Hollowing out our Society with Drugs

Another step in the examining of the deterioration of our society is our drinking water. That sounds quite odd but it is an example of a function that government should undertake, but considering the lack of profit potential for politicians will never happen. The subject has a very unfortunate amount of data to be assimilated before the problem can be addressed. It can be distilled down to the quote “drugs are us.”

We have wondered many times and made countless jokes about the lack of masculinity in the young men in todays’ society. They scream and point loudly but run when there is a self-induced or natural hysteria to be addressed. They are easily converted to transgender type homosexual paraders under the label of soy boys.

Memorial Day and Veterans Day allow us an easy comparison with todays’ soy boys. What would these “boys” do when confronted by an SS Stormtrooper or a muslim swinging a sword? Would they wave the rainbow flag? Would they want to sing around the campfire with their new friends? From news video it appears that the “girls” are as tough as the boys, but it is actually quite difficult to determine who is whom until the fight over the doughnut box breaks out. When we add the recent examples in Texas and Florida of murdered school children while law enforcement types cower outside, the whole concept of a peaceful orderly society is flushed away. Who will defend us other than ourselves?

This drug observation is about an environmental horror that may be a cause of our societal devolution. The concept became evident and was presented in a previous Madame Defarge article which concerned the huge amount of psychotropic drugs in our society. Most women use various medications to deal with depression or anxiety issues. Their children are constantly exposed to them or are patients as well. These young patients have committed 37 mass killings in recent years. The addictions of pregnant women to these drugs has an effect either genetically or through breast feeding drugs to their children.

A recent causal theory is the excess of pharmaceuticals in our bodies is caused by our water supply. Many of our city water systems use river water for your tap. About 25% of bottled water is sourced directly from a city system as well. Our water systems use a program based around filtration, bacteria and chlorine to clean the river water before it is sent to you and hopefully it meets the standards of the EPA. The chlorine taste varies from city to city as each needs a different amount of chlorine to meet these specifications.

If there is no algae, bacteria or particulate matter floating around everyone is happy. But there are few standards addressing other chemical compounds in the water. The problem this creates is that many people upriver have their toilets flush into a sewer system that dumps water into the river above you. The municipal water plant that taps this water for its’ operation has no idea what compounds are included as they do not have the facilities to test for them.

About 20 million women take birth control pills daily. The anti-depressant crowd is about 45 million. According to the Mayo Clinic about 70% of the population takes one prescription drug daily.

A large number of people using city water/sewer systems are exposed daily to these compounds just by drinking water since it is not removed before it is piped to your home. What is their effect at low dosage in your water? Is the effect cumulative? Some information is available with which to begin a study. From the links above information is available regarding fish that hatch with male and female sex organs in the Chesapeake Bay. This may be a possible source of the seeming growth of the numbers of transexual boys in our society for example. Anti-depressants are a significant component as well and when they are combined with a person in psychiatric difficulty problems could arise.

These drugs in our water will affect many people in a variety of ways. They affect mental and physical health in large dosages. How much is required to change our behaviors? School shooters? Homosexuality? There is one frightening suggestion from the Brighton and Sussex Medical School in England. That would be to dose the entire population with lithium in tap water to reduce suicides. This is the ultimate big brother scenario. We need to develop new technologies to clean our waterways for our benefit to eliminate the opportunity for government drugging the entire populace for control. If it is possible it is being considered!

The kind and helpful German drug companies would not try to control us through chemicals and propaganda to enhance profits would they?

The Madame

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January 15, 2023 9:12 pm

Filters/distillation/rain gathering/private well/R.O.?ect.,best one can do and it at least helps.

I am on town water at moment(still looking for 20+ acres)and will say besides filtering tap just adding a charcoal filter to shower ended the itchiness from the chlorine/I get town water needs to be treated but also needs to be treated at end run!

I know some will say me efforts wasted due to chem trails ect. to which I reply save your breath unless you have some better ideas,then…….,me ears wide open to suggestions.

Enjoy/thrive in clean water the best you can:

comment image

January 16, 2023 2:30 am

Charcoal filter for the shower, huh? I will look into it. I don’t drink tap anymore almost like I was in a 3rd world country and all I drink is water. I avoid bottled too.

I wish you luck on 20+ acres. It is a dream.

January 16, 2023 3:20 pm

Ken,about 20 at hd/lowes ect.Just add soem plumbing tape to threads and on in a minute,really made a difference.

I have a berkey walter filter with the added heavy metal filter(not crue/maiden!),really upped the flavor of coffee ect.

I get the reasons behind the chlorine on municipal supplies(there must be a better way to keep it clean)but as I said,needs final treatment.

As for property am a cash(is king) buyer,just need the scamdemic pricing to keep dropping(it has started).

January 16, 2023 12:23 am

It was the Pax…

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
January 16, 2023 3:04 am

Suggested reading – “The Thanatos Syndrome” by Walker Percy. A chilling novel where the protagonist uncovers that Baton Rouge is doctoring its drinking water with anti-depressants among other chemicals.

I recommend all his novels. He grew up in Greenville, MS, and his best lifelong friend was his neighbor, Shelby Foote.

January 16, 2023 6:43 am

From 2017….

Birth control is giving rise to transgender fish

The study of freshwater fish in Britain found a fifth of males are now showing feminine traits — including producing eggs, a reduced sperm count and less aggressive behavior — due to gender-bending chemicals found in the contraceptive pill, cleaning agents, plastics and cosmetics, the Telegraph reports. 


January 16, 2023 7:28 am

“They’re turning the frogs gay!”
– Alex Jones

Thing is, he was right.

January 16, 2023 7:44 am

I sourced water from a spring while city living. Used it for cooking and drinking. Here is a site which can be used to locate a spring near you: findaspring.com

January 16, 2023 3:21 pm

Excellent Ryan!

anon a moos
anon a moos
January 16, 2023 9:46 am

to dose the entire population with lithium in tap water to reduce suicides.

Weirdly coincidence?? Just like the storyline in the communist wingnut josh wheadon film Serenity. The govt piped into the air a chemical to calm people down. They did calm down, they sat down and didn’t move again while a few of the population went insane and turned into cannibals.

Looks like maybe some fun in the future to being a rebel.

January 17, 2023 12:31 am

Don’t move to Fremont County in Colorado, at least below the prison complex: all kinds of stuff gets flushed into the Arkansas River