THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Labor leader Jimmy Hoffa is reported missing – 1975


Case Closed? New Evidence on the Jimmy Hoffa Case

Latest search for Jimmy Hoffa in New Jersey comes up empty

What Did Hoffa Want? - The American Prospect

The Irishman': What Are Teamsters, Connection To Jimmy Hoffa? | True Crime Buzz

On the morning of July 31, 1975, James Riddle Hoffa, one of the most influential American labor leaders of the 20th century, is officially reported missing after he failed to return home the previous night. Though he is popularly believed to have been the victim of a Mafia hit, conclusive evidence was never found and Hoffa’s fate remains a mystery.

Born in 1913 to a poor coal miner in Brazil, Indiana, Jimmy Hoffa proved a natural leader in his youth. At the age of 20, he helped organize a labor strike in Detroit, and remained an advocate for downtrodden workers for the rest of his life. Hoffa’s charisma and talents as a local organizer quickly got him noticed by the Teamsters and carried him upward through its ranks. Then a small but rapidly growing union, the Teamsters organized truckers across the country, and through the use of strikes, boycotts and some more powerful though less legal methods of protest, won contract demands on behalf of workers.

Hoffa became president of the Teamsters in 1957, when its former leader was imprisoned for bribery. As chief, Hoffa was lauded for his tireless work to expand the union, and for his unflagging devotion to even the organization’s least powerful members. His caring and approachability were captured in one of the more well-known quotes attributed to him: “You got a problem? Call me. Just pick up the phone.”

Hoffa’s dedication to the worker and his electrifying public speeches made him wildly popular, both among his fellow workers and the politicians and businessmen with whom he negotiated. Yet, for all the battles he fought and won on behalf of American drivers, he also had a dark side. In Hoffa’s time, many Teamster leaders partnered with the Mafia in racketeering, extortion and embezzlement. Hoffa himself had relationships with high-ranking mobsters, and was the target of several government investigations throughout the 1960s. In 1967, he was convicted of bribery and sentenced to 13 years in prison.

While in jail, Hoffa never ceded his office, and when Richard Nixon commuted his sentence in 1971, he was poised to make a comeback. Released on condition of not participating in union activities for 10 years, Hoffa was planning to fight the restriction in court when he disappeared on the afternoon of July 30, 1975, from the parking lot of a restaurant in Detroit, not far from where he got his start as a labor organizer. His family filed a missing persons report to the Bloomfield Township police the next day. Several conspiracy theories have been floated about Hoffa’s disappearance and the location of his remains, but the truth remains unknown.

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July 31, 2022 7:13 am

Poor ol’ Jimmy Hoffa. Rest in concrete.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
July 31, 2022 8:09 pm

I had a very good friend who became a NYC detective after a wonderfully
whacky and varied journey. I asked him what happened to Hoffa. (This was
4 years after he disappeared and he had been a detective for years.)
He told me he had worked as a garbage collector in NYC for a few years while
putting himself through college. The pay was very good, and the hours were
night time. He worked in lower Manhattan and once ot twice, some men in very
expensive suits would stop his truck in Little Italy in the wee hours and hand him
a few hundred dollars in cash. “We are going to put some garbage in the back of your
truck, and you aren’t going to worry about it, right?” And they would put a 55 gallon drum
in the hopper and wait while he ran the pusher that crammed it into the box.
He would drive to the dump and empty the truck. It was impossible he dumped Hoffa
because he was driving years before, but he said there is no question
whatsoever Hoffa is in a New Jersey landfill sealed in a 55 gallon drum.
NOT in Giants stadium concrete. That would be way too risky trying to put him there.

July 31, 2022 7:16 am

Don’t know where the deepest spot is? Not far from sin city. Question is…Will anyone be alive when it drys up completely?

Does Hoffa make a sound when no one is around?

July 31, 2022 7:19 am

anon beat me to it.

July 31, 2022 7:29 am

😂 Thank You for the compliment.

Sincerely, moran I. am

July 31, 2022 7:57 am

Coming soon, to a politician near you……

Green Machine
Green Machine
July 31, 2022 8:29 am

Jimmy to this day continues to tirelessly support a section of I-95….