Time is of the Essence

via https://worldyturnings.wordpress.com/blog/

Special note to my fellow TBP Patriots regarding the sending of letters to our Supreme Court.

I know you guys pretty well.  Many here will rationalize against sending SCOTUS our thoughts on elections as a complete waste of time.   Well, maybe you are right and I am just a rose colored optimist.  I say screw that.

Most TBP readers are intelligent, well informed carnivores of news against the Great Reset.   Many are active against Tyranny by being engaged politically, or simply by learning from each other so we can help educate the uneducated.

Learning a bit from Mr. Quinn, some here may have come to the conclusion that another 4th turning is going to happen one way or another and cannot be stopped.  That also may be true.   But it is just as true that being able to say you tried to do something, anything, to stop the cannonball to Hell aiming directly at the big Prize – America – will give you some measure of peace for you and more importantly, the respect of your loved ones and fellow Americans.    Trust me on that.   People like warriors, even peaceful ones so we don’t have to go down another road.

So, maybe the Burning Platform can help save the day for all of us? To wit……and please pass on.

Quite sadly, as a result of the 2022 Midterm elections and a new and critically important case soon to be reviewed by SCOTUS, a letter from the People needs to go to our SCOTUS.  And, quickly.  

Background. Shortly after the fake as Biden November 3, 2020 Presidential election Insurrection, thousands of letters were sent to SCOTUS to deal with the election fraud that has ruined our Nation, but had little effect. I took part in that effort by providing a template letter which I am resubmitting, now that we know election fraud has become as systemic as systemic racism has not.

The people in our highest court that took an oath to defend the United States Constitution refused to listen to well over half of America, the now disenfranchised, about the Nov 2020 election by at least giving us a hearing on the evidence.

When our Supreme Court is headed up by a man with such ill feelings towards the chief plaintiff Donald Trump that he would rather do more harm to our country than to him, we are in trouble as a country. Chief Justice John Roberts may have supported the Fraud by allowing it to stand, declaring no hearing (along with Barrett and Kavanaugh) for the most important case before him on systemic and widespread fraud as the plaintiff (Texas) lacked “standing” and the issues at hand were “moot”.

How can we trust even a “Conservative” Supreme Court headed by a man who may loathe the Plaintiff with his recusable and possibly recallable personal and political views?

In a remarkably inappropriate and blatantly political statement Wednesday, U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts chastised President Trump for the president’s quite accurate criticism of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and its rogue district and appellate court judges. Joseph diGenova, Fox News

The Roberts Court also stated in general comments that they did not want to get involved with and possibly “override” elections.

“The court did not provide any further explanation for their rejection, as per standard practice”

Nonsense. My original letter and others like it, sent by the thousands to their doorstep, never asked them to pick a winner and override an election result. Our plea was simply to have the Supreme Court authorize an election redo in the fraudulent Battleground states where absentee and mail-in ballots, combined with rigged election software, may have controlled the outcome to one Party’s favor.

What is the evidence of Systemic Fraud? It’s overwhelming and gets more so each day thanks to the Roberts Court. Who woulda thought.

But don’t even think of finding such evidence searching on the Internet. Much of the 2020 election fraud evidence has been as gaslighted from your search engine by our Government perpetrators and their MSM/Big Tech proxies as Hunter Biden’s Laptop. The evidence has largely been scrubbed from the ‘net as clean as Biden’s pudding cup and must be heard not in drips and drabs on rules/processes but as a planned operation that took over our elections en masse.

Here are the two biggest cases for the Nov 3 2020 election Fraud:

Exhibit A. Dominion election systems controlled votes across the country using illegal (almost all States) Internet connections in order to remotely manipulate results and require human adjudication of voter intent where needed. See Mike Lindell’s in depth reporting in his video “Absolute Proof”. No court has reviewed let alone seriously disputed Lindell’s evidence. A court ordered audit in Michigan showed enough evidence to warrant judicial review at the highest Judicial levels. This, and Lindell’s documentary, was ignored by the Legacy Media as if it, and his subsequent meeting in Las Vegas, were living in Orwell’s 1984 – erased from history.

Exhibit B. Dinesh D’Souza’s investigation (2000 Mules), based on analysis by election watchdog group True the Vote, proved that illegal ballot harvesting occurred in key battleground states. Like Lindell’s evidence, D’Souza’s proof was ingnored as if none of what was presented on video happened, just like ballots were not pulled from under a table and inserted repeatedly into tabulating machines in Georgia. On video, before our gaslit eyes. D’Souza and his #1 Documentary was disappeared like Lindell by yet another coordinated and illegal MSM attack, but to their chagrin many more saw it than they expected.

More evidence. If watching the above video documentaries isn’t enough to at least question the integrity of our last Presidential election, justifying a full blown SCOTUS hearing to weigh the facts, go here. And, here.

How about the fact that the FBI may have turned the election against Trump with their willful and intentional suppression of Biden’s laptop info? That a government agency was involved is prima facie evidence that an organized effort likely occurred, not random acts of illegal election influence.

It worked, a potential act of Treason if there ever was, and coming when Trumps appointee Christopher Wray was in charge of the agency. Post 2020 polling showed enough confirmed voters self reporting that they would have changed their vote to Trumps favor, presumably because they could not in good conscience vote for a Crime syndicate running America. Realistically, some who hated Trump may just not have voted for him, but still could have turned the result against our pudding eating President whom even today Barack Obama (the real Insurrectionist 3rd term POTUS) disavows as a stupid man.

How can anyone with any remaining objectivity (and conscience) in our Judiciary ignore all of this evidence without at least putting it all to the test in a courtroom? Unless, of course, they are part of the conspiracy to replace Conservatism in America with a Fascist State.

The 2022 Midterm elections was a chance, hopefully not our only chance, to stop our descent into Dictatorship. We should have had a massive Red, White and Blue “Liberty Wave” of Americans saying NO to Tyranny. Amazingly, our Liberty Wave made up of good people of all stripes despising what Biden and his henchmen have done in less than two years, did actually show up to vote in massive numbers to turn it all back. However, many of their votes did not count in key Senate and Gubernatorial races because Soros people made sure that that could not happen. This is how Tyranny is made.

Yes, we won the House but the mandate against Totalitarianism did not materialize and was left for another day. If we have another day. In the meantime, the Totalitarian Resetting World Government Communists who hate Trump more than any human being on planet earth, is working tirelessly to fine tune their systemic fraud to make sure we don’t have another day. Only a few bones to throw at us, a seat here or there and likely filled with a Uniparty representative.

Where does that leave us? Since our courts seem to be in on the shenanigans, we seem to have little choice now and as expected, the GOP is talking of fighting fire with fire.

This will not end well.   It will lead to a very bad place where historically peaceful electoral solutions between disagreeing Americans will be eliminated where fake electioneering denies the peoples vote on both sides. The political winners will be decided by whoever has the best and most clandestine system for systemic election fraud. Let’s start with the first control to erase – voter Picture IDs.

But aren’t voter Picture ID requirements discriminatory? Virtually every country in the world requires photo identification when voting. 42 US States do not require it. And Colorado is all-in on mail-in.

I am not suggesting that lack of proper ID alone put in an installed regime. But when combined with early voting, mail in votes, unsecured ballot boxes with limited to no chain of custody, absentee votes, internet connectivity and ballot harvesting this is as Fraudulent as Obamas 2nd term win, a rapidly brewing volcanic disaster of epic proportions for America.


So, now disheartened American patriots in the GOP are talking of ballot harvesting. That may make some of us feel good, but it will be disastrous for the continuing Republic.

The GOP Uniparty has been so lame and ignorant as my sadly default party on so many issues, it makes me want to do the technicolor yawn. These guys never learned this brutal fact: since the days of FDRs New Deal and LBJs Great Society we have never caught up with the Jones’s in the tug of war of vote buying, directly by ballot payoffs or indirectly by “spreading the wealth” of dependency to counter inequality.

The Leftists now in charge of the Democrat party have no conscience to stop them from buying votes, even illegal ones that cripple America with crime and drugs, and they will out fraud us as surely as they have out spent us.

The Democrat machine will respond to our new and improved “get out the vote” programs with even more Technofraud. More ballot harvesting and voter intimidation. Dominion and photocopy machines will be working overtime. 2,000 Mules becomes 20,000 mules. Touché GOP!

What’s more, since we now have a US Judiciary filled with Law School radicals, we can expect that the Soros teams that paid for their jobs will J6 any Conservative under the electron microscope caught doing even the slightest questionable thing. If someone with good intentions strays one nanometer away from perfection in our “get out the vote” tactics, they will be arrested and tried in a Kangaroo court that will give out a life sentence for Sedition by Fraud. This will be necessary to set an example to discourage similar “terrorists” (aka Conservatives) from destroying our “Democracy” because that’s just not who we are. In the American Lawfare game which the Left largely controls, it’s head they win, tails we lose.

We the People are now We the Disenfranchised.

Our SCOTUS has to stop the gaslit “safe and secure” election madness before it moves both sides to war.

Politics is war without blood. War is politics with blood. Mao Tse Tung

We are more divided in America today than in 1861 when one Tyrannical side despised the other Deplorable side enough to kill off nearly 750,000 people, equivalent to 1.5 Million today.

Here we go again. My original concerns sent to SCOTUS have  come true as we try to one-up them at a Fraud game we can never win. They must hear from us again. And, again. Until we have elections that ALL the people can believe in. And then we can trust the outcomes as we always have to fight peacefully for another day.

We desperately need our Judiciary to stop the election driven whirlpool to a Civil War nobody wants, except for Barack Obama.

Now with the results of our Midterms in, and even certified by the very people that win the elections (Earth calling GOP?) we need the courts to listen to us this time. We had hoped for the best but knew in our heart of hearts it would happen again, because NOTHING CHANGED to fix 2020.

The Left was given the green light to proceed as per the new normal.

This does not bode well for America as the ramifications from never ending election fraud is like the rust on my old car in Minnesota.   The rust is hidden until it becomes visible and then it’s too late to save the car from the junkyard.

Here is the Cliff Notes version of how to destroy America with fake elections:

  1. Do the Fraud
  2. Certify the Fraud
  3. Wait for MSM to define and then ignore the inevitable election fraud lawsuits as “Baseless”, protecting the Judiciary


4. Result: Uniparty Rule until it is stopped by a non-political answer nobody wants

The Roberts court could have prevented all this by just calling for new contests with new rules (keep reading) in the Battleground states where Fraud ruled the day. Had they very publicly decided not to hear the evidence (by 6 to 3 vote), decrying it all as just a “moot” issue, it could have changed elections Nationwide by giving legislatures the power to nearly eliminate massive voter fraud forever and instill faith in our democratic processes. Or, have the Congress under Article 1 Sec 4 use their power to set things straight:

“The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

Perhaps they should have listened to Clarence Thomas.

These cases provide us with an ideal opportunity to address just what authority non-legislative officials have to set election rules, and to do so well before the next election cycle. The refusal to do so is unacceptable. Clarence Thomas

They amazingly refused. Our SCOTUS is now acting like the Brazilian High Court of Leftist Appointees not beholden to the people and fair and free elections.

Situation Report. There is one active Supreme Court case (Brunson vs Adams) pending on the docket that is “distributed to Conference of Jan 6 (oh, the irony) 2023”. Distributed for conference generally means it should be reviewed by SCOTUS and either granted cert, denied, or remanded. This case petitions the court to ultimately dismiss over 380 members of Congress for their treasonous activity by not investigating the clear and compelling evidence of Fraud (see above) brought by over 100 Congressman on that infamous day – Jan 6 2021 – when Pence certified the election. That a large majority of Congress failed to investigate claims of Fraud when more than circumstantial evidence was presented is dereliction at best, treason at worse.   Justice Roberts will likely lead discussion and set the agenda.

Failing that, we might have Kari Lake’s case in Arizona, or maybe another, will hit the Docket. Ultimately, however, SCOTUS can no longer keep pushing this boiling over can of fraud down the road and continue to hide behind their Robes.

Are you mad yet? Turn your angst into positive energy. They must hear from us once again, now more than ever.   If you agree with me, let SCOTUS know what you think.

Conservatives and Liberals must come together against the Left that has taken over America using just two weapons – the Corporate Legacy Mainstream Media and our Election process – all under the guise of anti-voter suppression and “protecting” every vote lies.

The Resetting Communists are now in process of consolidating their power in America, the big prize. If they succeed in the short window of time we may have left, we and our families and theirs may have over 70 years of life in a Dictatorship before the inevitable collapse.

Communism Life Spans

USSR – 74 years

China – 73 years, and counting

For those that have been sleeping through the Nov 3 Insurrection, this is your chance to redeem yourself.    Don’t think our world will fix itself without your involvement because “it’s destined to fail” or “they have all the power” or “it’s God’s plan” and all the other excuses for letting others do the fight.  If God has not left us as a Nation already, he still may be watching. What would Jesus do? Let’s topple the tables of Fraud once and for all.

Consider sending a letter to the Supreme Court asking them to judicially review new cases of election fraud and provide the evidence for a Congressional remedy for all elections go forward. Feel free to send my letter below,  or your own, and pass on.  We must let them know.

Most importantly, pray for our country, our leaders and especially our courts.

SCOTUS letter, Part 2:


To: (Name) Chief/Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States

There will soon be another case before you on election fraud. When this happens, and it will, you will have a chance for redemption for your refusal to consider the overwhelming evidence of Fraud in 2020 when you ignored the Constitution, resulting in a totalitarian regime that stole our country through ongoing and never ending election fraud. If you refuse again to hear evidence respecting the will of well over half of America, your bench will be forever blamed as instrumental as the single reason why our Nation destroyed itself.

I am by no means a legal or constitutional law scholar.   I am writing this as simply an American that loves his country and for all the Good it has done not only for myself and my fellow Americans but for citizens around the world.

You are sitting on the most important Supreme Court in the history of the United States.    Your time and place in the history of America is etched in stone, forever.    Whether Fate or God himself put you personally in this position is unknown, but I can tell you that your decisions regarding election fraud by the Democrat Party, will have consequences that could undermine our Constitution and determine either the survival or destruction of this great country, and the Liberty we stand for.   This is not hyperbole.   It is a fact.

The basic question before you is whether or not our representatives in Government at all levels will be legitimate or can be determined in advance by a political party using election High Tech Fraud technologies which are provable in practice but whose specific and ultimate effects may be unprovable in results.    This should not mean that the bar for judicial remedy be made impossibly high.    If you set the bar too high for proof of overturning Fraud to the exact degree needed to overturn an election result,  then election Fraud not only can never be stopped but you will effectively be assuring that future elections will be determined by whoever has the best method to rig our elections.   

America wants a war of ideas, not of technology.  If you set the bar too high for proof of overturning Fraud, you will be giving license to any political party to engage in Fraud, forever, until this country is no more.   If this is allowed to occur, our Nation is doomed to tyranny of one party or the other and will no longer be the Republic that you have sworn to protect and defend.

It is understandable that the SCOTUS does not want to overturn the will of the people and determine an election winner at the Federal levels.    The answer for America is for the SCOTUS not to choose one candidate or the other, but to only assure that our elections are credible to at least the half of America that has legitimate concerns based on what happened on Nov 3 2020 and during the Midterm elections of 2022.

You can no longer kick the can down the road. Disenfranchisement is what the Democratic Party has used to eliminate nearly all of the common sense voter restrictions used in democratic countries around the world. Nobody has been “disenfranchised” like Conservatives in America. Please protect our voices.

We look to you to investigate on our Constitutional behalf and let the chips fall where they may. If after hearing the evidence from both sides it is determined that substantial Fraud was involved in any election, and where it is shown that States, through their mismanagement of elections, are actually participating in the Fraud knowingly or not, without overturning all of the votes that are in question and starting over, it is within your power to order Reelections only in States where Fraud has been proven and is most evident (e.g. Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin in 2020 elections). 

With the evidence presented in your court, and your decision(s) thereof, our Congress should participate accordingly. Therefore, and to prevent or reduce the likelihood of future technological Fraud and restore faith in our Government that is critical to a peaceful American society, under Article 1 Sec 4 of the Constitution, Congress should be called by the people with your legal precedent to develop a standardized election process for all Federal elections (to be a template for State and Local elections, if so chosen) that could and should be federally legislated, or as an Amendment to our Constitution due to its long term critical importance to the survival of America.    The process must involve the lowest of non-hackable technologies using traceable paper ballots with voter Picture IDs, special and highly restrictive requirements for absentee ballots, election day only voting with unrestricted Bi Partisan oversight that does not interfere with the sacred privacy of a person’s vote. Like Jury Duty, people could also be called to participate and oversee the election process as part of their Civic Duty, a duty at least as critical as serving on Juries.

It will be difficult to take a stand when the highest court prefers not to be involved, but as defenders of the Constitution, you must be involved now more than ever before things boil over and the Nation is destroyed.  You must not allow election Fraud to destroy our country just as it has in Totalitarian regimes throughout history.  If that occurs, there will be no Constitutional protections for the people, let alone a functioning SCOTUS.

I implore you, time is of the essence.    Please make the right decision for me, my family and my fellow Americans of all political stripes who Love America and our Constitution as I know you do.  Hear and investigate the cases for election Fraud.   You are our last backstop against Tyranny.   The People are depending on you to come through for us and all those that came before us – and died for our Liberty!


Disenfranchised Citizen Voter


John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the United States

Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice

Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Associate Justice

Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice

Elena Kagan, Associate Justice

Neil M. Gorsuch, Associate Justice

Brett M. Kavanaugh, Associate Justice

Amy Coney Barrett, Associate Justice

Ketanji Brown Jackson, Associate Justice

U.S. Mail:


Supreme Court of the United States 1 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20543

Telephone: 202-479-3000 TTY: 202-479-3472 (Available M-F 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. eastern)

Where to Send Questions or Comments:

For technical questions or to report problems with this website, email: Webmaster

For time sensitive or urgent questions please contact the Public Information Office at the following number: 202-479-3211, Reporters press 1

For general questions that are not time sensitive, email: Public Information Office

Contact the Public Information Office by US Mail: Public Information Officer Supreme Court of the United States 1 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20543

Sic Semper Tyrannis

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Author: tr4head

Economy, Social Issues, Politics, History, Science NonFiction, Religion

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December 16, 2022 5:25 pm

“Many here will rationalize against sending SCOTUS our thoughts on elections . . .”

Well, yeah. Not because writing letters is a waste, but because addressing them to the court is a waste. You are not resisting the cannonball, however futilely, because you are not standing in its path.

The court does not care about letters, and if it did it would be evidence that the court is corrupt. It is part of their job to not care about letters.

Send your letters to people are supposed to care about them, such as Attorneys General.

December 17, 2022 7:19 am

IDK about you,the reason we all these state agencies running amok is AG’s also NOT DOING THEIR JOB!Their supposed to keep the agency state in line! Not the states ambulance chaser!…..or skirt chaser as in my state….
Otherwise your correct

December 28, 2022 11:38 am

They DO read letters and their appointed power, maybe not so much now when its largely fake, ultimately comes from the people. Its easy to find ways do nothing when you don’t GAS in the first place.


December 16, 2022 5:27 pm

“as Fraudulent as Obamas 2nd term win,…”

🤣 CERTAIN that the first one was ‘kosher’.

You poor soul. i feel for You. AND i will say a Prayer for You.

Best of Luck, maybe an individual plea to a CONderivative justice would be most beneficial?

Justice Clarence Thomas and Monsanto

To make it ‘non-partisan? Try one to

Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan Goes to Bat for Monsanto, Sides With Conservative Justices

as well.

Sincerely, Bon appétit

December 16, 2022 6:02 pm

This isn’t going to be solved in the Supreme Court, or any other court.

December 17, 2022 6:04 am

Words are overrated at this point. Protesting, the writing of letters, boycotts – they are merely a cry to authority to loosen the chains. The predators have shown in plain view they do not care about human life, not even a little. This only gets resolved by the hand of God, or men making extreme suggestions at 2500 fps.

December 17, 2022 7:21 am

Or the document from which they derived their power….meaning they have NO power
And they are deathly afraid of any such demonstration to that fact.
I believe it can’t be overstated enough!
They are outside the law therefore OUTLAWS!….

Todd Packer's Mentor
Todd Packer's Mentor
December 16, 2022 7:57 pm

Wasn’t John Boehner praising Pelosi and then weeping over her something? A touching, heart-warming bi-partisan moment! So very inspiring, too!
Aside from Roe v Wade, you might as well have been voting a straight Democrat ticket your entire adult life.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
December 16, 2022 8:13 pm

If a tree falls in a forest, does it make a sound?

If evidence is never heard by a court, is it really evidence?

Steve Z.
Steve Z.
December 16, 2022 8:18 pm

Does anybody have any spare anthrax?
Asking for a friend.

BTW, NSA, DHS, FBI, that’s called sarcasm.

December 17, 2022 7:15 am

Can we replace “conservatism”with Constitutionalism???.
Conservatism of what?(that is,assuming I don’t know to begin with).An idea?,a way of life?,a political position?
Conservatism is nothing more than an EPITHET used by the left to IGNORE anything you have to say.
It is the CONSTITUTION from which our laws are described and gives WE THE PEOPLE the power to AUTHORIZE GOVERNMENT,not the other way around!….If the SC decides to NOT hear a case or cases under which their jurisdiction IS SPECIFICALLY DESIGNATED by aforementioned document……THEY HAVE ABDICATED!!! They should be immediately (yes ,I understand the risk in the CURRENT climate)removed and new justices appointed!!!
So,why didn’t you do your job?
I didn’t feel like it.
YOUR FIRED!…….SEE ,simple huh!…..

December 17, 2022 9:35 am

Nice letter. Nice thoughts.

Of course, you surely realize SCOTUS does not read letters from citizens. They might have underlings who read the letters, really low level underlings, like a freshman college intern majoring in Diversity & Inclusion.

But, I sincerely doubt even they would read it. It’s too loooooong. You are preaching to an empty church. One to three SHORT paragraphs might get you a “thank you for our concern” automated email reply.

December 17, 2022 11:10 am

Then shorten it. I made it long and detailed so you can choose what is important, and has a solution that will work. But nothing works if you don’t try.

John McCain's Tumor
John McCain's Tumor
December 18, 2022 9:58 am

Herr Stuckmeister has a point.

Sending letters of intent is a great way to get yourself noticed for being a crank … then again, I’m already an enemy of the state. You see, I was a former employee of the US MIC and reside on at least one EU country’s police watch list.
What I’ve witnessed over the last 40-some years has turned me into a misanthropist and cynic, but by all means, if you’re determined, go right ahead.

December 17, 2022 11:27 am

Yes, as can be seen here by the backsliders, America is going down, but it’s not because we were powerless. We were just too damn fat, lazy and happy in our little worlds to do anything. On macro level, it may be the inevitable 4th turning on its way. But we die a slow death individually by thinking people aren’t watching what we do to support our values. The informed TBP are great at complaining,evidenced by many good articles about the state of the world. Yet, as you can see and as I fully noted above, that’s all most of us ever do. We have made our beds, and I for one feel damn good about not being in the same bed with the do nothing doomsayers and the Fat and Happy’s. Nobody likes people that never try, or quit. My Dad taught me that and I try to live it, often failing along the way. Now we face oblivion in America because we don’t hold a candle to Brazilian courage, who may get their country back. If not, they tried and that deserves respect. Jim Q did something to educate people simply by having the guts to tell the truth, and I know he sleeps well knowing that he at least did that in our push back. Unfortunately for America, many cannot say the same.