Is Capitalism Destroying the American Economy?

Questionnaire about free market capitalism - Is Capitalism Destroying the American Economy? - Miller on the MoneyThe Fed has begun the battle against double-digit inflation. CNBC reports they are raising interest rates (very slowly) and announced:

“Officials “generally agreed” that a maximum of $60 billion in Treasuries and $35 billion in mortgage-backed securities would be allowed to roll off, phased in over three months and likely starting in May.”

CNBC adds:

“While officials did not make any formal votes, the minutes indicated that members agreed the process could start in May.

Whether the runoff will actually hit $95 billion, however, is still in question.”

Pundit Bill Bonner warns:

“…. Now, if (the Fed) were serious about fighting inflation, it would have to boost rates by as much as 1,000 basis points – 10% – to get ahead of rising prices. But even a smallish move in that direction will almost certainly crash the stock market and the economy.”

Richard Russel warned:

“July 11, 2012 – Years ago I coined a phrase that described the US’s predicament. The Phrase was, ‘inflate or die’.

But how about the inflation part? The printing presses would have to go wild. Furthermore, enormous inflation would almost surely wreck the country. …. So inflate or die would have serious (most likely disastrous) consequences.”

Pick your poison

The printing presses did go wild! At this point, taming inflation “will almost certainly crash the stock market and the economy”. Continuing to ignore inflation will “almost surely wreck the country.” The Fed must choose between a major stock market correction (depression perhaps?) or destroying the value of the USD. If they are not careful, they could do both.

“All depressions are caused by government interference and the cure is always offered to take more of the poison that caused the disaster. Depressions are not the result of a free economy.”

— Ayn Rand

Expect the political class to attempt to use the economic crisis to their advantage, foster their political agenda and grow their power. Blame will be placed on everyone but themselves (Trump, Russia, their political opposition, CAPITALISM, you name it.). Vote for them…. like Mighty Mouse they will save the day.

Illustration of snake oil business manThe government created this economic calamity and want to con the public into thinking they will fix it. The Fed creates the illusion they can flip a couple switches and our economy will be fine. Don’t buy it! There are challenging times ahead.

What is Free Market Capitalism?

Investopedia explains:

“A capitalist economy and a free-market economy are two types of economic systems:

  • Capitalism refers to the creation of wealth and ownership of capital, production, and distribution, whereas a free-market system has to do with the exchange of wealth or goods and services.
  • Key features of capitalism include personal ownership of property, open competition, and individual incentives.
  • A free-market system is ruled entirely by demand and supply from buyers and sellers, with little or no government regulation.
  • Many capitalistic nations, including the U.S., have mixed economies: While elements of the free market reign, considerable state oversight, taxation, and regulations exist….”

Wikipedia explains:

“A free market is a system in which the prices for goods and services are self-regulated by buyers and sellers negotiating in an open market without market coercions.

In a free market, the laws and forces of supply and demand are free from any intervention by a government or other authority other than those interventions which are made to prohibit market coercions.

Examples of such prohibited market coercions include economic privilege, monopolies, and artificial scarcities.”

Capitalism is based on individual ownership of property and business (as opposed to government- think Amtrak or the post office – ugh!). The market prices are based on the law of supply and demand.

Competition is what makes capitalism work. It incentivizes businesses to better serve their customers, innovate, and keeps prices competitive. It rewards those who are successful and punishes those who are not.

Capitalism contributed to the growth of the US into an economic superpower. When government or businesses try to manipulate or coerce the law of supply and demand for their personal benefit, things get messy.

Market manipulation

Monopoly editorial comic imageOne of the more common types of manipulation is monopolies. Businesses get so large; they destroy their competition and dominate the market. They no longer have realistic price competition.

In the late 1800s, the Sherman Antitrust Act was passed. It was designed to prohibit monopolies, promote competition, and protect consumers from unfair business practices. President Taft used the Sherman Antitrust Act against Standard Oil and the American Tobacco Company.

AT&T had a monopoly until 1984, when it was broken up. Now we have several phone companies vying for our business. The first time I heard an agent say, “Thank you for using AT&T,” I was furious! For decades I was forced to do business with them, and they never thanked me.

Several years ago, one of my clients promoted a European executive to manage their US sales operations. After a late-night dinner, he said, “Miller you Americans are so inefficient.” I queried… “In Europe we meet with our competition, set prices and divide up the market, that way everyone makes money.”

I explained that he would go to jail if he got caught doing that in the US. He struggled; never in his career had he learned how to sell in a truly competitive, free market. There’s no EASY button in an honest competitive marketplace.

Good versus bad manipulation

Capitalism works well until competition becomes limited and big companies dominate. When the government breaks up monopolies, it creates competition and is generally good for the consumer.

Government intervention can also be harmful. When the Federal Reserve bailed out the banks in 2008, they destroyed free-market interest rates, and continue to do so. This created a huge stock market bubble, while harming the public.

Wolf Richter shows us:

Wealth Effect Monitor Chart - Wolf Street

“When we get the real crash and everything implodes, and it’s really an Armageddon style collapse, my fear is that capitalism and free markets take the blame for problems that were created by government.”

— Peter Schiff

The government allowed the Fed to destroy the Treasury market by becoming the largest buyer of bonds, suppressing interest rates, and robbing the wealth of the middle class. Inflation is rising faster than wages; the disparity between rich and poor is growing rapidly.

Many politicians will scream “capitalism doesn’t work”…while promoting socialism. They want to raise taxes, redistribute wealth and be in charge.

Capitalism is not the problem

“Economic privilege, monopolies and artificial scarcities” exist today because the government allows it. John Mauldin’s article, “Financialized Everything” outlines how the political class allows this to happen – for their personal gain.

John discusses eliminating competition:

“One way they do that is to borrow…cheap capital and simply buy competitors…. This lets them raise prices and expand profit margins.

Monopoly money

…. This was once more difficult because the government tried to prevent ‘anticompetitive’ business combinations. The 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act gave it that power and Washington wielded it aggressively for many decades. …. More recently it forced Microsoft to open its operating system to alternative web browsers.

…. I think the Microsoft case had deeper effects…. A deep-pocketed industry began seeing government as a barrier and started investing some of its abundant capital in political influence. It worked, too. …. This spilled over to other industries.

The result was what I called Capitalism without Competition…. Quoting my friend Jonathan Tepper’s book:

”Free to Choose’ sounds great. Yet Americans are not free to choose.

…. Here are (some) examples:

  • Two corporations control 90 percent of the beer Americans drink.
  • Five banks control about half of the nation’s banking assets.
  • Many states have health insurance markets where the top two insurers have an 80 percent to 90 percent market share. ….
  • When it comes to high-speed internet access,…over 75 percent of households have no choice with only one provider.
  • Four players control the entire US beef market and have carved up the country.
  • After two mergers this year, three companies will control 70 percent of the world’s pesticide market and 80 percent of the US corn-seed market.’

…. Joe Lonsdale wrote…that Amazon’s cloud service business plus its advertising business is extraordinarily profitable and lets their online product sales operate a multibillion-dollar loss. No new competitors can afford to complete with someone willing to lose billions of dollars to maintain market share.”

Predatory pricing

The Federal Trade Commission explains “predatory pricing”:

“Pricing below your own costs is not a violation of the law unless it is part of a strategy to eliminate competitors, and when that strategy has a dangerous probability of creating a monopoly for the discounting firm so that it can raise prices….”

Political influence = Crony capitalism

As John Mauldin said, “A deep-pocketed industry…started investing some of its abundant capital in political influence.” This has created “crony capitalism”.

The University of Chicago explains:

Bribery Comic showing business men paying each other and whispering - "Well, it looks like everyone is buying into the changes."“Crony capitalism is a term describing an economy in which success in business depends on close relationships between business people and government officials.”

Don’t buy the argument, “Capitalism doesn’t work”. Right now, the political class is more concerned about reaping the rewards of “political influence” than doing their job! What happened to “interventions which are made to prohibit market coercions?”

There is a reason most Americans favor congressional term limits….

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Until next time…


“Economic independence is the foundation of the only sort of freedom worth a damn.” – H. L. Mencken

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ran t 7
ran t 7
April 28, 2022 1:09 pm

“is capitalism destroying the american economy?”

what capitalism? what we have here is monopoly/subversion/colllusion/rigging/fixing as a prelude to imposed serfdom.

  ran t 7
April 28, 2022 2:47 pm

You sound like the communists: “real communism has never been tried!” “This isn’t capitalism”. This is end-stage capitalism, amigo.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
April 28, 2022 5:20 pm

You may be right that capitalism (and democracy) would inevitably have led us here. We might have been able to dodge this shit if – in 2008 – Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson (piss be upon him) hadn’t literally dropped to his knees and begged for TARP – and if we had stood by the PLAIN LANGUAGE on the front of Fannie and Freddie mortgage-backed securities that said “this is NOT guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the United States”. Those bondholders should have been hair-cutted, not backstopped by the government. Also, if my aunt had balls, she’d be my uncle.

  Iska Waran
April 28, 2022 6:39 pm

I agree that democracy inevitably leads to tyranny, but the only place capitalism with free markets, property protection and a rule of law leads is to innovation and prosperity.
We are here precisely because government was allowed to usurp powers and grow beyond it’s legal bounds.
As I imagine you know, the Fed, Fannie and Freddie were all created outside of the limited powers granted to our national government, and TARP was plainly unconstitutional.

April 28, 2022 10:11 pm

Even if government hadn’t usurped power, we’d still end up where we are as far as monopoly is concerned. Corporations should not be allowed to exist. Local.

ran t 7
ran t 7
April 28, 2022 6:25 pm

“real communism has never been tried!”

and never will be – “communism” is just bait.

“this is end-stage capitalism”

more accurately it’s end-stage decline of civic virtue and participation. thieves running off with the store unopposed is not capitalism any more than shoplifting is shopping.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  ran t 7
April 28, 2022 7:58 pm

If you want real “hidden hand” capitalism, buy and sell on Craig’s List or it’s equivalent.

No tax, no 3rd party, you and someone making a deal that won’t get done
until both parties think they outdid the other. I use it constantly
I just bought a year old $750 golf driver for $60.
Adam Smith in a nutshell.

April 28, 2022 6:33 pm

Capitalism ceases to exist the moment political influence grants monopolies, or acts to favor one competitor over others, or creates barriers to free entry into the market.
In the case of the U.S., the granting of monopolies by “law” didn’t happen overnight, and it isn’t completely finished. There are still some small areas of the economy that aren’t completely ruined by government control, but they are getting to be ever more rare.

April 28, 2022 8:29 pm

My implication or paradox is that capitalism always leads to winners buying political influence and eventually baring competition.

  ran t 7
April 28, 2022 8:45 pm

Yup. Prelude to serfdom. Welcome to Neo Feudalism. Same as old Feudalism only worse.
The new Feudal lords are now entirely of the Black Nobility of Babylon via Palestine via Florence and Venice via Germany via the Merovingians then Carolingians then via Scotland and Britain and back to Palestine in Tel Aviv. Of course there were many other side trips too numerous to mention here but their Babylonian Money Majik can be felt and seen everywhere.

April 28, 2022 3:49 pm

Mentioning capitalism, while “we” have never known capitalism per Ron Paul, and while the following is not on topic, necessarily, I’m compelled to report more bribery amongst the Military Industrial Complex. These guys at Red River make good livings. Greed I suppose tempts many. Tax payers “pay” for these deeds don’t we know.

Hear this on local news earlier

A thread here back down the line, something to the effect , what’s wrong with America?

Evidently indicted today.

April 28, 2022 10:53 pm

4-27-22 Former RRAD official pleads guilty to bribery

Hunter would be proud. Evidently bribery and fraud are common at red River Depot. No big deal. They’re just Good Ole Boys.

April 29, 2022 9:58 am

Maybe a few years of bung hole in prison will make these guys wish they had never done this. lol

April 28, 2022 3:55 pm

“I do not believe that this primal difference between gentile and Jew is reconcilable. There will be irritation between us as long as we are in intimate contact. For nature and constitution and vision divide us from all of you forever . . . I have no doubt that when Germany and England and America will long have lost their present identity or name or purpose, we shall still be strong in ours . . . We have joined your capitalistic world in deliberate emulation and rivalry: yet Jewish socialism and Jewish socialists are the banner bearers of the world’s “armies of liberation.” . . . But you feel our disruptive difference most keenly, most resentfully, in our deliberate efforts to change your social system. Seen in the dazzling lights of your desires and needs our ideal is repellently morose . . . Because your chief institution is the social structure itself, it is in this that we are most manifestly destroyers. We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands.”

You Gentiles
By Samuel, Maurice, 1895-1972

April 28, 2022 6:41 pm

The guy sounds like a Nazi.
How is he can claim to speak for all Jews?

April 28, 2022 8:34 pm

Study it for a decade and see.

Mr Anon
Mr Anon
April 28, 2022 5:13 pm

The country is now national socialist, same as the Nazi’s. Our elected leadership takes the money, has a wonderful life and protect and defend the monopolies that pay them. They all ignore the fact that Amazon is a colossal monopoly, there are what four beer company’s left??, and of course with the cooperation of the large corporations speech is controlled too. The only major news outlet is the cabal owned and directed by the CIA.

Capitalism is efficient and effective. We have not had free market capitalism in America since the Regan Administration.

Now we have the so called DHS policing what amounts to any view the Democrats don’t like and threatening to arrest citizens for what used to be called free speech. All supported, monitored and reported to government by corporate America. That is being stepped up with an uber alles version of DHS that will actively monitor “misinformation” which is Orwell speak for “views the Dims don’t like”.

I am perpetually amazed at the resilience of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. One of the prime rules is to accuse your opponent of doing what you are doing. Recently Hillary warned about a future Fascist America. Obama was bloviating about his version of a free country the other day. Most of the country has been fooled into believing that Putin is the bad guy when Obama’s admin overthrew the elected government in Ukraine and pressed Russia into a corner. The US started the mess in Ukraine and have convinced something like 70% of the country Putin did it.

Capitalism has never been the problem, greedy, unprincipled elected representatives, all owned and directed by the deep state are the face of the problem. The body of the monster is much larger and not for public viewing.

So, following the Alinsky rule, the ruling class says capitalism is bad while thwarting it for their own gain.

ran t 7
ran t 7
  Mr Anon
April 28, 2022 6:27 pm

“The country is now national socialist, same as the Nazi’s”

not at all the same. the nazi’s were german national socialists. the ones who’ve captured america are not american national socialists – they’re of another nation.

  Mr Anon
April 28, 2022 8:36 pm

The misinformed telling the uninformed who become the illinformed.