This Wasn’t an Election

By Dan Gelernter | American Greatness | November 13, 2022

There is no ideological component to voter fraud whatsoever.

On Election Day 2020, we went to bed with Trump as the obvious victor—he had to win only one of the several states still in play. We woke up with Trump as the likely loser. I had a feeling we’d been cheated.

Of course it was only a feeling, but I noticed it was shared by a surprising number of people in “deep blue” Connecticut: Enthusiasm for Trump 2020 had run higher than for any presidential candidate people could remember. Higher than it had for Obama the first time around. And it was all just a mirage?

I was—still am—a full-stack software developer. I got a call from a voter integrity nonprofit who’d been in business long before I’d considered voter fraud a serious problem. They asked me to put together an emergency team to analyze the 2020 election results.

My team focused on statistical analyses—studies of the very unlikely. Trying to find explanations for why certain late-reporting precincts were three standard deviations from their neighbors (think 1-in-1,000 shot) in areas like ballot-splitting. We found state databases where votes that had already been counted were subsequently deleted, or where thousands of mail-in ballots were received back by the government before they’d even been mailed out (Pennsylvania).

Other parts of this nonprofit were doing on-the-ground detective work: The confessions of dropbox stuffers in Georgia led us to track and identify hundreds of individual ballot carriers, as well as the organizations that paid them to drive all over the state, delivering the fraudulent votes that changed the outcome.

In Arizona, the most corrupt state in the nation, where dropboxes are unnecessary because it’s legal for one voter to deliver up to 10 ballots, we had video footage of Democratic Party poll workers paying voters to take a stack of 10 ballots and vote them. That video footage led to indictments—but only of the people actually caught on film. The people paying for and organizing the fraud remain at liberty. We know who they are. The FBI knows too, but it’s hard to tell whether they’re interested.

(cont reading …)

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Todd Packer's Mentor
Todd Packer's Mentor
November 14, 2022 8:37 pm

So if the GOP takes control of the House of Representatives, they’ll surely use the power of the purse to clean up our elections, right? They will tell Biden, the Dems, all of the states and especially Zelensky that everything is DOA and nothing is passing without actual election integrity measures as part of it, right?

November 14, 2022 10:28 pm

Admin, was wondering when you’d repost something from AG. It’s truly a mixed bag…good for free speech. While most of their stuff is just fodder for the red vs blue charade this is a great example of a powerful piece of counter-narrativism.

It wasn’t the Democrats who stole the election in 2020. It was the politicians. The Democrats couldn’t have gotten away with it without the Republicans handing it to them and looking the other way.

Very true and exactly why I didn’t vote in GA. I even called it to the wife ahead of time: Kemp is the mob boss, he’ll win his race (because he owns the SoS) but cares nothing about DC. He’ll extract some sort of concession from the Dems and allow them their Senate seat. But it’s probably another runoff to make it convincing and be able to blame ‘election-denying, false-conservative trumpists’ for the loss.

Been there, done that. This is how politics worked all those years in Afghanistan.

Common Cents
Common Cents
November 15, 2022 12:34 am

Biggest revelation of this election (although we all already knew it in our hearts) is that RINOs truly are really Dems. When it comes down to it, they will enthusiastically support Dems over Conservative Republicans. Romney, Bush, Kemp, McConnell, McCain family, Chris Sununu and plenty of others. Granted, it was always pretty clear, but now the mask is completely off. They are Dems.

Sionnach Liath
Sionnach Liath
  Common Cents
November 15, 2022 10:30 am

I think it is a mistake to focus on parties. Parties are meaningless in today’s political world. the real battles are over protection of individual liberties and control of public behavior. The people who choose to be and work in government do so because they only have confidence in their personal views of interaction within a population. People work in government because they believe in the power and authority over others; that includes the hired and appointed bureaucracy as well as the elected officials. Party affiliation is simply a road to employment or election. You can find that attitude all the way from the local school board to the White House – and most definitely in Congress where the art of the ‘deal’ is the true exercise of power.

Self reliance plus self sufficiency equals the only true liberty.