Census Bureau: If U.S. Moves from ‘High’ to ‘Low’ Immigration, Population Growth Would Slow

Guest Post by Joe Guzzardi

The United States Forest Service (USFS), a Department of Agriculture agency that administers the nation’s 154 forests and manages 194 million acres of land, released an analysis which estimated that, every day, the nation loses 6 million acres of open space. USFS defines open space as publicly or privately owned, protected or unprotected areas that include forests, grasslands, farms, ranches, streams, rivers and parks. The 6 million acres lost to development at what USFS called “an alarming rate” hampers a functioning ecosystem, agriculture, forest health and recreational pleasures.

Although the USFS developed its “Forests on the Edge” program to emphasize preserving open space, no educational campaign can keep up with U.S. population growth and the urban sprawl that it generates. A NumbersUSA study, “Vanishing Open Spaces, Population Growth and Sprawl in America,” analyzed the projected long-term decline in per capita farmland. Using the projected cropland losses based on 1982-2010 data, and U.S. Census Bureau population estimates, the study found as follows: available cropland will have declined from 1.9 acres per person in 1982 to 0.3 acre per person in 2100, an 84 percent cropland loss decrease. After two centuries of nonstop development, little of the remaining acreage would be in pristine condition.

Assuming the Census Bureau 2050 and 2100 population projections prove accurate, population of 404 million and 571 million, respectively, and available cropland per person declines to a corresponding 0.7 and 0.3 acre per person, government officials should be gravely concerned. Available food production will be drastically slashed – too many mouths to feed and not enough farmland to produce the food.

Selling farmland to developers is lucrative and often too good a deal for farmers to decline. Farming is a tough, often uncertain business. Crops can be hit with blight; bad weather can impact yield, and crop prices may decline. The land is more valuable to developers than to the farmer-owner. Farmland might be worth $10,000 or $20,000 per acre, but as residential or commercial land, rezoned, it might be valued at $100,000 or more per acre.

The core issue is the federal government’s inability – some say refusal – to adopt sustainable population policies. The Census Bureau has identified immigration and births to immigrants as the population growth’s primary driver. In February 2020, the Census Bureau published “A Changing Nation: Population Projections Under Alternative Immigration Scenarios.” It showed that between 2020 and 2060 different legal immigration levels – zero, low and high – could change the population in those years by as much as 127 million people, with estimates ranging anywhere from 330 million to a high of 447 million total U.S. residents.

In the zero-immigration scenario that also accounts for out-emigration, natural increases – births minus deaths – are the only way population can increase. Negative natural increases will, in the zero-immigration scenario, create a shrinking population with annual declines starting in 2035 and continuing at an accelerated pace through 2060.

The Census Bureau is the ultimate Washington, D.C. nonpartisan agency. Many wonder, then, why the Biden administration, and the many Republican and Democratic administrations that preceded the current one, have ignored, or merely paid lip service to, the population conclusions. The Census Bureau acknowledges that its zero immigration calculations are hypothetical, but low immigration, generally considered about 500,000 or about half the current admission level, would be an overdue step in the right direction. Under the high immigration estimate, the 2060 population will increase 124 million to 447 million. The 5 million-plus ongoing border surge, which grows numerically every day, is excluded from the Census Bureau’s data, but if included would increase the 2060 population increase well beyond the 124 million.

Even if legal immigration is reduced to the Census Bureau’s low-level, the U.S. will still remain the world’s most welcoming nation, open to refugees, asylees and others. At the same time, reduced immigration will help protect the natural resources that make the U.S. the preferred destination of immigrants.

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February 27, 2023 4:12 pm

We need a top down central authority to let in just the right amount of – Alphas , Betas , Deltas and Epsilons.


February 27, 2023 4:17 pm

We already have the ‘gubmint schools, TV, Adderall, and other societal structures creating exactly that “division of labor.” And you left off the gammas.

February 27, 2023 6:12 pm

Right, I get the /s which directs me to iterate that democracy without lottery is not democracy at all. People should be chosen to lead against their will and even ability rather than cede authority to those who lust for power. Or at least any system that selects against those who lust for power and illigitimate authority.

Authentic authority is derived from both knowledge(or ability) and duty, and without the duty(responsibility) it is just power. Pure power is pure evil, for God gave us all the freedom to chose Him the creator .

February 27, 2023 4:16 pm

So? If we set up guillotines, wood chippers, and gallows, and carried out the sentences against the hundreds of thousands if not way more, that are guilty of crimes against humanity over the past three years (let alone the treasonous ones), that would significantly reduce the population as well. So? We only seem to need more and more people to support a bigger and bigger welfare state that consists of more and more people. I think that 100,000,000 hard working, productive citizens could get along quite nicely. IMHO.

February 27, 2023 5:07 pm

I think it is purely for 2 reasons…1) growth: businesses/corporations need growth and 2) votes, of course. Oh, and cheap labor breaking the backs of the poor here in the US and keeping them dependent, as you said.

February 27, 2023 6:15 pm

There is a great article up on ZH that deserves to be posted here that starts about why stainless steel sucks now.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
February 27, 2023 5:15 pm

That is the problem with Ponzi Schemes like .gov, they need an ever increasing population to continue the payments to those who will vote for more programs. Unfortunately, they are bringing in a couple million poor, uneducated people that will drive up costs for the decreasing number of taxpayers.

The planned plague did not work to reduce the population enough, so war or starvation are up next. The problem with starvation is 1/2 billion firearms in the wrong hands. War, however, brings out the patriot in all good Americans. Plan accordingly.

  TN Patriot
February 27, 2023 6:07 pm

White people are the biggest threat to these peoples’ schemes, and that is why we are being vilified. Most Whites are honest, hardworking, and Christian — the real Backbone of America — but that backbone has osteoporosis, and some might say advanced.

Whites are dropping out in droves because they no longer wish to be a part of this system of madness which has been forced upon us these last few years. Those who have been making their living off our (now stooped) backs are losing their prized stallions, and they realize that closing the barn door after the horses are gone is useless.

The war against Whites began decades ago, but for about 3 years now the enemy has turned up the attacks: The Great Replacement, constant POC and drug commercials, LGBTQ-berts, Drag Queen Story Hour, Ukraine, CRT — all of it meant to weaken Whites — just to name a few. Now, we get to witness our own history, everything we have ever accomplished, invented, built, designed and implemented, being Blackwashed, because the POC have never done anything even remotely as useful us; so they must take Whites out: we make them all look bad. (This is why we have Black Jesus and black Hamlet now.)

Simply put, dey hatin’ on us. Our success has been perverted by evil people as strictly being accomplished by holding POC down and being racists, which is precisely what these people are doing themselves; but the wheels are about to fall off the Gravy Train, because without White tax support and an impending financial catastrophe the days of WIC and SS disability claims and HUD homes are coming to an end.

This is perhaps the real reasoning behind Whites as pariahs: when the crash drops, if you think the savages are out of control now, just wait. In a classic bait-and-switch, the enemy, who is deathly afraid of these people, is doing everything s/he can to deflect the blame, because s/he knows they will be the first up against the wall when the Revolution comes. They have had many years to plan for and indoctrinate all of our youth to be vicious, resentful, wrongfully-entitled hellions, with severe daddy issues, and all that vile hatred is not going away, it is a force like phosphorus that burns until there is nothing left.

This is our future, unless we decide to stop it. We still can, if there are enough of us here after this CONVID travesty. The enemy is killing us with shots, just not bullets; death from a thousand cuts. I am only trying to douse as many bleeding Whites as I can with that awful Merthiolate my father used to slather our boo-boos with (we quickly learned that it was better to stop crying, and to stop reporting our minor boo-boos), to wake up the Sleeping Giant so that he can fight the Dizzy Wet Schoolmaster again.

Will it work this time, or is it Game Over for us?

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
February 27, 2023 7:58 pm

Pretty grim prognosis, Captain. Much of it I cannot argue against. We moved out of the city, but I am not sure we moved far enough. Memphrica, like all the other majority minority cities will burn and the mayhem will be terrible. I only hope they run out of gas before they can get out to our area in the country. My plans are to make my stand here and fend them off as long as possible. B/U plan is to head to the daughter and SIL’s house in the suburb nearest to us and hole up with them and the grandkids in their neighborhood with only 4 entrances.

  TN Patriot
February 27, 2023 8:17 pm

I can relate to your concern. We keep moving farther outside of Wakanda (Atlanta), but Wakanda just keeps attracting more Wakandans. Doubt we’ll ever be able to get far enough away, but they will be stacked like cordwood at the entrance to our property. Only the most athletic will make it inside the perimeter, and I’m guessing most of them will head on down the road in search of easier prey.

February 27, 2023 5:39 pm

What if we deported 100 million illegals, 45 million blacks, and 15 million jews?

comment image

February 27, 2023 6:18 pm

We would have what used to be called a “Nation”.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
February 27, 2023 11:44 pm

A ‘Sovereign Nation’ … one that defines and enforces its borders and its citizenship and who can and cannot enter the Country …

That’s been getting eroded for decades … and the upcoming vote for The WHO’s global ‘pandemic’ authority will put the final nail in our coffin … our National Sovereignty will come to an end, once and for all … even worse than it already as since President Trump’s predecessor put US under the jack boot of the UN Paris Climate Accords with their Sustainable Development Goals that have exercised control over how even US Cities and Counties zone our real estate …

February 27, 2023 6:07 pm

They seek to destroy the lost tribes of Israel who have returned to God under Christianity and they have won many battles. Go forth and multiply is a command from God that still stands for our People, but only the gentile(pagans) direct their lust this direction even though they follow none of Gods commands.

A cruel accountant
A cruel accountant
February 27, 2023 7:00 pm

World populations will start decreasing in 10 years. India is at 2.1 replacement rate right now an the birth rate rate will below that next year.

They are using old numbers in there calculations.

The USA will be begging women to have babies in 10 years. They will also be begging for immigrants.

Right now factories are begging for employees where I live but everyone has a job. Although that may change as the fed raises interest rates.

Visayas Outpost
Visayas Outpost
February 27, 2023 9:07 pm

I knew it! Had a sneaking suspicion that the Southern border policy has to do with maintaining population growth compared to other nations. There was a piece just several days ago showing projected negative growth in all the Western countries and even China.

What I hate, what really makes me SEETHE, friends….. is why they always must obfuscate the actual policy. Have yet to see one politician making a case for why they want all the immigration…nope, lets just deny it is actually happening. It is the same thing they do with practically every issue now. What if they just admitted “you know, we need to keep Russia down so they won’t upset our dominance of NATO.” At least that is an actual reason that some could understand, but no, all we are allowed is “muh Putin evil.”

None of it tracks any longer. None of it. Every single issue is just more lies and obfuscation.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
February 27, 2023 11:41 pm

I recall seeing figures about 6 months ago on the number of anchor babies born in the US in 2019 — it was north of 450K … more than any one state except CA … 

And, of course, once that anchor baby is dropped on US soil, a whole panoply of benefits and free stuff attaches not only to that baby, but to its family — from which it cannot be separated. Thus, one anchor baby can beget 4, 5, 6 or 7 additional family members here in the US … and they will collect from US Citizens and Taxpayers for generations … 

February 28, 2023 7:16 am

No food, let them bugs. Bugs can grow anywhere. Cities are the mainstay of roaches. What’s for supper tonight mom? Roasted Roach!

February 28, 2023 7:56 am

It is hard to fathom that the United States census bureau could come up with such a brillant deduction.