Democracy Is Dead…Long Live Democracy

Via Off-Guardian

Pericles Funeral Oration, at the end of first year of the Peloponnesian War

The word “democracy” (demokratia) derives from “demos” (people) and “kratos” (power).  Literally translated it means “people power.” It is the best model of governance ever devised. So it is a shame that no one alive on Earth lives in a democracy.

Sadly, most people don’t know what democracy is. As a result, they can be deceived into believing that so-called “representative democracy” is democracy. The electorate are told that representative democracy enables them to exercise “democratic oversight” and that this has something to do with democracy. What a deception—and perhaps a deliberate one.

Not only is representative democracy anti-democratic, its precepts are ignored by governments anyway. Indeed, there is no democracy to be found in any nation. Government, based upon the idea that representatives are empowered to make laws, are not democracies.

In this article we will discuss the problems inherent in representative democracy and explore what could be the best possible remedy: real democracy.

The Death of Representative Democracy

Democracy has nothing to do with voting to elect representatives. The reason citizens do not need to be represented by politicians is that in a democracy the people make all political decisions themselves.

Many national governments pretend to value democratic principles. They often assert the right to defend democracy in their country or to promote democracy in other countries. None of the governments that make such claims are democratic. Their pretensions often result in war.

As mentioned above, no nation-state currently practices democracy, but many of them foist representative democracy on their citizens. In a democracy, the people are the government. They protect themselves from their own potential errors and excesses through the checks and balances built into the rule of law, which is determined solely by the people.

In a representative democracy, on the other hand, the government claims the authority to “govern” the people and forms an autocratic state for that purpose. So-called representative government “allows” the populace to select their political leaders once every two, four or five years.

In the years between elections, these “representatives,” few in number, exercise the executive power to rule over everyone else. This form of government is called an oligarchy, and it is the antithesis of a democracy.

The UK Oligarchy

Nonetheless, the people have been “educated” to believe that an oligarchy is a democracy and have become attached to this system. They believe the oligarchy, which they call their “representative government,” honours some foundational principles that are in and of themselves worthy. These principles are often referred to as democratic ideals.

Democratic ideals have been shaped over thousands of years by political leaders, reformists and philosophers. British sociologist T. H. Marshall described democratic ideals in his 1949 essay Citizenship and Social Class. He called them a functioning system of rights. Even though democratic ideals are far from an adequate substitute for democracy, Marshall recognized that they offer a representative democracy’s citizens at least some protection from the whims of the oligarchy whom they’re permitted to elect.

Democratic ideals embrace certain rights—the right to freedom of thought and expression, including speech and peaceful protest and the right to equal justice and equal opportunity under the law. Apparently these rights are essential and inalienable, for without them representative democracy cannot function.

Oligarchs govern with the aim of protecting and promoting the interests of the establishment. They are put in high political positions to ensure that a nation-state is ruled, from behind the scenes, by the wealthiest individuals and families, the multinational corporations they own, the non-governmental organisations they fund and the banks they control.

The establishment achieve their ends by using their wealth to lobby and corrupt politicians, political parties and the political processes that collectively constitute so-called government. They also form  partnerships with this thing called “government.” Through government, public-private partnerships affords members of the establishment direct access to executive power while denying it to everyone else.

Although a representative democracy has supposedly even-handed judges and justices, their decisions often do not reflect good judgement or actual justice for the common man or woman. True, not all judges are corrupt, but a defendant generally needs a lot of money to win a case—proof that the primary purpose of the judicial system in a representative democracy is to protect the authority of the establishment.

Often the people are the victims of court rulings.

Jury trials are permitted to a limited extent, but the judge controls and interferes in the process by “instructing” the jurors. Members of the establishment can “appoint” the right judge to the right case and use the courts to persecute citizens, thus warning others not to threaten their authority or interests.

Although a representative democracy has lawmakers, its “rule of law” does not apply to all equally. “Lex iniusta non est lex” (an unjust law is not a law) is supposedly a foundational principle of all of these “legal systems.” Therefore, the alleged rule of law operated by governments cannot be considered to be any law at all.

While some protests are allowed, even encouraged, by representative governments, other protests are not only considered unacceptable but are even attacked by the establishment’s media and suppressed by their “partners” in government. Moreover, representative governments use the venal courts to unlawfully imprison protestors.

Procured politicians have also been known to make up powers in order to unlawfully seize protestors’ assets.

Representative governments couldn’t care less about freedom of speech. If a media outlet doesn’t report the authorised news, it is banned or censored in some other way, including having its broadcast license removed. Representative governments routinely work with their establishment partners to actively suppress free speech.

The UK Parliament notes that, for its system of representative democracy to exist, certain liberties have to be maintained:

Freedom of association and freedom of expression are fiercely protected rights. We rightly expect people to be able to say things which challenge or even shock, and to be able to organise, campaign and lobby. Democracy [read: representative democracy] would not function without these rights.

Such language presents advocates of representative democracies with a quandary, because the very oligarchs they have elected and are defending don’t actually respect any of these liberties or alleged rights. Thus, absent any attempt to maintain democratic ideals, representative democracy is, by its own definition, an impossibility.

We need a solution, and democracy offers one.

Representative Democracy

Inalienable Rights vs Human Rights

Democracy is based upon inalienable rights, not on the political construct of “human rights” which representative democracies claim to bestow upon their citizens.

Inalienable rights are “qualified” by nothing other than Natural Law. They are not granted by government.

Inalienable rights are self-limiting, since they require every human being to observe, honour and protect—and never infringe—the inalienable rights of all other human beings. They precede genuine democracy instead of arising from it. Governance exists only by virtue of the people exercising their inalienable rights.

The UK oligarchy itself explains why the aberration of representative democracy doesn’t remotely resemble democracy:

Conversely, democracy [read: representative democracy], along with the rule of law, itself is a precondition for functioning human rights. Few rights are absolute; many are limited or qualified. Sometimes a given context will require different rights to be balanced against one another. [Emphasis added.]
This description is an inversion of the true nature of rights. Inalienable rights are shared equally by all, without exception. No one can add rights or have more rights than another, neither can anyone subtract rights or have fewer rights than another.

No human being has the prerogative to define or to “qualify” the rights of another human being, even if they claim that their so-called “law” allows it. Defining and limiting rights is not a function of democratic governance. It is merely an unjustified claim of right made by authoritarian representative governments. In reality, additional rights do not exist. The belief that they do is a monstrous deceit.

By claiming the non-existent right to create or limit “functioning human rights,” representative oligarchies assume the authority to permit or deny said “rights.” One could say, then, that human rights are not rights but rather government permits.

Representative democracies like the UK parliament assert that they are “sovereign.” They want their constituents to believe that they possess yet another additional—albeit impossible—right to be the supreme legal authority.

This is an anti-democratic power grab based upon yet another lie. No, the institutions of government are not sovereign in a democracy; the people are sovereign.

We don’t have to put up with the tyranny of representative democracies or the governments that operate them. There is a better political system called democracy. Let’s explore the latter in more depth.

What Is Democracy?

Democracy is a political system first and formally established in ancient Greece by Cleisthenes (c. 570–500 BCE). Following the overthrow of the last tyrant of Athens (Hippias) in c. 508 BCE, Cleisthenes led the political and legal reforms that created the Hellenic Athenian Constitution.

Cleisthenes introduced “sortition,” which was the random selection of citizens whose names were drawn by lot. Under his reforms, the Boule proposed legislation (statute law), and the Ecclesia (assembly) would then debate the proposed laws and vote on their implementation. The citizen members of the Boule and the Ecclesia were selected by sortition.


Once their work was done, the Boule and the Ecclesia were disbanded. The people would return to their everyday lives. The next time the Boule and the Ecclesia were needed, sortition would again be used and a different group of people selected.

Sortition was also used to form the juries, whose citizen members sat in the Dikasteria (courts).

The jury in the Dikasteria represented the highest law in the land. It could overturn the enactments of the Ecclesia. This political system enabled the people to create legislation (statute law) as well as law derived from precedent (case law).

Ancient Greece wasn’t an egalitarian society in the modern sense. For instance, full citizenship was restricted to non-slave male Athenian landowners. These citizens, selected through sortition, regularly attended the Ecclesia (assembly) on the mount at Phynx. This marketplace of ideas, and other civil activities, was called the Agora.

Proposed statute law (bills) would be presented to the Ecclesia by the Boule. The gathered assembly (Ecclesia) would then vote to either pass or reject proposed bills or suggest amendments. If an amendment were suggested, the bill would be passed back to the Boule for further deliberation.

Crucially, Cleisthenes empowered the Dikasteria (the law courts) to overrule (annul) any law that was found in a trial by jury to be unjust. There were no judges. Magistrates were merely administrators for the court. If the defendant was found guilty, both the judgement (ruling) and the nature of the punishment (sentence) were decided by the citizen jurors.

If the full application of the law (including legislation) did not serve justice, the jury could annul it. The defendant may have technically contravened the law but could still be found not guilty if the jury believed the defendant had acted honourably, without any intent to cause harm or loss (mens rea).
In such a circumstance, it was the law, not the accused, that would be found at fault. Any faulty legislation would be wiped from the statute scrolls, and the Boule would have to amend or abolish the law in light of the Dikasteria’s ruling.

Aristotle would later describe the Athenian Constitution. Unfortunately, when the partial record of Aristotle’s writings was discovered in 1870, his explanation of many of Cleisthenes’ most crucial reforms was missing.

Justice James Wilson, one of the Founding Fathers of the US Constitution, noted the true purpose of the Athenian Constitution:

In Athens the citizens were all equally admitted to vote in the public assembly, and in the courts of justice, whether civil or criminal. [. . .] It [the jury] was favourable to liberty because it could not be influenced by intrigues. In every particular cause the jurors were chosen and sworn anew [. . .] No one might mix with them, or corrupt them, or influence their decisions. [. . .] They were an important body of men, vested with great powers, patrons of liberty, enemies to tyranny.

Wilson added an account of how this system empowered the citizenry. Each citizen, he wrote, had an equal share of political power, for each was vested with…

[. . .] Judicial authority[,] as Jurors in Trial by Jury[,] in which laws and measures passed by legislatorial majorities in the assembly could be judged, overruled and annulled whenever this was deemed by the Jurors necessary to serve justice, liberty, and the interests of the people. [. . .] The Jury must do their duty and their whole duty: they must decide the law as well as the fact.

Cleisthenes created a system of government in which the rule of law was created by a sortition of the people. A separate sortition of citizens would then apply the law through the mechanism of trial by jury.

The randomly selected jury of the people was the supreme law of the land. The people were sovereign. This political system, governance by trial by jury, was called demokratia (democracy.)

Who do they really represent?

The Implications of A Modern Democracy

As democracy ensures that a governance is conducted by the citizenry, it naturally serves the will of all citizens. Through the system of sortition, citizens chosen at random are briefly given some legislative authority. Then they make way for the next round of sortition. All new legislation is tested in trials by jury. If found wanting, any law can be annulled by a sortition of the people.

As a result, no government has authority over the people. There is no institution with the ability to rule unjustly. Governance is merely the apparatus through which the people administer their affairs and address any issues that may arise. Democracy is the rule of law without rulers.

Citizens who live in a democracy cannot devolve their responsibility for decision-making to someone else. Each citizen is equally responsible for every decision made and for the conduct of society as a whole. Democracy is truly governance of the people, by the people and for the people. It redefines what we mean by the word “government.”

Officers of the state, such as police, magistrates and other civil servants, implement and serve the will of the people. The will of the people is constantly tested and, where circumstances dictate, adapts.

A democratic society requires the active and constant participation of each and every citizen. Any citizen can at any moment be called up to take his place in the Boule, in the Ecclesia or in a jury in the Dikasteria. Citizens are perpetually engaged in the process of government, both at the national and the local level. All citizens in a democracy have a duty to remain informed and to actively pursue justice.

Consequently, in a democracy the primary objective of education is to develop critical thinking skills. Democracy demands that every adult citizen—today’s citizens include women and are not necessarily landowners—be ready to swear their solemn oath to protect and serve justice. All democratic people must prepare themselves to practice the rule of law.

Because democracy places a duty upon all citizens to be critical thinkers who are able to understand potentially complex issues, examine evidence and act judiciously, propaganda spun by the news media is largely non-existent. There simply isn’t a market for it.

Granted, some citizens in a democracy would still band together to form interest groups and attempt to influence public opinion through propaganda, but the majority of people, schooled in critical thinking, wouldn’t be easily fooled by such deceptions. Sortition greatly reduces the likelihood of propaganda swaying political decisions.

Delivering justice is the primary function of a democratic society. This requires an extensive court system (Dikasterias). The Dikasteria network must be funded in such a way that access to justice is free to all at their point of need. Otherwise, wealth would still dictate access to justice. Purchased justice is not justice and is forbidden in a democracy.

Democracy decentralises power to the individual. It also necessitates that the institutions of governance (government) are decentralised. No one court (Dikasteria) has primacy. A ruling made in a county or town to annul national legislation carries the same authority as a decision made in the national capital.

In order to operate democracy on a large scale, enabling it to serve a population that numbers many millions, a national Boule, Ecclesia and Dikasteria might be set up to enact primary legislation that shapes the rule of law. The decentralised authority of each local Boule, Ecclesia and Dikasteria would have to work within this nationwide legislative framework.

Each local Boule and Ecclesia would be free to create local laws that meet local needs, providing that their legislation doesn’t contravene the nation’s rule of law. Similarly, these local decisions would be constantly checked and verified by the local Dikasteria. A local decision to annul may affect only local legislation, compelling the local Boule to reconsider a ruling.

In such a system, the overarching rule of law must be just—fair and applied equally to all. Without justice, it would be virtually impossible for the national Boule to function.

Primary legislation must be acceptable to all citizens, no matter their social status. Thus, the legislative framework at the national level would have to be confined to defining principles of law rather than creating specific acts that regulate the entire population. Both the scope and scale of legislation and regulation is miniscule in a democracy compared to a representative democracy or any other form of “government.”

Through the Dikasteria, the question of guilt or innocence is the only determinant of justice. Guilt is found only if the crime violates the principles of Natural Law. Did the accused act with the intention of causing harm or loss? Or was the accused guilty of negligence, thus causing harm or loss? The ruling on a case must not contravene Natural Law. If it does, it will be annulled.

In a democracy all citizens possess immutable, inalienable rights from birth. They are free to exercise those inalienable rights in an honourable way—in harmony with Natural Law. Should they cause harm or loss, thereby infringing another citizen’s inalienable rights, they would be subject to judgement in the Dikasteria.

The use of sortition (the random selection of citizens) and the temporary nature of each citizen’s decision-making power ensure that no political factions can be formed. No alliance, no seeking to advance personal interests, can influence a governance in a democracy.

In any event, there would be no point in trying to do so. Unjust legislation and legal precedent, subsequently judged to have failed to deliver justice, would be annulled through the supreme rule of law, exercised by juries in the Dikasterias across the land.

Politicians and political parties would serve no purpose in a democracy. No one person or party leads a truly democratic government. Democratic decisions cannot be ordered or controlled by any power base.

A democracy doesn’t prohibit citizens from campaigning for change. On the contrary, people are free to petition their local or national Boule. A democratic society is shaped by new ideas and responds to crises as required.

Despite the absence of politicians, people in a democracy might still choose to follow leading campaigners, skilled orators or knowledgeable leaders. What they cannot do is exploit any collective power their association might afford them or succeed in any attempt to coerce or corrupt the legislative process. Sortition precludes the possibility.

Democracy eradicates political power. It would be practically incorruptible.

Democratic Regulation

Secondary legislation, meaning the delegation of political authority to individuals empowered by primary legislation, is an impossibility in a democracy. There is no such thing as democratic executive power.

All are equal under the rule of law, and no individual, group or organisation can be imbued with rights that do not exist. That includes any claimed right to make autocratic regulations.

This does not mean that regulations cannot operate in a democracy. The Ecclesia may, for example, pass regulation on food or drug safety standards. This protects the health of the citizens and is congruent with Natural Law. The democratic rule of law dictates that these regulations must not infringe anyone’s inalienable rights nor cause any harm or loss.

If any regulation unfairly disadvantages some producers and manufacturers, while handing a market advantage to others, it could cause potential harm or loss. Those impacted would be free to bring a case to the Dikasteria, who would then rule on the justice of the regulation.

In any given democracy, it is up to the people to decide how to strike the proper balance. The commercial interests of farmers, retailers and pharmaceutical corporations, for instance, are judged against the need to uphold all peoples’ inalienable right to live healthy lives. Ultimately, this may disadvantage the commercial interests of some, but no one has the inalienable right to make a profit by poisoning others.

In a democracy, market regulation can never unjustly cause harm or loss to some simply to protect the interests of others. Any such regulation would swiftly be dispatched in a Dikasteria.

Democracy lends itself well to the operation of a genuinely free market—something that, like democracy, does not currently exist. Free markets produce order without design.

There is no inalienable right to prosper in a free market. Some will be more successful than others in a free market. Democracy does not stop individuals from accruing wealth, nor does it protect others from falling into poverty. However, democracy excludes the possibility that wealth can influence justice or the decisions of government.

The current imposition of representative oligarchy enables the wealthy and the powerful to influence legislation and regulations to protect their interests and limit the market access of others. In a democracy they would not be able to do this. Regulations governing markets are minimal in a democracy. No groups can be formed to act as regulators and to potentially build cozy relationships with corporations. Instead, regulations in a democratic society would be made through one process only: the people administering the rule of law.

Democracy allows an authentic free market to blossom and enables innovation to flourish. In such a system, there is no centralised control of industries—healthcare, engineering, technology, agriculture—or of science or of academia. Orthodoxy would become a thing of the past.

Democracy wouldn’t necessarily prevent a corporation from being formed as a sole person in law. However, that is precisely how a corporation would be treated—as an individual entity, with no more or no fewer rights than an individual human being. Incorporation would not afford a company any additional inalienable rights. Thus, neither money nor connections could skew justice or influence government. There would be no politician or regulator to connect to, so there would be no one corrupt!

Indeed, corrupt legislation or regulation cannot survive in a democracy. For example, if the Ecclesia passed a law that effectively banned physicians or scientists from researching cancer treatments simply to protect the profits of pharmaceutical corporations, this law would certainly be annulled in a Dikasteria.

Providing equal access to justice is the core objective of a real “democratic government.” Consequently, there is no financial impediment for any individual citizen to bring a case against a corporate “person.” One human person standing before the jury in the Dikasteria would have exactly the same access to justice as any wealthy corporate person.


We are faced with a choice. It is clear that representative democracy does not serve the people. On the contrary, it is an oligarchical system that oppresses the people. Even by the tenets of their own authoritarian doctrine, so-called representative governments no longer practice what they preach, if they ever did. Representative democracy, as the majority of us understand it, is most assuredly dead.

So what are we going to replace it with?

It is obvious what the globalist oligarchs wish to transition us into. They envisage a system of global governance operating as a technocracy, powered by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, a Great Reset, Central Bank Digital Currency, and other centralized, digital forms of controlling the masses. Put another way, the oligarchy of today is openly and swiftly moving towards extreme neo-feudalism with the express intention of enslaving humanity.

We must oppose this technocratic nightmare through mass noncompliance. Moreover, we must individually take action every day to move ourselves towards decentralisation and freedom and away from centralised tyranny. But there is little point in opposing one political system or another if we have nothing better to offer in its stead.

If we wish to resist slavery, then, we have to stand for something that defeats slavery. Why not Natural Law and the rule of law through trial by jury?

Why not democracy?

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April 21, 2022 7:32 pm

Want to know where you have a truly democratic voice? THE MARKETPLACE. When you get to decide what you want to purchase, what you don’t want to purchase, etc….YOU ATE IN CONTROL. In the political realm you have NO CONTROL. Get rid of every government agency and replace it with a competitive market alternative.

April 21, 2022 8:00 pm

What about the Department of War? And the Treasury. They’ve proved useful in the past and I don’t see competitive private businesses replacing them.

Probably you want private Courts too?

April 21, 2022 8:38 pm

worked great for private prisons

April 21, 2022 9:00 pm

Fed by government monopoly justice systems. The problem is government, not the private sector. Nice try.

April 21, 2022 8:59 pm

Yes, absolutely. With NO government-protected monopoly position. Seriously, you think the ones we have work??

April 21, 2022 11:06 pm

I think it’s possible to go too far the other way. We need some government.

April 22, 2022 12:40 am

How have they been useful, except in creating disastrous wars?

Old geezer
Old geezer
April 22, 2022 11:05 am

Such democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.
James Madison

Why did he say this ? What did he know ?

April 22, 2022 1:37 pm

The Depart of War and the Department of Treasurey have been particularly helpful in keeping the elite capitalists in control. A freed market would allow individuals to chose to support an army as they see fit, completely voluntarily in both participants and funding. If they are as valuable as they claim to be they should have little trouble doing so. IF they can’t get the volunteers they “need” then they aren’t as valuable as they think they are. The Treasuery is about ensuring control of banks upon the working class. Without state backed treasurey something else would eventually become the default method of barter is made. I suspect it would be some sort of cryptocurrency like Litecoin, at least for now. I’d love to see what happens on our way to completely eliminating wage slavery.

April 23, 2022 9:32 am

You don’t see problems with digital money? Like having an electronic record of every penny you spend or receive?
What the Treasury Dept. was created to do, it’s most important job, was to give us sound, standardized, easily recognizable money that is difficult to counterfeit.

Perhaps you are confusing the private Federal Reserve Bank with the Treasury Dept.?

As to the idea of having all volunteer armies, which I assume you mean won’t exist at all until Congress declares war, it sounds absurd, because it is.

If you want peace (you must) prepare for war.

May 7, 2022 12:27 am

The blockchains record is what makes it work. You just don’t need your ID associated with it.

April 21, 2022 7:58 pm

“Why not democracy?”

Because its proven to be a very dangerous form of government. It leads to tyranny, and the road is usually bloody.

A constitutional republic is the only possible form of government that can protect individual rights and won’t devolve into anarchy.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
April 21, 2022 9:13 pm

The geniuses who founded this country knew the deep evil
of “democracy”. They made sure to avoid it like plague.
“A republic ma’m, if you can keep it.”
We lost that a century ago.
The usual totalitarian Borg have taken over.
As always. They must be brought to heel yet again since time immemorable.
Sic semper tyrannis

Resistance is NOT futile.
Ammo up.

April 21, 2022 8:02 pm

It is the best model of governance ever devised.

Wow. That could be the fastest I ever got to the “stopped reading” point.

The Duke of New York
The Duke of New York
April 21, 2022 8:37 pm

Democracy hasn’t been shite since ancient Greece, now it’s just garbage people voting themselves more cosas gratis and grifters conspiring to rip off anyone who still actually works for a living (perish the thought),…democracy isn’t the answer to anything

April 21, 2022 9:11 pm

FIFY ‘the banks. they control.”

1 Timothy 6:10
“For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”

Far as i can determine, The ONLY unpardonable sign is the denial/driving away of the HOLY SPIRIT. Saw a blurb today, some dude named dowd i believe. “If JESUS was alive today, he would be called a groomer.” Found it odd that we are supposed to pray for our enemies to “see the light”…Astoundingly, it gets easier every day.

Clearly, closer to the end than ever, and ‘the ending of the pretending’ has not even really started.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
April 21, 2022 11:00 pm

The scumbag named “dowd” you refer to here is going to have a millstone placed around his neck then thrown into the Abyss for eternity.

Walter Johnson
Walter Johnson
April 21, 2022 9:17 pm

I’m visualizing a purely democratic vote put up in a purely democratic manner. Should the people each and all receive one hundred million dollars per from the public treasury? Coupled with the purely democratic vote put up in a purely democratic manner: should the people each and all be relieved from paying taxes on income, property and any transfers of such items of value? I believe I can write a winning proposition in a purely democratic manner.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  Walter Johnson
April 21, 2022 9:24 pm

“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.”
― Alexis de Tocqueville

  Colorado Artist
April 21, 2022 10:09 pm

So, 1789ish. 1913 for sure.

Arizona Bay
Arizona Bay
April 21, 2022 10:28 pm

If we lived in a democracy most of the people screaming about democracy would already be dead. They should count their blessings that 50% +1 can’t decide their fate.

  Arizona Bay
April 22, 2022 10:11 am

comment image

Dial M for Mordor
Dial M for Mordor
April 22, 2022 12:06 am

Sadly, most people don’t know what democracy is. As a result, they can be deceived into believing that so-called “representative democracy” is democracy.

Great article. thank you to the site owner. The author makes a great point that, for the intended target audience, few actually even realize the subterfuge.

As is so often the case, those who claim to be adoring administrators of ”Democracy” or ‘Democratic’ traditions are generally the great murderous scoundrels in our midst, because as noted, its very existence is by design, a red herring. Its not an accident that the revolutionary leftist or fascist of all stripes lays claim to ‘Democracy’ as they fill the labor camps, or in more recent evolution demand that we take a mandatory poison injection.

I think that in the British system ‘Democratic’ allusions served a practical toleration purpose of distracting from a hereditary House of Lords veto, and in the modern US system it serves as a deliberate term of obfuscation that bridges the gap linking to the leftist totalitarian doctrines that were imported during the early 20th century through the end of WW2.

The Neocons/Neolibs that control the Uniparty settled on the Social Democrat version of leftist totalitarianism – at least in terminology –because it had relatively ‘Clean Hands’. You can entice an impressionable coed at the Univ of Chicago with Communism, but for the vast majority of the general population the history is bloody and unsaleable.

The ‘Social Democrat’ term does not carry such obvious baggage, meaning that you can more easily conflate the term to something seemingly innocuous in the minds of western listeners. Rosa Luxembourg never carried out executions in a Gulag (not for lack of will) and Eduard Berstein is covertly quite compatible with celebrated Randian ‘Libertarianism’ of the alleged ‘creator class’.

Social Democracy is/was still a saleable term compared to the very similar if not overlapping Socialism or Communism.

This is why it is a waste of time to argue for supposedly Leftist or Rightist ideology, given that the nature of all government is increasing compulsion and the security of a ruling elite.

For a traditional state, the norm is a Monarch who has cultural continuity with the general population, however in the US / Globalist system, the stalker elite within the Uniparty does not maintain cultural continuity with the general population and to a large extent prefers to import a serving class to fracture the general population. In this system, you no longer even have a national population, only a servant class. The hallmark is easily observable -being large-scale immigration that has no end or standards.

Democracy would be marked by at minimum a provision for a referendum process that bypasses a ruling class refusing to execute the will of the people, instead it is almost inseparable from a tendency to dilute and replace the power of the legitimate citizenry..

April 22, 2022 1:14 am

If ‘democracy’ didn’t work so well for the powers that be, they wouldn’t promote it so fervently – to the point of it being mandatory.

April 22, 2022 1:32 pm

What you are referring to as “democracy” most people refer to as “direct democracy.” If you believe democracy is good, why can’t a direct democracy chose to enable a representative democracy? Why would that be any less valid than any other decision? Most people don’t have the desire nor the need to vote on stuff everyday, we are too busy working, so we give that responsibility to someone else.

I for one, however, don’t truly find any sort of Democracy as particularly valuable in and of itself. I happen to believe the only valid democracy is workplace democracy.

olde reb
olde reb
April 22, 2022 8:36 pm

.Never before have globalists progressed to the level of international infiltration as today. The IMF [read Wall Street bankers] has arranged loans to 86 [covid relief] national loans designed to terminate in bankruptcy. Similar loans over recent decades, including Greece and Argentine, have resulted in imposed domination by financiers, social chaos, and poverty.

Unrestricted immigration—globally—is to disrupt the social fabric and detract from other government nefarious acts and is but one tool among many. The covid bio-weapon is also daily being exposed as a deliberate man-made toxin by globalists embedded in the US government to decimate the economy and reduce population. Potential other methodology is visible in Canada, Australia, and Shanghai.

In the US, the value of the ‘dollar’ is being intentionally destroyed which will crash the auctions of US Treasury securities. Without that sale, the US will not be able to roll-over maturing debt [will become bankrupt]. Wall Street Primary Dealers will buy US debt for pennies and demand face value from the US Treasury. HELLO Greece. Ref. 31 USC 375.3; FEDERAL RESERVE FOR DUMMIES

olde reb
olde reb
April 22, 2022 8:44 pm

A big problem is we elect individuals to DC and they go with no controls. They get bought by money.
If they were elected as an employee of the individual states, they could be controlled by state legislators.