Pregnancy Can Result In YEARS Of Pain And Suffering For A Pregnant Person!

I would NOT submit a pro-choice article just for the hell of it … or, just to piss people off.  I don’t operate that way.  I’m telling you the truth here;  there is a LOT of stuff here that was complete news to me, not kidding.  The authors provide much data and it seems irrefutable. Bottom line:  Being pregnant is VERY DANGEROUS AND PAINFUL!!  You people have no idea … unless you read this piece. I now regret that I subjected my ex-wife to this ordeal … twice.  No wonder she dumped my fat ass.    *** Warning!!  You, also, might become Pro-Choice after reading this. ***


The harm we do when we force women to carry a child

Now that the Dobbs opinion has come down and Roe v. Wade has been overturned by the Supreme Court, reproductive rights are once again in legislative hands — which means public opinion matters.

For decades, public opinion has consistently supported that abortion should be legal when a mother’s health is seriously endangered. In fact, almost half of those who believe that life begins at conception still support abortion in these circumstances. The Dobbs opinion, however, flies in the face of national agreement on reproductive rights, as do states that criminalize abortion. They are able to do this, in part, because the public has not acknowledged all of the serious health risks associated with pregnancy.

For instance, many rely on exceptions in criminal abortion statutes — which might be reinforced when Health and Human Services acts on President Biden’s executive order — to address the risk of death. But these exceptions do not protect women. The threat of death from pregnancy does not present as a “medical emergency” that can be rectified with an abortion. Instead, death occurs due to hemorrhaging during delivery, sepsis, strokes or due to heart attacks thanks to the strain that pregnancy places on a pregnant woman’s heart.

In fact, 36% of pregnancy-related deaths occur during delivery, and another 33% occur up to a year after delivery. Pre-eclampsia occurs in 2%-8% of pregnancies and is responsible for 16% of maternal deaths. Crises may occur without warning and can result in seizures, stroke and death. “Medical emergency” exceptions do nothing to protect women from these risks, which accumulate silently over time. Meanwhile, maternal mortality rates have steadily increased in the United States for the last thirty years and jumped by nearly 20% from 2019-20 alone. This risk is particularly high for Black women, who experience a maternal mortality rate nearly three times that of white women.

And the threat of death is not the only serious health risk. Morning sickness is a joke in pop culture, but it can be so extreme it can actually lead to hospitalization, and studies suggest it lowers the quality of life to a level roughly comparable to suffering from fibromyalgia or PTSD. Pregnancy can also cause pain so severe it cripples women. Pelvic or lower back pain is experienced by 70-86% of pregnant women, and up to 20% of women experience pain so strong it requires medical assistance, which at its most severe form is described as “excruciating,” “horrific,” and “dominating their existence.”

For women with preeclampsia, pregnancy can mean prolonged hospitalization. Gestational diabetes, which affects 2%-10% of pregnancies, can require blood tests and injections four times per day. It can be associated with excessive fetal growth, which can result in shoulder dystocia; a condition where, in some cases, the shoulders of the fetus can become stuck in the birth canal after delivery of the head, possibly causing serious injury to both mother and fetus. The requirements for monitoring patients with gestational diabetes or preeclampsia lead to absences from work, and possibly loss of income or jobs.

Labor can also last hours or even days. Women may be denied anesthesia, or the anesthesia may not work. In fact, women’s experiences during labor can be so traumatic as to cause symptoms of PTSD in up to 9% of women.

And the risks do not end with delivery. Up to 500,000 American women may experience persistent pain, annually, as a result of giving birth, and 10% of mothers still experience pain six months after delivery. Eight in ten women experience vaginal tears during delivery, which can lead to pain during sex and incontinence even ten years after giving birth.

Anywhere from 6-18% of women who deliver via cesarean section will develop chronic pain at their incision site. More than 50,000 women per year also experience maternal morbidity, such as hemorrhage or hysterectomy, permanently altering a woman’s body and her life. And, more than a third of women who give birth may experience postpartum depression.

This list barely begins to describe what happens to a woman when she carries a child to term. But our legal and public debate ignores these risks. Pages upon pages of legal text have been devoted to arguments that a fetus experiences pain (an argument science rejects). In contrast, the actual pain and risks associated with normal pregnancy, experienced in a majority of normal pregnancies, is never mentioned. Pregnant women have disappeared from this conversation. The Dobbs opinion has continued this trend, entirely ignoring these physical implications in the majority opinion, only barely touching upon them in the dissent.

Now that abortion is returned to legislatures, it is time we make an effort to remember that women are also people, who suffer agonizing pain, and who die during pregnancy, labor and postpartum. Women’s interests in this issue are not capricious, and the public is not interested in consigning women to months or years of crippling pain. It is past time we acknowledged what it is we do to women when we force them to carry children.



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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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TN Patriot
TN Patriot
July 18, 2022 10:59 am

The Halfrican told us he did not want to punish his girls with a baby. This is just how progressives think.

July 18, 2022 11:06 am

What bullshit. No woman is forced to carry a baby (fuck your ‘fetus’ crap). Depending on the state, she has around 12 weeks to kill the baby. Beyond that, there is no shortage of other entities that will fund a trip to a state, like NY which loves to murder babies. Of course it came from NJ. I hope Murphy will lock the assholes down again and keep them there.

July 18, 2022 3:33 pm

No woman who wasn’t raped is forced to carry a baby, because no woman who wasn’t raped was forced into the act that created the baby.

July 18, 2022 11:30 am

“or, just to piss people off. I don’t operate that way”.________Stucky

Joke of the day. 🙂

July 18, 2022 11:36 am

TPTB are getting the sheep into the mindset of lab grown babies that are GATICA perfect . It will be like ordering a car to have offspring in the future, designer children to match your designer home with bots to do all the work. Better get your wallet ready, just sayin’.

(((They))) want EVERYTHING to become a profit opportunity for them, food will be manufactured just like your kid.

July 18, 2022 8:36 pm

“lab grown babies”.

“In one of the book’s later chapters, Firestone floated a “sketchy” futuristic notion that she intended only “to stimulate thinking in fresh areas rather than to dictate the action.” She envisioned a world in which women might be liberated by artificial reproduction outside the womb; in which collectives took the place of families…”

July 18, 2022 11:05 pm

I came across a reference to her a few weeks ago, and looked up her wiki bio — what a psycho bitch !!!

July 18, 2022 11:47 pm

lab grown babies
They already do that but not for making children. They use them for stem cells research, artificial flavoring and gourmet cuisine for the satanic ritual dinner parties.

July 18, 2022 11:51 am


Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
July 18, 2022 12:08 pm

These people are mentally ill.

[imgcomment image[/img]

  Stephanie Shepard
July 18, 2022 11:07 pm

I told my lib friend 25 years ago that that was the MO of the environmental movement; and that they have to keep ratcheting it up over time in order to maintain interest and funding

July 18, 2022 12:13 pm

This post is such a complete waste of time. Stupid meaningless useless information and pre-commentary. Pathetic, Wont wast my time reading it.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
July 18, 2022 1:05 pm

And yet there are 8 billion of us.
Must not be too terrible.
The desperation of the unhinged left has gone to “11”.

Just Thinking
Just Thinking
July 18, 2022 1:17 pm

Just wait until they publish the follow up piece on parenthood!

The emotional and financial pain those unaborted things cause can lead to a whole host of debilitating conditions including (but not limited to):

Sleep deprivation
poopy hand syndrome
inability to buy that jazzy new sport coupe you’ve had your eye on
back pain
ass pain
lackanookie disease…

I can’t take any more. I need a drink.

ursel doran
ursel doran
July 18, 2022 2:40 pm

Cost I found published. These numbers look old and low and NOT adjusted for any inflation?

Earn enough disposable income
$284,570 sounds like a lot—and it is. That number breaks down to $16,740 annually or $1,395 monthly for one child. Run the numbers to get a better idea of your estimated annual costs, and make sure you have enough room in your budget before the expenses come rolling in.

By seriously evaluating your budget, you’ll better understand how much of your disposable income will need to be allocated to raising a family. If you want to get ahead of the game, you can even save up a year or more—or as much as possible—of those estimated costs.
Hospital birth costs $10,000 – $20,000.

Putin it where it counts
Putin it where it counts
July 18, 2022 2:58 pm

Doesn’t help the US has 2nd worse infant mortality in the “” “developed” “” world.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
  Putin it where it counts
July 18, 2022 4:00 pm

The US stopped being part of the ‘developed world’ with the 1964 immigration law that threw our borders open to the hordes of locusts from south of our border … many parts of the US have been a 3d world sink hole ever since … 

Toujours Pret
Toujours Pret
July 18, 2022 3:42 pm

Not surprising to me — the authors: Francesca Laguardia a definite tranny while Veronica Ades is questionable on first look.

July 18, 2022 3:44 pm

But the author misses the pain to the mother caused when that child grows up to be a teenager. And then the pain continues into early adulthood.

ursel doran
ursel doran
July 18, 2022 10:44 pm

From an old pal:
“Babies are darling, children are a pain in the ass and then they grow into teenagers.”

July 18, 2022 4:01 pm

“This risk is particularly high for Black women…”

So kill all the black babies first? You fucking racist hypocrites!

July 18, 2022 4:01 pm

True bruh, especially for pregnant persons stuck in prison.
For example, A incarcerated woman born with a penis has mistakenly impregnated two other incarcerated women , who weren’t born with a penis . Now all three have to suffer because evil Republicans denied them access to pregnancy prevention . THIS HAS TO STOP!!!

“A man identifying as a woman who impregnated two women while behind bars at Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women in Clinton, New Jersey, has been moved to another location.”

July 18, 2022 6:58 pm

One day at work some gals were talking about their experiences while in labor and having a baby. They went on and on about how painful and dramatic it was. I piped up with my favorite story about childbirth concerning a National Geographic special I watched showing a flood in some part of Africa. A pregnant woman climbed a tree to escape the floodwaters and had her baby up there. I said to the gals “If that woman had a baby up in a tree, how bad could it possibly be?”
I don’t remember anything after that.

July 18, 2022 7:16 pm

So, based on this horror story, I guess abortion isn’t enough; pregnancy should be made illegal.

July 18, 2022 9:43 pm

Could cause, might cause, maybe…but an abortion will cause a death 100% of the time.

July 19, 2022 8:31 am

When a woman has a child she is building her community. In our individualistic Western Liberalism we have turned that beautiful communal act or choice not to act into personal fulfillment without responsibility. In a nation, mothers are lauded and protected for their essential life-giving purpose. In an empty multicultural empire, birthing persons are mere consumers creating little empty future consumers.