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February 24, 2022 7:04 am

On Ron Paul’s racism statement….what if the members of a certain group try to emulate each other by wearing their pants around their thighs, wear their hats sideways, adorn themselves with all kinds of gold chains and strut instead of walk. Are we supposed to ignore the signs? If you strive to look like a criminal, I will assume you ARE a criminal. Ron Paul’s esteem just fell further in my eyes.

February 24, 2022 8:59 am

So you hold those who behave a certain way in contempt. You judge everyone as an individual. Whats so wrong with that?

i forget
i forget
February 24, 2022 10:27 am

RP’s right. And wrong.

Racism is proto-individuals in a collection that is glued & bounded by the original herd immunity to/against actual/ized individuals.

Despite all indies, proto or actual, being biochemically & structurally unique…protos abhor that about themselves ~ uniqueness ~ which is to say they abhor having selves, being selves, themselves.

Enter the Dragon hacks who intone such tail sucks as “no wo/man is an island.”

And/but Bruce Lee Shakespeare, too: all the world’s a stage…and it’s jammed with casts of thousands ensembles performing to pretend specifications – there’s a method acting madness.

With the passage of timelessness, that original immunity became antigenic sin.

This design puts form ahead of function, & doesn’t have to bother planning the obsolescence, because that’s designed in, too.

Loads of amnesia, “social” & otherwise, but herdlings can never forget “the other” – race being but one distinction – that they never knew until their prophecies self-fulfilled it.

Ouroboros feed(s its own)back(end into its own gullet)loop. That can look cool, as a design, a form. But functionally it’s retarded.

“Safety in numbers” is the mentality of quarterly earnings (which mentality Boeing capitulated to – slowly, then all at once) & the kids ~ wo/men children, too ~ who couldn’t help themselves, had to gobble the marshmallow immediately, rather than wait a few minutes for that one to compound into two.

“Short game” is empty flattery. There’s no game to it. And that’s what gangstering up is, & means: no game.

And no game means prey animals praying to the herd god that hiding in plain sight among all the other protos will give them one more marshmallow day to gobble.

i forget
i forget
February 24, 2022 10:40 am

If the bad black apples perfectly indict the whole barrel mustn’t it be good enough to colorize otherwise, too?

If someone you know, are maybe even closely related to, does something even actually malum in se criminal in your house why not you & everybody else who used to live there forfeiting that asset?

I agree that most people are painted, but if I paint *all* en masse, my own brush is just as paint-filled.

Gotta leave a little tail room for the good ones. Whatever the flesh tones may be.

Watching the new season of Billions. It was caricature & cartoon LARP’ing before. But now it’s just added another hipower Black man (displacing a latina). So it’s now up to 2 male masterblacks & 2 female masterblacks working at/around the hedge fund. There’s one shaved head pronoun chick. An asian guy. an Indian-looking guy. a nerd guy & gal. The DA’s office just brought in an Indian killer-gal to replace the black chick (Phylicia Rashad’s daughter…the IDMB bios for the family of actors & sportsballers makes sure to emphasize TX racism of the 50’s) poached away by the hedge fund. At this rate, they’re getting pretty closed to issuing capes, I figure; all the characters, including the white-skinned ones, are getting closer to straight out of Marvel comics superheroes & villains. But even were that not so, actors pretending to be whatever ain’t real, so the new blackpacks ain’t any less real the whiteflights are.

If most all the world’s a stage, & Bill shook that Speare lose 100’s of years ago, & you’re *still*, even with all your own personal experience, taking manipulator-influencers entertaining at any kind of serious face value beyond “this human wave could turn on a dime & crush me – best get as far from the madding crowd as can” well maybe you’re up on that stage, entertaining, too.