Madame Defarge Gazette

There is a picture of the Clintons, Bush the younger and the obama together all smiles that is the perfect symbol of our difficulties and decline.  The devolution of our society resulting from ill gotten wealth has led to depravity and simple puppetry that is our government in a nutshell.  The perversity and criminality grew from money grubbing, to money grubbing and perversity, to money grubbing, perversity and tyranny and intellectual simplicity.

Nothing has changed since Jesus cleared the temple of money lenders.  They have simply moved over to Wall Street and the struggle continues.  The identification of immorality in society is important to illuminate as the Bible exemplifies but unless there is action to eliminate these activities they will continue to blossom like mushrooms over the community.

Christianity was cast aside by our “intellectual” class in the 60s and replaced with the cult of socialism.  A tremendous gap now exists where personal morality once existed as the foundation of society.  It has been replaced with a belief in government as the ultimate good and the idea of having no responsibility for ones’ actions. The basic situation is that we have simple answers for simple cultists.  These academics want changes for everyone but themselves. The good news is that these inhabitants of the academic monasteries will do anything for money except work and they require only a pittance for their loyalty and we can easily buy them back from the Chinese.  The timid and emotionally immature vote for this new government god and its’ democrat control as instructed. The current system is an obvious failure since it allows the politicians to operate it with impunity.

When Clinton left office the debt was $3 trillion.  This momentary bit of heresy was the result of the “contract with America” championed by Newt Gingrich.  The welfare system had been changed to workfare.  Usage dropped by 70%.  There was honest discussion of beginning to pay off the national debt.  Little did the little people know that behind the scenes the system was being undermined completely by the banking set again.  The new home loan federal program was allowed to gather steam and it arrived at its’ inevitable conclusion, disaster! The debris of bank payoffs was added to our debt and the struggling WASP has more time in the mines to pay for the Wall Street bosses greed.

9-11 was the drop off the cliff for our country.  Another huge inrush of money for the MIC eliminated any chance of the US empire being scaled back and minding our own business and addressing our own problems.  A twenty year extension of the same stagnant political policies was dusted off and recycled.  As usual, funding for the military was traded in Congress for welfare programs that eclipsed our social and religious structure further.

We are left with citizens who are led by politicians that want to destroy the dreams of ordinary people. They are controlled by a group that want to control the globe with their delusions of being superman. Money is no object and by purchasing DC, they have opened the door towards their success. Our hopes lie with the knowledge that the nerds and the timid government crowd are a very small percentage of the country. They all would decamp rather quickly if confronted.

Our problem is that everyone has his own red line that portends action.  Organizing a demonstration or counter action to the paid group is fraught with difficulty as the state currently spies on the people unashamedly.  They realize how tenuous their control actually is which actually makes them more dangerous.

We have a short time before the detritus of socialist incompetence overwhelms us.  The Ukraine, the petro rouble, the Mexican hordes over the border, the unserviceable debt, the dissolution of our world leadership, the Chinese purchase of DC, the self imposed energy structure dissolution all have the possibility of bringing our system down.

The return to our founding structure of God and family and country can easily raise us from the pit but we must act soon.

The Madame

Still Knitting

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January 3, 2023 7:22 pm

This is how I will engage the new year!

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The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
January 3, 2023 8:08 pm

Don’t forget…In Hebrew, Jehovah begins with a “Y” !

January 3, 2023 8:20 pm

The return to our founding structure of God and family and country can easily raise us from the pit but we must act soon.

It’s a nice idea but a couple of things, it wouldn’t be easy and soon was about 30 years ago.

January 3, 2023 9:01 pm

Yeah, I don’t see it either as a doable solution. There is a reason it is called the remnant.

January 3, 2023 10:36 pm

Perhaps it is the efforts of those who accept the commission and keep the faith that allows a remnant.

January 3, 2023 9:01 pm

I would also say most STATE and LOCAL governments need similar treatment.
What passes as representatives are nothing but a band of feral cats scurrying about covering each other’s shit ! Add the parasitic pathetic onlookers profiting while sucking one thumb and rotating the other up their collective assholes THEN WITH THE PRECISION OF A CRACK MILITARY DRILL TEAM IN UNISON ON COMMAND
Without representation that lives in constant real fear of what their punishment will be from the constitutes should the even whisper crossing a line against the Republic and the citizens all hope is lost !
Like the J6 committee kabuki theatre they don’t fear the citizenry and they certainly have no respect for average Americans and that is the major problem !
We are not fixing anything until we reach the event horizon of near total collapse !
If anyone is paying attention to the reality that is the corrupt American government .
You know I speak the truth !

January 3, 2023 9:12 pm

Seems pain and suffering does wonders for the soul.

January 3, 2023 10:18 pm

“The perversity and criminality grew from money grubbing, to money grubbing and perversity, to money grubbing, perversity and tyranny and intellectual simplicity”…god what a brilliant sentence…the pedigree of the RINO/Demoncrat uni-party cabal in a nut shell.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
January 4, 2023 1:28 pm

Also sounds a lot like the WEF. Remember always the same assholes in press and government who mocked and derided the “Pizza Pedo” thing as right wing fantasy now stand at the WEF calling for buggering your children-To “save” the fuqueing Planet????!!!!!!!! No mercy. No prisoners.

Marcy Casterline
Marcy Casterline
January 8, 2023 10:09 am

Fear not, little Nell. The Russians are calling the Fed’s fake money bluff in the Ukraine. The only power the Feds have over the states is the fake money they grant to assure every state’s obedience. Once the fake money can’t buy the states’ compliance, it’s every state for itself, economically. Federal regulations will be thrown out in the quest to survive. It will be glorious.