Stucky QOTD: Armchair Generals

The entire media enterprise in America (and it’s allies) has become Baghdad Bob.  Enough bullshit has been spread to cover all America five feet high.  Don’t you wish someone would ask …. YOU??  Of course you do!  If you’re like me, you probably have fantasized what you would do to make the world right.  Well, now is your chance! Let the world hear YOUR voice!!

Here is the scenario (choose as many as you want).  This question is in regards to only to the Ukie-Ruskie situation. So, everything is exactly as it is, including Russia’s high alert nuke status, BUT by some method of magic (or, the Holy Ghost) ….

Q1:  Tomorrow morning you become President of UKRAINE.  What do you do?

Q2:  Tomorrow morning you become President of RUSSIA.  What do you do?

Q3:  Tomorrow morning you become President of UNITED STATES .  What do you do?


Me?  I will give my answers to all 3 scenarios when this is posted …. so you can tell me how full of shit I am.


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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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February 27, 2022 8:15 pm


Too busy a job for my abilities, these days.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
February 28, 2022 12:19 pm

Given the visible ‘qualities’ of the Presidents of Ukraine and the United States, it seems clear that ability is nowhere in evidence … so stop belittling yourself …


  Anthony Aaron
February 28, 2022 12:24 pm

Good point. I guess I am just not as good at not giving a **** as the professionals.

February 27, 2022 8:20 pm

(a) Take Putin’s Billions and hide out in my palace. (b) and (c) send in letters of resignation and enjoy Putsky’s lavish lifestyle, it’s all theater anyway. Maybe sail around on Putin’s 150 million dollar yacht and watch the show from out at sea.

Here come the downers…. although Zelensky has a billion (out of nowhere), I’ll take Putin’s largesse of the three.

February 27, 2022 8:43 pm

Yep, and the Russian babes.

February 27, 2022 9:12 pm

Right Grumpy, I’m not the only one that thinks this is ridicules. 🙂

February 28, 2022 11:22 pm

Who died and appointed you thought police? You would be the first to have a hissy fit if Biden was building a palace with $650 gold plated toilet bowl brushes for each of the 28 bathrooms, like Putin. You’d have a fit about a multitude of things but Putin and Russians are off limits. I take a jab at all criminal club members no matter what country they come from. I took a jab at Zelensky too, you didn’t say a word. If you became President and amassed billions, I would bad mouth you too, at least I’m honest.

I’m an equal opportunity complainer, I have been bitching about Canadian Nazis for several days, ask FM.

February 27, 2022 8:28 pm

Q2: admit that I’m a graduate of the WEF program and a key member of the global synchronized swimming team.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
February 28, 2022 12:23 pm

Actually, while Putin admitted to attending some of the WEF’s young tyrants in training program, even the WEF does not acknowledge his membership in it insofar as having ‘graduated’ or become one of their stooges in power — like Trudeau in Canada, Ardern in New Zealand, more than half of Trudeau’s cabinet, Merkel, and numerous other ‘luminaries’ — such as Bill from the Gates, Jeff Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos of AMZN fame, etc.

Here’s a list of many of the WEF’s ‘Young Global Leaders’ … 

The WEF and the Pandemic

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
February 27, 2022 8:31 pm

1) Play ball.

2) Show the public where ALL of the bodies are buried. Metaphorically and literally. Because if you think things are unstable in the west now….

3) Release JFK’s nudes of Marilyn Munro.

February 27, 2022 8:44 pm

A1: Set up a meeting with Russians.
A2:Cut off the gas going to Europe
A3: Shove 30 million dollars worth of crack pipes where the sun doesn’t shine on Joe Biden…

This is a good video done by someone who is actually in Ukraine

Zulu Foxtrot Golf
Zulu Foxtrot Golf
February 28, 2022 6:51 am

Gonzo was talking shit to everyone eating breakfast there yesterday morning. I was fucken dying watching him call them all out in public lmao.

Mista Ed - Shape Shifta
Mista Ed - Shape Shifta
February 27, 2022 8:55 pm

1. Immediately cease hostilities with Russia. Immediately recognize the sovereignty of Donetz and Luhansk. Recognize the Crimean peninsula as Russian property. Boot out any and all foreign military and military contractors. Formally renounce NATO ambitions. Capture, try in kangaroo court, and execute the previous president. Imprison or Execute any high ranking military who objected to the new program. Divide the county in two based on Uki/Rus ethnicity. This is a lot for a first day, so I would have to delegate much of the heavy lifting.

2. I would keep on keeping on. Finish the war in Ukraine, and maybe destroy NATO too. Then I would go for a ride in Putin’s yacht.

3. First I would find out about the supposed alien space ships. Which ones are ours, which types belong to real aliens. Also I want to know how inter-dimensional travel works for long distances. Most other conspiracy theories turned out to be true, so not much else to learn there. I would resign before the CIA briefing that what happened to JFK could happen to me.

February 27, 2022 9:02 pm

Cash in

Cash in

Cash in

It’s all about to dough , bro… don ‘cha know.

More than a billion dollars are held in Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s accounts abroad. This was announced by the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of the Opposition Platform – Party For Life Ilya Kiva.

According to him, Zelensky has accumulated $1.2 billion in the Dresdner Bank Lateinamerika in Costa Rica during the two and a half years of his presidency. This money was transferred to the president by Ukrainian oligarchs, such as Rinat Akhmetov, Viktor Pinchuk, Igor Kolomoisky. As Kiva noted, replenishment is done regularly, in tranches of $12 million to $35 million. And they go through banks like First Union Bank, Deutsche Bank, Banque Nationale de Paris. According to the deputy, the movement of such funds would be impossible without the control of the authorities of Germany and France.

But just accounts, as Kiva pointed out, the matter was not limited. Zelensky managed to buy a villa in Miami for $34 million, as well as several sets of jewelry for $5.6 million.

Zelensky Found a Billion Dollars and a Villa in Miami

February 27, 2022 9:07 pm

1 – sue for peace accept terms deal with whatever comes and resign
2 – continue with the plan aside from western bullshit propaganda it appears to be working as expected
3 – work to make immediate amends with Russia, abandon / foreswear NATO all together, try to avoid being killed by. deep state for those actions

February 27, 2022 9:25 pm

1. Bend over
2. Drive him home
3.Slit my throat.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
February 27, 2022 9:48 pm

A – Quit and move to my million $ beach house in FL
B – Quit and move to my multi-million $ estate on the Baltic Sea
C – Quit and move to any one of my million$ homes.

February 27, 2022 10:25 pm

Q1: Release the goods on Hunter and them.
Q2: Nuke North Korea’s Sun God as a lesson for Castreau.
Q3: Declare that the Supreme Court justices will consist of nine white truckers.
addendum: the truckers will not be women, but the truckers’ moms who homeschooled them may act in an advisory capacity.

February 27, 2022 10:26 pm

Q1 – Shoot anyone in the Ukrainian government who holds Israeli, American, or British citizenship.

Q2 – Nuke Israel, DC, Northern Virginia, New York City, and the San Fernando Valley.

Q3 – Nuke Israel, DC, Northern Virginia, New York City, and the San Fernando Valley.

February 28, 2022 2:27 am

ive been considering to what degree putin is also collaborating with the davos crowd- there are plenty of hints that he has some level of cooperation with them. could it be that the current ukraine business is the result of an understanding among them? you get to sort out the ukraine as you want and we wont start a real war about it, just some media hysteria for domestic consumption, but you will do it when and how we say so we can switch our narratives and keep the propaganda war going in the west? some arrangement like that?
putin is smart, and he shows signs of not being entirely under the globalists’ control, but then he also sometimes shows signs of going along with them. the degree to which he is independent and legit opposition ot them is still unclear.
if this business is indeed as contrived as i surmised above, it would be even worse news for us!

February 28, 2022 6:59 am

Not to worry, God is still in charge. Nothing can happen without His approval.

February 28, 2022 11:29 pm

Um, did you just say God approves of everything that is happening? I think you did.

That would be rather unsettling. I mean, considering what is going on, if so, that would make him kind of dick IMO.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
February 28, 2022 12:29 pm

The WEF doesn’t consider him to be a ‘graduate’ of its tyrants in training program — he was too old, for one thing — and his ‘principles’ of leadership in Russia are or seem to be against the WEF agenda …

Here is a list of many of the WEF’s stooges in high government positions around the globe … 

The WEF and the Pandemic

February 28, 2022 3:24 am

1. grab whatever gold, guns, and anything else useful fits on a plane, fuel that sucker to the max, and gtfo. probably not to anywhere in the west. south america?
2. finish cleaning house, quickly end hostilities, keep the focus on protecting my own country from the corruption of the globalists, honestly help prepare my country for stepping down the energy/resource slope more smoothly (not green nonsense, more like, relocalization, permaculture, from a government’s point of view it means leaving local, rural communities alone to be more autonomous and self-reliant. my role would be just to encourage them and tell them whats really going on so they make their own decisions)
3. rollback pretty much everything from the 14th amendment on, shut down almost all of the fed gov’s bureacracy, bring almost all forces abroad back home, default on all govt debt, basically return to say 1830 or so. likewise tell the truth so local communities can get their shit in order. try to climb down a step or two before we crash, and try to leave local communities intact and with agency to get their shit in order. the urban modernistic coastal cities? theyre in the middle of a psychotic suicide. dont interrupt them now!

of course a president cant do most of that by himself, but, shit, rule of law has already been thrown out the window, so it’d be mostly done with the help of any still patriotic military forces. there are more of those than we think, and many more who are retired or separated who would probably happily volunteer to controbute to such an effort if it were honest.

Bob P
Bob P
February 28, 2022 9:12 am

Q1. Surrender immediately before my nation is razed, then run away in terror.

Q2. Finish the war ASAP. Demand the West back off. When it doesn’t, cut off all exports of gas, oil, minerals, fertilizer . . . everything to the West until they back off. If the West escalates ready my hypersonic missiles and issue stern warning that our advanced missiles are ready. If the West keeps pushing send a NATO ship to the bottom of the sea as a demonstration of the hopelessness of defending against my highest tech. If the West attacks, sink every last Western war ship. Beyond this I don’t even want to think about it.

Q3. Crush our deep state war machine. Cut the Pentagon’s budget by 3/4, pull all troops out of other countries, and arrest the war criminals in charge. Arrest the top echelon of every federal department. Shut down the CIA, FBI, NSA, and 3/4 of the rest of government. End the Federal Reserve and arrest the works of them. Arrest the heads of all major banks. Arrest the heads of every MSM and major social media outfit. Arrest the heads of the major pharmaceutical companies, the CDC, FDA, NIH. Arrest the entire brain trust of the Democratic Party, including politicians. Arrest warmongers of the Republican Party. Arrest the heads of outfits like Blackrock. Arrest Soros and the heads of all major thinktanks and NGOs that push for war. Erect an impregnable fence along the southern border and deport every single illegal immigrant. End all federal subsidies of universities until they drop their WOKE agenda and pursue excellence. Outlaw affirmative action. And that’s just Day 1. Prepare for my assassination.