Slavery, Taxes and Illusions of Freedom

We are continually pummeled with race hustlers and manipulators in our society attempting to sow dissent and discord among us while extorting money for their own benefit. One of the biggest problems we face is an incredible lack of knowledge about today’s society and our history. Many people are so intellectually inept or oblivious that some peroxided tart in a short skirt is their source for “news” and related facts.

A current subject is that of reparations for the “horrible crime of slavery” that ended 160 years ago. Many people are not even aware that slavery exists today in many muzlim countries because the tart is never given that information on her script for today’s recital. The numbers suggested for reparations vary but trillions would be required to meet the proclamations made by the media lackeys.

To begin there were two types of slavery in colonial America. There were chattel slaves and those trapped in indentured servitude. English and Irish whites were often on the verge of starvation at home. There was virtually no way out except for a new start in the colonies. To pay for their passage to America, they sold themselves into servitude for the ticket price. The length of time for this program varied from 5-7 years. If a family member died on the ship over halfway to the colonies their bill was added to the survivors debts and hence to their time in servitude. Millions signed up of their own free will. Many of these ships were intercepted by the muzlims and the passengers were sold into permanent bondage in North Africa.

The black slaves were in permanent bondage unless they bought their own way out. How could they do that? Where did the money come from? Many owners used the task slavery system. This was the program that the slave was given a task and when it was finished he could hire out to another job and split wages with his owner. When there was enough money, he bought his freedom from his owner and continued his life. Many other slaves worked until they became feeble in old age and lived on for years at the plantations. The master fed and housed them from birth to death and what resulted was a true socialist system. The big guy in the fancy house was in charge and for your labors you received a lifetime guarantee of food and shelter. This was a better situation than many free men of the era starving in the West.

The Vice President of the Confederacy, Alexander Stephens, was arrested by Union troops after the war. His ex-slaves donated money to assist him to get out so that he could come home. They could afford it and he could not have been an evil man or they would have laughed at his incarceration. There were also thousands of black slave owners. William Ellison was the black owner of 145 negroes in South Carolina and very rich. He and his sons also volunteered for duty in the Confederate Army. All slave owners were not honorable and were immoral similar to today’s politicians taking horrible advantage of other people but many were reasonable citizens and their wealth was the basis of finance in the US.

Slavery has been illegal since the Emancipation Proclamation, or has it? It depends on your definition. The first example of its’ continuance was the draft instituted by Abe to provide cannon fodder for his political betterment. The draft riots in New York soon became quite an example of ultimate servitude as the citizens were forced to die for the government. As one form of property, slaves, was declared illegal another labor bondage, was pushed forward by the bureaucrats and Saint Lincoln which was a constitutionally prohibited income tax. The US citizens’ labor was taxed in a very similar fashion to the task slavery concept discussed above. After finding that the citizens did not complain the concept was kept warm until 1913 when it was resurrected to our current detriment.

The next issue was property taxes. Again it was necessary for the “common good.” Schools for all and local bondage for nebulous goals of government. The government owns your “property” and generously allows you to pay your betters for its’ use. Any property that has a tax map number can be expropriated. These taxes are at the total whim of your local political bosses, consequently you always at the mercy of your masters. Of course these taxes can be waived at the whim of your betters as an enticement for various “important” purposes.

The WEF is the creator of a world tax plan through the global warming scam. This is the last phase that will keep the slaves producing for their betters properly.

Government has a voracious appetite that is never satiated and acceptance of your bondage allows it to succeed. Conformity is slavery, therefore by acquiescing we have created a “monster that will not obey” to rule over us.

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March 3, 2023 6:43 am

When I make my annual protest of my property tax, they always offer a token cut in the tax amount, but I always have to go before the Appraisal Review Board (ARB).
I always present pictures of the flaws in my house, a map showing proximity to major intersections (street noise) calls for police service for my zip code, passed out drug addicts in front of shuttered stores, etc., and make it a point to be extremely courteous to the ARB.
In these meetings, there is also a county tax official that offers pushback for the county’s benefit.
This slug of a human never once took his eyes off his monitor, and always could pull up any info he needed with a few keystrokes.
Anyway, the result is that I usually get a little more shaved off my tax bill, and when the meeting is concluded. I stand and face the tax man and tell him that when he robs a captured taxpayer of his hard earned money, he should have the courtesy of at least taking his eyes off his monitor and looking at him like a real man ought to do.
I doubt it has any effect on the county’s slob, but I do hope it effects the citizens that make up the ARB.

The Orangutan
The Orangutan
March 3, 2023 11:11 am

I wish I even had that option.

March 4, 2023 12:29 am

I too have had a few rounds with the ARB in Comanche County. You show them absolute proof of unequal appraisal using the Appraisal District’s own records, politely inform them that violates my rights, as outlined in art. 8 sec. 1(a) of the Texas Constitution, and violates relevant sections of the Tax Code. I get dumb ass looks and gobbledygook BS from the ARB & Chief Appraiser (BITCH) a small valuation decrease is ordered, but not enough to equalize my property with others.

March 4, 2023 3:03 am

Always pay your Texas property tax involuntarily “under protest”
Write the following on the check: paid under protest, sec. 31.115 Tex. Tax Code

Billy the Kid
Billy the Kid
March 3, 2023 7:58 am

You are absolutely correct. So many love their slavery to.

  Billy the Kid
March 3, 2023 9:15 am

“Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance and Other Essays

“I like the silent church before the service begins, better than any preaching.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance and Other Essays

“All my life, I wanted to be closer to God . . . the only nearness? Silence.”

March 3, 2023 10:07 am

I’m 65 and my taxable income last year was just over $2000, from the govt. Over the last 30 tears I’ve learned to live on near nothing and tell the govt to go pound sand. I will not pay extortion fees to anyone or any govt, period. I pay sales tax because they don’t give you the option to opt ot or I would not pay that either.

I get nothing from them, govt, so I owe nothing to them, and don’t pay them. Its that simple.

So you canukistan govt monitors can go fuck yourselves

The Orangutan
The Orangutan
March 3, 2023 11:19 am

Kudos to you. I have tried my best to do the same (live on near nothing) but I have not yet found the courage to forego income. That may be coming, however. I’m at my wit’s end with CRA. I do make big efforts to not pay sales taxes, but the rewards for that are smaller. We should share tactics.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  The Orangutan
March 4, 2023 5:58 pm

The choice will only get harder once they offer you money for nothing and your kicks for free!

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
  The Central Scrutinizer
March 4, 2023 6:05 pm

“Money for nothing and kicks for free.”

That would make a great song title, amirite?

March 3, 2023 1:22 pm

Awesome. Many blessings to you for your love of freedom.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
March 4, 2023 5:58 pm

That works in America as well!

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
March 3, 2023 10:34 am

This article is way too short. It fails to delve into great detail regarding the various points the writer mentions, many of which are somewhat disjointed and the exception rather than the rule. For example indentured or bonded Europeans who came to this hemisphere and particularly to the thirteen English colonies had it extremely hard. In the Caribbean most died from the heat, the arduous work load and diseases, they just weren’t cut out for it. Their peers in British America fared only slightly better, about 55% of them survived. The fact is most never fulfilled their contract for a host of reasons.
Financially, the “New World” colonies didn’t become truly profitable until Africans were imported by Europeans (France, the Dutch, England, Spain, Portugal et al) because the indigenous people either died off due to European diseases, cruelty and genocide or they ran off.
Most enslaved Blacks did not love their owners contrary to what the writer tries to make us think. The first Africans dumped off at Point Pleasant in Virginia even though they had been captured by Europeans were considered and treated just like the white indentured/bonded servants by the Jamestown colonial administrators. It wasn’t until later that their status was changed to perpetual slaves in Virginia and Maryland.
Contrary to our educational indoctrination the Thirteenth Amendment did not abolish servitude/slavery! The amendment’s wording set the stage for convict leasing, prison labor, forced sharecropping and worse; all of which are slavery by another name. “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”
The fact is, the Fourteenth Amendment was never fully implemented anywhere in this country,” No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” Things are so bad now whites are being denied equal protection of the laws. Asset forfeiture by local and federal government sure, at least to my way of thinking, violates this amendment.
I could go on but you get my drift. As far as benefits, money, reparations etc. the plutocrats are going to give everyone “free money” aka Universal Basic Income or Guaranteed Basic Income, whatever the plutocrats decide to call it, as long as we obey, comply and do what they say, ala the Chinese Social Credit System!,
Here’s a tip, as long as the ruling elites keep us focusing on skin color, phenotype, cultural differences and they are able to dupe us into arguing over their political and economic ideas and philosophies the plutocrats remain in power.

March 3, 2023 11:56 am

If you buy anything on credit, you are a debt slave – the modern iteration of slavery.

FYI you can get out from under the government’s thumb and all of its ‘slavery’ by re-patriating – become a National of the USA and give up being a citizen of the US. What Mr. Stanton did not include when he spoke of the 14th Amendment is how ‘civil rights’ were substituted for our God given Rights that are protected by the Constitution. I repatriated last year. I put the conniving, thieving, lying bastards on notice that I’m finished with the slave plantation they’ve created.

Nothing really changed except my mindset – knowing I am FREE from all the government bull shine that has come since 1868 – all the amendments, laws, rules, regulations etc. Not one applies to me any longer. I am FREE. (BTW – I don’t pay federal income tax either).

March 3, 2023 12:47 pm

I am all for California giving every black citizen $5 million dollars. What the hell, give them each 50 million. Won’t impact my life one way or the other

anon a moos
anon a moos
March 3, 2023 12:50 pm

Why so cheap?? Why not credit cards with no limits, for life, seems reasonable.

March 3, 2023 1:31 pm

I see reparations being a bigger Demoncrat cash cow than the Ukraine war…after all, those mail in ballots must have been 90% imaginary Black denizens…the opportunity for grift is staggering.