll starve/die without you is possibly a better option.

I’m not hoping, but in many ways a total collapse would be better. Feminism and the left exist (such as we are considering), can only exist, in developed nations where there is sufficient excess production to support their selfish/mercenary/wanton behaviors. Take things back to basics and they’ll wither and die, and incidentally get a timely reminder (it’s been generations coming) that actions have consequences.

February 13, 2022 6:49 pm

Hear hear.

I’ve said often Liberalism requires a sugar daddy because it is not self sustaining. It can only survive if firmly attached to the neck of a productive person.

February 13, 2022 11:24 am

Purge for $110 thanks, Alex.

Red River D
Red River D
February 13, 2022 12:05 pm

Speaking of which…

SGAMMO just got in a new shipment of .50 BMG.

Loose, belted, incendiary, tracer, armor-piercing, or just good old fashioned military BALL!!!

February 13, 2022 11:41 am

Not about race , your are joking or patronizing ignorant people of color .
The leftist use every racially dividing excuse they can spew out in rapid succession to propagandize the issue ! This is because on pure merit their racially combined color blind society collapses in on itself !
We are experiencing that now !
Fact : just on the black issue about 15% of the population and look at the damage they inflict on our society !
Any white person that lives near a high density of blacks knows the issues first hand or the live in their own liberal la la land bubble ! The 80/20% black population IQ fact is on full display !
20% do just fine in modern society the other 80% struggle and many resort to their violent nature !
Decades of statistics prove this so our liberal parasites stop keeping score !
There it’s fixed !

February 13, 2022 11:44 am

We are all a product of our evolution, and we are not all the same. This country was founded by pioneers, who were willing to risk safety to live their lives free. They would rather fight Indians, and live a life full of hardship and strife than to stay in Europe and live a much easier life under the thumb of feudalism. They were an idealistic people who would not accept charity, and understood government was evil by it’s very nature.
After the country was “settled” and relatively safe, the “settlers” started to immigrate. These were the people who were too afraid to risk what the pioneers faced, and were willing to live under feudalism rather than put themselves in jeopardy or experience the hardships of early American life. They did not share the same love of freedom and liberty pioneers risked everything to obtain.
Their ancestors had lived under feudalism in one form or another for thousands of years until the need for rulers became part of their DNA. Upon arriving in America, they began to implement the same government rules and ideals that had led to the serfdom in Europe. The settlers were more interested in exploiting Americas wealth than living free, or self determination.
Today the descendants of those settlers want to impose socialism and a return the feudal system, that is ingrained in their genes. Unfortunately they are now the majority.

February 13, 2022 12:19 pm

Too bad little of that is even remotely connected to reality.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 13, 2022 1:20 pm

You’ll have to expand on that thought.

  hardscrabble farmer
February 13, 2022 4:10 pm

Like hell I do. It’s so full of obvious conjecture and exaggerations it convicts itself.

February 13, 2022 11:42 pm

You can’t because just like all your other posts, you are full of crap. Just another establishment troll.

February 14, 2022 12:10 am

Establishment troll. Good one. You are the one who never posts any proof of anything. You just babble whatever bs comes to your feeble mind. I have a proven track record of being able to back up anything I say here with legitimate sources. You have no such record. How long have you been here? 3 months?

February 13, 2022 12:26 pm

EDITED: My Bad… shoulda posted this under Sunday’s Funnies

Leadership… seems both canukistan and the US share like leaders…

Honest Buck
Honest Buck
February 13, 2022 1:33 pm

Biden video is funny as hell.

As to the post? I vote purge.

February 13, 2022 12:55 pm

If we separate and they continue to aggress, more will likely be OK with finally snuffing them all out over their aggression. Today most don’t have the stomach for what will be needed.

B.S in V.C
B.S in V.C
February 13, 2022 1:02 pm

the hypocritical left, remember when obama was president they all had coexist stickers on their cars trump gets elected and they swapped them out with resist bumper stickers.

February 13, 2022 2:36 pm

“Why not carry this process forward to its natural conclusion? Red states break from blue states and red counties break from blue state control and we live our lives the way we see fit. Let the leftists continue with their draconian economic and political models and see how well that goes for them.”

I love your writing! However I think you miss an important point in this statement in that the Blue will ALWAYS think they are correct. And, just as soon as their respective states are completely screwed up, they will leave them and go to the Red ones. I don’t see an out to this problem of anything short of God.

February 13, 2022 5:46 pm

Because, “they” will insist that we either change our convictions/beliefs or die. The fact that we exist is repugnant to them.

February 13, 2022 3:06 pm

“If you want to understand the thinking process of the political left today …”

Hardy har har!!! I have exactly ZERO SHITS to give in terms of understanding “the thinking process” of Libtards.


February 13, 2022 6:30 pm

The Left consists of the worst, and craziest people on the left side, all voting DIMocrat. Autists, Feminists, nutters, blacks, homosexuals, trannies, cat ladies, and other mental defectives, all voting in favor of the (((“Party”))) (communists) that promises to take care of them when the natural results of their mental deficiencies and shortcomings become all too obvious. These people believe “no platform for *Nazis”, that is, *anyone who disagrees with them, because it is self-evident that they cannot defend their insane positions. Leftists are the least functional people in our society, and yet they are also the people that demand the restriction of free speech, censor ideas they don’t agree with, and enslave you to paying for their social welfare programs, as well as the wars being fought overseas, not in the interests of America, but for the benefit of Israel.

The only thing holding them all together is their hatred of the White Man and their collective efforts to undermine him.

i forget
i forget
February 13, 2022 7:13 pm

Physically conjoined twins have been separated. But no psychic surgery cuts apart chimeric self/other haters. Frogs fly false flag scorpions & scorpions slideride frog tigers. That carnage cake is baked – always has been.

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February 13, 2022 7:46 pm

Between 30% to 50% of White population has liberal/leftist views. Like it or not, all these people need to live somewhere in peace. The art of controlling the society is to allow for co-existence between different groups, while at the same time promoting just enough conflict between them to keep one’s own power.

February 13, 2022 9:05 pm

That is a very low estimate. Just because people vote for Republicans doesn’t mean they have no liberal/leftist views. Most republicans like socialism. They want socialism. They’ll qualify it by saying something like “well, there should be some social reforms.” When pressed, they don’t know what socialism is, and will defend those “social reforms” that they favor by saying that they aren’t socialism.
I would say that between 75% to 90% of voting republicans hold socialist/liberal/leftist views. And that’s just the 30% of Americans who vote Republican! The rest are worse.

The art of controlling the society …

The people who think they should be those self-designated “artists” in charge of controlling society by dividing and conquering are the first who need to go.

February 13, 2022 10:17 pm

The people who think they should be those self-designated “artists” in charge of controlling society… are the first who need to go.

It does not matter what we think “needs to happen”. There is a God-given reality we live in; in that reality there are certain people who crave power and control above all else; these people care not about what we think, only about what is possible to do to us. Both Left-leaning and Right-leaning groups are just instruments to use in order to achieve the goals.

“The government by the people” is a pipe dream.

Ulthima Thule
Ulthima Thule
February 13, 2022 7:59 pm

“like China and see how long it takes before you are kicked out of an establishment for your skin color.”
Dear me, shilling for cya narrative🤦‍♂️
This is so easy to disprove that i challenge ANYONE of YOU to do a teeny weeny little research on Weibo and other Chinese social media/tourist websites/twitter/instagram etc etc and find the “easily proven” claim above.
Ffs, helping “the opressed” is socialist mantra, and there are so few blacks in China ppl mob them for selfies🤷‍♂️
Check the metallicman com blog, he post a shitload of vids from China.
I think you murcans should read Fred Reed`s latest about US stats in education.
From the outside it is easily understood how far the US tumbled down the slope, we learn actual numbers, math and history.
At least we used to, may God have mercy on you.
We all make our own choices, all of us must stand before God and face the consequences of our choices sooner or later.