Fringe Minority Report

Two of the organizers of the trucker protest have been arrested. Charges are mischief etc. There are still thousands of people in Ottawa with more on the way in the face of increased police presence. The convoy’s lawyers are going to have a busy weekend. Trudeau suspends Parliament in order to cut debate and delay voting on the EMA.

An RCMP member sends a message to his coworkers encouraging them to contract the blue flu. Some will head his call. Others will not.

One of the convoy’s lawyers call for police to stand down.

Some protesters linked arms and stood out in the snow and cold throughout the night as convoy leaders were arrested, chanting freedom.

Province of Newfoundland announces end to mandates.

This is a huge shift from just a few weeks ago.

International media, well known individuals and other governments from around the world are calling Trudeau a tyrant. His popularity at home and globally is in the toilet. So why is he doing this when a 30 minute conversation could resolve everything?

Could it be because the world needs a distraction from this?

Always remember, the swamp is a globally interconnected ecosystem.

That’s it for now. More over the weekend. Oh, and don’t forget to honk!

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Bob P
Bob P
February 18, 2022 10:37 am

Kudos to the courageous RCMP officer. How long till he’s fired?

February 18, 2022 10:49 am

This is 5 min. I posted it a few days ago, don’t remember which of your threads. There isn’t a way to fast forward, but it points out a couple of infiltrators to your group

Alex Jones is questionable, imo…..but much of what he has said over the past twenty plus yrs. has been on target, that much is for sure

February 18, 2022 12:16 pm

He has ties to the ))CIA((

February 18, 2022 10:59 am

1 Thessalonians 5:3

“For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.”

February 18, 2022 11:05 am
February 18, 2022 11:07 am
February 18, 2022 11:11 am

Is that the FAKE arrest from yesterday or a real arrest today? They staged an arrest and NOBODY bought it.

February 18, 2022 11:21 am
February 18, 2022 11:22 am

A livestreamer named ZOT has been arrested for trying to film what the police are doing.

February 18, 2022 11:15 am

I wonder what trudies reaction/action will be to this.

Millions in damages/violence,time to actually do your job trudie!

comment image

Truck goes “Honk!Honk!”

Canadian Goose also goes ‘Honk!Honk!”

February 18, 2022 11:22 am

A courageous livestreamer (ZOT) has been arrested for filming the police on Nicholas Street (where ever that is…)

February 18, 2022 12:19 pm

He was told where the cops were staging and went there to film it… He was in a ‘curfew’ zone and was arrested for violating curfew… an illegal arrest but thats perfectly fine, we all know its coming and we are NOT fearful.

So why now??? Because this weekend is FAMILY DAY. So baby castro thinks that to save the family you have to destroy it. It would be odd if the feds DIDN’T take this action, they are committed 100%, as we are on this side.

This much action, arrests with an illegal Emergencies Act invocation, threatening to take children away and killing pets, shutting down comms in the area, setting up check points like good ol russia back in the day, are ALL acts of desperation.

We’re over the target… keep dropping bombs. We’re NOT giving in…


Am I emotional… yep… very pissed off and digging in further… gonna take a moab to remove me. I have nothing they can take, so I have zero to fear of them…

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
February 18, 2022 3:22 pm

Godspeed, Brian.

February 18, 2022 11:24 am

Police have apparently recovered that truckload of firearms stolen earlier this week and report 13 of the 2000 firearms that were on the truck are still missing.

February 18, 2022 11:28 am

“13 of the 2000 firearms that were on the truck are still missing”. Of course they are…..

February 19, 2022 12:39 am

And the cops supplied the firearms in the first place…

February 18, 2022 11:27 am
February 18, 2022 11:33 am

That way the only narrative available will be the one the government wants, complete with footage from conveniently placed security cameras to back up whatever police will claim occurred.

February 18, 2022 11:53 am

Admin- When is that not the case with the “OFFICIAL” media? Nothing new there……

February 18, 2022 12:20 pm

Keep reporting it Rebel News…

February 18, 2022 4:00 pm

“Constitution made of paper. Sword made of steel.” JF Hatfield on twitter

February 18, 2022 11:32 am
February 18, 2022 4:54 pm

Lincoln is revered and he was one of the greatest despots of the last several centuries.

February 18, 2022 9:56 pm

It would be irrelevant if the Nazi cops did make it ‘legal’ to be thugs. Hitler made it legal to throw people in ovens. The word legal at that point means nothing. There is just right and wrong.
People who side with evil because it hides behind a badge a robe or a law book are the CAUSE of most evil in this world.

February 18, 2022 11:33 am
February 18, 2022 2:04 pm

Then we need to organize as many friendly Indigenous protesters as possible, as they legally cannot be removed.

February 18, 2022 4:14 pm

PLEASE, PLEASE watch this video of a legal expert/prof who forensically breaks down this invoking of the Emergencies Act. Start at 2:30 for his introduction and PLEASE watch til the end.

February 18, 2022 10:07 pm

BL – Your forensic breakdowns and wet dreams about the law are an irrelevant waste of time.

Tyrants are above the laws because they make the laws and enforce the laws (against their enemies) and exempt themselves and their powerful friends from the laws.
Once HillaWitch-level corruption is enthroned as god, your law books are no longer worth a warm bucket of piss.
When the gestapo comes for you, hold up a screenshot of your frickin law forensics and see what happens.

February 18, 2022 10:27 pm

BTW – you have to be dumb as a box of rocks to think ‘laws’ are your friend after last year’s Soros-funded riots staged by Black-Marxist-Racists-Matter and Antifa-replica-of-Hitlers-Brownshirts to burn down America.

They were exempted from all the laws and skated and were rewarded with Billions in donations from the NFL and globalist monopolies for doing it (in Opportunity Zones that serve as tax write-offs for c*nts like Bezos when he buys them on the cheap from ruined business owners – such real estate loopholes got his tax rate to almost zero).

But if law-abiding citizens protest the brazen election theft, aided by CHICOM whores like GA Gov Kemp (who idiot Repubs still worship – WTF!), the Nazi FBI sends in some instigators pretending to be disruptive protestors so that unarmed housewives from Peoria can be shot by pigs, and survivors get your corrupt law book thrown at them so hard they die in a dungeon.

Its called the Equal Protection Clause, dufus.
And without enforcement of that, your law IS the PROBLEM not the solution.
F8Ck your law book.

February 19, 2022 4:15 am

Hey you dumbass,
so you mean invoking the Nuremberg Code against the “vaxx” fraud/coercion/mandate is a waste of time too?

Because the only other option I see is discard all law books, and start making up the rules on the fly. Which is exactly what TPTB are selling, as a “rules-based order” (in opposition to a written “law-based order.”)
You support that?

February 18, 2022 11:38 am

If you cant peacefully protest, what are the options? I guess ending the jab mandate was out of the question? Too much of that freedom stuff about your body and your life. Tyrants need to go!

February 18, 2022 12:01 pm

“When you make peaceful revolution impossible, you make violent revolution inevitable. ” – JFK

February 18, 2022 11:56 am
February 18, 2022 2:19 pm

Anyone keeping track of the Turdeau/tyranny supporters on twitter? You know, for posterity.

February 18, 2022 11:56 am

I’m guessing that this is adding to the participation of the 7 day strike that was proposed to start on 21 Feb 22.

Honk! Honk!

I doubt the US truckers will participate in the strike, but it would be nice if they did. What is happening in Canada will be coming to the US as soon as Brandon figures out how to pull it off. Threats, bluff and bluster will figure prominently in the calculations, I’m sure.

February 18, 2022 11:57 am

Hitler also had the popular support of a majority of the people. Castreau’s is around 17%.

February 18, 2022 11:19 pm

This aint a beauty contest. It does not matter if 100 pct of Canadians hate Trudeau.
What matters is that when .01 % of Canadians who stand up for freedom, get crushed by evil thugs on TV, 99.99% of Canadians do absolutely nothing about it, and meekly obey.

BTW, Trudeau was re-elected by the Canadian Sheeple only a few weeks ago. So, even the beauty contest is in the bag.
Canadians are like Minnesotans. Those Nordics vote for anyone who hates them the most, e.g. the Somalian satanist Omar, and MN AG “I hate Whites” Ellison, or the half-Cuban bastard son of Castro. My Cuban friends in Miami knew Trudeau was evil sh*t the minute they saw him, but the ‘Fargo Fools’ don’t have enough sense to come in out of the rain.

I don’t know when this suicidal masochism/Stockholm Syndrome took over the minds of Nordics. But it is crazy stuff. If I was an al-Qaeda terrorist I would put an ad in the paper in Stockholm or Minneapolis that said ‘looking to move into your daughter’s bedroom’ and I’d have a new crib the next day. It’s the reason that after english and spanish, Cushitic/Somali is the top language in MN and Arabic is tops in MI. There is neighborly (good) and then there is easily bullied (not good).

Its actually not a joke. much of the Minneapolis area day care industry has literally been handed to Somali groups with no industry experience, and the more violations they rack up the more offsets they get. And the ‘invite a terrorist into your home” program (not just refugees but young bucks on part-time leave from their terrorist activities for groups like al-Sham and al-Nusra in Libya and Syria), has been running on all cylinders in Sweden for years.

February 19, 2022 9:26 am

Sorry but these nordics did NOT elect baby Castro into office.

We elected him into office the same way you got YOUR dementia tapioca president in office. By theft, cheating and lying. Which are featured requirements with all communists and the communist lights, GOP/Conservative.

Here in canukistan, quebec and ontario elect the parties, not the persons. Then just like the US of A then communist coasts east and west throw in the support votes, not that they are needed. We’re a reflection of US demographics, communist coasts with flyover country in between. Same thieves and liers both sides of the border. Hope you are enjoying your free ride on the communist horse.

February 18, 2022 12:06 pm

Viva Frei is back in Ottawa today livestreaming:

February 18, 2022 2:20 pm

Viva Frei is doing great work, but being careful. He’s a lawyer and is filming what he can without being arrested. He can’t help get others out if he’s in jail.

This is a profound moment.

February 18, 2022 4:33 pm

Viva Frei is not doing great work. And this is not a profound moment. Viva Frei is doing the same thing as the rest of us. Watching this happen. There is a lesson to be learned here. Guns trump bouncy castles every time.

February 18, 2022 4:39 pm

So if guns trump bouncy castles then what are YOU doing about it???

Oh…. I got it, waiting for someone ELSE to start it THEN you might get in on it IF it comes your way… brave lad…

February 18, 2022 4:52 pm

I’m not waiting for anything. I’m living my life in the Free State of Florida. Choose where you live wisely. Or be prepared to actually fight. Or not. But I guarantee that you would never see me bring the bouncy castle to a war

February 18, 2022 5:02 pm
February 18, 2022 5:04 pm

Those two bitches punked every man in Canada

February 18, 2022 5:16 pm

Star – I think you understand perfectly. How many of these things have we seen fizzle? The monkeys here get all excited – now is the time! The support is huge! We can win! Then, poof, nada.

It isn’t time until it is. I suspect the people are growing ever closer to entirely fed up. But by and large, I still think that the apathy level is too high, the severely dug in left are too numerous, and the conservative folk are still too focused on feeding their families and getting on with life.

When the conservative side gets hit hard enough, and as yet I suspect they still haven’t, that is when the shit will really hit the fan.

Oh, and Florida is only Free until it isn’t. All those northerners moving down from NY will take a severe toll over time, be assured.

February 18, 2022 5:25 pm

Yeah man. Nothing is ever lost forever. A whole lot more could happen. But Trudeau raised the stakes beyond the comprehension of most the other day. And the trucker’s were unprepared to rise to that level. Hope you are well, we’ll sit down for cocktails one day before this is over. Stay safe.

February 19, 2022 4:18 am

Yeah, the Australians are so much more reality-based by not demonstrating, until it’s time to do so.

February 18, 2022 10:21 pm

I do think it is a profound moment because we are discovering the wall at the back of the theater.

We thought we were free and then a bunch of Canadian truckers discovered they only matter if they are hauling other people’s stuff for them. Which means the rest of us don’t matter very much either.

It is a profound moment for many people who thought they mattered.

“I’m nobody, who are you?”

February 18, 2022 10:30 pm

Good point, Mags. I stand corrected

February 18, 2022 12:15 pm

FM — thnaks for your efforts to keep us informed.

Why doesn’t somone (anyone in parliament who can do so) call a no confidence vote and kick his ass out of office?

February 18, 2022 12:43 pm

Because the opposition has no where near the votes. They are around 30 votes short. Impossible to swing 30 liberals/ndp MPs to their side.

February 18, 2022 9:14 pm

Thanks for providing that info mot — those 30 should be at the top of the “list”, although they still have time to swing the other way, I suppose.

February 18, 2022 12:54 pm

Many here and across the country have been writing to their MP’s, Justice minister and more importantly the Governor General, asking for a vote of nonconfidence. It all takes time, get engaged caukistaners


February 18, 2022 1:57 pm

There was a vote yesterday. It went in the lib’s favor. That is where I got my approx. 30 vote margin from.

February 18, 2022 3:34 pm

Expected because the Lieberals and the overt communist NDP are both on the same side. Without the communist NDP the Lieberals would NOT be able to form a government. Baby castro NEEDS the communists so he’s giving them all kinds of plums…

The Premieres can end it too… if that fails the courts will. Like the rcmp dissenters are saying all those being charged with ‘crimes’ under this illegal proclamation are having their charges thrown out.

The rcmp are looking for a LOT of arrests so the media can propagandize the shyte outta it by stating the number of arrests. And on a couple days before the FAMILY DAYS weekend arrives, why??? To scare folks.

What the dirtball media and rcmp WON’T do is tell you that those charged are virtually ZERO in having those charges being applied. Lying by omission is still lying. Just like the death counts went from deaths to cases, all propaganda to terrify the people into compliance. We ain’t fooled.

HONK HONK… biatches…

February 18, 2022 9:17 pm

Yeah, it’s like here in the states w/ political indictments before an election that are quietly dropped afterwards due to “lack of evidence to prosecute”

February 18, 2022 8:45 pm

Politicians only understand money and power, until they are confronted with a rope neck tie.

February 18, 2022 11:25 pm

See the reply on Nordic political masochism/Stockholm Syndrome above.
The Suicidally Self-hating majority doomed Canada long ago.
Now, its like watching the last death throes of stage 5 cancer.

February 19, 2022 9:31 am

See my answer to your faulty short sighted assessment of canukistan above.

February 18, 2022 12:56 pm
February 18, 2022 1:05 pm

The Canadian Parliament session was cancelled today – the Emergency Act was to be debated, but “we cannot hold a parliamentary session to oppose the assumption of emergency powers because we have declared an emergency”

no Catch 22 here (winky face)

more on the subject:

February 18, 2022 5:21 pm

They CAN’T debate the invoking of the Emergencies Act by Castreau because it will be clear for the WORLD to see that their (commies in Canadian gov./ genocide pushers) only reason is the FEAR of harm from SPEECH, they contend that words are violence and pose a threat. So, throw open the windows and let the sunlight set these vampires aflame, truth is “WINNING”.

February 18, 2022 4:28 pm

Truck Fudeau! [and his (((handlers)))]

February 18, 2022 4:38 pm

BL recently said “ I have NO DOUBT that if any popo harms a hair on any protester’s head, there will be a nationwide strike THE LIKES OF WHICH HAVE NEVER BEEN SEEN BEFORE.”

Just wondering when that nationwide general strike is happening? Because some hairs have been harmed.

February 18, 2022 5:13 pm

Be patient Llpoh, Rome wasn’t built in a day and Canada will not instantly be liberated to suit your snarky ass. Much has been accomplished, much more to come I am sure. Again Llpoh, these people are not going to sacrifice their children to these evil Zionist elites.

NEVER give up Canada, NEVER give in .

February 18, 2022 5:17 pm

you mean because it didn’t happen instantaneously then its never going to happen?!?!?

hhmm maybe they should have anticipated the hair harming and acted in a preGeneral Strike. But then you’d say it doesn’t count because several truckers and a gas station attendant were still working and when you went to wally world they had two cashiers… so obviously it was all a total lie and fail…

February 18, 2022 5:38 pm

By memory he said it would happen quickly. If it doesn’t happen quickly, odds of it happening at all plummet.

February 18, 2022 5:51 pm

Whats quickly?? 5 minutes?? an hour, a day, a week???

I don’t think you understand the resolve those that are there have. The more that this illegal actions gets beat down by the government thugs it galvanizes more people to the truckers side.

The zombies will never be swayed. But average folks seeing the goon squad run in with full riot gear, snipers on the roof, all because people are sitting nonviolently about singing, moistly mind you, Oh Canada. Its working in our favour.

The trucker convoys ARE working, look around to whats happening in other countries. They’re dropping mandates and passports. So why do you think its not going to work here??? It IS working here… These are desperate actions by very desperate communists doing everything they can to intimidate and cause people to cower… and it ain’t working.

There are more calls for people to take a taxi, a bus, whatever means to go into ottawa as we have a CHARTER RIGHT for the freedom of travel and assembly. And the Charter takes precedence over the Emergencies Act. People will go…

Heres what I suspect will happen. The feds have set up their check points, like they did in russia. People will go around them. The thugs will herd people into outlying areas so the media can film the empty streets around parliament and call it a win for themselves. Its pure propaganda BS with no shortage of naysayers declaring doom…

February 18, 2022 6:34 pm

Loopy is projecting his reaction, which is pretty much WHY OZ is a prison camp. In his mind you just don’t cross the overlords EVER.

February 19, 2022 3:40 am

BL – after all these years, you know nothing of me. I wouldn’t be putting up jumping castles and having barbecues.

These guys are playing kids games and are not serious. There are two ways they can go about this and get what they want: general strike, or something more radical. I support a general strike. Something more radical is not on my agenda and I do not support it, have never supported it, and will likely never support it as I believe that, still, people are getting what they want and what they voted for, so who am I to deny them the disaster they caused. People have the Constitutional right to be idiots, and so it is.

As for Oz, and your absurd comments, you know nothing about it. Oz is better in almost every way I can think of. The people are far, far richer on median, live longer, there is far, far, far less violence, there is little racial strife, the country is over 90% white, almost no illegal immigration, far fewer people, vast resources per head of population, far lower govt debt, universal healthcare, etc etc etc.

The US is a relative dump, and you well know it. Setting national pride aside, only an idiot would choose the US over Oz. The US is literally tearing itself apart, its culture is disintegrating, its economy is a dumpster fire, etc. Get a clue.

February 19, 2022 9:45 am

I wouldn’t be putting up jumping castles and having barbecues.
These guys are playing kids games and are not serious.

Respectfully you know absolutely zero of whats happening here and know nothing of the resolve of the people in this protest.

I suspect you are throwing a wet blanket every time you comment on OUR protest because you are trying to appease the your conscience or cowardess. You have your own backyard with more than enough problems. You lock downs have been worse than ours, we don’t have interment camps or vax passes.

Yet you come here and point a cooked finger at what we canuks are doing and like the great, in your own mind, General you are, spew your brilliance strategy of armed resistance or general strike. Never mind that we’d thought about these considerations weeks ago. Never mind that countries around the world are now copying us canukistaners, opps even Oz too, and they are having a great affect.

And what exactly are YOU doing in Oz to fight the tyranny in your OWN country?? Let me guess, going about your own business, peaking out from the curtains, faithfully wearing your mask. And of course coming here to TBP and tossing wet blankest wherever you can. We here would call that being a coward, in Texas its all hat and no cattle… take your pick.

February 19, 2022 6:28 pm

I protest. I write. I donate. I talk. I grow like minded. I create allies of neighbours.

I do not, if you can read, ever spew anything about armed resistance. Nothing whatsoever. Not for Canada, not for the US, not for Oz. I do not believe that the few should by force take away or try to take away the democratic rights of the people, no matter how stupid they are.

If there is no general strike, your trucker convoy is almost certainly toast. It is crumbling as I write this. Ottawa is clearing. The bridge blockade was a mistake. The protest is slowly fading away, like smoke from a campfire. You think yourselves great patriots. You are trying, I give you that. But anything comes of this, it will take a long time. Because the vast majority of people are not awake, and you cannot win until they are.

But he’ll, keep putting up jumping castles. That will work, I am sure.

February 18, 2022 4:49 pm

Lorrie Goldstein says it perfectly: “So people in Canada are losing their jobs because they donated to a political cause retroactively declared illegal by the federal government, on the basis of being publicly identified by the media, using stolen data from a fundraising website.” Welcome to Venezuela without the obliging climate.

  Francis Marion
February 18, 2022 11:39 pm

said wannabe prosecutors of untouchable HillaWitch and untouchable financial criminals Loyd Blankfein, Jamie Dimon, Angelo Mozillo and a cast of millions more.
– Oh and the Keating 5 bank bribe whores McCain got promoted. lawsuits my ass.
FBI and DOJ criminals ruined Gen. Flynn and Stone and Giuliani and are now cooking up show trials against Rep Henry Cuellar and Tesla’s Elon Musk because they dared to notice Nazi Puppet-Fuhrer Biden’s corruption and incompetence.
The only lawsuits allowed to succeed now are the inglorious bastUrd kind.

World War Zeke (Astoria)
World War Zeke (Astoria)
February 19, 2022 11:06 am

And this is what a corrupted system in collapse acts like. You are merely witnessing it. Jury nullification works both ways; to spring their villains for eventual re-capture and to spring our heroes for good posterity.

But I get your frustration. An infestation of sociopaths is always an ordeal. Don’t become one of them. Research Oliver Cromwell’s Soldiers’ Catechism, good solutions therein during English civil war. Soon a Lord Protector will make way for truth, justice, and conciliatory mercy for the conscripts.

  Francis Marion
February 18, 2022 5:11 pm

It is very hard to forecast what will happens- this thing is very fluid, and many sparks are flying toward tinder.

My best guess is that the momentum has swayed to to jackboots. The biggest stick will be the way they can freeze assets. That will paralyse a lot of supporters from acting. The threat of having all of your assets frozen, and your goods confiscated, seems quite real, and will cause many to pause.

I read somewhere they have the ability to confiscate trucks, which would be very damaging to individual owners. Companies with multi trucks will almost certainly not be involved if they risk losing their trucks. So owner drivers are the most likely to stay involved. Given that owner drivers are around 20% of the truckers, that might limit participation significantly, and only the bravest and most committed (or already bankrupt) would risk their trucks.

Combine the confiscation with the ability to freeze company assets of any company involved, and the chances of companies being involved fall further. If owners are potentially liable, the odds fall further.

So, at this stage, my best guess is if this is to succeed, then it will have to change from a trucking protest to a broader community protest. It seems unlikely to me that there will be enough truckers willing to risk their trucks and their entire financial situation. Will there be enough private citizens willing to take the financial risk, with an added incarceration risk, to keep this going? I suspect not, but it is a very fluid situation.

February 18, 2022 5:30 pm

They don’t have to be there… the protest is a visual for the protest movement to rally behind. Why is the government so headlong into this?? ALL Propaganda. Its Family Day here in canukistan (weekend)and many go to the parliament for celebrations etc…

Its ALL propaganda. The arrests are all getting tossed in court but thats not what the media, cops and communist politicals are concerned about. Its all about the numbers of ARRESTS made… just as the covid went from deaths to cases because the death count numbers were proving it wasn’t deadly. So the media trumpets arrests made and NEVER tell you they all get tossed out because they are illegal.

IMO… the truckers need to get on the radio, social media, all comms and call for ALL truckers to park. There is a call for a General Strike that everyone who knows whats happening calls in sick, churches should tell adherents to call in sick. STOP all transportation of supplies into ottawa. ANY government thats imposing these illegal acts should have all their logistical support ended until all covd BS is dropped and the government resign.

  Francis Marion
February 18, 2022 7:49 pm

This is just beginning.


Two if by sea.
Two if by sea.
February 18, 2022 10:50 pm

Begs the question what your definition of success is Llpoh.
I could argue successfully it’s been a great success in its own right.

  Two if by sea.
February 19, 2022 3:44 am

Success is if they get what they want. Because they have fucked the duck with the blockade. That was a mistake.

February 18, 2022 5:42 pm
February 18, 2022 7:41 pm

Trudeau’s goon squad of imported Toronto cops on horseback just trampled an elderly lady using a walker.

February 18, 2022 8:05 pm

And Ottawa police are already out there lying about what happened:

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
February 18, 2022 8:25 pm

Just like this photo caused the people to turn against the war in Nam.

comment image?w=640&h=360

February 18, 2022 5:45 pm
February 18, 2022 5:52 pm

That is what cops do. What they have always done.

February 18, 2022 5:47 pm
February 18, 2022 8:06 pm

Because they are not cops. They are thugs. They are stasi.

February 18, 2022 6:07 pm
February 18, 2022 6:21 pm

As always,thanks for another edition of “The Canuk Chronicles”.

To our friends in the north,I know at the moment it looks bad and it will get worse.That said,in the end it WILL get better!

To quote a wise man named Bluto”It’s not over till we say it’s over!”.

As painful as this is for me to say(feels like I got kicked in the balls with a steel toed boot!)I am damn fucking proud of you leafs!Look at what you have done,created a movement of literally millions in your country with a message of freedom and not only that but literally inspired the world to also do this,no small feat by any means!

Again,if someone had said to me I would contribute to a freedom fund in Canada would have laughed.

Someone said I would hang a leaf flag on home would have broken down in tears from laughing so hard,yet……,here we are.I will get a pic and post said flag this weekend.

Finally,your movement has not only delayed but officially cancelled the “Day Of The Rake”!

Time for leafs to take a breath/reorganize and perhaps have a drink while taking monies out of your banks!

As you move forward be aware there are many world wide willing to help any way we can but you must be the ones to choose the path in your country.

On a side note,will be doing a four footed Canadian edition of freedom fighters this weekend.

While I wanted to avoid the “Hell Hounds” feel they might be needed in the upcoming festivities,here is a glimpse of them.

comment image

I will say as I support you leafs if any of you think that perhaps in a moment of weakness you can convince me that the metric system is a superior way of weights and measures you would be wrong!I hope you remember I have many different sized rakes/a backpack blower and a 5 horse Billy Goat leaf blower…….,just saying!

As always,willing to meet at border with a few bottles of Jack and some smokes if needed for the upcoming battles!

February 18, 2022 9:30 pm

I hate to see this and say this,but…..,time to start shooting folks/nation wide.

February 18, 2022 9:57 pm

Well folks,I am sure in a bit of a pickle now!

With this link I sent this e-mail to your PM.

You have horse mounted police attacking/running over your own people?!

You sir,are a frigging pussy bitch!

You will be voted out with either a vote of no confidence or a recall election.

You are not a leader but a puppet/the voters will cut your strings.

I will say have a lawyer on speed dial,and……,as far as I can tell was not threatening but just truthful,we know how well that works!

I am not heard from for some days you know why/have decided for a time to be a Canadian!

Hang tough leafs,you have friends joining.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 18, 2022 10:09 pm

See it before it disappear. Woman trampled by cop’s horse in Ottawa.

  Iska Waran
February 18, 2022 10:24 pm

Yep,save this and all other video Iska,tis only beginning.

I have e-mailed me lawyer about my e-mail(am sure they love that but they do see $),we need to get ALL that is going on on video ect.

Tis starting to get very real,stand strong all!

February 19, 2022 8:51 am

A Hillbilly Anecdote

I have a friend here who is a mortgage broker and she’s made a lot of commissions helping people buy homes out here in the sticks. She’s a transplant, from Michigan (the frozen part) who said she saw the writing on the wall in the late 1990s and bought a little piece of hill ground and opened a mortgage broker office with her former company from Michigan.

She makes a pretty good living these days and knows most of the people in the community, so when I need to know who to go to for what, I go to her. She’s a real tough lady whose home burned down ten years ago; the insurance balked and she had to fight them (her ex-husband probably burned it down but there was no proof; the insurance had to be forced to pay, which left her living in a small camper trailer hooked to her septic system and electrical line.

That took a few years, but she finally got the settlement and had saved enough cash along with it to rebuild (she’d had it framed and dried in with her own money) a very nice ranch home with a lovely patio overlooking the pond and woods below. To her left is the trailer park, where her own fifth wheel camper-home is occupied by a young man she took in when he was working on her home. Toward the woods, her daughter has a double-wide which also faces the pond. Her grandson, who has been living in Arkansas with an uncle, has an old Winnebago he’s bought so he can come live at NaNa’s country estate and work local. She has a very nice home now because she worked hard and fought for it. She understands community and enjoys helping people find mortgages so they can have decent homes.

As a matter of fact, there are so many nice homes (small, neat, practicle homes along with some really lovely retirement mansions of several thousand square feet or more) on that backwoods drive to Zalma I took yesterday, I felt like I was lost a couple of times.

I haven’t taken that particular route for several months, so I was really surprised. So, after I picked up my beef, I stopped by my friend’s home who tipped me off about the heifer and introduced me to the cattle lady as her good friend, which started the whole heifer-buying epidemic.

Which brings me to my point, which is the conversation we had about the truckers in Canada. My friend, whom I consider very savvy, said “Yeah! What is that all about?”

I explained it to her and immediately she grasped the implications. She said, “It’s about to start, isn’t it?”

I got chills because that was on a particularly eerie stretch of road between US67 and the Castor River, which is overflowed all over the place around here, which means the waters headed for the cropland and the Mississippi are liable to be heavy this year.

Oh, I forgot to mention that when I stopped and showed her my beef, she said “I’m going to need another freezer” and I said I can get you one at Rural King for $199 with my discount and so after we unloaded my heifer at my home, we hopped into her truck to go buy another freezer with my discount. In all, I covered almost 200 miles of traveling state and county highways and saw two big rigs. US 67 for 40 of those miles. Hmmmm.

I’m a rabbit vendor for Rural King and I get a discount which I can share with friends.

It’s good to be a hillbilly now.

We all think it is about to start out here. Lots of target practice going on in the heartland.

February 19, 2022 9:56 am

I think we all can agree with you and the nice lady….

Its all about to start isn’t it…

Yes my dear. it is… lets get that freezer down from the truck…

February 19, 2022 10:09 am

This rant is worth listening to; he expresses exactly how every Canadian and American should feel right now.

Honkety Honk number 99