“Embrace The Doom” Women’s T-Shirt

Embrace The Doom Design

The “Embrace The Doom” Burning Platform design is available as a women’s t-shirt on Libertas Bella in 7 colors!

Embrace The Doom Women's T-Shirt

Product Description:
“I’m gonna sing the doom song now.”

– Gir

Every so often some archaeologist uncovers something interesting while desecrating an ancient cemetery or natural disaster site: two skeletons locked in a perpetual embrace. Rather than spooking us twice as much as usual, these skeletons remind us that solace is always to be found in the arms of another living person. Or dead person, as is more accurately the case with such macabre discoveries.

What would the world be like if everybody loved somebody so much that they never wanted to part? To quote John Cale: “It would be a stronger world, a stronger loving world, to die in.”

But these skellies aren’t just embracing one another. They’re embracing the thought of doom itself. When presented with impending oblivion – a type of oblivion that’s becoming more and more omnipresent these days – they responded with a singular gesture of defiance. “You may take my flesh, and you may take my breath,” says the former owner of hugging bones, “but what I hold dear can never be stolen.”

To embrace doom is not fatalistic. Acknowledging that everything in this world is absolutely and irrevocably ****ed up beyond repair is at once mature and healthy. So is ordering this fine Embrace the Doom merchandise by The Burning Platform, for that matter. Display it in public and you may just inspire a stranger to meet doom head-on, admit defeat to it, and then proceed to thumb their nose at the inevitable regardless. Plus, skeletons are totally metal.

Grab your Embrace The Doom women’s t-shirt from The Burning Platform collection on Libertas Bella in the following colors: black, heavy metal, midnight navy, purple rush, royal, white, cardinal red.

Libertas Bella ships worldwide and accepts all your favorite forms of payment, including crypto. Sizes available are S to 3XL for most of our apparel.

Libertas Bella Logo

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Author: Libertas Bella

Libertas Bella. It’s Latin for “beautiful liberty." We chose the name for a few reasons, one of them being that we cherish liberty whether it’s our own or anyone else’s. Libertas Bella has been featured on FEE.org, LewRockwell.com, Activist Post, PJ Media, and ZeroHedge.

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July 26, 2022 9:43 pm

Does Admin know he’s got a featured premium article up on ZH that isn’t showing as recent here?

July 27, 2022 9:02 am

It is my current article. They changed the name and only made it available to their premium members. I’m glad they are making money off me, without paying me.